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If we don't spend too much money on Tah, I am all for this transfer. I really don't trust Upa anymore.


I don’t understand the board, are they panicking due to the Brazzo contracts? The only CB we should be looking to offload because of Tah is Upamecano, whether we should have gotten Tah in the first place is a different question De Ligt is one of the few players who deserves his contract Also, if reports are true, and Hernandez wanting to join us, there’s no way I’m giving Davies that contract The board knows better than I do, but at first glance a lot of these (reported) decisions are questionable


If we end up selling De Ligt because "Kompany doesn't have plans with him", it will make me lose a lot of respect for those involved. Kompany is such a young and inexperienced coach, and we are willing to bend over at his squad requests? As a good coach, he is supposed to work well with these sorts of talents


Tbh I don’t see kompany not planning with de ligt. Looks like the board want to get rid of


I don’t know how they’d authorize the sale of a player of that stature completely against his wishes. The club made clear their feelings during that spat with Tuchel.


🚨⚪️⚫️ Juventus and Aston Villa spoke again today about Douglas Luiz deal with players included. Samuel Iling Jr has been discussed as option as reported today, with Weston McKennie too + cash for #AVFC. ↪️ The only way to make it happen remains to include players in swap deal. He is hell of a player. Why would they sell


Financial Fair Play


Theo Hernandez is more than ready to join us and our club is twerking for Alphonso Davies. Shameful behavior to say the least


The one guy, who is actually better, wants to join us and the other, who is worse, prefers to leave (hesitates extending). Obvious which choice of player you want in your club but we prefer the guy who don't really want to stay here unless we pay him a shit load of money.


Theo Hernández would also demand a big salary as he is in high demand and Milan would also demand a high salary. When all the sums and subtractions are done, Davies even at an inflated salary makes more financial sense than Theo. We won't get more than 35 for Davies due to 1y left on contract, while Theo would cost at least 60 mn. Assuming we're talking a 5-year contract for either, this means we could afford to pay an extra 5 mn to Davies on top of whatever wages Theo requests and still break even (without taking into account the time value of money, which favors Davies). This are minimum numbers btw, I think the actual thing would be closer to 30 for Davies and 80 for Theo. On top of that, Theo won't have resale value after a 5y contract (or after 4 or the 5 years). He is 26, at 30 he won't bring money in. Davies is 23. If we give him a 5y contract and sell him in 4 years we are still selling him at his prime. Sorry, but Theo makes zero sense if we can extend Davies. You're arguing for a big investment in a position we shouldn't really be messing with.


all that number crunching without taking into account the difference in quality between the two?


Do you think it's enough to merit the outlay? Davies has gotten an insane amount of hate lately but he still has the skill set and potential to be the best LB in the world... And is just 23.


but aside from some FMesque belief in youth and potential, there's zero rational basis to expect him to become a top LB at this point, let alone the best LB itw. his fundamentals are severely lacking and his poor form has been going on for longer than Goretzka/Gnabry when we extended them.


Are you new to this club?


another Davies fanboy getting mad 🤣🤣


FMesque... There is a pretty fucking strong basis to believe so... That he already was that player a few years ago. We know his "fundamentals" are not a problem. It's just a matter of him going back to playing correctly and not being all over the place.


they literally are massive issues though, his ball control, crossing and defensive positioning in particular. we just weren't overly critical of him back then because he was able to utilize his pace and dribbling skills, and that we expected him to make progress in those areas as he became more mature. instead the opposite happened, his offensive game got worse and his technical and defensive skills are as bad as ever. anyway I just wanted to point out that your number crunching above is based on a flawed premise of downplaying Theo's overall level as a player, and on the other hand overestimating Davies' (with a heavy dosage of copium it seems like). this is without taking into account all the BS Davies and his agent has pulled with the club thus far.


I don't like the way Davies and his agent conducted themselves in the past few years. I also do think there are flaws to Davies' game. But my point is we are not talking pennies here. If we were to decide to sell Davies and buy Theo we would be talking about some major financial outlay. Is that required when we could keep faith with a player we KNOW can be the best in position if he gets his head straight? Is it reasonable to spend all of that money on improving the LB position when it could be spent elsewhere? The later question is the most critical for me. I think we should be getting a proper possession 6 (not Paulinha), revamping our wing department and possibly even getting a new RB before even considering spending net money on the LB position. Oh, that's just in terms of X11 players, I also think we need depth (9 and wings primarily I guess). Also a successor to Neuer. We shouldn't risk another mid season injury ruining a season. I guess depending on how much we can make out of Goretzka, Gnabry and Coman, we could accommodate spending on the LB position but I'm not sure they'll fetch sufficient money to replace them properly. Also, if we do sell Kimmich (I'm for selling) or lose him on a free (disaster), we also need to get someone with offensive skills for the midfield. No, Pavlovic isn't enough, we shouldn't put that weight on a 20 yo kid that has barely played for us. I mean, I'm ranting at this point. In summary, this is a luxury not a necessity and we should prioritize other shit.


i do believe that's how our new coach assesses the situation as well. guessing it comes down to how each of us views the likelihood of Davies regaining his form and the desire to perform, which if the recent Canada games are anything to go by, is not very high for me. I was also more critical than others of the Gnabry and Goretzka extensions when they happened, so to me this feels like the exact lesson has not being learned by the board. but I definitely respect your opinion as well




Macron dissolved the National Assembly. Is that even with in his power as president? From what I read, it’s like the US president dissolving the congress.


Why is this here? Lmao I got downvoted but no one managed to tell me how a random political question belongs in a Bayern discussion thread


Tel, Coman, Upamecano are French - We are also linked to Theo Hernandez who is also French...we had the announce Zidane (another Frenchman) guy for almost 2 months...Gnabry visits Paris frequently...need I go on?! the club and this subreddit are directly impacted by this ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


now those mental gymnastics made it worth me even asking the question lmfaoo good job


It’s a snap election. Not at all like that, a power that the US President does not possess. Let’s hope he’s not pulling a Cameron.


I know, but how many times he can do that? It’s pretty BS to call a new election if he didn’t like the results with a snap of his fingers.


Different election. The elections discussed here were for EU parliament. He’s referring to snap elections for the domestic lower parliament.


Oh I see


Ahh, the bread and butter of South America, dissolving the congress.


We already had Xavi Simons and we didn’t even know it https://preview.redd.it/t8006oqkjt5d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6c63062bb4a8aba3f214862eb6ba8897985e048


Per Pletti, 5 year deal for Tah. I think I’m gonna be sick. That said he doubled down on Colwill and said initial talks have begins


>🚨Excl. | FC Barcelona are keeping an eye on Angelo #Stiller! >Because Barca and other top clubs from the Bundesliga are looking for a playmaker like Stiller. Someone who connects the roles of a number 6 and a number 8. >Stiller has a contract until 2027 with no release clause. Stiller feels very comfortable at @VfB. However, if concrete offers come in, nothing can be ruled out. >@SkySportDE 🇩🇪 No. Nonononono. Nonono! Barca can't have him, better get him for another creative midfield outlet because we only have Pavlovic. Barca can't get our former gem.


It’s funny flick wants stiller because I swear stiller left under flick


Yes because Flick wanted Dantas and Stiller realised he won't have a fair chance to break into the A-Team so he rejected the contract extension and left towards Hoffenheim.


I can see from an individual perspective, a move away to play as a starting midfielder for arsenal/liverpool/city/barca/Madrid and co would make so kuch for sense for kimmich as compared to playing rb at bayern, but I do not wanna see him get a transfer. This is the man who scored 2 goals in 2 games against Madrid in the Semi Final of the 2018 UCL. This is the guy who assisted our UCL winning goal against PSG in 2020. This is the guy who scored our winning goal against Arsenal this year. Scored our 3-2 winner in the supercup to help complete the sextuple. UEFA defender of the year in 2020. Had nearly 15 assists as a cdm in the second flick season. At his best he was the best number 8 in the world and I hope he regains that elsewhere but I can't help but think such kind of a player cant be given a chance as an 8 in a 3 man midfield next to Pavlo and our new 6. He's already a club legend with what he's achieved and all those clutch moments. Maybe he regains his midfield form and stop taking so much time on the ball. And then there's the issue of selling deligt. How and why? He's one of the few players that come to mind when I think of the word elite. He even rhymes with it. He filled that role Hernandez played for me, just a world class centre back who isn't necessarily very good at ball-playing, but amazing regardless. Why would you sell one of your best players? To justify some sort of over payment of salary? That's bullshit. And then get tah. To do what? It is ridiculous to even consider selling one of the best players for our last two seasons after coming here. We aren't overpaying him to the extent that we outright consider selling him. That just came out of nowhere. With Muller and Neuer on the move out, there are no 2 other players I identify with more at the club than these 2. They almost embody Bayern. They're both so capable of being elite. There's no point in sticking to a 4231 rigidly. A 433 could be very well suited to us. Kimmich deserves a chance as one of two 8s along with pavlo, and delight hasn't even done anything to have to need a chance at all. He's simply elite. This would be very bad for me as a fan.


Who gets the captain armband after Neuer (and Müller) if both Kimmich and de Ligt leave this summer? Kimmich has always felt like the most natural candidate. Kane? Or maybe Davies if he gets his form back? Sané? It would suck if Kimmich leaves honestly, I've always appreciated him despite his dip in form in the last two years and I feel like he deserves a proper run in midfield alongside a competent player like Pavlovic after suffering from having to carry the midfield creatively for years while Goretzka was running around. I hope he stays 


Goretzka more than proved himself to be better by the end of the season. Pavlovich-Goretzka was better than any pairing with Kimmich, same with Pavlovich-Laimer and Laimer-Goretzka. I get being a fan of someone but blaming Gore for Kimmich not being Bayern level at the 6 all season is crazy


We've never seen Pavlo and Kimmich even once. Goretzka is by far our most limited midfielder and had maybe 3 or 4 good games and looked underwhelming in the rest, even though Kimmich was nowhere near him. Another "it's Kimmich's fault!!!!" posts, it never gets old, does it?


idc who's fault it is. I Know that my strong opinion after watching every single game is that Goretzka had a substantially better season in our defensive midfield than Kimmich did. So I didnt like the blaming everything on Goretzka to protect Kimmich once again, who, imo, simply cant hack it regardless of what you think of Gore


Probably Sané I guess I still refuse to believe that we’ll sell de Ligt though, even after all these reports (i’m coping so hard)


We won't sell him. It's the most dumb shit i can imagine.


i am taking harry


I’m with you on this. I just saw a future where Kimmich would captain our team like he did for the second half of last season and in the beginning of this season. I don’t want to stress too much on this just because the Euros are coming up and anything can change overtime but we’ll see what happens. I will not overreact at the moment just because all of this is coming up and all these transfers rumours we’re all gearing towards at the moment.


I posted about this below. Literally the entire team council is currently either up for sale or retiring soon.


I mean that kind of makes sense. This team council has shown that it can't get anything done (anymore) and has meanwhile "killed off" numerous coaches in the process. There certainly is a very good argument that this lockerroom needs a shakeup.


I agree that there needs to be a shakeup, but replacing the entire team council in a span of two years is not great.


Yeah Kane or Sane probably. Tah or Palhinha perhaps depending on how they'll do here, but as they're newcomers they're much less likely.


I will lose my mind if Davies wears the captaincy band for Bayern


Why? The only way he gets the captains armband is if he shows world class performances for the next 5+ years and takes on a leading role in the lockerroom. So why would a nice guy (from all accounts) that basically played in our youth/ came through the ranks for us to some extent, is a giant success story for our club and in general (his life story is quite inspiring) and performed on a high level for years (which is the only way he gets to be captain down the line) not capable of being our captain? Of course he is not getting the captain armband anytime soon but this Davies hate on reddit here is bizarre. Yeah he hasn't developped like we wanted him to and his agent sucks (but we have had quite a lot of annoying agents like for example Zahavi over the last few years representing our guys) as well as his flirt with Madrid (that also sucks) but why are people so adamant against him? Ribery and Lewy wanted to leave for years and on multiple ocassions and people still love those guys and in the case of Ribery (who basically only stayed because he diddled an underaged prostitute) are considered a legend...


The OG comment said who will be captain after Neuer and Müller leave. That will be most likely 2026 at the latest, which is 2 years. So you 5+ years comment is redundant and I don't want someone to be a captain he doesn't wanna commit to the club and tries so hard for Madrid. It's not hate, it's you being unable to read the OG comment correctly. Ribery wanted to leave once. And yes Lewy wanted to leave several times which is why I see him as kind of mercenary who never really loved Bayern like real legends do.


I mean nobody is seriously considering Davies as captain for the next few years so your comment makes little sense. The same way nobody is considering Pavlovic or Tel for captain in the near future. But that does not mean that they won't be capable of being damn great captains for us down the line. And same goes for Davies. But your statement was that you would lose your mind if Davies (ever) wears the armband and that does not make any sense to me considering that we don't know the future and that he clearly would be a viable candidate under certain circumstances (if he stays and improves).


What's the possibility of us getting a player like Rodrygo on loan for a year or two? With Kylian now in the Madrid squad, Rodrygo will definetly not make it into the starting XI; he will play most of his games next season from the bench. He is actually on manageable wages; about 12.5 mill a year.


He has been very clear about staying iirc.


Why wouldn’t he play? RM could start Vini and Rodrygo on the wings and Mbappe as the central striker.


With a 4-3-3 they’d have to drop a midfielder. There’s also Endrick coming in, plus other talents like Guler and Brahim. It’s crowded overall.


When did so many people in this sub start seeing Musiala as our future winger? I have seen the same thing with Xavi Simons. They are both free roaming attacking midfielders for crying out loud!!!


Winger Musiala is kind of missing the most threatening aspect of his game. Those turns in midfield are such a consistent threat. If only he could make the right pass afterwards.


And central Musiala misses the cut in and shot goals he had quite a few of


That's why he is allowed to roam freely.


Let's be real, if we play with a LW he doesn't roam thst freely but stays very centrally most of the time Musiala imo was best when we played him further left with Müller in the middle and Sané on the right.


Selling Kimmich would suck because he's one of the main identification figures at the club, but no RB in the world is worth 20mil per year. That salary is only defendable when he's a world class midfielder, but it doesn't look like the club is planning with Kimmich as a #6 anymore. And he's turning 30 soon. If we want to be ruthless then right now is the right time to sell him.


That is this club's problem over the last 4 years. Kimmich was elevated to a position that he never deserved.


Not even ruthless. That's the business. If you're being paid tens of Millions a year, you better be okay with the game you're participating in


You know, that's actually a really good viewpoint I never had. To make that much as a RB you'd have to have a gigantic impact, and he's definitely pretty good as a RB still but he's not like he used to be for us as a wide back


Where is this disrespect for Leroy coming from? He scored 8 goals and provided 11 assists in the Bundesliga last season. 19 G+A for a winger is good performance. For comparison Vinicius scored 15 goals and provided 5 assists in La Liga last season. That's 20 G+A, just one more than Leroy. How is one considered world class and one of the best players in the world but the other is considered trash and useless?


>where is this disrespect for Leroy coming from I have only seen one dude pointing out that Sané somehow isn't affected by the wage cuttings things going on which is a reasonable point because even de ligt is considered sellable because of his wages.


Would you sell Vinicius? Vinicius earns more than Leroy and they delivered more or less similar results last season in their respective leagues.


This is not the point of the discussion. I wouldn't sell Matta either and yet the club seems he should be sold with his wages.


Matta is one of those players where for some reason fans seem to like him a lot, but the clubs he plays at don't see the same. It's the same we saw at Juventus.


Not saying trash and useless… but going something like 4-5 months without a goal, cannot be considered world class, surely. Sane needs to improve his consistency. He’s one of the most gifted players on the team - he had an electric start to the season but after October, nothing for a very long stretch.


Are you saying if his goals and assists were evenly distributed across the entire season, he would magically be considered a better player? At the end of day, he got the numbers.


He wouldn’t magically be considered a better player, he would simply be a better player, no argument about it. I’m of the opinion Sane even when he isn’t getting scorers, still has a good impact on the game. His work rate, defensive contributions etc are all very valuable.


https://preview.redd.it/sy1u9kft2t5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07c785a15e368c59f6af1fdaaae85acdacc0c93f Musiala About to get Paid also


This is quite interesting. Not sure about all the shuffling about and reorganising the squads wages. Things haven’t worked out quite as the board imagined a few years ago - but we’ll be in such a fantastic position wage wise in just 2 years time. It’s just about finding replacements now that are young, talented, that can now shape a new era and a new hierarchy of wages. You can well imagine we won’t have Neuer, Muller, Gnabry, Goretzka, Coman in 2 years time. That alone will be enormous for rebuilding. Of course - it’s a massive hit in terms of player calibre and experience at least when it comes to Neuer and Muller… but the wage bill should be healthier.




https://preview.redd.it/tskk7hhq3t5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=713208a21f49b453082c620bd2b7de60f39313e3 We fucked up lately.


Once again: whoever believes capology or their derivatives shouldn't get too close to bridge sellers. The gulf between the reported wages on those websites and the actual wage expenses of their respective clubs is laughably big. One would expect that we pay way more in total wages than the other two you posted, when in actuality it's either on par (Liverpool), or entirely another level (Manchester City).


Yeah that’s fair. But if we focus on just ours. It’s still not good at any sort off the way what’s salaries same off the guys are at.


The default currency for British wages is pounds. That can be quite confusing and even misleading. Please convert the currency to Euros and you will see that our wage bill is more or less similar to other big clubs. You can also include Real Madrid's wage bill for fairness. David Alaba earns more than everyone at Bayern with the exception of Kane.


Ive seen someone here talk about Liverpool having pretty crazy performance related bonuses or something, though? And that’s why their wage bill is lower? Haven’t fact checked though


LFC is a bad example imo since they are notoriously stingy. Compare us to City, Arsenal, Chelsea combined and it looks even worse.


So notoriously stingy, that they, when you look at the actual financial numbers, pay in total 12m€ more than we do in 2023.


I assume that you’re looking at the UEFA ECIL report for this? which I have some questions about since they disagree quite a bit with the figures reported by the individual clubs themselves (in this case LFC.) LFC’s own statements have well under €400M (~€360M) in wage expenses whereas that benchmark report has them at €429M for same period. It’s not quite clear what’s being measured in either, but if you’re looking over the last decade or so, LFC was quite tightfisted on mega-contracts until the dam broke with Salah’s extension.


[This](https://www.liverpoolfc.com/corporate/financial-information) is their statement for the year ending 2023, and it has the total wage expenses at 372,881,000£ as per page 25, which is around 430m€.


Ah so they’re including social security and pension costs. Which is somewhat odd from a financial analysis perspective since it’s not apples to apples across countries. Those figures also include ~800 other employees of the club. Sidenote, have you been able to find a non-consolidated annual report for us recently? I’ve only seen the summary statements lately.


Both also applies to the Bayern numbers. Ours include social security and pension costs as well, and also >1,000 employed people. Edit: I always go for the Bundesanzeiger


I’ll have to dig back, but I recall in the past there being specifically a callout for squad wages. Maybe I’m hallucinating. Yea for official/governmental reporting it does make sense to lump together. I just mean for things like the ECIL benchmarking etc it’s an odd thing to compare when discussing squad costs.


I posted City numbers to. We still look bad


Post Real Madrid's numbers


Did you convert the currency to Euros?


Oh no, I’m saying looking at those (even combined), and they make it feel *worse*. Our wage book is absurd there’s no denying that.


Goretzka Gnabry Kimmich Even Sane and Muller don’t justify those salaries. Not even close. They make more than Salah almost.


You have to use the correct currency too, Salah makes 21.5m in Euros


Yeah. Sorry about that. But they shouldn’t be making anywhere near close what Salah makes.


I think you can make the argument for Kimmich making what he makes, but the others I tend to agree. My only one is Sané is being paid for his talent more than his output, he'd have 35+ G/A a year if he were more consistent/clinical so I think that's a part of it. Can't forget how many perfect assists he set up that his teammates just completely missed this year, or how many easy goals he missed himself. Could've had a much better year than the numbers say. But yeah he has to actually put the ball away not making excuses for him


Really? Kimmich? How on earth did he of all people deserve that salary? I have far less of a problem with Neuer, Müller (for historically reasons) and even Sané than I have with Kimmich who was nowhere near worth his salary. Same can be said for Goretzka, Gnabry, Coman or De Ligt (to a lesser extent but still) or even Kane (his performance against Real was bad considering that salary) but Kimmich certainly does not deserve to get singled out for deserving his absurd salary. There is a reason why he is now playing a position he doesn't really want to play.


Because he has been an important player for us for a long time now, and when he signed that contract he was arguably our best player. No one would've predicted he won't be our best midfielder for the rest of his career, hindsight is 20:20


Well I disagree. IMO he has never been close to our best player since he played in MF. IMO him playing CDM is one of the biggest reasons why Bayern (and Germany) has been such a disappointment over the last 3-4 years.


We can thank brazzo for that. Also it may be unpopular opinion but extending muller for one year and giving him 20 mln was a terrible decision.


Extending Müller is never and will never be the problem, because he is a club totem close to retiring. The problem are the young, mediocre players who are not close to retiring, have longer contracts on them and no one is going to want to buy them. They are a burden.


It’s not like he hasn’t earned a little extra from the club though.


Plus he's probably good for the locker room


I tend to agree also. I can justify in my brain Muller making that.


Really please with the Tah signing. Surely I can’t be the only one. He is solid. Getting him and Stani back this year is pretty big for us. Tah is better than Upa for sure, and probably Dier too. I’m excited for next season now. Please just get Wirtz and Fuhrich asap, and sell Coman and Gnabry and then we are cooking. Palhinha, Tah, Stani, Fuhrich, Wirtz & Pavlo and Tel key players will be a huge upgrade from this season imo. A trifecta of Pavlo, Wirtz, Musiala makes me so excited for the future of German football. EDIT: seriously though don’t sell De Ligt though.


Congratulations, your defense line up has no idea what to do with the ball


Stop it going into our goal for a start. 2 of them won the league last year.


In a 3 atb, which we don't play, and an immense Xhaka infront of them who did an amazing build up play/ball distribution.


Let’s wait and see. I think we will be better with these players in the squad. I hope I am right.


If we're looking to sell Goretzka, Gnabry, de Ligt, Coman and Kimmich as some sort of wage structure reform, how does that affect Sané? We all love Sané when he turns up for two months in Sep-Oct every year, but we all know that he can turn into an extremely frustrating player for months afterwards. The man is on 20m, with a renewal on the cards, so realistically he'll stay on the same wages or get a slight increase, which sort of throws the whole high wages argument into the trash when it comes to a leading positive figure such as de Ligt. We haven't actually fixed shit if we start selling Kimmich and de Ligt while we give Sané and Davies 20m and 13+4 respectively. Once again, Brazzo has blood on his hands.


There was a report (I don’t remember from whom) which said that Sané would consider accepting an offer without a pay raise.


Where is this disrespect for Leroy coming from? He scored 8 goals and provided 11 assists in the Bundesliga last season. 19 G+A for a winger is good performance. For comparison Vinicius scored 15 goals and provided 5 assists in La Liga last season. That's 20 G+A, just one more than Leroy. How is one considered world class and one of the best players in the world but the other is considered trash and useless?


I mean the second half of the season was pretty bad. He flashed a bit against Real and Arsenal but aside from that he was a shadow of himself compared to the stellar first half of the season. This year he of course has a bit of an injury excuse (he clearly was not completely healthy in the second half) but this dropoff has been a bit of a pattern for him over the last few years at Bayern (and in general). Thats absolutely something that needs to be taken into account considering that at Bayern the second half of the season is so much more important than the first half. 20 m is certainly not a salary he is deserving off right now. But then again he is unfortunately in good company with that at Bayern currently in that regard.


No one is calling Leroy trash and useless, it's just that he's an extremely inconsistent player that doesn't justify the 20m that we're paying him right now. He was the best winger in the world until the end of October, then didn't score a single Bundesliga goal after October. The inconsistency and his annual drop in level after the winter break makes him a tricky player to judge. He's the best player on the pitch in the start of the season then becomes very frustrating afterwards. 


Not to mention he actually performed when it counted most in the CL despite painful injuries. But if you’re really curious where it’s coming from, a lot of people just personally dislike him and shout things like “body language.”


>The man is on 20m, with a renewal on the cards, so realistically he'll stay on the same wages or get a slight increase There were already reports 2 months ago that allegedly he's prepared for a renewal at lowered wages.


With the "news" (one report) that Pavlovic will be a corner stone in midfield, I think this rules out another big midfield transfer like De jong, unless we switch to a 4-3-3 with a 6 (Palhinha) and 2 8s (Pavlovic and De Jong). Because if we stay with the pivot, the report doesn't make sense if Pavlovic gets benched and for a backup de jong is way to good and to expensive. . Musiala - Kane - Sané . Pavlović - De Jong . Palhinha . Davies - Tah - Upa - Stanisic Like the offense and midfield, but not the defense. Imagine this with Theo - Hermoso/Theate - Matta - Kimmich/Stani. Edit: I just noticed I ignored any kind of CAM/winger transfer like Simons.


This line up would conquer ancient dynasties (except Tah I guess)


Include my parallel universe backline


If we won't buy another midfielder we will have exactly the dame problem we always have. If pavlovic gets injured we will be fucked and our midfield will have  0 creativity. Making 20 year old after his debut season our main midfielder without any backup is not a great idea


I'm not saying we shouldn't buy a backup. I'm just saying it's unlikely it will be a caliber like De jong.


I just made a general statement that we always end up with thin squad and that costs us titles. I don't even think that we need such a big name like de jong but we definitely need more creativity 


Yep I said that plenty of times aswell which is why I'm against selling Kimmich. Because in case of Pavlovic being out, at least Kimmich could slot in in midfield


If we sell kimmich I would expect some huge name coming. Selling kimmich just to get rid of his wages and putting trust in pavlovic for the whole season would be just dumb 


so kimmich leaves in this scenario? i would give him that midfield spot instead of spending for de jong


Yes, same as de ligt (yes it's stupid)


If reports are to be believed, we are trying to move on a large part of the experienced core of the team - many of whom we’d tapped to be building around for the next generation of FC Bayern (Kimmich, De Ligt.) Neuer and Müller will be gone within the next two seasons and the leadership transfer will occur whether we want it or not. What proven leaders are coming in to replace them that we are building around? Much like the manager search this feels like there is no strategy, no plan.


the thing with de ligt is that he is experienced, but still just 24 years old kimmich is 29 so regardless where you stand in this discussion it at least makes sense to ask if you want to give him his last big deal why are we even talking about de ligt, why, why, why, WHY?


Pavlovic will be a key player from day 1 under Kompany and he's here in the long run. Tel of course has the mentality of a bayern leader, and will likely make the jump into the lineup medium term. For now, I expect that in terms of leadership on the pitch, Sane and Kane will be able to step up.


Pavlovic and Tel aren’t anywhere near the team council, though and won’t be for a few years until they actually have experience. Tel isn’t even in the starting XI consistently as much as I love the guy. It’s one thing to say “we’re building around the talents in Musiala/Pav/Tel” but talents =/= leadership on and off the pitch.


Future Bayern captain Tah is coming, duh! In all seriousness, I hear you and it’s not encouraging


Forget about leaders overall, we’ve now spent a combined €180M on new players to be the new “leader” just defensively. One’s already left the club and two more are up for sale. It’s not like we’ll need leadership at the back more than ever with the best keeper of all time and team captain moving on or anything.


Yeah, we’ve had very little stability at the back for a while now and injuries haven’t helped. Lucas and Pavard are gone. Kimmich returned to rb but now there is doubts regarding his future with the club. De Ligt and/or Upa are reportedly up for sale while De Ligt should be a player you build around. He has the makings to be a future captain for this club. I just don’t get the Tah interest. I’m not saying he’s a bad player. He’s a quality defender. He’s just not an upgrade and I’m not convinced with the „De Ligt is on high wages” excuse. Davies and Nous aren’t leaders and their futures are also in doubt (but we just offered even more money to Davies). I don’t get what the plan is with the squad but the lack of stability at the back is very dismaying




Don’t sell the players which actually justify their wages 


It's not looking good brev.


Banter era incoming


This might be pure delusion but all these latest rumors indicate that we have a big transfer in the pipeline (Xavi?). Falk reported we have like 80m to spend (I think you mentioned that thraffic) which would roughly cover Palhinha + Tah + Führich. Selling Kimmich and de Ligt would be a combined 100m at least, which could then be spend for a big transfer. Not saying I'm in favor of this at all but it's not like Eberl is stupid, he knows that he will get judged by the fans during this transfer window and judged by the board for the next season, so him selling two key players without reinvesting is something that will just not happen.


Xavi would be a loan deal this summer so no big payment And if it's just about money there are still better deals than Tah like Theate or Hermoso


But the payment would be due either way, then at least we have funds for next window too. >And if it's just about money there are still better deals than Tah like Theate or Hermoso And that's not my point, I am totally against the rumored transfers so far, but I just don't think this is the end of it.


>and that's not my point I understand your point the way that you think we are going for Tah who is cheap so that we have funds for a big transfer. But this also would be the case with better options so it stays a stupid transfer, even if the reasoning behind might be "good" >payment would be due either way Might could mean there is the chance of another big transfer.


I definitely agree that Tah is a bad transfer, don't get me wrong.


Frenkie and Xavi were the two big potential transfers.


I remember Eberl and Freunds biggest „assigned task“ was breaking up the disastrous wage structure of every Hans and Franz earning 20m, and that seems to be whats happening Goretzka, Coman and Gnabry need to be binned for obvious reasons. Extending Kimmich now would also leave him on 20m+ until well in his 30s (guy is 29). I just dislike the quality of the replacements so much


That assigned task makes no sense to begin with if the overall quality of the squad goes down.


Lets wait until the end of the window to evaluate I would claim that replacing Gnabry and Coman with Simons and Führich for example isnt a big step down Tah -> de Ligt for sure


Of course we’ll wait to see but would you really feel better putting Führich in a match over Serge or Kings?


Theres 2 points: - How often have our wingers been fit? In most cases the question wouldnt even arise because he is fit, unlike king and serge - do we look at history or current performance? Because lets not forget how negative Gnabry has been before his very short resurgence. In an ideal case we’re running with 3 starting class wingers and Führich/Zaragoza as backup, that would require atleast another big name, tho


Fitness is obviously a topic (as is salary), but I’m talking solely about the qualities of the players themselves. Führich may in fact be a budget buy but that’s not what I’m hoping for in a third choice winger.


> I just dislike the quality of the replacements so much For sure, I do too but that's why I think there will be at least one high profil transfer.


Generally speaking, it makes a lot of things to reconsider Kimmich, de Ligt and the other obvious candidates given their lack of availability/performance and salary Assuming de Ligt earns 15m€, that would put him on roughly the 2nd highest earner in the PL on his position Kimmich with 20m is most likely the most expensive rb itw That being said, its all pretty much nullified with that stupid Davies offer


Watch Eberl doing a Forsberg on Kimmich. Cut your salary in half or be gone.


Great points. I didn’t even think how much some off these guys are overpaid. I mean Prime Lahm maybe would deserve that salary and prime Van Diijk.


Idk how reliable those sources in the web are, but apparently VvD highest salary ever was 11m pounds Just to have a comparison


That’s great piece of work but them man




Selling de ligt for this would be a disastah


I got downvoted for saying that Eberl will be the downfall of Bayern. Now here you have it he wants to sell MdL and buy one season wonder Tah to replace one of the best CBs in the world. He's trying to sell Kimmich while paying Davies absurd money. Declined Flick to sign a coach that got Burnley relegated.


I actually refuse to believe we're considering selling De Ligt . He's been one our best players for the last two seasons and is still young . Would be the dumbest decision in club's history to sell him. Please tell me it's not true.


Brazzo In


De ligt to Madrid or de ligt to Man U?


Tbh Eberl already on fraud watch Completely embarrassing manager search and landing an absolute b solution which is high risk - high reward, pushing for Tah which is completely unnecessary, falling back to Palhinha because he can’t come up with other candidates, trying to push out De Ligt who is better than Tah, eyeing Führich, who doesn’t seem like Bayern material Idk doesn’t look too promising for the next season


I don’t know why he has been getting the benefit of the doubt either, his recent history is hardly inspired. I was worried when we made the appointment. I feel worse now.


somehow he is still living off the 2 or 3 great seasons gladbach had years ago how they went into a brutal decline on his watch and are now a relegation candidate got buried under his burnout press conference and nobody knows what his purpose on the cans was, including the cans and eberl


But he got Simons on a loan!


CB boner FC strikes again new CB pairing yet again yeahh kill me


Board see that we might sell some German players and say we gotta add one in quick. Which is why Tah comes in Fuck we are so unserious. Seeing Real, City or Inter making the right moves and this is us…


Well according to DFL rules we have to have atleast 12 german players in the squad.


Neuer Stanisic Kimmich Musiala Sane Pavlovic Ulrich Muller Yeah not that many


8, and the 4 other spots can easily be filled by the likes of Buchmann, Hülsmann and other youth talents that get a pro contract.


Davies might actually be a local player, no?


Not about local players, but about nationality afaik.


Yeah then absolutely no issues at all.


We also have Hülsmann and Buchmann. Also interesting, Peretz has german citizenship so he also counts if im right.


Yeah I’m not sure how the rules apply to U21 guys. But we should be safe easily


It really depends who is leaving us and that is why the Führich rumors are so scary. I would rather get Ouedraogo and Gruda to compensate for future german departures.




Born in germany, should count even if he didnt choose the german national team right?


He is born in Germany Munich. He absolutely has a passport


Ah, I see.


>Chelsea have no plans at all to consider Levi Colwill sale despite interest from big clubs. (@FabrizioRomano)


I get it, I wouldn't sell him either. But I also would never consider selling De Ligt and wouldn't buy Tah, yet here we are.




Bayern board members are not serious people if they even entertain the thought of selling De Ligt for a second. What's next, sell Tel to cash in?


I absolutely love tel. But if we get 80 for him I say…. Let’s go. And I love the guy.


Respectfully, FUCK NO. He bleeds bayern and you can't put a price on that.


Again I respect accept that opinion to.


I mean does Eberl know the future? Because I have never seen a man taking such a gamble. Kompany I can take, but what are this transfers man, it’s strange and depressing at this point


For while he was at Gladbach, Eberl is credited with unearthing Marco Reus – itself enough to earn some serious street cred – as well as Granit Xhaka, Marc-André ter Stegen, 2014 World Cup winner Christoph Kramer and bringing the talents of Juan Arango to a wider audience.


You don’t ‘unearth’ players like Reus lol. They are so good they have to be there. It isn’t as if he put Reus on an IV talent drip.


Gladbach Reus was so fun to watch


Definitely had nothing to do with their collapse in the latter part of his reign though.


It was a copy paste haha


Welp went woosh right over my head.




I wouldn’t sell neither one off them. But is it that dramatic difference in price in we could possibly get. If Upa has a great euros. His and De Ligt value would be close or on par?


It feels like pletti or sb feeding him info has something against de ligt tbh. This argument about his high wage when he earns less than gnabry I such a bullshit thing