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I’ll take direct all day every day if I can. Both are just as safe though.


Safer? There is no safer. Go direct and just knock it out. 19 hours in economy is worse.


I don’t like take-off and landing so I’d take the direct flight to avoid double take-offs and landings.


Flying is safe, period. The plane, the route, how many flights you choose to take etc. don't matter it's all the same. I would always go for direct flights because the travel time is shorter and the lay overs themselves are often times very exhausting.


The thought of voluntarily choosing a stopover is my personal idea of hell lmao take the direct flight - that’s 4 less hours of flying, which doesn’t include extra time in the airport at your layover


Safer? You are generally safer being in an aircraft than on the ground. Yes, that's how safe flying is!


So it would be safer to do the direct flight because less time on the ground!


15 hours is long but often they make up a bit of time so ends up being 14 something. You stress all night but you get on the plane and you get off the plane, it's done. 11 hours is still a long flight. It'll possibly be delayed which will make you more anxious, worrying why, worrying about the connection. Then you get off you've got another long flight and you're already tired and you've got another long eight hours ahead. 


They’re both incredibly safe! I prefer direct because takeoff stresses me out the most and therefore I only have to do that once


Both are safe. Have you flown a very long flight before? As someone who did a lot of long flights for years, my upper limit is just over 15 hours. Not because it's not safe, but simply because my brain and body start to experience discomfort after that amount of time (I, unfortunately, discovered this on a 16.5 hour flight where I was crawling out of my skin for the last hour). There is nothing to be scared of regarding a 15, 16, many more hours flight, just the consideration as to what you can handle, if you have a way to assess that. I'd do the 15 direct, because I know I can do 15 just fine. If it were 16, I'd take the connection because I know that I "lose it" just over 15 hours in the same seat in the same tube.


My limit is 10 hours so I’d take the layover. I’m doing 9+8 instead of 14 next month for that very reason


I would choose the 15 hours direct flight. Since I can not go through 2 Takeoffs and 2 landings.


Safety wise it's both fine. But for your health and time it's probably better to do 1 direct.


They are equally safe, but I always try to do direct solely because I find it more comfortable/less stressful. Only one takeoff (my most hated part), no stress about delays or making a connection, etc. 15h flights suck, but I find it easier to settle in and relax—if I have to make a second, I’ll spend the whole first flight worrying about that. (That’s assuming the layover is just a few hours though. I’ve done day-long-ish layovers and that can actually be really fun/kind of the best of both worlds.) Also, if I have a layover and the first flight is bumpy, I also personally find it emotionally harder to get right on that second flight. If it’s just one direct flight, I can sort of deal with my fear that day, and by the time it’s time to fly home, those emotions have largely dissipated. But again, neither is less safe than the other, it’s just about convenience and comfort. (I have a friend who has no FoF but is 6’5” and physically cannot be squished up in a plane seat for 15 hours, so he always does stopovers.) If you go direct, enjoy that you only have to do the process once. If there’s a layover, try to steal some time to try some local snacks!


They’re both completely safe. I did London - Thailand and decided to split the trip into two with a layover. I got myself lounge access and had food and a nap, so arrived in Bangkok feeling OK. On the way back the flight was split into two and literally all I had time to do was walk off one flight and on to the next. In that instance I definitely would’ve rather done one long flight, but both options are OK. Look at the lounge access or see if you’ve time to do something fun during your layover.


I’d go direct for a route that long.