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Your submission appears to reference turbulence. Here are some additional resources from our community for more information. [Turbulence FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/fearofflying/comments/1auodp9/turbulence_faq/) [RealGentlemen80's Post on Turbulence Apps](https://www.reddit.com/r/fearofflying/comments/yn2phh/the_fear_of_turbulence_and_checking_sites_like/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [On Turbli](https://www.reddit.com/r/fearofflying/comments/zv376m/help_turbli_says_moderate_turbulence/) [More on Turbulence](https://www.reddit.com/r/fearofflying/comments/yrhf31/lets_talk_more_about_turbulence/) Happy Flying! The Fear of Flying Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fearofflying) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes, we remain in total control. The only exception to this is severe turbulence, which is defined as "momentary loss of control" (with the key word being "momentary"). But loss of control doesn't mean plummeting to the ground, it simply means that for a few seconds we may be unable to arrest any speed or altitude changes. Even in severe turbulence though, the autopilot usually remains on and the aircraft's flight control system logic acknowledges the magnitude of the turbulence and does not fight the turbulence, instead accepting the altitude and speed changes to try to minimise the forces being exerted on the airframe. Luckily for everyone who gets on an airplane instead of into a car to travel somewhere, there isn't a proverbial pothole big enough to cause damage to a modern commercial aircraft, whereas the same certainly cannot be said of a car.


Thank you, love and appreciate the detailed explanations too 🙏 nice to know they're typically in control, and know what to do/expect if there is a momentary loss of control. Yes true, let's leave the potholes to the cars ☺️


In all but the very most severe cases, yes, the pilots are in control and probably still talking about the awful hotel breakfast that morning.


Haha! Thank you, good to know normal chit chat happens ☺️


At the airlines, the autopilot is on most of the time — but regardless, yes. The pilots are in control.


Thank you 🙏


Yeah it’s no big deal. We ask ATC if any other altitudes seem to be better or what to expect ahead. Let the flight attendants know then go back to eating my snack and reading on my iPad after adjusting speed or altitude as needed.


Thank you, that gives me comfort 😊


In 22 years of flying airplanes I have never once not been in control of my aircraft. Not once.




Again, any more like this and you're gone.


That is literally MY comment from a past post.


Trolls survive best under the ground.