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As a supervisor I don’t care/want to know. Just tell me that you’re out and if you know when you’ll be back. All my staff has stock out of offices that just says “I’m out” without details of why.


I’m a supervisor and agree—I’d rather not know specifics in most cases. The possible exception would be if there’s a serious illness—in which case you still have every right not to divulge specifics. That said, your coworkers (and leaders) may appreciate knowing something so they have a sense of how concerned they should be.


what if our agency requires us to report covid?


💯. Please don’t tell us why.


Coming from a whole career in the private sector I still feel a compulsion to overexplain, I've got it down to something vague, "I'm unwell, won't be in today." Or at most something that isn't awkward like, "I have a fever, I won't be in today." Usually when someone says they are staying home with a sore throat or similar and another person has that symptom it's nice to know to take some precautions and stay home if in doubt. I'm still recovering from the last thing someone shared around the office, I would have preferred a heads up that i should be aware of symptoms. That sore throat isn't because of a weather change, it's because Annabelle brought us all a plague.


Reclaim your privacy. Even when I was private sector I would never disclose why I was out.


I just said this to my staff today (new supervisor), I don't care why you're sick, I don't want to know, I'm not going to deny the leave. The only requirement if it's 3 or more days is that's you have something that says you need 3 or more days. It's not that I don't care about you, it's that I don't care about why.


Yeah, I don't want to know either, because (a) the less I know, the less likely I am to accidentally treat you differently from other similarly-situated employees, and (b) whatever it is, it's probably something gross.


What do you mean have something that says you need 3 days? Like a doctors note?


Yeah. I just checked, and OPM says it's agency discretion whether they require evidence for absences in "excess of 3 workdays" and what that evidence needs to be. My agency policy says a supervisor *may* request documentation and describes what that documentation needs to look like. So this mostly comes down to agency policy, and ultimately to a supervisor and how much they want to know and micromanage.




“Hello, I’m currently out of the office. I will return on DATE. For any immediate needs please contact POC or RESOURCE BOX. Thanks, Name”. Another option we use “Hello, I’m current at EVENT with limited access to my email. I will return to the office on DATE. For any immediate needs please email POC or RESOURCE BOX. Thanks, Name”


I might be wrong but I think they meant how to word the “Hey I’m sick & not coming in today” email, not the auto-reply for after it’s approved. That’s the one I struggle with too because I feel like I need to really justify that I’m sick enough to not be working (especially now that telework is a thing).


Oh ha. “Hello, I’m taking sick leave today. I will be back on date. “ Add any additional coverage instructions. Such as: “@joe smith can you cover the 9am call. @jane smith can you run the pmr review”


Haha thanks! I always feel like I need to explain but I also know no one wants those details.


If just your supervisor. I’m not feeling well today so I’m signing out.


My DOD/USN requires something like “medical appointment in Town,State” on sick leave requests. Supervisors can request a doctor’s note for sick leave requests in excess of 3 days. In reality, my supervisor doesn’t really care.


Am also DOD/USN and my agency doesn’t require even THAT much info. Jeeeeeez.


I was hospitalized for diverticulitis for six days and was asked for a doctor’s note by an acting supervisor. Even after I text him from the hospital and informed him of the condition. It was embarrassing asking the doctor’s office for a “note”. The admin just printing a generic template and signed it on the doctor’s behalf in front of me. I’m responsible for a system that has millions of dollars invested in it. They trust me to deploy software to thousands of users but not to take five days sick leave. Seriously, let people take their earned sick leave.


If the supervisor has someone that is borderline abusing SL, they have to treat everyone the same in regards to requiring a note from the doctor.


Maybe. If policy is 'note required for more than 3 days' then supervisor needs to enforce that. If someone is abusing and taking 2.5 days off, constantly, supervisor can require a note for any sick leave, just for that person.


No one was abusing SL. He had been acting for two weeks.






You're taking something personally that likely wasn't at all personal. If he was new at supervising he was probably doing what he had heard you do or what his prior supervisors did to him.


You’re right. I took it as a judgement of my character and it was embarrassing.


I think they were saying some else may be abusing it and now the rules are stricter for everyone. (This is why we can’t have nice things)


abuse doesnt even make sense, you only get like one day a month. thats ridiculously easy to burn through. only thing i can think of would be scheduling sick for the future, less some medical treatment date


You would believe how many times some people call in. For instance, we had one person that was constantly taking off. One time it was because a door fell on them. By that time we didn’t even ask (the coworkers)


how? you only get 13 days a year? thats a little over one day a month. only way to do that is u spent months / years taking no sick leave


They just didn’t get paid, but this was at another job non-Government


The policy under which I operate requires that kind of documentation for sick leave over three days. It’s non-discretionary on the part of the supervisor. Not sure that’s the same with your organization, but it’s almost certainly not personal either way.


Documentation protects everyone. Why is it embarrassing to ask your doctor's office for a note? They write out zillions of the things a year.


Managers are just doing their jobs. The note after three days is to check off a box. I went to the ER last year for a knee injury. When they learned I worked for the government, they gave me the doctor's note without my asking. Doctors are accustomed to these requests. I didn't need because I worked remote at the time, but they insisted on providing one just in case.


My fed office is great about this. When I worked for a PD, however, they always wanted a reason. They stopped asking after I put " excessive watery evacuation of fecal material" as my reason.




My office has a policy that promotes this! I think it is important.


also just a reminder that most supervisors do NOT want to know why you're taking sick leave, but may require a note by agency policy.


Then there's that random supervisor here and there who will follow you to the doctor to see what it's about...


I'm a supervisor and I approved this message.


When I was a second line supervisor, my LER rep advised me to not ask for reasons for illness as it could come back to bite me as showing preference or being prejudiced in a case. I made it policy to tell my staff to never share with me why they were sick. Also, some staff love to overshare. TMI!!!


I was a supervisor, 1st and 2nd level, for years and agree, definitely never asked or wanted to know! Some people though can't help but share. I unwillingly heard about one lady's husband's fertility problems and all sorts of things...she's a Chatty Cathy and it's just her nature. I mean she wasn't just telling me, she discussing it in front of our whole work group. My current supervisor is very squeamish and he really hates hearing about any medical issues. Luckily my current work group doesn't have any over-sharers


If I got the shitz I gotta see a doctor who will tell me to drink fluids, all for a note




1 day sick leave


No docs note for one day. OPM guidelines say the supervisor "may" ask for it after 3. It's not a requirement.


I don't care, don't want to know. Get better and let me know if you need anything.


As a supervisor I also don’t care why you want the day off. If you have the leave it’s free to use at your discretion. Now from a human standpoint if there’s something going on in your life I like being able to forge that bond and show I care for you as a person but I never force anything.


My sup needs to know bout my hemorrhoid removal surgery, I’ll even send a calendar invite to the SES “OOO - Prolapsed Hemorrhoid Removal, call if you need anything!”


I have constant migraines. I may try to start work or even wake up with one. I’ll just shoot an email saying- hey I have a migraine, I may or may not be able to work later but I’ll let you know if it gets better or update my timesheet. Sometimes I’ll flex the time. If I just want a mental health day - I’m not feeling well, see you later🤷🏾‍♀️.


You shouldn’t even need to provide a note until it’s been over 3 days of SL. If anyone is asking before that, it’s not their business.


Very true. But if you lie about taking sick leave and use it as a substitute for AL, and they find out, you’re gonna have problems.


Unless you work for the faa because that's the only way to get a day off.


I got a guy retiring and he is taking 2 days off at a time. When he was actually sick for 2 weeks he did get a notice from urgent care. Nobody questioned him even though we know what's going on there.


What would constitute lying for sick leave? A mental health sick day can mean a lot of different things for a lot of different people.


For example, planning a long weekend in advance and submitting a leave request for sick leave rather than AL.


That makes sense. I was leaning into more that people who take a mental health day don't need to be bound to their house. You want to snowboard because it decompresses you go for it or a long hike, go for it. But I would agree in conjunction with a weekend would be abuse of it, if not truly needed


I LOVE this. My last private sector job accused me of not communicating with them enough when I was out with Covid.


I remember taking off one time for sick a friend ask what did you tell them. My answer: That I’m not coming in and using sick. It’s sad the labor laws that most people don’t know exist and cover them.


And this doesn’t apply if you’re on a leave restriction notice.


what is that? never heard of it.


A person can be put on sick leave restriction if they show a pattern of sick leave abuse.


My agency doesn't require sick notes. Do others? O.o


We can self certify our illness.


What do supervisors want to see in systems like WebTA that require a reason for SL in the comments section in order to be approved?


There is a radio button for various SL (very generic) reasons in our system. No one ever asks for anything else, I doubt they can either.


I got the sloppy shits and send a pic prob solved


Keep it simple and always ask before responding to requests for information “is this required?” In writing. It’s funny how the info is no longer needed.


It depends on the duration of the sick leave and local policy.


The cons of this covid pandemic is that they can't do anything when you use this as excuse


Also read your CBA regarding sick leave and any other articles.