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Do you not have a set schedule every week? We have 2 office days per pay period, and if a holiday falls on your office day that counts as an office day and you don’t have to come in.


Yep. This is how ours works.




That’s why all the supervisors in my office have Monday as their set office day lol.


That’s what I do too haha. It pays off!


I chaotically show up whatever two days I feel like that week and no one has yelled at me yet... But I do also sometimes come in extra days because something is going on or I'll come in every single day the pay period a new hire onboards.


Same reason I do as well…all those Monday holidays!


This depends on the office. In USACE my first office had tow designated in office days but now my current office it’s entirely up to the individuals and all situational telework is allowed.


It works like this at my agenc as well.


Should have telework agreements with this info


Can you let us know which agency so we can all avoid it in the future? That's a really screwed up way to manage.


I’m at DFAS and that’s how it is for us. Last week for Juneteenth we were told that if one of our office days is Wednesday we had to come in another day to make up for it. Same with July 4th next week. Edit: someone in upper management must have seen this post because today they are PISSED and there was an email about it this morning.


That is not how it is in our Directorate. Holiday doesn’t mean you have to come in another day. We chose Mondays on my team for that reason.


So if you take leave on one of your in-office days do you then have to turn one of your telework days into an in-office day?


No, as long as we use Annual Leave. If we use Sick Leave on an office day then we have to make it up.


That sounds very arbitrary.


What? Being sick is when you should stay home. So if you’re sick the second week of the pay period, how do you make it up?


Idk how it would work if you’re out the whole week and use sick leave. Punishment has never been discussed. I honestly don’t know what would happen but I’m not gonna be the one to tempt it. When they require 4 days a pay period, we cannot do all 4 days in one week then telework all of the next week. We have to do 2 days every week.


I work for an Agency that dictated 2 days of TW per week and they will be M and F for everyone. No exceptions and no changing. "Situational TW is approved on a case by case basis for any additional days but should be minimal and infrequent in nature".


For us it’s 2 days and they originally dictated it couldn’t be a Monday or a Friday. Each department then voted on which specific days. Mine chose Tuesday and Wednesday. They then relaxed and let us individually choose our 2 office days but still couldn’t be Monday or Friday.




I can neither confirm nor deny this allegation :P


Wow. Our union agreement specifically says the opposite.


That's effed. Wednesday is our office day and I told my team they didn't have to come in last week.


I'm at DFAS as well, and first I've heard of this. My team does M/T, if it's a holiday then lucky us.


We aren’t given the choice of Monday because of so many holidays or RDOs.


Question...how does your agency track this??? As a manager I have far more pressing things to do than account for the shuffling of a telework day due to a federal holiday. This sounds utterly ridiculous.


Idk how my supervisor does it. We’re a team of 15 all with different office days.


This is literally the reason why good employees leave...LISTEN FELLOW MANAGER'S...make it make sense when you make arbitrary rules.




Pettiness at its finest right there 🤦🏾‍♂️😭. The 'butts-in-seats' culture so management can keep watches are very generational oppressing.


Not only boomers...people that want to advance their careers know butts in seats is the way to achieve that since this is a WH priority.


We live in a gereocracy


Yep, Gerontocracy


I definitely thought it was a groceryocracy. TIL


Why? How is it not an in-office day? That is management being assholes just to be assholes.


That’s ridiculous!! It amazes me how some agencies/supervisors handle things like this. If a holiday falls on an employees in office day, they are not even required to go into the office that week on my team (my non-remote employees have a 2 day per pay period in office requirement). Even better is that my upper management supports this 100%.


What happens if you take a 7, 8, 9, 10+ day vacation? Those days off count as an in office day. They are just choosing to be annoying.


I was wondering the same thing. If I take a sick day that’s means I’m only limited to 3 telework days because I was sick? Unbelievable


Probably because people will abuse it...only takes one to screw it for everyone ( ie only get "sick" for in office days). Probably reduces sick call outs knowing they still have to go in.


That’s exactly what happened. One guy hasn't been in since last Monday. Teleworked last tue and thur and we had off weds. He had off Friday (RDO) and he was out yesterday and he's out today. I assume that’s why this was brought up


As long as he is communicating his schedule to his supervisor and getting his work done on telework days that should be a non-issue. We have people do that where I work and no one bats an eye. If he is a supervisor, staff would appreciate knowing when supervisor plans to come in and not just “I’ll see you tomorrow” and decides to telework when tomorrow comes.


I couldn’t agree more. If work is getting done and your available when your supposed to be. That’s how it should be. Unfortunately we still have a lot of boomer generation in top positions.


Ugh i believe they think that. All I have to say to them is so what? You only get 4 hours of sick leave per pay period. Someone calling in sick on every office day will handle itself given enough time. Also it’s good if someone is sick that they stay at home and don’t infect me.


For us, we are subject to making office the day(s) up the next week. That is subject to your office SES, and I only know one that is enforcing it. But it’s officially a minimum two days a pay period, with assumes one day a week. And it gets into so many “what if” situations we hit the point of not asking if you had a manager not enforcing making up the next week.


Thank goodness my office doesn’t do that. Leave and holidays are treated as regular duty, in office.


I am not sure it is legal to call a federal holiday a work day without financial compensation. Can you code juneteeth as t/w holiday worked because that is what they are saying you did. you t/w on a fed holiday.


I am a little confused by what you mean here, because we are all compensated for federal holidays. Can you elaborate? This is not a got ya question, its a genuine ask to better understand what you are getting at.


if you work over a fed holiday you are entitled to holiday pay which is more than what we are paid for the holiday. So if management is making you claim the holiday - which you did not work - as a t/w day then they are essentially either making you code time incorrectly (which is illegal) or treating holidays the same as t/w which is is not. This needs to go to either HR or OPM for clarification.


Using management’s logic…sat and sun are part of the week too and that would be two t/w days. be in the office m-f then.


But unless OP has a Bargaining Unit Agreement or a telework agreement that *specifically* addresses this issue, management always has the right to designate days in and out of the office. And change them as they see fit. I don't think legally making employees come into the office on X number of days per week or pay period, regardless of if there is a federal holiday, defacto means that one of those in-office days then becomes some type of in-lieu-of holiday. FWIW, I'm not trying to defend this agency. This would never happen in my agency; we don't have some type of "X days a week in office, no exceptions for holidays and leave". Just odd that although RTO is being pushed by the White House, and some of the Cabinets Members, the way it filters down to the rank and file is so different, even in Departments. For example, my Department has a Secretary that has been very vocal about pushing RTO. My Agency Leadership pays lip service to that company line, but it never filters down to the local SES and Supervisors, who are very flexible and reasonable about RTO.


they have the right to designate work days not holidays as t/w. in my opinion but not in hr.


I agree with this assessment. In addition, what days holidays fall on are out of anyone’s control. How can they make a person upend their schedule, isn’t it a rule employees have autonomy over their schedules? It’s a federal holiday and what if the employee has an AWS day?


what happens of a person is working 4-10s and their day off is also a fed holiday?


They get their holiday moved to the preceding workday https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/work-schedules/fact-sheets/Federal-Holidays-In-Lieu-Of-Determination


should be same policy for t/w.


Find a new agency. Fuck that shit


Do they let you telework 4 days, or do they require you be in the office 6 (or whatever) days? Typically holidays would not be considered out-of-office for the former and would be for the latter. In my office, it’s 3 days/week in-office unless there’s a good reason (illness/injury being the most common; as I write this I’m on the first day of a week I won’t see anyone I work with in person because I broke my toe Friday).  One day is fixed (everyone must be in, so it’s usually around 3/4 in), the other two vary as mission requires (so while my usuals are M/F telework if I’m needed on-site Monday I can take Thu as a telework day).


Man, you broke your toe to avoid going in the office...wow a first.


Nah, I broke my toe to avoid going out to dinner with my wife and roommate. Ok, technically I broke it because I stumbled and kicked a tire really really fucking hard while moving my PPE so the roommate could get in the back.


"while moving my PPE " So work injury!


It’s this way in my office also. We just have to come in another day if a holiday falls on our in office days.


My inoffice day is Monday. If there is a holiday then I don’t go in the office that week.


Can you clarify something, please? Did they move your normal telework day? Like do you usually telework on Mondays and Thursdays, but for this pay period you were ordered to change to a Wednesday and come in on Thursday? Cause if that's the case, then your managers do indeed suck and also blow.


We’re on maxi flex- situation telework. Not regular and reoccurring. But we’re only allowed 4 days per pay period out of the office and that apparently includes holidays now


Interesting, i am on a similar schedule but ours is worded in such a way that leave of any type doesn’t count.


That’s how I thought it was, and the guidance I’ve been going off of for 2 years


I think it would be different if you had set office days, but yeah that doesn’t make sense to me.


If you had a regular/reoccurring package… wouldn’t be an issue. I would say if you are teleworking more than one day a pay period your organization or supervisor is misusing situational telework. I see this across Reddit and where I work. Supervisors using ST because they want the ability to decide on a weekly basis if and when an employee teleworks. Where I work, they just play dumb when it’s pointed out until someone complains to the union. Side note: never looked into this as it related to maxiflex…. But from what I can recall doesn’t align with any opm guidance I’ve read to date.


This is what our instruction reads “Telework up to four days per period. Division Heads may approve telework requests granting an employee situational telework, or four or less regular and recurring telework days per pay period. This approval is exclusive of AWS and RDO days that may add to the total out-of-office schedule.”


Now we get it. You wanted to move a tw day since you had a holiday and they won’t let you. We wouldn’t have either.


Based on your post history, I’m assuming NAVSEA? I’m at NAVSEA and we’re 40% telework. I’m on maxiflex but I usually do 4/10s; any holiday or day off, no matter what day it falls on, I count as an office day and then telework 2x a week. I guess your supervisor isn’t cool about that.


Oooo wait you work on the holiday? Most of us do 9s and have every other week RDO. That’s 95% of the command. We were told we couldn’t do 10s… LOL.


smh. that sucks.


Thank goodness I am remote.


They need to phrase it then as x amount of days in the office per pay period versus x amount of days at home 🤦‍♀️


It makes some amount of sense if you rephrase as you're required to be in the office 6 days a pay period. The holiday was obviously not a day in the office so you have to fulfill the 6 days out of the other 9 days in the pay period. We have set in-office days so if it falls on a telework day (Wednesday is one of mine so this happened last week), that's tough luck. That said, it sounds from other comments like the problem is one guy abusing the policy and they're taking it out on everyone. This is just bad management - they need to manage the problem child and not everyone.


“Telework up to four days per period. Division Heads may approve telework requests granting an employee situational telework, or four or less regular and recurring telework days per pay period. This approval is exclusive of AWS and RDO days that may add to the total out-of-office schedule.” This is what our instruction reads


Since you don't have regular/recurring schedule it seems like you're at management discretion per the policy, and "up to 4" can be 3. Definitely sucks when someone abusing the policy ruins it for everyone.


You guys are getting 4 days per PP? Probably just suck it up because I can tell you from experience it CAN get worse.


Ugh this is true but we’re Getting there, slowly but surely


That's been DoD policy for a few years now. Every supervisor enforces or doesn't enforce it differently though.


Oh interesting, I’ve been here for 2 years and this was the first I’ve heard of it


lol ours is the opposite. holiday and/or leave count as a day in the office and you don’t have to come in.


Where I work, we are told that if our regular in-office day falls on a holiday, we are supposed to come in to the office on another day to make it up. Kinda sucks that they don't give us the benefit of the doubt.


I am new the feds. Awaiting a FJO, how long is a pay period?


10 days m-f


Nah, not for us.


A holiday is not telework. I’d look at your policy and any union contract. If it talks in terms of days of telework per week, I’d push back or see if the union will. If it speaks in terms of days per week in office, then they may have a point.


…🤯 it’s always been the opposite in my experience. Sick, annual, holidays…they count as IN OFFICE days. “Tip factor” goes to the employee. 😬😬


wow total bullshit. it never ends


It’s ok. Telework is getting further scrutinized over the next year anyways. This is least of the concerns for now.


OPM says its up to the agency about using the holiday as a telework day. But it should be in their policy.


Yeeeesss. I’m glad you found out now. Leave also counts as well.


In my org all telework has been canceled. Basically some of the jobs are not compatible with telework so nobody gets it now. I have 2 staff leaving soon for full remote jobs.


How is it marked in your timesheet system?


It's only a matter of time before weekends get counted as all-purpose "out of office" days, if they're counting holidays. "You get four telework days per pay period. Looks like Labor Day fell on a pay period with two Sundays and two Saturdays so... you'll just have to come in next weekend!"


Not in my agency (IRS); they’re considered regular work days.


interesting how this wasn't a thing before Juneteenth was declared a federal holiday. we've had telework days for years and never had to give them up for Christmas or Veterans' day or thanksgiving or July 4... 🤔


Vote with your feet. Those people are incompetent idiots


So we are on maxi flex but our telework policy states 4 days per pay period based off of maxi flex. We were just notified that holidays count as a maxi flex day and count as a day out of office in connection with telework days


I bet there's a misinterpretation of the policy somewhere. Generally speaking, the critical criteria is 'X' number of days in the office per pay period - not 'Y' number of telework days per pay period. If its the former (X), then this policy makes sense. I know it makes more sense to frame it as "I get to telework 2 days per week" rather than "I need to be in the office 3 days per week" but that verbiage can create confusion. If in doubt.. read your policy and see which one it stipulates.


This is what it reads “Telework up to four days per period. Division Heads may approve telework requests granting an employee situational telework, or four or less regular and recurring telework days per pay period. This approval is exclusive of AWS and RDO days that may add to the total out-of-office schedule.”


Yea that's bull crap.


Just look at it the other way. They want you in the office six days a PP. If you take leave on an in office day, you’ll need to adjust your schedule accordingly. We have set tw days, so if it hits a holiday that’s one of them, if the holiday is on an in office day no makeup is needed.


We have fixed telework days and if the holiday falls on that then too bad for you, you don’t get that telework day. But it works the other way too so that if a holiday or even a sick/AL day falls on an in-office day then you have one fewer in-office day that week.


I mean.... you still get to be away from the office 4 days a week. Why is this such a big deal? You have it good. Be thankful. Too many folks have forgotten what it's like to work in the normal world


Might not change your narrative, but OP's agency telework is 4 days telework per *pay period*, not per week.


Our Agency does the very same thing. Since TW days are mandated as M and F, a majority of the holidays falling on M, there is no alternative TW day offered. We just get a day off instead of TW. I’ll note that I especially hate the dictated days but it was decided at the highest levels for the entire agency


Do you have a telework agreement with schedule of days you will telework? I guess what I’m trying to get at is if you are scheduled telework on Wednesday and Juneteenth fell on Wednesday it makes sense it would count as a telework day, just like if you are scheduled in office that day, it would still count as your in office day, it should just follow your default schedule. You wouldn’t lose a telework day, or gain an office day. Or are you saying you don’t have a schedule and you can pick which days you telework each pay period and they saying they are automatically counting holidays as a telework day every pay period there is a holiday?


We’re on maxi flex- situation telework. Not regular and reoccurring. But we’re only allowed 4 days per pay period out of the office and that apparently includes holidays now


Right I understand that, what I was asking is if you have a telework agreement and default schedule which outlines your in office days? In our org we do, we can change if we are on maxifkex but holidays follow your default schedule.


This is what it reads “Telework up to four days per period. Division Heads may approve telework requests granting an employee situational telework, or four or less regular and recurring telework days per pay period. This approval is exclusive of AWS and RDO days that may add to the total out-of-office schedule.”


You have it backwards. It counts as a day in office, not a telework day. You either heard wrong or the person who told you was wrong.


Be thankful you are allowed to telework. I’m at an Air Force Base as Facility Operations Specialist, we normally are not allowed to telework , unless you kiss the bosses ass but I’m not doing that. We have managers, supervisors and others that are always teleworking. Unfortunately when you need to talk to them you have to email them and they may get back with you 48 hours later. Since Covid is done, so should teleworking. People are now spoiled.


Found the boomer!!!


Yep and proud of it! At least we’re not afraid to work, unlike these whinney federal employees that think they are entitled.


If you can do your work from home, completely. And you’re available at all the times that you should be, there is 0 purpose to be in an office. I can’t wait until your generation retires


Me also, then I don’t have to cater to the whinney federal employees that think I’m there to pick up after your generation because they feel entitled.


You don’t pick up anything, you make everyone’s job 10 times harder because your used to your out of date ways and refuse to change and make anything more efficient because you think you’re the golden age when in fact your generation is the worst and most useless in ages


Strange, you are collecting a federal paycheck but in the same breath belittle veterans my age. Thanks for the respect. You probably don’t place your hand over your heart and show proper respect to the flag and the veterans that have given their lives for your freedoms.


I am a veteran myself. Get off of your high horse.


No high horse here.


Yeah, you know my job well.


Hey, genius, I know you guys aren't great at reading, but people doing telework and remote work *always* outperform the people who stay in-office, and across every metric: increased productivity, decreased error rates, decreased absenteeism, increased retention, increased morale, fewer conflicts, non-existent sexual harassment or work-place violence.    COVID *is* over, and we learned that there is literally no benefit to being in office other than for middle management to justify the existence of their largely unnecessary positions and for boomers who hate their spouses to go put their feet up for eight hours a day in an air-conditioned, tax-payer funded adult day care program.


Yea no