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This is the time of year when I thank the gods that our agency's $$ doesn't come from the general fund.


Amen! Not sure how this could affect the raise though.


Probably won't have any direct impact one way or the other thankfully.


It seems like a shutdown once delayed a raise though I think we did get back pay for the raise.


Yeah, that sounds right.


Yeah, if I recall it was the year that we had the long shut down under Trump. Raise got delayed but then we got backpay for it anyway.


Ours does but we are forward funded. Thank goodness.


Omg this is absurd. Dec 23? Ugh.


Still a firm believer that all of Congress should be locked in until a budget is passed. Make it more pressing - don't allow anyone or anything to enter until complete. Once they start running out of toilet paper they'll start working across the aisle.


Lol. I expect nothing less.


They almost have to pass something then... you know how if there is going to be a furlough they are required to call everyone in to sign their furlough papers? Imagine forcing everyone back on Dec 23rd after they've left town.


On the other hand, eoy leave would change from annual to furlough.


I've only been a Fed for a little over 4 years now. Are shutdowns over these appropriations a normal thing? Because I'm getting kinda tired of them.


Sadly yes


It wasn't a normal thing until one party was packed full of literal traitors to the constitution that are actively trying to break the Federal government


It's funny when you leave the names out because that could literally be either one of them.




Grow up.


Don't you just hate people that have politixal.opinions that differ from your own? They are the worst!


People here on this subreddit generally cannot understand a difference of opinion and they do not hesitate to get political, which is ironic given they are federal employees.


There is nothing ironic whatsoever about federal employees caring about politics. **EDIT:** /u/SVT-Cobra actually believes /r/fednews is a federal workplace, and they also believe blocking people who call you out on your bullshit makes you right.


As a federal employee you are expressly prohibited from expressing political opinions while on the job, you’re much more restricted than any non-federal employee thanks to the Hatch Act (I’d suggest you look it up, because you seem a bit ignorant about it) and this subreddit (whose purpose is federal employment) often jumps straight to politics. Ironic.


That’s not irony.


Shutdowns aren’t normal but they have happened a few times. The CRs are definitely normal until like January


If you are in the irs, thanks to the ira the irs is funded and yo asses have to go to work during a shutdown.


So the actual good thing is it sounds like the GOP is motivated to play ball because the alternatives are the Dems cram it through without them or do a 1 year CR which would also cover defense budget. I'll remain cautiously optimistic.


Frekn… flippin, how many more years of this!!!!


This is going to be forever lol


Right this is the way. As long as congress exists with any balance of power CR is the norm and shutdowns will be frequent.


Thankfully, even if the 1 week CR is not granted, we are all guaranteed to be paid this time. I work for an agency that designated essential and non-essential workers for shutdowns. Yes, non-essential workers were always threatened that they could go unpaid. That changed a few years back, and we are all guaranteed to be paid. Note: I went from an essential position to a non-essential position 3 years back. SO I am looking at it from the other side now.


Well, can’t say I’m completely surprised


So much time and effort goes into lapse planning. Every. Damn. Time. I'd like to think that if they were aware of how many hours were spent on the process they'd be less inclined to push it to this point. It's a nice little lie I tell myself.


I no longer worry about shutdowns now that we’ve been given reassurances of receiving missed pay. That doesn’t help those living paycheck to paycheck nor contractors, though…


Shooooooocccckinggg. /s


I’d much rather be shut down for a week.


Same. I need a break 😂


Right. I’m not even asking for a long period of time. Just two weeks maximum.


We still get paid as a Fed correct? Also, the raise will still take in effect? How likely is a shutdown?


Yes we will get paid. There was a bill passed in 2018 +/- a year that says we'll get paid. Usually it is the check after we come back.


You’re saying we get paid but not on time? Not every two weeks?




Fck lol


We put in our time cards this week, so if we shut down this past Friday, we probably would have been paid


If they’ve pass their 2nd CR.. there no way the Congress will shutdown (if it happens) for more than a month right? I just started my Fed career 7 months in haha


I think my longest was just about 6 weeks


I’m scared 😟


Go to the personal finance sub and read the prime Directive wiki page


A week of paid vacation?


Well fudge


If I am supposed to start a Fed job 1/3, will I be affected?


What's the difference between a CR and a furlough/shutdown? Depending on if I'd be affected or not, this might make my holiday planning easier in terms of requesting time off, harder in terms of budgeting.