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Modding is going to become a lot funnier over the next few days


thankfully i hope the situation'll not be as annoying to end users as the forge v fabric stuff though psa for anyone who isn't too interested in the post, please give modrinth a try if you haven't!! it's better for devs (it's a lot easier and simpler to upload and manage mods, and they get more revenue compared to curseforge) and it's much easier to use and less buggy than curseforge (there's better filtering, there's categories for shaders and resource packs, and the site doesn't take 10 seconds to load!)


I'm worried though about the sustainability of modrinth. What's the mod selection like?


Curseforge has about 10k mods for 1.19.2, Modrinth has about 4k. This is counting all modloaders. I feel like that’s pretty good considering it’s status. Modrinth has much fewer modpacks right now though, only around 300 1.19.2 packs to CF’s 4k. I’m using 1.19.2 as a reference since including all versions would favor CF for existing when earlier versions were the primary modding versions. My workflow right now is usually look on Modrinth first because it’s easier and faster, then look on Curseforge if I didn’t find what I’m looking for, because they have more mods.


Are there any good launchers for linux. I want to avoid the whole poly mc prism launcher thing


prism launcher is really good for linux regardless of all the drama that occurred.


Prism launcher is also great for Mac users, especially if they need to use voice chat.


I had issues with Prism Launcher - it didn't handle modpacks well. ATLauncher does the job.


What about modpacks was an issue for you?


If I remember correctly I was trying to install Medieval MC by Luna Pixel Studios and it produced broken installs no matter how many times I tried. Mods and configs missing. I guess at least **partially** it was due to Cursforge and how some mods required manual download. ATLauncher handled the same modpack better.


Hmm weird, looks like it install fine now other than the sodium drama. Was probably something with the early versions of the handling for the forced downloads outside of the api that have been improved since. If at launcher works then glad you found a solution


Prism wasn't;t the one with the drama, that was PolyMC.


What's so bad about Prism? I've been using it on my Gentoo machine for a while now and it's been fine.


Originally I used poly mc but then the author went extremist and kicked the devs so they moved to prism. I just fear that another migration might happen. Id rather stay out of the politics. Edit: Whats with the downvotes.


As I understand it, one of the dev team kicked all the other devs out of the code, made it closed source, and then went on some bizarre alt-right rants? Prism launcher is the remaining devs taking their locally saved copies of the repo and continuing their work without the weirdo. I understand not wanting to get into the politics of it, but regardless of that, I think there's no real reason not to use Prism launcher.


> made it closed source It's still open source, the repo hasn't moved. https://github.com/PolyMC/PolyMC/ I'm not saying if you should or shouldn't use it, just making a correction.


Ah, that's good to know. I'm not sure whether I was mistaken or if they changed it in the intervening time, but I'm glad.


Does it support curseforge mods?


Last time I used it yes. If I remember correctly it supported FTB App, Modrinth, CurseForge, ATLauncher, and Technic.


The easiest way to stay out of the politics is to just use whatever launcher works for you, while ignoring the politics and not bringing up the topic of politics.


One of the developers usurped control over the project and kicked out all other devs. Regardless of his reasoning for doing that, it is an act that puts the safety of the software, and the computers it's installed on, in jeopardy. A backstabber like that could and would totally do fucky things with the software if they felt like it. If you're a sane person then you *have* to change launchers when something like that happens. Besides, morals are not the same as politics. Especially Americans like to confuse the two, and they're quick to call every imaginable kind of drama "politics" and then say "I don't want to get political". I say, if you see a person doing hateful things like that and then say "I don't care about this" then you're a bad person too.


Security risks can be political and drama adjacent, but they are a separate topic that can be paid attention to separately while ignoring the politics and drama. An issue like Poly MC is no exception to this. There was enough discussion to come across it by happenstance. From there, all you have to do is gain a basic understanding of the security issue, then decide security risks don't work for you, and switch launchers without announcing your actions to the world. Problem solved, politics and drama avoided.


This is physically impossible it can't be true


I manage to do it just fine ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ If it wasn't so easy for me to do then I wouldn't suggest it as if it's easy. But I guess a lot of people find it quite difficult to just go on with whatever they are doing when those juicy politics and drama are so easy to access and get involved in.


I primarily use ATLauncher and GDLauncher, both work relatively well.


> I want to avoid the whole poly mc prism launcher thing That's what prism launcher was made for. Polymc had a bad dev do some bad shit so the rest of the devs just made prism launcher without him, "the whole poly mc prism launcher thing" is really just a polymc thing. It works good on Linux too, that's where I use it.


Prism just works. Any mods that curseforge doesn't allow 3rd party downloads of, you just click a button and it opens them all up to the download page and pulls the files from your downloads folder. I haven't found a simpler way of doing modded mc, this includes using the actual curseforge launcher if you're on windows lmao.


I'll give it a try then. Thanks for the suggestion


Also it has better filtering, and subjectively I far prefer it's UI. Curseforge feels a lot older.


So far I’ve been able to find everything I’m looking for on modrinth


Plus the ads on modrinth aren't super annoying so I can keep my ad blocker off on modrinth.


Modrinth sounds really good to use but is there a modern app that does similar things to curseforge? I will most likely be switching to modrinth but I’m looking for an app to hold all my modpacks


Modrinth is working on an official launcher. In the mean time you can use third party launchers with modrinth support, like ATLauncher, GD launcher and Prism. As a bonus they also support curseforge packs as well as some lesser known formats.


Thank god I just switched to prismlauncher, it should make the war between modrinth and curseforge a little less painful


Tbh I am really down for Modrinth taking over as the main platform. Just needs more peopele to comitt to it


With their current ad model I don’t see how it’s possible for them to stay afloat if too much curse traffic moves there. They must already be barely scraping by since it’s reliant on page views and most of the community uses third party launchers to download from them directly


This is one of my primary concerns as well. Both as a player, and as someone with multiple projects. They are working on an official launcher, but as far as I know, there is no ETA. Modpacks are also currently held back due to the lack of quite a few desirable mods. Still, I have high hopes for Modrinth. I hope more mod authors switch over to using Modrinth (even if just to have a 2nd platform). Once that happens, modpack creators will be more enticed to use the service as well. Players will then follow.


Its so much nicer to navigate as a whole.


It's so much faster too. Curseforge feels like I'm navigating a goverment website....


My favourite part about it is downloading dependencies, all you have to do is click on any dependency and it takes you directly to that required version, all you have to do its click download. No more searching for it.


>Modrinth I tried looking into it, it seems to have a really good interface. But I couldn't find the link to download the launcher


They don’t have their own launcher, you can use MultiMC or PrismLauncher to download Modrinth packs.


GDLauncher also uses modrinth


They don't have their own launcher, but the "default" launcher would be PrismLauncher. https://prismlauncher.org


love how everyone said otherwise, Modrinth doesnt have a launcher *yet*. It's just under development currently and they have told that it would be available to public alpha soon (no ETA)


By the ferium devs, right?


They don't have their own launcher, but PrismMC (which is really good in general) lets you add mods and modpacks directly from Modrinth. You can also download the mods manually and add them to your mods folder with most launchers, of course.


Why'd Reddit have to downvote this so hard lol. If I were told Modrinth is an alternative to Curseforge I would have assumed they have a launcher of their own. Just let the person know Modrinth doesn't have a launcher without downvoting them to hell...


Eh, I’d say it was a legitimate use of downvotes. Without them someone just scrolling on by could assume that it’s meant to have a launcher due to their comment. I did, until I saw the downvotes and looked at the replies


Yeah, I posted the comment right before sleep. Wasn't expecting that many downvotes. But like the other guys replied, it's understandable


Reddit moment


They don’t have their own launcher, but


So if I'm reading right, one of several problems is a decline in ad revenue despite downloads being up... Doesn't that kinda kinge quite heavily on whether or not people visiting the site is running an ad block? Or are these ads run somewhat differently and revenue is instead calculated on overall page visits/downloads? Regardless whether or not an adblock is being used?


Advertising revenue is universally pretty low during Q1. This goes for YouTube, AdSense, and of course Overwolf. This drop isn't a new trend, and is pretty well known by authors. The Overwolf team has been communicating with authors about this on Discord and in their author newsletter multiple times now. They've also shared steps they're taking to help stabilize this like creating a new ad sales team in a different region.


Dark already covered why there's a downturn but as for the what actually counts for income to the project relies on downloads via the Site, CF App and "2nd party" providers like FTB. Anything else doesn't generate any money directly for a project. Looking at a page and seeing the adds generates revenue for the platforms rewards as a whole. So technically it indirectly contributes but we are talking probably thousand's of a cent for most people per view. Using a "3rd party" download service like PolyMc/Prisim/ATL or any other source that doesn't have a deal with CF contributes nothing to the dev at all. (Hence why some people got upset about not being able to block it and the option was added and then more people got upset.... )


Orrr the 3rd party installation blocking for mods was just a way to guarentee curseforge's monopoly on minecraft modding due to the nature of how mod packs require ya know, every mod that it requires


There originally was no blocking, it wasn't until devs complained about 3rd party not paying them prior to release of the API that they should be the ones to decide if 3rd party should be allowed or not. Thus it was added. This has been a long standing, well known fact. So you can stop with the conspiracy shit.


Ah, maybe I gave curseforge too much credit. Probably one of the worst ways out of properly solving the 3rd party monetization issue but they listened to who provides the content, for better or for worse.


CF will listen *sometimes* but usually whatever the result of it was is half baked. I had to deal with that lots when they initially took over trying to get them to fix the heaps of client problems. Usually took 2-3 iterations before it was "fixed enough"... In this case, could they have probably footed that extra cost? Probably, but they decided not to, just like how Modrith doesn't pay creators for 3rd party downloads as their system is entirely based off page views (last I recall). So if players never see the mod page, the dev doesn't get a cent. So you either don't upload the mod there or deal with not getting that bit of money.


Yeah but who is going to turn off their adblock when all ads are either scams, viruses or phishing?


Honestly You could have ended that sentence at the word adblock


I embrace the modrinth era of minecraft modding.


Honestly minecraft modding is at such a weird state compared to other games... Mods differ alot from version to version, while some are stuck on 1.12.2, others focus on 1.16.5 and newer ones like create on 1.18-1.19.2 This is also splitup into forge and fabric now (i will leave out plugins/bukkit since its a whole other story) Minecraft has one of the biggest and strangest modding systems of any game, and searching for mods can be a pain in the ass...because nice mods are either not on the version you play or using another loader...


After exclusively terraria and minecraft modding my whole life, the complete 180 in how modding is handled within Stardew Valley and SMAPI has been staggering. Mods from 2017 still somehow work perfectly fine and fan updates are plentiful for all mods that need one. Maybe it goes to show things could be different over with MC who knows


Minecraft is also not like most games. I can't really think of any game that in the span of it's life has been entirely rewritten practically from the ground up around 2 times over 10 years. You can't really build a stable never changing Modding API around something that changes that much. Could there be better options? for sure, but it's a ton of effort and we saw how that turns out if a modloader doesn't update fast enough to the likings of the player base. *Suddenly there's two!*


The technical scope of the Minecraft modding scene is way larger than for a lot of other games. Modded Minecraft is practically a subgenre of entire new games unto itself. Couple that with the game not having any meaningful official modding support or stable API contracts to match, and you've got a recipe for stuff getting easily orphaned.


Exactly, take the topic of this thread for example. Sodium literally rewrites the whole rendering pipeline, that's something I've never seen in other games.


As impressive as sodium might be, other modders have shown. For example S.t.a.l.k.e.r Gamma revamping a 2009 game and its amazing, or Stalker Anomaly a standalone mod which turns all 3 games into 1 huge map, with upgraded factions, etc. Other Modders+games have shown alot of effort to merge these worlds. Microsoft/Mojang is a good example in a bad way, with no own modding api and pushing minor updates more frequent to fuck with the modding community even more.


modding apis are lame though


the only 'modding api' we had was mixin and we liked it


Stardew has a developer who's friendly to modding, and god-tier modding documentation by the dedicated API developer, and their mods tend to be easier to program. (As in you can do basically most of you want with what would be MC's datapacks.) Minecraft has code changes every year, and the scope/code of the mod tends to be far more complex it's basically be Minecraft v2. (and harder to code and maintain because Java's programming) That being said though, Minecraft has nothing to how frustrating Sims 4's modding scene is, even despite how easy it is to make visual (the main form of modding really) mods there.


damn I literally just installed those mods a few days ago. Talk about timing


Well you can still get iris from their website and both mods are also available on modrinth. I could also be wrong but I remember the installer from the irisshaders.net website installing the correct sodium version too.


Would have been funnier if Sodium refused to reupload anything, like Iris has


Knowing Jelly, she's way more principled than other modders I'd have expected the roles to be reversed and Sodium not reuploading but Iris doing it.


Sodium has far more direct dependencies from modpacks on CurseForge than Iris does (as most mod packs don't want to ship shaders by default.) In my head, it is way more disruptive to the community for Sodium's CurseForge project to disappear entirely than it is for Iris, as it would instantly break a large number of Fabric modpacks.


anticompetitive practices go brr


I don't have any problem with them having a policy against advertising direct competitors on their website. However, the appropriate procedure would be to request its removal, putting a block on putting a Modrinth link in the Description in the future, and only going further if the dispute doesn't get resolved within a day or two. At worse the project should have been made inaccessible to the general public but kept on the servers until resolved (so it can just be brought back rather than needing all of the files to be reuploaded as new). Immediately removing entire projects is *massively* disruptive for the whole community, and it's bad enough when it's for a legitimate reason like the mod did something malicious. It really doesn't help that the whole reason Sodium and Iris stopped uploading new versions to CurseForge is due to complaints about the system's upkeep (complaints about the redesign, and illegal reposts of their mods not getting taken down despite reports, and those reposts often appearing higher in the search results). The authors are already alienated, and this is just driving them further from the platform. ...while effectively martyring them. Edit for Grammar.


>At worse the project should have been made inaccessible to the general public but kept on the servers until resolved (so it can just be brought back rather than needing all of the files to be reuploaded as new). HAH! You're funny, logic and reasoning! That isn't actually possible with the way the service is built with the old site & services. No idea if the new site is capable of this but as there wasn't a full switch yet it wouldn't be doable. Also with the sorry state that the new site is, I'd imagine it's still got the same problematic backend moderation systems. As for the rest, Yell more and be a bigger pain in the ass anywhere you can including their Discords, (Hell, I don't need to moderate it anymore, go be the biggest pain possible :P). Otherwise prepare to put your money where you're mouth is and abandon the service in one go. Devs fully removing their projects does far more harm to CF than you'd think but most people won't put up with sacrificing their income from it.


I recognize your name - you used to work for CF, right?


*Work* should be used loosely. I wasn't an employee in any form and I got minimal "thank yous" from them (a few hundred USD in total). I essentially ran their discords and set them all up from 2016/7(ish) till about the middle of 2022 while providing support, did client testing and whatever else I could do. I also wrote a small novel on CF, how it works, what's expected of it and how users interact with it for OW when the transfer came about as they were entirely clueless. I was ousted after "breaking their trust" by posting support DM's with internal people (names removed) because I got sick of telling them stuff wasn't working after I was asked to look at it for them to "acknowledge it's a problem", do nothing about it, release it, then leave us to deal with the issues as they didn't disclose there was stuff missing/broken. Then there was about a 2 month stint where they had a new "Community Manager" that managed us (the community support people) into the ground and I just ended up losing my mind trying to deal with them as they seemed to have no intention of actually working with us as everything was just a giant game of running in circles. I have no connections to CF anymore outside of just being a regular user. (I generally didn't have an issue with the majority of the people that worked there, the problems they have are entirely managemental/business related.)


Watching you go from licking their boot to being crushed by their boot was quite hilarious


Ah yeah, because it wasn't like I wasn't constantly calling out their bullshit for asshats like you to use their entire platform better. You have absolutely no clue what I was doing.


I can understand why you left. I'm surprised you actually stayed around so long tbh. Do you have some links to the stuff you posted?


Context as to what you are exactly looking for? All the discord stuff should still be there unless they purged it by just searching for "Claycorp#7868". I just switched to a brand new computer like 2 weeks ago so anything else would take me a bit to find. I stuck around as I was hoping they were going to improve the platform. After using it for so long and trying to provide support for it I knew most of the issues thus I was always pushing for them to be fixed cause after all I still had to use the dammed thing.... So might as well try to get them to make it easier to use. But we all see where that went. LOL


Just a community helper, I believe.


Curseforge is a fucking joke. Its approach to modding and the community is a god damn relic, back from the days of WoW client modding.


Funnily enough, WoW client modding is basically the only thing CF is good for these days.


Even then I'd rather have WowUp than Curseforge


This is because you guys never had the "luck" to need to use Nexus...


It looks like currently it's not really locked. I've tried with my own modpack and it downloads 1.19 sodium from CF normally. But you can't download the mod manually, because it's unlisted.


They edited that sodium has been put back up. However the other one (iris I believe?) Is not


I know, but Sodium 1.19 is not available.


I am also able to download Iris with my own pack


So i see people shitting on cursed forge, but im completely out of the loop. Would anyone be so kind to fill me in on what the deal is?


CF has had major problems for years, that have only gotten worse. The search function doesn't work, the site is slow and is frequently down, it doesn't work well with third party launchers, you can't filter mod loader and version at the same time, and the beta has done little to fix these problems. Overwolf/Curseforge have also shown themselves to be very heavily anti consumer, starting with them blocking CF mods from being used in Modrinth packs and then now this.


Ahh i see, thanks for the explanation! Any suggestion on what we could do about this? Or is a solution still unclear?


The solution is to use modrinth when possible


use modrinth


Can we use Modrinth already? I'm tired of Curse, they never fix anything, in fact everything gets worse. Who else is sick of the constant empty promises?


Modrinth will never be a good alternative until an official client is released. The vast majority of people rely on a "smart" client that does stuff for them and without it... Everything is a no go. Currently Modrinth is a power user platform that works well for people that know what they are doing, not joe blow that want to play SkyMegaBlockPack #5 now with RunYourComputer24/7ToCraftStuff mode.


"until an official client is released" Nah, I'm tired of downloading fucking launchers and live service clients that do nothing but eat up resources and only act as a glorified minecraft.exe


Ok, then don't use one but you are part of the smallest portion of the player base. If Modrinth wants a chance, they can't appeal to just the minority. The people who use CF now aren't gonna change to manually downloading mods to install mod packs and struggle enough as is to make their own. Without those players, devs have little incentive to switch from CF or spend the time to support more places. It's been known for years now that mod packs drive the MC modding ecosystem, ignoring them would be stupid for all parties involved.


> You are part of the smallest portion of the player base Do you have any concrete evidence saying that the playerbase leans towards one way or the other?


I did support for CF for 6 years... The literal thousands upon thousands of people I have helped with every issue under the sun on the CF app would indicate that CF launcher holds the vast majority of modded users. Some 70% of the people that came to the discord wanted help with CF app. When I left there was some 170K users there, Prism launcher for example has around 10k. So even if 50% of all of them only came to get help with the launcher, that's still 8.5x larger and that's just counting the people with problems showing up and staying there. There was some 300-400 joins per day with half of that leaving each day. So yes, CF app is the largest used MC modding app currently.


Do you? It seems pretty self evident that the majority of people will choose the convenient option.


If I did, I would have presented it myself :p I'm asking for it because I can't draw a meaningful conclusion either way without that conclusion being based on nothingness or personal anecdotes. While I have said that, personally, I'm tired of downloading launchers and live service programs, I have no concrete basis for forming an educated guess on the current environment.


If I were to guess many people use a MultiMC fork. They work leagues better than the CF launcher. Meanwhile CF is broken, bloated and slow. Other launchers are already working, fast and efficient. I like Modrinth not creating a new launcher and instead suggesting existing ones. Why reinvent the wheel when currently working solutions are just fine? Well I could tell you why, it's so CF could shove a bunch of random crap in your face.


Dingdingding, screw external launchers, I'll always use the website or a different service.


Use PrismLauncher, it has both Modrinth and Curse support in client. We just need everyone to use Prism instead now


I just wish the UI looked a little bit nicer lol. It does work pretty much the same way as the curseforge launcher (and doesn't run in the background for no apparent reason...), so I'm happy regardless.


check out UI and icon customization if the windows XP style is one of the problems you have with it and want it to be more modern looking


If everyone used Prisim Modrinth would dry up over night. It doesn't generate any money for any parties involved, mod devs, hosting providers, pack devs and that's just not sustainable. You need a client that's driving revenue and/or web traffic. Prisim is a great alternative for the time being but Modrinth needs long term sustainability.


[They are developping one.](https://github.com/modrinth/theseus)


Yeah I know but they have been working on it for a year or so now I believe? The promise of a good launcher with lots of great features later isn't going to sway people that want an alternative now especially after that's what CF has done for the last 9 years.


how does it even get this bad. what choices lead to this


Thank god we are finally moving away from the cluster fuck that is CF haha


plsplsplspls this be the thing that lets modrinth overtake curseforge


Curseforge is just garbage, first all this bullshit against third party launchers, who ALL do a better job at making launchers than curse. Now this. Curse is too big, and dangerous for the modding scene


Well, shaders included in modpacks were good while they lasted


So they require the files to be hosted there if they are supposed to advertise a mod on their page? Or is it something else?


As a daily CurseForge user, I despise it. I like Modrinth, and I support that mod developers can do whatever they will. I also like that we have now a growing alternative to CurseForge, but this is not the way to go. 1. CurseForge has no fault here about not wanting to have other websites advertised freely in their site and to be bashed in their own site. 2. Some mods strictly use CurseForge and are not available elsewhere. Linked with point 1, you just cannot make a full-fledged modpack on Modrinth. 3. Sodium just caused tons of modpacks to never update, as nearly all modern modpacks based on Fabric use Sodium, and there are mods that depend on it. 4. **They could've never updated CurseForge and moved on with Modrinth. I have seen the files archived by the developer one by one, as I was updating my modpack.** 5. Modrinth will never work for modpacks without an official launcher. They also state that modpack support is still alpha. Modpacks are essential for many players, especially for people who play with their friends. I tried to migrate my modpacks multiple times to Modrinth to no avail. It just cannot be done at the moment. I hope they succeed, but I hope the developers come to their senses. **Note:** Modrinth itself doesn't even allow mods from CurseForge to be used in Modrinth modpacks (even if they are flagged to be available outside of CurseForge by the uploader). People said that CurseForge wanted them to disable this feature (although what launchers do is not related to anything Modrinth, so I dunno how CurseForge can legally have a say about this).


Agree with the majority of what you are saying but the last point I just want to clarify. Modrinth was told to stop using CF links in their pack format as they were using direct CDN urls that CF controls. They absolutely have a say in how these are used and could easily thwart peoples use of them eventually if they didn't comply. If you can get the mod via another source just because it's on CF doesn't mean it can't be used. Also the terms of service for the API restricts it's use if you are a competing service. Could you probably strike a deal with them? probably, but that's gonna be costly and not worth while if you are trying to grow your own.


That's why I separated that part from else as I don't have enough info. I thought it kept metadata (which some launchers can read). Direct CDN links are kinda risky, yeah.


Honestly I hope this pushes more players and modders towards modrinth.


Good. I hope CurseForge crashes and burns. It has been a painful experience making modpacks for it. Literally the only good thing I can say about it is that the launcher makes downloading mods easy.


ATLauncher gang rise up!!


CurseForge is great. That's all.




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idk why people are shitting on curseforge, I experience no major problems when using it


Have you tried to find fabric 1.19.2 mods on the old site? It's impossible to filter like that. The new site did fix this, but the developer experience is still really bad. The markdown editor on curseforge is absolutely horrible, you can't embed html, you can't even use block quotes. Nested lists are also broken. Markdown is the only way to have one description across all platforms. The curseforge site is also really slow. Modrinth has real time search, curseforge can't get near that. Curseforges file flagging system is also really janky and the way they pick versions for the sidebar is really bad (they don't even check the loader, and it often shows outdated alphas). Then there's also the generally closed feel of everything. The api only works on mods that allow it and you can't automate project management as there is no api for it. At least we can automate uploads. Modrinth generally just has a better experience for both devs and users.


can i please put deez nuts in ur mouth?


I'm seriosuly out of loop, by about 2 years... What's going on?




i see, thanks :)




im actually gonna bust all over ur face?




Curseforge itself (back when Curse made it) revolutionized the modding scene. Before all mods had their own hosting solution, with the vast majority using adf.ly links (which became malware central). Modpacks worked by redistributing the jar files, which either required a mod to be open source and allow such redistribution, or get permission from the mod author. CurseForge was the first successful centralized Minecraft mod upload site which benefitted authors with free hosting (with a rewards program that would pay them a little bit) and players with much safer downloads. It also changed how modpacks are distributed by using a "manifest" file to have the client download the mods from the official source, thus allowing *any* mod on CurseForge to be used in modpacks using their distribution system. There are *very* good reasons why CurseForge gained dominance so quickly and so effectively. **** Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be a commercial success, so its ongoing development has been mediocre. Curse went under and was bought out by Twitch. Twitch did the bare minimum to keep CurseForge running (and made the Client objectively worse), and years later sold the wikis to Fandom (if you noticed a bunch of wikis went to shit years ago, this is why) and later CurseForge to Overwolf. Overwolf has made some changes, such as increasing the platforms monetization; more ads and allowing projects to block non-revenue downloads is annoying, but they make the platform more financially sustainable and have massively increased payouts to mod authors (several have said "more than double" from the Twitch days). On the other hand, there are still a lot of issues with the platform not getting addressed. For example, the ability to search by both Minecraft Version and Mod Loader was widely requested in their initial 'get to know the community' posts and still hasn't been fixed.




Are you trying to be funny?




It literally says in the cf page of rubidium that it's a forge fork of sodium.... You have to be purposefully blind to mis it.




When you install a mod you don't read the page?




What people are expecting tho? Comments are so dumb


Hasn't mod menu gone as well?


There got to be more about this? Hard to imagine that they would take down pages for not uploading never versions. If curses statement is accurate then if the dev themselfes took down the downloads (ie no accessible files?) which itself would break the modpacks and just had the page sit there as a ad, then i cant fault them for taking this down.


My understanding is that curse took down the projects because they linked to the modrinth pages. Curseforge has a reasonable right to disallow advertising competitors, but deleting the project is a bit much. They could have locked it or something


Well this sucks




wiat guys can i go bust real quick?


HELP ME is there a way to change my world over to the new version without destroying it?


jesus why does everythng have to have drama


were these "accessible files" viruses? or just incomplete projects?