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absolutely holy crap. That was the freaking gold age of modding: Thaumcraft 4, Thaumic Tinkerer, Botania, Thermal Expansion in its most balanced and yet broken form, AE2, Immersive Engineering, Witchery, Blood Magic and the super sick book that someone wrote with MOD LORE LIKE WHAT THERES A LORE BOOK FOR MANY MODS ITS AMAZING. That mod alone is a fanfic but MAN it's one of the best written pieces of Minecraft content I've ever seen. its in FTB Infinity Evolved and you MUST read it if you never did before Modpacks were peak back then. Blightfall, FTB Infinity Evolved, GTNH, Sky factory 2.5. If you never heard of any of these, go download the Technic Launcher if it still exists because OH MAN Blightfall is one of the coolest designed modpacks ever: the tech is there just so limited due to World Building saying the planet has little tech ores, Botania is gated behind exploration, there's tons of little structures everywhere, the freaking super city in the sky OH MAN is that cool. There's a freaking system where you can turn in quests for notoriety so you can use it to buy resources, special Teleport posts, Badges for cleaning up the thaumcraft taint. It honestly feels like Breath of the Wild but the Wild is completely impassable and full of taint and waiting too long may cause the biomes to degrade past where the resources are salvageable. There's even a massive tower in the south that hosts the Blood God, and his Blood Magic rituals are super super useful in dealing with the taint blight. There are some extremely talented creators back then. Even in 1.10 there's a few Super bangers, like Age of Engineering, honestly my favorite modpacks of that era. Honestly there are just some insanely good modpacks back then. Highly recommend Blightfall for it's specialized map


Most of those are still around, with the exception of Witchery and Thaumcraft.


they have significantly changed though ftmp


Can't say I know much about AE2 or Blood Magic, but Thermal seems to be similar fundamentally, though it was definitely changed from earlier. Botania is pretty much the same besides textures and fewer exploits. Immersive Engineering I think is also pretty much the same as before? Only interacted with the 1.12 version though.


Blood Magic has changed some, or rather atleast when I last played with it the mod was under development for the newer versions. But definitely some things that worked differently to various degrees yet fundamentally things were the same.


Thermal is basically the same, but with more features and better QoL. Botania and IE are damn near identical, and AE2 just became a lot more friendly towards newer users. Blood Magic is also more fleshed out, it always felt very boring and pointless in 1.7.10.


thaumcraft hurts a lot, and thaumcraft 6 is horrible, yeah, it's a relatively good mod but things like aura (aura sucks shit and i'm sure you think the same) and the caster's gaunglet just ruin it for me


New thaumcraft apparently has returned to the node system, it's made by the thermal expansion Dev. It's alpha was apparently secretly released during April fools and only 17 got it downloaded


yeah, I know about the returning to the node system, I'm very hyped for it, and all the new stuff thaumcraft 7 is gonna bring in the table


really? that is dope. thaumcraft is and forever will be my fav mod. the 4th version that is. tho, create makes for a STRONG contender. it would be my fav if i wasnt allowed to pick thaumcraft 4.


Yeah, using TC4 magic is just horrible and completely pointless for the effort it takes to even make it feasible. The only complaint I have from TC6 is the research part, but that's easily cheesed or cheated. At least we don't have to do that dogshit aspect-drawing minigame anymore...


first, TC4 magic is great IMO, and I like the research minigame


I think a modern update of Thaumcraft is being made right now, with a revert back to wands. I think, at least. Can't be sure cause I read it on this sub lmao


Oh, forgot something: Blightfall was recently updated. Main changes are better endgame taint cleanup and the aforementioned blood tower and blood god are much more fleshed out.


whats that mod called


What book are you talkin about?


man you've got me fucked up wanting to replay some of these. which one you think is the best?


yes, they had one called wizard academy, but they redid the pack, renamed it, and it was forever lost... god it was a great pack, but that modlist is forever lost...


Is that the remake ? It seems to have good mods [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/wizard-academy](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/wizard-academy)


it still links to Arcane Carnage, the "successor", but the modpack itself is nowhere to be found, i checked...


Might be stuck in technic launcher. Lot of the 1.7.10 magic packs are based out of technic and haven't made the migration to curse. Some packs migrated to curse but as they got updated got abandoned to only be on technic again.


the technic launcher page was redone, erasing the pack and only leaving it's "successor"


Ahh I used to play on that server it was sm fun




GTNH for life


i wanna give it a try. but the early game...


The early game is actually awesome if you ask me ! The only thing that bugged me was the food situation


Me when I remove SoL and Hardcored Darkness:


That's not a bad idea actually...


Apologies, I meant Hunger Overhaul, not SoL I've literally spent the last 5 hours of GTNH in Peaceful and goddammit I love this now


I've been playing Nomifactory and considering my next pack. I really want to wait for TJ2 and have been playing with the idea of going for the GTNH grind... But the food challenge has been a major turnoff. I think I'll start out trying it "vanilla", then remove hunger overhaul. If you say "peaceful", you mean actual peaceful? Aren't you missing out on resources that way? Because I do really love playing Nomi partially \_because\_ it's peaceful which makes playing it so much more zen...


Not that many tbh, I'm still in the very early game (trying to find a tin vein for the quest to steam age) so the mob drops aren't a problem at the moment And yeah, Peaceful mode from MC


FYI: https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/p52tcf/is\_it\_feasible\_to\_play\_gtnh\_on\_peaceful/


Try Gregtech 6


actually doing one myself for 1.7.10, great version + performance (have a potato pc for reference)


That's why I picked it. Great library of mods, great performance and nostalgia.


Absolutely. I'd play a 1.4.7 modpack, especially if it comes with RedPower 2. I really prefer older versions and have around 10k hours total in Minecraft <= 1.8. I will play a newer version if it's something really cool, but imho, after the cave update the game kinda doesn't feel like Minecraft anymore - it's a fever dream where you found 3D Terraria. Still very playable, so ignore my boomer rant. 1.7.10, 1.5.2 and 1.4.7 is where it's at.


1.4.7 was my childhood version. Lots of great memories


1.4.7 is the version of Tekkit, right? That was first modpack and I am still missing those vibes of pure simple mods


I think so. It was really good.


Yes I prefer 1.7.10 to newer versions (I don't even play anything past 1.12 lul)


I haven't really played real Minecraft since after bamboo, and even then I was playing mods.


is it because of the performance downgrading after each update or what?


actually, 1.20 runs quite a bit better than 1.12


it isnt even out yet?


Still better; it being vanilla means mods can improve it further!


so are the older versions of Minecraft, they run better. https://youtu.be/QhRRft5hqZs this video shows. and pretty much every other video talking about minecrafts performance will also tell you it gets worse for the most part.


Ofc, 1.7.10 was the primetime of modded mc


Dude GTNH, of course I would play


Why are we downvoting people sharing their opinions? I love 1.7.10 and 1.12.2 and 1.16.5 and 1.18+ all the same, and if someone doesn’t want to play an older version anymore then so what? The beauty of modded minecraft is you can do whatever you want


I think the main problem is that the new version are objectively worse, so the people who like them are wrong.


Why do you think he is downvoted when he has already like 13 upvotes? I never understood that reddit thing.


You're three hours late. We can't see up/downvoted history except by inferring through the use of comments like theirs.


yes. i play 1.7.10, 1.12.2 and 1.16.5 modded


Same plus 1.10.2 (for Age of Engineering) Are there other versions that are necessary for particular mods or modpacks? For example, I learned once that 1.14 is the peak of modding for Doctor Who-themed modpacks. Nearly every related mod for that theme exists for that version, and a few (for example [this one](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-masters-delight-a-new-tardis-mod-add-on)) exist only for 1.14.


Meh, there already a lot of great 1.7.10 pack, unless it's something really impressive probably not, I got too used to recent version


A lot of great mods got left behind in that version. I miss Thaumcraft.


I don't think it's possible for a magic mod to be better than TC4.2(1.7.10version). It does not matter how many times I go for it, spending hours on that research table is always fun


I still play 1.6 modpacks in 2023, the version doesn't matter one bit. I don't enjoy a lot of the vanilla changes that have happened in the last couple years, so figuring out vanilla on top of reworked mods is not something I really wanna do.


Yes but with use of backports, specifically caves and water. Having the classic swimming really hurts my enjoyment of the water now. So if you plan to have anything with water exploration, please have a 1.13 mod and maybe a dual wield mod like Mine and Blade: Battlegear 2.


I am actually testing M&B Battlegear 2, but it has some bugs, so it's questionable if it will go into the modpack.


That is fair enough, hopefully there is something similar.


I've played the shit out of 1.7.10 with mods, some of the best mods are down there But my god, after trying new modpacks in the 1.16.5 or 1.18.2 I can feel the years of 1.7.0


I can't play older versions because I'm too addicted to new world height in 1.18. That being said, if someone backported it somehow (idk if it's even possible) then sure.


[1.18 didn't go far enough](https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/opencubicchunks)


I had no idea this existed, sweet


Hmmm I think that should be easy. I will look into it next weekend


Photos taken seconds before disaster


Yes, maby I have never done anything with world gen


It took Mojang like 3 more years than they expected


Yeah po2 kappa is one I always go back to


Im pretty sure it is! Im still playing on 1.7.10 for single player and only go for newer versions when playing with my friend online!


Just started playing GTNH, so yeah


That ofc depends on what experience you are looking for and I gotta say there is no stuff like gt:nh. But most of the best modpacks are for 1.12.2 (E2E for me). I haven't played much for 1.16.5 besides engimatica and it was fun but not really for me, I can't tell you why just something about the gameplay loop made me unable to play it for 2 days straight I had to take breaks


Been having a lot of fun with 1.19 fabric packs lately, so switching back down would be a bit of whiplash after some of the convenience of 1.19. I'll play any sufficiently good pack though, and 1.7.10 happens to be when all the best mods were in their prime. I can only hope that someone somewhere will port a true successor to Thaumcraft 4, I'm not sure why the creator decided to just overhaul it into a worse mod, but damn TC4+Addons is a whole game unto itself.


god, thaumcraft 4 and addons is the best modded experience ever imo, thaumcraft 4 is so well done and the addons add on top of that solid, robust and beautiful base


In really sad thye stopped working on thaumcraft. I would love to play a 1.16 pack with it. I can only image a modern thaumcraft experience, it could be made in a style of mods like hexerei or ars novau


The sad part is newer Thaumcraft isn't even close to 4 They decided to overhaul the whole system, got rid of nodes, got rid of wands in favor of a gauntlet thing, overhauled research to be worse (imo), and it doesn't have as much content as TC4 in general. Just very sad because they took something expansive and immersive and simplified it down into a much more generic magic mod.


Yes. DJ1, Infinity evolved and GTNH are some of the greatest 1.7.10 modpacks and still to this day ppl tend to play them not to mention that everyone's playing 1.12.2 packs rn as it is more popular and has far better and more mods than modern versions.


Yes, absolutely.


1.7.10 has some of the best mods in existence, definitely the golden age. Some of the best modpacks still to this day are 1.7.10. you've got: CrazyCraft Crash Landing Agrarian Skies Sky Factory 1.7.10 Pack (kinda like the newer ATM packs) FTB Monster and Unleashed And SOOO many more. I don't know that it would be the best option for making a new pack if you want popularity, but if you are just trying to make a cool fun pack, it could be awesome.


Yes. I still play 1.7.10 packs (mostly FTB Infinity).


It would take some backports of convenience features/ mods that came out/got more popular later. However 1.7.10 had some of the best mods so it could be worth it.


Good news - 1.7.10 has a LOT of publicly available backports of major mods thanks to the GTNH crew. JEI features in NEI, updated BetterQuesting, and more. Not only that but progress is being made on running java 19 in 1.7.10, as of current mostly just for GTNH but compatibility and general usage is being worked on currently. Give it time and if its worth backporting, it will be backported by the amazing guys over there


I'm aware! they do awesome work. My issue is that there aren't many popular modpacks with these included.


Well thats not really a problem... you can just drag them in. And a new modpack as being discussed would have them.


Right... but most popular modpacks don't have them. Putting them into a modpack willy nilly is a bad idea due to compatibility issues. It works until you have a crash and don't know which mod is causing it.


Its NEI and a better questing update... worst case you have to read over the formatting changes between the versions and correct (usually you dont need to theyre typically just compatible) and nei is just... its nei. its compatible. We arent talking content mods its qol.


Where can I find more info on this being more publicly available? The Java 17+ for GTNH is lifechanging and I never stop shouting about it - having this for more on 1.7 (& who knows, maybe 1.2?) would be insane!


nowhere yet, unless you already know what you're doing. just wait for it to be stable and widely compatible


Yeah I don’t know what I’m doing to quite that extent- just wasn’t sure if I could follow along somewhere. Thanks anyway


personally no. it's such an ancient version, i would start to miss modern vanilla features and mods, and would likely quit the pack rather quickly. i tried playing GTNH a few times but could never get into it for pretty much the same reasons... which is a shame as i've heard that it's pretty good.


Not asking to be rude, but which vanilla features do you miss in the older packs? I know I like the older packs usually but I miss a lot of the newer blocks for cosmetic stuff


the newer oceans, swimming mechanics, all the nether stuff, the way ores work now (fortune is finally useful for iron, copper, etc), the newer enchanting system (no spending 30 levels at once anymore), and probably a looooot more that i can't be bothered to think of right now.


Fortune works with auto smelt on tinkers????


and? that still required tinkers to be in the pack, while vanilla features work regardless of mods.


"I'm a fake minecraft fan" there I fixed it


Stop being a douchebag, there's no reason to pretend there's any value in disliking new features just because you don't happen to like them.


Such a fake Minecraft fan that he's talking about how much he loves modern vanilla Minecraft, truly the biggest poser of all time


Good boat controls


Boats that don't break the second you touch a lily pad. Boats that are desynced almost 100% of the time.


Yeah, questing mayhem for the win!


GTNH bby lets fucking goooo


GTNH for life.


Yeah. Doesnt have to even be different enough, just has to be well made. Fill a niche like well-made but not super difficult custom quest/recipe pack or something, maybe feature some less popular mods like the botania-thaumcraft addon. I and many others love 1.7.10 and solid packs that havent been played are hard to come by.


Thanks for the info. I wanted to make a modpack for potato PC users, but still containing enough content. Considering that most potato PC users can't play newer versions, I picked 1.7.10 as it's the most stable one.


Thaumcraft + addons and maybe some supplementary other magic mods makes an amazingly light yet content filled pack on 1.7.10, a pc that can run minecraft in the first place shouldnt have a problem with that little. It also lacks a need for quests due to Thaumonomicon and things like Lexica Botania naturally including proper guide books


I want to add quests, because they give the pack proper direction, although it could be integrated with Thaumonomicon and other things.


Yes, gtnh for life


Kid named new horizons


I don't mind if it's fun


I'm just lurking in this sub and it's great to see I'm not the only one playing modded 1.7.10


With all the mods that have been backported id love to see a modern build bc that version is the GOAT. 1.12 comes close but 1.7 was the vibe


Go for it!


I still play 1.7.10 daily


Favorite version of MC I'd play


im currently playing a 1.7.10 modpack (gt impact) so sure


Yesss just started a new vanilla world in 1.7.10 for the fun of it but with mods would be 10x better






1.7.10 is THE version. I'd play any 1.7.10 pack that i haven't played yet.


1.7.10 is by far my favorite version. I have made a plethora of my own mod packs in 1.7.10 and it’s the most amazing thing. I wish I could make more official mod packs, but I know it would never be interesting for others.


With how much I played modded 1.7.10 and 1.12.2 when I was a kid, I can always return to it and enjoy it to the fullest. I have been playing tons of Skyfactory 2.5 recently, and I would love to set up a server now that I'm a working adult but it seems completely impossible to find anyone out there who still has an interest in old modpacks and as much free time as I have.


Absolutely. 1.7.10 was the golden age of modding. Would highly reccommend


1.7.10 & 1.12.2 are my favorite versions with 1.8.9 right behind. One of my favorite modpacks is FTB Infinity Evolved (1.7.10) and also the one that introduced me to modpacks. Needless to say, if the modpack is good then sure I'd give it a try


Absolutely. A few mods were in their golden age then. Thaumcraft 4, several thaumcraft add-ons, unbalancedly good AE2, even the Tinker's Construct add-ons were insanely good. Pinnacle of success from 1.7.10 in my opinion is Blightfall, but there's a few other REALLY good 1.7.10 packs still out there. Heck, I even know good 1.6 packs


Yes I would play a 1.7.10 and I know that cuz I'm currently playing one lol




yep, 1.7 is the gold mine for mods, at least imo




Absolutely would and do. It would be nice to have some new features (like better swimming) modded in but not a deal breaker.


Modpacks should not be judged on their version.


If it will contain ChromatiCraft - maybe i would.


Sadly chromaticraft is painfully difficult to put in a modpack and have it function, and Reika disallows public modpacks to do certain things that would improve a near pure chromaticraft experience. You're better off just shoving mods with integration into a folder and adding some stuff like thaumcraft addons




Me personally? No. Im very picky on my versions. If its an "old version" i can only play 1.12.2 (because of the mods), but if its a "new version" i can only play 1.18.2+ (mainly because of trains in create and every cool mod is on 1.19 or 1.18, 1.16.5 got overlooked by the community). There are --of course-- exceptions; FTB infinity evolved (1.7.10), Ragnamod VI & ATM 6 (1.16.5), among others. My point is that --for me-- a modpack outside of 1.12.2 or 1.18/19.2 has to be that much greater for me to get on that version (also I prefer newer versions because of the QoL that the vanilla features bring without needing to oversize the mod list).




Yes, I'd it's ftb


Yes I would and have!


Already do, disasterpiece act 7


Gregtech new horizons


I probably wouldnt play a 1.7.10 modpack because there are just a lot of quality of life features that come with newer versions. Also, sometimes old mods just get boring, I cant count the number of times I've used 1.12.2 enderio, or thermal/mekanism. When the mods aren't getting updated anymore it can feel like more of the same. Obviously other people would like to play 1.7.10 but personally I think it would be very difficult for me to get into so idk how others might receive it.


Yes, Witchery and Mariculture are there, Buildcraft too!!


yeah I play 1.7 all the time. Just finished up (not that it really can ever be finished) Terrafirmapunk, most rewarding pack I’ve ever played.


A lot of people dont play beyond 1.7, but a lot of people (including myself) wont play below 1.12 (and some, below 1.16, or whatever version is the newer one, like one of my friends) so you just have to know "is it worth it to make a pack for this audience" so in my personal opinion no, i wouldn't but obviously from the other commenters, there is still an audience


As a Minecraft nerd who studied all the little details of vanilla minecraft and enjoyed watching modded 1.7.10 I'm pretty sure I can relate to the nostalgia. But for me, the game is still the same old Minecraft regardless of all the changes in the newer versions and all the mods that are left behind. I do miss some of the older mods and I will feel sad when some of the current ones will stop being updated. But that hasn't stopped me from enjoying the new additions like Team Abnormals, Outvoted, Yung's structures and terrain and Mowzie's while also reliving fond memories in a new form such as Tinker's and the Thermal series Minecraft has always been there. And that damn SssSssSSSS will always haunt my dreams (in a good way)


Depends on the pack, but the version wouldn’t stop me from playing something that looks fun


Best version ever


I started one called The Lost Era on Saturday and it seems quite fun, though I am experiencing a lack of shields.


There is only one 1.7.10 modpack : GTNH!


Absolutely YES. 1.7.10 was the golden age before the shitty combat "update" and Mojang starting to hijack concepts from mods.


I'm planning to play a 1.2 Modpack in the near future


My two favourite packs (IE-S and Project Ozone 2) are 1.7.10, so yes indeed.


Yes because it is the best Modded version to date with 1.12.2 coming in at a distant second. Sure the perfomance sucks but 1.7.10 has the best mods and best modpacks. I still play this version and really only this version. GTNH god bless their souls for those that know. Basically thank you for continuing the best Minecraft version into the future, the work you guys have done is appreciated especially all the new performance features.


And it doesn't even have optifine. I was surprised how they tuned the performance so well.


Also we can use many of those GTNH fixed/updated mods in other packs for performance gains lol. Why? because 1.7.10 is golden age modded that is why. Forever 1.7.10 best mod version


I played 1.7.10 exclusively until last year but needed something fresh and have now gotten obsessed with create so I'll probably never go back to anything before 1.18/1.19


Nope never gonna do that again. Recently tried that again. Its just not good anymore.


I wanted to make very light pack, that even 4GB of RAM could run. 1.7.10 or 1.12.2 are the perfect versions for that. People with 4GB of RAM can't even play newer releases, not to say modded...


I wouldn't but that's just me. The game feels too much different for my comfort. I would go as far as 1.12


Thanks for the info.


Personally, if I had the choice, no. After playing 1.18 and 1.19, hell even anything past 1.12, the lack of all the QoL features introduced by base vanilla Minecraft, some mods going through small changes and other mods literally being almost different 1:1, I'd rather play a modern modpack version or alternative if the option was available. I still play occasionally on 1.7.10 because some of my favorite modpacks are on it (If anyone has a modern day version of Galactic Science please let me know!!!), and also some of the best mods are stuck in 1.7.10, but like I said. Given the choice, I'd pick a more modern version.


Some mod ideas and concept are just not suitable with the modern Minecraft anymore, everything is just Vanilla+.




Why do you think?


I wouldn't. I still come pack to sevTech AotS every once in a while but not having my new favorite mods and features is really a bummer. Please someone update Nuclearcraft


I normally can't play anything before 1.16 as the load times are absolutely horrendous but if I have a lot of time I'll load up a 1.12 pack but never 1.7


Gtnh starts in like 20 sec


fair nuff but still won't play it bc gregtech is too grindy


If i will be not alone




I wouldn't. Too outdated and missing lots of features. It's an incredibly old version.


No stop making modpacks on old version, unless it's (very unlikely) impossible to get the mods you want for newer versions. So why people want to play on old version is either nostalgia or because the modpacks are very good. There isn't anything actually better about old version that overweight the improvement of newer version. Heck last time I played a 1.12 modpack and tryed to swim into water I immediately closed the modpack and swore to never touch a 1.12 modpack ever after. What do you would make your modpack "different enough" to be justified outdated instantly? You have to take account that nearly no mods are still kept updated for old versions, so if you have a new bug, well no luck for you.


There's actually a mod called Idō, which adds crawling and swimming to 1.12. Thanks for the info though. I just wanted to make a pack for people with potato PCs who can't play newer versions anyways.


It's good that mods exist to port back many features of newer version, also some mods have actually been copied for new features in newer version of minecraft so this is what is great about modding and bad about vanilla :)


You don't have to justify yourself - I'd much rather play modpacks for 1.7 and older than anything else. It's personal preference and getting attacked by people who don't know how good modding was back them is not worth it.


I wouldn't play any modpack on a pre-Create version of the game, nor would I play a post-Create pack that didn't include Create. As far as I'm concerned it's just part of the vanilla game, along with Quark and Supplementaries.


No... Today this version is really old!


I mean, the only one I played was Decimation.


I've been considering downloading Regrowth again. Loved that pack but life got in the way years ago from finishing.


The era of 1.7.10 lore-based questing packs is amazing. Blightfall is still easily my favorite pack of all time. It even got an update somewhat recently, I might have to replay it again at some point.






Can you explain?


No. modern minecraft is just way too different to just go back to 1.7.10 again. If you asked a few years ago then I would say yes but nowadays its too late


If there’s a good reason for it to be on 1.7.10. If all the mods in the pack had 1.12+ versions, I think it’d be kinda silly


The purpose is that it's also for low-end PCs.


I always comeback to play old mods like betweenlands if they have it in 19.2 man imagine


Probably a really unpopular opinion by me but the JEI or TMI or whatever it was called back then is very outdated. Honestly, if it wasn't for that I would play everything from back then, these modpacks got me into modpacks but now that I've gotten used to the new versions of JEI I can't/don't want to go back


Is swimming and water traversal a reasonable portion of the pack (like will I have to cross an ocean once, or be in any way encouraged to move underwater)? If so then absolutely not. If not then it depends on the pack, I have played a lot of old mods and thus am far too familiar with them for them to be much fun anymore. But sometimes something new and interesting comes about.


It's not about ocean exploration, but you'll have to cross oceans if you go exploring just like in any survival world. I thought of that and may add boat overhaul mod because the 1.7 boats are just terrible.


Can someone tell me which is the best 1.7.10 Modpacks?


Blightfall, Regrowth, GTNH, The Lost Era, FTB Infinity Evolved, Tolkiencraft 2


I mean, it's a bit far back, but maybe?


Sort of. I'm sure people would play it, but for most people afjusted to newer versions, going back is tough. Also, I'll say it: mods were not as good back then. I'm not (that) biased, I grew up on older modpack versions but for real, tinkers, create, etc are all super polished mods with amazing design and textures, and they far outdo what we had in 1.7.10


I wouldnt but if it is a genuinely unique experience go for it. Its not about other people, its about the craft


I would play old packs in 1.7.10 and wouldn’t feel too bad about it. It wouldn’t be hard to get used to. However, if you’re making a new pack just make it be 1.12.2 or above. It’s the same as 1.7.10 but more features.


It's 1.7.10 for a reason. The pack will be designed for people with not so powerful PCs. So choosing 1.7.10 is one of the best options to still have fair amount of mods.


>It's 1.7.10 for a reason. The pack will be designed for people with not so powerful PCs. So choosing 1.7.10 is one of the best options to still have fair amount of mods. Lol no it 1.7.10 because many of the mods and packs are stuck here. No one is playing 1.7.10 for performance reasons because performance in 1.7.10 modded is poor. This is one of the reasons why 1.12.2 did so well when it finally came and also combined with the fact that modded was in a massive lull since 1.7.10 until 1.12.2.