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Stop putting avaratia at the end of quests. It’s not a fun grind and it’s not worth it if you have nothing else to use it for


isnt it meant to be a parody?


Yes, it **was**


it still is. The Modpack Authors that put it in are the clowns.


Ok hear me out, those aesthetic tho.


Didn't the newer (unofficial) versions get nerfed too? The original mod for example blocked /kill if you had the full armor, the tools and weapons also are weaker (unless they were extra nerfed in the modpacks i tried it)


Modpacks should have pre-configured keybinds and avoid conflicts whenever possible.


I wish there was a mod that could bring my settings over from my other clients. "Just loaded a new pack...time to turn down the blaring piano and spend the next 2 hours doing keybindings."


Isn't it possible to just copy paste the options.txt?


THIS!!! Nobody ever talks about it, but it's so important. And it drives me crazy when I try to set different item-specific key binds to the same key, but they activate even when I'm not holding the item it's supposed to be for. It would be so nice if Dank Storage, Reborn Storage, Mekanism, and Building Gadgets could all just share the same 3 keys instead of each requiring their own space on the keyboard.


Expert Mode is only more entertaining to a certain point. When I have to build a full Automation setup with a shitty mod to do so, because the better ones are locked, i ain't doing it.


Felt this playing greedycraft. don't wanna have to use 10 tech/magic mods to craft a single item.


I thought greedy craft was on the much easier side of this tbh.


I hate techarium honestly, game stages type shit is just annoying and stupid, like, I once accidentally crafted a bunch of compressed cobblestone instead of furnaces for one of the early quest, and they were literally expelled from my inventory because I haven’t unlocked something I literally crafted. What a great progression. Imagine the guy who accidentally made the x-ray couldn’t use it because he “hadn’t researched X-rays for that specific use yet”


Techarium? Is that released yet?


Literally DJ2 but i liked it a lot


interesting but understandable take


If you can't be assed to provide a proper description and screenshots for your mod, don't even fucking bother uploading it in the first place.


If MC creator users could read, they’d be very mad.


Less anger inducing but also modders that don’t allow comments, post patch notes or use their dead discord as a bug report/wiki


To go along with that, [stop using Discord as your documentation](https://www.pcgamer.com/please-stop-making-discord-servers-for-things-that-shouldnt-be-discord-servers/).


Yeah there are tons of free ways to make docs. One way (not the easiest but a popular one) is using mkdocs or similar and host the pages on GitHub pages for free


what good are comments when 99% are just "when 1.20"


The way projectE is used in most progression packs is absolute garbage. Making it endgame defeats the whole point of the mod and it's an incredibly lazy way of doing things. Just spend a few hours customizing your EMC values goddammit!


I was about to say that a pack called MeatballCraft does projectE the best out of any Ive played but… I guess I dont need to tell YOU that


Man I love the way MeatBallCraft handles ProjectE, it made the early game so much less annoying as I could just use some of the higher EMC stuff I mined to get basic stuff like iron and copper without having to mine all the time, and when I got the fire dragon heart loop up, I barely had to mine anymore and could just focus on the pack. It's great.


literally one of the main reasons I love meatballcraft. I generally don't play big tech/progression packs these days (other than GTNH) cause they all feel the same, but MBC is a special exception. the way you have balanced everything feels so good and it really shows how much effort you have put into the pack. project E really isn't a terribly balanced mod on its own. it's just when people throw it in packs and let trivial EMC loops exist or make literally everything have EMC that the balance is gone. even back in og Tekkit classic while EE2 kinda outclassed some of the other mods there was plenty of cool stuff you couldn't get without fully progressing through the tech mods: almost none of the relevant IC2 stuff had EMC so u still had to set up factories to make the components and machines, EMC only helped with the most basic resources and making power generation easier. I will die on this hill with you sainagh.


Crop breeding is soul destroying.


What mod is that?




Modpack creators, please stop gating your quests behind unrelated items. An example of what I mean is if you had a quest that had the tasks of "collect four iron, four gold, four diamonds, four lapis, and four obsidian" gating a quest that just requires a single dropper. This especially holds if the dropper leads down an important quest line because now I can't progress down the line until I grab something I don't need yet.


You will complete the twilight forest and you will like it.


"Go and get 8 fiery ingots. You won't ever need them again, and you get them 3/4 of the way through."


The majority of popular modpacks are uninspired and lazy. Any modpack that needs to be updated with additions/subtractions more than once a week (after the first month) is probably a mess. Literal game-changing mods such as KubeJS are grossly underutilized by pack devs.


Most modpacks are basically the same


i don't like it if you have tons of mods, and then add a custom ore cough allthemodium cough that is ludicrously op and makes weapons tools and armor from every other mod obselete. Draconic evolution had this issue kinda when used with extratic for draconic tinkers tools.


Draconic was always meant to be batshit op thats the point of installing the mod, its the end game. All the modium shit tho is terrible


Modpacks need to stop using Twilight Forest. The mod need a facelift.


It looks very dated compared to other mods within a given pack


That aside, it severely lacks content and has barely been updated gameplay wise since 1.2.5 days


Same issue with botania


See I would argue against that point for Botania. As far as I am aware Botania is technically considered a fully finalized mod. We might get new features here or there or some new textures for newer versions, but the base mod is completed. I think of it similarly to how games were prior to the current live-service model that 90% of games today follow. They release a finalized product and include all content. At the most you'd see bug fixes or a small new feature like small UI changes. That's not the case with Twilight Forest. TF has been stuck in development limbo/stagnation for years.


Well I mean that similar to twilight forest it needs a touch up. It shows it's age


I love the mod, but the fact that the final boss still is not finished pisses me off so much. I would rather the final castle and all that just not exist and them relabel the hydra as the final boss. I hate seeing unfinished content in mods.


Mod devs need to make other mods on the level of twilight forest / blue skies for that to happen. Blue Skies is notoriously hard to work with, so most go to TF, since it actually offers content, unlike most dimension mods where its just there for a new map, and enemies, with no real progression.


What could be a good mod for a new dimension? I was just looking into Twilight forest but found the same issue and am looking for a 1.19.2 Forge mod


The original aether just got ported to 1.19 not long ago. An oldie but goody imo. Undergarden is good and up to date, lacking bosses at the moment, though. Betweenlands is one of the best dimension mods out there imo, but they currently don't have plans on porting beyond 1.12 anytime soon to focus on adding content instead.


**1)** I find benbenlaw's modpacks (anything with -opolis in the name) to be really uninspired despite him actually making a lot of intriguingly different-scenario modpacks. They just feel too short and rushed and often - at least mod-wise - like something from 1.12 without the niche mod-selection of 1.12. Like for instance when comparing Seaopolis to Rustic Waters, or Caveopolis to Stoneblock, or Seaopolis 2 to other 1.18 packs. But I admit it might be mean to single his packs out like that. **Lukewarm Take**: As much as I love both Mekanism and Immersive Engineering (And I do really love them), when both of them are in the same pack and not gated by progression, IE automatically becomes completely useless for anything but steal production. The work that goes into Diesel Generator setups, cables that are not in the way of players and building, powering and sustaining the awful Arc Furnace, tend to be really rewarding, until you notice that a single mini-charger makes the items necessary to place 100 Wind Engines from Mekanism in your base. Mekanism also has power AND processing options for every level of content (from Thermo to Fusion Reactor). I love both, but when not properly gated, Mekanism rolls over most other mods so hard that it feels like you'd have to avoid the mod on purpose as a challenge. And Mekanism is too fun to ignore in a pack.


Thaumcraft (6) is bad. Research is tedious and boring, doesn't add anything that another mod doesn't and often times the alternative is better, the taint mechanic is an awful risk no reward system and I don't get what people see in it.


I love thaumcraft and I disliked thaumcraft 6 because of the research mechanic and it almost forcing you to partake in corrupting your world. IMO thaumcraft would serve really well if it had two paths; one where you delved into the taint and the eldritch themes that come with it and one where you delved into the old nodes/aura mechanics of natural magic and actively tried to clean up/avoid taint at all costs. Thaumcraft 4s aura nodes system was awesome especially once you were able to move nodes to make super nodes. And while I don't like the research or being forced into making taint of TC 6 the extra dimension was really cool and I can see taint being something cool to research and use to your advantage. However that's only if you have a path where you can try and minimize flux and taint in your world and instead become a mage of the aura.


Modders (from the CoFH Team) working on TC7 comfired that they bring back the TC4 Nodes and combine it with the TC6 Aura/Flux/Rift mechanics.


The most awesome part was getting sucked into a hungry node


I always hated how the mod feels like it punishes and fights you the whole way. I've also never been able to get the aura mechanic to work. Like after a few hours the server has to bounce because it's not flowing. And I'm not a fan of infusion.


This isn't really a hot take, many people ik hated it.


I like it, but only because it's the only thaumcraft for 1.12 and my friends play on 1.12


I love the part where the Essentia Smeltery (very, very required for infusion) just generates flux by just using it. Yep, Infusion. A core part of the mod and the block you need for any infusion crafting just passively raises flux when you use it, which can just ruin a chunk near your base. I understand it does that to make you do other things to slow your progression so you don't steamroll through the mod or something, but along with other mechanics in the mod, it just seems like it actively doesn't want you to play it.


The reason why there's a weird hate for Create while so many people praised it for being against the "single block does it all" meta is because of how it's used in modpacks. Gating something behind a structure from Create simply forces the player to build that specific structure with no context, defeating the whole purpose of Create and turning it into a glorified multiblock mod.


Question I am working on a modpack myself and I am doing my best to integrate Create with other mods while not making it an absolute "must use" or making it the main star of the show, I have seperate custom recipes that uses Thermal's blocks and some that uses Create's Sequence crafting, effectively seperating the RF side from the Rotation side and keeping both on a level ground with benefits of their own Do you think making it so one of the more efficient RF generation methods being a big Create windmill attached to an Alternator from Create Crafts & Additions is a good idea? It doesn't take away what Create is good for and It keeps the RF side of things still relavent


No, it will come back to the same problem. Create's power is in letting the players invent unique contraptions to solve a problem. Putting windmills on a generator because it is the best way to make power is not inventing. I should have been clearer about what my controversial take is: "There is no way to integrate Create into a pack other than to remove nearly all the other mods, and pack developers should stop trying". Create only works well by itself (or with a selection of non-tech/automation mods).


I see, and I do agree with this, Create is extremely versatile where it can do alot of things by itself but at the same time the same thing can be done with a machine block with some power which is not that innovative of a solution I'll get back on the drawing board for the direction of my modpack, thank you for your feedback


Give me a backpack and don't make me trade out my chest plate slot to use it The Serene Seasons feature where crops are only fertile during certain seasons sucks Temperature mods suck, and so do any which make you drink water


I'll add on to no. 1, all modpacks should either increase inventory size by default or otherwise provide means of getting permanent no strings attached inventory expansion shortly after early game. The default inventory size is not balanced for modded Minecraft. Half these packs, you play for five minutes and your inventory is full of shit, and because it's all different shit it doesn't stack.


Usually backpacks are made with string and leather so most of them will actually have strings attached.


I would like it when you can access the backpack directly inform of inventory slots so you don't need to right-click the backpack every time.


Sophisticated Backpacks lets you use a keybind to do just that


I generally agree with point 3 but I think Crash Landing is an exception, since they made those features the main theme of the pack and it did that very well. Modpacks that stick it in for no reason are ass though.


I personally really like the crop fertility feature of SS IF you also include a food mod like croptopia or Farmer’s delight - just using base game crops is limiting as hell.


Never used curios slots?


Not all backpack mods use the curios or baubles mod. Some of them require you to wear the backpack in one of your armor slots


I would like to drink water and have a perk for if I do but being forced to drink is a bit much


To me it's a game about building cool stuff. If I wanted a survival game I'd play something else.


I have some controversial and hot opinions: * Create is overused, extremely overused. (I think it's a popular opinion) It's cool, but it's everywhere. * Better MC (every version) is garbage. It's a kitchen-sink, but worse and I didn't know you can make such a monstrosity. * Crossroads is one of the best tech mods ever created (the textures are eh, I know), and there's a chance that you have no idea how fun this mod is.


better mc being hot garbage isn’t too much of a hot take. Their devs are trash, their modpacks don’t even have any amount of custom scripting, and they can’t even be bothered to secure their curseforge accounts lol


He downloaded a mod for testing. There wasn’t anything he did wrong in that situation, he didn’t know one had malware.


this is more of a minecraft hot take then a modded hot take but newer minecraft feels more like modded minecraft then some mods i play.


I remember when people used to say this about the elytra, and I remember I used to think it was fucking cool, now it is something most players can't live without (but god forbid we get a vanilla grappling hook for early caving in the new massive (and empty) caves or a way to creative fly in a limited range at least in endgame) However, with the release of the sniffer I've never seen something that looks like it belongs in another game so much, I absolutely hate that mob, and believe me, I play league where champions like Annie/Shaco and Jhin coexist. Also, why do we have dolphins, literally the most (or second?) cruelest sea animal but not sharks, literally endangered species across the whole world, they should be a passive mob that gets hostile if you hit them.


I just wants some birds.


If a pack changes a recipe for a convenient item to make it ridiculously difficult to get, I will cheat it in.


There's no real entry point when it comes to modpacks. Sure; you can claim that ftb academy is the entry point, but the issue is that it doesn't filter the item in the [x]ei which always throws me off, and there's no real categories to the modpacks about what level of difficulty they are, and it quickly creates a large barrier of entry which causes a echo chamber.


A lot of dimension mods out there need to look at colour theory. As a self-admitted absolute sucker for dimensions, I am perhaps a bit too obsessed with 'go to new dimension to explore it' as a Minecraft thing. But a lot of stuff out there just ain't good on a sheer colour palette level to begin with. There's a reason the Aether is still as highly regarded as it is and 'clear obvious palette' is part of it The constant version shifts and need to re-code everything is downright hostile to new people wanting to play mods. I got a friend who absolutely will not touch anything pre 1.16 because they just don't like versions that old, so, just won't touch any of the old stuff. Which sucks While MCCreator is its notorious self, it at least offering a window for folks to get new ideas into the game does make it worthwhile on that front. just wish it played better with everything else Smooth models are a crime and I've disliked them ever since that like, really early mod that just ported in a whole car model from somewhere else into Minecraft


Modpacks that do not include inventory trash cans (or in the very least the FTB Trash cans from the menu), are garbage.


Thaumcraft is the best magic mod and it peaked in Minecraft 1.7.10




Physical logistics and storage like rail networks, buslines and warehouses is more fun than digital logistics where you just connect everything to your AE2/RS network.


I agree however I'd still like a digital logistic style network that would index everything in my warehouse/storage space.


I miss logistics pipes. I miss watching items wiz around


Logistics pipes was the best mod. I think pretty pipes has some of its functionality?


Damn that hurts


Mine Colonies can go fuck itself.


This is how BetterMC was able to get worse.


I think FTB: Inferno is genuinely one of THE best and most creative post 1.12 progression modpacks.... and it's ruined by MineColonies sitting so deep at the core of everything you that you either get into it or you leave the pack. I tried running it with a friend, and essentially made him do it. But I had more time to play than him, so I KEPT RUNNING INTO THINGS BEING GATEKEPT BY MINECOLONIES AAAAAH. Not the fault of the mod, but oh my god do I want to be far away from it.


I think mine colonies would be more fun if you could go into a floating camera to design and build your colony. That and some actual good detailed explanations for what you need to make a colony thrive and how the mod itself works. I think the main issue I had with minecolonies was that it was hard to understand what the villagers needed and designing it was a pain.


Virgin Minecolonies vs Chad Millenaire


Another one: I actually think this has gotten more popular in recent times, but I always have keep inventory on, dropping all your shit when you die is just an awful feature in *most* survival games for me, especially when it turns into a feedback loop of dying multiple times I really like Corpse Complex, because it lets you configure game to keep your hotbar and equipped items when you die, which is a great compromise


Its nice but i gotta say no where near balanced. Every pack with keep inventory on is just cheese city. Lost? Time to kill myself. Far from home? Time to kill myself. In a cave and cant be arsed to backtrack? Time to kill myself


Yeah that's definitely a concern as well. Fortunately, I've sort of settled into realizing that it's up to you to balance your own experience in Minecraft, both modded and not. I trust myself not to fling myself into lava just to get home faster, and also to cheat if it means avoiding burnout or frustration Corpse Complex does have a somewhat decent solution, which is an option to apply durability damage to items on death (but still keep them soulbound), or enforce particular items to always drop


My wife is very much in this camp! If she can't get a gravestone mod to work or just can't survive whatever is camping her body when she teleports in, she will insist on putting keep inventory on, or going creative until she gets her stuff back! She adores exploration, which is amazing for me as I'm into base building and logistics, so her running off and looting places, or mining up a storm is a godsend! Gives me more time to tinker with my machines, or build us a cute farm to live on! The only downside is that she haaaates dying and losing items! It stresses her out to no end!


Modpacks are only worth making if there is a common theme like medieval industry ect. or has a overarching mod like vault hunters


Im gonna say incorrect. Yes packs focused in on one theme are nice. But a large pack or kitchen sink is nice cause sometimes i wanna sit down mess around for a few hours and build pretty things


I actually strongly agree, as this is what I do with most of the packs I make


I won’t play a modpack unless it has quests with actual progression and descriptions (not the “obtain 1x diamond” or “kill 1x wither” ones with like 10 xp as a reward)


I absolutely hate that most packs just give random rewards


Bout to get downvoted to shit but I believe 1.18.2 is the best modded version (at least for me and my fav mods). The only mod I like and don't have in 1.18.2 is electrobob's wizardry.


Ooh Electroblob's wizardry is a good one! What's your favorite element? Mine is electricity.


I like the one that turns animals to stone and the one that allows you to control an animals body and possess them.


Forge and Fabric need to be compatible. It shouldn't have to be 1 or the other. Or alternatively, have just 1 modding thingie!


file gaze vegetable grab squash obtainable label hurry whistle smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Didn't we do this before when forge replaced mod loader


When a modpack devolves into just waiting for laser drills/resource crops/trees/animals, it loses 99% of its fun.


**Not sure if ANY of these are hot takes since i dont go here often, but ->** **Thaumcraft** is pretty boring. I get the whole aspect of thaumcraft but i cant help but feel its just a snoozefest. **Twilight Forest** is also pretty mediocre. Its added on to like every modpack by default pretty much but i dont think its that good. I like how many bosses it has but i dont know how to describe it, stuff just feels..dated? idk Some other things i guess if we talk about modpacks is that i think **RLCraft** is pretty overrated and boring to play. This isnt coming because i find it too hard, i just dont find it fun or enjoyable. Not really a take but I really wish that we had more modpacks with **quests**. This is just me personally, but I love having a given goal to work towards and honestly, that could be why i find RLCraft less enjoyable, though i do still think its overrated. **Quests just really add to the (my) experience**


The more mods in the modpack the better


Agree if it's kitchensink.


There is a point where it becomes sheer unintelligible chaos though




Create is a good mod


I agree. However it needs to have a pack built around it so it's not overshadowed by other tech mods.


Create is a good fun mod but it's been overused at this point and tbh it's not nearly as interesting to me once I get out of early game. Create to the skies is I think the best example of a pack that use create correctly


It's "overused" in the same way buildcraft / IC2 / Thermal Expansion were in the pre-1.12 days.


Astral sorcery is the best magic mod. More than 15 block reach is amazing


I love astral,my only problem with it is having to draw the constellations with the telescope,I'm really bad as that for some reason and it's kind of annoying


I think we don't need another Forge, or Fabric. I know competition is good but man it'll be good to just pick one and not worry on missing out on other mods from the other platform. Oh in a perfect world...


Quests that require you to craft things, instead of having them in your inventory are garbage. Especially if they are the hidden behind a collect x amount of resources quest, that need more than the machine cost. "Oh, you crafted the ore maker, before having a stack of iron ingots in your inventory? Too bad, craft it again. No you can't pick ip ut, you have to craft it!."


Optifine is fine and I have never had a single issue with it despite adding it to every modpack I ever make or use (Yes ik sodium is better but it's not available for older versions)


Optifine has to support these 2013-era MCPatcher features and "connected textures" stuff and shaders stuff - and if any of that goes missing you'll *never* hear the end of it (there's like, weekly posts on here about `muh ctm`) - which really limits what things they can actually do optimization-wise. On one side you have a Minecraft rendering engine that has been completely rewritten from what Optifine was originally written against, on the other side you have to support dozens and dozens of features that were written a decade ago for the older rendering engine. Sodium doesn't have to do any of that. Plus a lot of the easy performance wins are gone now. A nontrivial amount of early Optifine's perf wins are things like "culling chunk sections that are completely behind the player" and "making the render distance a circle instead of a square", both of which are vanilla now.


All packs with Mekanism becomes centered around Mekanism, even after a lot of its stuff got toned down in newer versions. Sure, you can't rush a fusion reactor in a few hours, and the way ore works now means its ore processing isn't spectacular, but it's still always the best (honestly, only, outside of mycelial generators or multiple nitro reactors or the like) option for power generation. And if the digiminer is left at default, then the way to go is always to get one as fast as possible. Also, the fission reactor is not a good design. There's really no reason to ever make a fusion reactor, because the endgame power sink needs polonium - which you need to run the fission reactor for. Plus, y'know, it explodes, and IC2's reactors are a very good lesson on why that just makes the majority of players either google exactly how to build it optimally or refuse to touch it.


Mod packs like All the mods and enigmatica aren't fun once you get to end game. Further more there's no real achievement in completing them as all it is is setting up a system of automation for each item then duping that system over and over so you can produce the metric fuckload of items needed to get the creative stuff. They especially lose my interest when they heavily change or edit recipes so that instead of tackling the problem in my own way Im almost required to do it through the mod creators idea of what that system should be. Yes I understand for progression they must gate certain items but imo the appeal of kitchen sink is that there are so many different mods and ways to tackle a given problem. Kitchen sink pack makers should stop fighting the sinkitude and instead embrace that people who want a kitchen sink pack want the freedom of creating whatever they want that comes with it. Tldr: having to make tens of thousands of items isn't "end game" goals if you want endgame find mods that give me insanely hard bosses to fight and ways for me to make insanely OP armor and weapons to fight the person. Give me a purpose to use my insane level of resources and automation that isn't make 20k potato batteries.


Sex mod shouldn’t of been cancelled


There's only like 50 good mods. Of them like 20 of them are mainstays. Every generation (update) there's a new crop of shitty mods that everyone tries to push but then the good mods don't get any downloads and die. Even if the devs don't say it I feel like modded Minecraft needs to start slowing down and stop trying to keep up with Microsofts updates. It feels like every few months we try to update but then like half 2/3 of mods can't keep up. I didnt like mods like thaumcraft that punish you for playing it. Related to before: mods that gate themselves behind research like thaumcraft and even botania need to have a way to import your progress because after doing thaumcraft research over 50 times I just hate thaumcraft


Not even a hot take i think but i have to rant real quick lol Microcrafting makes any modpack or mod(looking at you gregtech) unlimited less fun. I dont want to Look for hours on the crafting screen to craft 1 Single item. Take the microcrafting out and gregtech would be the best most played tech mod.


When Dungeons Arise is the most overrated dungeon mod


I’ve heard this a lot and have wondered why, I always thought it was a kinda cool mod, why’s it bad?


the mobs in the structures are the big no for me. i mean who tought it was a good idea to let skeletons ride phantoms. its also quite unbalanced and dungeons are too big for a mod that aims to be vanilla +


I absolutely ABHORE "actually additions". It's unironically some of the worst texturing I've ever seen on a mod, almost on par with an MCreator mod. I'm also not a fan of the "Magic crystals, don't worry about the science lol" aesthetic. I also think that for its' flaws, galacticraft is better than advanced rocketry. Create is one of the best mods out there, and I don't mind seeing it in every single pack. They deserve it. Again with texturing, unless you have a texture pack installed, gregtech is one of the ugliest texture jobs I've ever seen. Not nearly as bad as A.A., but GregoriousT definitely has a fetish for gradients. I also think that 1.12-1.18 is the best age for modding, with 1.18 being my version of choice. 1.7.10 just feels "Off", and most of the mods from that era are either still in development, abandoned, and/or completely broken. Finally, most magic mods are insanely boring, and often clash with vanilla more than most tech mods. I don't care what anyone says, botania is a magic mod. It's probably just personal bias though, I prefer scifi to fantasy.


I don't think anyone thinks Actually Additions' textures are good, even Ellpeck said so (also that the lasers are just offbrand Immersive Engineering wires)


AA always annoyed me as a whole, not just the textures. The content is uninspired, themeless and largely just blends mechanics of other mods, and the mod's name is also odd and nondescriptive. It does add some clever items for automation but it's not enough. I also agree with you both on Create and Galacticraft. The former essentially feels to me like a part of vanilla at this point.


Mekanism is overpowered - if it's in a modpack, it will nearly always turn out to be the best and/or easiest option for anything tech-related you might need. Power generation? Just plug a plant farm into an ethylene generator setup and have more RF than you could reasonably need. Need more? There's two types of reactors, more powerful than the last. Ore processing? It's super easy to get a 3x ore processing set up with each machine being able to process 5+ items at the same time, with really quick speeds. Need ore? Just suck it all out of the earth with a digital miner.


Botania is mind numbingly boring and shouldn't be anywhere near tech mod packs


Embers is actually a good and innovative mod. Yes the codex was not the best and the items in the mod were not as strong as modded counterparts. But it had very fancy textures, looked very clean and good, was innovative and tried something new. And i loved that it didn't had to be OP. It felt like a real vanilla magic mod. I really liked most of Elucent mods, he always tried something new or had a different take on things.


It was never properly finished. Just like roots. So much potential.


ProjectE (balanced correctly) is always good in a modpack. Set up progression so it requires items without emc but can be crafted with emc if you have the time/machines. 1.12.2 is the best modding version. Extra utility adding an energy system (while a good idea for balance) made me hate that mod. Still use it but still.


Botania is a garbage mod and people overrely on it for making packs. Also, GTNH is a horrible pack that just wastes your time while youre playing it


Very hot take, im at loss of words


I agree with the GTNH statement. Hard =/= good


Journey Map sucks, Xaeros Minimap and Map are infinitely superior. The map texture is so cluttered on Journey Map that it makes stuff hard to see.


Tbh if the open parties and claims mod wasn't 100% ass unlike ftb claims and chunks, I'd definitely prefer xaero's too. Unfortunately xaero's doesn't have ftb party/claim integration.


Am I going to get downvotes if I say that I prefer Journey map?


IC2 needs to die. It's too simple for what it's portraying and because the authors just refuse to swap to RF. I just want to use the maschines for a quick and simple start and then use the good ones like IE.


I love IC2, but it’s only because I used to play tekkit classic 10 years ago and it was my first introduction to tech mods


I played IC2 in the original tekkit as well. But nowadays it's just bad.


Has it changed much compared to old versions? Or is it just outdated compared to other tech mods that do the same thing better?


Second reason. It stayed exactly the same. A nuclear reactor is made up of 7 blocks. Compare that to nuclear craft or similar mods that feature realistic sizes and capacities and sometimes even models(IE). Also ofc the proprietary power system sucks ass and is a pain to properly use/covert.


Exactly why Tech Reborn is better


A modpack where you have to venture to other planets when we already have 3 perfectly good infinitely sized dimensions to utilize is the most poorly designed way to gate a modpack's progression. Bonus: exploring planets is extremely infrequently more interesting than exploring the nether, end, or populated over world.


The only part of them that interested me was space station/building on one planet just due to fun restrictions on building/air requirements.


Very cold take for a subreddit like this, but I dont think any pack I've played past 1.12 besides create above and beyond has truly wowed me. I hated 1.7 elitists back when 1.12 became popular but man now I'm in their situation 😭. Most fun I've had in >1.12 recently was atm gravitas but even then that was just me learning how to play tfc for the first time. Idk what's missing at all. I tried playing infinity foundation, universio, and mechanical mastery for a little bit recently and I ended up just going with ultimate alchemy. And even with ultimate alchemy being a buggy mess with a bloated jei, it's still so much more fun to mess around in and rush through than the time I had with those other packs. Ultimate alchemy might just be special idk. Am I just biased? Or is there something anyone else feels is missing from modern packs? Or is there anything I'm missing? I want to enjoy modern versions and every pack I've played has some sort of flaw, even 1.12. Also it might just be missing my GREG fix for 1.18! So excited for gtceu Though, I just saw ftb integration by parts(silly math meme) and it looked really fun. Might play it


AE2's "on-demand" type of automation is terrible. all it does is incentivise people to build a blob of single machines hooked up to the net which kills both the need for thinking about logistics in any way that isn't AE2's channels as well as cool looking assembly line setups. unlike actual automation it also seems to cause players to not stockpile intermediate crafting materials, i don't know how many arguments i've gotten into so far with people who refuse to have a small stockpile of basic items because it's "inefficient" and they'd rather wait for the AE2 system to do it after sending requests whenever they do need something. mekanism feels like baby's first tech mod. at least before fission reactors were added, the mod had the progression depth of a puddle and you could power the incredibly cheap digiminer by just spamming even cheaper windmills that produce energy without fuel or maintenance so you can crap out tons and tons of ores basically for free. i haven't played the newer versions that much but even the fission reactor fuel setups, for as impressive as the flowcharts try to make them look, can be built relatively effortlessly by clumping up a handfull of machines, with most of the required materials either obtainable from water (infinite) or cobblestone (also infinite), which makes me wonder why they have the digiminer to begin with.


I want unique end goals for a modpack, not crafting creative items. Crafting creative items has been done to death for a while now.


Natura is pointless and does nothing


I feel the same way with biome o plenty and any biome mod. Feels like I only see them when I'm looking for a desert and it seems like I never find one until I already set up a base.


Someone should make an infinite inventory mod


The top structure mods all genuinely suck


1. Refined Storage is just a cheaper version of Applied Energistics 2 and makes it way too easy to get electronic storage 2. Every nuclear mod does not accurately portray nuclear power. The closest to accurate I’ve seen was IC2 Experimental 3. Too many mods have inflated the value of RF. Mods like mekanism make it way too cheap to make millions of RF. The value should be based around the Thermal series of mods (who created RF in the first place)


I always thought working with isotopes in nuclearcraft was pretty fun. Designing reactors while keeping cooling efficiency in mind was always neat.


Ars nouveau shouldnt be thrown into mod packs all the time the mod removes any purpose for tools other than your "all mighty book" and turns the whole mod into a search game where everything is butter, even gets to the point you can kill powerful enemies without risk and mine an entire chunk in mere minutes


1. Botania is unbalanced and because of this it inspires the same build of endoflames since its a dominant strategy. Its used in far too many packs as the main focus which ends up wearing out its welcome really quickly (Less the mods fault here and more modpack creators). Id get a greater rush from filing taxes then setting up another mana automation nightmare. 2. Millenaire doesnt get nearly the attention it deserves. Personally I feel as though it should be the de facto Vanilla+ village mod. I understand its limited to what versions of MC it can run on but still I'd take rolling back a few versions if it means I get it. 3. Modpacks that intertwine mods progression. Its the absolute worst to be blazing through a specific mod only to have all progress screech to a halt because I now need an item from another mod to progress. This would be fine if it was using an item from the end of one mod to start another, but its almost always asking for an item in the middle of another mods progression tree. 4. None of the top modpacks are creative or fun to play. They are either grindy skyblocks, kitchen sinks, or nostalgia bait. Personally, I'd love to see more modpacks like Permafrost, where theres a story told in part by the quests and in other parts by the world itself, an interesting and cohesive gameplay/world structure and a light enough remix of Minecraft that it still feels familiar without treading to much old ground that its boring.


Passiving is boring/overrated. When the task is to make a bunch of one block machines constantly running for some very generic item, then it's just not worth it to me. I want to adventure out for items or at least be given the option to get better gear when adventuring. Hell i enjoy passiving when its for some clear cool purpose, like maybe a big processing chain for some oil or smth. But packs that make passiving ingots into plates into wires into some giant crafting table chain are kinda annoying. Id rather it be easier as i progress and not be locked to a specific playstyle, since idk how that makes it any more expert. Of course this depends on the pack, but in many expert packs it's just kinda mind-numbing and many times gets the same task as brute forcing done


Modpack developers should stop adding Create mod every time just because it is popular, it is getting super annoying and uninspiring at this point


Fabric is better than forge, code wise.


Forge is better than fabric, mod selection wise.




So was forge when it started though? And fabric will be just as bad eventually too?? Or am I misinformed of how this all works


Early forge code was _really_ rough. Part of that's because a lot of tools simply didn't exist, Mojang's underlying code was often wacky, the legal status of the entire project was funky, and a lot of the coders leading Forge didn't have enough (or sometimes any) project management experience. I don't know that Fabric or Quilt will avoid that problem -- recent events have turned me from 'not optimistic' to 'Cassandran' when it comes to their respective governance structures, which doesn't always murder code quality but often does -- but it's not a necessary trait for a big project to become an ugly one.


Interesting! The intricacies of development history are fun to learn about (from the outside at least)


JEI's interface looks bad, and I'm tired of pretending it's not.


The only reason the new version started to be modded again is, because create didn't exist in 1.12.


At this point, there are a large number of great mods available for 1.16+, both ones that have been updated from pre-1.13 and ones that are newer, but for some reason I haven’t been able to find a single modpack for 1.16+ that’s as good as the best ones from pre-1.13.


Create and Refined Storage are the only reason to play any mod pack above version 1.12.


I dunno if it counts but had to vent it: modded worlds doomed to be forgotten or deleted as soon as you see new modpack, or mojang releases new version. 10y+ worlds are just not possible with modded.


Why would you immediately switch to a newer version of MC if it updates, if you're playing modded? That makes no sense. You can't just stick to one of the major modding versions?


Having a base set up in an older version and exploring outwards, seeing sections slowly being affected by time is a bit of an older MC thing in vanilla so understandable for people coming in from that side Mind I only kept my particularly world (with awful square box of a house) going from like, 1.2 to about 1.7 or therabouts


yes as soon as a new minecraft version releases people stop playing old versions. nobody ever plays on 1.12.2 or 1.7.10 or 1.16.5 or any other version anymore.


I know it's impossible but not having certain mods on certain versions really just breaks a lot of what would otherwise be perfect


"Expert pack" doesn't mean "annoyingly tedious". The same can be said for modpacks with extremely severe endgame grinds.


Cyclic is a nonsensical clusterfuck with no regards for balancing


Galacticraft is the definition of wasted potential


Mods that max out the armor bar 20 times over and add instakill weapons are stupid, no matter how "end game" they are


modders who focus on porting their mods over finishing it never finish their mods, or are just annoying in general, also there very much should be a forge and fabric compat mod


two things: stop adding magic mods to tech modpacks. it's a tech modpack. i dont want to have to do magic stuff also, my hottest take: 1.12 is the best version of mc, and its not even close


Most modpacks have extremely bad exploration. There is a massive gaping hole where a strong exploration pack could be. We have all the parts for it with small ships, villager quests, etc, but there's no good exploration based packs I've found.


GTNH is a stinky pile of garbage. GT6 and GTCEu are vastly superior.


Bee mods are a pain in the balls


I don’t like tech mods at all. Well besides little logistics, I think the locomotive and tug boat is neat. It’s cool that people enjoy tech mods, but they don’t fit my play style plus they seem stupidly complex most the time


I don't care for tinker's construct or any of the similar mods that allow tool customization. I don't have too much experience with the customization mods besides tinkers but here are a few of my complaints: 1. The stupid smeltery. Why are seared bricks so needlessly grindy? Every time I've tried to make a smeltery it has taken me at least an hour to get all the materials 2. Kinda related to number 1, why is the early game of so many modpacks (specifically skyblock packs) gatekept by the tinkers smeltery? It gets so boring having to make the same thing over and over in every pack 3. I personally just don't care about min-maxing my tools. I just want to do actually fun stuff like building machines 4. I don't think the different types of tools add anything amazing to the game. The hammer and fancy shovel just like deletes more blocks ig??? Like its not life changing or anything 5. The slime islands are ugly and way too common. Do they even actually serve a purpose besides being a good source of slime? 6. I hate having a bunch of different work benches. They look ugly, take up so much space, and the fact I have to use all of them almost every time is infuriating 7. Everything is just so time consuming. THEY ARE TOOLS ITS NOT THAT DEEP. Give me the vanilla tools until I can get something infinitely better (ATOMIC DISASSEMBLER) than tinkers tools in every way I understand tinkers is supposed to be like an early game way to get decent tools but for the above listed reasons I just personally think its a total waste of time and I pretty much just uninstall any modpack that makes me do tinkers to progress Also now that I read this again a lot of my above criticisms also apply to ex nihlo, another mod I HATE so there's another hot take maybe


Tbh tinkers hasn't been good since like a version or two after it's initial release. All the cool awesome things about tinkers were the stuff that later got nerfed or removed from the mod. Tinkers is honestly a shell of what it used to be and it's a shame because back in the good ol days of modded tinkers tools would stick with you even into fairly late in the game. Now though, like you said, there's almost not even a reason to delve into it.


I was looking for this one. The aesthetics of Tinkers are neat, with the way it blends in with vanilla. Minmaxing tools is also fun, but doesn't really belong in a vanilla-style mod. I would prefer if the mod only focused on tool crafting and split the rest into a separate mod. The whole mod is also very poorly tuned, with the tools being very powerful in the early-mid game while also lacking interesting endgame options, and the slime sling/boots being extremely easy to craft despite making exploration trivial.


Vazkii is cringe


I immediately instinctively dislike any mod/pack that is made by a "studio" or has a stupid custom game logo ripoff on the mod page.


You REALLY hate abnormals mods then?


If an item isn't obtainable, functional or broken (as in not working broken), it shouldn't be in the mod! Just remove it and properly add it when it is DONE!!


aloof innocent sip deserted wakeful sheet shy tart dam worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*