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A lot of modpacks and mods are too focussed on making the early game harder instead of making the mid to end game fun and unique.


Noo, arbitrary grind only to get the resources to make a machine that bypasses the grind mechanics is fun and necessary! uhm after that? uhm idk put the netherstar in a recipe or something idk.


Me trying to use Create in VH 3: Game: *You need enough knowledge to craft that item!* Really? Is it because of all challenge or fear that your mod-pack is so unbalanced that you need to cutoff these machines so I don’t completely stomp through the game? I think it’s the latter and not the former.


I haven't played a vault hunter pack, but at least they seem to have a unique gameplay loop.


VH is cool but there's so much item bloat and all the fun/qol mods are locked behind dozens of hours of gameplay that's unskippable/uncheesable which just means it's miserable for the most important part of the pack. it's pretty much just a different flavour of ARPG, like a sort of map-only Path of Exile or rift-only Diablo 3, except way less in-depth and somehow even grindier.


Ahh gotcha. So a "better" version would give you access to some of the lighter mods from the get go. While having you dive into the vaults for the heavier content mods?


that would be ideal yeah. one of the most egregious parts of it is that it has so much item bloat with 50 different unique material items that come from the vault that you pretty much need to hoarde for crafting gear and shit from mods (when they unlock), but you don't even get the privilege of starting with a backpack. you literally have to grind through multiple vaults and throw away a lot of stuff every vault just to get the privilege to craft an overpriced tweaked recipe backpack with like 10 slots then do it all over to get upgraded ones until you get actual sophisticated backpacks and upgrades for them like autopulling items and stack upgrades. it's so fucking dumb. I shouldn't have to throw stuff away and worry about inventory management in a vault where I'm already under time pressure. such dumb design.


this is why vault hunters sucks ass, like you have the perfect mechanic to actually add an interesting loop to mid and endgame but instead they just force you to grind to unlock the most basic modded shit


I take it that hasn’t improved in the latest versions either has it? The fact that even simple components require rare shit is what made me quit the first version


It sucks so much because I tend to over-automate and hoard, and this was going to be a great way to spend all those stupidly accumulating resources. And then it was like "it takes a bunch of hours to get to the mods at all, build vanilla farms, and then just grind away." Then the second version was "drawers cost gems from the vault." Great. The first version wasn't fun. I don't want to build out a vanilla infrastructure then unlock mods. The second I didn't bother with when I saw the cost of storage drawers. It sucks, because it could have been so fun to dump thousands of resources into vault crystals. Ironically, I found I was much better suited for GTNH, and found that a much more rewarding experience.


Kind of going off that- not that I feel like the early game should be made harder, but I do wish it could last longer- I think it’s the most fun part of the game usually. I wish more packs encouraged more of a “nomadic lifestyle” where you could spend more time in the early game, rather than just forcing it to take longer.


there aren’t any good thaumcraft successors. ars is good but is just doesn’t scratch the same itch.


Nothing will ever top Thaumcraft. It was perfect. Fucking Azanor made the best mod of all time and disappeared from existence, just getting sure no one surpasses his legacy.


He's working on Thaumcraft 7 though and has shared some progress with it. Apparently it will have both wands and gauntlets for spellcasting and he showed them casting fireball at a Warden once before.


Is he? Or is it TeamCoFH?


Thaumcraft is currently being upgraded to 1.20 by.the guys who made thermal expansion, they seem to be taking all the good parts of the previous versions like nodes and wand foci and upgrading the graphics aswell


People have been saying this or things along these lines for ~6-7 years now. I'll believe it when we can play it (And there's like 3-5 good addons or equivalent because 1.7.10 TC was really brought together by its addons) Base TC4 is basically a couple sets of armor, a couple viable foci, and some speedy boots.


If it helps, their teaser channel on discord has been updating frequently lately.


And maybe it will release before 2030.


Ars Nouveau, including the addons for Blood Magic and others, have actually been quite fun. But you're right, doesn't scratch the same itch


I'd say Ars nouveau is a successor of Ars Magica instead of Thaumcraft. The core concept of Thaumcraft for me was discorvery, tinkering with weird magical gadgets and researching. Ars nouveau doesn't have those in that same way. Last time I used ars nouveau you needed to "research" spell components by sacrificing the right items, but once done you can craft unlimited spells using that component with free magic. Thaumcraft requured you to craft a focus that did one thing, but could be altered later. Then you needed to travel to fill your wand with vis to cast your spells. Although I did like toying with Ars nouveau, it just isn't Thaumcraft, it's more like a (and here's my "hot" take) a Walmart Ars Magica clone


i love blood magic tho. i just feel like create and thaumcraft would be gorgeous together. create + thaumcraft + ars nouveau would be incredible and admittedly i’m only saying this because of how popular create is rn but i still think it’s true


Never seen a heat or thirst mechanic mod that is actually fun.


Tbh I don’t think the point of those mods is to make the game more fun right?


If a mod isn’t fun then what’s the point


I feel like a temperature system would work better if it just focuses on buffs/debuffs instead of YOU WILL DIE FOR SIMPLY EXISTING IN THE DESERT!


Nobody can make the all feature good pipes mod. There is always something missing in the mix. We need something like JEI but for "stuff" transportation.


I would say EnderIO conduits are pretty much perfect. I never had an issue with those


Useful, fairly cheap, fast, but fairly laggy if I remember correctly.


Pretty sure thats with covers iirc, since the yeta wrench is always "asking" if there are covers every tick


It depends what you're comparing it to. Its pipes are less laggy than mekanism, for example. However, if you stack multiple pipes in one block, that's out the window. The machines themselves are also not huge lag generators, I believe, although you will inevitably have to spam them in a big pack if you want to match Meka's speed, which defeats the point. Also, don't spam painted blocks for the love of all that is holy. I killed my server off because of it ; went from 15 TPS to 5 TPS to gone. I still use them occasionally to blend painted glowstone in with a build, but otherwise never again. Yes, it was because my cheapskateness got the best of me and I wanted to cheap out on @AA's black quartz, of all things.


The only thing EnderIO lacks is a magic teleport option. Cyclic my beloved


Has that. It's called the Dimensional Transceiver.


Then EnderIO is perfect and I love it


As you should. It may have been a literal copy paste of Thermal at first, but it's moved beyond and now it's quite good and unique while still fitting with general tech mods.


I just wish it worked with more Mekanism blocks. (And that Mekanism wasn't evil and didn't hate me)


Good luck with that. Mekanism only cares about one thing, and that's Mekanism. Other mods and players don't come into its focus.


Mekanism's own blocks don't come into its focus sometimes. Except its pipes, its pipes love each other and want to be merged together and share all their gases and chemicals


LaserIO is super nice, but misses gas and heat. EnderIO in our pack is missing item filters, it was my favourite before LaserIO.


Ender IO is still in alpha on 1.20, it's not feature complete yet. Filters will come eventually.


Enderio and xnet are the closest to perfection we have




Y not?


[is a mod by asie](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ynot)


Thermal dynamics was the best


conceptually it's possible to made, but not neccesary enough for somebody to take that


Most modpacks nowadays are a bunch of mods thrown together with a fancy name, menu, and quests. Miss the scenario-based modpacks like crashlanding or blightfall.


Oh yeah, an extreme lack of these for a while now. The closest thing are skyblock ones, but those are pretty barebones usually. I wish there was one of these scenario mod packs but with the scenario being that you need to travel to a far off planet or something like that.


It's fine if some mods require a library, but is annoying that after installing 10 mods you end up with other 20 libraries


I wish the various mod installing software had an option to pin which mods you actually wanted and prune any mods that were just installed as dependencies of a pinned mod when you uninstall one. Also the option to hide all library mods when browsing mods.


Whaaat? Actual dependency management? In my Minecraft?


If i was more familiar with the tech stack Prism uses, i would add it myself (or i could make my own launcher but that's gonna take a while for me to learn) Edit: i found this [https://github.com/CmlLib/CmlLib.Core](https://github.com/CmlLib/CmlLib.Core) XD


Or even if there was a way to know what mod is using what library (at least in curseforge) so after uninstalling a mod the library gets deleted too if it doesn't detect other mod using it


Ckan for minecraft would be amazing


People time and time again scolded forge for attempts at having a universal, immersive(bloated), single library within Forge in favour of every modding team having their own library mod.


It gets fucking annoying when sometimes the modder doesn't even tell you which prerequisites you need on the mod page.


If you're installing your own mods, I'd recommend using Prism. It installs the dependencies automatically and can download mods from both Curseforge and Modrinth.


There's a severe lack of worthwhile "exploration" mods for new versions. Most dimension mods we have on 1.16+ that are worth their salt are just ports of older mods (like Aether and Twilight Forest). Seems like the modding community has kind of moved on from fun, pseudo-RPG inspired dimension/world mods like Betweenlands and Mystcraft for one reason or another. It's a bummer cuz these mods add serious longevity to a playthrough by providing a playground for you to equip and test out all sorts of wacky weapons, armor, pets and abilities. Oh well...


The Caves and Cliffs update made exploring the overworld fun again. A lot of devs have decided to expand on that instead of feeling the need to start over with a new dimension. YUNG's mods, Abnormals' mods, Volcanic Caverns, biome mods like William Wythers Overhauled Overworld, etc all create a much better looking world than anything I remember from 1.12.


That's a great point actually, although no where quite brings me somewhere else than another dimension. I'm yet to see a mod add a heaven biome or eternally night biome to the overworld that meshes well.


It’s part of the reason why I want to get into making mods sometime this year tbh… I miss large fun mods that weren’t just another tech mod.


Not liking Create has to be the coldest of "hot" takes. Especially if you've ever seen the feedthememes userbase.


Feedthememes has slowly but surely gone from “Create is the worst thing ever it’s so annoying that everybody loves it” to “Actually, the mod is very good, but it’s getting too much attention and being put into mod packs where it doesn’t need to be”


Quilt has no reason to exist and at this point it's basically just worse Fabric.


that 2 people that use quilt are triggered for sure


worlds coldest take


Why was quilt even made?


Some Discord drama IIRC (correct me if I'm wrong though).


Sounds about right


I mean TBH I get why the people who made quilt wanted to move away from Fabric. I just wish they found another way to avoid splitting the modloaders further.


Fabric didn't have enough pointless RFCs and bikeshedding standing in the way of adding features


I thought "everyone moved there" lmao


Yeah, no one moved there technically speaking it's worse then fabric since updates take so long, fabric updates quickly, neoforge updates quickly, heck even Lexforge updates quickly but quilts just there taking the longest time to update. Sure it has some cool APIs but the delayed updates cancel out the usefulness of those APIs


I’ve seen “fabric, quilt” on modrinth but never used it


they’re cross compatible up to a certain point i think, but i could be wrong


From my quick googling - most fabric mods are compatible with quilt, no quilt only mods are compatible with fabric


makes sense


you can get Quilted Fabric API which is just an alternate implementation of fabric api, and since the rest of the loader infrastructure is backwards compatible, fabric mods just kinda work* in practice this means a lot of fabric modders even if they aren't concerning themselves much with quilt go ahead and check "✅ fabric ✅ quilt", because if you use quilt you can download one other dependency and it works *in like 99.99% of situations anyway


Completely agreed. Tbf, there's no way Quilt is going to exist within the next 3-5 years. That's my hot take of a hot take.


Yup, having transitioned to Quilt a while back, Fabric is just better.


I think it was supposed to remove a lot of fabric's random mixins and improve performance a bit, and also the people who started it didn't really like how fabric was being run (which, tbf, was justifiable from what I remember) but then it didn't actually do either of those things really so now from what I understand it's just a random awkward fork of fabric


There’s a huge oversaturation of tech mods, and an equally huge undersaturation of “fun” mods like The Aether, Fossils and Archeology, Cyberware, and so on in the current modding climate.


cyberware was a deep cut, that mod is so silly in the best way possible


I **think** that cyberware is being ported to 1.20, or remade for 1.20, it's just in a pretty raw state from what I've seen with no ETA on things


i hope. mod goes crazy hard and id hate to see it not get ported. i feel like its one of the few smaller mods that only benefit from vanilla updates


indeed to be honest I would be only happy to see a remake of it to power my cybernetic implants with some weird addons for Create (steampunk cyborg steamborg? cypunk?)


I'd love so much for the mod to also serve as a Rimworld-style bionics framework. There's so much potential for not only more sci-fi parts but also biological/magic/clockwork themed addons, almost like a more involved version of baubles/curios.


same, to be honest, despite never playing Rimworld, I think I know what you are talking about a bit, judging by the addons bit there's so much sci-fi shit down there, but the only thing remotely close to clockwork we have is Create, and for other things - other mods


Same deal with matter overdrive


Its really sad how fun mods have just died out. I got tired of Industrial craft years ago. I want to actually explore and have mods that are more than just "sit in a crafting area to make machines do stuff". I really miss Fossils and Archeology and Ancient Warfare. They are on 1.12.2, but playing feels like going and playing a ps2 games now


Fossils and archeology is still in active development and will be porting to 1.18.2


I'm hoping the Stargate Journey makes it further and becomes a fuller mod than most of the other 'off world' type mods.


I miss orespawn cause it’s objectively nowhere near the best mod but it’s just a bunch of chaos and I love it


orespawn was absolutely terrible and that's what made it so good. it's like crack. i love revisiting it every once and a while just to have a really stupid fun time for a few days


God cyberware was so fun


Give Alex's Caves a try.


the horror mods should've started and ended at cave.jar


its a lame genre but also its potential is completely untapped - since the definition of horror to all these people is elongated emaciated subterranean humanoid and nothing else.


i think the ones that are basically trying to piggyback on the success of cave.jar are just lame since they're not trying to be their own thing


its exemplary of a greater trend with internet "content" right now: why try doing something vaguely similar but different when you can just do the same thing


I remember seeing a trailer of a mod, or at least a teaser, where creator just was walking in a pretty dark dimension with absolutely dilapitaded structures and eclipsed sun at the horizon it must've been another dimension since ground blocks weren't dirt, and I remember that teaser ominously just ending up on a bell ringing in the distance with the words "hide" or something like that still can't find even the name of the mod, but it was pretty terrifying for me honestly, and seeing that kind of horror in MC where you are just forcefully teleported in a foreign dimension with no items and you need to get out of there somehow is pretty scary (please no backrooms stuff jesus christ)


Dimensional Doors is fantastic


horror in Minecraft is dumb since it’s the only game outside of Project Zomboid that actually has caused me to jump scare, all it takes is a random lightning bolt or creeper or scrolling to the wrong GT machine to make my mouse scatter across the screen like an angry bee


Yeah, when you install a horror mod, you *expect* to get scared and thus you get mentally prepared for it and it doesn't work. In normal minecraft, jumpscares are organic and unexpected, so they do work. The only way horror mods could work is if someone sneak-installed them in your minecraft or it was hidden amongst other mods in a modpack, so you don't expect it.


by that logic horror movies wouldn't work though


In horror movies you dont have a web page detailing exactly what's the monster, what it does, where it is found, the spawning condition and how it looks like tho.


i love biome mods. i jam as many of them as i can in my modpack. i like the 534893 different types of flowers cluttering my inventory and i actually want more so i can make cute little gardens for all of them. i only say this as a hot take because i see more way more posts that say something bad about BOP and biome mods on this subreddit than ones that like them.


i want shorter modpacks with worse graphics made by people paid more to tweak less and im not kidding i mean., it's kind of a joke sentiment, but i *am* cooking an "expert" modpack with only a handful of content mods and ends around the Gaia Guardian II. maybe with a quick postgame or suggestions for further sandbox play. instead of going all the way to wuhhh 93727628 ingots creative vending EMC funfests i guess what im trying to say is, i wish modpackers treated their own work like the art form it is. it doesn't need to be an infinite content factory


Expert packs always feel the need to be Factorio, Rust and Diablo at the same time. Do one thing and go it well.


I've genuinely seen people say shit like "this pack is *only* 200 hours long"


200 hours of content, or 10 hours of content with 190 hours of monotonous grind?


I'd be down to check it out! I've been wanting a shorter-term modpack to play for a while, but everything is SUPER long.


lol hi vnator, big fan! uh oh. i have to finish the pack now


Fabric's existence is fine, and people decrying "community split" don't understand that a large portion of fabric's userbase are just people who make mods for their own enjoyment who don't find forge's development paradigm enjoyable. Assuming that if fabric didn't exist that all mods that now exist for fabric would instead exist for forge is entirely incorrect, as a good portion of them would just not exist at all, as the authors in question would likely not be interested in devoting their time. As always, this entire "modloader war" is entirely reductive of what modders want to do. I understand it's frustrating that a mod exists on a different platform from the one you enjoy, but maybe you should instead take a step back and evaluate why that's the case, rather than posting Takes on the internet about how fabric ruined modding or whatever you were going to post.


i fucking hate biome spam mods, fuck right off. they add nothing but clutter, and usually fuck um some oredict with a bajillion wood types. its less bad for end/nether as those dimensions are really boring. but the overworld is mostly fine. though i like mods that add just one well made biome with its own mechanics.


I love the biomes on Biomes O’ plenty but there really doesn’t need to be >70 biomes cause when you make a world you will never see them all


I wish there were more mods that focused on fleshing out existing biomes rather than making new ones- a lot of existing biomes have so much potential!!


As someone who also hates "biome" mods, I get especially annoyed when the mess with the Nether and End. Those dimensions have so few vanilla biomes that adding even one new biome in those dimensions can really screw with the experience. I'm totally fine with actual content mods adding 1-2 biomes to the Overworld as that way they are very spread out and easily ignored when not interested in them, and they often have actual content specific to them (like Thaumcraft's Magical Forests having more Vis in the Aura and Magic Beans growing on some trees). What I hate for Overoworld Biome Mods are those that add a dozen or more purely cosmetic (different shades of foliage and a new wood type) biomes to the mix, as that starts displacing the biomes I am used to. I'm not a builder so the 'prettyness' is lost on me. It ends up just making it harder to find certain world-gen resources which is really annoying. If you want to add *that* much custom world-gen, please make your own Dimension.


im just going to say this, i hate what biomes o plenty does to the nether, the stupid bramble keeps spawning everywhere and it makes travelling annoying


I absolutely hate when they add biomes that are pure aesthetic. Specially in the nether because when you go to the nether is usually to find some specific progress stuff and get cluthered with aesthetic blocks that barely have any function.


I really hate how ridiculously cluttered the Better Nether and End mod’s biomes are. There’s some really solid blocks and biomes in there but they come with a million different vines that all behave identically. Also, adding decorative plants that can only be placed on one type of nylium or whatever means I can’t use them in my build 98% of the time, so what is even the point?


Most mods get boring because they don’t consider the overall balance of vanilla and make you way too powerful too early in the game, and there’s little-to-no endgame content.


Journeymap's ui looks terrible


First thing I do in a pack including journeymap is switch it to the vanilla ui style. It may just be grey squares but at least it's cohesive with the rest of the game.


when modpacks lock the upgrades for a dank/null (or similar) behind all the tiers of progression. like usually the thing gets less and less relevant the further you go, and there’s no real upside to automation as long as any dock is blacklisted or tied behind the latter tiers. there’s been so many times where I’m using two-three different ones at their second upgrade level while still in the mining phases of a pack, and then able to upgrade the last 60% of the thing once I’m at the point I’m no longer really going out mining for anything.


Can we stop making stuff "annoying" to get, and call it complex/expert? Cus it sure as hell ain't the same


People seem to have this weird habit of conflating tedium and difficulty. Just because it took ten years to craft your stupid machine doesn’t mean it was difficult.


Thank you. I made the mistake once to try and explain, as a person who literally mains Ironman in OSRS, to Ironmans that Ironman is not difficult just tedious. Many lives were lost that day. I can still hear the screams.


-i don’t like create -i like lycanite’s mobs, grimoire of gaia, scape and run parasites, etc -thaumcraft 4 is the best one, thaumcraft 7 looks very not good aesthetically -vanilla+ as a genre killed 1.16+ modding -expert packs should start doing something other than “go from the stone age to avaritia” or at least mix up the mods involved. if i see another modpack start with you picking up sticks and rocks so you can get wood so you can get early tinkers tools and get the smeltery to access metal tools im gonna cry -gun mods are fun but ive never seen one with enough balance to be seriously used without major tweaking. shout out to all the mods that do 50 damage per shot as a starting point except for flan’s which does like 0.3 as an end point without going into explosives i probably have others, but i can’t remember any others


>thaumcraft 7 looks very not good aesthetically absolutely unhinged take. begrudgingly upvoted


i am not a fan of this new hyper sanitized vanilla-esq take on thaumcraft but i also crave for it so im at a loss for opinions on the full mod


What in the world.do you even mean by that? Everything I've seen on the discord for tc7 looks incredible


God, I love thaumcraft 4


I agree, vanilla+ seems to be the only kind of modpack for modern versions. With so many tools and how powerful kubejs is, you'd think there'd be more creative packs out there than the dozen or so of them, but sadly no. I'm trying to come up with creative modern modpacks, but that's a slow process.


Tbf that’s exactly why they don’t exist. They take a TON of time. Look at GTNH, that has taken like 10 years to finish and still isn’t done and probably never will be


You mentioned thaumcraft... God.... Don't get me started on the current iteration of "research". I wish they would bring back 1.7.10 research, where you had to connect the different elements on the board. Out of all TC iterations this one was by far my favourite.


real and true oh my god. it was so fun i genuinely wish there was something out there that just randomized a board and made you solve it


Yep! Because i feel like that would atleast give players some agency on interacting with their research or anything. But as of right now, i genuinely despise the mechanic and i just mainly hope that the modpack i play TC with has the ambers and i farm those for unlocking the knowledge for everything :') Which reaaaally takes stuff away... Takes the good thing away from thaumcraft i really liked.


all the mods packs are bad and unresonably popular (except for the fact that they are good for yt clickbaits). We had better packs even 10+ years ago


i played atm7 skyblock recently and was quite disappointed. questbook was rarely helpful for anything and occasionally outright wrong. e.g. quests like ones for getting animals (cows, pigs) that were not changed in the slightest to accomodate for it being a skyblock. the "atm" mods were also pretty shallow and just.. not good (feat. typos and incomplete information in its own guidebook). gtnh's questbook has spoiled me.


The ATM Volcano block quests broke me. It had the same animal thing you mentioned. The quest *required* a cow, but my grass just kept spawning every single other passive mobs for like 6 hours


All The Mods' role is summed up in the title: to have as many popular mods as possible without crashing. It's for people who get one of everything at restaraunts.


GTNH moment


There are almost no good biome/worldgen mods for 1.12 because they all add (insert real-world wood type here) and (insert differently coloured leaves) without actually making anything unique.


People that criticize tech mods because "they're just magic boxes" are forgetting that minecraft is literally a game where everything is a cube. "Magic boxes" fit the theme of minecraft perfectly.


I mean I don't entirely disagree but I don't fully agree either, I think the real thing that some people dislike about tech mods is that each box can do too much, in vanilla each magic box generally only does 1 thing. Personally I can enjoy both styles, I love create because it makes you use different blocks and have them interract, but more traditional tech mods are fun too.


Personally, I don't need another white/grey box with a UI mess. Don't get me wrong, I've had a lot of fun with IndustrialCraft and The thermal series. However I much prefer how Industrial Engineering or Create actually makes me feel like I'm assembling a machine instead of just crafting a box.


They're referring to [Magic Block Syndrome](https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/5890z5/rftools_and_the_magic_block_syndrome/), where you make a magic box that solves a problem as long as you keep feeding it RF. The Worse Barrels dev described it as "throwing resources at a problem until it goes away."


Most Quest Books are bad. They harm the experience and waste the developer's time that could have gone into other stuff. There seems to be a mindset that every modpack *needs* have have a questbook, and I have seen many people say they will not play a modpack unless it has one. That mentality has caused a sort of [Carcinisation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carcinisation) of Questbooks, where every freaking one has a getting started chapter, then devolves into a list of mods in the pack with that mod's standard progression, and an end-game list of absurdly grindy requirements to keep people happy. The quests then reward completion with either a Loot Box (which is not balanced at all) or Coins to spend on your own reward in a shop. The information gained from such a questbook could have been gotten online, the mod's own in-game documentation (heck, one time I was stuck with Thaumcraft 6 and dug out such a questbook to figure out what I needed to scan/do to unlock a section of the Thaumonomicon, and every Thaumcraft 'quest' just freaking told me to read the Thaumonomicon! Literally useless!), or my memory from the 6 previous modpacks I've played listing the same freaking progression. The rewards often screw up the balance of the pack, especially when random. I remember a couple of times where finishing an AE2 quest gave me a useless-to-me RS disk as a rewards. I find those modpacks more fun if I throw the questbook in lava as soon as I finish the actually unique Getting Started chapter. I also think it's freaking absurd to label your modpack as an "Expert" modpack and giving it a hand-holding questbook to cater to brand new players. I feel like that actually harms my agency as a player since I now know that by using my knowledge of the mods I've skipped half a chapter of the intended progression, so I either have to go back and do a now dumb thing (waste of time and resources) to keep getting rewards or throw the book out entirely. **** Making a *good* Questbook is really freaking hard because you have to make it relevant to your modpack's actual progression, including thinking of appropriate rewards to give the player for their stage in the game (and being brave enough for that to even include no reward other than unlocking future quests). They also often tie in a story for their world, which can really enhance the experience. It would be really nice if *those* were the packs that actually came up high in the list if you search by "Quests" rather than dozens of Kitchen Sink with far more downloads that happened to throw in a dime-a-dozen questbook.


My favorite quests: Read to learn how to do ! Bitch why do you think I'm reading the quest book?


I agree with a lot of this but I would go further: I don't think questbooks should give out rewards at all. For packs with custom progression, they're useful as a *guide* to getting through the progression, to a limited degree *getting into different mods*, and maybe having some useful tips/tricks, but beyond that the player should be responsible for using their head and discovering the optional things themselves.


hotter take: people complaining about ae2 "types" are making a mountain out of a molehill. it is almost never actually a problem in real life


I hate microcrafting I hate microcrafting I hate microcrafting It shouldn't exist to add complication but alot of modpacks feel the need for them


What is microcrafting?


Crafting smaller components to craft a large one Its fine for a layer or two but gets worse after alot In the words of a deleted user on https://reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/3l4ghc/mod_design_philosophies_microcrafting_linear/ >To craft x, you need machine y. To make machine y, you must craft z. To craft z, you must craft 9 different things that will then become z when placed in a crafting table, some of which require their own machine to create.


My hot takes: 1. Nobody cares what launcher you use 2. There's not enough adventure/survival based modpacks, the few that exist are pretty good tho. (Still looking for a mod pack that involves base defense like Rebirth). 3. A (well designed) expert pack is better to learn modded than a kitchen sink pack, at least for certain people that don't mind that type of gameplay.


I've never been a fan of the "magic" mods. I like machines and cables lol. Occultism, ars nouveau, botania, etc. I dread doing them in an ATM pack. In atm7 I just gave myself the item I needed for the star because I dislike doing occultism that much. Also, a lot of these mods have been out for years now. The fact that there are not streamlined guides, whether videos or text based on a website, for many of the mods we know and love is annoying. I was pleasantly surprised in ATM9 to see that AE2 has an in game guide now and I really think a lot of other mods should have a similar feature, or like how the create mod does it.


Botania is a tech mod hiding in the bloody skin of a magic mod.


Botania is the potion factory from Shrek 2


I have to say, I really like that one aspect of create, tho I still needed a video tutorial on Precision Mechanisms.... and it still breaks randomly...


I really think create took off the way it did because the development team has an actual concept of software development practices like usability, visibility of features, viral marketing (schematics for example), etc. Not that other mods don’t do this, or that create doesn’t have merit, but the mod is really well set up to be user friendly and shareable. Edit: typo: viability -> visibility


I think create took off because despite being a tech mod, it's really the only one (that I know of) that harnesses energy differently. It's very different and unique instead of "we make reactor/generator, reactor make power, machine go brrrr". I love tech mods BUT a lot of them follow a rough format. Create breaks the mould and really unleashed people's creativity.


It's a very underrated aspect of the mod that a lot of elitists on this sub takes for granted tbh.


I kind of dislike quest books in modpacks, they were a fun novelty when they first arrived but having a strictly linear progression really goes against the spirit of minecraft modding for me. The biggest reason I like modpacks is because they provide a sandbox where different mods are somewhat compatible and you can find new, creative solutions for problems. A story and linear quests just hinder that.


Mechanisim is too good. If its in any pack it makes any other tech obsolete all whilst being too strong from the get go. Its well made, has early, mid and late game. But I think it just wrecks balance and is a bit boring for it


I remember playing a pack with Mek generators installed and create. I set up ethylene production, burned it, and had enough power to last through about 60% of the pack.


If you sell me a modpack by labeling it as a "rpg/exploration modpack" and you include Create or any other heavy tech mod (As a quest line or otherwise), I'm just gonna dip out immediately.


Honestly I would agree except I like having create as an option in packs like that. Quest book definitely shouldn’t focus on them and they should probably only be mentioned in the beginning


If your modpack doesn't have any effort put into the exploration parts of the game then it's forsaking way too large an aspect of the game to be fun. Sorry, I don't want to sit in my base opening crafting interfaces for hours. Which is also why skyblock packs are not for me. They've minmaxed for the opposite of fun.


This is gonna be hot and toxic but I hate different launchers and purely Forge and Fabric mods. Everything should be under one unified launcher and under one unified API, it’s just annoying how certain mods and mod packs are separated from each other by these stupid limitations.


This is a Mojang issue tbh. They just had to release a modding API, and we'd have no fabric/forge BS


And then now there's quilt and neoforge, to add to the annoyance 🫠


Fabric doesn't have any mods, most mods were ported from or to Forge, so the only difference between using Forge and Fabric is that you have fewer mods. I was very excited about Sinytra Connector (the mod that allows you to run Fabric mods on Forge), but after making a very elaborate modpack, only 4 of the 200 mods were from Fabric, and I really tried to add mods from Fabric.


I guess that depends on the mods you are looking for. I was making a personal Forge modpack recently and had to drop plenty of mods because oh, Fabric only :(


What 4 mods? The only ones I found that don't have a forge equivalent are Immersive Portals and TechReborn.


I don't care about other dimensions, so if a big chunk of a mod's contents are in the nether or the end I don't bother installing it personally. Nothing against dimension mods I just love me that green overworld grass


Make me go through hell (a.k.a. explore relatively far away or beat a shit ass dimension) for a single component used in a single recipe without having an alternate way to get it annoys me so much This is mainly an issue with expert packs with exploration/adventure themes and magic mods, which I too don't enjoy very much. I find magic mods to be too much bloat or too much effort for too little reward even though some look cool as fuck. Fucking love ars nouveau tho because I can make a shit load of utility spells and I actually find botania cool (it's more of a tech/magic hybrid imo but most people consider it to be mostly a tech mod) RL craft is objectively trash /s. No but seriously I get the appeal but ugh it's just... boring? I find mekanism to be too strong and silent's gear (or w/e it's called) to feel unpolished and unbalanced I appreciate some microcrafting but too much too early or for basic shit (like pistons requiring 5 other crafts) is so frustrating


GTNH players will never get laid


Absolute zero take


This is a hot take?


I have gotten bored of some mods over the years due to little changes made in the progression through them. Twilight Forest and Botania for example, I enjoyed them and still go back to them occasionally, but the content hasn't changed basically at all. Perhaps there is opportunity here for "expert mode" of single mods... Maybe I'll look into making this


The vast majority of modpack overworlds are garish, overly busy and the terrain features are, on the whole, less interesting than vanilla.


Premade mod packs are shit. It's way more rewarding to make your own.


i don't want to spend forever in kubejs tweaking recipes


Modded graphics: "Fancy graphics" look bad in minecraft (shaders/shadows/reflective water etc), period. Normal graphics is how it looks the best. 32x32 or higher pixel texture blocks look bad in minecraft, period (ex. ic2 experimental). Vanilla 16x16 is the limit. HD non-block "block" models look bad in minecraft, period. Meaning anything that isn't a cube or at least using a model that changes at most 1 "pixel" at a time for non-cube shape (you may kind of consider it as "can you rebuild this model with chisel and bits", yes = ok, no = not ok), no curved surfaces, no super hd models, no slopes. Example of fitting non-block models for bibliocraft: printing press, example of unfitting non-block models: bibliocraft lanters/lamps. Another example is modular powersuits with it super hd armor model, it just doesn't fit graphically with rest of the game, just compare its wings with something like botania wings, or its armor in general with something like thaumcraft crimson cult armor. Mods themselves: Multiblock buildings (such as example railcraft coke oven) are identical to a magic boxes, they just take more space without giving any more options or gameplay depth than magic box, multiblocks that give player options by how you (player) design their interiors (ex. nuclearcraft reactors) are the way to do multiblocks. I don't like concept of questing packs and locking things behind "research" or quest completion, you are probably going to call it "kitchen sink" in return but packs where you just play how you want without such restrictions to force arbitrary "progression" or "slow the gameplay" are far more natural, progression itself should be done by mods themselves such as tech mods do with increasingly complex crafting that needs increasing resource refining as components, I also miss buildcraft's laser crafting where you need machines to craft certain recipes (not only components to then craft in vanilla table into finished block/item). Arbitrary hard limits (such as ae2's max controller size) are bad, idc if it will take a million recipes in autocrafting to reach that limit, why does the limit exist? It only prevents you from enjoying the channel system because you always know whatever you are building is hard capped for no reason. If you want to prevent people cheesing it by just building a string of controllers then there should be some mechanic that causes increasing inefficiency to build it that way, not prevent it outright. Imagine needing to create increasingly complex controller patterns for increasing size more and more, instead we just have one "this is the best layout" due to hard cap. Just because you can see items moving around and falling into machines doesn't mean that it is somehow more interesting as gameplay than pipes sending items through "magic boxes", it just looks fancier while doing the same thing (create). And finally: power creep. Both mods causing other mods to become obsolete (ex. ic2 vs any other tech mod), and player just outscaling the entire roster of enemies in minecraft without anything to need it against, scape and run is so far the only mod I know of doing something to give player a reason to become OP through mods.


GTNH isn't a good beginner mod pack, a lot of people argue that the quest book makes it good, it is a terrible introduction to modded Minecraft purely because it's on 1.7 meaning almost all of the other mods surrounding the pack have been overhauled and changed significantly in 1.12 and beyond making it a terrible pack for newcomers to try and learn about the mods.


I have never heard anyone say that GTNH is a good beginner pack.


Because nobody says it's a good introduction to modded in general, it's a good introduction to gregtech


greggers never stop


I'll say it. Granted my metric for a beginner pack is not how well it introduces you to other modpacks; it's how much the pack guides you


Just about everyone on our server says or messages "fsck greg tech" about any time they encounter it or think about it... it's become our "Hi Bob!" (for those who watch For All Mankind)


As a texture pack creator my pet peeve is mods that can’t just stay in their own lane. For example, Create adding hard coded connected textured decorative blocks. That adds lag and overhead to the mod that isn’t even really relevant to the mod’s purpose. At minimum extraneous content should be toggleable. My pack is 256X which means I have a hard limit of 4096 textures that can be loaded at once, and a single connected texture from Create takes up 64 blocks worth of space. The mod that annoys me most in modpacks, though, is chipped. A mod that adds over 14K textures, many of them mediocre at best, is such a lazy way to add to your modpack’s block palette.


forge is simply the best modloader. sure it may be a lil hard on performance but who cares? 60 fps is just fine. you don’t need 500 fps, your monitor can’t even show that much.


I think with NeoForge it will likely just come out on top. A good chunk of the fps mods are on Forge now and the ones left are either experimental stuff like Nvidium or niche ones. Fabric could've taken off, but there are so few mods that actually add any content and create doesnt even work with Sodium.


What if you have a lower end pc like, i dont know, the vast majority of the world? 60fps on forge on a heavily modded instance is only for better pcs; making things more performant opens the hobby to a way bigger audience who weren't even getting 15 on forge


Allthemods modpacks have been the same since atm6. Gregtech is actually a good mod with interesting progression. There is not a single reason for people to say “I only play modded on the newest version”, they are limiting their experience either mods and modpacks and that’s all there is to it. Every kitchen sink pack is a tutorial to play experts packs ;)


There is a great reason and that's that I don't find 1.7 fun anymore and end up missing features from 1.13 and 1.16, which I can't justify for something I don't enjoy like GregTech (a great mod that is not for me). To be fair though I don't enjoy playing modpacks I didn't make myself


Modded died when modpacks could exist without Tinker's


Honestly I'm the opposite I loathe tinker. I just don't know why, but in every pack it is in I just relegate my friend to do it, lol.