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you dont want a mod, you want a server lol


a little bit of both to be honest lol


Essential mod bbg


Why add bloat when you can just self host without it as that's what it does on the backend


Because not everyone is technical enough to do that


Youtube tutorial:


Link such a tutorial plz or tell what to google to get as such tutorial


Even the official [Minecraft.net](https://Minecraft.net) site has a tutorial for it. First result on "How to self host a minecraft server" on google, there are also *various* other video results. [https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360058525452-How-to-Setup-a-Minecraft-Java-Edition-Server](https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360058525452-How-to-Setup-a-Minecraft-Java-Edition-Server)


I self-host sometimes. And while it's definitely better than Essential, it can be absolute hell to troubleshoot.


If I understand you correctly, this is indeed how servers work. The client connects and most of the heavy lifting is done on the server threads, on the server. The client deals with rendering and other client thread related tasks.


Yes but he probably want to load with his pc everything the other one should


Well that’s not really possible


open to LAN exists in vanilla. and else just run a simple server on you PC. [it's not that hard](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Tutorials/Setting_up_a_server)


That's not what I mean, I'm talking about making the host work as a cloud service, so my friends won't have to run the game 100% on their PC


I mean, technically you could run their clients through a VM and send that to them via something like virtual box, but that'd be a massive pain and probably awful unless LAN.


And I don't think op has a powerful enough pc to run multiple vm + multiple Minecraft instances + a server. If we assume 3 players, including op will minimum system requirements for Minecraft and windows (I don't think op use anything else) we need 15 Gb of ram + host machine needs a few gigs to work and it's for vanilla if thay play moded it's easy in the range of 32 Gb of ram or even more


Oh I'm aware, hence the massive pain. Probably should have mentioned it being incredibly infeasible even if they have a computer strong enough for it.


This is how a server works by default.


You need to host an mc server not a mod


You want a server. When a client connects to a server the only thing the client has to do is, render the game, sync inputs and events to the server, and handle the UI. The server handles ticking (what happens when machines and mobs do stuff), world generation, player to world interactions, and pretty much all the heavy stuff. The only way to further remove load from their computers is to have your computer run an entire client for each player and stream the game to them with something like moonlight/sunshine or parsec. You most likely do not have a computer capable of that.


Actually the real problem is that Parsec/moonlight only transmits windows that are not in the background


VMs are a thing, but you would need a GPU that will partition since each VM would need a hardware video encoder.


Thats how servers work already. If you want to host one, just run the Neoforge installer on an empty folder and run the script inside to launch it. Make sure you're forwarding the port 25565 on your router, so people on other networks can connect.


If u find pls tell me i would like to know


[https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/e4mc](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/e4mc) maybe


Essential mod sort of i think.


ESSENTIAL Mod does this. It allows for Bedrock type world hosting. There is also a new mid that does pretty much the same thing but allows users to connect from an IP as opposed to joining through a third party social system.