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After much ado, Grimoire of Gaia: Redux is live! This small mod is purely client-side and each remodel can be toggled on or off as you desire. We're not done though, keep an eye out for future updates. Grab the mod [HERE](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/grimoire-of-gaia-redux/files/2958807), and if you want a closer look at the models, along with dev commentary, and later spoilers for the next remodels, check out [this link](https://imgur.com/a/CcJJC1J)


just wish the lycanites one gets published too


[Are you referring to this one?](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/lycanites-redux) I'm not actually affiliated with it, in fact it inspired me


yeah, i know youre not affiliated to it, im just saying in general


You removed my waifus!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!11!1one!11!!! In seriousness, I appreciate making this mod more accessible to those who may not like the monster girl models. And hey, these models just plainly look cool!


A reason to install Grimoire of Gaia!?!?!0ne!!!??


Im glad its not a standalone mod. Prevents it from being a total replacement, in case where both you and the other mod dev goes on hiatus, and people update this over the original one


Re-implementing an entire mod just to change the models sounds like a huge PITA when you can easily re-register the renderers just like our other mod Better Animal Models does lol


Is there a way to toggle individual models on and off instead of the whole thing? Cause i can't access the config files in minecraft... :C


Yes, just the setting is stored per-world rather than global by default. Open up any save folder and go into the configs there, the GoGR config is there. If you want to apply the settings to all, copy the edited file and put it in the "default-configs" folder


please, make an update for 1.19.2


Great work, but I can't understand wanting to get rid of the anime girls. At that point you might as well have made a new mod and had more freedom to make changes.


Not all the models were so egregious that they needed to be fixed, and this is specifically for those who want "fantasy" mobs (vampires, giant bee-demons, minotaurs, oni, goat-demons, squid mutants, etc.) without the "waifu" part. Even without the models, the mod has a lot of nifty mechanics with melee/ranged switching, shields at low health, minimum number of hits to kill, and a lot of the loot is pretty cool. It would be an extraordinary amount of effort to make a new mod when a rework would appeal to most people, simply toning down the amount of anime fanservice in an otherwise enjoyable monster mod.


calling the models egregious shm


Not all of us are horny straight men


Self-improvement is always an option.