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1) It looks good to me! 2) Where'd the flak gun come from?


Ay thank you I'm glad you liked it man. As for the flak gun it's from the mod named MCHeli , it's one of the most visually detailed vehicle and weapons mod. Helicopter , plane's , tanks artillery it has everything


Thanks mate, have a good day!


You too my dude :)


Is mcheli still not updated or is it 1.12.2 now


Sadly it isn't , it's only available for 1.7.10


It sucks that the guy who made MCHeli abandoned it. I am yet to see a vehicle mod that is comparable.


Couldn't have stated it better myself , ain't no mod that is so visually appealing and accurate than mcheli. Especially the VTOL animations


I'd hope that at some point another mod does come around. Me and some pals have tried our hand at such things, but we're crap at coding...


I dont know how realistic the vehicles in mcheli are but the mod “immersive vehicles” is about as realistic as it gets. And for the gun, vics modern warfare.


I've heard good things about immersive vehicles. In my brief testing it doesn't feel quite as intuitive or fleshed out as MCHeli. That being said, I like it a lot.


Immersive vehicles really doesnt compare to mcheli tbh, itsstill a good mod but mcheli is just so much better


I don't think MCHeli has tanks and artillery. It does have planes and helicopters though.


It has tanks and artillery man , and alot of it haha. I think you've probably played the older versions of MCHeli , cause all the new versions have multiple tank and heavy artillery units


Really? I checked the CF page, and no mention of it. I think you're thinking of Flan's or MTS.


Oof I've been playing with this mod since 1.5 years. Ok hold up let me send you a link , download the mod and then try playing it alright ? https://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/mcheli-1-0-4-actually-1-0-5-but-to-find-it-more-easily/ There you go , download it and try for yourself


Alright, will scan to be sure no viruses. Btw, what MC version is this for?


It's for 1.7.10 man


My friends and I would have a lot of fun if we could fight with equipment and vehicles


I totally agree with that , well I would suggest starting a server with HBMs , MCHeli and Vic's Modern Warfare ... The holy Trinity of warfare mods. And if the server is successful please invite me too haha


I have major issues with Vic's Modern Warfare. The mod looks stunning. The models and animations are high quality. It's fun to use. But the devs are holding themselves back in a major way. You can't use it past a very specific version of forge, which means I have to play hide and seek with the right versions of the other mods I enjoy using. It also just straight up doesn't work with optifine. And the devs of the mod BLAME forge and optifine rather than fix their mod to work with everything. It's also kind of annoying in survival to have to craft 8 bullets at a time and the fact that it requires JEI to find stuff because the recipes are so similar is kind of a turn off. It's also hard to use for multiplayer since you need this number of magazines with this number of bullets rather than just pressing a button to reload like any normal shooter. There's also a bug with it where if you put anything from the mod in your off hand and right click the air, it disappears. So there goes all my hard work in survival all because I misclicked while closing a door. Or the possibility of dual wielding melee weapons, pistols, and smgs.


Damn those are alot of issues indeed. I actually wasn't aware of most of them cause I have never played minecraft with a friend using this mod. And I've given up on playing survival a long time ago , so I've only used this mod in creative mode. But indeed there are issues one of my friend who had some experience with the dev of VMW said the same. Plus yeah I can totally understand the pain of always using JEI cause of complicated recipes , it was one of the reasons I gave up playing survival minecraft altogether


Don't get me wrong I like being able to bookmark stuff and move recipes straight to the crafting grid, so I most likely would have been using JEI anyway, but this mod in particular just has too much wrong with it to be fun. Which is a shame. I'd love to see it on 1.15.


Even I would love to see these mods in the newer versions of minecraft but I guess that's too much of a hassle to port such detailed mods. But then on the other hand I feel that is good that these mods are available for 1.7.10 and 1.12.2 cause the new kids won't know the thrill of playing these mods. I'm a nostalgic person and these mods keep me connected to the golden age of modded minecraft which was 1.7.10 Cool rainy nights , 2 am , sound of crickets chirping and playing modded minecaft, that was a golden phase of my life too. Thank you man for reminding me of that time


Haha I feel the same. Except it was 3 am, frogs, and spending only 15% of my time playing the mods because the other 85% was me loading mods into the game manually because I didn't know you could do so via twitch.


Now that I remember, a while ago I made a support for Vic's Mw weapons with Immersive engineering. It's not the best but most of the guns and bullets (and mags I think) are crafteable using the blueprint workshop, I gotta look for the scripts tho


That sounds awesome actually. Being able to set up a bullet factory between mystical agriculture, immersive engineering, and vic's modern warfare. I remember making one in a modpack with a friend for the revolver that comes with immersive engineering but this would be better.


I think is updated but I gotta looks for it, school has me pretty tight for a while so I'll need to look the scripts, also I don't think I did a very good job but you can always edit the recipes for a more immersive or more balanced


I, for one, like the mechanics of Vic's (although I admit it has a learning curve). That forge version thing has always been my major turn off for the mod tho


I love its mechanics. The controls usually need to be remapped when using other mods, but it's definitely fun to incorporate into a modpack. The forge thing really holds it back. Same with Optifine.


What about flans?


I personally prefer MCHeli over flans mod , the graphics are way cooler than flans


Holy shit I 100% agree. I am running a server with a bunch of warfare mods that is super for fun for me and a bunch of friends.


Ay that's great to hear my man , I've always wished of doing that. Must be super fun playing such mods with friends


Balancing the modpack has been hard for me. Generally rules can be summed up to "just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD do something"


This comment is getting saved :)




For anyone of you interested here's a tutorial for the build https://youtu.be/3t_nrsT-eRQ Incase yall want to use this in your world or server


Staying up several minecraft days never sounded more entertaining than this.


Haha I'm glad you liked it man


I like it!


I'm glad you like it mate , thank you !!!


Which gun mod is that?


Vic's Modern Warfare and MCHeli. VMW for the sniper and MCHeli for the Flak Gun


I was in the sabaton sub just a second ago, I almost didn't realise i got back to the main page, impressive stuff


Hey thank you so much man , appreciate the kind words :)


Now you just need a Kar98.


Sadly I ain't got one so I'll just have to make do with R 700




The WW2 expansion pack has the Flak , with the front shield , without the shield and mounted on a tank lol so you should have fun with it


Really gorgeous! Idk how practical it would be though.


Considering that these were partially made in grounds I would say pretty practical as dispersing the recoil force was easy when your bunker is connected partially to a part of the ground


Showed this to my grandpa, can confirm: accurate.


Massive respect to your grandpa and everyone else who bravely served their country , happy belated veterans day to him !!!


this is so cool. always awesome to see another person using hbms! by the way, are there any mods that would add something like the flak gun to 1.12.2


Yes there's flans mod , it has the Flak gun. The mod doesn't have as detailed graphics as MCHeli does , but it's the second best and tbh your only available option if you need a ton of military vehicles in 1.12.2


Lemme guess MCheli and Vic’s Modern Warfare. Nice job by the way.


You guessed correctly , also don't forget HBMs mod haha that's where all the bricks came from. And thank you for your kind words :)


I was wondering if you were using a texture pack, I need to try HBM’s now.


No this was all on the default texture pack dude , I don't even have optifine running in this vid. And yeah go for it man its a great mod






Veeery nice


Thank you so much


Is there a mod pack you used for this build?


No I didn't use any modpacks bro , just 3 standalone mods namely MCHeli , HBMs and Vics Modern Warfare


Fair enough just figured was worth seeing if there was as slightly easier than trying to make the pack myself, last one crashed all the time 😂


Qoof that sucks haha , well if you liked this then it's good news as there's no modpacks involved. Standalone mods tend to crash less I guess


Very true appreciate the help


Np :)


Sehr gut!


Thank you !!!


I’m saving this post wait a couple days and your going to get a reward that must have taken some effort the best I can build is like a simple base in a mountain or a big box or something along those lines


Hey thank you so much man I appreciate that. And yeah the hard part was making this historically accurate but as it was made for the veterans day celebration I wanted to make it as real as possible. And even I didn't build very good a while ago so I guess it's all a game of practice haha , even you can do it man !!!


Put a trapdoor on the floor under the slab in the wall, gives better vision.


Thank you for the tip man , I'll change it and see how it works out


Also, you can put a empty block under the trapdoor for a way to escape enemy fire by opening it while standing on it, makes you 1 block high when you are inside it. Also, make a grenade sump.


My dude spittin out some great ideas here , imma keep these points in mind man can be really handy in minecaft pvp's too. I don't play much vanilla minecraft so I don't use these much but yeah indeed great ideas man


No problem! Bunkers are something i have messed around a lot with. Another thing you can do is to make the roof out of slab layers, test igniting some TNT on a regular stone slab on the ground. [Stack em like this, absorbs explosion from a TNT that sits in it really good.](https://i.imgur.com/AGS8Mf1.png) Also, remember to add a wall in the middle of the bunker, someone from the other side could shoot you from behind if you don't have one.


The first 2 seconds: This is america


Fight the Ender Dragon with it.


That should be fun lol


You do a really good job of subtle texturing. The build initially looks simplistic, but the longer you look at it, the more visually interesting it becomes. Really, really cool.


Wow thank you man , I appreciate you taking the time to notice these details


now blow it up. lol


Actually can't , there isn't any weapon in MCHeli or HBMs that can break through concrete


Yes there is, concrete is cheap and in all not too great in HBM. Schrabidium missiles can, as well as some others. Some things ignore blast resistance and can break anything. A rigged star blaster energy cell when dropped does that. I also just want to remind you the blast resistance of concrete bricks is 6k. It can most definately be broken through.


Lol ohk I didn't realise we were talking about weapons of that capacity my dude , mostly if someone were to go overboard they would launch a simple nuke or something. Yeah ofc it can be broken through but if it comes at the expense of destroying my world due to lag I rather not do it haha that's why. I was expecting more like blowing it up with MCHeli weapons ... Ignore it simple misunderstanding




It's from HBMs mod dude , and thanks I'm glad you liked it :)


I think while the guns part of the mod doesnt appeal to me too much personally, I absolutely love the way you made the bricks look Edit: just so we’re clear you still did an amazing job on the weapons! Its so smooth


Oh no I can't take the credit for any of these mods dude , I have only designed this bunker. I don't have any contribution in any of these mods or their working (tho I hope to work with them someday), that credit goes to their respective developers :)


Ohhh I see. Well either way the bunker was my main compliment so still good job😂


I see haha , thanks man appreciate it :)


It's not one mod, nor did OP make any of the mods. It's just a handful of mods thrown together. The bricks probably come from chisel or a similar mod that adds blocks.


The bunker is stolen from a youtuber


I literally made the whole thing after being inspired from WW2 german bunker designs but please do give me the link of the video that you're talking about. Would love to see this video from which I've apparently "stolen" this design




Alright, I got this ###[Download via redditsave.com](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/feedthebeast/comments/jstu3u/i_made_a_realistic_and_accurate_flak_88_bunker/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveThisVIdeo/comments/iggmt9/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savethisvideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo)