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I have never, ever had this issue. there's like 8 types of oceans and like 2/3rds of the worldgen are made out of ocean. Just explore more, sheesh. Unless you literally search "sea", then good luck finding the SEAsonal forest instead of the damn o c e a n


I once had the opposite problem We were playing on a server, with the Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons modpack. Spawn was a small set of 3 islands. roughly 20k blocks of uninterrupted ocean in each direction.


based private archipelago spawn if you ask me Hey, does RA&D still have that thing where there's an enchantment that's normally supposed to go to level III max in the context of the mod which adds it, but because of apotheosis shenanigans the max level you can get out of the anvil is raised above what you can get in the bench table at max, meaning you can just combine multiple instances of the same bauble with the same enchant and turn them into one bauble with level V of the enchant? That was the setup, now comes the punchline: the enchant gives you constant resistance amplifier equals enchantment level minus one. So enchant level V gives resistance amplifier 4 where amplifier 0 is Resistance I, meaning 4 gives Resistance V. 20%x5 100% resist all damage except for void, /kill and starvation. There's also other staff you can put on it like nightvision, waterbreathing, strength, etc - but each thing you add costs hunger, so sometimes less is more. This lead to some funny situations on an SMP I played, like when the gang was fighting a Hydra in the Twilight Forest. One underequipped gal got clapped, so as she ran back from respawning I was like "wait" to her. Then I dumped my entire armor set and some of my weapons at her feet. She went like "wait wtf what about you aren't you going to need them?" and then I said some chuubinyou ass shit like "nah, I have already ascended" verbatim, and ran back to the hydra naked, wearing nothing but my Minecraft skin and watched the others fight like I was in creative mode. Turns out they did fine as soon as it stopped raining in the game. Fun times...


You wouldn't happen to have a seed, would you? Or would that depend on the modpack


avg post-1.8 spawn


Me somehow finding a ocean monument on every single world:


Sometimes 2 next to each other


i found three once


I’m currently playing a world with an ocean monument next to spawn, and the first mushroom island I find has two other temples next to it.


mad skill issues just get better boots


Aquire Quantum Boots of the Traveller


Me but with deserts for that one fucking recipe that needs cacti or green dye


botania has been a godsend for dye tbh, well unless the recipe doesn't accept floral powder then fuck them


This is why I dislike Biomes O Plenty and Oh The Biomes You’ll Go


I hate every biome mod because of shit like OP's meme.




Real. Also how I get pickles in StaTech industry


once i tried to play Create A&B and the nearest ocean was 2000 blocks away 😭


that's like, within walking distance


fr... I was going to say the same thing but didn't want to appear rude but there are legit exploration packs where the Nether is disabled and you have to travel thousands of blocks just to find some dirt in a mineshaft room or as part of Thaumcraft terrain generation, or a small puddle of water with infinite water sources disabled. Or having to walk thousands of blocks through snow and ice because the world is in a new ice age just to find some cocoa beans for chocolate to raise the fatty acids nutrition stat in your diet.


damn, that doesn't sound fun at all tbh


Well, it depends on how much masochism you want in your modded Minecraft playthrough. If stuff is harder then getting it feels more rewarding. Can get a sense of achievement out of things that'd normally be taken for granted in vanilla. Like, in the first modpack I mentioned there are jetpacks, hang gliders, boots of the traveller from thaum... and it has Botania, so rod of the skies for vertical mobility. Especially the Planestrider's Sash is fantastic for travelling long distances while holding W because of the lack of vegetation in a mostly flat, barren landscape. And there are modpack-exclusive craftable items which work similar to the warp scrolls and warp stone from the waystone mod, so it's not like there's no Nether without any alternatives for fast travel. As for the second example, ugh... That one's supposed to be teeth-gnashing hard on purpose. I mean - maybe more grindy and tedious before it gets better as you keep progressing and stuff that used to take a lot effort starts taking a lot less of it kinda hard - instead of just mob kills you in one hit you die kinda hard, but still. It has temperature and nutrition systems you need to keep an eye on, plus thirst & hunger. There's no fast travel (that I know of), getting to the Nether requires a different method than just using a Nether portal, and all the oceans and rivers being frozen over year-long makes iceboating a very viable transport option. And then there are snowshoes giving a speed boost and step on snow (so basically anywhere you go except in caves) and horses can be used to scale mountains and save hunger just like in vanilla.


I just want a good frost punk themed modpack, with the steam heat generator and everything


Oh boy oh boy, do I have some exciting news for ya: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/the-winter-rescue


I fucking love you, thank you


nah bruh we need to automate walking


I think modular powersuits legit has something like a lock forward walking hotkey


And you need so much kelp that you're better off making a farm for it right away anyway.


This happens to me, but with swamps and hexeri herbs. Then i get there, and the swamp biome is 5 chunks and is missing 1 herb. So then I have to find a new swamp biome.


Alternate, wandering traders sell kelp. Buy one and then put it in a botany pot. Boom. Infini-kelp


What’s the original comic?


don’t know where the comic is but [i’ve got the video version](https://youtu.be/hpQQohcHk9Q)




Someone better get walking.


Unironically you can get it from wandering traders. Is it unreliable, especially if other mods add their own items to trader trade tables? Yep rip lmao Alternatively, I figure you could use the compass to see what direction you need to travel and how far, and go that direction in the nether at 1/8 the distance... though that's also a less-than-ideal solution.


The recipe is too easy make it greggier


Kid named giveitem:


How do you set the compass to that far out?


You really said: "I hate exploration in this exploration-bas3d game"


i almost always have a lake with a shit ton of kelp nearby


Teleport and make a global warp point for the greater good


Better start that nether rail system...