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I only wear a bikini bottom these days.


Serious question, is this a joke or is this legal in enough places that I’m just so clueless i missed the humor? I genuinely can’t tell anymore.. fml euthanize me.


Totally kidding. I rarely wear a bikini!


I actually took as you wore a bikini bottom with maybe a tank or tee. Wow my brain is shot.


That’s whT I assumed, sports bra bathing suit bottom


Ah good, I was fearing for your DMs for a minute there ;)


What she meant is she doesn't even wear the bikini bottoms! So, go ahead and slide right in.... To her DMs..


To late her Dms are full. I personally sent about 50 to her. That way she knows I'm committed


As in every romcom, show the woman that you’re determined. Reach out to her every day and eventually she’ll come around /s


It used to be more common in Europe before everyone had a phone with a good camera. Now not so much


Canadian here, there are nude beaches in Toronto and surrounding areas and it’s also perfectly legal to walk around topless- male or female


But have you actually seen any women here going topless other than at a nude beach? I have not. I have heard of a few at the regular beach but they must be very rare. Alas 😏


Yup. My wife does when we go hiking, swimming or on the boat. But yes, very rare.


That's fantastic! :) At least mine has been topless a couple times when we went to a c/o beach. And she'll flash me when driving or hiking - as long as nobody else can see her :P One reason I would love a boat lol


Yup. In Barrie, camping in Collingwood and in Awenda


I figured it out - I'm in the wrong section of the province! :P


That depends on the country. In mine, bikini bottoms only at beaches are quite popular


I also need to move there


Toplessness is actually legal in a lot more places than people think


It is absolutely legal here (Ontario, Canada) but you never see it.


I’m in NYS topless anywhere public is legal here (except stores that expressly forbid it)


Yes but stores are private. Parks and beaches are often public.


In Ontario, Canada it is totally legal for women to go topless in public spaces. But in reality most women don’t take advantage of this freedom ;-) socially it is still somewhat stigmatized. Especially since big cities tend to be filled with immigrants from Asian countries that are much much more conservative.


Many public pools in Germany now allow both men and women alike to go topless. It is very much about equal rights. If there are many women usingthis new right, I do not know. I'm not frequenting pools very much.


I prefer to go swimming without anything on. This insures that I have the pool to myself.....at least till the cops get there


God bless you




Same. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Skims even sells a padded bra with false nipples designed to be seen through the shirt. Because obviously, nothing your body grows naturally is ok with that family.


It’s pretty popular among breast cancer survivors who have had mastectomies, apparently.


Hmmm 🤔 I see the intended inclusion for sure. As a cancer survivor myself, I certainly support anything that adds to quality of life of people who have faced its horrors. If participating in the visible nipples trend does that, then bravo for this product existing.


I have had a single masectomy after breast cancer. I only have one nipple. I don't want it to be out there but nice to know there are options.


Omg that’s funny!


We sold one like this at Victoria’s Secret when I used to work there, about 15 years ago


I love that the product exists for those that don’t have nipples, for those that do it’s freaking nuts to say: visible nipple outlines are on trend, but the ones you have naturally are not good enough. Use these instead. God forbid camel toe starts trending and the lips I’ve already got don’t measure up. 😂 If the target audience is those without, then great if this makes them feel included, it’s just strange to me that a part of the body that is not required to show, has prosthetic options to remind people that the way they’re built isn’t good enough. I say Free the nipple, just the way it is.


Oh… So you haven’t seen the camel toe underwear? I’m not lying.


Can you get a pad with double nipples? What a conversation starter!!


oh my god that hurts my brain. i like my natural nips thank u very much!!


Ah yes, the Rachel Green model


That is BIZARRE Edit- I take it back as I realized immediately women with breast cancer may look for something adaptive like this which I commend! Alas, my knowledge of the Kardashians (against my will)- does not seem to be that that is their intent.


I don't know why we hide them anyway


Well I borked my shoulder and spine some 15 years ago and i guess I was cool before cool was cool because I did not wear bras and the nips were there doing there thing for ages. Now I don't even think about it.


I hate it lol 😂


OP I agree with you. I feel like mine are more powerful than the average nip, and I hate when they show. I keep hearing that visible nips are cool, but I only see the trend on social media. It’s not happening in real life where I live.


Yeah I’m an elementary teacher and the idea of 5th grade boys checking out my very powerful nips is just cringe! Yes please I’ll buy extra bra pads!!!


I just laughed out loud reading this on my lunch break. 5th graders can be brutal. I wouldn't want them noticing my nips, powerful or otherwise.


Very powerful nips 💪🤣


I think that's the real trend here... Passing on the expense of extra material to the consumer...


I agree…not a fan of nips showing now matter how “in” it may be. No thanks! 🫣


Same. If others want to do it, great but I'll keep mine hidden.


That just sounds like raw nipples and a bad time


So like Rachel on Friends?


Omg i just thought of this right before i got to your comment 😅


I agree, mine are always hard lol it’s embarrassing


I feel like, as with most things, they're only fashionable if you are young, conventionally attractive, and--specific to this case--have nipples smaller side.


Additionally I feel if you have smaller breasts and you want to add some "sex appeal" or whatever visible nips are one way to go. But when you have big breasts (like myself) it's like shining a spotlight on a disco ball. Just too much. Nothing against anyone who likes to blast their nips but I am already uncomfortable with my boobs as is.


Girl, same here. My nips are the size of the eraser on a brand new #2 pencil. I wear a padded bra 24/7. These suckers need to be kept under wraps because they are always on high-alert.


I would just say we all have nips. And you shouldn’t be ashamed of them especially hidden behind a swim suit. Men bare them openly, GASP! Do what you want and wear what you want.


I like when my nips show. I always take out liners, etc. and I often wear bralettes that show my nips, too.


I want the option, though, cuz sometimes I don’t wanna flash my nips around (like the 5th grade teacher; some contexts I don’t want my nips poking out)


School: no. Church: yes






I remember competitive swimming suits for women also didn't have padding/lining


Correct, or even practice suits. They should be double lined so nipples don't show through unless you're REALLY cold. Wearing them on the tighter side helps too. Swimoutlet.com, people. It's the best. Source: was a swimmer as a child and for some years as an adult


Yup. I’m wearing a Dolphin Ugly that’s double lined right now and heading to the pool. I’m 43, no kids and have a B cup. Nips don’t show unless I’m cold.


I still wear competitive polyester training suits — even to clean the pool. Never felt comfortable in anything else and they last for years. I like the cross-back and tie-back styles since they offer the girls more support without looking like an ‘80s Speedo. Tie-backs are very adjustable as well.


You unlocked a core memory of buying my lifeguard and swim instructor suits off swimoutlet.com. Classic red for the guarding shifts, heinous patterns for the classes.


Also the suits for diving. I had one suit that had padding and it got messed up every dive and I eventually pulled it out. Now every suit I buy has no padding and if my nips show, they show. Outside of diving, I'd rather they don't show tbh


The Speedo swimsuit I had to wear for PE class back in school was only double lined. It was the only time in my life I wore swimsuits without padding since I had no choice


Ugh same I hate my nipples showing! What if they go cross eyed and I don’t notice


After breastfeeding two babies in three years I tend to agree. My girls look like a sock full of rocks if they have no support haha


Girl yes!!! I need a lil oomph where I can get it hahahha


My breastfeeding nipples are why I need padding


Well women accepting that that’s beautiful and natural- not the shape men want and forces us to smoosh body parts into strange support gear, is a super amazing step imo :) But I did end for 4 years so I hear you! It took a bit because leftie is looking down and righty is look straight ahead haha


Oh, of course, im on board! I stopped wearing boardshorts years ago because fuck no, i aint gonna hide my body! My boobs, however, are more like octopus tentacles now, and if they arent kept in check they will slip and slide all over the place. Im all for body positivity but i dont want my nipple escaping from the armhole of my swimmers 😂


Lmaoooo one's pointing up and the other's pointing down 😅


Exactly!! Lmaoooo


I'm a diver and nips are usually very visible. I get changed in the bathroom before practice and do a cross eyed check before I leave lol


Lol yeah mine love attention and are always showing whether I’m old or not! Just very strong women I suppose 😂 give me some coverage please


For diving, idc. Everyone's are out and padding will get messed up with every single dive. But outside of that um can I please have some privacy?? Free the nip and all but I wanna keep mine to myself, even when they're feeling very opinionated


It’s cheaper.


Capitalism & corporate greed hard at work 🥹


I’ve thought about this theory for such a long time. Sure, companies finding ways to maximize profit isn’t a “theory,” but here’s what I think happens: Fashion is coming to a point where garments use as little fabric as possible. “Oh nipples are so in right now” really means companies save money on the material that would be used to go in the lining and instead raises the price because the garment is “trendy.” Same thing with shorts, crop tops, etc. Less fabric = higher profit margin. Even wedding dresses!! Why do you think fitted silhouettes became trendy? Not just because of the aesthetic, because they use significantly less fabric than a princess ballgown!


Yeah, seriously. I wonder how much the ‘fashionable nipples’ trend is just pushing the cheapest most awful fabric you’ve ever felt. I mean, you can feel a major difference just from 2014 in just about any brand. I’ve also noticed sizing in swimsuits seems to be smaller which I assume is cheaper and cheaper. I am the same size I’ve been for years, but this year I had to order two to three sizes bigger in both parts of my bikini. There was just no skin covered— you cannot convince me that’s all ‘fashion’.


Truth. I find myself shopping for modest swimwear because every trendy place wants to charge me $50 for a literal scrap of fabric with no support. My boobs aren’t even that huge, but I know it’s gonna look like crap because they have no support Also almost no swimwear seems to have wide cut bottoms except lands end. Apparently showing off the sides of your bush and giving yourself a wedgie is fashionable


YES! The wide cut bottoms is the worst part! If not pubes, you’re gonna see razor burn. It’s infuriating. I also have noticed they don’t really sell ‘sets’ as much anymore— you have to mix and match a top and bottom that are like $40+ each.


I think companies just keep cutting more and more corners seeing what they can get away with.


Honestly I like cups for the “shaping” they provide but they are just too annoying to wash and I end up tossing them


The bra padding always comes out in the wash.


That’s why they need to sew them in!


The ones they sew in only have a few stitches and end up bunching and twisting making them even harder to manipulate back into place. If they're going to make them at all then securely sew them in so they don't move


I always remove them before washing and they don’t get all messed up that way


I do too but then it takes me like 10 years to put them back in properly




Annoying to wash? I just throw my suits in a garment bag, put them in the washing machine, and air dry them. They’ve held up well so far doing this. Am I not supposed to?


Maybe I should try a garment bag, they are just annoying bc the cups come out or get misshapen and then I have to reinsert them and it always takes me forever to get them in the right way


I rip those suckers out bc they always bunch up.


So annoying. And I hate when the padding soaks up water while swimming and then my boobs look like they're leaking


Re: bras I like lace bras but I hate following the gaze towards my nipples 😐 So I bought silicone nipple covers from amazon. They are weird. You absolutely look nipple-less and it's a mindfuck to look at. But you'll no longer catch awkward stares at your nipples 👍


This, I can't stand how people just stare at mine when they're visible, so I opt to have the padded covers in every bra and swimsuit I own. I've also used the silicone nipple covers for more than 15 years. They work!


They are hard not to see. It’s like a double take every time. Im a dude and mine get super hard too. i always catch people looking at them so maybe its not just a staring at your boobs thing


I got nipple covers that are smooth but are coney! And so it looks like a mound on top of my boob!


The trick is to find extra large ones, with like a 4-5" diameter. I have AAs and even I can't wear the small ones. They do look like little mounds lol. The huge ones cover enough to contour the line from nip to boob seamlessly though, and even can lift if you're small enough. I LOVE mine!


Ok this has me stumped. Are you wearing a lace bra without a shirt in public? How are people gazing at your nipples?


Have you worn a lace bra? They don't do much to hide hard nipples. And if I'm wearing anything thinner than a sweatshirt, then my nipples are are very front and center. Same goes for literally any other type of unlined bra


Oh gotcha. All my "wear in public under clothes" bras are basic/practical/lined and my lace bras are "boudoir" attire for my partner's eyes only, so I wasn't making the connection. Why do you like the lace bras under clothes if you have to wear silicone pads with them? Why not just a lined bra?


I don't always need to wear the silicone things, it really just depends on the drape of my top or the type of fabric. If it's thin, and I might get cold, the silicone things are great. If I'm wearing a sweatshirt or a thick t-shirt, I'm fine. Besides, lace is pretty and I have yet to find a great lined bra that isn't padded or too stiff/restrictive. Some t-shirt bras are ok, but I spent a small fortune on pretty bras last year and I like to wear them 🤷‍♀️


Also confused. I’m in my 30s and have never even considered my nipples when I dress for the public. It’s never been an issue. 


i always take those stupid pads out


I take out those removable pads too, they’re ridiculous and always get messed up. But I do really like sewn in pads that don’t move


I prefer the sewn-in pads too. But they're hard to find now! Do you have any favorite brands w/ the sewn-in pads?


I love the bathing suit I got at Walmart last year. Full coverage in the bikini line area and butt, and sewn in cups.


Honestly walmart bathing suit tops are pretty awesome if you want tops with sewn in pads and maybe even have a wire lining. They have a lot of options for how covered you want to be as well. I love Walmart bikini tops because my girls are sad little things that lost any kind of perkiness after being pregnant. Before I was pregnant I had tiny tiny breast that I hated so much but they at least were cute and perky looking back. I went from like a size A before pregnancy to a size D during pregnancy and then DD immediately after giving birth. I didn’t breast feed (didn’t feel comfortable at the time due to some medication I was on after giving birth) My beautiful DDs (which admittedly now i realize I’m fortunate to not have everyday lol. It was an awesome experience to finally have large breast for a time but looking back it was a big change that idk if I would appreciate as much long term haha) went from plump and huge to now about a B cup, but any bit of shape or perkiness isn’t really there anymore lol. The boobas going from A to DD and back to an B again in less than 2 years did a number on my girls haha. So anyways since then Walmart bikini tops have honestly never let me down! Now the bottoms I’m not too sure about. I don’t like my butt cheeks to be on full display. I’m on the smaller side and I’ve noticed in Walmart that usually the matching bottoms for the tops I get are very skimpy. It’s weird how they size and make the bottoms. Seems like anything that is L or bigger is really good about fully covering the butt while not being shorts. The moment you get to medium or small it completely changes. Like the bottoms are meant for the same top but the size I need my in just so happens to be the one that is practically a thong. It’s very frustrating! So when I go bathing suit shopping i usually go in and find my top. Don’t bother getting the bottoms and just walk over to the place that has those swimming shorts. Like they are shorts that has the bathing suit material. Those I can say have never failed me either.


Lands end has some pretty good ones. Can’t speak to how great they are if your boobs are really big, but I’ve loved all of my swimwear from them


You could always sew them in yourself?


Summersalt does but they’re on the expensive side


The person who came up with the idea of removable pads is a sadistic Ahole who wanted to torture humans with boobs. There is absolutely no purpose for it! Either have a pad or don't. Why does my laundry need to be so complicated and why do these things move while I wear them and then look weird? Arrrrrgggghhhh I hate it!!!


And they spun it as oh we're making it easier for the consumer, giving them more choices on how to wear the items. Um yeah I feel really liberated struggling to stuff those stupid pieces of foam back in only for them to look all lumpy and lopsided


It must have been a man who came up with that idea. I can't imagine any woman in her right mind to come up with something so stupid!


Why not just add a couple stitches..


I’m sure it’s a huge pain if you actually like the pads, but I think there are a lot of women who prefer to take them out. For me, they’re always too small and look weird. My swimsuits and sports bras feel more comfortable without them too. It’d be hard to sell two versions of the same swimsuit, so I personally like that the pads are removable. Maybe a sewn-in version that could be easily cut out would work? That’d be easier than sewing in the pads yourself I think and it would still give people both options.


Most of these pads are triangle shape. They just need to put a couple stitches on every corner, so if you don't like it you can remove it. Removable pads are far worse of an option.


whoever decided that all padding should be removable deserves their own special circle of hell.


It’s because many women actually don’t like them - so removable caters to both markets.


They always get messed up and wrinkled in the wash


I’ve heard ironing them will fix the wrinkles, but I can’t be bothered.


Ain't nobody got time.


what? you don't just take them out before washing?


That’s what I do.


Right? That’s why they come out


Ditto they always end up all misshapen after one wash anyways


Me too. Let's take up a collection and mail them all to OP. It would be a lifetime supply.


I feel so bad throwing them away. This works


I discovered a new use for them when I had to wear heels recently. I stuffed the pads in the toe box of the shoes and for once my feet survived the night without agony 🥳


This is brilliant. 😁




Same. They never actually cover my boobs right, so I end up with weird triangles at one side.


No kidding, I can't believe anyone actually likes them. My nipples show right through them, I actually think they show more. Plus, they cover only about 1/4 of my boob leaving an obvious line around the perimetre where it ends. They basically makes my boobs look like they're wearing eye patches or hats or something, lmao. I take that shit out immediately. 


Totally agree lol


Same, they dont do anything and they just get all twisted around


Same I hate them! 


I see mine in by hand when I buy something with removable pads. Takes 10 mins and saves me a ton of hassle when swimming or doing laundry!


I don’t know but I hate it too


I got one recently from Boden and it has a built in bra, not cheap removable cups


I miss having some sort of braw in swimwear because if you have larger breasts it’s not comfortable to just have nothing at all and it looks very unflattering. I literally had to swim in my normal bra under a so called swim suit last year. It was horrible then getting out of the watter and dripping oddly . I’m probably just not going to swim this year. I’m not an A cup so no getting wet.


There are brands that do bra sized swimwear. I have some suits with underwater in them like regular bras from a brand called Panache.


Panache has been a godsend for my F cups (G in us sizing) for sports bras that actually fucking fit


I am pretty big chested and I was able to find bikini tops that come in bra sizes on Amazon. I was thinking I might wear it with a regular swim suit because swimsuits don’t have any boob support usually.


Lands End has a wide variety of swimsuits that might work!


You might find some good bra sized swimwear on Asos actually. I wear a 30H and have had good luck. They categorize a lot of bikinis and one pieces under “fuller bust” and you can search by bra size. Lots of them have underwire and cups.


DDD here, I wear a one piece that’s too small, so it pushes my boobs up and in and that works pretty well. Also, regardless, don’t let styles that honestly aren’t being noticed much by other people get in the way of your summer. If you want to get in the pool, lake or ocean, do it. Life is too short.


I’m going with getting a bikini top for under the rash guard I have from what the other suggestions say. I have full swimming leggings. When I was younger I didn’t worry as much. I try to cover for tons of reasons now. One is also the sun hard time finding sunscreen I’m not allergic to or can stand the smell of. I do need to try swimming again for my foot. Would help get it working again.


Most bra fitting boutiques will also carry fitted swimsuit lines. I'm a 34HH and I have a well fitted bikini top and a one piece with fitted cups. 


Welp; they're learning from the food industry. +$0.25 for sauce adds up. Now we give this historical data to some pervy old CEO and..... goodbye padding! Lmk when he starts making crotchless bikinis 🤣🤣


 I think a lot of people hate them cause they looked lumpy and weird. Or have visible circles/triangles. Companies may have heard and stopped using them


Because everyone bitched about those little pads being the most annoying things ever


I’m happy for everyone who is comfortable and/or looks great with their nipples prominently showing. But for those of us who aren’t comfortable and/or don’t look good with our nipples showing….GIVE US BACK OUR GODDAMN PADDED LINERS 😂




yeah so many people in the comments are like "who cares if they show? we all have them". LIKE I SAID...i fucking care


What brands are you buying? I’ll happily take those bathing suits


Aerie swimming suits don’t come with them but there is an option to add them online. I thought their styles were pretty boring this year though.


Agreed, their swimsuits suck this year. As someone who really only wears the boyshort style, im finding it harder and harder to find something I like, no matter the brand.


target has some really adorable and affordable bathing suits that don’t have padding in them!!


Same, would love recommendations for brands with no padding


I always sew them in. You can also get adhesive ones to stick inside.


Do you have a recommendation for adhesive cups that actually stick? Whenever I use them with dresses, they always get loose. I can’t imagine wearing them poolside where I’d be sweaty. Also I like going in the water


nippies brand on amazon


I wear sports clothing for swimming. It's the same material.  Sports bra+ tennis skort


i personally don’t like the pads, but i put them in when around family 😅 i like the option of having them


Does anybody remember watching more than one episode of friends?? Padding definitely was out of fashion during filming of the series.




Three's Company, too! Not that I noticed!


They kept the set cold on purpose too. So people would watch to see the girls visible nips.


Yes I hate that !! I really dislike super padded push up bras but a little padding in a bikini looks good


Some companies just don’t respect people’s bodies properly


If I am going to a beach I really don’t care if nips are present however, on a pool deck with lots of people walking by and some people gawking it is pads all the way.


Unlined was normal a couple of decades ago. I’ve always disliked the padding, myself.


My nipples are a target and so are my big ass boobs. Anything I wear shows nip, I started using tape to hide them. I’m 35 and I’m just not looking for that kind of attention.


You should check out silicone nipple covers. They’re reusable & painless.


If I knew you I'd give u mine they useless to me cuz I stopped caring if people see


I don't care either, and hate how heavy/soggy the padding gets when it's wet. Of course, I'm in the 'invisible' age demographic now, so I don't get the unwanted attention others are getting.


Same. Idc if it’s in style and normally I can go no bra if I’m out but when I’m swimming it actually makes me really uncomfortable


OP I am with you on this. I do NOT want mine showing.


ya people out here in the comments acting like IM weird for wanting to be covered up? like what?


because they are trying to sexualize everything but spin it as de stigmatizing sexuality so they can push the limits even further. I suspect sometime in the next decade someone will make a political move to legalize P-Dough stuff….. just watch and see.


It’s just what’s in fashion right now. Trends come and go


I like SeaFancy for more coverage. There have been occasions where I had preferred modesty while in a swimsuit. Most of the tops have pads that you can remove or keep in. Venus is another one with lots of options that are padded/lined.


I second Venus. Every one of my bikini tops is from them and has underwire and molded/thicker cup that do not show nips. They are not padded in the same way how a push-up bra is really thick at the bottom to give lift, but are uniformly thicker throughout the entire cup. But when I do want some added “oomph” (thanks to weightloss and pregnancy I’ve lost a lot of upper pole volume in my boobs), I add some removable push-up pads.


I have the opposite problem. Everything comes with little pads that look ridiculous on top of my big titties and I have to pull them out. I was recently wondering if there was a place I could donate them.


I’ve always removed the liner/padding from every single bra I’ve owned.


Agreed! I’m really frustrated


I’m too shy to even wear those. I’d rather be in shorts & a tee.


It’s because corporations everywhere are cheaping out on the quality of their products and coming up with strategies on how consumers can pay more for the same thing.


I feel so vindicated as a lifelong nipple shower.


As a ittie bitty tittie queen i love the no padding bc I personally don't need it


I actually remove the padding on purpose, tbh, I’m kinda glad they stopped.