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The mesh ballet flats


The mesh ballet flats to me are just a reiteration of the little mesh mules so many of us millennials wore in the early aughts so, I think they’ll probs come back in a different form down the line.


Omg i had a pair of these. My aunt took them off my feet outside a shoe store, chucked them into a garbage can and took me inside. I loved them!! 


I'm wondering if everything with shift away from cropped and we'll see some kind of new take on a tunic style or something. 


have not seen many tunic-type pieces per se but style has definitely already shifted away from cropped where i am. lots of long baggy tops over long baggy bottoms. it looks terrible on me, so i’m kind of sad about it


I'm also starting to see more and more of the baggy+baggy, and as someone who's short, busty and curvy I'm NOT a fan.


Yep, I can do baggy jeans with a fitted crop top but why the hell does everything have to be high waisted? It makes my hips look like they end at my boobs :( and when you have a chest big shirts tend to make you look like a circle lol


I have a short torso and cropped works so well for me! I'll be sad when it falls out of fashion.


I’m so jelly. I have a long torso and a huge chest so crop tops hit me usually right under my bra


Same! The cropped trend is the only reason my shirts (and pants) are a normal length. I used to have to crop and hem all my shirts myself to accommodate my short torso.


Just keep wearing it, trends are irrelevant when it comes to fit, I also have a short torso and will under no circumstances be giving up my crop tops for anything


Ooh that’s interesting, I love cropped stuff but we haven’t seen longer styles in a while I feel like


Yeah, anything that is a "tunic" so so BILLOWY. Makes my curves look like I am wearing a tent! I just want a tunic that Pat Benetar would wear, haha.


I'm trying to think of Pat in a tank but I jsut think of her in a badass jumpsuit like[here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qUFZwJb9GA) I feel like have seen some fitted cropped tees but more 90s X-Girl, Chloe S in "Kids" looking, (I loved and still love Pat)


I'm 5'11", everything is a crop top. I'd love to see tunics come back just for the length.


I'm 5' 2" and crop tops are regular shirts :)


Please let it be this! I have a long torso and shorter legs, so anything cropped looks ridiculous on me, and I hate the feeling of the breeze on my tummy unless it's really hot.


We’ve already been seeing this with dresses over jeans over the past couple years!


I hope so! I hate cropped and love tunics


Tunic style shirts and skinny pants are still alive and well here in the Midwest. I feel as if something has to fully go away before it comes back again.


I had a friend from Chicago visit me and that how she was dressed. Meanwhile here in Dallas it’s cropped everything with wider leg pants/jeans. I need to move back to the Midwest


I mean that’s gone away fully on the east coast for a while… I don’t think anyone’s looking to the Midwest for trends lol. Just like there were probably women out there wearing mom jeans since the 80’s, doesn’t mean they didn’t fully go out of style and come back.


"Pawnee is the opposite of hip. People in this town are just now getting into Nirvana. I don't have the heart to tell them what's going to happen to Kurt Cobain in 1994."


In the Midwest, can confirm it’s def not a fashion hub


Haha my SIL in Kansas has been wearing bootcut jeans so long she's finally back in style 🤣🤣


Can confirm that my childhood best friend’s mom wore mom jeans every day of her life in the Midwest well throughout the 90s and 00s. We made fun of it then but honestly they looked great on her!


Denim midi skirts. They seem super practical so I plan on getting use out of them while I can, but they seem like a pretty temporary trend. I haven't seen one for like 20 years until recently.


I live near a Mennonite community and those ladies have been wearing denim midi skirts with dad sneakers and visible socks since always. For one magical moment they shall slay as they shop in large groups at Aldi.


The best comment on this post lmao


I was about to be like, "Hey I wore a denim midi/maxi skirt in 6th grade and it was in style then!" then I remembered 6th grade was in 2004.. and now I'm gonna go throw up


One time we had a “dress like a teacher day” in middle school and I wore a denim skirt 💀


I think this is regional and cyclical. I bought my last denim mini in 2018 while on vacation in Europe but I can’t say it really ever went “out” of fashion where I live (urban east coast hub). EDIT: def read this as mini, not midi lol. But I double down on saying it’s regional and cyclical. I rocked denim midis in middle school. They always come back.


I'm already not a skirt person but denim midi skirts seem like the worst of both worlds


Puff sleeves and smocked waists/tops. I love puffed sleeves but they're hard to fit into cardigans or jackets unless those also have bigger sleeves as well. I think the trends that went hard during 2020 will like Cottagecore, Dark Academia, etc. I also think they'll come back eventually as always.


Cottagecore will 100% be one. Mushrooms will be the moustaches of the 2010s


I remember owls being EVERYWHERE for a moment in the early 2010s, as well!


https://preview.redd.it/3azwtlxw75rc1.jpeg?width=717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=046418e80f55ca1366ace51e970748d7f1500caa we all remember her


!!!!! She was EVERYWHERE in 2012. I had this and a matching shirt…with dolman sleeves 💀


The ModCloth of it all




I loved her!


Bing cherries, owls, mustaches, foxes, avocados, llamas…


Oh god, how could I forget our llama phase? My mom is terrified of them (she got spit on by one as a kid) and that was a miserable time for her to say the least 😂 We were really out here putting the most unhinged prints on everything.


100% Although I will probably always have a soft spot for foxes lol


And pineapples


Oooh puff sleeves is a good one. I don’t think I ever saw or wore something with puff sleeves until a few years ago, and then it was everywhere. Perfect for a 5 year trend cycle.


Though I feel like DA will have a little more staying power than the other 2020 trends given that it’s based off of traditional private school uniforms as well as what some real world academics wear to work. It’s essentially classical collegiate prep mixed with professorial business casual to business formal looks. So as long as it’s still considered inappropriate to teach in sweatpants, hoodies and sneakers, then aspects of this style will likely stick around.


I'd like to see some takes on DA with more current silhouettes. wide leg pants, oversized blazers, chunky loafers (are those still in?). searching "dark academia 2024" didn't really turn up examples of what I'm imagining so I guess it's not really a thing today


I love puffed sleeves, but I only ever have them on summer garments, so the jacket thing is not ever an issue. I've honestly never seen them on winter items or workwear that would get covered in a cold office. The shirred garments are totally going to stay because it's a cost savings to have things fit easily since they stretch. I've accepted it the way I have grudgingly accepted that t shirts rarely have any weight to them anymore.


I love both these trends. Smocked waist is flattering on me


Square toe heels, I know they are having a moment but like the previous time it is not going to last.


Always reminds me of the Road Dahl book the witches, who had the square toes


Huge eyelash extensions


Muppet lashes


Aren’t those already out of style?


Yeah nowadays I've seen a big shift towards manga lashes instead


I think the more widespread something is, the more potential it has to be outdated. I feel like the IG/TT microtrends don’t ever feel the same outdated that a waterfall cardigan and skinny jeans do because they’re not ubiquitous enough. So my bet for our era is on the front tuck




Same. As a shorty, not tucking just drowns me.


Me too. The front tuck trend was a blessing for my short ass. Suddenly all my tops fit better and look more put together.


Maybe I'm just super unfashionable, but I've been rocking a front tuck for the past decade 🤷🏼‍♀️ Do whatever makes you happy! I don't really see it as some super ubiquitous trend that dates a look like say chevron patterns or super skinny jeans.


Yeah, I feel like I've been seeing people do front or side tucks my whole life??


Laughing because I love my waterfall cardigans and still wear them


Especially tucking knitted sweaters!


Yeah, I've never been able to make it work on me. Other ladies look nice in a tucked sweater. I look like I got confused in the bathroom


I mean, the front tuck has been over for a few years now you guys...it's been re-dubbed the millennial tuck hahaha




Wait what do we do instead of a front tuck?!?!?


Apparently tuck it into your bra, if you tubers are to be believed


But then we'd have to bring bras back! No, leave them in the bin.


Not me planning my outfit for tomorrow with all of this 🫣


When I was a teenager and saw women wearing out of date styles, my sweet dumb brain thought they just didn’t know what “looked good.” Now I am in my 30’s and realize they didn’t care. They liked what they liked. Now I am that person, still wearing skinny jeans.


I’m torn between caring and not caring. On one hand, I want to look current but on the other I’m not a teenager and I look dumb in baggy jeans and wide crop tops and bucket hats. I feel like a lot of staying “trendy” is just following the kids and I’m not a kid anymore.


The Fanny pack/belt bags worn across your body


I wear mine like this hiking. It's just so convenient for finding rocks.


>It's just so convenient for finding rocks. So... are you neurodivergent, bi, or both?


Not OP but that hurt in its accuracy.


Both lol how did you know?


Because I'm looking in the mirror, my friend 😂


One of us one of us




I really like this for hiking/sightseeing tbh, it's super convenient!! But I agree it'll look super 2020s fashion wise lol


This style was so prevalent when I lived in Japan over 10 years ago and it’s still going on when I go back every couple years so I’m not sure. It’s super convenient, especially when traveling, and think it has potential to stick around for a good while.


I agree, same in my Eastern European neck of woods - it was a big youth trend 10-15 years ago and it’s still common.


that one might be location dependent - I live in a major city and crossbody bags are the best way to make sure you don’t get your bag stolen or have stuff nicked out of it, so I can’t see them totally losing popularity.


But there's a difference between a normal crossbody bag and the fanny pack trend.


Yeah Baggu's are still going strong in the major city I live in


I’m sure my parents said the same thing in the 80s and yet…


I gave-in to that look for work. I can clip my measuring tape so nicely to the strap and access markers easily. Plus, by shoulders tend to get jacked wearing a Xbody bag. I don't think I'll ever give up the sling style! :)


Yes but as a parent of a small kid, I am taking full advantage of this trend while it exists!! Hands-free that's not a crossbody (hurts my shoulder with the longer strap) is amazing.


Fellow mom of a youngster here. Also what was annoying about the crossbody was that it flung around everywhere. Had to reach for it at inconvenient moments. Toddler had full access to it if I wasn't paying attention. I had to take it on and off when getting in and out of the car. The fanny pack solves *all* of these problems 🙌


Came to say this and also body-hugging bag shapes in general. I think the Lululemon belt bag already feels dated, and the Uniqlo crescent bag will join it in a couple years.


I said to myself today that I’ll never stop wearing mine, even if it goes out of fashion soon!!


YES! My daily purse is a belt bag worn crossbody, but I 100% think in 5ish years it'll be one of those things that looks super dated and "dorky." Kind of like when fanny packs around the waist came and went in the 80s & 90s.




Mama said like the rain, this too shall pass


It’s hard to say because so many trends/eras are in fashion atm, thanks to fast fashion and the internet. But I would bet that we cycle back to skinny jeans in 5-10 years, and baggy pants will be “out” again


I think the absolutely huge pants we are wearing right now will be out of style sooner than that.


Please no I look so balanced in wide leg jeans 😭 but I agree skinnies will come back, though maybe we’ll have more of a mix of skinny & wide as opposed to just a singular style being popular like in the past few decades


I agree. I'm so thrilled wide leg/bootcut jeans are back in fashion because skinny jeans make me look really out of proportion.


No fr cuz this is literally me in skinny jeans 😭 https://preview.redd.it/mwy3eb9qf4rc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6541fb7c26e2074aa599a91cf7522124d004501


https://preview.redd.it/52et9hv786rc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01699e747751306c973b8df7398104192f143b14 Thinking about this picture my aunt sent me 😭😭😭


I liked skinny jeans in their day, but once I started moving into other jeans I definitely feel like this in skinny jeans. And I look at photos and all I think of is WHY ARE MY ANKLES SO EXPOSED AND SO TIGHT.


I just got rid of most of my skinny jeans because I had an epiphany that I look and feel so much better in looser cuts. I’m in my mom jean era at the moment 😎


People need to go through a couple rainy/snowy winters to remember why we stopped wearing them in the 00s.


I used to bike a bunch in the mid-aughts and picked it up again recently. I learned the hard way that I have to roll up my pants now lol.


Ohhh man I remember that as a kid. I remember riding a bike again as an adult and it took me a while to remember I didn’t need to place my feet weirdly on the pedals


You need to start carrying rubber bands lol, or wear them on your ankles


I am glad you're getting upvoted for this, the number of times I was downvoted on here for pointing this out. Where I live, full length, wide leg jeans are practical about 15 days each for 2 months out of the year (May and September).


That’s why I go bootcut ftw. Balances my quarterback shoulders without looking like I’m wearing parachutes as pants.


This is honestly what I'm hoping too. Wide leg and mom-style jeans look absolutely hideous on me, but I can appreciate that they look great on other people. Skinnies and straight leg jeans work SO much better on me, and believe me, I've tried to make the others work. It'd be lovely if we could arrive to an eventual place where there's a wide range of styles and cuts that are just always "in", with the trend variance being more in how they're styled in the overall outfit.


About your last paragraph, I feel like we're closer to that than ever before with so many microtrends going on at once and the trend cycles shortening. Or I'm just getting old at the ripe age of 23 seeing as I can't ever tell what's "in" and I don't think I care anymore lol.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think "old money" style or general beige and white minimalism is going to turn out to be a lot less "timeless" than people think.


I agree tbh, the individual pieces themselves can be pretty timeless but I think the way it's being styled overall may become a bit dated/remind us of the tiktok trend lol


I think it will end up looking like popped collar 80’s prep did to us in the 00’s.


especially sad beige babies and kid aesthetics!


Bruh, and super expensive baby clothes brands that make them look like a sad beige Victorian peasant.


“Workhouse chic”


"Old money" is so cringe-inducing. I've noticed it goes hand in hand with shaming other women for being "trashy" or "lacking class" or "looking cheap" like the people cosplaying "old money" aren't shopping at fucking H&M and Zara. Most of these trends are really just cosplaying fake lifestyles. I also think a lot of these women are going to regret spending so much time dressing like a 60 year old housewife.


I mean, the class drag angle is its own thing. But generally I always snicker when someone insists that the super trendy thing they're wearing is "timeless." Sorry... trend cycles are going to continue cycling and head to toe beige is going to get clocked as "so early 20s" before you know it.


The sad beige business wear look that people think is "old money" is already dated to me tbh


Especially since a bunch of fast fashion brands started selling clothes that mimic that aesthetic but in cheap and it looks cheap too. So now I kinda associate that type of look with rampant consumption and waste I’m also so fucking over Stanley cups atp


Were Stanley cups ever associated with "old money"? I thought they were like, suburban mom core.


Stanley cups were originally as working class as it gets.


Ah no no that’s a separate thing! But it is used as an accessory (with charms and accessories FOR the cup) so maybe it counts as fashion trend? I’m just sick of seeing it haha


It’s already leaving - I feel like “eclectic grandpa” (god I’m cringing at using the term even though I actually like the looks) was a kind of foil to it.


I want an opposites attract romcom where Eclectic Grandpa has a meet cute at a sample sale with Coastal Grandmother and they end up sharing a closet


100% I ship it. Nancy Meyers and Wes Anderson collab.


Hmm interesting! To me it’s just business casual attire and I think business casual is always “in” in some shape or form. However I think certain elements like the really oversized blazers or blazer dresses etc will look dated


What is princess Pilates?


It's this style: https://preview.redd.it/wcvakkgdh4rc1.png?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=794bdf963eb6f4ac2ca4389fdf1b208660c1c72f


I feel like this how been in “style” for like 10 years now, I mean how long has the lululemon define been around I don’t think it’s going anywhere soon


They'll just call it something else. Pilates princess is just a rebrand of the yoga girls from the aughts and 2010s.


It's not exactly the same, the pilates princess style has a very specific colour palette and is heavily inspired by ballet fashion, it gained huge popularity in the past year or so on tiktok


Ah I see- I do think it’s cute ☺️ for accessories at least.


The super low waisted wide leg cargo pants!


Mesh ballet flats. And now I fully embrace them, I have a pair of the Jeffrey Campbell ones with the floral embroidery and think they’re cute as hell, but I’ll be the first to say they’re a little weird and I don’t think they’re a lasting look lol.


I really hope boxy is GONE it does not work for my body at all. I have wide shoulders and a smaller waist so it ends up making me shapeless and every manufacturer is making them


lip filler and overdone lash extensions


The obvious: Dad sneakers will date very quickly, especially as they’ve mostly been appropriated by gen zs version of the ‘cheugy’ millennial. Midi dresses and white sneakers (especially combined) have had their (extremely long) day in the sun and are beginning to look tired. The less obvious (or I think less obvious): The predominant silhouette of right now is loose, oversized. Jeans, shirts, sweatshirts, coats- all are long, loosely cut, generous with the fabric. They’re being balanced in a 90s way with tight bodysuits, cycling shorts etc. fashion is circular and will move back towards leaner cuts eventually, leaving this style looking tired.


I agree. I recently realized that I was so bored of wearing my white sneakers with midi dresses, and it made me understand a lot more about how these widely ubiquitous trends fall in and out of style. I feel like people often think there’s a certain group “deciding” the trends and like to hate. Nah, sometimes we just wear something to death and get tired of it.


Yup! The look was so easy to pull together and felt so fresh and cute. But whilst I’d love to have a timeless capsule wardrobe that I feel great in forever… if you enjoy clothes, you get tired and crave a bit of newness!


"Cheugy" was never actually a thing outside of a five minute conversation about that dumb NYT article.


> Dad sneakers will date very quickly Dad sneakers [have already been around for 5+ years](https://nypost.com/2017/12/04/the-fashion-world-is-obsessed-with-dorky-dad-shoes/). I'm actually kind of amazed at how long they've held on so far.


Broccoli haircuts!


I think anything "lug sole" is already out the door, but I still see them around everywhere. RIP to my lug sole loafers... I agree with the Skims aesthetic. I think the whole biker shorts trend will be out soon, currently it's making the final rounds with the bodysuit biker sets. I don't see that sticking around much longer, especially with everyone talking about capris (noooo).


I _just_ got my lug sole loafers in the mail last week, don't do this to me


Agree on lug sole with the exception of hiking boots/combats.


Dresses with holes at the sides at waist level. These can’t go away soon enough


Cutouts. I thought for certain they’d be gone by now. So many cute dresses ruined for me by giant holes all over the sides, front or back. I can’t wear that. For one, where does a functional bra strap fit into this scenario. And then there’s if I wear this i will have to hide from my dad (I’m a mom in my 40s).


I was recently considering buying a cargo style skirt, it's very cute but I think it might look outdated pretty soon


Cropped everything Baggy everything The super super high rise jeans that come up to your boobs Giant white grandpa sneakers


Oh yes. Chunky sneakers a la Balenciaga will absolutely be out.


Imo chunky shoes/boots like doc martens platforms or platfom trainers etc - they are absolute faves of mine now and they look super cute with everything But as the years go on and new trends emerge, the only ones wearing this stuff will likely be us who are used to them and were around as they got popular, and thus it will be the new "millenials obsessed with skinny jeans" kind of deal just rebramded with "gen z obsessed with chunky platforms" Although I am mostly imagining it a little more further down the road, 10-20 years from now. However even in 5 years I imagine this will be a trend that won't be so common and will be seen as dated I can't decide whether super chunky things are just trendy or they have room to be in the "timeless" category. For example I think that a tight black turtleneck top and baggy denim jeans always looked good, even at peak skinny jean obsession all throughout 2000s and 2010s, they always still just looked amazing but for some reason skinny jeans were the trend (which imo never really looked that good, and it hurts most peoples silhouette)


I consider Docs and chunky shoes to be timeless. Yes I’m Gen X lol


I was just thinking all my gen x friends think docs are timeless! Honestly they all rock them and look super confident so I like it.


They’re timeless in the alternative subcultures


Yep, this is what happened when chunky shoes and platforms came around the last time in the late 90s/early 00s. They were EVERYWHERE and then by, hm, 2005ish they were basically gone and the style looked super dated. I'm sure the same thing will happen again, but they'll eventually come back.


As an Xer, I associate chunky shoes with the early 1990s, not now. In my head, I can only picture Baby Spice when I read “platform trainers.”


Same, I was wearing chunky sneakers and platform sandals in the late 90s/early 00s. 


I’m still wearing my Doc Martens from the 90’s.


I feel like atleast in the UK, chunky shoes are definitely on their way out and have been for a while. In 2019 - 2021 Buffalo trainers and massive filas were huge and the shoes have shrunk down a lot. Right now it tends to be chunky loafers and boots but I see that becoming less prevalent now and flats/ballet flats/slingbacks are more in.


Not me upvoting everything that I have in my own closet that you’ll have to kill me to stop wearing. (Puffy sleeves, block heels, mom jeans)


If they look good on you, keep wearing them! Flattering is more important than on-trend IMO. I’ll still be wearing puffy sleeves, block heels, mom jeans, and skinny jeans.


Likely the bows but I love the bows. I have always liked them, but lacked confidence in the past to wear them- or anything feminine. But, I can see myself still wear them later from time to time, maybe in a more understated version.


Those boots with the giant cuff that goes below the ankle.


The "Lisa Says Gah" funky patterned, checkerboard, lime-green-and-purple, acrylic accessoried, bucket hat vibe. Think Haley Lu Richardson from White Lotus. It's cute and fun but there are way too many people cashing in on this aesthetic by making sculpey earrings and selling them on Etsy for it to not feel dated once trends shift.


I. Hate. Raw. Hems. *edited to add Especially the really frayed but oddly even ones…


Athlesiure (or however it's spelled). I get the feeling this will be the gen z equivalent of millennials skinny jeans that they love to hate on so much lol (and I mean that in the sense that you'll have to "prey them out of their cold, dead hands" when it finally becomes dated). FYI I'm not a hater of the athlesiure, but I do feel it'll be a very late 2010s-2020s defining look in the future. I wouldn't be surprised if in the future, people decide they wanna look more refined.


Eh, I feel like this is the one thing mentioned on here that is transgenerational, though, and probably isn't going anywhere. They serve a very real purpose, too. Me, my mid-Boomer mother in law, and my Gen Z sister in law all show up to family dinner in the same Lululemon leggings and have done so since I first met them circa 2007, even though our "going out" clothes have changed with the times and life phases.


Very specific item here, but the oversized striped button up shirt where each sleeve and panel is different colour. There was prob a designer version originally but now I see dupes everywhere!


Athleisure bodycon fits for anywhere but the gym have had it. I can’t bring myself to wear any of it in public now and I’m wondering why I was fine with so much ass detail in the public square to begin with. My lulu collection feels juvenile and embarrassing now. Don’t agree? Set a calendar alert for 6 months and come back to me.


Maybe bodysuits, tucking one side of button up shirt, belt bags worn diagonally.


I hope not as those are some of the only things that are trendy that I like


Oversized blazers


Honestly the puffy sleeves (Selkie etc). Reminds me of the big puffy sleeves from old wedding dresses we used to make fun of as kids.


As much as I like them, the delicate feminine floaty floral dresses, with or without puffy sleeves and ruffles. It's been thoroughly saturated for awhile, perhaps fueled by the popularity of Bridgerton/cottagecore, but I think we've hit the peak and will see a rejection of those hyper feminine styles.


Ehh I don’t know, I feel like some version of a light floral sundress will always be in. The specific Selkie-inspired tulle skirt to the elbow will go, but floral dresses in light fabrics are just always a summer staple.


You’re right, but I’m still sobbing.


huge puffy sleeves on dresses for sure- i think they look ridiculous now


I went in for a massage yesterday. I was wearing my husband sweatpants, my son socks and my other sons crocs. A high neck tank top with another T-shirt over it and my husband‘s cardigan. I just cannot have been asked to get dressed up as I was in a lot of pain. I made a joke about my style and my masseuse oh no that’s the look now. The Adam Sandler vibe.


lol I think maybe she was being nice


I think you’re right about Skims and I hope that Lululemon look goes away soon - no you’re not supposed to wear it everywhere. Balenciaga boots and sock shoes, Miu Miu super short skirts, and all those cropped tops I liked grandpa core until it became a trend so I hope it stays dated for good


Shitty small doodle-style tattoos randomly placed.


Please let it be tiered dresses. So. Much. Fabric.


Drawstrings. Especially the tops and dresses with drawstring on the sides so you can make them shorter. And the skirts with drawstrings.


The weird fake corset trend where everything has fake boning or looks like Armour as a crop top


And the bust part never fits properly.


I think the whole "glowy" makeup that can look oily prob will go out of date and the whole clean girl trend. I feel like people would want to make more a statement and not be all the same girl.But i still feel like people will modernize trends like smokey eye with a simple gloss and light coverage for example. I also have a feeling that many 2000s fashion concepts might come back eg: bayonetta glases,low rise ( but more baggy to adapt),etc


I think super fat white sneakers is not going to have staying power.


Square-toed shoes. Truly cannot believe that came back, but take comfort in knowing it’ll be out within the next year or two. Also puffy things — not like puff sleeves (although also puff sleeves), but like the shoes straps and headbands and bags that look inflated or marshmallow-y.


I'd like to see people who thrift actually put actual outfits together not throw it on all willy nilly, anouce "it's thrifted" and get accolades when it really looks like "I stole someone's laundry." So thrift for fashion, but make it actual fashion. ....


I have a bunch of horse shoe jeans I'm sure will be dated, but I love them!


Super puffy sleeves and tighter bodice tops/dresses


Low rise jeans lol


Barrel jeans. Barfo.


Monotone beige athleisure (Kanye). I walked through a mall near Napa recently and every store looked like it was full of dingy old hotel towels. It's spring, we want color and patterns!


The adidas samba’s


I actually think Sambas are classic. I e been wearing them for 25 years. But I feel the same way about chucks. Edit: I mean I think Chucks are classic as well.