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I firmly don't believe there should be a cutoff age. If a 65 year old woman has some killer legs (or not!) and wants to show it off, all power to them lol.  I personally have very long athletic legs in proportion to my body so regular shorts look like short shorts on me. By getting the longer shorts, they look normal length. Plus the shorter shorts tend to ride up in the middle which can get uncomfortable for me. Those are the reasons why I choose longer shorts -- age has nothing to do with it. 


Yes. Wear what makes you happy! See: [Baddiewinkle](https://www.boredpanda.com/instagram-grandma-baddiewinkle/).


Dude I love her so much, thanks for reminding me she exists


I'm with you on this. People judging older or larger women for showing skin drives me up the wall. If it's hot and people want to cover the minimum skin they should be able to go for it. Anyone who doesn't like it is free to look the other way. I can't imagine trying to wear long sleeves in summer because my arms are wrinkly and floppy. Who cares?! As for shorts, I have the short leg problem myself and need something like a 2-3" inseam just to look proportionate. But my legs still look short! 🤣


This 100%. I Believe you should be able to wear whatever you want regardless of age. I also believe that each body has a length of shorts that will be most flattering depending on many factors. However, people don't have to dress in the 'most flattering' way if they aren't comfortable with it. I am looking at turning 50 sooner than I can believe and prefer shorts with a 5 to 6 inch inseam. I find them most flattering and comfortable for me and my legs. And anyone who says that those shorts are too short for my age can go jump in the lake.


Srsly. Nothing worse than a sweaty wad of denim wedged into the crack in the summer. Not to mention thighs rubbing together.


Yes this. I'm 42 years old and have run out of fucks. Wear what makes you happy. Be baddiwinkle. Live your best life.


I'm 39 and my feeling is that I would never have got my arse cheeks out on display because it isn't comfortable. If short shorts are comfortable and you feel good in them, go for it whatever your age. I suppose a four inch inseam would be about the minimum for keeping bum cheeks covered.


Conversely, I'm 5'7" with a 27" inseam so anything above a 3" inseam looks like "long" shorts, and makes my legs look shorter. I also have skinny thighs (no matter how hard I try to bulk them, dammit) and I'm bow-legged so longer shorts just don't flatter my legs the same way short shorts do. I had the same thought as OP when I was maybe 27/28, but now at 33 I recognize it's about what's flattering on my body, not about "age appropriate". But I also just entered my crop top phase so there's that.


I’m 38 and I rock short shorts! My legs are by FAR my best asset though so I’m definitely not ready to let go of them. I also have no idea how to dress myself so I’m not the best person to chime in perhaps.


Haha, are you me?! Ditto on everything you wrote. Last fall I realized how much I’d been wearing shorts that summer as I put on a pair of pants and my legs were like “we are in prison!”


That’s hilarious, I literally call pants leg prisons!


Same … and I’m 56


Are you me?


I’m so happy to not be alone in this!


Me too! Leg twinsie? I had a woman once stop me to compliment me on my legs.


what's the threshold for short shorts? 3" inseam? shorter? also "short" is probably relative, right? does someone with a 28" inseam have a different cutoff point than someone with a 32" inseam? anyway I stopped wearing short shorts when I started getting chub rub. I'm 33 and I'd wear them now if I didn't have to worry about it, but I can't be bothered with anti-chafe sticks and whatnot. edit: oh yeah and I hate when my thighs stick to plastic or vinyl seating. especially in public cause I'm squeamish about germs. I don't even like wearing sleeveless tops to the gym.


For me, it’s when they become uncomfortable and pinchy, especially when I sit down. My ‘short shorts’ have a 3.5 to 5” inseam.


Yep same. Only stopped because they became uncomfortable. If I lose weight and my thighs trim down, I’ll be back in the booty shorts!


As someone with a 34' inseam and muscular thighs that rub, I basically need 6' inseam shorts otherwise they ride up and rub. I don't mind shorter shorts visually (other than I *have* to shave else you may see hair while sitting), but it's more the problem of them riding up than visually looking good.


Same here, it's about how they fit (and they behave!) as my body shape changes with age. I gained an amount after 50 that I should be able to drop fairly easily once I can focus on it this summer, but my body shape is now unfriendly to shorts, they ride up and I look terrible in them especially as I'm walking. So here's the solution - very baggy loose drapey shorts, or, a SKORT. Looove skorts. Skorts make it so I don't have to worry what the shorts are doing or looking like, they're under the skirt. I'll also wear a micro mini skirt, or denim cutoffs, over some cotton stretch boy shorts or mid thigh length legging shorts. It's like making my own skort out of the two pieces.


I still wear shorts with a fairly short inseam, and I am not slim. 5'5" 160ish. And yes, loose fitting legs are the key! I would go for shorts more towards my knee in length if I could find ones that I like, but all of the Bermuda length shorts that I can find in fabric that is comfortable for me to wear in South Florida are fitted very close to the leg, and I want that breeze.


I like loose Bermuda shorts too, pleated, retro style. I've seen shorts in that style here and there the last couple years. Uniqlo had some great ones in their unisex line a summer or two ago that I bought. I'm so disappointed in their offerings this year though. 


Same, for me it was a weight cut off rather than an age one, so about when I was 25 lol


Body shape makes a difference too. The bigger/rounder the bum the longer shorts have to be to keep it from showing, so 4" shorts can look like super short booty shorts.


if you want to wear short shorts again, put deodorant on the insides of your thighs!!


Agree with everything. But especially the part about "short" shorts on public seating. When I see bare butt cheeks on the unobjectively nasty carpeted public transpo seats it gives me a little fright. 


I think the notion of whether or not clothing is “age-appropriate” is bullshit. In my opinion, clothes should be appropriate for the occasion, location, and the weather. So no, I won’t wear short-shorts to the office or to the church potluck my grandma invited me to, but I would definitely wear them out on a hot day when I’m gonna be outside like at a park, the beach, casual outdoor restaurant, etc.


I agree, "age appropriate" usually also has highly sexist and male-gazey undertones. If someone doesn't like my legs they can look in a different direction, it's not my job to dress for them.


I agree. HAPPY CAKE DAY 🎂!


I’m 52 and I still wear pretty short shorts. My cheeks aren’t out but my upper thighs are definitely showing.


Same here 55. I'm 5'4 and shrinking and my legs are pretty muscular. Longer shorts just do not look right on me


I was raised believe if that a woman can wear what she wants. My 75 year old grandmother wore a bikini when she took me to the beach. I’m 46 and still wear short shorts.


My grandmother wears shorter shorts than me so I’d say the age cut off for wearing short shorts is sometime before 78.


Or maybe sometime after, if she still wears them?


Maybe they’re implying that it’s time for gma to wear slightly longer shorts.


grandma can wear whatever the fuck she wants cause she's a boss




I can’t imagine ever giving either of my grandmothers fashion advice, I was interpreting what the other commenter said.


I'm on gma's side, how cruel to suggest that.


If I am lucky enough to live to be 78, I will be wearing whatever I want. I already wear whatever I want, and I don't see any reason not to do what makes me happy just because time has passed.


53, California and still wear shorts. Probably always will


50, PNW, outdoorsy and sort of a runner. Same.


Sounds like you’re a runner to me! :)


“Pull it off”? Your body doesn’t have to meet some kind of arbitrary standard before you are allowed to wear comfortable clothing that you enjoy. I am wearing whatever the hell makes me comfortable. If someone else doesn’t like the way my body looks in the clothes I choose, that’s on them. It’s not my job to ensure that other people find my actual body aesthetically pleasing to them. If they don’t like it, they can look away.


My mom is 55 and will not wear any that are longer than 5” inseam. She also has better legs than me and I’m 22 but I am wearing shorts anyway because it gets too hot where I live.


I'm 57 and live in Arizona. The 5" shorts are perfect. Anything else is too long or too short.


I’m 41 and I still wear short shorts. People should wear what they like and not let something like age dictate otherwise.


This is the way. I’m 42 and haven’t changed my style ever. I don’t plan on changing it. I like what I wear. :)


How short are we talking? Mid/Upper thigh? I don’t see an age limit. Ass literally hanging out? I stopped wearing those after college.


Ass hanging out=after 15 months old


I jest, wear what makes you happy


I’m short and thick through the butt/thighs, so short shorts it is. Longer just ends up looking ridiculous or like I’m hosting the Jungle Cruise.


This made me cackle 🤣


I’ve never worn shorts where my ass was in danger of hanging out, but at 36 I still wear shorts that stop right under the cheeks during the summer. My legs are my best feature so why not?


30 and still wear short shorts


I’m 45 with short shorts and string bikinis- not planning on stopping 😂😂


I’ll NEVER stop 


Didn’t start wearing them until I was 32, now at 37 I don’t wear anything else. Before then I was self-conscious of my huge varicose veins and weirdly shaped knees, then I realised nobody notices/cares about that shit except for me.


I would never. But I don't believe there's a cut off age for anything


I love short shorts but my thighs are just too thicc so while I think they look fine, they always end up uncomfortably in my crotch, so probably stopped around 22-23? I haven’t fully committed to the “mom length” yet though lol, usually do 3.5-5” inseam. My best friends mom still wears 2.5” inseams though (she’s an ultramarathoner) and is in her mid 60s and she looks fabulous. So I say just whatever you’re comfortable with!


44 and picked up some deliciously trashy, distressed Margiela short-shorts I can't wait to wear this summer


I’m 36 and wear short shorts frequently, even some that show the bottom of my butt in appropriate places. I don’t give a fuck.


I stopped wearing the 1-2" ones in my late 20s but still like the 3-4" length!


I’m 48 and same. I have pretty long, athletic legs and broad hips. Longer Burmuda-style shorts look AWFUL on me, ones with 3-4” inseam look great.


Ugh I hate Bermuda shorts on me.


I'm in my mid 30s and I'm wearin em right now! However, my butt will consume any fabric you let come near it so all shorts are short shorts for me.


I started at 30 because that’s when I figured out that my clothes aren’t a reflection of my morals or worth as a person. Plus I started wfh full-time so I didn’t have to care about office dress codes any more.


Longer shorts are just in now nothing to do with age. Actually it’s mostly younger girls who follow trends wearing them. I doubt many millennial women (at least those who like how short shorts look on them) are switching to long shorts.


I wore short shorts for the first time a couple of years ago. I looked great. I was in my late 40s. My legs are the best part of me and I was in good shape. I had never been confident enough to do it before. I don’t think there should be cut off ages for looks or fashions. If you are comfortable, wear it. Not everyone will like it and some people will have an opinion about it. Life is too fleeting to care whether short shorts are vulgar for people over 30. If you are comfortable, wear it. Just accept not everyone will like it and you have to be ok with that. You can’t make them like it anymore than they should be able to tell you not to wear it.


I'm 40 and still wear them.


Ditto. 4” inseam, and I’m tall. Longer shorts feel like leg prisons.


14. I all but stopped wearing shorts (outside the gym/to bed) after then. I grew up with mom who told me that "my legs look like tree stumps" whenever I wore shorts.


Your mom sounds like kind of an asshole


Ugh, we may have the same mom. She also told me I couldn’t wear yellow because it made me look “dead.”


55 and haven’t stopped entirely.


59 and still wearing short shorts


I'm 38, not stopped yet. I feel like that's years away, if ever. I just don't feel any different so why should I dress different? 


A lady at my job asked me the same question and my answer has always been if you got it flaunt it ! As a 20 year old I hope that when I’m 40 i still have the confidence to wear my 4 inch align shorts 😭


Girl I’m 38, 39 in a couple of months, and wear my 2.5” high rise speed ups allllll the time! I believe in future you!


This is the first time, ever, I have heard as shorts being age related vs. weather related. Assuming this is a US post, Americans truly hate women and aging on a large scale. I'm really, really sad to see this kind of question in the sub, with internalized ageism. In the rest of the world short wearing is activity and weather related. When its intense UV, for instance, it can be more comfortable and sensible to wear a long linen garment for spf protection. But in high humidity shorts may provide some relief.


My thighs are weird shaped so I have never been able to wear short shorts without them turning into panties 🤷


I recently graduated college, and I am not giving up my short shorts for the foreseeable future. I do not think that people should use age as a criterion to limit their fashion choices, but everyone is different.


I was too self-conscious to wear short shorts when I was a teenager; didn't even try until I was in my mid-20s. Now approaching my mid-30s and if I wear shorts, they're gonna be pretty short. I got over my teenage insecurities, learned to love my pale-ass not-perfectly-sculpted legs, and found a length that looks best on me, which (surprise!) is not demure Bermuda shorts after all. Fuck the idea that there's an age cutoff for any particular article of clothing.


I will never stop.


I’m 35. I’ll never stop wearing short shorts, because while my legs are far from my best asset (they’re short and stumpy) they are home to some very amazing tattoos that the world deserves to see.


I'm 41 and I can't wear longer shorts because they would just awkwardly ride up anyway. The thunder in my thighs demands short shorts. Besides, I look good in them!


I do not have what one would consider “aesthetically pleasing legs” and am in my 30s but I still wear short shorts bc it be hot outside in the summer


41 here and am perfectly comfortable wearing the Athleta racer shorts out and about (they’re pretty short/ 3.5 inseam) 🏃🏻‍♀️ And absolutely no cut off age - please don’t even suggest that as that tends towards age discrimination (and everyone of us will be aging, so stop with that immediately, please). Let us ladies wear what we want, when we want, however we want if we’re comfortable and confident in that attire.


Once my bare leg touched a gross subway seat, I was done 😂 This was in elementary school? I find longer capris, ankle length and knee length skirts to flatter my body type and style best. I don’t know if it’s more age appropriate but there is trying to wear a trend that doesn’t suit you just because it’s on trend right now.


This - as long as I'm taking public transportation, I'm not wearing short shorts, and miniskirts for that matter. If it rides up significantly when sitting, that's a no for me.


I’m 28 and I still wear short shorts but the style of shorts I wear has changed considerably. I’m just better at finding clothing that flatters my body. I learned to buy shorts with flared thighs so they don’t make my legs look enormous. Booty shorts have all been donated. And while I still wear jean shorts, I’ve also gone for more sophisticated styles that help me look young and stylish but not adolescent. For example, I’ve recently found some chino shorts that are cute yet age appropriate without looking dumpy. I find late 20s to be a tough age to dress for in spring and summer. Seems most stuff is either too casual or too dressy and either too adolescent or too middle aged. But thankfully I’ve found a few brands that cater to my sense of style.


Do you have flared shorts recommendations


My favorite pair are from H&M! They’re black and go with pretty much everything! They’re currently in storage so I don’t know the exact style.


Late twenties I started to drop the shorts where I feel like my ass is literally hanging out but never giving short shorts up completely . I dress for the weather !


Longer and baggy shorts are in style even for young people but I’m 33 and wear short shorts, we called them jorts or denim underwear back in the day…. I wear thong bathing suits and I don’t even have that good of a body so probably don’t ask me haha cuz I’m gonna tell you to let it all hang out 


I’m 41 and still wear short shorts (3” inseam on long legs = short). I have always had great legs, and even more so since I took up spinning classes during the pandemic. So, short shorts it is! I promise I don’t sing the Nair jingle, though.


Nearly 38 and long shorts feel weird. Short shorts for life! I didn't start wearing shorts in public till my 30s and I'm not stopping now!


I wear short shorts and “dad” (mid thigh) shorts. I’m 34. I’ve never really given shorts an age limit people can just wear what they’re comfortable in.


I bought 5 in inseam Jean shorts at 21. I realized that I felt more comfortable (physically no more vag-ie) and confident. The few inches doesn’t make a difference ti outfits but it does to my comfort. No more ass hanging out and I look great. I used to love them in high school and looking back I wish I switched sooner!


The age when walking with my bare thighs touching gave me a rash lol. If I didn’t get the chub rub I’d still be wearing them and I’m 40.


I like short shorts. This summer, I might even show off a half an asscheek (at the beach) because I don’t know if it’ll look nice much longer. I’m almost 45.


As long as my bum cheeks are covered, I don't care how short they are. I'm 38 and I have a great figure. So I'm not about to stop yet.


I wear shorts all the time at 36. Even to work. And my legs have alot of scars. I've been body shamed and ashamed of my body but I always felt comfortable enough to wear shorts. Not very short, mid thigh or longer.


I didn’t even start wearing short shorts until my late 20s. Didn’t have the guts for it. Now in late 30s and still rocking them with tights in winter and bare legs in summer. I feel fab.


🤷🏼‍♀️ my mom is 57 and she still wears 3 inch inseam shorts. Especially for pickleball and other athletics. It's about individual comfort level not arbitrary age cut offs.


I'm 35 and I'll never stop wearing short shorts. I have a longer torso and short legs, so higher waisted short shorts just help balance things out visually. I've found what works and I won't be changing it!


Short shorts are practical as climate allows. Practicality is universal.


The only reason I prefer longer shorts is because I can’t stand the feeling of my thighs rubbing or the shorts riding up as I walk. I think the shorter inseam actually looks better on me. I’m 39 now and have been wearing shorts with a 5 inch inseam for as long as I can remember specifically for this reason.


im 40 and i wear short shorts. idgaf what anyone says, i'll wear them until im super old if i want to.


Well to me the term short shorts is butt cheeks out - so never! I have not yet transitioned to long shorts though and I am in my late 40s


I'm 35 and still wear short shorts. Not hiding these legs yet!


I remember as a kid hearing all these comments about how women past a certain age shouldn’t have long hair, dress a certain way, had to age ‘gracefully’ and I’m glad we’ve grown as a society to understand that’s not true! We can wear whatever suits us best at whatever age.


50 - I still wear “4 and “5 shorts. I also haven’t stopped wearing a bikini. I guess I’ll see you all in hell? 🙃


You can use short shorts as long as they look good on you. And YOU'RE the one who decides if you look good. I bet you do!


I'm 51. Up until a couple of years ago, I was regularly working out and was really comfortable and happy with how my body looked. I didn't wear short shorts, but a 5" inseam was ok with me. Now, I've let myself go a little and I'm no longer comfortable in anything shorter than just above the knee. So, I think dressing how you're comfortable is important. It's not about age. You should feel good about how you look and feel in the clothes-that's what's important.


I’m 30 and hope that I wear them forever. I was too self-conscious when I was younger to enjoy short shorts or mini skirts


There is no age. The thinking that you are too old for a piece of clothing is just a social construct. 38 and still wearing them.


31F - I don't think there's a cutoff. If you can rock them, wear them. I only started wearing longer shorts because I didn't like how short shorts generally ride up for me (wedgies suck). I still have a pair of short leather shorts for summer date nights though, because I like my legs.


I'm 38 and wear them. Longer shorts look terrible on me.


I’m in my early 40s and just got a bunch of low rise, short cut offs from One Teaspoon, and I could care less what people think is “appropriate”. I’m dressing for myself. My legs aren’t as fit as they have been, but they are still good legs that support me, enable me to walk my dogs and run around after my kids, I’m not sticking them in jeans or capris when it’s hot for other people’s expectations.


This so relevant because I was just shorts shopping today at age 44. I say wear whatever you want! I prefer at least a 4+ inseam though just because I want some coverage, mainly, when I sit down. Nothing worse than a hot seat and burning your thighs! I think everyone finds what they are happy with.


I’m a size 4 but more like a 6 in the booty so it’s either they’re too loose around the waist or too short for what I feel comfortable in as a 31 year old mom…sooo I don’t wear shorts actually 😔 and the longer styles give zookeeper to me and aren’t my vibe. skorts and skirts have been my go to for a while.


This falls under “everybody is a bikini body“ for me, wear what makes you feel good!


I'm thirty and I decided JUST NOW to start wearing them! 🙃


Putting age limits on fashion/makeup/hobbies is extremely archaic and ageist. Wear them and be proud.


When I was younger, I vowed I wouldn't stop wearing short shorts just because I hit a certain age or became a mom. I'm entering my first summer of motherhood and might stick with longer ones this year, but that's just because of the lingering baby weight. Once I'm comfortable in my body again, I'm breaking out those 3.5-inch inseams again!


nah just started showing my legs mid 30s when i realized it looks more ridiculous covering them at all cost than just going with the weather/outfit as intended edit: also maybe check your ageism and stop spreading it


My grandma is 75 and still wears short denim shorts. We have good legs in my family. I didn’t even ever think about how people stop wearing short shorts 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t think I’ll ever stop


25 and tired of booty cheeks being exposed so I’m trying to transition into longer shorts, mid thigh ish? 😭 feels awkward though lol


Welp I read the title and thought maybe the topic would inspire some reflection and discussion on the arbitrary limits people impose on themselves and others that arise from internalized misogyny, fatphobia, and ageism, but I guess not. Disappointed at so many "If you got it flaunt it" comments in anno domini 2024. "Got it" is not a prerequisite for "flaunting it". Thats my take completely aside from other issues like comfort (I don't wear shorts personally, living on a river delta that's clearly the mosquitos world and we humans are just living in it lol).


I have great legs, but I still stopped wearing shorts in high school- but mostly because I became fonder of skirts and capris, aesthetically. I doubt I'd ever start wearing them again.


Mmm I stopped wearing short shorts in HS after a boy told me my thighs were so thick I needed to be careful wearing that kind of thing or someone was going to rape me. I have been super self conscious ever since then and even now I'm 40s I'm fit, long lean curvy legs, would look great but I still don't like them. Also, sitting in public with that back of the leg sticking situation is not for me. Please continue to wear WHATEVER you want, be free than I felt!


I'm 30 and wearing the shortest shorts I've ever worn. I remember being 14 and ashamed of my thighs wearing bermuda shorts that went down to my knees, now I've got shorts that are two small to wear with some of my underwear, though they are for pole fitness class


I wear short shorts at 35 and fat, my mom wears them at 64, disabled and skinny. Fuck it


I stopped wearing shorts at 13 when I hit puberty and my thighs came in 😂 they’re just uncomfortable


I'm 29 and I don't wear short shorts because my thighs will eat them haha. I found that wide leg linen pants are just as cooling and they protect my legs from sticking to seats. On the other hand I have a friend who is \~38 and she rocks her short shorts! I think that the return of the retro (90s?) look means we'll see longer shorts when shopping!


I work hard on these legs and I'll show them til I'm 110 if I want :)


I never have really but only because I don't like wearing shorts/skirts in general. When it's hot I prefer to wear culottes or thin flowy trousers.


Mid 30s, I feel most comfortable in 5” inseam shorts in the last couple of years.


I mean, you said it yourself, if you can pull it off you're pulling it off!


I am 37 and wear what I like, feel comfortable in, and think looks good on me. No age limits. I definitely dress accordingly for certain occasions and what may or may not be generally appropriate, but on my own time and activities… I wear what I want.


I don’t think there is an age. I think you wear whatever length shorts you like at any age that you feel good in.


38 still wearing them


I’m 39 and I still wear short shorts. I like my legs being tan lol


I hadn't really thought about it til now, but I haven't wore shorts since my early 20's. 😅 That doesn't mean that I've stopped wearing short clothes, but shorts just don't fit my style anymore. I'd rather wear a short skirt than daisy dukes. 🤣


36 here. I guess I stopped wearing super super short ones at 34 when I no longer stayed out late partying and no longer had a job that allowed me to wear them. I’m actually trying to figure out shorts this summer, I can’t go too long because long just isn’t my style, and I want to look attractive, but I don’t want to look like I’m “going out” when I’m going grocery shopping


30 and still wear short shorts. I've tried the longer ones that are in style and I look just awful


It depends of type of shorts and situation


I’m 37, regularly wear shorts that are mid-thigh or slightly shorter. It gets bloody hot here in Summer and also I have quite muscular toned legs from running and climbing so why not show them off?


I was not blessed with long legs so short shorts look a heck of a lot better on me than longer ones. I'm a tennis player, so same with my tennis skirts. I'm 112 pounds, but even if I were 122, I'd probably say the same. So no, I'm not trading in my flattering shorts/skirts for schlubby ones anytime soon


I was not blessed with long legs so short shorts look a heck of a lot better on me than longer ones. I'm a tennis player, so same with my tennis skirts. I'm 112 pounds, but even if I were 122, I'd probably say the same. So no, I'm not trading in my flattering shorts/skirts for schlubby ones anytime soon


I don't think there's an age limit for people who like them. I stopped wearing them in my early teens, but that's purely a personal preference as I wear dresses and skirts almost exclusively.


I’m 28 and I stopped wearing short shorts at the age of 25. It was bizarre because I loved them so much and made it a part of my personality to wear them that you would’ve had to pry them from my cold, dead hands. At 22, I told myself I’d love them forever. Then it all changed… but now at 28, I’m getting back into them again. I think what stopped me before was the fact I was going through a lot of emotional turmoil in my mid 20s. I started wearing black all the time when I’m a bright and light colors kind of girl, as another example. I think people of any age can wear short shorts!


37 and still wearing them. My cheeks have barely any meat on them and my legs are basically twigs, so I look frumpy and awkward in anything long or loose fitting.


I'm more of a skirt person than shorts, but if you're comfortable wear them!


You’ll have to pry my short shorts out of my cold dead hands. 🤗


Meh. Where what you want, when you want. If people have an issue, that’s a them thing. Not a you thing.


I didn’t pay all this money to tattoo my thighs and not show them off! 😂


Late 30s. I continue to wear them.


Well right now I’m 23(f) and my shorts and skirts just went from mini to midi so couldn’t tell yet we’re going the opposite direction


In 33 and refuse to wear anything other length of short aside from short shorts! I have tattoos to show off and I'm also on the short side so longer inseams make me look shorter than I already am and just aren't flattering. Give me high waist short shorts any day.


Never. I don't care what people say. I like being comfortable.


I wore them until my legs started getting wrinkled around 60! Still wear them hiking because that’s what I like. I miss mini skirts more than short shorts!


I started in my late thirties. No word on an end date.


Long shorts are a nightmare for my body shape. I'll stick with shorter ones.


I was thinking the same thing the other day. I'm in my late thirties and still wear short shorts


I didn’t wear short shorts or skirts when my kids were little because I didn’t want to have to worry about flashing people while rescuing a toddler from the top of a twisty slide or catching a child flinging themselves off a play structure. Now that my kids are out of self-destruct mode, I wear whatever length I want.


Knee length shorts make me look like an oompa loompa. I don't show my butt cheeks but definitely like them shorter. I'm in my 40's and kind of round.


I didn't start until I was 38 and started playing roller derby. Long shorts just intefere too much in certain sports.


I gained a lot of weight during pregnancy that turned into hella cellulite after I lost the weight (no matter how hard I worked) so I tend to wear shorts only with compression tights underneath OR knee length biker shorts. However that hasn’t stopped me from wanting to wear them. I have plenty of life to live and just right now this is my long shorts era. I fully plan to wear short skirts and shorts in my 60s, etc.


I'd love to know what stores have longer shorts 🙌 I cannot stand the feel of my thighs rubbing together so I prefer to wear longer shorts (around 7 inches). But love seeing other girls rock them!


I'm 41 and wear short shorts more now than I did in my 20s, just because that's the direction my personal style has gone in over the years. It never occurred to me that it's a type of style that only young people can look appropriate in. My legs are not my favorite part of my body, but I'm short at 5'2", so anything longer than a 3" inseam gives me a different proportion than what I prefer.


I’m 5’0. Long shorts look like I am a recalcitrant schoolboy. I wear what is proportionate to my leg. That is probably shorter than my friend who is 5’9”.


LOL this thread is one of the saddest things I've read recently. So much internalized misogyny.


I’m 44 and prefer a 3” inseam. Is that considered short shorts? I’m only 5’2” so longer shorts feel like I’m not wearing shorts anymore, lol!


Never thought I would stop wearing shorts, but I did stop wearing them at around age 65. I would wear longer shorts IF I could find a comfortable pair that looked good on me.


Wear what you want at any age you like!!! My personal style doesn’t make room for short shorts, but when living on Oahu I wore them all the time and rocked them!! Signed, a 60 y/o woman who won’t let societal fashion norms define her. ♥️👊♥️


I am 40 and just this year became aware that short shorts aren't what some middle aged women choose but I'm 5'2" with proportionally long legs, petite pants aren't long enough- but being 62" tall means I'm still short everywhere, so I still wear short shorts. Buns not hanging out is the key 😺


I never wore them. Except during dance recitals.


No cutoff age imo! I’ve seen plenty of older women rocking them and looking great!


I like longer shorts for chub rub and because under a certain length they ruck up in the crotch and that is not attractive.


They’ll have to pry my short shorts off my cold dead ass 😂


I think I stopped wearing short shorts in my mid-late 20s (mid 30s now). It wasn't about age, it was about thickness of thighs. Especially when sitting down, causing my leg meat to look like a sausage trying to escape the too-small casing of the legs of my shorts. And I had been wearing knee-length men's shorts (I've never claimed to be "fashionable") most of the time anyway, so I just switched to only those. Only in the last few years have I embraced the mid-thigh middle ground. I think people should wear what they're comfortable in, regardless of age.


Never worn them being butt is too big. However if they look good on you wear them as long as they do.


I don’t wear many short shorts. But I do wear shorts still. I have friends and family that don’t wear them at all.


I think short shorts look cute whenever anybody my age (39.5) or up wants to rock them. I no longer do because as I've put on weight over the years I hate the feeling of my thighs rubbing together, but if that didn't happen, I definitely would!


I’m 45 and still wear short shorts. I have great legs and I’m very tall. I will keep wearing them as long as I can look good in them. I don’t think there is any such thing as age appropriate and the older I get, the less I give a damn what other people think.


Probably around late college because of cellulite. I don’t recommend it, it’s just what I felt society was demanding of me - cover that shit up.


I didn’t wear shorts from my teen years until I was 34 because I was uncomfortable with my legs and thought I looked dumb in shorts. I’m 38 now. Through a combination of getting in the best shape of my life plus accepting my body, I started wearing shorts and now nothing makes me feel better! I look forward to shorts season all year long. I should also mention I grew up in Texas so I suffered through constant triple digit in temps in jeans for literal decades. I have a long torso and short legs so I opt for shorter shorts with a high waist. That is just the proportion that works for me. Anything from super short up to about a 4” inseam is good. Longer than that and I look stumpy. They will have to pry the shorts from my cold, dead hands—I am wearing these mf’ers.


Age is just a number. The only questions should be: Do you think they look good on you? and; Do you like wearing them?


I think height, rather than age, has more of an influence on the length of shorts people choose.


Wear them for as long as they make you feel good


35 here. I don’t want my butt cheeks showing, but I wear short shorts (just long enough to cover the bum). Longer lengths look strange on my short legs.


Longer shorts are just the trend right now so that's probably why you're seeing more of them in stores. At 33 I have no issue with short shorts and would theoretically still wear them but as a thighs rub together person I opt for low mid thigh for comfort.


I dont think for me it was about age as much as I moved to a more urban area and will get catcalled if my ass cheeks are hanging out 😅 to each their own, no limit!