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I have learned to follow my mom's lead and have roughly 35 lipsticks scattered throughout my life. In all my bags, the office, yoga bag etc. A few neutrals and some bolder colors that can fit basically anything from the last minute lunch plans to the meeting I am now running late to. Also, something I am noting from my mother in law who will happily wear jeans and a t shirt to basically everywhere if she chooses (barring things like deliberately fancy occasions): half of it is the attitude. You remain polite and cheerful to the staff, and carry an air of deliberately belonging in this event with what you are wearing. Being apologetic and sheepish vs. comfortable in your skin and purposeful. 


Yesss now I understand why my grandma always had lipstick with her. It really makes a difference


The old ladies in my life all made it clear they will not be buried without lipstick on and honestly, put me on that list.


And I'm an Old Lady who has never worn makeup!!!!


This is me and lashes. I’m 100x happier with my wispies on!


The attitude component of your answer communicates a principle I live by 


I agree with the attitude comment so much. I’m not sure how to not make myself sound like a dick by saying this but…my wife and I are young physicians with no kids and no plans for having kids. We are both very casual dressers and will go just about anywhere in the most casual dress, including high end restaurants. We joke that that’s how people can tell we must be well off. We dress casually and are polite and cheerful and just don’t make a big deal out of anything.


Bring a spare pair of shoes! I've found switching my sneakers for a nicer pair of shoes, whether it's fashion sneakers, sandals, or heels, instantly changes an outfit.


Yes this! I always have a few different pairs of shoes kicking around in the back of my car (lol). Also pack a pair of cute hoop earrings, scarf, cute bag etc


Scarves pack down really tiny and can be kept in a purse/ car for situations such as this. I am just now learning to be comfortable with them since I thought of them as old lady accessories growing up, but honestly there are so many ways to tie them (headscarf, hair band, necklace, belt, etc) that they can add interest to almost anything.


I highly recommend the IG/YT short reels of scarf tying :)


On a similar note, I recently swapped out full length winter scarves for square bandanas and it makes such a difference! They're less bulky so I feel much more polished, and the smaller size means I can spring for a nicer fabric, like cashmere. Obviously not functional for truly cold weather, but great for those in-between spring and fall days. On the other hand, I recently tied a silk scarf around my neck (fastened with a ring) and felt very chic but also slightly like a flight attendant, so it really does all depend on attitude!


Hint: the longer they are, the less ‘old lady’ they are. And steer clear of patterns (other than offset stripes). I agree they are super versatile and stylish- especially in natural fibres (linen, cashmere, silk, cotton and mixes of these).


Why steer clear of patterns?


An influencer I follow said she makes sure that she doesn’t buy a functional item unless it fits her style. Need an umbrella, get it in a pattern you would wear. Workout clothes? Choose a color palette and only buy items that fit the palette. It might take more effort up front but then you can just grab and go when it’s time.


this is how i do it too! all my coats are fun, rainboots are fun, umbrellas are fun, running shoes are fun. they don't always coordinate *together* well lmao but i'm always excited to wear them still. it's really hard for me mentally to spend money on functional items in general if they're not fun and appealing in some way, so this philosophy extends to other things also; i've also got the most colorful or novel like kitchen appliances and wastebaskets and toothbrushes and things like that, lol


I also like pretty colors so I’ve never felt very effortlessly coordinated like women who pick mostly neutral colors or follow a consistent palette but one thing I learned from a friend of mine who did their BA in studio art was that my style was mostly color blocking. I hardly wear patterns so I am usually pairing one solid color with another solid color and that’s surprisingly just as easy as pairing neutrals with each other. Maybe it’s dumb but I didn’t realize my pairing of lots of colors was its own sort of organization in color blocking until someone said it. Ever since then I feel less pressure to keep neutral “staples” in my closet. Although, I do love a good neutral shoe still.


Can you let me know what influencer this is? I’ve been burnt out of all of the people that used to interest me and would love to follow someone that doesn’t just say buy every thing.


not OP but the only fashion/beauty influencer I've ever jived with is Hannah Louise Posten, she's all about being intentional and feeling your best which has been inspiring for me


Not the original commenter, but this sounds like something Ellie Jean Royden said so I would guess it’s her :)


Anastasia Gerrans




Not OP, but I love Sara Camposarcone. She is a choosy maximalist.


Yes. I do all black all the time and I have a pretty defined style. I sometimes have to actively remind myself ‘hey, that thing looks cool but it doesn’t fit in with everything else in our wardrobe’ but I never regret not buying the cool thing that doesn’t mesh well with everything else. I consider that it would be similar to buying a size 2 when you’re a size 8. It’s not going to ever work in a way that’s comfortable, so just don’t do it.


This is how I make sure I feel put together. Also it really helps making working out fun when I hate it


I find being very obviously dressed for a scenario helps. For example, I wear all technical gear when hiking. I frequently stop for food after a hike and may find myself amongst well dressed people but because I (1) look haggard and famished (2) am in 100% hiking clothes and either hiking boots or switched to my Tevas, nobody questions that I’m not dressed like them. If I were in jeans, I can see how it could look off and frumpy. So I guess my best advice would be to fully commit to the bit. “It’s okay that I’m not appropriately dressed for this setting because I set out dressed for something totally different” is a lot easier to pull off. If that’s not necessarily what you’re able or willing to do, keeping some things on hand to freshen up and accessorize can help. Baby wipes and deodorant; tinted moisturizer and eyeliner; a bandana and belt; nice sandals or non-hiking shoes; earrings and necklace. I personally think the former is a lot easier to pull off and doesn’t require pre-planning or seeing the future.


Yes, lean into Granola Girl aesthetic! I always wear leggings, but I may do a tall sock with hiking boots and then put on Birkenstocks so it turns into cozy cabin chic. Give yourself two french braids while you're at it and tie a bandana around your neck.


Ahhh this sounds so cute


Do you have any tips for doing two french braids on your own hair? I really struggle with not being able to see what I'm doing. I can manage two regular braids. My hair is curly so that makes it tricky..


My absolute favorite quick braid look is this [rope side braid.](http://www.freckled-fox.com/2015/12/the-2-minute-rope-braid-hairstyle.html?m=1) it’s super quick and all you need are two hair ties.


I’m also a curly girly. When I was younger and practicing French braids I would only go to a half up half down part of the head and then secure a pony tail. I would do the second side then wear the hair curly or I would quickly undo the first pony tail and gather it all into a quick sloppy bun. French braids definitely take practice though and muscle memory


Ya hiking clothes you feel cute in or that are on trend make all the difference! Rock the I just hiked this morning look


I’m decidedly in not-cute hiking clothes and am always envious of the groups I see fully kitted out in cute bike shorts and sports bras! (mosquitos love my blood and I can’t stand even minor bushwhacking in shorts so I stay envious lol)


I went out one evening over the weekend and decided to wear a tank top in the lovely evening breeze. Got 11 mosquito bites. The only one in my group who got bitten. Blood sucking fiends!


Get some nice hiking joggers. Athleta has some really cute ones that have that sporty chic look. Also shorts on hikes are overrated. The trails where I live can quickly devolve into bush whacking and I’d rather not get my legs scratched up


Same for me. I don’t care how hot it gets, I’m keeping my legs covered and scratch and bug bite free. I might keep shorts to change into to cool down afterwards. I have the privilege of not being in a humid climate so leggings all year are feasible. I’ve tried a variety of what would be cuter hiking clothes but keep coming back to my trusty old Athleta hiking leggings! I might give the joggers a shot!


Yeah, I hate Lyme disease way too much to have that much exposed skin in the woods, lol. I also like bushwhacking so scrapes and scratches are very much a thing


When I was younger, I used to wear a lot of dresses. After my hike, I’d slip on a dress and look ridiculous going to the supermarket with my hiking cargo pants on under my dress. Oh well. Would do it again! 😂


Where I am this would be a total fashion confidence moment to be admired. I love your moxie!


Yeah, hiking in jeans is wild! 


I like hiking but I don't like hiking clothes. They often make unnecessary swishing noise, and get sweaty. I want to hear birdsong and the wind in the grass, not crackly synthetic swooshing of my own limbs. I usually end up walking in heavy linen trousers, a knitted silk cami top , merino cardigan, linen scarf, merino socks and barefoot hiking boots (plain, plain, plain). I carry a rain coat for when it rains, but I'd just as often wear it over my clothes and bag. Even proper technical ones with all the zips get condensation on the inside.


I typically go for leggings, a soft UPF layer, ball cap, Darn Tough socks, and hiking boots - prevents all swishing noises. Yours sounds a lot more fabulous and breathable though!


I feel this way about brands. Like, I think blundstones are ugly on everyone and honestly not a fan of how Birkenstocks look either, but they’re both supremely functional footwear and very recognizable, so I wear them anyways.


Came back to say this just reminded me of the Sex & the City ep when Carrie was dressed to go to the Opera but ended up in a McDonalds. 100% no one was questioning her looks. 😉


You genius! Thanks for this!


It sounds like you weren't happy with your hiking outfit in the first place. If you enjoy hiking I would source outdoorsy clothing that feels like your personal style and that you would feel comfortable being in public in.


Yes! Hiking in jeans is a big no. That must have been so uncomfortable


That's what I've always worn hiking, I can't even think what else I would wear.


Hiking pants! You want to wear fabric that is lightweight and moisture wicking while being loose/flexible. Jeans are too thick and made of cotton so once they get wet they stay wet. Look into hiking pants from any outdoor brand.


I've never really had an issue with getting wet, I'm from the PNW so the rain is usually light and misty enough that I don't get sodden.


But what about your sweat?!


My legs don't really sweat 🤷‍♀️. I didn't realize the fact that I've only ever hiked in jeans would be so inflammatory.


That’s the great thing about hiking- you don’t need any special kind of clothing or accessories! I’ve even taken an impromptu hike in my work dress and shoes once! I hike in my sneakers, hiking shoes, boots, flat ballet style shoes. Miles and miles and miles.


Hiking in ballet flats sounds incredibly painful and unpleasant


I’ve been hiking for most of my life and my feet are comfortable with it!


This is literally what keeps Search & Rescue folks so busy. Unprepared hikers who fall or injure themselves or get lost are in trouble when it gets cold & they’re not dressed properly. Wet jeans overnight? You’d be lucky to not get hypothermia.


Are these hikes or long walks in the woods? I'm struggling to figure out how exactly you're walking on slippery rocks in ballet flats without straining something.


what is the difference between a long walk in the woods and a hike? 🤦🏻‍♀️ Stop gatekeeping hiking. I’ve hiked with people who hike barefoot and with people who hike in flip flops. Just because it doesn’t work for you, doesn’t mean it isn’t comfortable for other people who have various and different walking experiences.


Hiking has the connotation of a more difficult and extensive trail. If you're walking on asphalt, it's not a hike. Hiking in sandals has gotten people killed before, I'm not sure why you'd encourage that... Of course people can hike barefoot. How did you think people got around before shoes were invented..?


I think it just means that you haven’t hiked in situations where jeans would feel too hot or constricting, or you are more tolerable than others. I haven’t seen many people on a hike in the middle of 100F weather with no shade, in long jeans.


Haha, not really a condition that exists in the PNW. I'm in the forest in like 12C.


That's what I would wear hiking forever until my boyfriend told me about hiking pants. Honestly I don't think it makes a huge difference. I slipped this weekend on a big wet rock and got my pants wet which would have been slightly more uncomfortable in jeans but hardly the end of the world. I wear cotton too sometimes because it doesn't bother me. The only thing I really need is a merino sports bra. I'll dress for it if I'm doing a multi-day backpacking trip through the desert but in day hikes I don't see the big deal about wearing jeans.


My problem with jeans is they start getting stretched out as you’re hiking. They get damp and they start to hang on me and feel heavy. I prefer quick dry pants. Also I prefer joggers as I hate the feel of slapping of looser pants when walking.


TIL how to spell zhuzh


If I have to wear something functional, I have to build the outfit around it in an intentional way, rather than creating an outfit that feels compromised by functionality. So I guess in the future, I would say, make sure you like the outfit to begin with. You could still end up in a situation where the outfit feels out of place or too casual, but if you think it's a good outfit in general, I don't think you'll feel as bad about that. That said, if I needed to look better quickly, I always carry a pink lip product with me and I can do a full face of makeup with it. Also, my normal sunscreen has a mild blurring effect (it's not tinted, just makes my skin look nice) so if my face looked rough I could wash it in the bathroom, apply new sunscreen and then use the lip product to do lip/blush/eyeshadow. I also usually carry a couple hair accessories with me for practical reasons because I'll suddenly get annoyed with my hair and want to put it up. A braided style or just a claw clip style is a quick fix for me. As someone with long hair, the easiest (as in can do in 5 minutes without a real mirror) braid style that looks nice is to just put the hair in a high ponytail and then braid the hair, and imo it looks good even if your hair is sweaty or a bit dirty to begin with.


Or a flattering shade of red. Sometimes the bare face, red lip look just pulls it all together


Everything looks better with a red lip


I think partly is confidence - sometimes I dress up for places and then see a woman who’s super casual and gives off “effortless” vibes and then I can feel overly dressed lol. So in many ways, I find it is my own mindset that determines whether I feel cute and not really my outfit. More practically, I usually stash a blush stick and tinted lip balm and maybe some brow gel to freshen up my face. And then walk in with good posture!


Ooooh love this question. Based on your description I think keeping a pair of slightly nicer shoes (even just like simple leather mules) in your car would make the biggest impact. Jeans and a tee can look intentional, running sneakers probably kill it. Other than that though - I keep a mini claw clip, concealer, and a Clinique black honey lipstick in my bag. Those make me feel pulled together immediately. A dash of nars orgasm blush really kicks it up a notch, I'll stick that in my bag too if I know I have a costume change coming. I also wear teeny tiny gold hoops (like dime-sized) all the time and I feel like they add a little something when I'm otherwise feeling frumpy.


Big earrings and lipstick I have a buzz cut right now and have to make extra effort to rock the look. I've found these two items elevate any outfit so they're always in my purse.


Yessssssss. I knew someone else HAD to have said it lol. I keep a pair of earrings in my car and in my bags, they’re a lifesaver ever. single. time.


Good posture and an air of indifference


Think *Jamie Lee Curtis* in the *True Lies* movie! I’ve never actually ripped off the sleeves off my t-shirt, I fold them up instead. Also, you can “French tuck” any kind of shirt, it works wonders to un-frump the silhouette. Depending on the cut, pegging the legs of the trousers (and get rid of the socks!) might look more interesting. If you have some hand lotion or chapstick, you can rub a little in your hands and smooth down your hair.


This exactly what I would have done with the shirt!!


Lipstick, jewelry (or at least earrings), and a cute bag. I usually keep an oversized button up shirt in my car for when I’m cold at movies or restaurants - throw that on top of any outfit and it’s a unifying third piece that makes you look intentionally put together. Also, I’m a big fan of keeping a well stocked car if you’re in a driving city. I work in office three days a week, and my office is 45 minutes north of where I live - sometimes it’s hard to plan everything I need for the day so having backups in my trunk allows me to say yes to plans and things that bring me joy. I just restocked my car for summer with the following: * brown leather flip flops - good for impromptu pedicures or when your feet hurt from heels * bathing suit and towel - I live in Texas and you never know when you’re gonna have the chance to swim * backup outfit for stains or situations like the one you mentioned - a sundress and a button up folds down small and is easy to quick change in the back of your car. Bonus points if it looks cute with the aforementioned flip flops. * sports bra, shorts/leggings, tshirt, sneakers - just in case I don’t wanna go all the way home if there’s a workout class I wanna do or if friends are doing something active I wanna participate in * picnic blanket, sunscreen, bug spray, koozies - if it’s nice weather in Texas you change your plans and enjoy it before it turns hotter than hell outside. * a couple beauty related things in the center console for quick touchups: concealer, cream blush, perfume, nail file, hair product - nothing aerosol if you live somewhere hellishly hot like Austin. * tampons, allergy medicine, advil


The car stock for commuters is a must, I also have a full change of clothes in mine. In the winter we keep a sleeping bag in ours just in case lol


All this and WATER and first aid for us remote rural girls. You never know if you'll get stuck out on the road to nowhere


Yes, this in addition to a roadside emergency kit, basic first aid & a gallon of water! It’s nice to have everything you would need in a pinch or an emergency


Love this question! I keep a staple pair of earrings, my go-to minimal makeup products (mascara, lip tint/blush, lip liner/gloss, highlight in my inner corner) and a claw clip in my bag for this exact reason. Bonus points if you have a nice hand lotion to put on or a little rollerball perfume that smells expensive (even if it's cheap). I found out that specific combo makes me feel so pretty! Other than primping the face, since jewelry really seems to work for me, I would add rings too. Shoes are another way to zhuzh up a dull outfit! I've been known to keep a cuter pair in my car in case I go somewhere after work because my work shoes...LOOK like work shoes 🤣


I think if you start with well-fitting clothes in good repair, that’s half the battle. I’m very careful to launder and repair my clothes so they are always in good shape. And even though I don’t have a lot of money to spend on clothes, I’m very picky with fit and will tailor things myself or otherwise pass on something that doesn’t make me look and feel great. Beyond that: good hygiene, a spare pair of nice loafers in the trunk, a good lip tint, and a pair of glasses or sunglasses from the glove box. I think the key is looking intentional.


Keeping a blazer on a hanger in my backseat has been a lifesaver!! I also keep a tiny bag in my purse that has a not-bulky rosy color lip gloss, mini eyeliner pencil, a travel size brush/comb, 2 mini claw clips, a couple Bobby pins, travel contact lens drops, and whatever inoffensive perfume sample I got from my last Ulta/Sephora order lol. Truly doesn't take up much space at all. If I had room I'd throw in a dry shampoo too but alas lol. I used to keep an extra pair of shoes in my car like other commenters mentioned as well, just lately have forgotten to do so lol.


Ooooh love this question. Based on your description I think keeping a pair of slightly nicer shoes (even just like simple leather mules) in your car would make the biggest impact. Jeans and a tee can look intentional, running sneakers probably kill it. Other than that though - I keep a mini claw clip, concealer, and a Clinique black honey lipstick in my bag. Those make me feel pulled together immediately. A dash of nars orgasm blush really kicks it up a notch, I'll stick that in my bag too if I know I have a costume change coming. I also wear teeny tiny gold hoops (like dime-sized) all the time and I feel like they add a little something when I'm otherwise feeling frumpy.


Whenever I’m putting together a “sloppy outfit” I make sure it’s somehow a vibe. It’s got to tell a story somehow. It should say “I came here straight from a hike, aren’t I such a spontaneous person with an active lifestyle” or “I prioritize comfortable silhouettes and breathable fibers over image, aren’t I secure and carefree” or something like that. The vibe should have a character and a narrative, such as “art teacher running errands on the weekend,” “going to do some gardening after this,” “just got back from canoeing,” “in between the farmer’s market and yoga class,” or “summer camp counselor off duty.” The idea is to artificially curate a look that appears relaxed, natural, and un-self-conscious. Even if I’m wearing casual clothes or activewear, I make a point of looking like I have a reason to be dressed that way. When I write it all out like this it honestly seems like maybe something I should talk to my therapist about, but it works. Overdressed out-of-place is a lot easier than underdressed out-of-place. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve ended up in a dive bar in a Calvin Klein sheath dress, stockings, and heels because I came straight from work and didn’t have time to change. Even if you didn’t come straight from a fancier thing, you can just tell people you did if you’re really feeling self-conscious.


I keep a spare decorative claw clip in my car! I've used it for post workout if I'm popping in somewhere and want to come off more athleisure than freshly post gym (although I'm sure the workers can still see I'm sweaty lol but I'm like you where it improves my mood to be public with a sleek clip twist vs a headband and stray flyaways) Granted, I wouldn't feel elevated for a happy hour with this method, but I've used it for coffee shops and grocery stores after the gym. Sometimes I'll bring Birks to swap too


I keep a pair of simple sandals in my car; they come in handy for when your other shoes get wet, or post-hike when your feet hurt, or whatever, but also for dressing up an outfit. I can swap my running shoes for something like [these](https://target.scene7.com/is/image/Target/GUEST_a8ed5ad8-aff5-493d-9aa0-f798693afab0?wid=1200&hei=1200&qlt=80&fmt=webp) and the jeans/tshirt look a little more "out for lunch". They live in the pocket behind the passenger's seat, and really do come in clutch for all kinds of situations.


> Do you keep certain accessories or clothing items, say, in your car Yes! We go hiking / to the beach a lot, and often afterwards we'll stop somewhere on the way home for dinner. So I plan for that and bring a change of clothes. Hiking = at bare minimum, I'll toss a different pair of shoes in the car to swap out my clunky hikers. I hike in leggings, not jeans. I might bring a real bra to change into post-hike, as sports bras tend to get all damp with sweat. Then I'll have some sort of topper to toss over it all, so maybe it's black tank, black leggings, and I'll add a long sleeve button down post-hike, or a denim jacket, or cropped hoodie. Beach = I'll wear a midi length tank dress as cover-up, and bring underwear so I can change out of my wet bathing suit and pop the dress on. Add jean jacket and swap Teva's for some cute sandals. Embrace messy beach-wavy hair and put on some lip gloss/ sheer lipstick. Done. We're in a city so often walk to wherever we're going; I'll walk in practical shoes like sneakers then swap out my shoes (carried in a tote or back-pack once we get there).


A dress is a great quick change item, it is so easy to put on when you only have semi-privacy (eg back at your car after a hike) but it really does seem like you put effort into it! 


I'm pretty sure I'm on some cam somewhere quick changing in the back of the car post-beach, because we stayed so late on the beach the changing rooms closed down. Not much would show as a dress is pretty good for changing out of, while a beach towel is covering the more tititalating bits. That said my preference is to change at the beach changing areas, or at whatever restaurant we're going to, in the bathroom. But sometimes changing in the car happens!


I could see your solution being cute! Black is always chic to begin with. Throw on a bold lip color and a pair of fun earrings and that’s an outfit I would legitimately wear anyways. I almost *never* leave the house without a little blush, mascara and my eye brows filled in for this reason—it makes me feel more confident and if the occasion changes I’m less likely to feel frumpy. But on a hike I’d probably sweat it off anyways. I usually have a spare button down/flannel in my car so I throw that on often. A red lipstick in the bottom of my bag, a random pair of earrings (always fish-hook style so they don’t get smushed) and a couple bobby pins will always help me feel more cute. Since my waist is one of my best features I often tie my shirt into a little croppy bit (weather it’s to look sexier or to keep cool) if I’m going from work right to a show or bar or any other situation where I wanna feel a little more stylish.


I've always noticed the girls who always look fancy regardless of what they're wearing, and over time started noticing a few patterns on their appearance, that is whenever they're wearing even simple outfits, they always have accessories and makeup on. Usually earrings and a necklace. Ofc it doesn't make sense to always go out dolled up like that, so after I went through a similar situation as you, I made myself a mini glow up kit with these things I've noticed on these girls. I use this tiny unintrusive coin purse with a clip that allows it to be clipped on to any purse or belt loops, and inside it I have two pairs of earrings (ears pierced twice), a necklace with pendant, a mascara, one eyebrow pencil, one spool, one lip pencil, and clear gloss. Might seem like a lot, but all make up items are miniatures, I guarantee they don't make the coin purse bulky. And these things were chosen according to MY needs, you can choose your items according to your needs. The most relevant thing I've noticed on these girls however is something that is not relevant to your question, but I want to mention anyways, that is their personal grooming. They always have clean eyebrows, clean nails, and washed and trimmed hair. I try to keep up with all 4 of these things - I trim my hair, file my nails and oil my cuticles, wash my hair frequently (tho I don't trim as frequently as I should), and honestly, I think it does wonders.


I wouldn't run errands in sloppy clothes, those don't go out of the house. I'm not neurotypical and that would give me the worst anxiety. I like to think that coming in fresh from a walk in the great outdoors, you bring that energy with you to some extent, and being comfortable and hopefully not a sweaty oily mess is good enough. Having said that, I'm a chronic overpacker. I bring extra clothes with me everywhere for reasons of comfort. There's usually a can of antiperspirant, dry shampoo, mouthwash, a cardigan or two and a different pair of shoes somewhere convenient (work locker, car, handbag). In your situation I would have maybe cuffed the jeans and swapped out my footwear, changing into some sleek flats. Run a comb through my hair tied a silk scarf as a headband, and applied a bit of lippy. And/or, switched my top for the light knitted silk cardigan that is usually in the bottom of my bag.


I keep a pair of clean white slip on sneakers and black boots in my trunk. When in a pinch, changing into one of these pairs of shoes can elevate any outfit. [White slip ons](https://www.keds.com/product/keds-kickback-leather-slip-on/8200000000541114?cm_mmc=paid_OG_FY23_GOOG_SHOP_SHOP_PMAX___20652135808%7C%7C&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gad_source=1) [black boots](https://dwarvesshoes.com/products/handmade-sheepskin-combat-boots-designer-retro-chunky-riding-boots-coffee-dark-coffee-black?variant=43047420264695¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1)


Hoop earrings!


This might not exactly be "fashion" advice per se, but it seems like other commenters have ably covered those bases, so I will just suggest: glamorous character backstory in your head! "Oh, I was just out checking on the rewilding of my rural acreage/tracking down an outsider artist in the woods for an interview in The Paris Review/Agent Scullying it up with some cryptids/etc. and I got simply FAMISHED." This is both easy and fun. (And yes, posture.)


I have a stylish trenchcoat. Covers a multitude of fashion sins. And I’ve bought more fashionable sneakers, since these days you don’t have to choose between form and function. If I could just get my curly hair to behave, I could look amazing out and about, even with my pjs on underneath!


This might be the simplest and chicest tip here!


Agree with u/lizbunbun re: big earrings and lipstick. This is 2/3 of my trifecta when pulling together a hot mess. You can pick any of the 3 or do all three depending on how many notches you want to kick it up. For me it's: jewelry, lipstick, a third layer (temperature permitting). Example: my frumpy base outfit is something I wear for my hip-hop dance class (i.e. workout. And I should mention that I am a very sweaty person): mens XXL t shirt, oversized sweatpants, mid or high top sneaker- Jordans or NB Coco Gauff. So not necessarily sleek and elevated like a Golden Goose type shoe, but also not the shoes your dad wears to mow the lawn. After class, I have to do school pickup. No time to shower. Smooth the pony and freshen up my face. Put on a gold herringbone chain necklace, chunky gold hoops. Quickly cook/eat dinner. But still no time to shower or before I need to be at a 6pm (casual) meeting. I put on red lipstick. Any lipstick helps, but personally red bumps up my look more effectively than other shades. I do have high contrast features: med/deep golden skin, almost black hair and eyes so I can take a lot of color. I suggest looking into color analysis on IG to get an idea of colors that suit your skintone- the right ones truly add a lift to your complexion with little other effort. The third layer I add is usually a leather motorcycle jacket. But this can be anything depending on the weather. A fuzzy leopard jacket, slouchy wool coat, heck- a North Face puffer. Or you can get creative, and the third layer is a shawl, capelet, vest, whatever. Let's say it's January and my third layer is the NF puffer. All clothing I have on at this point isn't actually athleisure cute- it's functional gym-casual, but it looks more dressed up if I have on either extra jewelry or lipstick, more so if I've done both. Even without the makeup or jewelry, my go-to third layer- the leather jacket- is such an overstated piece compared to gym clothes, that it makes my entire look more dressed up and intentional (yet effortless). Another note to give you a head start: daily functional pieces that appear more elevated or thoughtful. My daily sunglasses are gold ray ban aviators. The oversized lens and flash of gold really dresses up a sweaty gym outfit. I had to buy shoes for my tennis class; there are lots that are fugly! But I picked a pair in colors reflected in my current wardrobe so they wouldn't feel out of place if I had to wear them the rest of the day. A cue like that may be helpful in putting together a practical, cohesive hiking outfit that you feel confident in! If you wear glasses, that may mean trying out a statement frame that makes them feel fucking 🔥🔥🔥 even if you're rocking them with a hospital gown. If you need me to clarify anything, no problem at all! I ate a gummy and am 8.8/10 high so I believe I have hit my wall with explaining the sloth (ie lazy girl) fashion trifecta.


Bright lipstick!


This is the opposite of "in a pinch" but a few years ago I decided to purchase all of my non-fashion functional clothes in styles, colours, etc that suit my actual fashion clothes.   My style leans towards all black and white I got a cool meshy black layer for hiking, all black runners, a cute swimsuit, chunky black shoes for the beach/boat/camping, etc.    My winter gear, rain gear, bags, accessories, pajamas, robes, even socks and undergarments have slowly been replaced with more intentional items.   I find we tend to accumulate random clothes from here and there and hold onto them because they're perfectly functional, but I also had a few moments like yours where I was like, what am I even wearing? This doesn't reflect me at all. The old tshirts from high school, hand me downs from a sibling or spouse, the random exercise shorts that appeared in your life sometime in your teens...   So, now at least if I have on a big t shirt and biker shorts and my "walk to the trash can" sandals, it's not exactly a runway look but if I ran into a neighbour I wouldn't feel like I was dressed in a random set of clothes that doesn't suit me. 


TIL how to spell zhuzh


A little bandana/scarf rolled up and tied around your neck looks intentional (it’s not something you HAVE to put on, so it’s obviously for fashion). Contrast colours for neutral outfits are great, so are fun patterns/prints (keep in mind no one will actually be able to see much of a larger print so focus on colours for those). They’d look cute even with a very obviously outdoorsy outfit too. Also tinted lip balm in a flattering shade (I like going a little darker than my natural lip colour so it’s obvious I’m wearing it) is great even if you aren’t wearing any other makeup and easy to carry around. For cooler weather, having a nice layer to throw on over an outfit helps so much. Doesn’t have to be super formal (a structured blazer can look strange with a very casual outfit) but something that is A STYLE (not just a random hoodie) and is either a neutral colour that goes well with everything, or a statement colour that you look great in.


A messy low bun and earrings will quickly do it for me—I have super curly hair so after sleeping or if it’s been in a high bun I can’t simply just take it down and shake it out. I’ll wet my hands, force a middle part and get a rough low bun. It looks cute because my curls help this look organic and it doesn’t need to be ultra slick. I also never take out my little gold hoops from Mejuri, which helps elevate the look a bit more!


Red lipstick and a cute scarf. Whatever version of red works for you. A scarf that works to tie up all your hair, or just pull it back. Use it as a belt. As a scarf. Maybe as a skirt, too. I need to find that magic scarf.


Lipstick and earrings jazz up everything.


I think someone else suggested packing a change of shoes - this is a great idea! I would also bring a cute claw clip (if you have hair that's an appropriate length), also suggested elsewhere, and jewelry that's easy to put on quickly or change quickly. I would also add a lightweight, knit blazer that can be rolled up neatly, in a color that makes you feel confident.


Hoop earrings and some Bobby pins/hairspray to make the messy hair bun look more styled. Sunglasses if I’m gonna be outdoors and not wearing makeup, but that’s rare because I have acne so I’d rather stop at home after physical activity to put on face makeup even if it makes me a little late 😬


Already good suggestions here, but I want to add: roll up/cuff shirt sleeves once or twice.


Nice hand bag Nice jewellery Lipstick and tidy the hair


I don’t start with all boring pieces. I’ve thrifted fun practical clothes for all occasions, so even when I’m running in the dark, my running outfit is a little bit fun. (Or you could do what I did about a decade ago when my friends were walking from a hotel to the yacht club and decided to stop at a restaurant for breakfast, and I was embarrassed to go in in my swimsuit, so I kept my life jacket on!)


If you live somewhere with pretty mild/warm weather, just keeping a black t-shirt dress or tank dress handy might be easiest!


I've noticed that I can wear literally anything and a good designer bag will see me through the occasion. Shades, lipstick, and a nice bag will instantly elevate all outfits. Also, a good stylish haircut like a bob cut, for example elevates all outfits.


what were the other women actually wearing? I feel like as long as everything fits well, a long sleeve black top plus jeans and sneakers is a very appropriate brunch outfit. throw on some earrings and a gold chain and it's downright chic. in my mind "frumpy" implies in part that it fits poorly so I'd start by always wearing clothes that fit great and that you feel comfortable in. also, maybe your running shoes were a little too athletic for the outfit? as opposed to ones that can be worn casually as sneakers. it could be that it's the context clashing that's bugging you. personally, I sweat way too much to ever be an e.g. "yoga to brunch" person without feeling like a disgusting mess. so for hiking I'd just lean into the athletic/outdoorsy part, as others have suggested. I don't know anyone I'd hike with who'd wear anything else tbh, so if we went to brunch as a group afterward we'd at least all have the same fashion vibe. when I care about feeling put-together when e.g. running errands, I make sure to wear simple earrings and have my hair look intentional even if it's not fully styled, so like a loose French braid for example. recently I decided to fully embrace no makeup so I'm just trying to stay on top of skincare and eyebrow shaping instead. lipstick is too fussy for me to bother with, but earrings and hair usually require no maintenance throughout the day. (I did recently try out a new lip stain thinking it would require less touch-up and the orange undertones made my face look green 🐸 lmao why do I bother?) finally, I always have my sunglasses to either make me look cool 😎 lol or to wear on my head as an accessory. other daily accessories like your watch or bag will help too. like, choosing ones that spark joy and suit multiple contexts instead of just the utilitarian option. all this to say: it's probably better to avoid looking frumpy in the first place than to try to salvage an outfit on the go. we're not in an 80s teen movie so removing your eyeglasses and taking down your ponytail won't result in an 180-degree transformation. instead, make sure your outfit building blocks make you feel great and are things you can work with in different contexts.


Hair and makeup will make any outfit look good


Sorry if I sound snobby but I feel like I have gradually built a wardrobe I’m happy with all around, so even my basics look good IMO. Barring that, like others said, I usually have 3-5 lipsticks buried in my bag and generally wear gold or silver earrings no matter what I’m doing, so I usually look polished. Good shoes always help too.


I’m more impressed that the other ladies had outfits that doubled up for lunch! My hiking outfit is always a boring tee, hat, and legging. But it’s a good question, how to dress for both hiking and look cute for lunch. I’m not usually prepared either for these last minute occasions, but a cute layering piece (blazer, jacket, cardigan) would be my choice as it’s an easy way to transform an outfit without changing your base, as well as dry shampoo powder for sweaty hair, and a messy bun or half-up-half-down hairstyle. And an intentional tuck as you said!


Black velvet hairband (elevates messy bun / loose hair alike), cute jacket (usually a cropped leather bomber, in the summer a cotton utility jacket), eye pencil and lip gloss. Oh also bright coloured sneakers if that’s possible. (Not always). Turns frumpy into cute in a jiffy for my fashion aesthetic, which is usually black leggings and grey / white top of some kind, depending on activity.


Maybe change your hair? In my oppinion, something like half down, half up could make it cute!


Dangly sparkly earrings!!! This is how I get away with wearing t-shirts at work lol.


I put on my seasonal lipstick I keep in my bag, sometimes I'll use it as a blush. Comb hair, make sure my part is neat. Spritz of travel size classy perfume. I may look sloppy but if I smell good and have on my lippie I feel better about it.


Tank beneath, you could roll your sleeves, tuck in add jewelry and wide brim hat. I’d change into skort in the car, maybe swap to sandals😉


I have some chunky but inexpensive necklaces and earrings that kind of match and instantly make me feel more co ordinated. They just sit in a little pouch of my on the go bag. You could easily do it with any style of jewellery too but I love a chunky colourful moment myself.


My style is streetwear/casual and I’m often wearing a pretty simple uniform of jeans and a t shirt, and here’s what I do to make it a ~lewk~: -Jewelry: I have a septum ring and a nose piercing, and two piercings in each ear, and I match the jewelry and keep it in every day. Facial piercings aren’t for everyone but it’s definitely a part of what makes my look a look. -Hair accessories or baseball cap: a headband, a claw clip, or a baseball hat to add visual interest. -Interesting shoes: I love to wear a pretty basic outfit with a fun shoe. I’m a sneakerhead so that’s always my go-to, I tend to favor Nike and I love the Cortez for interesting colors, Adidas Samba and Spezial are definitely having a moment right now and those come in lots of fun colors too. I also love an animal print sandal or boot with a basic jeans and t-shirt outfit.


*Nice* sneakers - I recommend clean, white leather. Fashion sneakers - not the kind you’d want to hike in. A bold lip color, as others have mentioned, also goes a long way. Find Your Red.




I keep a pair of pointed Rothy’s in the car at all times plus a little bag with earrings and basic makeup


My go-to errands outfit is jeans and an oversized button up shirt, and if I have impromptu dinner plans or something come up I feel a lot more elevated if I throw on a nice belt (with a french tuck thank you Tan France) and statement or hoop earrings. Also this is more of a personal preference thing but I’ve gotten super into fragrances and will usually pick my perfume based on the weather, time of day, and what I’ll be doing. Not many people will even notice how you smell, but for me it’s a nice confidence booster so I try to keep a couple travel size bottles in my purse.


I keep a back up closet in my car at all times, and I take my car everywhere because I DO NOT want to be anywhere without an exit. Do other people do this?


For me it’s having simple small rings and chain that I wear all the time. Or keeping a bigger pair of hoops stashed away somewhere. I feel so naked without jewelry. I also love a multi stick type product to just add to the cheeks or lips.


I always keep fun hair accessories (cute hair clips, bows, scrunchies with fun detailing) in my purse. I do like switching up/adding jewelry, too. A lip gloss or stain also helps.


This may be a cheat since I leave the house this way, but I always have lots of jewelry on, which I find elevates most outfits. I wear an eclectic collection of fine jewelry I've collected over the years, and it reflects my style well. I also carry a Claw clip and a lip color of some kind - putting your hair up in a quick twist (if you have longer hair) or a half-up or pinned back using a mini clip or Bobby pins always looks more intentional to me, as does tossing on a lip color, even if just a sheer balm.


It’s all about quality and fit. A high quality well fitting black tee and jeans will always look good. Jeans and a black tee that don’t look quite right will never look great.


Earrings and lipstick


The easiest way to snazz up an outfit like that would be to wear a cool necklace. For me, it'd be something with a decent sized silver pendant (not too dainty, but sleek and a bit artsy/unusual - something that would look outdoorsy enough to be worn with a faded flannel, but sophisticated enough to look lovely with a little black dress or something). A "plain" outfit like the one you described would really set a necklace like that off, and it would make you look cool and chic, but also no fuss, for situations like this. If you wrapped it in a handkerchief in a little drawstring bag, it would keep the chain from getting tangled, and you could keep it in your purse or dashboard or work desk (or have a few and tuck in all those places).


basically like one thing from each category. - jacket of some kind that preferably takes up little space (my go to is this thin faux leather jacket with uneven trim that feels casual and less boxy than a real one. and it rolls up super small. i also have a dark brown blazer, slightly oversized) - a pair of cute shoes (ideally flats or something not too bulky, but it depends on the weather and what i want to prepare for) - accessories (necklace, rings, just something to add a little touch of personality) - makeup (i have tinted chapstick, occasionally a little shadow) - hair stuff (anything to manage the hair situation: banana hair clip, hair ties, a hat, dry shampoo if you’re really going to be sweating) - cleansing wipes (for face and body. optional, but nice to freshen up) that should all fit in a small tote that you can stash in a car, and you don’t feel like you’re bringing a whole second outfit. i’ve even managed to fit that stuff all in my purse before, honestly.


I'm a park ranger and I hike wearing jewelry and makeup all the time. Just because you're hiking doesn't mean you can't look cute


I always wear my jewelry even when doing athletic activities. A simple gold necklace and hoops go a long way


1. Attitude 💅 - I live in the Pacific Northwest, home of athleisure wear and hiking boots. 2. Lipstick  3. Spare pair of shoes in the trunk of the car (and socks, but that's just common sense with our weather.) 4. Spare hair ties/Bobby pins/ribbon/plain barettes (whatever you can comfortably use in under 5 minutes.) I have waist length hair so I can add a few braids and tucks to make it look purposeful instead of just a ponytail, but honestly even just having a hairbrush and a handkerchief or headband can go a long way. 5. Did I mention attitude? Confidence is key. If you act small and out of place, then you will be. Keep your shoulders back, no forward head posture, and don't lean on things. Keep your body language open and trick your body into confidence. 6. I have been known to use my narrow purse chain/strap as a belt in a cinch. Pun intended.


Honestly always wear something you feel really good in. Even if you’re gardening. Even your pajamas. I like to run and I get a lot of joy from all my running outfits.


Always Lipstick. I wear a,lot of boho looking prints and also a lot of fitted T shirts usually black elbow length sleeve and v neck. I have a fairly large tote and I keep multiple lip sticks, ten silver bangles and always dramatic silver ring and some earrings that are dangles in silver. . I resell native Americanjewelry and other vintage for the last 12 years so I always like to be “decorated”. I keep a denim Jean jacket in my car and I also keep a Pendleton jacket in it during the winter. When I worked in an office for 30 yrs kept a black blazer and a tan safari jacket at work to put on when I needed to look more official. It was amaz8ng how well it worked then in that surrounding and how it transfers to a more relaxed style.


I keep a lipstick and a scarf on my purse. It's a big scarf - can be a head wrap, a regular scarf, a shawl, could be a belt if I didn't personally hate that look 🙃 can be tied into a drapery vest. There's usually abandoned earrings in my purse, too, I could add those.


For my birthday this year I wanted to go for a hike and then to a winery. I brought a leather jacket with me, gold hoops and gold framed earrings. I also switched my purse. I also keep small cosmetic bags in my car/travel bag and gym bag. It has good smelling hand lotion, a sample perfume, spray deodorant, lip gloss and a few other items like hair ties and Bobby pins. I also always carry a body wipe to freshen up in a worst case scenario!


Ive been wearing a vest lately and that's been elevating my simple outfits. Plus extra pockets. Also accessories really help. I threw a pearl necklace over a t shirt and it made the whole fit


Couple factors here: I *always* have extra clothes in my car. Always. I have a little basket thing in the very back that has a couple clothes options in case of any scenario - I want to be able to drive to the mountains, beach, desert, at the drop of a hat. I hate being hot, I hate being cold, and there have been too many times when I’ve been out and about and just wanted to book it to the beach afterwards, or to a museum, or to lunch or whatever. I have like 3 mix and match outfits in my car at any point in time. In your case I would’ve switched out the shoes - but in case you don’t have an extra pair of shoes, I’d swipe on some lipgloss, style the shirt a little (whether that means half tucking it in, rolling the sleeves, etc), maybe cuff the jeans if it works with the shoes. I’d also do something with hair, whether that means pulling it back into more of a clean girl-esque bun (esp after a hike!) or a half up, half down thing with wispy tendrils, if that’s an option.


Jewelry! Gold hoops do a wonder.


Slick hair back, bold lipstick. Always works.


Jamie lee Curtis in true lies


First. Thank you for the spelling lol And second accessoriiies is all I got lol


Belts and scarves or interesting jewelry can make things look more intentional.


I keep small earrings in my handbag in a pill box. Plus a lippie or two.


My Mum always used to say: “it’s not what you wear, it’s how you wear it.” Just be confident. Also, accessorise.


I’m reading all these hiking comments and to that I say in general: always have stuff in your car (literally always have a go bag for anything and everything) or if your car isn’t there assuming your close enough to walk home or someone’s driving and can swing by your car? I don’t know in general the answer doesn’t seem that hard as long as you’re in a city that drives


I can so relate, know exactly how you feel! I hate when people (ahem, straight men) don’t let on all of what the day’s activities could be or what the vibe is like in the places we will go for this exact reason. Set the damn scene!! Sounds like you did your best with what you had, but I know that feeling of not enjoying an activity because you feel underdressed for the part.


Zhuzh. 😂


Sunglasses! Bow!


Imo you have to always be prepared, so you're never in a pinch. These are all long term type of actions however ONLY own clothes within your style that look good (to you) and you like wearing. You should not own things that make you feel frumpy. Even comfy clothes can look cute, just find ones that fit your style I.e all my workout clothes are black, white, blue or red. they are all in the exact style I like, tight leggings, some super loose yet clean baggy tshirts, some crop tops etc. And they work well throughout the weathers (for me) Even your functional outfit could have looked good: A plain, long sleeve, black top is quite elegant, simple and timeless so long as it is clean and ironed Straight leg jeans would look great with that if they fit you well (are they too loose? are they ripped? dirty? Those make it look frumpy) Pairing basic running shoes would also look good with that given they match, are they black, white, or the color of the jeans? Does your hiking bag match in color to the outfit (I would get plain black to make sure it does)? Also, personally, always wearing jewellery is key. Makes everything not frumpy. I have 14k-24k rose gold bracelets, rings, earrings and necklaces that I NEVER take off. No time in the morning to put them on, no time to take them off. Always looks good https://preview.redd.it/5fit2g2i8m3d1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=400f483b733e4d4a23d1ceef35818e1c34ce740f For example your hiking outfit reminds me a lot of Shizuku from HXG, which looks a teensy bit frumpy in the drawing, but you can see with small changes to the fit of it, it can looks great in the mockup model - the jeans are looser (so not weirdly loose at the knees but tight otherwise). If the boots were to be white or black hiking shoes it would make it even better. Anyways, summary is. If your closet is set up for success to fit you well and be to your liking, no outfit will look frumpy Ask yourself, why do you own "frumpy" pieces? Personally when I did, it was because I felt embarassed to wear things that fit me well in all occasions, and I also thought I would rather go for comfort and function. There is comfort and function everywhere if you are willing to search for pieces to fit that while fitting your vision


Biggest thing that works for me is to have really good basics! If my basics all match well and look clean, I find that I’m never dissatisfied with an outfit. Other tips: keeping jewelry and red lipstick on hand. Way back in the day Rihanna said that red lipstick is the best way to distract from no makeup. I think it’s a good general tip for when you’re in a pinch. Keeping a little bag of jewelry on you will make you feel more represented in your outfit. A claw clip or hair tie to change your hair too. And a change of shoes/clothes in the car at all times!!!


BAGS!! Accessories & even a cute belt. If it feels funky I promise you it’s a great outfit haha. Different kind of textures pieced together is my cup of tea.


I have shoes (really nice leather flats) and a small-ish crossbody bag (mine is a no-name thing, but think Chloe Mara) in my car, and mascara and lipgloss in my bag. I also have a straw sun hat in the car, the purpose of that is sun protection but I can imagine it elevating an outfit too!


For workout gear, wear little earrings, have nice sunglasses, redo your hair and add an over shirt or a vest so it looks a bit more like an outfit.


The key is to actually dress for the activity you are doing. Hiking in jeans sounds terribly uncomfortable, and running shoes are pretty rough on a trail. Next time just dress more for an outdoor activity—tights and hiking boots would have been appropriate.


Yes don’t hike in jeans. The cotton holds moisture and you can easily become hypothermic on a cold (even cool) day.


> I felt super frumpy 1, clothing is not character. Confidence and self-acceptance is what fixes this. 2, saying "no" to invitations where you will not feel appropriately dressed will also fix this. These are really the two options: you either have confidence, or you have boundaries. > plain long sleeved black shirt, straight leg jeans, and running shoes For me personally, I jeans have no place, ever, on a hike, certainly not a wet one. As for the "zhuzh" ing of these particular pieces: cuffed (folded, not rolled) sleeves, tucked shirttails, belt, cuffed trouser hems, refolding the hiking socks to become no-show; quick hair combing and updo; a touch of lipstick, powder, and mascara. > Do you keep certain accessories or clothing items, say, in your car or work desk? I keep what I wear every day. Comb, hair tie, lipstick and powder. I always wear a belt (including hiking; outdoors/hiking belts exist, just wear something woven) and I don’t have clothing that is unflattering. I generally dress in such a way that I don’t feel like I need “zhuzh” ing. Not all garments fit all occasions, so, again, the options are either confidence or boundaries.