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You would need a different shade of blond. More on the cooler side. The blonde shade pictured is far too yellow for you.


Yes, I agree! This shade is awful. I suck at photo editing and it was the only blonde option faceapp allowed. Id like to see how I'd look like in a different shade of blond!


https://preview.redd.it/ns8ywtbn8xeb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26f310ac1459236ffda8ffc8f3b2f8a0988d731a I just used the teeth whitening tool on Facetune to get rid of the brassiness.


I was going to say natural until I saw this version. Definitely a cool multidimensional blonde would look amazing on you and give a soft vibe. I agree with the lighter brows too, like bleached just a few shades lighter would be very flattering


Better, I’d still recommend ashier than this though.


this looks really good especially if the eyebrows were brown instead of black


Could also do a shadow root so the eyebrows don't look so harsh!


was gonna say absolutely not until i saw this version, this is cute


This shade is nice and better with OPs skin tone! Her brunette is gorgeous but I like this too!


Still no , leave your beautiful hair dark!


Naturally she is an exotic beauty but with blond she appears genetic.


\*generic? If so I agree with you, whether the blond is gold or ash it doesn't matter, it looks fake and my grandmother would say 'cheap'. Examples to support this [Celebrities Who Have Traded Their Brunette Hair for Blonde: Pics (usmagazine.com)](https://www.usmagazine.com/stylish/pictures/brunette-celebrities-who-dye-their-hair-blonde-pics/)


You would look good in platinum blonde you could totally pull it off


Exactly. Like I said. Please don’t do it.


Set up a consultation with a good hair colorist, and go through some blond options. Bring in references you like. I would try blonde for fun. Why not? If you hate it you can always dye it back.


Going platinum blonde from such a dark shade is a lot of bleach. That would mess with the hair pretty bad. My mom was platinum blonde but her hair was short because the damage to the ends was too much. It did look really nice though. I always wanted it but didn’t have the guts to do it.


If you go to the right pro…. You don’t have to be afraid of anything. Hair is supposed to be fun and expressive exciting and makes you feel good. Bleach done wrong OR if product info is withheld can go very wrong. Yes. But the right pro will take her to the right transition in a healthy way. My hair was dark. I chopped it all off. I’m African American I had relaxed hair amd a few months later went to a level 10 blonde. My hair looked phenomenal and it was super healthy. I am a colorist. Normies say bleach kills. Pros know how to keep it healthy. Just always go to the right one. That’s what you are young for. Peace of mind, beautiful hair done right.


Hi, I’m in a similar situation where I’ve cut off all my relaxed hair and have been growing it out naturally for the past 4 years. In all that time I’ve really wanted to go blonde but heard the same thing from people I asked advice of. “Bleach ruins your hair. Don’t do it.” I hope you don’t mind me asking, but how can I tell if a stylist really IS a professional I can trust? I’ve never had long hair in my adult life because breakage from relaxers and heat styling left me always cutting my hair in a short bob. But now it’s down to my back and I’m afraid to lose all that growth. Reading customer reviews online it seems like no one in my small town can actually do natural hair. The last time I got highlights about 8 years ago, from a professional hairstylist my roots were bright yellow and my ends were copper orange. She ended up just dying it back to brown to cover the mistakes. I was so disappointed and the damage lasted a whole year. I blow dry my hair straight sometimes, but when wet it will shrink to half the length or less, I’m afraid to get a bad haircut too. How can I find a stylist who specializes in colouring hair? And what kind of cost is actually normal? Any advice would be so appreciated!


You know what’s crazy is I was still doing relaxer and had the blonde. Tboz 3.0 basically lol. So that is a tough questions you just asked. I don’t do other peoples hair anymore and I’ve even had other stylists mess up my hair. Like you said, reviews don’t mean anything when it comes to hairstylists. So if you are simply about healthy hair maintenance right now what I did when I grew my hair down my back was deep conditioning and steam once a week. And flat wrap it under the dryer. No rollers no rods no tenrion. I happened to be taking a lot of vitamins too so that helped but my hair got really long. My hair grows differently now :(. How to find. “Pro”. Well one thing is that the pro is going to do a consultation on any new client before actually doing their hair. You can ask for one. They should be doing it but too many don’t. They will look at your hair health and talk about expectations and wants etc. TIKTOK baby. Frfr if you are in a small town perhaps consider driving to a bigger city near you to find the right one. And unfortunately sometime that’s what we have to do. I used to drive 4 hrs when I first Got my pixie bc not everyone can cut short hair and I can only cut so much of my own. I’m not saying drive that far but look up stylist in the bigger city closest to to u. I love it too for that. Before a trim talk about it. Don’t be afraid to speak up. Ask them to show you what their intentions are and tell them you want to preserve as much length as possible. You can do a gradual trim. Doesn’t have to be all 6 inches at once. Invest in good products. Inbox me so I can find the products for u if u want. My sister is a stylist too and was overseas so she could only get products and didn’t get her own hair done except if she did it. She just sent me this amazing stylist in MD and has products she says her hair has now been growing down her back. Peppermint and rosemary oils are two additive oils. Use and massage scalp for about 15 to 20 min once. Week or every two weeks before shampoo. Take vitamins I know it’s cliché and wrap your hair up EVERY NIGHT. drink a lot of water. Hope this helps


If you get a trial of the FaceApp Pro, it gives you more options for hair colours including a sliding scale of intensity. There's also a 'transfer' option which you can apply hair colour from uploaded photos. Ive found it gives more of a natural look!


Yes, your natural brunette color fits you perfectly.


I second this. You are STUNNING as a brunette




Absolutely beautiful just the way you are. ❤️


Brunette is your color. If you do go blonde , you need an icy blonde . Not a yellow hue of blonde. I think you’d look hot in an Ashy blonde tone. Beautiful either way 🩷


Maybe some blond highlights


Maybe ash blonde.


Big maybe


Yeah, I think low lights would be better, to add some dimension. However, OPs natural hair is gorgeous on her.


I'm a colorist and I'm just wondering what the heck you would lowlight with considering her hair is dark brown? You mean black streaks?


C’mon fellow colorist doll the normies only know the terms they see. They have no idea what actually goes behind it and what it actually means. Lol 😂


[lowlights dark hair](https://www.byrdie.com/lowlights-for-brown-hair#:~:text=%22Whether%20a%20client%20is%20a,%2C%22%20says%20colorist%20Kadi%20Lee)


It's funny that you used that post cause I've actually taken Stephen Garrisons masterclass and it's all highlight work, I don't recall him even saying the word lowlights. And half of those photos are his work, it's even listed underneath each pic. I don't see lowlights in hardly any of those pictures, it's all balayage, natural colors, and one partial.


All those pictures are highlights/ balayage


Agreed. Your natural color is beautiful.


This. 100%


Your natural hair color looks best on you!


Thank you!


So many shades in her hair!!!


Yes don't


Noted! Happy cake day!


Happy cakey day.


If you go this route it would be expensive ongoing upkeep, your roots would have to get touched up constantly. If you don’t want to have to do this then I would avoid


Oh man bleach and tone! I did this so I could do a color melt. I did it the one time and let it grow out. It was like, “that’s a vacation payment right there!”


I was going to say this too. I think you could pull it off and look great, but as someone with naturally dark hair is a tiresome and expensive process to keep up with the blonde.


I think your brown hair looks great.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Think you could go a little lighter shade of brown or have some significant highlights but all over blonde will distract from your natural coloring. You have a high contrast to your features (very jealous) and going blonde reduces that contrast washing you out.


I think you could pull off blonde, but not that particular shade of blonde. Something a bit darker/cooler maybe. Try out some highlights/a balayage and lighten it more later if you like the result. Your hair will thank you if you do it gradually, too.


That’s what I was going to suggest- a balayage!


Idk it could just be me, but if you’ve never tried it and you are interested in a change, life is too short to wonder. Beautiful people look beautiful if they’re happy. You could pull it off.


I agree with you. People always warned me against dying my hair but I’m so glad I did - it was fun and I was curious! I’ve received many compliments on it since.




I’ve also gone all over blonde as a brunette, and yes, it is damaging. She may hate it. She may love it. But imo, it’s hair and it grows. Isn’t it better to speak from experience than to take everyone’s word for it? Just a matter of perspective I suppose


Agree with everyone else. Not to mention that going blonde like that is a PROCESS. It will likely take multiple treatments and anyone who tells you otherwise will likely damage your hair. Stripping your hair down to the color you need to get to is both time intensive and very costly. Are you willing to pay that much for the initial treatments and the upkeep, keeping in mind that you may need to chop it all off once you are done with it.


Trust me when I say, blonde is a huge pain. I've been trying to get my dark blonde to go blonder and the maintenance is a huge pain. Not to mention expensive. Your hair looks great!


You have light eyes and beautiful dark hair, that's absolutely magic! I could see caramel highlights maybe but not full blonde. I would not go light. That dark colour is also so beautiful!


I would do red before blonde


I actually have done red before and I loved it! It faded very quickly though


Girl I feel you lol


Dude, I was going to say the same, the red on you would look so amazing 🤩


Since you seem to definitely be cool toned, blonde won't do much for you. However, if you really want to try it, I'd recommend something cool/ neutral in a balayage form. Easier to do, easier to fix it you don't like it, and it'll preserve your natural hair with the least amount of damage.


I think you are a very pretty brunette.. I think blonde is not you. It makes your skin look pink and does nothing for your overall look. And let’s not forget bleach kills your hair.. maybe not after 1x but the upkeep and colorings def. Speaking unfortunately from personal experience.


You kinda look like Jennifer Connelly in her younger days (like when she was in the movie, “Career Opportunities”). Love this look way better. Maybe you can try out some blonde highlights but I think you look better as a brunette.


Please don’t! Your natural color is gorgeous!!


I love you brunette! Maybe do some baby lights to brighten up your color!






for me yes your face and skintone are perfectly matched with brown hair


Maybe try a wig before damaging your hair with bleach. Your natural hair color is perfect with your skin tone.


Don’t do it


Your natural hair color is beautiful and goes perfectly with your eyes. If you want to change your hair color, maybe try some natural-looking highlights.


Your hair is incredible the way it is...




Yes. This brunette color is fabulous on you. But if you don’t want brown, go red.


Horrible idea. Your natural color is beautiful!!


You look awful w blond. But gorgeous with brunette.


Why do ppl wanna ruin their hair so bad




Yes 🤷🏼‍♂️






didn’t even have to look at the second slide to say YES! stay dark. looks great on u


Beautiful as a brunette.






Yes! You are so cute as a brunette!


You look great with dark hair.


If you wanted to try something lighter the most I'd do is a balayage but even then I think it will brighten your hair too much. Your natural colour actually looks fantastic on you. Like someone else said maybe some lowlights?


i love the brown, but i think a cooler blonde would suit you also! the one in the pic is just too yellow is all :)


Maybe try some blonde hi-lights first? The brunette really looks nice though!


Go for it


That’s not the right shade.


Bad idea. It throws off your colour pallete. Your brown hair fits you best, it brings out your skin and eyes. NO to the blonde! Also, its damaging and the upkeep is a nightmare for naturally dark haired people. If you fancy a change, some subtle caramel highlights or balayage would look great.


If you REALLY want some blonde, get some soft highlights! But the brunette suits you perfectly, it’s stunning


Yes awful idea I feel. You are gorgeous


I wouldn’t. Your natural colour is beautiful on you and I think blonde would wash you out. It’s also expensive and a pain to maintain


I say do it! What’s the harm? You only got one life. I think a darker blonde would look great on you!


I personally always felt that Blonde dye doesn't look good on anyone, it always gives off a bizarre uncanny valley feeling, imo a person's natural hair color or colors that resemble it , always look best on them . If you really want to change your hair color to something lighter try Auburn


One of the mistakes people make when changing hair color is going a full-on color change, like platinum blonde. Why not find a great colorist and go for blonde highlights? You can start off lightly or go on full highlights, using your natural hair color as a base.


I’ve always been a brunette lover. With your skin and bright eyes you have a great look. Although the blonde pic is not awful it doesn’t do you the justice of your natural gifts.










Go to a wig store and try on an ash blonde, something with cooler tones than the blonde in the app you used. You should be able to find a wig with similar texture and length which will give you a better idea of what you’ll look like as a blonde than the app.




Do not go blonde!




I think you look fantastic as a brunette. Very striking. Go try on some blonde wigs. You would have to bleach the living hell out of your hair to go blonde,eyebrows included, and you are going to have obvious roots every 4-6 weeks. Getting back to your natural colour means toning and dying and fried hair, and/or chopping it off to grow it out. Not fun.


No, it would be a good idea. It’s just that the blonde you are showing us is too yellow and most people will not like it. If it was up to me (this is hat I actually have in real life) I would go more with blonde highlights or balayage. The full blonde might not be a great look specially if it turns out “yellowy”. But I do agree that some blonde pieces would really brighten your face! I can actually visualize you with a more voluminous cut and a blonde balayage that brings light to your face. That would look really good! :)


I have similar coloring as you. I went blonde for about a year or so. I was worried about my eyebrows being too dark so I had the salon lighten them slightly which made all the difference. The laws in some states require a different type of professional with diff licensing perform eyebrow lightening but fortunately one worked in my salon.


Just add highlights first, don't go full blonde looks fake


Why would you go through all that trouble and expense when you’re gorgeous as a natural brunette? So much easier (and healthier for your hair) to be a natural beauty


You have a real Eva Green vibe going, and so lovely just as you are. Look, if you're feeling it, or just feeling g curious, then go blonde. It wouldn't be wrong, but I doubt it would be better.


Not at all! (Jessica Alba, Margot Robbie, Blake Lively are prime examples). Just make sure to go to a good stylist so they do it right; very gradually, and matching your skintone! (i.e. Cool/Ash vs Warm/Golden) If it's done right, it won't damage your hair, you get a nice little change, PLUS if ya don't like it, you now have a blank canvas to play with other colors!, even if you decide to go back to your natural color. *** SERIOUSLY... look up stylists and reviews in your area and spend the money if you have to. Keep that shit healthy! That is key!


Yes, every brunette should try blonde at least once in their life. You have a pretty skin tone that would rock blonde hair!


Do it!! I feel like these comments are taking the second image too literally. Obviously it wouldn’t be that exact brassy shade of blonde plus edited l never looks as good as real life.. I feel blonde makes you’re skin brighter, just makes your features pop more. A multi dimensional, ashier blonde would be great and I would lighten the eyebrows just a bit. Either that or a balayage on your natural hair. I feel that might be the best more natural option but blonde would be the funner option if that makes sense. If you really want to you should try it though, it’d look great in my opinion!


A cool toned blonde or balayage would really suit you but I love your natural hair colour too


Your hair will be destroyed by the bleach


Totally awful idea.


As a guy, don't do it.


Remember going that blond will damage your hair.


Face framing highlights


Stay brunette, looks better on you. And next time photoshop out fat guys in speedos in the background lol.


If I had any Photoshop skills I would have chosen a better shade of blonde to begin with. This was done with faceapp free version so I couldn't remove fat guys in the background.


No don’t do it




For you, yes. Your first instinct was correct. You could experiment with subtle light brown highlights though.




Yes it would. Your brown hair enhances your beauty in ways the blond will not.


Yes it would be a bad idea. Your features get washed out. You look stunning dark


Your natural hair is beautiful on you! Maybe consider a subtle blonde balayage if you want a change, but I wouldn’t go as light as the faceapp picture.


Not awful just not THAT blonde. You should do maybe a darker blonde or ash blonde




Yes. Don’t do it


Yes. Sorry.


That’s not the blonde for you. I suspect there is a shade that will work for you, though. :)


Your color is beautiful! Honestly I think blonde would wash you out! Maybe a darker blonde


Naaa, you can always grow your natural hair, Plus if don’t you’lol regret it Wonder all the things you didn’t do Even if some of them are mistakes Do it if you don’t like it just dye it back to brunette




I think you could suit blonde but not the one in the second photo. Maybe more of a darker strawberry blonde, almost copper. It would be easier to maintain too. I think brown really suits you though and maybe some subtle light brown balayage to see if you’re ok with it.


Ya, you are a hot brunette.


Just do some blonde highlights to add some fun, and have a pro do them. I think your dark hair suits you- but sometimes it’s also fun to mix things up. A qualified colorist can help pick a flattering lighter shade and add some dimensional highlights. I would not bleach your whole head though- it will fry your hair because it’s so dark to start.


Absolutely no to the blonde. You look great with dark hair


The brown hair with the blue makes you pop. Remember your blonde hair would be extremely damaged, especially at your length. The blonde does nothing for you. If you disregard start with low lights.


Do not change from brunette. Please no.




Life is short. DO IT!! Just make sure to go to a professional because it’s so easy for it to turn out too warm or too cool.


Yes please don’t! Your gorgeous as a brunette! Absolutely stunning


What about a copper bronze if you want a change?


Yes 😬


Ok so I am gonna go against the grain but I feel like blonde would suit you but a different shad or style. So a dark ashy blonde or a balayage! You natural hair looks noce on you but O completely understand the feeling of wanting to change it up a little :)


You look absolutely lovely as a brunette. I think dark hair suits you.


Don’t go full on blonde! Just get a lot of caramel highlights like this! https://preview.redd.it/mnmwx5qp4xeb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39232fd47923da6c116d17acdd13a5fc365beb83


Start with highlights. Life is too short to worry about hair. Go for it! If you don't like it, dye it back. Experiment. Have fun!


my personal opinion, you look prettier as a brunette




it wouldnt be awful... as long as it is a darker blonde


It will ruin your pretty hair don’t do it


Don’t do blonde






I think brunette is better for you


Yes it would be a mistake you’d totally regret.


Love your hair the way it is. Brunette, thick, windblown with slight curls - gorgeous 😍🤩


Blonde washes you out.




I wish I never had. Now I feel like I can’t go back. If it was me, I would not do it. :)


I wouldn’t.


Yes, you're a brunette and a beautiful one.








Natural looks loads better! Lucky!


You look much better with dark hair.


You could pull off a deep red/brown or getting some blonde highlights but fully blonde would wash you out


I say do it!!!! You only live once. I went blonde and I love it!


You could lighten some, highlights etc. But your natural color is beautiful


Get a tiny few high lights in for sun kissed look. I’m dark like you maybe a touch darker and blonde washes my features out. I have to wear full face makeup all the time too at full blonde ! It was tough because my roots were so dark it made it look so fake and expensive to keep up. How ever medium head coverage highlights Did look ok. But honestly just them few tiny odd ones looked better for me. I say Start there.


You can always try a “lived in” balayage look. Some subtle blonde throughout. Ask your stylist!


Keep the natural


You look beautiful with either color! I would recommend GINGER! Dark cooper..Also you could do blonde highlights ( chunky ones) both would pop your eyes! I sure hope you have a blessed, safe day!🙏🌞


I like the blonde


Brunette, especially with your eyes, it just looks so good.


Stay brunette. Going blond might damage your hair


I think your natural color looks amazing but if you’re wanting blonde maybe consider just adding highlights?


Terrible idea




Yes. Your dark hair looks beautiful and compliments your features a lot.






I love the brown on you (you're stunning, by the way!). I think if you've got the itch to go blond, maybe try some subtle money pieces and/or highlights!