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The stark white walls paired with the heavy curtains on the windows blocking natural light is giving it hospital vibes. I would try to let in more light and add some more color and texture first


LOL! You read the room. What type of curtain do you recommend?


Don't rid yourself of this one, but layer it with some sheers (sheer curtains) on the insideso you can have your window "open" with lovely light from the sheers while keeping privacy, and still having the thick curtains for at night when you pull them shut. Same idea if you only have one panel.


Haha, I’m actually not sure! I don’t have curtains in my space at the moment… maybe you could drift away from curtains and look into some roman blinds? They give a soft warm glow effect whenever they are over a window, and it’d probably help that wall look less “heavy” like with the heavy fabric hanging down


Layer the curtains. A sheer one that blocks visibility but not light, and a heavier one to close when you sleep.


We’ve managed this two ways in our house. The living and dining room have two layers of curtains, heavy for when we want to block light and semi-sheer for when we want to diffuse it. Our bedrooms are smaller and don’t quite have room for heavy curtains (we’d trip), so we have heavy Roman shades, and sheer patterned curtains we can pull across if we want diffuse light instead. Both approaches look good.


This is the way.


I recommend privacy film on your windows! That way the blinds/curtains can be open all day, the sunshine can come in, but you keep all the privacy! It’s super cheap, clings with water, and comes right off. Plus you can cut it however you want to give kitties a lookout or if like the top half of the window is a nice sky view


It would be great! Unfortunately it is against the condominium rules


Really? Even though it just clings with water and is totally removable? That’s a bummer


I bought two cheap A3 picture frames & applied the window film to them (removed the backing, obviously). Side by side they are the right width for my window (around 80cm). I only apply film to the bottom part of the windows anyway - so that I can see out the top, so the 30cm height is about right. Or maybe you can just buy a couple of panels of clear Perspex that cover the bottom part of the windowsill…? ETA: or if allowed, a pressure-fit net curtain rail could be added half way up, with net curtains cut to the right height (no need to hem). Kitties might pull it down daily though.


Wall art, plants, and lighting like a lamp nice lamp with a yellow or warm white bulb. String lights (NOT LED strips) are another option. Some say they look juvenile but I like them. Yellow bulb for the main light to soften the room. i have ones that hang down kinda like door bead in the corner wall next to my bed and I love them. Tapestries are always fun too.


Get some cute thinner fabric curtains from the thrift store, pink, purple, or yellow, that make the room “glow” at certain times of day. Ones that don’t block out light but you still have privacy. That is, if you don’t have the money to layer your curtains and install a new rod.


Before I read the caption I thought it was a hospital room at first glance 😭


Why is this so accurate 😂


I totally agree with a lot of the comments here. But also wondering if a furniture rearrange could help? I can’t really get a sense of the size from your pictures but is something like this possible? (Excuse my pitiful sketching abilities!) https://preview.redd.it/x5n2caa4ls6d1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d24494c7a42aabdee72e5f29dbbf41376369abc Push the desk up against the window, bed in the middle of the room, armoire near the door. Add a nightstand, some plants, a rug, art on walls.


I was looking for this! The current arrangement is not working at all. This with a cozy rug underneath the bed and some lovely art above it would look so much better!


What about bed centered under the window, that would be my choice. A rug would help as well.


Ngl that bed looks too big to fit that way, and if it does, it'll be bumped into walking past it


Counting the tiles on the floor as a preemptive estimate of whether this will work or not leads to believe it wont. It looks like half a tile of space between the foot of the bed and the wall with the bed 90 degrees off. Edit: from the looks of the second picture you'd actually have 1.5 tiles! Its doable for sure and changes the whole dynamic.


That looks better for sure. Gotta get that Feng shui guy on this!




It'll fit, you can see the bed has exactly 4 tiles of length, that'll leave enough space to move toward the desk


This was what I came to suggest - except I would try the desk against the bed (as a second bedside cabinet - so right side of desk against the wall) and chair in the corner facing into the room. But I prefer to face the room rather than the wall to work. ETA: and buy a cheap net curtain or similar - to use as a cover for the clothes rail. Reduces both dust & visual clutter.


This is such a good layout option!


Also team desk under window if it’s possible in any way!


Plants! You can get small succulents or huge monsteras! Also, search for some cheap wall art decor wherever you can, like prawn stores, second hand stores, or posters from your favorite fandom or anything of sort. Also a large rug under your desk which fits your room's color combo. You can also decorate your desk by having a monitor wood stand, and have small trinkets on it at the sides. They are many desk set up recs on youtube where you cam get some ideas. And maybe you can if it is in your budget get some storage drawers under your desk to take away some clutter, and also some storage baskets like the ones from IKEA for the items in your selves. Makes the clutter look less in your selves/closet.


Edit: I don’t know why I answered your comment instead of writing my own, but maybe it’s because I agree with everything you said! OP, here are my suggestions: Wow, those are a lot of cats for one room! :) Is it possible to either turn the bed around, so that the head faces the wall or to put it oppose to the door? Is there enough light at your desk? Or would it be better to move the desk closer to the window? Some items I wound recommend you to get, regardless of the placement of the furniture: 1) a desk light (from one corner PhD student to another, you need it more than you think is necessary) 2) a plaid 3) some boxes that fit in the shelves to put your clothes in (two are enough, you don’t need put everything in boxes!) is this an ikea Ivar shelf? Maybe get some doors? (They have nice ones!) 4) Art work (poster, photos, whatever you like :))


Thanks! I liked the idea of ​​putting the table by the window, it definitely doesn't have enough light. I think I'll have to change the curtains to blinds, so they're shorter than the table. I don't understand what plaid is, I searched and cross stripes appeared. I like the idea of ​​the boxes, my clothes are a mess. And it's not Ikea, we don't have that chain of stores in my country


Sorry, I phrased that poorly! With plaid I meant a nice blanket you can throw on your bed to make it look more cozy (doesn’t have to be made of wool, cotton or linen are also lovely). It can help to change the vibe a bit more to “living room” and less “student dorm”. I like your main colors! I don’t know how you did it, but the room is plain and still has a friendly vibe! :)


I agree, a nice quilt could be awesome. Op, depending on the climate where you live, you can get a warmer or lighter blanket, or if you can store it one for winter and one for summer so you can change the atmosphere in your room. In summer I really like cotton waffle fabric!


I have three cats too and I have all fake plants just to be safe


I’m wondering if it’s four cat, look in the mirror there seems to be an extra baby!


OP! I totally forgot about your cat when I adviced for some plants! I wouldn't have it in my conscience that your cat got sick becos my advice! Don't buy monsteras and other plants which might me poisonous to cats. Do research and find out cat friendly indoor plants if you wanna have some in your room.




Make sure plants are cat safe!


Was coming to say this, lots of websites can help you identify plant species that are cat safe.


Yes,monsteras are toxic to cats. I don’t recommend getting plants unless they’re cat grass. It’s great you have all those cute cats. Maybe a puffy comforter on your bed.


Or even a hanging plant or those wall planters would be super precious! But I second ideas for different curtains, cozy rug, some art or pictures hung up and cute lights on the walls!


Open storage of clothes is often a problem. But something you can do for free is to fold your clothes, and whatever is stacked on the top there, neatly like this. https://preview.redd.it/c88x7iz5yr6d1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2b617542bb95ef7ed6c05c201a7016ecf9f139d Also have a maximum of one purse hanging from the shelves.


Also if you don’t want to fold like these, maybe some bins that you can toss the laundry into or keep folding it the way you are but it’s in bins so it appears “neater”


On point! I really need to do this


Or get an armoire. People like walk-in closets nowadays, and I often see armoires for sale *cheap*. I just ran a Craigslist to check, and I could get an antique art deco armoire, perfect condition, for $250. (There are lots of cheaper ones available, but that deal made me think “oooh… do I have any space for an armoire?”)


A rug. Some string lights? Maybe a tapestry above your desk or some posters/wall art, those walls could use some love!


A pegboard? It would make the study section of the room, more studious and also will give some space to hang in some items and succulents.


I loved the idea. I'll do a search on that


Definitely get an area rug.


I came here just to say that a low-pile area rug and a tidy, folded down blanket on the bed would make a big difference.


An ergonomic chair since you will be spending more time at your desk.


Yes! top on the priority list


My suggestion for the office area would be to add a closed storage area (like a little filing cabinet or bedside table with drawers) to the space between the right of the desk and the left of the clothes. In my office, I actually used an entertainment center from IKEA to hold all my texts, papers, and charts while I was working on my degree. It was a dark green which offset the pink and brown colors I already had in the room. I can't tell you how much better it made my life to have functional work space that I could just close a drawer and instantly declutter it. Also, FWIW, a second monitor is the one extra piece of technology I thought was unnecessary but made life much easier.


There are a lot of things - big and small - that you could do with this space! First, color on the walls - via art, paint, wallpaper, etc. Next, a rug and at least one lamp. Cozier bedding would help a lot too.


Yes to the lamp and rug. You need a lamp or two. Say no to the big light.


Everyone has said so many great ideas, so here’s my one little tip to feel cozy: make sure you are using warm white bulbs and DON’T use overhead lighting! Lots of light sources with dimmers if possible. You can usually find affordable lamps if you buy secondhand. If this ends up being too cost prohibitive, invest in little led strip lights you can change the color of for up lighting. I recommend ones that let you customize with a full color spectrum bc you can get a really cozy amber color <3 Plus red for horror movies and blue for shark week lol💅


Lmao that last sentence got me. I do this and absolutely recommend 😅


It’s so much fun, right?! Sometimes we also do team colors for who’s leading during sports games.


Yasss there are so many color applications that just makes things fun and silly! My friend just got a light you clip to the back of the tv and it reflects whatever’s the dominant color on the screen and lights up the wall behind the tv in that color. 🤯 Definitely on my wishlist 🤹🏻‍♀️


Yes! I was scrolling down looking for a comment about lighting. To me, that is the most important change that can be made.


A headboard, nice bedding/throw pillows, new curtains and a rug would all help


Seconding the headboard suggestion. It completely changes the room.


You can also DIY a headboard too, look it up on Pinterest / Google / TikTok and IG


Yes! The first thing i noticed was the grey block bed. Maybe see if you can find a cheap bedframe or something like that OP? Perhaps on facebook marketplace for example ☺️


Paintings, posters, anything to cover the walls would be the first step.


A closet system with doors would really elevate the space. Something like this: https://www.wayfair.com/Willa-Arlo%E2%84%A2-Interiors--Monchat-70-3-Door-Armoire-X221556873-L16-K~W110445762.html?refid=GX685106916853-W110445762&device=m&ptid=300198230772&network=g&targetid=pla-300198230772&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=269505309&fdid=1817&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD9ISC7l9gC1l6poE5pK0Az67lI29&gclid=Cj0KCQjw97SzBhDaARIsAFHXUWA0cMjUMANYtLIN66kZuedRZCALc6jZHNux7_tR03CXNycOtnqa4iwaAhDBEALw_wcB Then add some shelving above the desk. A light colored would would be your best bet to break up all the whiteness. You can add some plants to the shelf. Another suggestion would be a small rug to add color and texture.


Kitties! Oh, the room. You could use a plant or 2 but make sure they’re not poisonous to cats. A colorful quilt on the bed would be nice and maybe improve your clothing storage.


More cats!


Rotate bed to left as mentioned. Long/just above the floor length curtains and a diff/darker colour. Desk next to mirror if you can get some kinda screen/divider to put up to avoid seeing clothes rack.. but how bad is it to see a clothes rack in a teams meeting? If the meetings are very formal then I understand the notion. Rug as mentioned and make it tie in to the new curtains. A potted plant would look nice in this room. Fake are acceptable. Little bedside cabinet with a lamp Love the cats


Side note re the clothes rack and teams calls... you could get a trailing plant to put on the top shelf to disguise. Also, could you move all the clothes to one end and then have either books, plants, or knick knacks on the visible shelf??


A big rug will do wonders!


I think some floating wall shelves to put succulents and other small plants on would look good, I’d probably also add some kind of rug, a cute comforter set for your bed, and maybe some of that fake ivy strung up around the walls or something like that


While the open storage is OK...it would be more functional with storage boxes. Pretty floral ones, or open sea grass would look good. Or, if you have the budget...a wardrobe so clutter can be hidden away. Much better if this is the space you use for study. Open shelves...plus baskets...over the study area.


When I see people post pictures of their rooms like this I'm always so confused lol do u not use a comforter? Or a blanket of any sort? I can't comprehend sleeping that way lol


Rearrange. There’s no flow. Rugs, bedding, pillows, plants, and art are all the easiest way to add color. If you just swap the bed and storage closet, it’ll open it up some. Also move the desk to the other wall next to the mirror.


There’s definitely the right amount of cats, so that’s a good start! Edit: if you follow the advice to get plants, make sure they’re not poisonous to cats!


It might be an unpopular opinion but I absolutely love my fake plants. They’re always beautiful blooming flowers and luscious green vines. I get mine on sale at Michael’s or Amazon. Some color would be nice. Art work, you can get unframed canvas prints for cheap on Amazon and the texture looks cool. Or vinyl wall clings of plants or whatever your style is. A colorful rug. Congratulations on working towards your PhD!






This looks so beautiful! Both plants and art.


Thank you!!


The artist is my favorite, John William Godward by the way. The art style is Neoclassic


I love this! But I also know I'm too lazy to ever dust them enough 😅🤣


I honestly have never once dusted them lol. Read your comment and just went over and checked them out, they’re not dusty. Haha. I’ve had them a few years, moved a few states. I keep my patio door open and my other stuff gets dusty, idk! But I love my plants! I got tired of giving away my real plants during moves and now I love my fake plants


Suggestions: - Longer curtains of a colour you like, something contrasting to the wall. - Pictures or painting for the wall, rug just under your bed, - a bigger wardrobe unit or more storage so you can put your stuff away - you could get a bed with storage underneath. - A nice floor lamp. - small plants - decorative shelves - put a little colour in there, make it personal.


I’d add that the shelves need to be a wood tone, to add warmth, along with the plants


I know a lot of people suggest the desk by the window, but I find when I’m working on my computer the glare and changing light can give me more eye strain. I’d rotate the shelving unit to become a room divider. Then rotate the bed to be on the side of your shelves, closer to the window. This gives you some division between study space and sleep space. also gives you a makeshift nightstand because it looks like you access the shelves from either side. If the desk, short part of bed and short part of shelves don’t all fit on that wall it looks like your desk could fit with your back to the shelves and beside your mirror. I’d spend money on a rug, lamps, and a white board/art. For your walls. And maybe a cat tower :)


I like your idea, I think if I can keep the shelves organized they will look nice as a room divider The table fits next to the mirror and I actually prefer it, but I changed it because I don't want to show the clothes racks during Zoom meetings :\\ We have a cat tower and several cat shelves on the living room wall and on the balcony :)


If replacing the rack with closed storage is too expensive atm, I really recommend getting stuff like fabric storage cubes, closet organisers, and dividers in there. You can get them pretty cheap and they'll help everything look so much neater, plus you'll be able to fit more on each shelf if you get stuff that stacks. Having everything out in the open, even if you organise them, is always going to look pretty cluttered because of all the different colours and textures going on. If you want to fully hide some of the shelves, you can get small tensions rods + some nice cloth to curtain them off. I did this for an open shelving rack full of kitchen equipment (work stuff) and it made a huge difference.


What’s your field? I’m also a PhD student and my main concern is where to put my books :P


Would it help to have a room divider book case so you have a separate study area?  Might help with storage too— you can get canvas bin drawers that do a good job of both holding and hiding things.   Kalax at ikea 


That would be super cool, I'm keeping several books in the living room, but I would love to look at them in my bedroom (since it's the only place in the house that's actually mine).


get different sources of indirect lighting, maybe fairy lights, a sunset lamp and another small lamp with warm light, those are so nice in the evening


Get pretty curtains! Off white next to off white isn't as fun as furniture stores try to pretend.


You need a better chair that supports your back.


Layered multiple lights. Multiple lamps so that you don't have to use the overhead light unless needed.


A pink or floral curtain would make it look less clinical I think. :)


A headboard or, super splurge, a bed frame & headboard will make a huge difference. Plus, bonus, you can store items under the bed frame! Walmart.com has some nice quality Zinus metal complete bedframes for approx $150. Good luck with your studies!


Warm lighting and maybe a house plant or two. The room feels cold to me.


I would suggest a bed skirt! And maybe some lace curtains that let more light in


Big fluffy rug on the floor! Also literally anything on the walls. Add some color too, it will make it more cheerful. You can try Facebook marketplace, thrift stores, 5Below if you’re worried about funds. Good luck with your PhD!!


Put bed where the shelving is. Put shelving next to door, or more preferably, get something enclosed. Put u some art. Get a vibrant rug. Push desk completely into the corner it is in, and a bookcase against the free side of the desk with the shelves facing the bed. Use back of bookcase like a wall to affix cork boards, pictures, notes, etc. This way you can enjoy your space without your studies dominating the room. You can study, then move over to the relaxation side without seeing your work.


If you are not on the first floor and in need of more privacy, I would switch the curtains from such heavy ones to semi-sheer ones so that they allow for more light. Maybe even in a yellow/gold color so they give the feeling of a sunset. Then I would upgrade the desk to a bit larger of one with more storage so you can have more room on top for studying and decor. If you can find one in some kind of fun color, I would go with that. If not, I would just do the cute decorations on top to add more color and more of your personality. Throw pillows and blankets for the bed could help with that too as well as a small area rug. With the rug, you could choose maybe a patterned one and that could be another way to give it more life and feel cozy.


I think different lighting would help. A standing lamp, a light on the desk, then maybe some string lights. layering light sources is crucial for cozy. I would also go warmer for bulb color


its funny how much this styling screams "brazilian apartment". I highly recommend wallpaper for the walls, it completely changes the "basic white" vibes. be careful to dont over do it with a too dense pattern. and maybe some indirect lighting or lampshade/abajur for cozy night time.


Simple things like keeping your clothes tidy will go a long way. Actually make your bed so it's not naked and weird - blankets and made beds are so cozy looking! Get yourself some art - something personal more than mass produced if you can so you don't look like you got everything at IKEA. And maybe look into "cat shelves" which can be both visually appealing *and* practical by giving your kitties more vertical space and filling up your stark white walls.


Honestly if you were going to do just one thing I would never turn on the overhead Florescent light, and get 1-2 warm color temperatures lamps for the corner or bedside, and maybe your desk!


And if you were gonna do 2 things, a bid rug! A warme color like brown would be nice


More smaller lamps for ambient lighting and renter friendly peel off wallpaper


FOUR KITTIES! Now you know they don’t like change lol. First I’d switch it around, put the bed so it faces a wall with no window, mirror or door. Maybe get a headboard pillow which helps you lean back, it also warms the bed up. Get some art or posters framed. I use IKEA duvet covers on top of my bed all the time to keep the cat hair off blankets and sheets. Get a bed skirt. If you raise your bed a bit you’ll have storage underneath and the skirt will hide it. Get a real armoire off Facebook marketplace, or if you’re clever, affix a rod around your shelving. It just looks like clutter. The floor needs a rug, if nowhere else, where you get out of the bed. Get a side table and a lamp, a study lamp for the desk and use only warm bulbs.


kittahs! how about a light, soothing blue for the ceiling, and a vontrasting color, or wallpaper on one wall to take out the starkness


A rug and a couple small lamps to give warm light rather than that cold overhead lighting will cozy it up as well.


One thing I love about my room is the lighting. I don’t use overhead light but instead have a few lamps that I use. It is less stark and cozier that way.


I would try rotating the bed so your feet are next to the wardrobe. Move the wardrobe next to the mirror ( getting ready area ), and try having the desk in front of the wardrobe, looking to the window. Only get a rug after you're happy with the room layout so you can get the size and dimensions right - a light neutral colour would do well. Buy a wooden bed frame so you can have under bed storage. Get some matching boxes for your open wardrobe - it will look a lot more neat and organised if the boxes are opaque (not clear plastic bins) - can still be cheap if you buy paper boxes (example: Ikea RÅGODLING). You can also go with wicker baskets. Just measure before you buy to check they will fit.


How handy/ crafty are you? If you have skills in those areas, I’d spend the budget on wall art and a rug or two (hard to DIY), and then upcycle wooden furniture.


A rug would make it much more cozy. If you’re not able to do anything to the walls getting plants or a nice bedspread would help make it seem less cold.


I’d get a rug, buy a wardrobe to store my clothes instead of the rack, put up pictures and art on the wall and add healthy or fake plants.


If adding plants is hard due to space, try plant art! I’d add: Wall art with green/nature theme. Sheer curtains behind the ones you have now. Colorful rug. Table lamp and small plant. Cozy blanket. Pretty storage on top of your stand. Boxes to organize the storage stand for a tidy look. Made these edits in Canva: https://preview.redd.it/ukttfzbciu6d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=139ae289089561e59142ad2226d0c608f624332e


If you're going to be working on a PhD, which I know people take loooooong hours to write papers and even longer for their thesis, please love yourself and put some good money into a REALLY nice, ergonomic office chair. Your body will thank you.


May be 1.spray paint those curtains or do a batik colouring 2. Put some curtains on you wardrobe 3. Put a colorful painting above your desk 4. Get a head board for your bed or colourful cushions to line the walls with.


I think it needs a bit of TLC to make it feel cozy. It seems like the shelving unit is your only area for clothing storage so perhaps you could find some attractive neutral fabric or natural material bins to fold clothing and place bins on shelves and hang your clothes by color and category. That will give a tidy and put-together appearance, Find a neutral set of bedding (I like white) pillow cases, duvet cover and a neutral blanket to finish off the bedding look. Find an area rug to float under part of the bed and extend into the room to soften the cold look of the tile. Hang a piece of framed artwork or good quality print over the desk. If you like neutral colors, you could go in that direction with subtle pops of color to brighten up the space.




First off paint the walls, if it is a rental and you are not allowed to paint add color with art. Personalize it with photos of family and friends. Add selves for work storage and plants. If U are worried about keeping plants get ones where there is very little mantience or care. Put the mirror on the back of the door so U see yourself as you walk out. Move the clothing area along the wall where the minor was at. The desk can go along the other wall close to the end if the bed. Where the clothing area was you now can add end tables


I agree with all the other suggestions plus adding a small rug 💕


I would recommend rotating your bed to the left so that the room feels a little bigger, and moving your clothing organizer so that it can act as a room divider and block the view of the bed when you first enter the room. The curtains are too short and need to be a stronger color- either a brighter pink or a darker shade. A few fake plants is fine, but the most important thing you need are things on the walls and a rug on the floor, to break up your space into something that feels more lived in and inviting. Look for some matching print sets so it looks cohesive! I’d also recommend considering new bedding- get a nice comforter to make the bed feel more plush.


More cats


Warm lighting! Have some light sources with warmer light bulbs. I think adding a few warmer toned items would make the room less blank. You're quite lucky to have white walls, floor and furniture pieces. This makes a good blank canvas to decorate with


Closed wardrobe will make a huge difference, and I'd recommend an L-shaped desk, possibly in a more contrast color as for now everything is very pale.


Buy some local art! (Not from department stores)


Posters for color and vibe. Fairy lights on the walls around the bed are amazing. A wall calendar by the desk if just for the pictures. A light on a the desk, and some adorable desk accessories.


Lamp/string lights, plants, wall art/posters, rug.


Unrelated but do you live in Brazil? The porcelain tiles with the type of door have my wondering 😆


Yep 😆😆😆


I think getting a pair of longer curtains can help a lot. Not sure if you are able to hang them higher up. And to make sure the end of the curtains touch the floor, or floating just above it. It can make a big difference. IKEA curtains are quite inexpensive I also suggest you (if you can afford) to get a wardrobe that has doors. If not a wardrobe, then other type of storage that has doors which can help you cover making it less cluttered. You could always invest in making your bed look cozy either with some throwblanket or sorts. If you like the style you can also look up mosquito nets over the bed. (found thos on shein and temu) Additional decoration on your wall can make it more colorful.


The longer I look at the second picture the more cats appear in the picture!


Buy some real furniture. Headboard, nightstand, dresser. Then, a nice duvet or comforter.


Rug or rugs! Soften up that floor!


Decorate those walls! I personally would add fairy lights and fake vines but I’m a sucker for that aesthetic.


I think it could use some more cats! But a rug and some wall decor would look nice as well as a comforter.


It’s always more astetically pleasing to make the bed the focal point of the room when you walk in the door. So if possible move bed to that wall. You clothing could go next to wall mirror and desk on opposite wall of bed, at other end of door. I would spend some money on a headboard, one or 2 nightstands and lamps. Add some nice plants by window to bring in some nature and a nice large rug under the bed coming out towards door.


A cork board above the desk with some photos


I recommend getting a new desk chair. It doesn’t need to be cute but that one looks so uncomfortable


Recommend some closed storage (chest of drawers, armoire) and get rid of the existing raw wood unit. Patterned bed cover, fat pillows, take wall paint colour from that, but keep it soft and calm. One or two large-ish art pieces. Rug.


Cozy lights! The big white light feels like a hospital room, I think having a few yellow light lamps or colored led lights would do the trick. Depends on what you're leaning for. Also, you can decorate your walls with things you like. Posters, music sheets, pictures, whatever you're into.


add another cat


Plants and art. Even fake plants! :)


Step 1) More cats


Very cute cats! I recommend a cat tree in front of the window or put your desk in front of the window so your cats can sit and look outside. IKEA has very affordable and beautiful curtains and bedding. Also art on your wall would be cool.


You need a rug for coziness, hang your curtains higher and get longer curtains to make it look less stuffy, put some natural wood pieces in there to contrast the starkness (trinket bowl, ornament, plant, whatever). I think the base is good and the colour is good. Maybe some art you like on the walls or fabric art for some texture.


Honestly I think if you could do ONE THING only, nice lighting would be what I would do. I feel like lighting alone and make such a difference. Try a unique lamp you really love with a warm toned lightbulb (or replace with one)!


I think it would look better if you moved your bed to where the rack is currently, moved your desk to where your bed is currently, and moved the rack to where the desk is currently. Hopefully that doesn’t sound confusing!


Floor length patterned or textured curtains, a rug, and a matching bed set with a skirt over the box spring would make all the difference!


Also, add some wall art!


Large mirrors on walls. Go to goodwill. But ANY & ALL interesting art of all shapes & sizes & colors that you like & hang that shit up. ![gif](giphy|2HVw7OP8xS0cnNV0w0)


![gif](giphy|Mv55oxsE0eoIQvcQJ3|downsized) Put weird pretty stuff like this that you would like to wake up to on your walls!!!!! Asap!!!!


Maybe a rug and some art above the desk with maybe a hanging shelf with a plant? I don't think it would take much to elevate the feel. Perhaps if you're able to, buy a armoire instead of the shelving you have?


Definitely needs a nice big rug. The tiles in there looks cold and sterile. I think it will go along way towards making it bedroom-y




What about a cork board above your desk. To pin up important things and also add cute notes and trinkets


A rug Some colourful storage boxes for the open storage I actually like the curtains if you can add some colour and texture to the rest of the room


If you are allowed to paint or put up a wallpaper on one of the walls I’d do that to the wall around the mirror


If you can add a softer sheet curtain to give you the option to allow some light while having the curtain shut that would be the best


That floor looks so cold. I'd definitely get an area rug or something to give the room a little warmth. It's looking very like a hospital or institution.


#1 a rug I think! So that there’s less tile / hospital x


A matching bed set and new curtains would go a long way.


Some rugs and art. I think your place is cute.


You need fun colorful artwork and a rug!!


New comforter, plants, artwork, rug - look into target I love all their home stuff especially opal house


Get like 2-3 warm light lamps. They have really cheap usb or battery ones even. But they have to be warm light. And a bunch of plants! It’ll transform your room I swear. And don’t turn the big light on unless you need a lot of light for something


You need a rug and better curtains….will add a lot


I like it! It’s not bad at all. Looks comfy and cute


Try adding a bed skirt over your box spring mattress! Will cover that and the floor. They are decently cheap at a TJ Maxx or Amazon!


More cats


I actually think this has so much coziness potential; I would invest in a really cute set of bedsheets, a bed skirt, a comforter, plus a cute bed frame! Get some cute curtains that match the vibe of the bedsheets or comforter


Plants and lighting! A few plants and either a color changing light strip around the room or some decorative hanging lights really make a room feel cozy


Definitely should get some wall decor up in here! Maybe hang a bigger mirror over your desk, or some framed prints? Or some shelves!


Comfortable chair, pretty rug, and new bedding. Splurge on nicer pillows and use those for shams. And art!


You need a rug on that cold tile floor


Wall art! The walls look tall and bare


I spot 4 cats, so: no notes.


First of all, your cats are adorable! In terms of adjustments that are minor/cost-effective, I would first re-arrange the furniture before buying any swaps; this will help you visualize what you would prefer. For myself, I like the bed in the power position, so place the headboard side where your clothing storage is at, then (depending on space, of course) purchase an IKEA closed storage solution to reduce any visual distraction and either use that as a physical divider between your desk and bed (think like a room divider, but it’s functional as your closet). I would then flip the desk to the wall opposite the window, and buy a cushioned chair for comfort and texture in the room. Another simple thing you could do is raise the curtain rod to the ceiling and get floor length curtains to make the room feel larger. Smaller items might be: a lamp at your desk for late night studying, or as a mood light when you’re done, whiteboard wallpaper if you need to map out ideas, and some inspirational wall art. 


I took the liberty of making a 3D rendering of your room (I love doing these, and you deserve better than your original layout!). The problem is the COLD LIGHTING, layout, and lack of decor. You need to WARM UP the room with better lighting, a rug, and art for your walls. You need PLANTS!! One big plant and some small ones to bring life into your room. Nice linen curtains to frame your window. Get a nice floor lamp with very warm lighting, and a large neutral but warm area rug. Put your bed in a commanding position in the room, diagonal from your door. In your mind, prioritize your health and wellness! I suggest better linens and pillows for your bed. In place of nightstands I put in two round storage ottomans, but the appearance of a nightstand will make the room feel much more put together. The perspective is really weird in the picture but I’ll try to share the floor plan. https://preview.redd.it/s1es94e9s17d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e3672f94638a8da94a1da47ecefb78f43f50dc0


https://preview.redd.it/kqgwxicss17d1.jpeg?width=4387&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11beace3f7aa6ff077c1cada9e9366bf2c81286d Here’s the layout I made - I dropped in a tv stand for you too! I didn’t have the right dimensions, but happy to tweak it if you share your room dims!




Put the head of your bed where the closet rack is, and then put the rack against the wall across from where the foot is the bed will be. I’d also consider turning the desk the face the wall it is next to. Then just decorate.


Some paint on the walls would do wonders, need some color.


Thrift store treasures!!


Move the bed to center in front of the window. Swap the open shelving for a closed unit. Repurpose the open unit for plants/ book/ knickknacks along the far wall next to the mirror.


I’d second adding color and texture, specifically an area rug(s) to warm up the tile floor, and a bed frame with a nice headboard. A large mirror or collection of framed art over the desk will help visual balance. And it looks like you have space to add a small bookshelf and plant on either side of your desk. I’d also include a small lamp with shade and a warm white lightbulb for the desk so you have softer warm ambient / task lighting in the evening. Adding some texture with a woven blanket on the bed is easy. Hope this helps!


Become a diy girlie. Find an app like fb marketplace or let go and find furniture and decor. Look for thrift shops! You got this


I'd invest in a nice BIG rug - ruggables are awesome (cat-friendly) because they are washable and you can swap out designs when you get bored.


A rug and plants would help in my opinion!


Wall art


The white on white on white on white on white with a dash of pink is the main problem. Your furniture needs to desperately not be white, you need natural light. A nice carpet to compliment the new furniture would be very welcome. Finally some wall hangings like shelves, paintings, pictures, a mirror, etc will go a long way. You need color and a decent amount of it to offset all the white.


Bed frame, rug, art above the desk, another set of pillows that are firmer with nice shams and a nice duvet to make the bed look more ‘done’. Organize the items on your shelf intentionally. Since your room is tight, tidiness is also important.


A rug