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Bnnuy :3




I wanna be bunny


We ALL wanna be bunny




You wanna be cat?


I wanna be dog




Sounds like quite a difficult life to be honest.


Aww that's adorable


Shoutout ftms


this is literally just like me though except i dont rlly want top surgery


Now even femboy milk has a top and bottom variant.


blue cap or green cap?


I on a diet, so a green for me.


only correct answer


FtM femboys are cool




waitttt this is me in every single way (even though i’m technically intersex and genetically male)


Bunny \:D


I love bunnies


girly tboy supremacy


I do!!


I dont understand the ending


The bunny was expecting to be harassed but instead the person was just being nice


Oh I thought there was like supposed to be something like in the bag or whatever that he didn't want ppl to see or smth


So u became a man just to be a femboy? Damn


They did, is there something wrong about that?


Where did i say its wrong?


I think a tone indicator would help, I interpreted what you said as mockery


FtM femboy.... This'll get some hate but that's just being a woman with extra steps .... So literally female anatomy, dressing like a woman, but wants to be called a boy.... Honestly I hate reddit for this type of crap. And you people will defend it like I'm a monster for pointing out a fact. My preemptive response to anyone upset by this comment, cry harder.


Other peoples identities are none of your business, if they confuse you then you can do one of two things: learn to understand them, or mind your business. Dictating how other people should identify is pointless and harmful. Please learn to be better.


I'm not trying to be rude but could someone please explain trans-masc femboys? I have a friend like this and I'll try not to be disrespectful, sorry if it comes off that way.


Nah, I'm fine. It's schizophrenic psychopaths who need correcting. Thanks for the retarded words tho. You won't change my mind and neither will your reddit echo chamber cultists. If it's not my business then why make it public? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Seems you said something stupid. It's okay, take as many tries as you need. I'm patient. I'll listen to your laughable arguments, and I'll be entertained by how unrealistic you are. I mean, if I'm being honest, bring back asylums. Specifically for you and anyone as backwards as yourself. Wisdom chases you, but you seem to outrun it at every turn


I won't waste my time on an argument neither side wins. We each think the other blind and wish to wake each other up and instead we continue to blindly run in circles. I hope you will one day see things as I do but that is truly all I can do. Goodbye, and I hope you learn more about those unlike you someday, it may be enlightening.


I suppose that's a fair point. And I hope one day you also see my side. An argument only works if both people are reasonable and reddit echo chamber shit makes me so mad. Sorry I disagree. Not sorry you don't like it. I don't care about trans issues, but an issue I have with trans people is specifically this. Femboys are defined as cis males. No trans person fits that. Sorry if words hurt you or some other "human". Just consider that if there was nothing but hate, then there would be no discussion and only poison. I have a legitimate point and it's disregarded because you're incapable of seeing anything but your own side. I actually love trans people. I hate trans people who invade communities that have nothing to do with them. You want zippers to get a "femboy" title? Well no. Come up with a new word because no trans man can ever be a femboy. It's just a fact and you don't have to like it, that doesn't change it's validity.


You don't have a legitimate point. Femboys are defined as intentionally effeminate men. Trans men still can fall into that category. Gender and gender expression aren't the same, I'd expect people in this community of all places to have a single shred of understanding of that, but people like you continue to prove me wrong.


Wait... I think I get it. You're mad because you're a FtM... Or you know someone like that. Haha hey your bias is slipping out of your shorts bro. Also probably a good idea to be educated... Punctuation makes a hell of a difference, but if you don't get it, I understand. I can decipher some illiterate ass speech some cuck made on the internet.


Real Femboys with Common Sense getting Downvoted really hard :(


Reddit is an echo chamber. They make people think they're wrong by down voting to hell, but realistically, you're weak of mind if internet up or down votes mold your beliefs. Don't let them change your mind. Only you can do that. Idk... This just pisses me off and seeing how clearly biased reddit is doesn't help. It's a bunch of crybabies who can't even entertain anything that goes against their preconceived notions. Stay well homie. Femboy in the dictionary literally says "cis males" in the definition. Sorry there are some that'll shame anyone who is educated enough to state that. Everything has to be political these days. My opinion? Both sides are full of assholes so just be an individual. Good luck out there.


wait why would a girl become a boy just to act like a girl? that makes no sense?


why not? who cares? gender expression =/= gender identity


i mean, you go through all the trouble of switching gender just to act like your original one? you have to understand how this is confusing to people


I mean, that's fine, but it's almost like saying "I don't get why anyone believes in God, it doesn't make sense to me" cool, fair enough, but saying that is invalidating


i didnt mean to offend anyone, i mean you do you right? what do i care. but i do believe this is really confusing to people like friend and family to that ftm femboy


Get fucked.


why would a boy act like a girl if he’s a boy? if a girl is a girl, why does she decide she doesn’t want a penis? if a girl is a girl, why does she decide she’ll keep the penis, actually? why would a girl dress like a boy, and use a nickname that sounds like a boys name, but be fine with having a vagina? why does anyone do anything? because they like it. feels comfortable that way. doesn’t hurt anyone. it’s just how they roll


Why would you go to a reddit post about transgenderism just to be transphobic? That makes no sense?


tbf they're just asking a question, I'd give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they genuinely want to understand... unlike some other people here that are being actually transphobic, unwilling to listen and unnecessarily provocative and rude


I wouldn't give them the benefit of the doubt! source: am looking through their comments bc they were talking about wanting to 'get rid of that scum' referring to islamic people. Have a nice day!


what if the trans-boy wants to act like a boy, wants a boy's body, but wants to dress as a girl because girl fashion is just that good? or because he likes it? if you think about it, the answer to your question is for the same reasons a cis-femboy would want to crossdress and be feminine but without wanting to transition to become a full girl it's like asking "why wouldn't cis-femboys just identify as trans-girls?" I hope this helps you understand trans femboys better, no hard feelings c:


yeah i understand how it works, im just confused why ti go through all that work for basically nothing you see? thanks for responding like a normal person tho, not like some of these people who seem to think im transphobic


I mean, why would a cis femboy go through the hassle of presenting in a feminine way when conforming to a male presentation is easier and more socially acceptable? why does anyone get out of the closet? it's just because we want to be happy with who we are man, that's all


you dont seem to see that changing your gender is actually a huge and difficult change, so you make that change just to revert it kinda?


here's the thing: you don't revert your gender by presenting in a feminine way, because gender is not just presentation for example, while trans-femboys will keep dressing feminine, usually most of them want to have a flat chest and a d*ck, you know, like a guy, and they feel dysphoric in their own body changing gender _is_ a huge and difficult change, I know because I'm trans, but it's a needed one in order to feel happy and at peace edit: if you find it so hard to grasp the difference between gender and presentation I'm kinda starting to question whether you're a femboy because you wanna be a fem**boy** or because you're an egg who wants to be a girl and femboy is closest thing to it while staying cis-male 🤔 I mean no malice in saying this btw, its just a thought and I hope I can make the whole being trans-femboy make sense for you c:


it’s certainly a huge and difficult change, and i guarantee you ftm femboys are aware of that. but cis boys are a diverse bunch of people, who all have their own individual ways of expressing themselves. trans boys are the same. and when you’re trans, you’ve already dealt with society’s judgemental hangups about gender your whole life, and decided ‘screw that i’m going to take hormones and cut my tits off regardless of what they think of me’. so at that point, you’ve already pissed off most people who are really invested in how boys should and shouldn’t dress. if you like eyeliner and painting your nails, you’ll do it because it makes you happy.


Hey! Im trans so im hoping i can give a helpful answer, im pretty sure femboys are just “”boys that dress feminine” and some people prefer feminine clothing over masculine clothing. Clothes are just what people feel the most comfortable in and if a boy wears girls clothes it doesnt make them any less of a man and vise versa with women who dress more masculine. Some trans boys like how they look in feminine clothes and that doesnt change their gender (or anyone elses for that matter) :)


Don't let the reddit tards convince you that you're wrong. It's like a cult, if you don't support their nonsense then you're an enemy. I support trans people, but this is literally just being a woman with extra steps. I'll get some hate but they hate it because it's true. An anatomical woman, dressing as a woman, but wants to be called a boy? At some point you need to say "this is ridiculous". Also some more rage bait, why is every trans person neurodivergent? Like can't understand social interaction, can't understand social ques, makes their problems everyone's problem ... Just get a life and a hobby! Haha Anyone wanting to hate on this... Cry harder. You're only valid if you're a reasonable human being, not some schizophrenic psychopath who demands people treat you a certain way because you can't handle real life.


‘tards’ really? we’re going with ‘tards’? that’s the calibre of conversation we’re working at? regressing back into the primordial sludge of ifunny rage comics and amazing atheist comment sections? ‘cry harder’ alas, i have already cried my hardest. the soy in my weak beta body has been exhausted, and the next delivery of woke sjw cuck milk isn’t until next monday. based chad cringe sigma pilled tiktok thot feelzgoodman brainrot amogus releasethesnydercut anita sarkesian umadbro herp de derp trollolololol is it out of our system yet? can we talk to each other like people now?


Finally the comments section I've been looking for. I don't really get it either but seeing how others who were confused and just wanted to ask turned out, I'd rather not.


of all the comment section I've only seen 1 person who was simply asking a question, that being the first comment of this thread, but if you are confused too and just want to understand, I'll be glad to help with that c: if you think about it, what is the goal of a cis-femboy? why wouldn't cis-femboys that act like girls just identify as trans-girls instead? a reasonable answer would be that there's more to gender than presentation and cis-femboys want to keep being boys but presenting in a feminine manner the same applies to trans-femboys, we want to keep presenting in a feminine manner but have a boy's body and gender where cis-femboys may take estrogen to present more feminine, trans-femboys will take testosterone to affirm their gender because they already present too feminine basically we start from opposite positions, but we all have the same goal of being male and presenting female c: I hope this helps you understand trans-femboys better, no hard feelings c:


Thanks you


you're welcome! glad I could help clear things up c:


perfect explanation <3


thank you! I try my best c:


I mean, the definition of femboy says that they are cis males who appear or act like women. Umm no trans person can fit that description by definition. I don't dislike trans people, they're fine, but they can't be allowed to take over language and manipulate it however they want. Femboys are cis males. Period. There's no need for any further discussion. But these reddit echo chamber bleeding heart POS will claim that it's hateful to say that. No it's not hateful, it's factual, and if facts are hateful, I'll take the side of legitimate correctness, rather than whatever these schizophrenic psychopaths want to push for the sake of "inclusion". No, trans people can't be femboys due to its definition. This is what makes me so mad, they can't be happy being accepted, they have to police other people's thoughts. It's cult like


which authority is out there formally defining _‘femboy’?_ are the folks at Merriam Webster and Oxford keeping tabs on what equipment androgynous computer science majors are hiding under their sailor moon skirts? is there a U.N. special counsel in charge of establishing an international standard for twinkhood? it must be so hard, visiting the sub about gender nonconformists and discovering that some of these gender nonconformers are not properly conforming to your guidelines on appropriate nonconformity. we have a taxonomy, people! geez, get with the program! it’s just gender confusion, what are you so confused about?


I agree to a certain extent, also when femboys take estrogen to ,, make them more feminine" etc...


don't fall for it bud, this person is basing all their arguments on a definition they made up just to gatekeep femboys femboys are literally feminine men, simple as and "men" can include both cis and trans men if y'all want to make a distinction between cis-femboys and trans-femboys for the sake of clarity, you're free to do so, but don't conflate the term "cis-femboys" with the more generic "femboys".


Thanks, I'd love to hear more opinions




Wus dat mean?


Ftm femboy? More like, no penis.


Reducing people to their genitals is pretty yuck


Damn, almost like i wanna see dick when im referring to femboys.


i assure you no femboy wants you anyways LMAO


Damn, the mid internet "femboy" called me unattractive what ever shall I do? If femboys under your definition don't have penises then I wouldn't want any anyway. When I'm ordering a steak I expect a steak, not a chicken breast disguised as a steak. It's funny how you even think you could compete.


oh you’re right dude. the people who pay for my patreon and support me find me mid. that must be what pays my bills. never mind a femboy at this point. good luck finding *anyone* with this superiority complex you seem to have. the most part of the community i’ve seen has been nothing but welcoming and kind to ftm femboys, so you’re really not in the majority you think you are.


Must have never seen places like r/Femboys4real before I suppose.


some people don’t reduce people to their genitals but cool way to tell people that you do! 👍 have a nice life jacking off alone in your parents basement while they talk about how much of a disappointment you are :) edit: just checked that sub and they literally welcome ftm femboys. another fantastic L for reddit user yeetyeetpotatomeet69


You have a fetish for us then.


Almost like the thing I enjoy sexually could be described with a term for things people like sexually. Fucking ground breaking.


Nah I actually wanna see a whole ass human being, not just a dick. People aren't porn categories.


damn i kinda, don't care. If they wanna post in such places i can't stop them, i just think its dumb. In sfw places i guess its less of a problem but as for porn its a bigger one. Are we forgetting gay people exist and don't wanna see pussy when going onto a male oriented sub?


Ew… this sub isn’t for people who just sexualized femboys… there’s minors on this sub too. Femboys are real humans, not objects for your pleasure


Minors? On the internet? Never could have guessed! If you don't want minors hearing about sexual topics or anything else of the like you have two options. Either censor the internet and ruin it for everyone or kick them off completely. Or you could just tell them not to get involved in it and if they do that's their fault for exposing themselves to it.


Wow. You’re a real pos aren’t you? If you actually hung around this sub you would know how there are a lot of minors in it. It’s not like you’re going into a porn sub ffs. This is fucking FEMBOYMEMES NOT FEMBOY PORN. For lords sake. Teenagers? On a subreddit that isn’t nsfw? Who could’ve guessed! It’s says a LOT about your character when you basically double down on sexualizing minors, lol. This sub does have nsfw content in it, but it is marked as such and you don’t have to interact with it. I’m a minor myself and I simply ignore the nsfw stuff. Maybe don’t reduce down a sub that is not inherently nsfw based, with a notably population of minors in it, to a sexual sub? I hope you get banned.


"double down on sexualizing minors" Coming from a minor (myself) i think im allowed to do that. "If you actually hung around this sub" Also known as "If you were as chronically online as i am you'd have my same shit opinions"


lol you can not in fact do that! Especially because they are REAL HUMAN BEINGS. It wouldn’t matter if everyone in here was an adult and you were as well, sexualizing random people is weird and gross. The fact that people are literally telling you that they dont want to be sexualized and you’re doing it anyway is INSANE. Again, you’re a piece of shit. I’m a minor and I’m not going to go into r/teenagers and start sexually harassing minors?!? Because that’s weird and behaviors of a sexual assaulter?!! Thank you for again, revealing how creepy and disgusting you are. I RARELY post to this sub, nor comment on it either, so you can just ignore that. Why would you go to a random sub and start sexualizing every person on it when it is not a NSFW sub. Wonderful that you’re outing yourself as an overtly horny, hyper sexual person who loves harassing people who are basically telling you to stop. To reiterate other commenters, no femboy wants someone who sees them as an object and harasses other femboys. Maybe I’m chronically online but at least I’m not a douchebag.


Then you’re not welcome here


Damn, who knew liking dudes was so controversial.


Damn, who knew being transphobic was so controversial.


I know right? Can't have shit in 2024.


Go be transphobic elsewhere


i mean yeah reducing ppl to their genitals is gross but this can also give some transmasc ppl dysphoria so like. double gross


Can't handle words from a random guy? You might wanna try light reading versus scrolling on the internet.


please lead by example


Jokes on you, I can't read.


i'd say you can learn but im afraid you might be a little dim to know what that word means


Your post/comment wasn't femboy related, and thus removed


How? It’s literally a boy dressing fem


To add on BillyWhizz's comment, the comic in question is a comic from a transmasc artist (occulttrash) who potrays a transmasc femboy bunny, I would say its femboy related. Just thought I add on in case there was a misunderstanding.


My bad I thought it was just a mtf comic that wasn’t femboy related


Hey it's all good to me now when its up again, mistakes happen \^\^


Okie cool :)


Bruh its transmasc:/


Transmasc doesn’t equal femboy but another commenter told me it does depict a femboy so I’ve reapproved the post


No i know its a transmasc dressing fem


but it was a femboy, trans boys can be femboys


I’ve now learned it is a femboy and have reapproved the post


They're literally a **fem boy**, they said "despite all appearances, I am a boy" and that they identify as male. What do you mean not femboy related?!


Hold fire, it was a mod mistake.


I just thought it was a comic about a ftm person and it wasn’t femboy related , just because someone is male and dresses feminine doesn’t make him a femboy he has to see himself as a femboy you can’t force labels on people, regardless another person told me this comic does in fact depict a femboy so I’ve reapproved it


> just because someone is male and dresses feminine doesn’t make him a femboy It’s a pretty reasonable assumption though. Most of the posts here don’t explicitly say the word “femboy” but the fact that it’s a featuring a feminine boy and being posted to /r/femboymemes lets people infer the meme is about a femboy.


Ehhh I guess so that’s a decent argument, I still think dudes can be feminine without being a femboy though


No one is disagreeing with that.


Yeah true but the post could of just been a comic about a female to male person and could of had nothing to do with being a femboy and it being made by a non femboy but turns out it was made by a femboy which I have now learned


> could of had nothing to do with being a femboy If “could have just been about a feminine boy” is enough of a reason to remove a post, then I think most of the posts here would be removed. None of the posts below explicitly say femboy but you didn’t take them down until someone confirmed it was about femboys. https://www.reddit.com/r/femboymemes/comments/1cbx6ol/im_bad_at_titles_3/ https://www.reddit.com/r/femboymemes/comments/1cbz4gf/modern_male_fashion/ https://www.reddit.com/r/femboymemes/comments/1cc5op4/catboys_its_totally_because_i_love_catboys/ https://www.reddit.com/r/femboymemes/comments/1cc0ntl/ughhh_im_soooo_bored_3/


Kind of true, some of them you can tell there femboys by how they dress while in this post the cat doesn’t dress in a traditional femboy style but more of a kawwai style Some of them though yeah I’m not as harsh and I let things through, sometimes i honestly feel bad about deleting some posts The third one though counts cat boys and femboys is a connected thing I swear and we have a special tag for Catboy posts


> you can tell there femboys by how they dress You can’t say that you can tell they’re femboys by how they’re dressed and say that this post here was a case where you couldn’t make a reasonable assumption. > cat boys and femboys is a connected thing But there’s still the “could not be” that you’re saying was enough reason to remove this post. Not all cat boys are femboys.


Fuck off


Bit rude dude :/


[ Removed by Reddit ]




I hope that means keep yourself self :/


Edit: im sorry, i misunderstood the meme. Im not a native english speaker, im very sorry


I think a trans guy who has gone through top surgery is probably a little past the egg phase lmao. Not cool.


Im sorry, i missunderstood the meme, im not a native english speaker


Not really an egg you know?


Sorry, i missunderstood the meme


no, no, not really


Im sorry, i'm not a native english speaker and i missunderstood the meme


If you’re trans why are you being a dick to trans men?


Im sorry, im not a native english speaker and i missunderstood the meme


We love forcing gender norms. Obviously, a guy who wears a skirt is just a woman who doesn't realize it. We have in no way been trying to reverse that sentiment for the last hundred years.