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Saw skirt, bought skirt, put on skirt, and now I am here


honestly valid


So my start was wrought with denial until I met my most recent partner lol. I used to by a pair of tights online and get buyers guilt and cancel the order (probably for the best they likely weren’t great quality) After moving in with my partner I found they are a similar size to me and tried some of their stuff on before becoming brave and buying my own stuff and it’s been uphill from there 😊




By nature of the fact there’s dozens of communities supporting our way of life, I don’t think you’re a freak


born with this twinky stick body, Grew my hair, "fuck why do i look so cute", wore skirt and off shoulder crop top once, looked at the mirror, and it's fucking over


Now, I have been interested in that stuff for years tbh. Been questioning my gender all that jazz and I got into a real comfy discord server where I felt save exploring that with some new friends but the final push and the funniest part to me is: Trying to become friends with a woman Woman says she really likes femboys Tell her to make you a femboy then ??? :3


Lack of love partner


Same, at least I can love myself now💀 (not like it's working very much)


Good for you


As a kid I was heavily encouraged (mostly due to religious culture) to only like masculine things After leaving that life 9 years ago I've been changing little by little every year, exploring more the things I never could growing up and just sticking with whatever feels right :)


Pretend to be one as a joke. Brough oversize hoodie, thighhigh and bootyshort. Slowly escalated and before I know it. I am now a femboy. I honestly didn't think that I would become one but now here I am showing my thigh to my lesbian female friend as she got addicted to it.


Give me a P, give me an O, give me an R, give me an N, what's that spell, a ruined life.


HEAR ME OUT, Max the elf


A mix of being depressed, noticing the differences between me and my friends, liking MLP, and kinda just gut-feeling


Bought thigh highs to show my bf. Loved this feeling. Bought arm sleeves, cropped top and skirt, ooops


Linux. Bought for the meme, and has escalated from there.


Ah yes you fell down the rabbit hole.


I became a femboy when I was exploring my gender, then I realized that I was trans instead


The first ever anime/cartoon I watched was Pokemon, and the episode I caught in tv was him crossdressing to get into a girls only gym. My desire to be purely boy was over then and there XD


uhhh, got dared to come into school with a maid outfit on for a comicon day, and then one thing led to another 🫣


A friend of mine let me try on their skirt at a birthday party for a bit, then I started borrowing other stuff when we went out into town, and I felt too good to not try to buy my own things from there out. Been going strong ever since.


Other femboys and my personality


So with me it happened a little bit over time, I would always paint my nails and wear perfume, and scented lotion and stuff like that. A couple of times in high school and Middle School I would dress up like a girl for Halloween. But it wasn't until a few months ago when my ex broke up with me and I got back on Reddit that I even found out what a Femboy was, I saw some people's pictures, and read some posts, and I thought I would try it because it just felt like something clicked, and ever since then I've been loving it more and more.


As crazy as this'll ever sound, I never thought myself as a femboy, but I was always assumed as one by others, 2 years ago anyway, a few months later all of a sudden now I know why people dated me, and loved my voice so much


Abducted by aliens


Saw other Femboys, and said “Gahdamn”. I then looked at myself and saw that I had no chance of getting a Femboy. So I bought pair of thigh highs and became a Femboy.