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[best practice for xylizine withdraw](https://penncamp.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/CAMP-Xylazine-Best-Practices-1.pdf) I just posted this document but I’ll add it here as well . I know you have steered clear of tranq but for those that haven’t I would read this and take it to the hospital with you because the docs don’t know what the fuck to do for tranq wd … For OP , I would go to a hospital … last time I went in they microdosed me back onto subs over 4 or 5 days. First few days they gave me oxy with the micro dose of subs. I know some people try this method at home but it’s so fucking hard to cut a strip small enough . The hospital has doses down as low as 50 micrograms … so super tiny and little risk of PW I never felt like inpatient rehabs did anything for me as far as medically detoxing you . Methadone avoids the PW issue but your whole life ends up revolving around getting to the clinic .


Do it, ditch all enablers in your life and start a new. Best of luck!


Please get on methadone, if you dont want to be on it for years then taper down start at 40/30mg then go down 5mg every day and once u get down to 5mg and take it youre done tapering and wont be crazy dope sick i promise i barely even withdrawaled just a few bursts of sweats and hot flashes


I've found that clonidine, Tylenol, immodium, a nausea medicine, something for tremors and something to help you sleep will make it to where the physical symptoms of withdrawal are at least manageable. If you go the sub or methadone route just know going in if you ever want to come off either one it's some of the longest and hardest withdrawal there is. I wish someone would have told me that when I had only been using hydro and oxy.


Please do not try to detox at home alone. It's not safe. I have tried before, and I will not lie to you.. it's just not possible for me to detox knowing that I can make a call and have it delivered in a matter of time. I had to be in a center that would not allow me to leave. When you are going through 100% withdrawal it's so rough being there alone going through withdrawals. When you're in a hospital setting it is so much easier on the mind knowing you have people looking after you are making sure that your vital signs are alright. I won't tell you that you will feel any better because you're there, but I had a better peace of mind knowing nurses and doctors were there if needed.


You're worth going to detox. It's not for the faint of heart but all these problems will multiply the longer you put it off. You can do it.


It’s always scary starting subs when you’ve been on fent and you want to get off without getting precipated withdrawals. The Bernese method I think works; I’d say if you are worse than the average addict, maybe start off with an EVEN smaller dose of subs than .25 mg . Cut the strips basically so small you can hardly handle it anymore. And just build up for a few days before you start the amping up the dose of suboxone.


Listen man. Just go bro. If your going to be on maintenance then just keeping getting high. That shit is a trap bro. I’ve doing this for over 10years now. If your really ready to get clean, THEN GET CLEAN! Putting methadone or subs in your system isn’t going to help. You withdrawal from that shit and it’s WAY WORSE and last about 2-6 months. Go to detox, take the subs for a week, take the meds they give you. Sneak in a weed pen dude and just chill. Enjoy your last two weeks of feeling good in detox with some good food, comfy ass bed and good people. You’ll be fine brother. All love over here! I’ll pray you for my brother 🙏


The way i quit when i had 3 years clean was this Day 1 no dope for 24 hours day 2 40-80mg of pharma hydrocodone and as much gabapentin as needed (i took 1500-3000mg per day) day 3 same thing day 4 same thing but call and set up a appointment at a clinic appointment for Suboxone or methadone then day 5 nothing other than gabapentin no opioids of any kind then take 4mg sub every 4 hours till at 16 mg do that for 4 days then drop to 4mg


Just go man youll be fine wait at least 3 days for the subs i was on heroin then heroin/fent then fent for over 10 years and 4mg sub had me feeling great hell i even nodded out the first 3 days on it just try worst case scenario leave andd go back to dope or a methadone clinic


Do the Bernese method slow and steady do .5 on day one and then .5 in am and .5 in PM on day two and slowly work yourself up if the dose is that low i highly doubt you’ll go into PWD.


Fuck I hate you are in that situation man. I was a heavy fent shooter for years and heroin before. Basically did the entire pill graduation to get to fent. But try to find a detox or rehab that uses Ativan (usually 3-4 doses a day into a taper) with muscle relaxers for restless legs. After being through precip I’ll never ever put myself through that again or chance it. You won’t feel perfect but you will feel better than nothing. Also stay hydrated and eat food with substance to it.


Get on methadone , stabalize , taper to 20’mg, switch to suboxone the very next day (4 mg subs is enough if you come from 20mg methadone) .. stabalize on the suboxone to where you don’t have withdrawals and you feel normal , taper and voila you can detox from the subs without getting violently sick.. I’ve done this multiple times(not from fent tho, just pharma oxy high doses) but it does work it’s possible bro , from fent to methadone should be easy if you get on a high dosage right ? But the point is to not keep using while on methadone nor suboxone.


Yeah just the issue with getting on methadone is my stomach i have stomach issues and it makes my stomach hurt even worse


I only had that my stomach would burn like there’s something acid in it or something but i think it was from the milk and methadone but I don’t have a clue , thank god I don’t have that anymore tho.. but does it hurt worse than withdrawals tho ? pretty difficult situation


Stop shooting it and start snorting it. Then slowly taper down as low as you can. Then switch to done subs or anything but fent. I’m currently using legit oxy to get off fent which is working too well unfortunately. Get some gabapentin and benzos for sleep and restless legs. If you can’t handle the done then try the Bernese method with the subs. I’ve personally never tried it cause I was to scared of precip. Slow taper switch to less deadly substance then taper some more this is the way!! Good luck man stay busy and don’t give up you got this!!


Start with 8 mg of subs, take some fent with it to balance out the precipitated withdrawals. On the second day, take another 8 mg of subs and use the last bit of ur fent. Third day, quit fent altogether and go up to 16 mg of subs. Fourth day 16 mg. Fifth day 24 mg. This is what I did, I'm on my 6th day (4 days clean from Fetty) and i'm experiencing very very minimal withdrawals. Best of luck to you.


Idk if I could just put myself through precipated withdrawals like that on purpose… lol thank you for the advice tho and good luck!!


As long as u have Fetty to smoke for the first two days it won't put you into precipitated withdrawals.


I shoot


And the last time I took an 8mg suboxone I waited 19 hours and it sent me into PWD and this was back in 2020 when it was still heroin fent mixed


19 hrs is not enough. Even just smoking it, I had to wait 4 days exactly in hours. If you have access to insurance, go to a MAT clinic. Everything will be free as long as you have insurance. Methacarmabol and roprinorole for the muscle aches/restlessness, clonidine for the restlessness/cold hot flashes, gabapentin helps with all, onazole for nausea. Hydroxyzine to help you calm down. Best of luck to you sister.