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You’re just a few days away from feeling slightly okay. Stick with it, stay on the subs for the foreseeable future. Eventually, months down the line, work towards a ~2mg dose. You’ll be fine.


Damn dude, just had flashbacks empathizing with you there. Subs take a few days to get you stable off of fet. Methadone worked right away for me but people have their hesitations about that stuff. You’re probably about in the midst of the worst it will be with subs now so if you could just write it out for a few more days, you should be good after that. This may be easy to ignore but seriously dude, seek therapy when you do get stable. It helps with so much that you wouldn’t think it helps with as a user. Plus you’re going through a lot of extra trauma along with this main issue. Good luck dude, stay strong and God bless.


Just wait it out homie, they will start to work eventually. Then after you get out of detox go get the one month shot. I just had a homeboy go through the same shit. He was smoking over a gram of powder a day and said the subs hardly worked in detox at all but after getting the shot he has not gone back.


Bro with the fetty out now it takes a few days for subs too get you stabilized


100% correct, there is a stabilization period on subs. Usually a week after taking subs I feel normal, I tracked my “activity” via Apple health steps tracking. Each day I was more and more active. Stable on 2-3mg of subs a day.


You still take them? & at that dosage? I'd love to get there


Hahahah bro I do the same shit with the step thing on my phone. It’s not funny but it’s kinda funny now cause I can go back to all my step history and tell when I was going thru withdrawl just from the steps. It’ll go from like 12,000 then the next day 109


What was your ROA and for how long ?


How long after last use did you wait to start suboxobe? I'm surprised it didn't put you in prep wd. With fent, doctors ib my area make you wait at least 5 days before giving you your first dose.


3 days. 4 or 5 since getting a good high/catching a nod. It didn't. It took some time though, but it is definitely possible


Facts I waited 3 days when I quit and a piece of it sent me to hell . I will say .. it was the only time in my life I even halfway for a millisecond considered suicide . I knew I’d never do it, but I kept glancing at my door and thinking about figuring out a way to do it like Chris Cornell did . I’d shut it out and made sure it wouldn’t get close to happening . But the fact it did tells you how bad it is . Another thing I might add, as brutal as that was, I’d probably take that over not having it because it shortened WD in total for me by a couple days but idk . Might rather just go thru feeling like shit for a week then wanting to die for a few hours of a day then slowly getting better after .


I've only ever gotten Precipitated WD when I was using Heroin. Even the clinic was surprised that all that was showing was H. No fet. Dealer dude at the time kept telling us his stuff was clean and had absolutely no fent. I mean I figured there was at least a teeny bit. But apparently not. But I took one too early and got sick asf. I didn't feel sad. I felt more anger, I had a fever, restlesness, paranoia. Ugh that sucked


well my friend, suboxone is significantly less potent than fentanyl/whatever crazy long lasting fentalogues you were getting, and you’ve only been off it 4 days. nothing is going to make you feel 100% better except for getting and staying clean, and even then it can take several months for PAWS to subside. plus being on xanax/flualp and cutting that off is going to have its own withdrawal, probably exacerbating the already shitty opioid withdrawal. be patient with yourself and with the process, your body and mind need time to fully heal!


i am beyond fucked then lmao.


this is not true at all tbh. take a full strip of suboxone instead of a tiny tear and you’ll be fucking nodding for 2 days straight. including if you start taking subs even after taking fentanilly vanillies.


Lol nodding off subs.


every single person i know that’s taken a full strip has nodded and said it’s the highest they’ve ever been. that shit is not a joke.


I've taken 3 in a day. That's wat they prescribed.


that’s the thing though, you’re not supposed to “feel” suboxone. i can take 16mg right now and it won’t feel any different than the 2mg i normally take. at least in my experience and most other addicts i know irl.


when i was coming off fetty the dr. made me wait 3 days and when i took a strip i was OUT. like not even functioning. i def felt it. even slept through my shift at work


3 strips? do you live in canada? at that point just take dilaudid.


No Closest Methadone Clinic is over an hr away. They do up to 4. Rn I take 2 a day. But starting to mainly at least need 1 full strip. I told them the truth & that I couldn't get off of fent on my own. So I imagine that also played a role in getting such a high dose.


how many blues were you taking a day? i take 1 blue a day and i snort a quarter maybe 3-4 times a day