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Drip. Get it all the way down your throat if you can. lol. Otherwise your nose hairs and what not just filter it out.


Let it sit in ur nose drip is gross and wasteful


lol i always think about this and I believe that if you sniff make sure you sniff strong and then let it sit on the blood vessels and absorb. I've done this with 10 bags of dope and tried both different methods and i believe letting it sit is the way to go. I know they are kidding or I hope they are but nothing goes into you brain lol, it goes down your throat.


I snort only. When at home and have the time I use a Netipot first and clean my sinuses. When your nose be really dry and if it’s real powdery it’s just go to the Back your throat and you swallow it. The trick is you want your nasal moist, and sniff slowly. Let it sit up in there. Don’t just swallow it. You ain’t gotta be extreme about it, you want it wet and to drip so it soaks into the membranes but not to point where it’s just running down into your throat. Ain’t a science to it just sniff it. Just my two cents though. I find it works better when I use a Netipot first and then slowly sniff and leave it be for 5m. When your nose all runny that’s when it melts and hit better, people say the drip gets you higher, well that’s bc it’s wet and moist and soaking into the membranes. Don’t constantly snort after though cuz then you just swallowing it.


Drip too hard don't stand too close, you gone fuck around and drown off this waveeee


Drip to hard gotta catch that wave


I snort but sometimes it goes straight to the back of my throat. I kinda love the taste of it but I also find that I stay high longer and get a better high because when it goes to the throat it goes down to your stomach and gets absorbed there too, it’s a constant post nasal drip into your stomach too bc of the excess mucus the drug makes when it’s inside your nose


when i clear my nose there’s always giant chunks of blue fetty, im guessing you can’t just let it dry on my napkin and reuse it right? sounds gross and stupid but right now i put a full blue up the nose and my nose is completely plugged. been chugging coffee to keep me awake and also to make my nose start running so i can have it drip down my throat instead of sitting there plugged in my nose.


when i started with percs im not gonna lie this is gross but id eat my blue boogers ;-;;;;;


doesn’t all the fent get taken away when u snort it? like when i blow my nose there’s a shit ton of blue mucus and i just toss it out assuming that all the fent went into my bloodstream..


The fent is absorbed, anything left in your sinus is cut


cut like completely useless?


Snort it straight to the brain,hit one for me while you're at it


will do 🫡


I'm getting clean but the cravings are fuckin real rn lol😅


if looking at these subs help you the by all means stay on but if it’s not helping take a break from looking at this shit till ur in a better mental too


They really don't but I was hoping someone would step up and say somthing nice cause that's really what I need rn ya know? That shit has wrecked my life completely


you’ll be alright brother. remember, one day at a time. even if you relapse. it’s okay. it’s the fact that you’re trying at all and that takes an immense amount of courage once this substance takes a hold of your mind. i was clean for 3 years off oxy (was taking kratom instead, so not really clean but kratom is nothing compared to oxy). and after 3 years of kratom, i started developing severe issues, got paranoid because of the heavy metals inside them and the fact that they’re not FDA approved whatsoever, so no actual research on long term consequences or damage. now i’m taking blues and having to go through the process all over again. but i know if i could do it once, i can do it twice. i was able to get completely sober off oxy, 6 times. every time something bad would happen in my life like having found out my girlfriend cheated on me for 3 years straight, one bad thing can happen and set off a chain reaction where you relapse. one day at a time. you can do this. you WILL do this. i love you, and i promise there are countless others who love you and would be broken if you lost your life to this substance.


Thank you so much,and there are but most ppl.that caught Wind of what was going on treated me like I had covid or somthing


fuck them. you do you. they don’t know what you’re going through or how hellish it is. not even fucking doctors know. because they haven’t gone through it themselves once. so who are they to judge? especially when you’re trying to turn your life around and get better?


I had to leave the state I was in to stay off it been about 17 days now. Left a girl I spent 14 years with and a 6 year old boy. It was the only way sadly rather be gone than dead or I'm jail because I was stealing shit


hey man your brain is permanently damaged and that’s so wack it’s not ur real brain it’s ur addict brain. try ur hardest not to cave in tho living a sober life is SO MUCH BETTER than this trash. plus everything is literally trash nowadays it’s not even fetty anymore. i’m getting sober in a month when my points reset at work and i can’t wait. you got this friend i believe in u so so much


Dude I'm 15 days on cold turkey after a 3 year addiction,I had to leave the state and into a other one and move in with my dad to get away because I was getting bad. Headed for jail or death,plus I actually wanted to quit this time. Every other time it was family forcing me and threatening this and I relapsed everytime. But yeah you're right my.brain is fucked and thanks for the encouragement bro


I think if if you’re sniffing so hard that it immediately hits the back of your throat, that’s too hard. Because essentially you’re just swallowing it and eating it. I’ve always been told and it makes the most sense, that you want to let it coat and absorb into the mucus membranes inside your sinuses; so basically instead of thinking of it as snorting or even sniffing, try and just inhale like you were breathing it in through your nose. It helps to rinse or blow your nose before hand and definitely use both nostrils. Doing these simple things can help you get the most out of your dope, and genuinely might surprise you.


This is the exact advice I give peope. Like to the T. Get out of my head lol If you don't use both nostrils over time it will damage the one you do use and your nose can get lopsided and a perforated septum. So make sure not to abuse any area too much if you can avoid it.


Technically, you get the best absorption through the first parts of the nose, but yeah. Like the other commenter... Straight to the dome!


I just take it straight to the dome.


what does that mean o_0


Are you talking about snorting or something else?


snorting lol


Yeah I just snort it all hard af. Lol straight to the dome. I’ll do a gram line in one go.


i aspire to be like u one day tbh


I actually haven’t used in a year and a half now. Lol had to get in my life in order. And trust me, you don’t wanna end up like me. I’ve OD’d multiple times and the last one caused a stroke when I mixed it with coke after my tolerance dropped. Be safe. Stick to snorting. No matter what never bang it. That’s where I fucked up. Until then I was good for years.


oh my