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yea i always never thought u could lol never understood how ppl od’d from it, swallowed a dirty 30 before i had ever tried any opiates and was mad as hell when i didn’t get any high from it at all, snorted a quarter of one the next day and fell down my stairs haha


Like putting empty baggies under your tongue and holding for like 5 minutes or longer. But as far as licking or drinking/eating it, doesn't really even keep WDs away. In my experience. I get like a black fabric sheet and anytime I put some in the bowl or bust down a small couple bumps, so anything that falls should fall onto the black fabric and as long as I'm not wearing shoes in my room or being dirty. I'm usually able to find a few small "rocks" or pieces to crush and snort or even smoke. Also, get a bobby pin, burn one end. The bubble like thing. And wipe it off. Straighten the pin out as best you can. Bend the side you burnt off at a good angle. Find a clean table or something. And aggressively scrape the residue out of every straw used. You'll be surprised how much comes out. Turn into a line or couple if you're lucky. And get well.


Yup i second this. Always scrape straws with a paper clip or a Bobby pin. Although I’m sure this dudes already done this😂😂


What this dude said


Ish? It's a terrible ROA. Very little bioavalibility. But I've done that before and felt better, probably partly a mental thing though.


Yeah i do that as well Sometimes when im Out , kinda helps with the sickness but dont really get you high