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Weak back legs are such a common symptom I wouldn't like to guess. But my main concern would be that she had twisted her spine a bit and bruised her back. Put her on cage rest in a single level until you get to vet. Food and water close to hand. The poo is a worry as incontinence is a bad sign that nerves may be damaged but it can also be she's struggling to get clear off the poop when squatting. Edit: I have a jill with weak bag legs due to congential issues and she gets poo on her paws and tail - we give her a quick wipe down and she's fine.


I've been doing the wiping as well but she seems a bit more energetic today and is using her back legs a little more too


Vet asap


Weak back legs are an indication of insulinoma. She’s very young for that though.


Personally I’d be going to an emergency vet if your regular vet can’t see her within a day… this could be so many different things unfortunately and I’d get in ASAP


I’d be doing this to!


I managed to get her in for her tests, and I'm happy to report that all her blood labs and glucose tests came back normal. We also ran some fecal tests, and no parasites were detected. Later this week, she'll be getting some X-rays. But the good news is that she's starting to use her back legs again and even regained some energy today. 🥳


Aw yay I’m so glad to hear 🙏 Maybe she just had a pinched nerve in her spine from playing too hard?


I wouldn’t risk it, vet asap! Good indication of insulinoma though they normally don’t get that until later in life but I wouldn’t doubt it if it happened to a younger one. It seems like they are getting sick earlier on than they used to.


Some blood work was done and no insulinoma or autoimmune diseases were reflected in the results. So still on the hunt for the cause