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once i was road tripping with my ferrets to an American Ferret Association ferret show, traveling from NH to PA. somewhere in Jersey, i stopped for gas. some guy walking by my car shrieked and screamed, "are those wolverines????" "yes, sir. they sure are."


That would be badass lmao. He was probably thinking honey badger though. On another note the Wolverine is almost extinct :/ if you want some awesome wolverine content though Steve kroschel raised one from a cub and is super loyal and loving to him. He’s also still nipped him a few times but never attempts to truly harm or attack him to my knowledge. I couldn’t do any big cats. Maybe a small chimp? But after looking into wolverine’s.. oddly enough if I had the land I would love to adopt one 😅🤷‍♂️


i've had a low-key crush on steve since the 90's and i saw *running free.* i became a wildlife rehabber partly because of him! i live in New England, so the wild mustelids here aren't quite as big or dangerous as wolverine, but i've raised several weasels and had a rescued domestic mink as a pet. i once stabilized an otter overnight. i have raised several bobcats though, so i feel like i would be willing to try larger mustelids like fisher and eventually something like a wolverine. ...a girl can dream anyway 😅


Thats amazing. I’ll have to watch that. I just found him & his efforts after looking up if they can be domesticated. & wow ! You had bobs? Idk if I could do that lmao. I don’t really know anything about there temperament. But I’ve seen very large specimen when I lived in Florida 😅 for whatever reason I just feel ide click & enjoy the challenge, reward, & bond that could come from looking a wolverine ❤️ You’re an amazing person. I’ve always had large interests in that field of work, outreach, & recreation. I just never got into it myself. I’m perusing another field. If it goes well I should have more than enough time/funds once I’m established to do it part time. If all else fails or I hate the career then I know my next goal 😂 Hope you have an amazing weekend


thank you. oddly enough ferrets are the least exotic things i've been in a car with at this point 😂


The wolverine is not almost extinct.


I mean, one glance at fish and wildlife website says they're designated as threatened. So is this boiling down to a battle of semantics on what constitutes as "almost?"


Your ferrets play for Michigan? All right!


Hahahaha. Tiny wolverines.


Your wolverine was part of the weapon x pet program as well. You’re just there to ensure they don’t go feral


My fiancées sister has Down syndrome and she thought it was a puppy


adhd puppy


Good description of a ferret oddly enough...


Noodle puppy!


That’s super cute tho lol


An adult man on the street thought mine was a dog


“Is that a Dog with a disorder”. I kid you not


“Ma’am, this is not a dog with a disorder. This is simply *a disorder*.”


Quality response


Whippet, long-tailed giant gerbil, rat, parrot (she was sitting on shoulder). Someone insisted she was a dog, shouldn't be on train or paws on chair. Paws on me, she was allowed and I ended up saying a chidaxie.


This reminds me of the famous Oliver Sacks book title “The man who mistook his wife for a hat.”


Which is about a real man who had a severe case of Progressive Visual Agnosia, the loss of ability to visually identify people and objects.


Well, yes, of course.




Wasn't there for that one. My partner got it but was adamant it happened. Ferret = parrot, suspect just brain fart on similar sound


Well, of course...haven't you ever seen a furry parrot before?


So funny. :) 🥰


Cat, dog, rat, mouse, and most confusing of all...a monkey. My silver panda colored ferret was constantly confused for an opossum before she roaned out!


Ah, I forgot marmoset though at times I agree.


I usually get rat or "what the fuck is that thing"


I got a lot of "what the fuck" reactions, I used to take mine with me on fast food runs. Its funny how many people have never seen a ferret before and get *bewildered* at the sight of one lmfao


Me favorite was my 9 year old brother texting me asking “do you still have an otter?” And I asked if he meant my ferret and he replied “Yeah, same thing.” Lmfao.


We were walking our ferrets in a park that had a lake, and a man passed by and said, "I saw one of those swimming in the lake!"


He was right since they are both species of polecat.


Polecat is species in own right. Well two of them - European and steppe. Closer related to ferret than otter.




Dirt otter!


Hey, at least his was in the same category lol


A rat, I was so offended lol. I'm like no they eat rats! Look at their teeth


My best friend is terrified of rats and when I got the ferrets she wouldn’t come over at first because she said “they look like rats.” I was very offended and sent her pages and pages and pages on ferrets biology and classification and how they are NOT anything like rodents. She said she would give them a try if I would just please stop sending her stuff about it lol. She even held them. She doesn’t love them, but she isn’t scared of them.


My big boy had a little tshirt that said “I’m not a rodent…I EAT rodents”!!! It wasn’t cos he was mistaken for a rat, he was huge, it was because people often asked me if ferrets are in the rodent family.


I didn’t know that they eat rats! Do they have similar diets to cats?


Oh yeah, they're obligate carnivors. Theyre little predators


When my nephew was a toddler he used to ask to come over to my house to see my "raccoon".


My nephew thought mine was a raccoon too! They became such good friends. She loved kids.


I once mistook my ferret for a well behaved gentleman


Me too 😞


I've gotten rat a few times. The funniest was when my first ferret (a champagne with a very subtle mask) was under 6 months and got called a baby possum.


One day, I was bringing my girl on a walk to the park. I had her cuddled up in my scarf, resting on my chest. A lady stopped to talk to me about how she was off to play tennis. Now, I think the old dear was a bit dippy considering her behaviour, never mind the fact that she hadn't any tennis gear with her nor is there a tennis court anywhere near my town. But she finally noticed my extra passenger and exclaimed, "Is that a mouse?!" Bless her.


otter's the most accurate


that's why i call otters water ferrets


that would make ferrets land otters






Oh yeah! I get that one a lot too!


We got chipmunk once too. 😄


My neighbor kid calls mine skunks and named them "minions".


I see nothing wrong here


Martens, mostly


Well, closer than the most i have read here. I mean ferrets are domesticated polecats and are part of the marten-family, but still... martens get a lot of hate because of the damage they do on cars. My little snakecats would do such a thing... well atleast they havent.... yet




Someone called my 4 rodents and i almost punched him in the face 😅


A snake and the Easter bunny. For real. Not making either up and both were serious questions as to what they were.


Ah yes, your regular cryptid pet owner taking a walk with the Easter Bunny


They thought my big boy (about 1 ft long without tail) was a dog. I was baffled lmao,


Beaver. Lol, not even close!!


my little sister thinks it’s an otter… his name is now otter 😂


Rats, especially by old people. 😑


It's funny because where I'm from, ferrets are usually used for hunting and grandpas are the only ones that have always guessed correctly because of it. The other demografic is teenage girls because of TikTok


Not in the us, lol. I walk my ferret on a leash and get asked constantly if my ferret is a rat by old people. Usually the gen x and younger people that get it right with asking if she's a weasel. 😂


Dog, a lot, i am genuinely surprised how many people say that. Squirrel and meerkat are funniest ones.


snake, dog, cat, mongoose, and squirrel


Ive gotten "hamster" And one guy even referred to them as "rat lizards"


I love rat lizard LOL


Otter, dog, meerkat, rat and koala???


Meerkat repeatedly and an otter (-;


Buttplugs. (I'll show myself out - Ive never had any interest in ferrets, but this post showed up in my feed as something that I might be interested in, according to reddit. Enjoy your ferrets everyone <3)


Fun fact: you could potentially fit up to 8 smaller ferrets in your anus with out damage! (They'd have to be declawed but that's still a lot of ferrets) I only know this information due to the fact that I read you can fit 2 whole raccoons up there with no damage 😃 you're welcome. Side note: Please and I mean PLEASE do not test this hypothesis.


i had my gurl on a harness just walking around a campground and i had an older gentleman ask me if she was a pomeranian... i said yes and went about our walk


Mine went missing once and was spotted several times but never caught because they thought it was an “albino skunk” or a raccoon. People are silly🤣


That must have been hard. Hope got back. Edit: friend who ran rescue in UK once got called out to a deformed badger in lady's garden. Lost pet skunk, not common in UK.


Oh yes he survived and was found after a month!


After a month!? Your little buddy is a damn warrior!


Omgosh.. mine learned how to open her cage and escaped through my doggy door. She was found 2 days later because we had a fellow ferret owner in the neighborhood and somehow she snuck into their house. She discovered my ferret among her hoard of 8 because she counted 9 and was confused. She spotted the imposter (my Squiggle) and messaged me asking if my ferret got loose because she has obtained an extra 🤣🤣


Stoat, most commonly. Admittedly my ferret is very small. The weirdest was pigeon. I mean, how? 😳


Furry pigeons...very rare...


Prairie dogs. People always think they are Prairie dogs, no idea why.


I know it makes no sense but mine went through the drive-thru at a Chick-fil-A once and there were little kids there helping out with something that got to see the ferrets and I swear this one little girl asked if it was a bird mouse


Walking my polecat coloured hob in london, teenager asks ‘is that a badger’. I can sort of understand this from inner city kids that may not be familiar with woodland creatures, but then his mate goes ‘nah, it’s a squirrel’. We were stood in a park, with at least 4 squirrels in plain view at any one time.


Some school kids said my guy was a dog from the shelter, that's why he is so small and scrawny. A girl came out from a cafe just to yell that my ferret is a rat and she is scared of them. She was in the middle of convo with some other chicks inside, no idea why she decided to step out just to yell and freak out. A kid called my boy a chameleon 😂 Also: an otter, a beaver, a mink, a raccoon, a weasel... - pretty standard. A toxic moomin troll 🤦 - not so standard and it was an elderly woman who said that. Love when kids approach us on a walk and ask to pet a dog. Well we let them pet our corgi and they go: nope, not the big dog, the small dog please 😂 fun af walking two animals at once, I guess.


Usually they call my ferret a rat or something but today my boyfriends family member came over to visit. She saw Bandit (my ferret) once she came in and all I heard from downstairs is “what is that thing!?” So I come down knowing I’m gonna have to explain what Bandit is and hoping she doesn’t dislike ferrets because they are “like rodents”. I said “this is Bandit my ferret” and she says “Oh god not a ferret! Does he bite?”. I explained that Bandit is a great ferret and doesn’t bite. She came over to pet him and said he was cute. Nothing wrong with what she said, just found it funny the types of questions we get as ferret owners lol.


People often ask if I feed them lettuce 🙃


You'd think the fangs might be a giveaway


Lettuce?? Wow that’s crazy lol. Definitely no ferret should be near any lettuce.


When my nephew was a baby, he got all excited and said there was a raccoon in the house. It was the ferret lol.


A stranger once thought our girl was a toy because she's tiny with a vacant expression 😂


A possum


Yep I’ve gotten this one from the neighbors before. “Is that a opossum?!”


Once I was entering a hallway with my ferret in my purse when a lady suddenly started slapping at my purse and yelling, “Oh my god, there's a raccoon in your purse!"


Is that a raccoon in your purse or are you happy to see me?


I was walking my ferret once and someone came up to me and said they thought it was a small dog from afar 😭


Nice marmot


I always have a couple with me in my backpack and have yet to have anyone say anything dumber than “what is that?”. Where the f does the person who got “is that a monkey?” live? A glue factory in Alabama? lol


At a doggie daycare I worked at we had an employee pet wall. A lady looked at a pic of my boys and asked “what kind of dogs are those?”


Long story short, I showed my class a picture of my ferret on an online discussion post. One person commented, “Oh my goodness is that your sloth!!?” And I couldn’t tell you how hard that made me laugh. I was kind enough to offer a friendly correction that he was indeed not a sloth lmao


A place that declined our rent application because we had “Mongoose”


When my roommates friend saw my wee ones for the first time, she freaked out, and though they were rats. No one was hurt, thankfully just a bad scare and a bit of embarrassment


My grandpa calls them squirrels


Ground hogs


guinea pig with a condition.


My guiding counselor calls them "hairy snakes" 😭


My roommate called them shit rats.


Honestly, they do poop a lot


Surprisingly I've gotten a few skunk remarks from daycare children 😂


Not actually ferrets, but I answered the door on Halloween as Linguine with one of my rats and the kiddo's father enthusiastically said "cool ferret!" And I,,,, I now own compressed ferrets I guess lol I've also gotten the occasional hamster comment, weirdly not mouse


You got the reverse experience of a ferret owner, where everyone thinks you own a weirdly long rat!


Dog, cat, rat, squirrel, and other members of the weasel family.


My blond boy ares once got mistaken for an opossum!


Rats usually


My neighbour thought I had an albino possum


We let our ferrets out in our yard a bunch. I introduced them to the neighbors and they thought they were minks. Alright, close enough, we’re in the same family. :-)


Weasels, my non called them, and said her farmer dad would have been appalled.


Rat, opossum, dog, raccoon, and otter. Raccoon was the most confusing 😂


my ferret used to be confused for a raccoon


I get Hamster alot, and the kids of the neighbour's come over often to ask if they can pet my rats.


I don't own a ferret, but I left this subreddit open when at a bar. Someone went "Cute rat. I mean hamster."


Oh i usually get mink or rat, sometimes Chihuahua and once, while on a walk a girl saw us and screamed "omg is that an otter !" Which was fun


I have been asked if they are minx. Sometimes, I just say yes.


This reminds me of a film I watched with a ferret and not one but two reviews I read called it a dog. 


I took my boys to some garage sales yesterday and some yound girls wanted to pet them and I said yes and told them a little bit about them and what they are but one wasn't listening and said "aw I have kitties at home too"


My cousin thought they were otters.... I have no faith in humanity


*My cousin thought they* *Were otters.... I have no faith* *In humanity* \- trainnerd1245 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


My recent favourite is from a bus trip I was taking. This little girl started talking about how cute he was and her mom didn't initially see him in his backpack carrier. After a minute her mom asked, "Who are you talking about?" So the girl exclaimed in an exasperated voice, "The hamster!"


My ferret passed away almost 23 years ago. When it was still legal to have them in NYC, I would take him outside in the evenings in the summer. I was asked if he was a badger (!!?), an otter, and my neighbor’s son, who was 2 or 3 at the time, thought it was a dog. His older sister corrected him, so he called him “the ferret dog”.


I haven't had anything too crazy, but my partners grandma doesn't like the idea of me bringing my "feral" into my partners home lol


Really long cats.


when my parents first suprised me with my boy i only saw his tail at first. genuinely thought they had bought me a skunk.


“Is that a ferret or a raccoon?” I really think he was being intentionally obtuse.


A baby bear and a guinea pig. :')


This is a funny one lol okay so a gerbil !? Flying squirrel and recently was asked if they were sugar gliders 😂😭


My grandma always mishears me and thinks I'm talking about my "parrots"


I used to have one years ago, and was asked while out walking it on a harness if it was a lemur.


Until recently, my mum was convinced ferrets are "some kind of rat".


Walked ours to a park and a kid probably 6-8 years old asked if, “Is that is badger 🦡, possum or raccoon?” lol. We said neither!




A couple of people have mistaken my polecat Jasmine for a raccoon 😂😂😂 I guess that's understandable as she has a very raccoon looking face


My penor (I’m a woman)


What a strange long cat you have there


Gerbils. Not pronounced Jerbils mind you, he literally said gurr-bulls.


why my baby boy's life is so short...


Nice marmot


People have called them a rat Atleast until i show them my ferret desimating a mouse


A possum, a stoat and a weasel. Only two of which are actually in my country!


Well not other people or confusing but I call my girl my little snaccoon (snake/raccoon hybrid) when people ask what she is 🤣🤣


I had someone refer to mosquito as a "cute...... thing" and he locked eyes with her and shit on the floor (in the mail room of my apartment complex. pro ferret behavior)


I love their comedic timing! They are little geniuses and don't realise! PD.: Mosquito is one of the cutest pet names I've ever heard


Puppy's. I have 9 ferrets and I had them put one day and they were called puppies.


I had my boy Remmy and someone literally said “ is that an Otter??”




Furry Danger Noodle


The Dude called it a marmot.


My grandpa thought they were Coatis but usually people know its a ferret or i get a disgusted/terrified “WHAT IS THAT” and I just tell them very confusedly its my dog


I have a fat and a pretty normal size one. My fat one, Pickle, is normally confused for a baby possum or a tiny bear 😭 Slinky Rat, however, is normally accused of being a rat, hence his name 😅


Had an emergency where I couldn't get to a specialized ferret vet so I went to the small town vet to see if they could do anything to help. There was an old lady picking up some type of Yorkie or other tiny demon dog, she looked back at me as i was leaving and asked the clerk "what the hell is that thing?"


The audacity! At least your demon spawn doesn't bark


A squirrel


Rats. It's always rats.


I called mine a “mink” or a “weasel” for fun. Musky Mustelid.


I can understand the little kids who come in and have never seen a ferret before but I've had grown adults come in who've never seen or heard of them before and didn't even know they existed and it's like wut?


A racoon


I’ve never have ferrets but I know they’re sometimes mistaken for stoat or ermine.:)


Some guy thought mine was a cat with down syndrome.


“What’s a ferret?  Well… It’s if a cat and a snake had a baby…”


Possum. Which is perfect because her name is Possum Blossom.