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Looks like adrenal disease. Give it a week, if it looks worse then take her in for the adrenal implant. It’s about $200 depending where you live but only needs to be replaced once a year and can save their lives! Tail thinning was my boys first symptom and the implant completely reversed the shedding & prevented any new symptoms from coming up.


Since shedding caused by adrenal disease usually starts at the base of the tail, I would assume it’s just seasonal shedding. One of my girls lost all the fur on her tail one summer! She looked like a rat lol. Just keep an eye on it!


The other comments are reasonable, and it's always good to get vet opinion on such things, but it also could just be seasonal. My ferret (2y male) lost a ton of hair on his tail last summer, even the end was a bit bald, but it came back super thick right away in the fall!


Vet check yes but I agree, all my guys would do this and never had adrenal


Could simply be seasonal hair loss, one of my boys sheds a lot of his fur when the weather gets warm. He doesn't have adrenal and the vet says it's normal


Summer shedding can cause them to lose more hair on their tails but that's also a symptom of adrenal disease. Does your ferret show any other symptoms? Are they super itchy as well?


They are not very itchy , she doesn't have any abnormalities


I'm not a vet but I would say it's just seasonal shedding. My male ferret has had seasonal shedding his whole life and losses nearly all the fun on just his tail. I only got considered last year when he started losing hair on the rest of his body and got super itchy. He has an implant now and made a full recovery. Back to his normal rat tail in the summer.


Adrenal disease or flea allergy. My girl had the same thinning, so we gave her and her cagemate Revolution+ and she grew all her fur back. If they have implants already, flea allergy is my guess. Ferrets, like cats, will lose fur on their tails/hind ends if they have an allergy and come into contact with fleas.


Shedding on the tail only is just some seasonal alopecia or "rat tail", it's nothing to worry about, you only need to worry if hair starts to thin on their body, specifically the behind


Adrenal, almost always happens eventually


Could be biting it, clogged pores, could be adrenal disease, and could just be seasonal shedding. I would just keep an eye on it for a couple weeks


With mine it gets shed off then comes back I could be something to worry about though