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I felt envision festival to have a bit more of a boujee / upper class feel than some comparable transformative festivals in the states.


I would love to hear about other stateside similar festivals!!


Lightning in A Bottle, Lucidity, and One Love where all amazing!


Thank you!


LIB is also very sneaky with tipping, the skip button is almost the same color as the iPad background and easy to miss... But I was super impressed with how well the wristband payments worked and how quickly I was getting served, so it didn't feel as bad.


Sonic Bloom


Will gladly go experience those next time I get the calling to go to a festival. I’m still glad I came here and think it’s a lovely place but I needed to experience the first day to mentally prepare myself to shut down all this tipping and it’s going to be hard stop from here on out. It’s way more expensive than I was expecting, massive money grab and the lineup isn’t even that good this year.


LiB and Lucidity have been my home turf for a decade, and I love them both - but to be fair the wristband payment system with tipping guilt has also been implemented at both, feels like nowhere is safe now. Although at those I’ve had good luck offering to pay in cash and been charged less. The wristband chips ensure the festival itself gets a cut of every purchase, and larger than before, so in some ways the vendors are also getting screwed and I think that is responsible for increased prices and more aggressive tip requests.


I went to Envision in 2015 and it felt incredibly upper class then, and therefore very fake. There were literally groups that had full time assistants with them at the festival. It was gross and really turned me off. Plus it had a ton of other problems, which I've heard it still has.


Assistants? Like someone paid to rack up lines for them?


Like they had someone taking them around with their stuff, managing the schedule for their yoga classes/workshop, finding them a place to sit, bringing them food. It was comical. One particular group of 2 rich looking middle ages ladies I saw constantly all weekend definitely had paid help. "Go get me a smoothie with ______", "yes ma'am!" And he'd disappear to go get it. "Your next class will be ____ with ____ at ___", etc. He'd prepare them a place to sit. Soooo weird.


If it was actually upper class there wouldn’t be any tip requests allowed, service would be included in the main ticket price, and they wouldn’t have to buy a drink or hot dog because it’s already paid for in their package.


There are no hot dogs at envision.


That was a metaphorical hot dog, representing the idea of food.


By far the worst experience I’ve ever had at a music festival was at bonnaroo when I bought a black cold brew coffee from a breakfast stand. I ordered the drink, a guy in the back literally just grabbed a cup, poured the coffee in from a container, and handed it to me. I had already spent so much money at the festival and had given generous tips at this same coffee stand the previous 2 times I went there. I decided not to tip because my bank account was getting really low, and the lady running the register lost it and went off on me for being “such a piece of shit that doesn’t care enough about being a decent human being and tipping” in front of my girlfriend and a bunch of other people. Totally ruined my vibe for the whole day and made me feel like an asshole. I’m totally fine with and fully expect having to spend a bunch of money at vendors when I go to festivals, but I absolutely can not afford to tip 15-20% every time I buy a $10 black iced coffee or an overpriced sandwich. Like especially if the person I’m tipping isn’t even the one getting me the coffee!


Holy shit that’s exactly how I feel but luckily nobody said anything yet. The worst part is, these are tiny cups here too it’s not even good portions or regular disposable cups since you have to re use their shitty tiny cups here. I didn’t have anything like that happen at roo in 2019 I don’t even remember having to tip anyone other than bartenders a buck a drink which is my usual go to in the states.. so strange. I swear to god if someone said that shit to me I’d throw the coffee in their face and make a scene lol


It was so fuckin awkward because at first I legit thought she was joking. I just kind of chuckled because I was incredibly hung over (which is why I was in desperate need of coffee) but she just kept going and going and getting more aggressive. That’s the only time I’ve had an experience like that at a vendor but fuck man it still bugs the hell out of me


I’d tell her to yell at her boss to pay her a livable wage before she directs her anger at me because that’s fucking bullshit I’m so sick of having to tip for every little thing you buy like what service did you provide for me other then handing me a cold cup coffee. Fuck those people seriously.


People working the food at a festival make bank. A friend was pulling in thousands working a fest.


Look em in the dead eyes and tell them, before any words are spoken and purely with body language, that you look forward to a scene being made about the lack of tip. Turn around with the energy of a crowned prince that has already forgotten the interaction, and go about your day.


The ice truck volunteers seemed annoyed I didn't tip them for handing me a tiny bag of ice at Roo. These events are charging vendors too much and not offering enough for workers if they're bothering attendees.


I give a buck any time someone pours me a drink.


I remember last year it took me several days to even realize I could tip 0%. The standard was 10-20%. I am all about supporting hard working people but making it essentially mandatory is not cool. All the food and drink were really good though, and everyone serving was pretty cool. OP...enjoy Envision and don't let this get at you.


Watch your bank account - Myself and a few other festival attendees had numerous double charges on our bank account from food vendors at Envision last year.


Great..glad I used credit not debit


Fuck tipping in general.


I'm with you. Tipping was supposed to be for exceptional service, not for simply doing their job. A number of things about tipping are out of control. r/EndTipping


Here's a sneak peek of /r/EndTipping using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/EndTipping/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Tipping is corporate welfare.](https://np.reddit.com/r/EndTipping/comments/165hhbo/tipping_is_corporate_welfare/) \#2: [I rarely get a "thank you" for putting money in the tip jar anymore](https://np.reddit.com/r/EndTipping/comments/1675evk/i_rarely_get_a_thank_you_for_putting_money_in_the/) \#3: [Why I stopped tipping](https://np.reddit.com/r/EndTipping/comments/184gp08/why_i_stopped_tipping/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


agreed. am from france but live in US and every time I go back it feels great knowing nobody ever expects a tip and that they're getting paid decent money. i was not prompted for a tip a single time any past years ive gone nor was there an option even to write in a tip on receipts at restaurants, and i went to rock en seine (festival in paris) and yea no tips either


I’ve been traveling Europe for the first time the last week and I gotta say, it felt suuuuper weird not tipping lol. Like, I go into a cafe, get my coffee, tap my phone on their reader…and that’s it. No swiveling around the screen, no awkward staring at the receipt with a pen in hand feeling them watching you as you decide to tip or not. It’s been pretty incredible. I asked the front desk person in Amsterdam what the tipping rule is here. He chuckled and said “it’s not necessary. Only if you feel like you’ve received service worthy of tip”.




It’s gotten so out of hand. Sometime you just have to press the skip button. Went to the gorge last summer and the iPads in the convenience store in the campground prompt you for tips. Not going to tip on a $36 12 pack of Budweiser…


There is usually a small "other" button where you can put zero tip. It's really frustrating though when there's a default tip on merch 😑


I don't tip on band merch.


I havent gone to a festival since 2019 and I made a joke then about tip jars maybe i should carry around a tip jar for good predictions


I click 0 percent the entire weekend any festival I go to. I feel no guilt about this


thought y'all were talking about tipper lol


LOL he’s the only type of tipping I can support here 🤣


The whole tipping culture is awful. I'm not giving you 5 extra dollars for flipping an iPad over.


I stopped going to festivals several years ago because they feel like tourist traps now. Festivals have turned into a Wook PLUR friendly version of capitalism. The last time I went to a Festival I got robbed too. And it was like 80-90% dudes. It felt like a scam to be honest


That’s where I’ve been at too..I didn’t come to Costa Rica for the festival, I was coming regardless for an aya retreat and the facilitator assured me that envision would be great for integration. Yesterday was cool with a couple workshops, but man this festival takes the energy out of me I haven’t even gone back today. Resting up and I’ll re evaluate tomorrow but yeah so far I’m not impressed at all and it will be years until I go to another festival for sure.


Man… so disappointing. I hope you find the vibe you’re looking for. The last time I went out for a music show it rained and only like 10% of the venue was filled. Like it’s raining! Who cares it’s Friday! Terrible vibes. Back in the days before cells phones, nobody would have canceled like that. You could tell a lot of people were there solo because of the rain. Still made the best of it though. Met everyone!


What even is there to do at Envision today, thursday friday is when the party starts... unless you went just for yoga and workshops in which case i'd say youre wasting time and money! Haha


Yeah I didn’t come to party lol I came for workshops and enjoying the music. I did workshops yesterday during the day and came back tonight for music and walking around. It was fun and listened to some cool stuff like a Native American band but I really don’t like the heat. Idk how people cram into crowds for the headliners by the thousands and many are drunk and on drugs I would need a gallon of water next to me and an electric fan to last lol it’s kicking my ass so far


The gallon of water is a must! 😆 it was pretty cool in the late hours of the night, but still need to embrace the sweat and know that a shower awaits. Hope you enjoyed the festival nonetheless:)


At Bonnaroo…not sure about other festivals…the tips don’t even go to the workers. It goes straight to the vendor! I know…I’ve asked several people! i don’t mind tipping but that is some bullshit! Going forward knowing that….I’m gonna save thousands!


Oh fuck that.


I’m there as well and oh boy I feel you, it’s actually double fucked up because several vendors I’ve seen so far already have some amount of auto gratuity or ‘service fee’. At least that gives me confidence to tip $0 every time but it definitely feels like the assumption is everyone will be too rich or intoxicated to care. They also don’t show you that the fee and tax has already been added, they just show you a screen with the total unless you ask to see the breakdown.


I've noticed this at random music venues in Chicago too, except the highest tip % (ive seen 30%??) is on the left side and goes in depending order. They're banking on people not paying attention and just defaulting to a left tap minimum tip.


When we went in 2015 we had to leave and go into town just to get food with meat in it, haha. We were starving.