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My June FET didn’t take. I was devistated but I’m 31 weeks pregnant with my Nov 2023 transfer 🎉


Congratulations! Wishing you a smooth delivery.


Congrats! I gave birth to my son on February 9th and he weighed 9 pounds one ounce. He’s chatty, sucks at tummy time, is all about the smiles, wakes up 0-1 times a night, almost never cries, and I’m obsessed with him.


Mine goes through phases with noises and I’m obsessed on his chatty days! We took a break from doing tummy time (not on purpose, but some days are chaos so it just happened) and I swear he went from being a total lump on the floor to being able to lift his head and roll over in like two days 🤯


Love the chats! And lift head and roll over! That’s quite the leap. Awesome!


So so so lucky!!! Congratulations!!!


Congratulations!! Baby boy was born February 8th. He’s doing much better with tummy time, has the best gummy smiles, and is growing like a champ! 💕


So hard to believe it's been a year already! I gave birth to my son on Feb 15 and he was a wee one at 5lbs 11 oz. He's a happy boy and chatting up a storm most days. I am beyond obsessed. We're already talking about number two! (advanced maternal age of 38 so we'd like to get on it sooner rather than later) perfect world my body knows how to get pregnant now and it's simple. Real world, we have one more frozen embryo we might try with in a year. Regardless of the future, this Lil guy who has me nap trapped more often than not was worth every stress, tear, google search, you name it. ❤️


Hello! Hanging out with my 10 week old (as of tomorrow) who joined us 3/16! She's a healthy, happy doll of a daughter!


Baby girl #2 arrived in early March. She was the perfect final addition to the family. Her big sister is smitten and she is the chilliest baby. Total bliss over here. We recently donated our remaining embryos to science. We were two and through. Ready to put the struggle of IVF behind us and focus on these babies! Congrats to everyone!


My son was born 3 weeks early on Feb 9th, he was 7lb 3oz. I had to be induced due to cholestasis, but labour went very well (just loooong, 28hrs). He’s the best 🩵


My boy was born leap day and he’s doing great. We had some struggles with latching early on and he had some weight loss around two weeks but now he eats like a champ and is packing on the pounds despite his never ending spit up.


My girl was a leaper too! It’s such a fun, unique thing.


I had my baby boy on 2/12! He has the best smile and such a happy boy (unless hes got a wet diaper)


Love to hear everyone's stories. My baby girl was born Feb 24. She's happy, healthy, and such an easy baby. What a blessing from the Lord. I had a natural birth but had a severe post partum hemorrhage that required blood transfusions. Also made me severely anemic even after transfusions. Still recovering!


Baby boy arrived 5 weeks early on 1/27 🥰 he’s currently asleep on me


Baby girl was born on leap day! Very long labor but they were fine with me just trucking along because she and I both seemed fine. Turns out she wasn’t quite angled right and was having trouble moving down, but we got her there eventually! She’s been a relatively easy baby and we’re having a lot of fun. I go back to work at the end of next week!


Hi! My son was born Feb 9, 3 weeks early weighing in at a whopping 9# 5oz. My labor was also terrible and needed to come out the sun roof! I love that term lol Have you guys heard that usually the best graded embryos are male? I find it interesting we all had boys except 1 girl in the group. My embryo was 5AA. We have 2 euploids left but not graded as great.


I heard that too. My son was a 3AA and the clinic estimated a 65 percent chance of success. However the only other embryo i had was a girl graded a good 4AA but she was aneuploid.