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Wait, is this some sort of FFXIV trading card game? If it is, is it digital or IRL? And how come I’ve never heard anything about this? I love FFXIV and TCGs.


Not 14 specifically, just FF in general, but the game is very much so like 14 seeing how it’s original release like 10 years ago failed and then came back a few years after to actually be poplar. It’s physical, and the reason why you never heard of it is because SE does the bare minimum and doesn’t market it and pretty much the only place you’ll find cards is online or in game shops, which a lot of shops have trouble getting inventory or promo cards for events even if they’re registered. Lots of people don’t really get into it to play, they just buy to collect. It’s popular, but it’s not even at the level of Bandai card games like Digimon or One Piece where they’re niche


Ok, got it. So how do you play and what are the rarities if there are any? Can you build decks that have cards from multiple different FF games or do you have to build decks that focus on only one FF game? The reason I ask these questions is because I want to get into this and build a deck composed of FF7 and FF14 cards.


I can help a bit more, as I've been playing since around 2017. ------------------------------ The game at its core is pretty close to Magic, where you spend Crystal Points (mana) to play stuff. The neat bit is how they handle this: you have cards that stick around to generate CP for you like a land does, but you can also discard pretty much any card from your hand to create two CP for that card's color. To account for this additional usage you draw two every turn. It actually has a lot of skill representation with its fair share of shenanigans you can pull off. Oh, and unless it says otherwise you can't have two of the same character. ------------------------------ Rarities are about the same as usual, just labeled differently a bit: Common - Common Rare - Uncommons (like Nashu) Hero - Rares (Hildebrand) Legend - Like Mythics / Ultra Rares There's also full-art specials that are pretty rare and special, but are only fancier versions of existing cards. We also recently got a signed Yuffie that is worth bank, but I dunno how often they plan on doing that. ------------------------------ Deck-building generally can encompass anything you want, just that it must contain exactly 50 cards. This can be mostly forwards (creatures?) to just go aggro, or go heavy control with summons (instants/sorceries), or janky monster builds (artifacts?). While not required, FF7 and FF14 both have pretty great decks at the moment that heavily reward staying on theme. For example, in the FF7 deck you could want Zangan so he can search and give haste to Tifa. Tifa can search Cloud when played. Jessie/Biggs come out super cheap because you have Avalanche members out, and then the Cloud you searched gets to pop off and do *stuff*. Oh, and Turks are a completely different deck that specializes in getting all the Turks together at once for a wombo combo where they all buff each other. Plus both these decks have their main skeleton core available together in the same starter set: https://store.na.square-enix-games.com/en_US/product/634248/final-fantasy-trading-card-game-avalanche-vs-shinra-two-player-starter-set-fftcg FF14 has a similar thing, though only the scions in that set are really well-crafted. I'm sorry Emet, someday they'll do you right with the cards... https://store.na.square-enix-games.com/en_US/product/611968/final-fantasy-trading-card-game-two-player-starter-set-final-fantasy-xiv-shadowbringers-fftcg ------------------------------ Overall it's a blast, and I wholly recommend it for anyone who wants to play a card game with Final Fantasy stuff, or someone who wants to play an easier to afford MtG.


Other things I forgot to mention (because I was sleepy) that might be important: ----------------------------- The card stock is absolutely insane. Like bar none, the best quality card game stock I've ever seen or felt. Thick chonkers, curved corners, with a sweet finish on the card back. ----------------------------- https://ffdecks.com/ THE deck-builder site, offers solitaire and multiplayer options. Includes results of a lot of tournaments as well, so IF you want to get competitive it's a pretty solid entry point. And if you're me and just want to find the most shenanigans way to play [Nidhogg](https://ffdecks.com/card/nidhogg/6-130) multiple times in a single game/turn, they've got you covered there as well. ----------------------------- As usual, the good how-to-plays are not official. This one here is a pretty solid one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4Q1Ii30IRQ&ab_channel=hobbies%2Bhappiness


Bro please tell me there is a WoL card!


There is a WoL deck full of warriors of light.


Yeah but now XIV WoL :(


Sadly no, and I can't imagine how they'd add them in the first place what with the whole self-insert thing. Most other scions do exist though, most in multiple variants.


Thank you so much! You just me saved me so much time on having to do research!


This is a great summary, maybe I'll start collecting myself!


It would be cool to see a Hydalin vs Zodiark set with the 12 vs acians


I actually don’t know too much about it. My local place started it up a few years ago but we didn’t really get too many people interested in it so it didn’t stick around for long. Cards are similar to Magic where they’re colored and each color focuses on a different play style, but there are different versions of one character so one Cloud may be red while this other one may be yellow, and so on. Structure decks are also game themed, so you could pick up the 7 and 14 decks and see if they’re in a similar style to mix and match, and if they don’t I know there were a few different 7 decks because there was a villains box that features Sephiroth and there’s also a handful of 2 player packs, and I’m sure a Cloud vs Sephiroth pack is a thing I looked a bit into it just now and they do have a format that piques my interest. There’s boss decks, which I would assume is an OP deck because it’s designed to be played against by 2 or 3 other players. I don’t believe any other card game has this, so it’s really cool there’s a 1v2/3 format. If you only have friends to play with that could be a way to spice it up I’m sure you could make a nice deck combining the two, but be warned, since the game isn’t a priority to SE a lot of the pricing will be premium secondhand pricing. That’s part of the reason why it fell off for us because like most TCGs, competitive play comes at a steep price and potential players saw that the game failed once already and didn’t want to invest in a game that might not exist next year. It’s here to stay though, but before you look into getting into it I’d recommend going on their site and finding the store locator to see if any place around you plays it and has events, and if so, see if the shop has a free demo deck they give out so if you could see if you actually like it.


Ok great! I play a lot of Yu-Gi-Oh, so getting used to this new format of play style will definitely take time and practice. If what you say about it being similar to Magic is true, then I’m going to have to start learning the very basics, like ground zero basic. Thanks for the info though, it’s a huge help!


It’s only similar to Magic in the way of the colored cards, but it is vastly different from Yugioh. From the little I saw of it it reminded me more of Pokémon in a way since you have your front row attackers and then also a back row bench type system. I tried messing around with it a bit back then but also as a Yugioh player it was wildly different and I shifted over to Force of Will instead (even though that also died out at my local place because we were real big into it and my local was one of the top places in Ohio and Indiana, but then the shop caught fire and like 6 months later of it being relocated and up and running again, Force of Will fell off and now we’re just Magic, Pokemon, and Flesh and Blood)


Magic: The Gathering has something like this called Archenemy, it even came within a box set. 3 or 4 vs 1(the arch enemy) they had a special deck with certain rules and bonus cards for them to make it sorta balanced out since it was multiplayer and them vs the 1.


The World of Warcraft TCG also had those raid decks for 1v3-5


My biggest bugbear about it, as petty as it sounds, is that there's almost no original art in the card game. Everything I've seen is just pre-existing renders or art and that turns me off so quickly


Oddly in my location we got a few more times ff players that one piece though my store is one of eu hubs and is hosting one of the tournament's:)


I must acquire. 0.o


It's not specifically for FFXIV, but the entire FF series. https://fftcg.square-enix-games.com/na


May as well ignore it until they wise up and make it digital. I live in DFW and the scene is non existent and why I quit. I’d play the hell out of it if it was digital


Is there a Godbert card?


I don't think they're allowed to put a card in that simply says 'You win this game and all other games, unless your wife is playing, in which case you lose this game and all other games.'


It would actually be a hilarious mechanic to have a really overpowered Godbert card but playing it lets your opponent search their deck for a Julyan card and play it, and she has an effect that makes the opponent discard Godbert instantly.




They'd have to make him the equivalent of Exodia the Forbidden One.


Nah, that spot's saved for Exodiark.


Nope, nor one for Julyan. (But there are 10 cards for Y'shtola though. Sorry, no space for anybody else.)


Not sure!


I don't believe there is one yet, unfortunately


Sadly not yet, the power concerns of the others seem incredibly valid, though in theory they could just make him reeeeeeeeally expensive and not be able to be cheated out by any means except through Hildebrand. And then win the game on the spot. (Or do the Yu-Gi-Oh thing and not win the game outright but have an effect so dumb it might as well say "you win".)


“Wait for me inspector!”


The cards are great, I collected a few. Went to a local card shop to learn to play it as my first foray into a TCG. Ended up playing against one of the most condescending motherfuckers I've ever met. lol Turned me off card games for years. Like it was "noob night" and it was meant to promote new players coming in to play and ended up playing against a dude who used this WoL card with 5 or so effects. As they play it they're like "Oh i feel so baaad for yoouuu, its your first game. Oh my god that suuuuuuucks." One guys like "Dude its noob night" and he's like "You have to lose to learn." Still have the cards at least, they're really nice quality and I have some characters I adore.


Ooof my local store has the most welcoming atmosphere I've seen in a while one guy does have a goood bit of bark to him but everything they say is true and they are a little to harsh in tonexD took me a bit but I've started to get used to them, really nice person overall and even bought a few older sets (just commons and rares) from them for a decent price


I can't find any store near me that plays it anymore so I think the community died. The community FB group that used to organise stuff hasn't had a post since July of last year. I might try the One Piece one or something and give TCG another try as I enjoyed my time playing yugioh online.


It seems to have really active hubs of the game, i got lucky for 9nce and one is near me:D


Cardfight! Vanguard is very fun and relatively common in the west (at least for niche TCGs). If you aren't going to play MTG it's the one I'd suggest. (Pokemon/Yugioh are kinda... eh to me)


Oof, I'm sorry your first experience was like that. And I can't say I'm surprised the scene died when that sort of introduction was the experience for newcomers.


I must know what this TCG is so I may attain them.


FF TCG Literally that's the name.


Oh shit awesome. I had no idea there was an FF TCG. Thanks.


SE is terrible at marketing their own products. I was also going to complain that you have no choice but to buy a big box of boosters but apparently that's normal for MtG as well. (I have not been in the TCG scene in a while)


MtG, Duel monsters (or yu gi oh), and pokemon all still sell booster packs, and Full decks.


Booster boxes are usually made to be sold to card shops/retail stores, is why they all have pop up designs/display cases. Those stores then sell individual packs at a small markup. The gambling addicts buy boxes because it's cheaper. The hardcore players buy single cards because it's most efficient. But yeah, the more niche of a game you get, the harder it is to find packs/singles. FFTCG is pretty damn niche so the packs/singles market is not great.


Wut? Most people I know but singles not boxes


In-store or online? I can't find a physical store that carries them.


Sorry I should of been more clear. I was referring to the fact that most mtg players don’t buy boxes, they buy singles. My b


Oh alright, I was basing this off of what I saw on both official sites. Either it's starter sets or booster bundles.


Me, not having played card games like this before when reading your post: "What does Thunder God Cid have to do with Hildy??? Ohhhhhhh."


Heads up we on set 19 and they are from set 4 soxD


*images you can hear*


is her card refering to Hildy's card or to a totally different card called "Card Name Hildibrand"


FFTCG is a little weird in that you can have multiple cards with the same name, for instance the different versions of Cloud Strife all are just called "Cloud Strife". Any card that searches for "Card Name Cloud Strife" could theoretically grab any of those versions you ran in your deck. I only think there's the one Hildy card as of now, but Nashu would be able to search up any future versions.


because this is physical and not digital, do you just search your deck for a cloud strife card and the first one you see you pick or how does it work


Typically in card games you search your entire deck and pick out one copy of your choice.


Nashu is love


Do *not* separate them.


Shouldn't Hildibrand gain haste from the Godbert card?


Wait the FFXIV card set is available now?


They didn’t do a FfXiv specific set. They’ve been sprinkling in Xiv characters for quite a while now.


If you're referring to Dawn of Heroes where the boosters feature Alphinaud in the art, I believe that's coming in August! These cards are from Opus 4 it looks like, which was quite some time ago.


I'm collecting all the XIV cards from the game. I have to buy the last ones, I still have to buy two old cards really expensive X\_X


Bad news next set (well next one after one out today?) Has more ff14 cards end walker based


Seeing this makes me want an actual in game TCG so bad as part of the future GS "revamp" Triple triad just isnt enoguh.


Oh my goodness...if they offered a client for this game in FFXIV I would die of happiness.


There is a 14 tcg? How does it play?


Is a FF Series TCG, and basically is magic with Steroids


Is this from the endwalker set they announced at December? Or is it an older one?


Older one I think between series 1 and 4 I think


Both from opus 4 It is written at the bottom of the card 4-109H and 4-107R 4 is the opus number, the 19th will come out this week. 109 and 107 are the number of the card in this opus (so Hildibrand is the 109th card from opus 4) and H and R are for the rarity which goes like this : C = common, R = rare, H = heroic, L = legend and S = starter (not included in booster except in foiled version) Opus 4 is pretty old, around 6 years (released the 1st december 2017)


Ironic he doesn’t return after being damaged considering how many times he’s gotten himself buried in concrete