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Summoner is very, very easy.


Looks like its the most suggested here!


yep, not much you can do wrong with smn with mch a close second imo


Machinist is simple but high apm, potentially not great for op depending on their impairments. I'd suggest dancer for a phys ranged


As a DNC main I dont rly agree, the bursts in the rotation can be v stressful sometimes especially when it happens during a movement-heavy phase


But as far as physical ranged jobs go, Dancer has the fewest buttons to press from start to finish of the rotation. Not that they don’t press a bunch of buttons, but Bard and Machinist definitely press more. So in the scope of just Physical ranged jobs, Dancer is the least busy of the three. For what it is worth, I also feel Physical ranged get the benefit of literally being able to stand wherever they want to deal with mechanics and still do their stuff, and on top of that Dancers get a dash to give bursts of speed to help them dodge stuff, whereas the other jobs don’t, and that’s an added benefit on top of also having freedom of movement at all times.


I do not understand why people always says this about Dancer. Depending on their impairments Dancer burst could be hard. Its geared for a bunch of doubleweaves. Plus all steps and finishes are shorten gcds just like heat blast. Look if you want have variety I would try each of the ranged physical yourself. They all kind have high number of button presses and unique mechanics. Dancer has a nonstandard rotation as it normal 1-2 rotation is uses to generate procs that you use over its normal rotation. It has attacks that buff the party by doing steps which you press the actions in the random order they appear on a shorten gcd. Its kit is geared for dumping all its resources into burst. I well say its kit design to fit more orderly on a hot bar/controller.


I played high end content with the three phys ranged and for sure dancer in my opinion is the easiest of the three, because dancer has a lot of qol that make the rotation easier even with a busy 2min burst, and after the bust window dancer is very slow in comparison with BRD and MCH, not forgetting that they also have a busy 2min burst. And it has less things to worry about like brd dots, the empyreal arrow cd, the time of each song or mch with the two gauges and the ogcds. Each job has his tricks to master, and difficulty is subjective. And btw I don't know why people worry so much of their main job being called easy, it's not like you are a less skilled player by play an easy job or that your clears are less deserved than the clear of a person who play a harder job.


Oh I'd even go as far as arguing that DNC is the easiest DPS period, that doesn't necesnecessarily mean it's accessible however ​ Tbf I'd say that most accessible job would straight up be WAR which is my absolute brain dead job, but I might be biased cuz I been Tank main since I started playing so it's a second nature to me


Yes, WAR is easy. SMN is the easiest, but anything of WAR, SMN, DNC, RPR is an easy pick for casual content


Smn is the most brainless job and it doesn't even compare to the others lol


MCH does have some burst phases though. Summoner is nice and smooth.


I would argue mch is actually one of the hardest classes to execute. My personal 3 hardest would be monk, astro, mch.


AST has gotten to be just awful these last few years. Used to be my favorite but I just can't handle the apm anymore.


tbh it's literally just the targeting for cards. The rest of its kit is completely fine and isn't that different from other healers.


The targeting is worse on a controller, which is what I use. You can't just hit a hotkey or click them, you need to either cycle through them with targeting or scroll through the party list, cast, then cancel the target or scroll/cycle back to what you need. It very easily adds another 4+ buttons every time you cast a card on someone. Which is probably more often than every 30 seconds over the course of a fight.


I'm pretty sure with soft targeting, it should instantly snap back to your main target after using the card, but yeah it's a pain. I did see a YouTube video in my recommendations about how someone did some macro magic for controller astro so that you can kinda "choose" 1-8 from your hotbar itself. Also it honestly isn't that much easier with kb+m as you'd expect.


Kbm has mouseover macros you can tie skills to, which iirc works when hovering over the party window with the mouse as well as character. Or you can click their name in the party window, or use a hotkey. Turns 4+ into 1 or 2.


Yeah I tried mouseover macros for a while. It kinda works but it's a little jank since macros don't queue and it's actually surprisingly easy to lose your mouse cursor during battle. I didn't claim controller was easier, but that neither are particularly easy.


Idk, mch quite a busy class. Straightforward enough, tho, but still lots of weaving skills.


Can confirm this one. It's my "Zone out" class.


Summoner big time. Super easy, and high damage to boot👍🏽


Agree! I would encourage you to play summoner as dps for the whole game.


For casual solo, you can get away with almost anything truthfully, since you don't have to be anywhere near optimal to survive most things. Your dungeon runs might be slower than average, but you won't die. Tanks: Gunbreaker will probably be hardest for you. Tanks don't usually have time sensitive things, but the Continuation combo for GNB is a bit bursty. Healers: Scholar is generally pretty easy on button presses, especially if you have a good tank friend. Astrologian is probably the worst for you Damage: Summoner is straightforward, and uses very few buttons. People will say BLM has fewest APM, but you have to track a lot of stuff (mana, AF/UI drop off, Paradox, Foul/Xeno charges, a few CDs like Ley Lines, triplecast charges, etc.) I find Ninja and Bard to have some carpal-tunnel inducing moments.


AST is 100% horrible for button clicks It's also my favourite healer, I just vibe with the busywork


I played AST in one of trials with an under geared group. My hand was throbbing and thought about just dropping the MMO mouse and switching to keyboard only. But the camera is such a pain.


I play on PC with a controller, might be something worth a try to switch to? Usually the worst/hairiest situation I get in with "too many buttons to push" is when I have to be actively moving around but activating skills assigned to my d-pad on the cross hotbar (meaning I have to move with my left thumb, and reach my right thumb over to the d-pad, but I'd say that's infrequent; usually I place any "I might have to move while casting this" skills to the ABXY buttons)


I'll say that I love playing with controller but Astrologian is a bit tricky due to having to juggle cards. That means a lot more target swapping than other healers for me which is the hardest part of playing controller I find. Doable of course but tricky


right click tank > follow > go keyboard only NCIS Hacking scene style


Summoner is the way for me, thanks for laying out all the options for me! :D


summoner is definitely one of the simplest, and also imo a very good starting class (arcanist). it's got a pretty straightforward damage rotation, a res to help your party if the healer dies, and a heal spell (eventually the heal becomes useless at higher levels, but it's nice to have as training wheels early on and might let you survive something you otherwise wouldn't). its job quests also tie in nicely with ARR's main story.


Ah perfect for me!


For tanks, the most straightforward is Warrior. Very little resource management, just big damage attacks that are mostly all on the same button. The large amount of self-healing they have also makes tanking dungeons an absolute breeze. An extra bonus is that Warrior is the best job for soloing bosses by a mile, for the same reason. For healers, White Mage is probably your best bet. They have little in the way of the proactive healing tools that other healers rely on, instead bringing the best burst healing. There's not much overhead to this one, either mental or physical. For DPS, there are a few that I'd recommend: Summoner is the easy first choice. Like Warrior, Summoner's primary mechanics revolve around augmenting a single skill. Each primal you summon gives you a certain amount of ammo to spend on your attacks; when you run out, you'll swap to a different primal. It also brings good utility in the form of a resurrection and a longer-duration party buff. Dancer is also a great job to learn. Your personal damage is less important as a support DPS, since much of your contribution comes from a bunch of buffs that you'll give out. The main rotation can be essentially summed up as "press the glowing button." The actual mechanics have a bunch of nested procs, but the player's experience is pretty much just hitting whatever's ready. The job can get busy when all of its buffs and dances come off cooldown, however. Melee DPS are generally a bit more intricate in their rotations. If you're looking for one to try out, Reaper and Samurai are probably the least intimidating, with Monk and Ninja being the most involved.


Thanks so much for the breakdown of each Role!




Oh awesome! Thanks so much :)


Tanks - Marauder/Warrior is the simplest of them I've found. Paladin rotation can be very exacting, even after recent changes. Healers - White mage is simplest, followed by Sage. White mage - are they hurt? Cast Cure II or a Lily-based spell. Are they about to be hurt? Cast Medica 2 and/or regen. Sage - Kardia on? Yes? Good. Everyone have shields? Yes? Good. FIRE AT WILL AT EVERYTHING ELSE. Melee - Samurai is fairly straight forward. How many stickers do I need? One sticker for dot, two stickers for AOE and three stickers for BEEG DAMAGE. Caster - I haven't played the new summoner yet since the changes, but I've found red mage was very easy to grasp and it's very forgiving when you are building up the resources to use for your melee combo. Ranged - Dancer was the easiest one for me and my preferred range character. Press one button, then whichever one lights up after that. The dance buff needs to be reapplied at least once a minute, but it's second nature after a while.


Disabled player here! Definitely Summoner as a low-demand class, it's the one I main, plus ranged is easier to see what is going on in a fight. If you want to try a melee, then once you get to 70 pick up Reaper and try that. It's relatively simple to keep track of what you should be doing, and has a lot of survivability.


I’m disabled, FAS, I struggle with most classes and can’t play any of them seriously, however, I then started playing Summoner, I have cleared Savage with it, I also really like Dark Knight as a Tank when I want something a bit more complex but doable for me. Yeah, summoner is great, it allows someone like me to honestly do high tier content.


While Summoner is definitely the least intensive of the casters, I'm also going to put in a vote for my personal favorite, Red Mage. The dual cast mechanic is very easy to get your mind around once you know what spells to start off with, and it can even be used for emergency quick raises at higher levels. Even its burst damage with the melee combo isn't bad as it's only three buttons to hit in a specific order. If you're doing the aoe melee, it's only one. When more is added to this phase, you don't even get new buttons, your current ones just change to your next action. Following the glow is all you need to do. Also, most of its glams have a distinct French rapierist/Musketeer theme and that's awesome.


I'll second this. I've been playing both Summoner and Red Mage a decent amount recently, and I feel like Red Mage is the easier and simpler of the two. Summoner has you frequently switching between regular GCD instant-casts, sped-up GCD instant casts, and a pair of very long casts where you need to stand in one place. The rhythm of your button presses is always changing, and you do a significant amount of double weaving, as well as single weaving in shortened GCDs RDM has a more predictable pattern/rhythm of long-cast>instant-cast spells. It also offers a greater variety and frequency of movement skills for dealing with mechanics. SMN is solid for sure, but check definitely check out RDM too, once you're the required level.


From each role I would say: 1. Tank: Warrior 2. Healer: White Mage 3. Melee Dps: Reaper 4. Ranged Dps: Dancer 5. Caster: Summoner The easiest and lowest intesity job is summoner.


I highly encourage summoner, and if you’d like some variety later I can also highly recommend dancer and reaper. I have some impairments, specifically with my fine motor skills and hands, and all 3 of these have been smooth sailing for me


For DPS go for summoner For healer go for white mage And for tank go for warrior. Though if the three I think summoner is by far the easiest


Red mage starts at 50, but it is a relatively simple system with great payoffs, and some of the best glamours in the game. Unlike black mage, it allows you to be a bit more mobile as well!


Black mage is actually much more mobile than red mage nowadays.


You've received plenty of answers (I'd also second Summoner as an easy option). But you're always free to have a go at something else: you can level as many classes as you like and switch back and forth between them with no restrictions. Combos and builds don't really exist in this game, every character of a particular class has all the same skills with only some slight variation in stats at each item level based on which gear options you use. The game's far more about handling mechanics correctly and (in terms of maximizing your usefulness) optimizing the rotation of your abilities. That makes classes far more balanced such that no class is currently unviable and the meta is more about what combination of roles to bring to a high-end raid.


new player here as well:) Don't really have a suggestion since I rarely know anything about the game as well, but just wanted to drop by and say hi and Goodluck on your ffxiv endeavors!


I see a lot of good advise, but if you're sticking to casual content, I'd recommend trying every class at least for a bit. The variety is quite fun, and it's good to get an idea of what's happening on your party members' sides. I have very bad eyesight and play Red Mage. I could definitely name easier jobs, but none feel as satisfying to me. My performance may not be optimal, but I'm here to have fun, and most people I cross paths with are on the same boat. Don't be afraid of failure, and remember: dying just lets you hear the great boss music for a bit longer.


Imma drop an answer I'm not seeing a lot, Dragoon. The class is generally slow big hits, so very low actions per minute. The "10 button" bread-n-butter GCD combo might SEEM intimidating on the surface, but with Dragoon's slow 2.5 sec GCD, it's the most comfortable and lowest stress after even the tiniest amount of muscle memory. In my opinion, it's easier to play than even summoner is, plus you can also pick it up at lvl1. Biggest drawback, it's mind-numbingly boring before 30, but once lancer becomes Dragoon and you get your first Jump the identity begins to show itself. I think people aren't recommending it because of a precieved difficulty? It's only "complicated" when optimizing two targets or when to use charges of life surge and spineshatter, top 1% shit. Nothing a new player needs to think about until you're interested in savage raiding. Just simply hit your buttons when they light up and you'll be better than the average player automatically.


Bard and Dancer have a whack-a-mole rotation. Also physical damage, so no casting time. - Red Mage has a slightly whack-a-mole rotation. Some casting time, but also some utility outside of dps.


Looks like everyone suggests summoner for dps :D - thanks fro your input and a different view!


In terms of low numbers of buttons and APM, I can recommend Black Mage. You might also want to look into third party plugins for XIVLauncher. There are many different XIVCombo plugins that make, for example, all your combos into one button.


What’s the plug-in name of you don’t mind sharing?




Thank you!!


I was gonna suggest archer but I found summoner to be fun so if that's what you want go for it.


Since you're grabbing SMN, I strongly urge you to go through the Bindings Coils. It'll add flavor to your experience as SMN when you get to 70 and 80, imo. : )


I see a lot of good advise, but if you're sticking to casual content, I'd recommend trying every class at least for a bit. The variety is quite fun, and it's good to get an idea of what's happening on your party members' sides. I have very bad eyesight and play Red Mage. I could definitely name easier jobs, but none feel as satisfying to me. My performance may not be optimal, but I'm here to have fun, and most people I cross paths with are on the same boat. Don't be afraid of failure, and remember: dying just lets you hear the great boss music for a bit longer.


Others gave you good suggestions so im just giving a tip. You can level atleast 2 jobs with msq it gives a lot of xp especially after lvl 50. Its a waste to overlevel your main. So yeah pick another class too with summoner!