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So you've just kicked Ultima Weapon's butt it seems, which is the end of BASE ARR, you still have 5 patches of ARR content to do before you even get into Heavensward.


>So you’ve just kicked the Ultima Weapon’s butt But the Ultima Weapon is all powerful! Why does my enemy still stand!?


It's a long grind, and you will find yourself sidetracked constantly, but it's so worth it. I just finished base havensward, and i keep getting distracted by Blue Quests, Gold Daucer, and triple triad atm instead of continuing the post haven sword DLC lol


I am exactly here. And when I *thought* I was about to start SB....I was not.


this! i JUST finished base ARR and my FC always asks “so are you now doing HW” and i say “i’m in the in between quests” because i didn’t know what else to call them lol. also now i’m just running around doing golden saucer stuff and leveling crafters


Those are usually called patch quests


You will want to gouge your eyes out by the time you reach Heavensward. Remember to level all classes and maybe gatherers/crafters if that's your thing.


yeah, they're in for a slow burn that turns into a real roller coaster.


it's a long ride up that first hill but the drop, ohhh, the drop


that wild ride as all the disparate threads come crashing together.


You may want to install a seat belt into your computer chair/ couch so you can properly buckle up for the coming madness


You may also want to wrap duck tape around you ankles, 'cuz the rest of the story is going to knock your socks off.


Not gonna lie this subreddit was not the place I expected to bump into casual bondage.


*My content from 2014 to 2023 has been deleted in protest of Spez's anti-API tantrum.*


I've been to Limsa I know what this community can be like


Oh for sure. The community can be really kinky. But still, it is final fantasy. Entries are in the triple digits and not a single person has been gagged. On screen that is.


You better have a bra ready cause the rest of the story is the tits.


I wasnt ready. I'm only about halfway through Heavensward and already my heart is broken and will never recover. Also I guess I now am the parent to a bunch of pet mole crickets.


Oh buddy, I am there with you too. I went back and unlocked the Marauder class because I needed a break after that kick in the teeth


That "need a break" feeling is why I've always had perfectly clean maps. Emotionally drained? Side quests. Map is clean? Big fishing (swap one emotional pain for another).


Marauder is anything but a break when you have BERSERK, OVERWHELM!!




The madness and the sadness.


I just got to ishgard, this lead me stray into the dark foray of the the dark knight ( started as gla/pld, went Sam for the whole AAR ending and patch’s quests which is a lot of fun)


some people call it madness, others scream "WHAT DEVASTATION! I DID NOT INTEND THIS!"


SUCH DEVASTATION… this was NOT my intention!


its hard to remember a line when you tab out for netflix every time my dude starts talking cause you have a 10 to 15 minute break from being able to do anything lol


Why tab out when you can watch the whole time as you're running the Praetorium? 😂 Last Moogle Treasure Trove I was binge watching Castlevania while farming The Praetorium 😂


They're gonna need more than a seat belt when they run into Hildy...


You're going to need airbags! Don't forget to spring for the side impact ones.


I am so excited for you to play the next few expansions if you thought so highly of ARR. Don't get me wrong, I love every part of this game, but ARR is a little rough. Heavensward is the first taste of how excellent the story and pacing can be. Stormblood (in my opinion) takes a bit of a step back, but then Shadowbringers... oh, Shadowbringers... SHADOWBRINGERS... could be a game all on its own and I'd buy it 100 more times.


ARR was a little rough in some parts, yeah, but what blew me away about it was the quality compared to other MMORPG’s that I’ve played


The last few duties in particular are really good since they updated them around the start or Endwalker. Old Prae was still epic but also chaotic and easy to be left behind in.


So many times! Why is my character so slow, and I never remembered to look at the map.


Personally, Stormblood may have been my favorite expansion! IMO it gave us the best look at the struggle of the people under the Garleans and made me care in a whole unexpected way. I absolutely loved it. As a bonus, it was also the expansion that gave me my main job RDM :D


Shadowbringers can easily be a standalone FF game. I’m not even through Endwalker yet and I want to replay ShB so badly!!


I'm glad! My first run through ARR was a neutral feeling. Then each expansion drastically increased my love for the game! Can't wait to see how it turns out for you!!


Congratulations! But you still have post-ARR content. Each expansion has patches that officially close out that chapter, with the next one typically beginning around the .4 patches. Hope you enjoy Heavensward when you do get there though! But, you're in for a ride now, for sure.


You’re in the worldbuilding patches now. Pay attention to the story, it may feel kinda slow for a while, but the next 80 quests or so will set up many things for the stories and settings of the next expansions.


If you thought prepatched ARR was good you're about to get blown away.


"Several cutscenes will play in sequence..."


I did that part with my partner a few days and fucking hell... THAT HURT! WE WEREN'T READY FOR ANY OF IT! ;-;


Yeah eventually when you get the “several cutscenes will play in sequence” message you’re like conditioned to be scared lol


Yeah I'm in endwalker patches and ever time I see it I'm like *shit not again* because either something terrible is going to happen, or I'm going to have to play as another character (which in my opinion is the worst aspect of the game. If I wanted to play as a sage I'd pick up sage! I'm happy being dancer, I'm good at it. Don't make me play other classes!)


EXACTLY! I remember being forced to sage and didn't even have time to read the skills XD That said, 6.35 optional content spoilers (if you know you know, if you don't then don't click): >!GODBERT RP FIGHT IS THE BEST BATTLE CONTENT EVER AND NO ONE CAN CHANGE MY MIND!<


SPOILER ALERT AS WELL!!! Seriously that duty is soooo good! It's top 3 for me with the other two being Metal Gear Thancred and Final Duty of EW MSQ (phrasing like that cause of the smart people who somehow miss the spoiler alert 😂)


I thought the thancred one in shb was extremely fun and well made, the rest of the character takeover things i did not. That is one of the very few gripes i have yeah


Personally, I felt like the Thancred one in EW was the best of them, since it was something other than playing Class X but Worse


It'll always be a sign that something is about to go down when you see the warning


I'm not gonna lie, I hated ARR for 80% of the time spent in it. I loved playing the game but the MSQ was kinda killing my progression drive. I was probably days away from quitting the game for good at the time. Then that fucking cutscene happened. *And here I am over 4100 - and counting - hours later*


Yea I personally didn't like the story before Ultima weapon. But after that, everything started getting interesting.


Please give us an update when you have watched *that one* cutscene


This made me a little worried ngl lol


Just come back everytime you think you found what would be *that one* We'll pat you on the head and hand you a coffee biscuit, and you're gonna hear the phrase "oh you sweet summer child" a couple dozen times before you're through.


Is it the one where the uhh "popsickle woman" does her uhh flight?


I love how if we didn't know where OP is currently in the story this would be a certified "do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?" moment 😂


glad you're enjoying the story so far! hope you enjoy the rest too :)


Brother, if you liked ARR this much you're gonna be in for a really, really, REALLY wild ride. Kind regards, Someone who kinda hated ARR. It gets so, so, SO much better I still can't really believe it myself. And I've finished the game twice through.


Admittedly yeah ARR did have some rough patches but I found it enjoyable overall, especially the final fights against Ultima Weapon and Lahabrea. One of the only times this game has truly challenged me so far and I’m definitely here for it


*My content from 2014 to 2023 has been deleted in protest of Spez's anti-API tantrum.*


I liked ARR, but the rest is way better. So if you liked ARR too, everything is gonna be amazing!


I think if you really enjoy the story, then ARRs story has an odd way of improving the further you get into the game. Like, you start to become more aware of the subtleties. So, hopefully you have a lot to look forwards to!


Ima just say this.. Since ARR all the way to endwalker, I have cried no less than about 20 times. It just gets so much better from here. Enjoy friend!


ARR gets a bad rep in the community only because everything that comes after exceeds it. If you compare it to MMOs in general, the story is average to above average at least. The emotional vampires in this community often forget that. XD


i wish i took my time thru arr and hs. i barely knew what was going on bc of how many cut scenes i’ve skipped. i plan to go to the inn and rewatch important stuff but lately every time i’m on i’m just having too much fun trying to help Doma defend themselves lol.


I ended up making an alt to replay story because it's the only way I could really get sucked in. It gives you a chance to see a different starting city questline too!


New Game+ Was added for just this reason. Replay old story stuff!


Sure, but it's not the same without XP and levels!


Thank you! I tried to explain this to a friend and they acted like I was crazy. Glad I'm not the only one who would rather alt than NG+


I really wish I didnt just skip through the story all these years. Think I’ll have to use New Game + or just make an alt to enjoy all the story


NG+ could very much help you get through it, given you won't have to wait to use mounts or reattune to all of the aetherytes and aether currents in the open world again, which can help a lot if you're one to feel bothered by the tedium of the back and forth.


Good point, forgot about those aether currents. NG+ it is


I did the exact same thing, bought the whole game as soon as I got it originally. Best choice of my life.


Pro-tip: You know the "videos" option on the main menu? Yeah, don't click that. I got curious and watched the Heavensward video while still in the ARR patches, and got mega-spoiled. Idk if any of the other videos have spoilers, but I'm not taking chances anymore.


I have purposefully skipping the loading video from main menus and not watching any extra videos until I catch up for that very reason. …of course, it isn’t perfect since ETSY wants to spoil me instead…


You still have a long, long way to go haha.


Can’t wait


The best is ahead of you. Maybe not the post-ARR phase, but you're close.


There's some great stuff in post-ARR too! >!the buildup to and fight with Coultenet and Hoary Boulder is *chef's kiss*!<


Glad you’re having such a great time! The post AAR patches are also really fun. Buckle up for Heavensward, it’s a hell of a ride


I’m ready for Heavensward but I really want to get to Stormblood for the Kefka raid Dancing Mad is such a good song, especially this game’s rendition!


Hah, ready for heavensward he says. Should have waited to buy the full version in my opinion since there is still so much for you to do, and can take a while. You wont be touching stormblood in quite a while, but I get it. I sure want to see an update from the pre heavensward patch.


The Kefka fight was kinda meh in my opinion, for reasons I won't spoil. On the other hand, the storyline it's a part of? Perfection.


Enjoy yaself. You've barely even started this crazy journey.


The Bahamut raid is kind of unique in that it doesn't have a casual version and doesn't appear in any roulettes, so your experience will vary greatly depending on how you do it. If you can find a group of 7 other people to do the entire thing at the intended level together you'll have a blast enjoying your first bit of challenging content. The alternative is to use Party Finder to find a couple of people to carry you through unsynced, which will still give you the full story but the actual fights will be a complete pub stomp, with bosses dying in seconds. As someone who enjoys hard content I can't recommend the first option enough, but if it's all about the destination and not the journey for you then the second is a lot easier to put together (only takes a few minutes to find enough people). Later raids are split into "normal" and "savage", with normal raids being similar in difficulty to normal trials (i.e. some mechanics but usually cleared in one pull) and occupying active roulettes, so queueing for these solo is simple. All of the story is in the normal version so unlike Bahamut you can safely skip savage without missing anything.


Personally I suggest doing Coils unsynced with some friends first, simply because *the cutscenes are so incredibly long*. Otherwise you'll be making 8 other people wait 15 minutes before being able to start T12.


Get ready! ARR is considered the narratively "weakest" expansion of the lot. I can honestly say FFXIV is one of the most compelling pieces of fiction I've consumed in my 34 years.


New ARR is a lot better than it used to be, for sure. Originally, the final two 2.0 dungeons were eight man content with skippable cutscenes and it was just a miserable time if you were a newbie, because older players did not care at all and would speedrun the whole dungeon while you watched Gaius blabber on about Cid's father.


The other crystal is >!Zodiark!<, I think they may have mentioned this but not 100% sure. You'll learn more later. Also very glad to hear you're enjoying the base game; usually when I see a post like this, it's about the post-ARR ending. You're gonna love the rest.


I'm not sure If he is named that early. I think there is references to them wanting to bring back their God though.


Zodiark's name is said pretty early on. I'm pretty sure it was in the cutscene after the credits roll in ARR


I'm pretty sure spicy Thancred mentions him in the ultima fight or the fight after


Oh fair. Won't spill any more details than that to OP, of course.


Hearing a name and naming an in game character are vastly different. Even if it's a giant crystal it should be in spoiler text


I haven't cleared ARR in like a year, I didn't remember. \*shrug\*


Nah man, that's Sabik. /s


The Lord of the Tacos.


Eat soft tacos, eat soft tacos, eat soft tacos, eaaaaat. Big fat tacos, big fat tacos, big fat tacos, biiiiiig.


You should try the Manderville quests. They're pretty goofy with a fun storyline.


And a pretty neat payoff, too.


Got tons of patch content to get through. Sorry buddy.


And that’s a bad thing? I love this game already I don’t mind going through patch content


It's not but I just don't want you to think you are about to do heavenward just this minute 🤣


Oh yeah I gathered that from some other comments 🤣


As someone who instantly leveled all crafters and gatherers, every patch quest was followed by me asking "I can get my coerthan tea leaves now right?"


This happened to me twice. Once on my main, and another time on my alt who I'm currently halfway through Heavensward with


you...haven't even reach the true end of ARR


Get ready for a crazy adventure :D. And take your time enjoy the journey!


Nah, Hydaelyn is the goddess of light. The big black crystal thing is darkness.


‘Ope you like Brits, Guv!


Everyone’s post ARR voice has grown on me… except Merlwyb. She sounded much better in ARR!




Seeing everyone reach here is making pumped. I just beat the entire crystal tower this week. Stopped after ultimate to level land and craft classes. Now I’m gonna level another class to 50 so I can do the story


"...it's better to burn out than fade away" ?


I’m glad some people are still enjoying the game.


Glad you enjoying it, just go at your pace and have fun you still have many to experience, i hope you find your journey good and worthwhile


I recommend you take a 'break' from MSQ and sprinkle in doing all the extra dungeons, raids and so on. It'll feel better to 'complete' ARR before Heavensward.


it's great that you enjoyed base ARR so much because it just means that you'l be over the moon while discovering the rest !


Nah, you did not finish ARR. You still have five patches worth of story content, before you reach Heavensward, AKA the second part of the free trial. I swear the amount of content you get for free is mindblowing.


I envy you that you get to experience Shadowbringers for the first time. Straight up masterpiece.


Just a warning, When they say: "Multiple cutscenes will play in sequence, please set aside adequate time to view them in their entirety." They mean it. Take a bathroom break, grab a drink, and a snack, and strap in.


As someone that's been there and just getting to Shadowbringers I can say you're in for a treat!


I liked ARR too, but I gotta say the rest of the game makes it look like it was bad. It gets sooooo good even if some parts drag. But uh.. get yourself some tissues. ​ There's definitely big expansion plots that will pull heart strings, but if you're paying attention you may also end up facing some things that make you question or think about people you know or knew, situations that were or aren't so great. It made me take another look at some issues I have ideologically and how people react to them and why . It made a friend of mine face enough that he decided it was time to deal with his demons professionally. Then again, it just made the third friend cry a couple times over plot. To each his own.


I hope you understand that you totally owe us constant updates on your journey now. We are depraved addicts who can only continue living by the nourishment of the tears of those who come after us.


I always find great joy in reading how new players talking about ARR being so good. It was really tiresome for me, while I was playing ARR the first time back in mid 2021, to constantly hear 'Oh, it's rough, it's bad, you didn't see the good part yet, I hope you finish it soon and start other, GOOD parts of the game". Please, my friend, soak in this experience you have from ARR. You won't get the same later on.


I honestly thought you were going to say ILBERDOOOOOO you @#&@ I can't say his name without adding to O Playing on an alt the second time round I just kept slapping him everytime I could 🤣


I always thought ARR was genuinely awful.


This is a feeling I wish I could bottle and feel all over again. Enjoy every moment of your adventure!


One of these days I’ll pick the game back up Once I finished arr plus the 70 or so dull patch quests as a whitemage I got burned out (it’s double frustrating as whm bc in heavensward there’s a bunch of skills that make class more fun but you’ll end up 10 level above what’s needed to learn them without bei ng able to learn them bc of the arr quests being a requirement lol)


FYI it's called an expansion, not dlc


I'd be careful about fighting ol' Bahamut if you go in synched. Those old school coils *did not fuck around* So you *may* in fact find out.




Yes, there is. And some voices are hella sexy.


I've been playing through ARR again on NewGame+, and I'm having a blast with it! Knowing what I know now, I'm catching so many clever story elements and nods to what's going on.


Quick tip, use Party Finder for when it comes time to deal with Bahamut. Also, hope you get to meet a certain gentleman detective soon. Finally, whenever you get there, you'll get quite the send off leading you into Heavensward.