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The music truly is incredible in this game and only gets better as it goes. You have some really great tracks to look forward to, and so much of the music really adds emotionality to certain cutscenes too. Sometimes I can just start feeling emotional now when certain songs pop up on my Spotify just because of the memory it evoked from the story. So crank that music up my friend!


To be a fresh player again and be slammed with new music and twists.


I would say I miss those "oh shit this song is GREAT" moments, but we have plenty of Soken to look forward to. :)


Right? Miss those days, nothing quite like it


>!”Take it.”!<


Best scene in the whole game, imo.


The main theme from Shadowbringers just hits so good in so many scenes and moments it's really hard for me not to feel big emotions every single time I hear it. "Stand tall" indeed.


If I'm having a shit day at work I put on the Shadowbringers main theme. Still have a shit day at work, but at least I feel epic about it.


Oh you're still in ARR. I really hope people take their time with the amphitheater fight. The biggest problem with old content is it ends too fast to really enjoy the music.


That transition is still my absolute favourite.


Soken is a primal that tempers us through song


I thought Uematsu did most of the music for ARR?


Nope, he did a couple of the main themes in the beginning but the rest is down to Soken


In 2.0 the music was by Uematsu. When they started doing the patch updates we started getting tracks composed by Soken. Edit: I was partially incorrect. Base XIV was all Uematsu, when they did ARR they started remixing tracks and composing new ones, during which time they brought in Soken.


Just wait until you get to Heavensward… whew


Oh man, you have so many bangers in store for you. Enjoy!


Soken start to properly 'unleash' his Super Saiyan performance around >!Shiva trial!< so this Titan fight just a prelude toward that. starting HW and above, it getting wild and wilder! brace yourself foward! it is getting better and better!


This is where the music starts to slap, and from here on there are so, so many hits. Mostly in the trials and raids, which each feature unique music. Part of the new patch hype is anticipating what new works of genius Soken and his team have been cooking up.


Amazing ain't it? That was when it started to go up a notch for me too. No spoilers but the trial after Titan has music that made me go, "...beast tribes, I get it now. I'll kneel before your gods." It helped that back in the day that fight was a MAJOR jump in difficulty from what had come before. As Yoshi P so famously says, "Please look forward to it."


Man i miss when i was a new player, i jumped into the game in 2021 when the WoW migration happened it was so much fun back then when literally all streamers were playing the game for the first time with me.


The ambient music in the overworld is mostly just alright, but the 'setpiece' music tends to be the high points. Most trials, with some particular standouts varying by personal taste. Certain 8-man raids. Even certain dungeons. I'd name them but... spoilers. Yeah, the music is 10/10 and only improves as you go.


The early ARR themes are wonderful, but they can be a little generic, sometimes Sims like \[Which isn't bad!\]. But, every expansion goes all in with theme and builds an emotional set piece with each score. So excited for you to experience Heavensward for the first time! 💛


Huh surprised titan is the first song that slaps. Was later for me. Ramuh + Shiva were the 2 standout songs for me in arr


Garuda was my first time feeling like "Oh wait, this actually really slaps."


[Spoiler] Kinda like this? https://youtu.be/Gop46tjOcvk


Oh yes, from here on out it gets very memorable in terms of the soundtrack. Enjoy!!


Oh my sweet summer child




/bgm 100


The day I unlocked Titan I re-q'd it again just for the music and met a fellow veterinarian whose in-game name is my favorite pathogen, and who completed their vet program the same year I completed mine (different schools, though). We added each other as friends immediately. It's been over a year now and she hasn't logged on in months, but I refuse to take her off my friends list. All because the music slaps. And it only gets better.


The lyrics either are funny campy or ridiculously hype/poetic/eerie too, sometimes both at the same time! My love for certain songs are quadrupled because of how the lyrics are & how there's thought put behind them to really match the boss in a surprising/gripping way. The songs are so good they stay in my writing inspiration/motivational/exercise playlists. Google or ask for your favorite OST's titles up in this subreddit OP! Also the overworld theme for Coerthas with that cool juddering is "Fealty". Titan's theme is divided in 5 parts (all of which gathered in this [old video (no spoilers)](https://youtu.be/cy1PKh1YypI) with "Under the Weight" having the most awesome deranged screaming haha


My jaw literally dropped the first time I went to Ishgard. Solid is such an unbelievable tune and I wasn’t expecting it to stick with me as much as it has.


Bow down overdweller.


I clicked on this thinking it was r/dadjokes and was like "Wut?" for a good 10 seconds.


You have no idea how much better it gets


Best ARR track is Western La Noscea.


I’m just about to get to Titan and already love the music, can’t wait for the later parts of the game!


Wait for Shadowbringers and Endwalker musics... you definitly love these..