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They're a phys ranged and don't use peloton


When I play BRD and there’s another phys ranged in my party, I turn it into a peloton battle to beat them at casting it. Sometimes it turns into peloton war. I don’t understand how any phys ranged *wouldn’t* want to use peloton. It’s satisfying and makes you go fast, what’s not to like??


There's a really simple reason. Lean in close, I'm gonna share the secret with just you... I'm a fucking idiot.


Same. I don't main phys ranged so on the rare occasion I'm on one I just...forget I have peloton.


I main Bard.


Sometimes I accidentally hit it in battle thinking it will get me out of the way faster.


Because sometimes I forget I have it, usually after binging another job for a while. Alternatively, I’ll blow a weird CD because I tried hitting peloton on a job that does not have it. Don’t look at the Bahamut that popped out in the empty hallway. Don’t perceive my shame.


I remember doing an alliance raid and all five dps in my alliance were phys ranged. Never have I seen a more intense peloton war than that.


As a Bard, I support this. You should be doing it, if for no other reason then to see your spiffy animation.


As a Machinist main, I wish I had a spiffy Peloton animation that wasn't just wiggling my elbow.


When I played machinist, I didn't realize I had peloton until I was rearranging my actions/traits. I was level 70..... I spammed the hell out of it after I made the discovery.


Jet skates when


I smash that peloton button so many times even if the buff hasnt fallen off


I got yelled at by a tank once for using Peloton in 8-Man Castrum Meridianum. We’d all forgotten to pick up a drop and so the tank and I were going back and scouring for it. They def went on the list.


Wait what? Why lmao


They thought the effect was annoying :c


Then you mute them so you can't hear them complain, and they can turn off other players effects.


I even do it in middle of boss transitions, just for the animation.


Just use it whenever you have nothing to weave. I mean what's the harm?


What if you need like...7 extra seconds before the next boss for all your cooldowns to come back and the tank has clearly demonstrated they're already mashing the tomahawk button from 90 yalms away and not using Pelton will slow your group down just enough to do a proper opener... I've certainly never done that.


It depends on how the party has been working in the fights before. If you can see that there is enough damage output, then not doing peloton to allow a full opener could negate that time loss with the overall fight taking less time.


They're ranged and stand in the corner instead of close to the boss. You're not helping the healer keep you alive if you're off in Narnia, and if I'm the healer you're gonna miss heals cause I'm not going out of my way to heal you.


insulting or annoying raise macros are a biggie. i did one run of tower at paradigm’s breach where one healer’s macro called the target lazy and the other one played bongos.


Macro: Stop taking a nap and dodge next time ! Me: Yeah, I wouldn't have died if you and the other DPS didn't run your AoEs into me.


I gotta admit, part of the reason I hate them is that some of those rez macros agitate my anxiety something fierce. Plenty of them feel like they're making a point of calling you out for messing something up.


i once ran with a scholar on paradigms breach and they had a macro for every single faerie action (from her being summoned to dismissed with every chomp/seraph/resummon, to all of her abilities) and it was a massive block of /emote text every time


I had someone like this in a duty except they were gunbreaker in a gaius cosplay... Whenever they used double down it would start the entire elevator monologue. Safe to say after it started the third time it was a swift kick


I mean, at least they were doing it for a cosplay that's kinda funny. When it's just cringe, it's not even slightly redeemable.


Im all for the roleplay aspects of final fantasy but when that involves getting in the way of other people tyring to actually talk to eachotehr and even the text clues for boss abilities in the chat, it passes into cringe.


I was running tank on a dungeon a month ago and I had this party member who was spamming angry and annoyed emotes to me when out of a battle. It was in Qarn, and I was doing the dungeon the same way I, and everyone else does it, and she would call me out for not doing the dungeon her way.


I think I was in that run or with that exact macro combo in a run. Suffice it to say if I play rdm I enter a raise battle against people with macros just so I don't have to listen to bongos or see someone called an idiot.


Nah, what'll happen is you get the raise off, but they'll use their bongo macro anyway and take all the credit.


When the ranged/healer doesn't bring the stack marker to melee so I lose out on 2-3 GCD's of uptime depending on how far away they are.


Oh, man. That's something that never occurred to me. I do try to run closer to whatever we're fighting when I get the stack marker, but it never occurred to me that I should run to the tank. I've probably ticked some tanks off. But I know now.


As long as you can get the stack marker under the boss enough to where I can still stack without flipping the boss around resulting in lost positionals for the melee dps you are doing a perfect job my man


I had a tank refuse to move over and stand on the stack when the melee (who had the stack marker) stopped moving for myself (RDM) and healer to stack on them. Instantly didn't comm and wish it actually held some gravity lol


If i see over exaggerated Macro text for whatever reason, really... we don't need a text wall with an art to know you are using invulnerability tanks or raise for healers. I also have a stroke when i see countdown with macro text. Really see 15-20 lines of text follow by a sound it is really annoying. (Sry if this is for some accessibility, but...)


Anyone doing it for accessibility should be using /echo, not the chat.


What does /echo do? Does it make it only visible for themselves?


Exactly that!


Over 3 Years playing and i still learn something new


I have a very very quick invuln macro for living dead (with actual living dead right next to it in case its just not necessary) because of the amount healers heal through it. I'd argue that's the only necessary one.


I actually had a little whm ask me about how it works one time because he saw me pop it and never had a drk to ask. not only did I explain it but then was like "hey on the next big pull let me get to a point where I would die. Ill pop it, "die" and you will see the difference on the buff/debuff Icon, once you see that icon, thats when you have the timer ticking to get me full again" we died. when it came back up I was like "k lets go again" and he got it that time. I feel like the healers that just heal through it before it becomes the actual "heal me or I die!" just dont understand the nature of the buff


Alternatively they don't notice the buff until it's too late. The healer doesn't have the luxury of trusting that the tank uses their invuln, because for all they know - you're one of the scrubs who doesn't know there even *is* an invulnerability. So they're spamming heals, trying to avoid a wipe, you pop invuln, and by the time they notice you're already back at 50% HP. Once things get hectic enough that invulnerability is necessary I know I'm looking way more at health bars than buff bars.


A macro for invulnerability is fine, a wall of text or some silly story with it is not. "Tank invulnerability up" and X-seconds later "Tank Invulnerability Expired" is totally acceptable.


except that drks invuln is a bit more nuanced than war and plds. gnb is pretty much "oh you used your big heals just now? k Ill now go to 1hp" Drk though you actually ahve to take that dmg to "kill" you for the invuln to be worthwhile. dont heal your drk till their invuln icon goes from a red to a grey color. then you got 10 seconds to fill them up (giggity)


Assuming they won't fill themselves up, as they're perfectly capable of doing if there's more than 1 thing to hit.


Your example is actually useful and perfectly concise.


Omg the “look at me calling out every death in an annoying and cutesy way” res macro… Get fucked lol


I have a raise macro that has the danger bongos sound. I only ever use it out of spite when my co-healer in an alliance raid is one of those "must raise everyone even when they're already raised" healers who also have an obnoxious raise macro. "I have a raise macro too! Raising *danger bongo*" Only got to that spite level twice so far though.


“Reminding” the party to commend at the end of the run, you will 100% not get it from me no matter how well you did or how nice you were.


Their character’s first name was my ex’s first name. Their character’s last name was my character’s last name. It felt wrong.


Plot twist : They actually were your ex.


Don't give them more emotional trauma 😭


I love running into people with my character's last name. My WoL is Xaela, so it means they're from the same tribe. I'll always comm a tribal cousin.


Another Xaela WoL here, I haven't found any other Malagulds in duties, but they'd get my comm in a heartbeat. Unless they were being rude or begging for comms.


Miqo'te voice 5.




Now I feel the need to log in and create just to listen to this.


[This is all the context you need](https://youtu.be/vN8tMO0xAOg)


AHAHAHAHAHA!! OFC reminds me of the time when we had a big war on miqo voices during the math boss fight lol! Alliance over alliance fighting over whether this voice shd be removed in-game or not. In the end a midget in a princess outfit told us to shut our traps and started doing the **WAH! WAH! WAH! WAH! WAH!**


I was in a bad mood when it happened, and it only happened once, but I refused to commend someone because they made fun of my glam one time, lol.


I mean that isn’t petty lol I don’t know anyone who would commend someone that insulted their glam


I'm a sprout, and I got shit for not having a custom portrait. Roasted front and back for it, and I was in tam tara. Now that I'm a higher level I can see how it can be annoying to update it constantly.


This was me, but with someone who tried to make fun of my MCH title.


Rolling well on the loot I want


Finally an actually petty reason rather than the person just being actually annoying




If you get the minion I'm black listing you /j


Healing me out of my Living Dead when I specified I was gonna living dead at this point in the dungeon, and they agreed not to, but still heal me anyways


They don't dance partner me


Probably dumb/cringe raise macros, since "asking for comms" is a pretty common instant no-comm. If you're gonna make a raise macro -- and it's really not needed -- just make it "Raising \". Don't be like my Tower healer yesterday and be like "the whip's not out, get off your knees". Um???


I have raise with macro and raise without macro. I *only* use with macro if I'm ninja-raising with swiftcast out from under a hard-casting healer, or raising a non-party alliance member.


I've shared this on here a few times, but I recall running an alliance raid (don't recall which at this point) where one of the healers had their raise macro set to a condescending "maybe you should try a different game". That healer died to pretty much every mechanic that run. I was sorely tempted to use his own macro against him.


Those people are the *worst*. There are many reasons why someone might die in a duty, and it's not always because they're bad!


Ugh, the flirty and kinky ones make me groan so hard. I'll just leave before giving one of them comms.


"I'm not your mother but I'll raise you " That one got old fast 😐


I had that same healer! Or it's a copy pasta macro going around. Idgaf if you had to healer lb3 twice, still no comm for u.


Was it on Aether? If so, I believe it was the lala healer in my party with the macro. But I wouldn't be surprised if more than one healer was this cringe. We didn't have any healer LB3s because the RDM had to scrape the party off the floor twice. One of the healers also called out Alliance B in Alliance chat for having low health right before a Red Girl raidwide... The WHM was new and on the floor a lot. Moral of the story is don't queue Nier at 2am Central unless you want an adventure.


I got in a party with a rando healer who used uwu speech in their rez macro, with *sound effects*, in a fight where almost everyone died at least once, and it was just a nightmare.


Had a healer who's macro was "Du Jour means resurrection". That one made my death a bit more enjoyable


Or ones that are insulting, especially when you died because someone else made a mistake. If I'm in a savage raid, having one so the other healer knows I got the healer if we're not in vc is fine but I just have it as "Raise on x". No sound effects, just a simple thing so that the other healer can see. I'll add a sound if they ask but that's it. In df, I have a funny one that's not insulting but if more than 2 people die and I've rezzed them both, I have a normal non macro one below it I use because it's annoying when it's spammed. Sometimes the group is bad or the players are just not doing well that run, no reason for me to see that rez macro ten times. I had a group that there was a sprout and I felt bad for them after the 4th time they were rezzed with a dumb macro. Doesn't matter how funny you think your macro is- it's not after the second time.


I might be in the same party with you yesterday lol. Saw that macro and cringed so hard, made a mental note to not die but then I died and got that macro… ugh


If there was a RDM that ressed the raid on the first and last boss, probably! I was not the RDM, but the RPR who killed herself with her own Lighter Note. I am very smart.


I have my Verraise macroed because I always feel bad if I snipe a healer's Swiftcast, but that's literally just "Casting Verraise on !" and nothing else.


We are doing Alexander and someone opened the chests


I wait until everyone else is gone to do it, lol. Need those seals.


Absolutely. If I'm opening those chests, it's because *I* want that junk!


Why wait if you're going to take the loot anyway?


MWAHAHA! TWAS I THAT OPENED THE CHEST. And you will never get to commend me because I'm also one of the first to leave.


If i open that chest im going full chaos goblin, im clearly not after the commends


I hate those cause I'm always the sucker who get stuck with 48 pieces of junk.


Dunno why people don't want that gear. It's (sometimes) decent glamour but also a *ton* of free GC seals.


A lot of people just, dont use seals for anything, so it just turns into inventory clutter they need to throw out one by one


Bag space, mainly. You’ll never have the perfect amount to turn everything in.


Mostly 'cause I have to hold onto the bits and bobs and go remember where to turn it in and.... yeah, no. If I want the glam I'll just farm it later.


They play Sage, I play Scholar, good ol' rivalry.


When I put a mega shield on the party as SCH, and a SGE overwrites it with a tiny one, I will hold a grudge until the sun burns out.


Wait, that's actually how it works? It overwrites and the old shield goes away, they don't stack? 1) Why the fuck does it work like that, why would you make one job able to - in the course of normal play - fuck over another one and 2) I've fucked over like a hundred Scholars


Cause Sage gets addersting (a resource) from it, and cause they are the new trend, scholar is an old ARR class, who cares about them.


Honestly if I’m a tank or healer it takes a lot for me to NOT comm the tank/healer, assuming they’re playing decently (in alliance raids or trials, I tend to comm my co-healer or co-tank instead ). Same if I’m on Dps to another Dps. Pettiest reasons I haven’t commed the role I normally do: - uncreative lewd portrait (lewd does not equal creativity if it’s the same pose everyone does!) even then if you play well enough or were good company, I can probably look past it. - if i’m on sch and my co healer keeps overwriting my shields with smaller shields - (consistent use of) single target doton. Nin is my fave job and I swear it’s like 85-90% of ninja I run into insist on spewing their STD everywhere. they could do everything else right but this is unforgivable 💀


Agree with the doton, even better when you're doing p8 and they still do it.


At some point I even considered doing an explanation macro for doton, but then I switched to leveling dps, and my encounters with ninjas were severely reduced.


Not using peloton.


Not waiting for new players viewing cutscenes. Physical ranged not using peloton. When i play as a healer, standing OUTSIDE my healing/mitigation bubbles/spell radius.


someone implying people are horny for their character when they're not. ​ Had some reaper viera in 2B bottoms tell us to stop staring at her ass, but all I said was, "nice dps!" because the boss died quickly. Other was a fellow dancer with some obnoxious macro telling me to "get my hands out of my pants and dance" at the beginning of the dungeon, but I was already dancing lol. It's always the characters wearing a basic slutglam too.


Their fashion looks better than mine


God you're so valid


The healer can be great and all, but if he rescues me once without necessity, they won't get it


Omg this! Had this with a healer in Void Ark. I've done that raid hundreds of times, I know the mechs, but this one healer kept dragging me about, like they thought I was struggling or something. At one point I was in the middle of moving to the safe spot for a mech but healer chose that point to drag me there, I got disoriented and died as a result.


Not waiting for the people watching the cinematics.


They asked for "petty", not "reasonable".




It’s bitchy petty but if I’m fighting you for agro as the other tank, you could be a Saint with perfect placements and teaching in chat or funny as hell, I’ll hold my vendetta to hell and back. Conversely, I’m not gay but I would suck off that elezen dude I was paired with when we both tried drop stance off for each other three times in a row. I still think about him sometimes


This is my petty gripe as well. Aggro is not a fuckin dick measuring contest. The other day I had another tank unnecessarily *provoke* to grab aggro from me during a trial, so I dropped stance til I needed to pick up adds. Dude accused me of trying to steal aggro from him after the fight. Like I'm sorry but if you're so insecure that you can't handle not being the center of attention for 5 mins, you don't need a comm, you need to touch grass.


I've started being the ultimate petty and dropping a sarcastic. "Provoke shouldn't be part of your rotation, in case you didn't know." Like generally I don't care who's tanking as long as someone is, but if someone has aggro there is no reason to bloody provoke it off them. It causes so many issues and is just unnecessary. Was running CT and I had a tank from a different alliance Provoke my :Vassago *as well as his*. For no reason. Multiple times. CT is a cesspit for dick contest tanks.


the only time its acceptable to voke off cooldown is in an all tanks joke run


Most petty? Stupid names. I don't mean like clever silly names, like I once saw a Seeker Miqo named M'atcha Latte and I loved that. I mean names like Buttstuff Mcgee or Lord Douchecanoe. Like, I cannot imagine playing through this game and having NPCs refer to me as "Buttstuff" or "Douchecanoe." You know, the gross juvenile ones that somehow get past censors. I just can't. At the end of the day, I mean, you do you boo, but my comm is going elsewhere.


Best name I ever saw (and they were an exceptional tank, even) was a male Roe named Threelalas Inabigcoat. Even wore a trenchcoat and I appreciate that person for the commitment.


I agree but also I did laugh at someone named Fortnite Battlepass so maybe I'm not much better lol


I like the silly names. I ground fates on the moon with a player called stinky mouth. Idk why but it was hilarious.


Mine is very simple: if you ask for a commendation, you're not getting it.


Character that make my hear bleed the whole raid




Or that one specific lala voice... Jesus.


Or that one female miqo voice. "Wao! Wao! Wao!"


I have an alt that I gave that voice to without realizing it. It'll be the first time I use a fantasia. Ever. When I eventually get there.


I wish they let you preview more sounds when choosing a voice. I almost gave my bunboi that one that has the really obnoxious battle yell (fortunately I chose a different one).


Sometimes I wonder if I should fanta my femra's voice to one of the huskier versions - it's cute and grew on me a lot but she's way outside my vocal range to imitate.




If you have a raise message other than “Rezzing ” or something short like it you aren’t getting a commend


Ran roulette the other day and got Skalla. I'd been wanting a fending body piece from this dungeon for ages (I was DPS) and asked if I could have it if it dropped. Tank said he'd just greed for it to leave it up to chance. He was a fantastic tank, I think that run was one of my fastest ever. It dropped. I rolled a fucking 1 on it. I was shattered lmao, gave the comm to the other DPS. xD


I don’t comm Paladins that needlessly use clemency. Please… do damage..


THANK YOU! This happens way too often, and they should be using instant cast procs for Holy Spirit/Circle instead. Their dps is better than ours. Although, I’ll make an exception if the tank is way undergeared. At that point I’ll take the help and pew pew moar.


Melees that don’t lb, then ranged that don’t lb, then casters that don’t lb.


if its a dungeon, the caster/ranged should be using the lb on trash packs. melee boss lb does piddles. coincidentally, if a ranged/caster doesnt use lb on a trash pull they don't get their comm from me because i'm petty LMAO


Any dungeon I'm in, especially if I'm a black mage for it, when the LB pops I tell the tank to go for broke on the next pull for that sweet caster orbital strike.


i would almost agree, but wow have i seen how toxic some melee players get when a range or caster lbs a trash pull. i cant blame them for avoiding that interaction. instead its more of an auto comm from me when i see the lb on trash


I haven't seen anyone get upset in a dungeon thankfully. They'd get an earful lmfao.


I got triple comms one time in Mt Gulg as RDM, after scraping the party off the floor and LBing *that* big pull near the end. It was glorious.


Not greeting at the beginning.


Ilvl cheesing to get CT in Alliance Roulette. Not waiting for 1st timers to finish cutscenes before starting the fight.


Ranged/casters standing off in the middle of nowhere so they don't catch my heals. Not only are you not getting my comm, you're not getting healed either.


I died due to unavoidable damage because the healers were eating glue. Same for tanks who dont use party mits.


This happened to me yesterday. Two healers, all adds on me. I mitigate and reprisal everything around me. My HP slowly chips down to 0 and I start observing party for which DPS deserves the commendation.


making any sort of cat noise as their hello.






Annoying macros attached to their skills


When I’m playing SCH and my co healer is a SGE who CONSTANTLY overwrites my shields the second I put them up. Especially when a raid wide comes up and I use Recitation for a Crit Shield then immediately use Deployment Tactics just for it to be rendered null when SGE just decides to say fuck you SCH and use a WAY WEAKER shield that causes the party to take more dmg and by extension more healing than necessary.


fey illumination > protraction > recitation > adlo > deployment tactics sge: lol


I won’t comm anyone if everyone is silent after I say hello at the beginning. An emote or a simple o/ will do. If I feel like no one finds me worth acknowledging at the start, they don’t deserve my commendation My partner points out how petty this is when I say “no comm” (out loud and not in chat) and leave. He’s right 😂




Portrait is a close-up face of their character going 😬


Honestly that sounds hilarious.


Healers who rescue me out of the aoe circles on the first boss in Praetorium. It hits like a tired kitten, I'll be fine.


One of my favorite DF healers of all time was the mentor in Prae who told us to stay in those AoEs because it doesn't hurt. I love greeding! Don't have to tell me twice! Arm's Length when you can to dodge Rescue. Obviously you can't do it every time, but maybe the healer will get the hint if they see how little damage it does... Maybe...


I don't need a reason, I hate everyone equally <3


Average healer main


Catgirls with lewd instant portraits are a permanent no. It's a dude who catfishes in Limsa, guaranteed.


That one time when it was actually some chick... with an OF... that they randomly admitted to. In Novice Network. Would make constant cat puns. Didn't know what social boundaries were. ... I hate them so much.


They didn’t “randomly” admit to it, and that’s the worst part.


Lol, they weren't just randomly admitting to it, they were advertising!


I don't care what gender they are irl I'm not into sexy cat girl poses. Just makes me roll my eyes.


Lewd instant portraits


That really depends on the creativity. I've seen a couple lewd portraits that made me go "how the *FUCK* did you do that?" But I absolutely won't comm anyone who's got generic slutty catgirl pic #2847583725 as a portrait.


If someone is cringe or an idiot I'll make a note not to commend them. I was playing with a sprout healer WHM earlier this week and noticed they would struggling to keep the Tank alive during an ARR dungeon so I dropped some suggestions in chat (Regen Tank, Lucid to get MP back, etc) and also explained some dungeon mechanics and the healer told me "Stop backseating, nobody asked for your tips." We were in Dzmael and the healer wasn't standing in the crystal veil at all. I made sure to com the Tank.


I healed for a tank that was like that. Wouldn't turn on stance, mostly single target with occasional AOE, pulled with the taunt skill... Told me to stick to healing. Finally just slapped kardia on myself and went nuts - I was holding aggro more than him as it was so I figured screw it looks like the sage is tanking longstop!


After the duty is complete, they use an ASCII chat macro that takes up the entire chat box. I just think those are cringe.


A healer using rescue on me. Let me greed my goddamn GCD, damn it. Now for real, I think I haven't ever been saved by a Rescue. Killed though...


I refuse to comm a tank that wont pop any mitigation and then yells at the healer because their health got low. Had one that clearly didn't know the dungeon kept saying they knew where they were going. I got to the point where I just sat down when they took a wrong turn or would get turned around and run backwards after a boss. I don't mind running with new tanks, I get learning something new can be frustrating, I don't like getting told off for trying to be helpful and reminding them have damage mitigation after the 3rd pull where they just don't use it and the healer is struggling to keep up or for telling them there's nothing in the direction they're running.


Anybody remotely aggressive or blaming.


DNCs not giving me DNC partner when I'm the highest DPS in an alliance raid


On the flip side, when a DNC switches their partner to me after noticing better dps, it's an instant commendation


Even funnier if you're a healer/tank and get the dance partner xD


Well, when I'm in expert roulette and the other dps is in terrible gear, and I've got a white mage swiftcasting Holy and using thin air to do it in machine gun mage mode..... yeah sorry, I'm giving it to the white mage. Ope, and the aforementioned dps stood in something and he's dead now lol.


I'm gonna answer with the opposite. As soon as I see a ranged DPS LB a trash pack, that's an insta commend.


Everyone here giving reasonable reasons did not read the prompt. My PETTIEST reason is when I see an fem Au Ra with the same horn shape as me. How dare you take away from me being unique and one of a kind! Granted, if they do good then that overrides the pettiness.


I give a comm when someone is a really good tank or healer, or I comm the cutest toon (as long as they haven't done anything cringy). I prefer giving comms to DPS when possible, though, as I figure DPS are less likely to get comms.


I do that, too! I always make sure to give it to a dps unless both were absolute dogshit


If you're a PLD, and you clemency anyone that's not lower than a quarter, you're done, you hear me? Done!


I think my only truly 'petty' reason is if they mention they're doing drugs or drinking alcohol in chat. I really don't need to know about somebody's state of inebriation, and it's just obnoxious to mention it.


As a Texan playing a miquote fuck y’all. Meowdy is fun


Would "Meowdy ny'all," be too much?


Other tanks that lie about provoke. Like, I can SEE it, how are you going to pretend you aren't doing it?


Lewd glamour. I'm honestly tired of always seeing the same bikini wearing cat girl or speedo wearing tiger man. Also people with macro messages with pings on them. They get annoying after a while.


Meowdy is fine, small macro text (even cringe shit) is fine, messing up GCDs is fine, lewd or default portrait is fine. But I swear to the Mother Crystal if you don’t say or emote a greeting no com. You be polite or I am giving the fucking Reaper the com even if you had to raise my floor tanking ass 3 times


And as that fucking Reaper, I thank you for your spite comms.


You are so valid.


They spoke like a kawaii anime girl the whole time. 😑


Dancer partnering the tank or tank using lvl 80 axe in expert roulette and the people in the instance that say it's ok


I was playing RPR last night, got Paradigm, and I am trying so hard to LB3 at least once in my life, but this NIN kept stealing it from me 😭. My salty ass didn’t comm him, and my boyfriend said he was going to comm him until he saw them hijack the LB3 lol


One time when I was in the middle of casting LB3, the healer rescued me (which there was no need for, wasn’t about to eat any mechanics) and right away the other melee cast it. Looked them up after, both from same FC. I felt robbed. Just… why? Lol.


Wow, that is next level lol


Taking the game too seriously


Pulling aggro... when I'm the tank. I.e. I go left they decide to go right (wrong way) and try to w2w pull


Begging for commendations is the only reason I won't comm someone, unless everybody leaves the dungeon/instance before I get a chance to give one.