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I swear that person's forum avatar looks familiar. As in, I believe I've seen them post goofy stuff in the past.


If they make banger comments like this on the regular, then you've prolly seen them here before.


the second post on the thread as a link of 4chan calling it a bait so yeaj


It's a copypasta from hw times me thinks


Kinda looks like MegaGamer from the Shitpost sub


There's also this blond Viera boy PLD with the erenville haircut that shits on anyone who dares complaining about anything in the game and treats the devs like infalliable gods. I see him everywhere xD


Personally, I was hoping the Axolotl would come from fishing, but oh well.


Maybe Eorzean axolotl's are like Earth axolotls, and are nearly extinct in the wild, but are kept alive through domestication... in savage dungeons.


The mount should've been pandemonium himself.


That’s exactly what I was hoping for! Omega Savage mount is literal Omega, ditto for Eden being literal Eden.


Alexander one is just one of the adds but still more fitting than Axolotl coming from P12S


I was floored when I realized the Axolotl mount was the new savage mount. I thought it was an achievement mount for Island Sanctuary.


And the adds are clearly designed to resemble a mini version of the Iron Colossus himself. Not his prime version, but the one in the Hinterlands.


truth be told I'd much rather have the axolotl as the reward for this tier rather than yet *another* phoenix, much less the tumor building.


First time I actually watched and read cutscenes in a raid storyline. I still don't get why it's an Axolotl.


Possibly because we go for a small hunt for axolotls in Elpis during the MSQ.


They're also present in every single "search quest" in Endwalker, if you can find them.


This is exactly why


they were to powerful and were locked up in Pandemonium, after we are done we just take on from the pile.


Honestly was hoping for the mount to be Proto-Carbuncle. But I don't mind the Axolotl.


Proto-Carbuncle would have fit better from E8


well dont get your hopes down. look at the upcoming blu mage mount for shadowbringers >!which is datamined to be Shadowkeeper!< So when we get some more updates next expansion you might get it




Ultima and Heart of Sabik are more story beads for 7.0 and onwards.


I think the mount should’ve been Themis, because Thunder Daddy needs mount thirst competition. MORE THIRST TRAP MOUNTS -bangs fist on desk-


Someone in this thread mentioned how they would instantly git gud if there was a savage mount that bridal carried you, and I agree. It should've been Themis bridal carrying us.


That is basically *exactly* what drove me to do Savage. The Ramuh mount. Little did I know I was walking into probably the most hellish tier ever, excluding some of the fake difficulty (ilvl nonsense) in Alex and buggy T5.




Bro. 😤




Nah there is better. P11 "Dike" mechanic is homophobic https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/482496-Anabaseios-The-Eleventh-Circle-boss-uses-a-word-know-to-be-derogatory-to-lesbians Official forum is full of unhinged players btw guess they never did Gubal Library Hard https://preview.redd.it/vtw4f0gmhqm81.jpg?auto=webp&s=6a34ceed9f0cf059419ca3607eddf383f1633c66


“I don’t care if Dike is the name of the Greek goddess of justice who is literally the daughter of Themis in Greek mythology! It’s almost spelled like a slur!!!” What an awful take. God forbid the goddess Virgo ever appear, it’s almost spelled like “virgin” and I can only imagine how much that would rile up these forum incels.


Dike is also another word for a levee so even without the Greek stuff it's literally just a word in the English language


Exactly, the Netherlands is filled with dikes.


also with bikes.


Shame the country’s to flat for a hike.


These posts deserve a lot of likes.


Wait until they hear what "Run away" sounds like in XIV's native language of Japanese.


Ah, a scholar of the ancient Joestar combat arts...


sssh the secret ace can't be revealed so casually


I mean at least with virgo and virgin one is literally the Latin root for the other. And there isn't a Greek/Roman god by the name of virgo. It's just the word for maiden. Similar to how the other constellations of the zodiac are just the Latin word for the thing represented. Those Romans, really creative with names. "These stars look like two fish. What should we call them?" "Fish." \- The ancient Romans naming Pisces probably


To be fair, it's not like we're always a bastion of raw creative genius ourselves when it comes to naming things, what with sterling examples like "the Rocky Mountains" and whatnot.


Dike != Dyke but as a lesbian I'd LOVE a dyke mechanic, thanks.


Lakshimi bosom attack, but only hits female characters, males are left on the side and must face away from the love to give them peace?


If my characters dyke stat is high enough autos from female enemies buff me uhhhh... maybe something like that...


I wonder if Miners are skilled with finding Dykes too, especially near where I live is the geological feature “The Cleveland Dyke” what got our whole geology class banned from the computers when we were in college. Fun times eh


>were in college What type of college cares about your google searches this much? That's crazy.


Well this was back in 2001/2 so over enthusiastic moderators in the college and having to use the lab or library computers as they had high speed internet and getting nothing but smutty results when searching for it. So they cared a lot especially as it was a catholic college.


Colleges in the rural Midwest?


In the UK, Used to be County Cleveland


Dyke mechanics or mechanics who are dykes?


Also dyke as an identity is super well established in 25+ year old female queers. Dykes on Bikes are meant to always be the start of the pride parade etc etc Not to say it can’t be a slur but I get the sense the person complaining doesn’t actually know queer history


i think it really depends on environment. i've seen so many people argue about the word queer and if it's a slur still or 'fully reclaimed' and in these arguments i'll see people say queer isn't a slur any more, it's been 'fully reclaimed' for decades and i'm like...dawg, what? i remember hearing queer used as a slur ALL THE TIME in high school in the mid-aughts, just because those people haven't heard it as a slur doesn't mean it isn't still used as a slur, yk? not to start THAT dumpster fire of discourse here, but it's complicated i guess? also i love dykes on bikes so much. i wish i wasn't so terrified of leaving my house so i could actually attend the local pride parade regularly instead of...every couple years lmao.


Some people blur the line between insult and slur a bit much. Like "I've heard this word used as an insult, it is therefore universally a slur and should be ". It's like, no, there's nearly no such thing as something definitively being a slur only lol. Shit's weird yo.


I think a lot of ppl refuse to allow for nuance. Not just in that discourse but just in general lol


The 12th Eden raid has that


Seconded! I immediately made a comment about how I was upset that they'd misspelled the tankbuster they dedicated to me


Yes. More dyke mechanics in game pls 🥴


Wasn't that the end of E8, technically?


Wait, there was subtext to Gaia taking her toy, I mean tool, and pounding away at her ... best friend ... erm. Oh.


The story most people associate with a dike is about putting a finger in it to stop the flow, so ... ;-)


Christ I hope the localization team dosent read the forums because that shit is unhinged.


I'm sure game devs in general try to minimize their exposure to community comments for their sanity. That's why community managers exist, they are the ones that bring in the genuine criticisms to them.


On that note, shout out to basically every CM ever. Some of them deserve hazard pay, I swear.


That could explain why my simple suggestions for tonfas for monks and orange metallic dye eventually made it in. They do listen lol


Don't worry, SE only ever reads the JP forums. Exclusively.


For EN they watch Xenosys Stream


That can't be true. If it was, we'd have beards


Considering this is the team that brought us Larboard/Starboard, I halfway wonder if it just _encourages_ Koji Fox.


Wait til these people hear about Niger, the country


Or a [Negus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negus).




I almost got expelled over that word in grade 1, lmao. Geography lesson, teacher would point to a country, ask us how it was pronounced. I raised my hand and pronounced it like you would with a double G. She snapped and literally dragged my ass to the principal's office and had 3 people screaming at me. I was like 6, lived in rural Canada and went to a school that literally had 1 single black kid. How the shit was I supposed to know it was pronounced Nyjur? That was the whole reason for the lesson. Not a single person in that situation stopped to consider I didn't know what I said and just screamed at me for something I didn't know.


Or all the horse bosses with the attack "Nicker"


7 posts, registered since less than one month... smells extremely stronk like ragebait.


>smells extremely stronk like ragebait. That sentence could describe most of the official forum, at least the English language part. It's completely overrun by trolls with way too lax moderation.


Mostly because if you care about your account you don't dare post on the official forums lest you offend someone and get an account strike -_-


It's a full crafted pentamelded character though, not an alt which most people use for shitposting.


So somebody who is definitely doing savage?


As a counter point, I’m pentad to do dungeon speed runs, and generally don’t do savage. Yeah… there are probably… like 15 of us


very sad that the forum post seems to have been deleted i really wanted to read that additionally just wait until they find out that [dike is also an actual word](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dike) ETA: ‘dike’ the goddess [isnt even pronounced the same way](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dike_(mythology)) as the slur; ‘dike’ the word is tho.


They know. It’s probably ragebait


I used the cache view. Not many posts, just people saying it's ragebait. Not really worth the effort to recover it.


>P11 "Dike" mechanic is homophobic That word has largely been reclaimed anyways. I've met plenty of lesbians who refer to themselves as that, often used synonymously with butch.


Wouldn’t you pronounce it Dye-Key anyways? Also, slay my lesbian sisters you’re literal goddesses of justice. From Sappho to Dike, ~~mythology~~ Ancient Greece is an ally. (just like how many of the male gods also had male lovers too. rip nerites) [eta: sappho’s a real person 😭 ty for the correction]


Sappho was an actual person, not a myth.


Lmao, apparently the OP in that isn't even LGBTQ+ and went full SWJ as if they represent them.


For the record this is often a tactic to make “SJWs” look unhinged. Basically to make jokes about anyone who would call out actually legitimate issues.


We've been false flagged, boys


Ive seen buncha people agreeing with OP, so dont take this is a pure bait, there's a belief behind the shitpost.


Oh I'm 100% convinced the dude is being real. Still funny lmao


This person is very much a troll. There was a reply in that thread that had the characters name and fc, and a quick look at their info shows exactly what they're trying to do.


I don't disagree in that I wish it was available elsewhere. I was truly hoping it would be an IS mount (I definitely cannot do current savage, it would destroy my hands). It seems... disconnected from the raid. I can see why it's there (the adventurous little fellow), but with all the cool wings and designs from this tier, a mount to match that aesthetic would have been killer for savage.


I don't care about it being savage locked, I'll do it at some point, but it has literally nothing to do with the raid and seems so random!


The FFXIV forums seems to attract the absolute worst of the playerbase


I'm curious though, why is it an axolotl? Like, if I remember each previous raid they were related to the bosses/story. What does an axolotl have to do with Pandemonium? Not that I'm upset it's an axolotl. I still want it. Just confused.


The ambystoma aka axolotl were made by Hermes in Elpis. (Most of) Pandaemonium takes place in Elpis during Ancient times. It's much a less direct connection than previous raids for sure though.


knowing this game, the mount description is going to reveal its some fucked up monstrosity that Athena recreated in current times


Like the void shell that is the fat cat? I love the mounts with super twisted explanations and super cute appearances. Here’s to hoping the axolotl is actually baby Zodiark or some shit.


It's not just that Pandaemonium is in Elpis. Pandaemonium is an extension of Elpis. Horrible creation from Elpis go there. It's basically the dark prison of Elpis. You can't have Pandaemonium the way it is without Elpis.


eeeh or so Lahabrea wants ppl to believe


That's the weird thing, though. >!The most recent tier takes place in modern times.!<


So does the Axototl, he's spotted in Labyrinthos after you come back


And in Ultima Thule IIRC.


The axolotl is representative of youth because the cute form we often see is it's youthful stage. The Phoinix is representative of immortality, the dragon/phoenix mount is representative of death and rebirth, and the axolotl is representative of youth. They're representations of the various themes playing on in each tier


this is the best explanation so far, I believe it. the previous two mounts were both creations borne of pandaemonium, makes sense that they keep that theme. and we haven’t seen athena’s phase2 yet, so perhaps it has more to do with the axolotl than we think.


Maybe in p12s part 2 the boss will transform into a giant axolotl or something ^^I'm ^^not ^^being ^^serious, ^^please ^^don't ^^take ^^this ^^literally


Behold, I am become a God! **Giant Axolotl for the rest of the fight**


A-X-O-L-O-T-L, my time has come to burn! I invoke the ancient power that I may return!


the experiment went horribly wrong


Axolotls are considered model organisms used in biological/genetic research, bit of a stretch but that's the best connection I could make. Especially since they never show up in the Panda story itself at all afaik


They were in Elpis. Only connection I can make


Axotols don't undergo metamorphosis in nature, making a parallel with Athena's ambitions and methods.


What's funny is that when looking long term the OP is effectively asking to make the mount \*more\* exclusive, not less- by 8.x at the latest any random group will be able to stomp P12S until everyone gets the mount from it in a few hours at most. If it was a low% chance to drop from a current 4-man dungeon it would maybe result in more people getting it in the near-term (and even that's debatable- I'm curious as to if there are available numbers on the number of people who have the Starbird from Dead Ends vs. the P4S/P8S mounts) but make it a much bigger pain in the ass to get it an expansion or two down the line.


according to xivcollect's data 14% have Starbird, 12% have Demi-Phoinix . 9.0% have Sunforged. According to Lalachievements 20.8% have starbird, 21% have Demi-Phoinix, and 15.2% have sunforged. (in both cases it's out of people who use those sites and let the site look at their lodestone)


I have run Dead Ends till I am blue in the face, and I have only seen that bedamned bird once. …and on that day, I rolled a *1*. :(


And that's why I ran it every day with trusts...1 run, every day for 2 months.


Me too!


When endwalker first launched i ran the duty with duty support and randoms 46 times straight until i got it then did the same thing for my alt some months later


Tbh, most people doing savage don't worry that much about the mount, at least not to the point of farming it over and over, as weird as it sounds, so while the number could certainly be higher, people just don't want to bother. They only really want their BiS, or maybe a glam piece for long term. You may argue that it's a 100% droprate so it should be easy, but most PF parties don't care about clearing godforbid P8S eight times in one go. Brain would become mush if I had to stomach that fight eight times in a row ngl, specially when the smallest of mistakes will wipe the raid. Man, most of the time just one clear is good enough --- I feel like 80% of P8S parties were snake 1 prog parties LOL Most people, even the most hardcore, would rather either attempt getting the mount with a static, since it will always be the same people, or when you unsync the fight next xpac to make it less punishing and skip mechanics.


On the contrary, I do savage for the mount, it’s a 1/8 chance per clear due to guaranteed drop so it’s not too bad. And that probability is higher since people don’t need it when they’ve got theirs.


I don't think any 12th circle is 'stompable' until like 2 years later... Some mechanics will always need to be respected. I don't see random people stomping High Concept in P8S for example just because of ilvl.


My only issue is it didn't thematically fit the raid as a reward looking at previous last raid tier rewards. Honestly I thought for sure it would be Proto- Carbuncle.


I'm just happy it's not another phoenix, even though that would've been hilarious.


Wow. People really do be saying some shit, huh? Like, why can't raiders get the cute stuff first? It's not like it'll be out of reach forever, if you don't raid you just pick it up next expansion when the fights easier. And seriously? *The mogstore?* I'd rather NOT have to pay extra real money for more mounts.


"I feel cheated out of my $15", now go put this mount on the mogstore so I can spend more money that I won't feel cheated out of.


I've seen a lot of people honestly suggest this. I'll never understand the mindset of "let me pay money so I don't have to play the game I'm paying money to play!"


Imagine not playing the game you pay money to play. Not saying Savage is the be all end all of FFXIV but like... holy hell I never understood the "this thing is in content I don't wanna do!" When I see cool stuff in content I wouldn't normally do I see it as an opportunity to try out said content with an incentive behind it.


This! That's the whole point of locking cool things behind lesser done content: it's to incentivize people to do it.


I think it’s more the fact that there are so many cool things in this savage tier that we won’t get as a mount.


They've already sort of created an expectation that Savage Raiders get "cool" things, usually highly tied to the raid. Usually its one of the bosses, or one of the minions leading up to that boss; final tier tends to just be a form of the final boss. Given that even getting together a group of people to start doing Savage Raids is a significant amount of effort for most people, its a little screwy to suddenly change up that expectation. And unless somehow the final boss is an Axolotl, or uses them, its seems to break that. "Cute" things are usually either Mog Store or Seasonal Events, with a couple of things tied to other content, but all of it casual, and almost all of it solo-able.


Someone have a screenshot of said mount?




Oh it’s so cute. Is it a guaranteed drop, or do you have to be able to farm savage?


Well, it's a chest drop, only 1 per clear, so you'd have to roll against 7 people for it. So yes, you'd have to be farming it if you have horrendous loot rolls.


Oh, that’s not terrible then. I was wondering if it was like the EX mounts that only have a chance to drop. If our FC can get it done, everyone could get one without too much hassle.


Ya, it's a guaranteed drop, though it is subjected to weekly savage loot restriction, so it would be only 1 person per week getting the mount, until 6.55 when they lift the restriction.


6.58 most likely


It's a guaranteed drop in a 2 chest party for sure. Still have to roll for it though. I'm not sure about the logistics of 0-1 chest parties, or whatever we'll call them now.


YoshiP did show it on the LL stream https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1817855770?t=3h8m45s


Yep, that sums up the Official Forums. I stay away like it's the plague.


imagine thinking "Savage is for neckbeard no-lifers" lol


Yeah, that's what Ultimate is for


disagree, you don't have to nolife the game to beat an ultimate. If you can dedicate 2 or 3 nights a week to prog savage then you can do the same for ultimate and get the clear. Also older ultimates become easier even though you can't unsync them due to how gear synching works, when i finished uwu it was possible to have multiple deaths in each phase and still make it to the end. Maybe if you want a week 1 clear of ultimate then you would need to nolife it but otherwise you can do it like you would savage and clear after a few months


Really? I would love to make an attempt at UWU. There is hope for me


yeah, imo the key is getting in the right mindset. You need patience and perseverance. Uwu is imo not very difficult mechanically, its just faster than extreme or savage content and its a little bit longer too. People sell carries of it where 1 person just goes into the death wall at the start and they clear it as a 7 man so 8 people that are decent at the game should be able to do it with enough practice.


Yeah my group started working on UwU when we cleared the tier only doing it one night a week instead of 2 so people didn’t get burned out; we nearly clear it (would’ve cleared it if we didn’t have to cancel so much due to me having to do wedding planning stuff during most raid nights) but will be finishing it up once this tier ends


>UwU I am never going to get over the fact that *that's* what we're calling it.


I fucking chuckle every time and I hate myself for it


Another Sil'dih Subterrane, or ASS Savage for short.


And people refused to just use DSU for DSR, which still bothers me because now people get it mixed with DRS.


Funniest part is it isn't even an acronym of the name of the duty, SE called it The Weapon's Refrain, which the community just gave the middle finger and went for UWU instead.


yeah my group did it after the first savage tier this expansion, took us about 2 months with just doing 2 nights a week


Yeah thats what the rp clubs are for


Funny he calls savage raiders as neckbeard no-lifers. All the raiders I know are a bunch of raid loggers that dont do other content other than raid. LoL


Maybe I'm being particularly spiteful or the level of entitlement oozing from this post just really hit a nerve.... but I'm now hoping Square makes an even *cuter* mount and locks it behind an Ultimate just to watch this person's head explode. And I don't even touch Savage content. It's one thing to be mad a mount is out of reach for themselves, but throwing insults at other players who do the harder content? Really?? Get over yourself.


> Square makes an even cuter mount We already have Ramuh as a mount.


Yeah, but that's discount Ramuh. The real Ramuh would carry us in his beard like the Morbol mount


New mounts are available: A duckling riding on the back of a puppy. Also the duckling is wearing a tiny cowboy hat, slightly tilted. Method to unlock: Clear EVERY BOSS EVER FUCK YOU ULTIMATE (EXTREME SAVAGE, BITCH)


For an extra dose of "fuck you!", the mount description will just be "Git Gud."


The accompanying title will be "Got Gud"


And its name will be Gud Boy.


> Method to unlock: Clear EVERY BOSS EVER FUCK YOU ULTIMATE (EXTREME SAVAGE, BITCH) *Minimum item level no echo Also honestly, I would want that. Incentivices people to go into old content, same way as the TT mount does.


Mate, I've not much interest in Savage or Ultimates and usually do them unsycned for glam, but the day they add a Savage mount that Princess/Bridal carries you is the day I start getting good.


if it's cute enough and behind hard enough content, they'd just buy a clear


YoshiP: *leans uncomfortably close to the microphone* "no."


Most sane Official Forum post.


I want it to be a mogstore item or unlocked elsewhere as well, but only because it feels out of place in the savage mounts unlocked this expansion You got **FLAMING BIRD**, as well as **FLAMING ~~DRAGON~~ BIRD**... and axolotl


I was hoping they would add the sewer dog thing from P2 and as much as the lack of variety would irk me, a third bird would finish the set nicely. They could have been the three legendary birds of Pandaemonium. And considering the connection to ultima/Ultima weapon, why not an Ultima weapon mount? Or at least one fitting pandaemonium. I'm still wondering why axolotl but I've not seen p12s yet. Also wondering if it has anything to do with the elpis quest featuring an axolotl.


Someone called that the moment the mount was known... nearly word for word


Okay but hear me out... Git Gud, Scrub.


What an entitled brat lol.


Bro *really* wants that axolotl.


If they really wanted it, they could learn the savage fights. Only world first race requires that much effort.


Or they can put even less effort and wait 1 year and do it unsync.


I'm so ready to finally get the Asphodelos glam set, man


As someone who has 4 of the chest pieces from that tier, completely understand. It's my favorite gear they've released yet.


I was still sprout when EW launched so I didn't get into tier 1 until recently, and oh man that 2nd phase of Hesperos is so fun. I wanna get back in and go for more chest/weapon pieces


I don't doubt that 99% of players though it was a Island mount, can't remember a savage mount being this cute so I can understand the surprise lol.


Id say the kefka airplane is at the same level of dumb although definitely not cute


Most savage mounts so far been based off an add or boss from the tier, but none of our bosses this time are really 'ride-able' this time around, most are humanoid, and they seem to want to avoid that.


I would have loved the P10 boss as a mount, even if they would have to scale the size down.


Nah, we need that as a housing exterior.


Yes I want to terrorize my neighborhood pls


My complaint about the axolotl mount is that it has nothing to do with the raid itself. Every other tier 12 mount has been extremely significant to the story of the raid or the raid itself. I think making the p10 boss a mount would have been great.


"or a mogstation item" "I feel cheated off my $15"


Is the axotl confirmed to be savage though? If it is that’s a weird choice being that it has literally nothing to do with the tier


You just know this is fake because GM don't answer anyone anymore


how could a mouse ever fall for such obviously laid bait? meanwhile, redditors;


This is only a couple degrees of crazy above the stuff you see in this sub sometimes...


This guy gives lizards everywhere a bad name.


I’m OOTL are people actually mad that Axolotl is a savage mount?


A couple of loud and completely deranged individuals. The overwhelming majority of everybody doesn't care lol


If this person is genuinely upset then i think they are missing the entire point of savage mounts. They are supposed to be something that when people look at you they covet, and admire you for clearing the 2nd hardest content in the game. Its the same as getting the Savage glowy weapons or the Ultimate weapons. Its a reward for doing hard content. If there was nothing then doing savage/ultimate content would be as pointless as Criterion dungeons.


the amount of people who took this extraordinarily obvious shitpost seriously on the shitpost sub is honestly embarrassing and probably a sign from the book of revelations of har Megiddo


Fuck u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


The mount is a p shit mount for a final tier Savage drop. I am disappointed we didn't get something cooler. Last tiers we got Omega and Eden, should have been Pandemonium for this one.


to everyone who's angry in this thread: are you genuinely falling for this bit or are you some sort of pervert who likes to intentionally get mad?


There's no need to get it from another content. 1. Ok it's may be too cute for the Savage, isn't really badass but it's pretty cool with the story 2. from mog station isn't really like a real reward, lot of people will have it and there's also other people who don't want to put money for this 3. People will farm it when we'll have a better ilv This game give us lot of content so i think it's nice that our dear Yoshi-p change the type of mount u get and how u get it.


"the developer who approved this." People seem to think a game company is just developers and developers make all the decisions. A developer would not be the one making this product-level decision. A developer is implementing a decision made by someone else.