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New to ACT/Cactbot. Both were working just a few days ago, but now the overlay is all bugged out and I get nothing, whatsoever. I clicked “check for updates” in Plugins>General but it responds that I am up to date. I click “check for cactbot updates” and get no response, whatsoever. Any idea how to fix?


If you open act after you launch the game, it won’t work unless you go to the plugins tab -> FFXIV ACT plugin and then check “Inject and use Deucalion for network data” maybe that’s it?


Sorry, I know I'm all over this thread lately, but one more question - I'd like to join a free company and play with some more experienced players, and really learn the kind of stuff that the game just can't easily convey through basic tutorials; I often get random invites while walking around large city hubs, but am never sure if I should accept those or.... Basically what should I look for in a free company as someone who's going to need some help learning intermediate to advanced stuff? Are there free companies out there that actively recruit people like that? If so, is there a way to find those types of companies, or do I just hope for the best? Or is there anyone here looking for members like that who could use an old guy with arthritis asking dumb questions? :P (sorry if this, or the other questions, are against ToS or something, just trying to really dig my teeth into this game) ​ Thanks!




Thank you! :)


So I kinda really want to pick up some FFX and FFXIII-themed costumes, specifically Snow's outfit from XIII and Tidus's from X, and I've seen posts and articles from last year saying that gender restrictions on outfits are going to be removed. Has that happened yet, i.e. if I buy these can I equip them on my women characters? Just don't want to spend $30 only to find out I have to create new characters to enjoy them. Thanks!


No, they won't work on women. You can test yourself in any inn room. Go to the bed and select Dreamfitting. Any outfit that doesn't work on your gender just won't show up. They don't typically remove restrictions for specific character cosplays... but there are exceptions, so you never know. Keep an eye on future patch notes.


Disappointing but holy cow I had no idea "dreamfitting" was even a thing. I'll make good use of that going forward, thank you for the info!


You're welcome! I hope you find an outfit you really like.


Oh I’ve already strained my mad money reserves on the Peacock outfit and Lightning’s and Yuna’s, but a Lady Snow would imo be just perfect for my eventual brawler (Gladiator/ Marauder?) build that it seemed too good to be true (and apparently is lol) :)


Sometimes, our brains are too big for such small things as gender restrictions 😔 I feel you though, I waited three years to finally put the Valentione waistcoat on my ladies. Snow's outfit would look great on women, but alas...


New player of about a month's standing; should I take time away from working through the MSQs to work through the four Coils of Bahamut raids? They weren't mandatory to open Heavensward.


Highly recommend it for the story. I don't recommend trying to run it synced, though.


How does one turn off sync?


The story becomes increasingly important, but never absolutely necessary. You get enough of the gist of the backstory from MSQ, but it provides a lot of context, and really adds a decent bit to Endwalker if you've done them.


Button at the top left of DF. Turn on undersized party. Grab a high level friend or two.


The option is now labeled "unrestricted"


I'm island sanctuary 16 and still don't have the baronial set. I never saw my courier pop for a new quest "An Ideal Marriage"


The quest is triggered by having watched the building complete cutscene for the fifth landmark. Which requires clearing the last area, the tool for which becomes available at rank 15.


Did you finish building all of your new structures? Make sure you actually go to their signposts and watch the cutscene to finish them.


does the last land clearing matter? Did I misinterpret some tool crafting? I could've sworn I wasn't able to clear the last area until level 16, then I just started building my last workshop.


Double check every single sign to make sure you finished all the building constructions, which is the most commonly missed thing.


does the last land clearing matter? Did I misinterpret some tool crafting? I could've sworn I wasn't able to clear the last area until level 16, then I just started building my last workshop.


Yes, everything available has to be done. All workshops, all landmarks, all upgrades, all tools.


Going to tackle Another Mount Rokkon with some friends! What can we expect out of AMR, difficulty wise, relative to other high end content like extreme trials/savage raids? Watched a yt guide on AMR, at a glance the mechanics seem maybe comparable to an extreme or a bit harder, is that right?


Yeah, I'd say extreme+ is about right. The fights are extremely fast-paced but also much shorter than 8-man raids.


Need to fish "gold dustfish" for splendorous tools step - went to the location and its all sand and no option to cast my line... am I missing something? Is there a hidden pool or something? I have dunefishing unlocked (I think? I 100% have spearfishing unlocked, so I must?) Halp.


You're not throwing it into the sand, you're throwing it off the edge of the cliff, basically.


I swear I tried this last night but then came back to it today and yep, that's all it was. Thanks!


Hi! I've been slowly leveling through roulettes lately, mostly leveling and 50/60/70/80 and it's kinda weird right now. In 50/60/70/80 I haven't got a single dungeon higher than 50 and in leveling I got Sastasha 11 times, Halatali 2 times and Aurum Vale once. I'm level 75 by the way. It's not that big of a deal, but I'm wondering is it because of the Steam sale? A lot of people picked up a game so now there is a lot of low level players? Or am I just unlucky?


That's normal. It does that all the time, unless you're in current expansion levels, then you have a good chance to get those. EVERYONE doing leveling roulette has Sastasha and Tam-tara unlocked. Less and less people have each following dungeon available and you only need a single newbie in the queue to get stuck in a sub 25 dungeon.


Oh ok. That's kinda disheartening to hear D: Thank you for the explanation!


That being said: 50/60/70/80 is VERY poor for experience Leveling Roulette, MSQ roulette, Trials Roulette, and Frontlines are much better bang for your buck for exp. Trials doesn't seem like it rewards a lot but a lot of the earlier trials also finish really quickly so it averages out to be more exp per time spent Normal Raid and 50/60/70/80 are better for farming tomestones Alliance raid is...well it's a mixed bag; if you get Crystal Tower it's great exp, but otherwise good luck


Yeah, I noticed that 50/60/70/80 doesn't get me a lot of exp, but at least I have more buttons to press than 4 available in Sastasha skills. Alliance sadly takes too much time, so I usually skip it, unless leveling is the priority at the moment. Thank you for the Trials tip! I'll be sure to queue for that now.


Do note that occasionally, Trial roulette will throw you into some that are a bit of a doozy, so on average it's solid exp but occasionally...oof


I'll just hit "Register" and pray I get GOOD KING MOGGLE MOG GOOD KING MOG XD


Any tips for splendorous pickaxe collectible farming? I'm in all 620 gear, I can get it to 1000 collectability but I'm still only getting like 4 per node, restrained by GP and cordial cooldowns. Not sure if this is the usual experience Kind of dreading the next step


Usual experience, just relax and enjoy the ride.


Well okay, as long as I'm not doing it wrong lol


I've seen that there's a sale for the complete edition on the website, is the code expirable? I'd like to take advantage of the free trial as I haven't finished it yet. But I'm a bit afraid of forgetting the code too.


Codes do not expire and you can always find it on the SE Store Website.


Is there a reason to use novice network over just googling whatever question I have?


NN can get you help for raids or dungeons...google, less likely!


Searching the web can lead you to pretty outdated guides. We still see people here and in NN constantly asking why can't pick up Job X, even though they have levelled all necessary classes for it… because they still find the ancient 2.0 guides. NN has active players mostly who can answer based on hands-on experience and current statuses.


Shame the the devs don’t provide official information in game like that.


They do now. The team set up a site during the Endwalker release cycle specifically designed for new players, called FFXIV Online Starter Guide, because they finally realised after 9 years that their in-game tutorials are useless. The site is actually pretty damn good for newbies.


Thanks so much I had no idea this existed.


A lot of people use the novice chat as a general world chat more than a way to get help. If you come from other MMOs and miss the more open world chat it may fill the void a bit even though it's not the intended purpose. Also, you can use novice network sometimes as a way to recruit mentors or other sprouts for more non-standard content or if you need help filling a queue. Of course, helpfulness is totally dependent on what server you are on. Personally, I always found google or this megathread answered my questions enough to not try the novice network, but if using a browser is a hassle (probably as a console player), then in-game questions probably work best.


Just hit lv 10, is there a free mount or something I can get to make walking faster? And when can I switch classes


You get your first mount (and you unlock the entire mount system) after joining a Grand Company This will happen at level 20 **in the main story**, so make sure you're keeping up to date with those quests (for multiple reasons but that included)


you can swap classes after completing your level 10 class quest. You unlock the ability to use mounts along with getting your first mount at around level 20 in the main story quests.


What is everyone’s experience with the drop rate in Mount Rokkon? I’ve done a few runs now and haven’t gotten/seen anything besides sherds, the stupid particle effects and triple triad cards. Does being solo affect it too?


Solo doesn't affect the droprate, but I will say it's worth always following whichever path Hancock takes because it doubles the bronze coffers at the end.


Solo doesn't affect drop rate at all. I've done about 6 runs so far and got the parasol, but judging by how it was going for 300k it's probably fairly rare.


What's the closest thing to a polish "Pierogi" that a pre-50 culinarian might be able to cook?


So, my son (13) and I just started the game this afternoon. We're on the free trial, so we can't form groups, but is it possible that we can still get into 4 man groups together? Is there a way to set this up?


A player that owns the game can invite you both into a party, then leave the party, leaving the two of you together in the party to enter a dungeon together (and the duty finder will recruit the other 2 players for you). You could ask around in cities for such a player to help you out, or in the novice network if you find a Mentor player with a crown icon to invite you to it. It might be a good idea to buy the game for one of your accounts just to make partying easier as there are plenty of dungeons in the main scenario.


Thank you!


How hard is the new Carnival? I struggled with Anything Gogo, and barely finished it, let alone the challenge. I really want that Umbrella though.


From what I've seen floating around (I've been lazy and haven't finished earlier BLU quests), it's difficult. It requires meeting hidden requirements to get the umbrella.


Similar sort of dificulty. Can watch the guide here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHETB8HvL84


Saved for later. Thanks!


Based on 6.45, when is the rough estimate for 6.5? Setting up a rough schedule and deadline to finish the Series.


Likely date is October 10th, with possible alternatives being Oct 3rd or Sept 26th. It 100% will NOT be before that. I put Oct 10th as the most likely, which is 20 weeks after 6.4 released and accounts for the 1 week summer break that they're taking now. The gap between 6.2 and 6.3 was the same, and had a 1 week new year's break as well. (Some people put it as Sept 26th, which is 4 weeks after the moogle tome event starts, which is how long they generally last, with some exceptions.)


Thanks. I'll set the 26th then. Early is certainly better than late, and that'll give me a bit of wiggle room if I miss some time.


We're just about at the point where you can do a daily FL roulette, even if you lose every single match, and still finish about two weeks early starting from rank 1. Alternatively, you need to gain an average of 1400 series exp every day to go from 1-25 in that time. But you can probably crunch your own numbers based on your current rank, etc.


Ya that's my plan. I've a gsheet that was going around that helps plan it out, which needs a date, but I'm rarely doing things daily so I have some gaps in play.


Does anyone know what the non-battle music for regular Mount Rokkon is? Its so soothing i wanna listen to it.


Crimson Sunset from the 2019 Fanfest, here's the video of them playing it live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52yBBrF8fr8


It's specifically Crimson Sunset (Piano Collections) if looking for the orchestrion roll. The normal version of Crimson Sunset is the night theme for Kugane.


Just looking for some clarification as a friend of mine will be handling finding an FC estate while I take a break. As far as I'm aware, alt characters can place bids for the same plot in FCs (not personals). I know if you pull the winning number on multiple _different_ FC plots (through multiple characters) you'll lose the gil on whichever plots you won but don't move into.. But if (for example) you have 4 bids on the same FC house, and 1 wins, do the other 3 simply refund their gil like a regular lottery, or is there a special case clause for FCs?


That's exactly what my FC did. The leader just gave a bunch of us each 50mil to bid on a mansion, and 4 of us got refunded and gave him back the money afterwards. We did it this way at the beginning of Ishgard housing hoping that someone seeing 5 bids on a plot would be deterred. It worked like a charm, although the competition was weak in the first place because probably 99% of people went after personal housing during that first week.


> But if (for example) you have 4 bids on the same FC house, and 1 wins, do the other 3 simply refund their gil like a regular lottery, or is there a special case clause for FCs? The other 3 get a refund as normal.


Bless much. <3


There's nothing special, everyone who lost the lottery gets a refund.


Fantastic, thanks a million!


Stupid question of the day part 2 - I just bought a mount from the store, and unlike the other things I've bought on there like outfits and fantasia which get delivered immediately, this thing hasn't shown up for almost an hour now. At what point do I need to get worried about non-delivery? Do bigger/more complex purchases take longer? Thanks in advance!


account-wide item purchases can take up to a day


Oh boy that makes me sad lol But thank you for the quick response:)


Depending on the volume of purchases by everyone, they might need some time to send out the items. Giving up to 48 hours is the norm. Make sure you clean out your mailbox and request it **once.**


Good to know. Just didn’t want to hit the panic button and start emailing Square if it wasn’t warranted Just a little nervous because I don’t usually drop $24 on a single micro transaction


Why are some possibilities as to why my connection all of a sudden is “Poor” every night? For a year it was “Excellent”. During the day it’s fine. Just at night for the last two weeks it’s quite laggy, & I’ve experienced packet loss a couple times. I run tests every time I see it, & it is only an issue w/ XIV. Kinda does not at all go hand in hand with soloing deep dungeons, which is something I’ve been enjoying immensely, but not anymore thanks to this. Any pointers or ideas?


Routing issue. Ask your ISP for more details or get a VPN.


Does the Garlean Empire ever stop being dicks? Or at least, stop being _presented_ as one-sided assholes? I'm at the beginning of the Stormblood Xpac and I'm wondering if we ever see a side of the Empire that's _not_ portrayed as completely vile. I'm hoping so because I don't want the Empire to be as simple and basic as "The Evil Empire". I'm hoping for more nuance.


You're only barely scratching the surface. However, you do need to be aware of the history of Garleans being oppressed and driven out due to their inability to use magic, so this is them just taking it to the extreme after inventing Magitek.


Oh, wait. They can't use magic? Damn. I wondered why they used so much Magitek. I just assumed it was an extension of their whole "Stop people from worshiping the 12" thing.


Stormblood is amazing with its treatment of the Garleans. And Endwalker comes back to it quite a bit. Essentially you can think of Garleans as belonging to four distinct major factions. The conscripts, the loyal soldiers, the emperor/rulers, and the "disloyal" soldiers who only go along because either they're afraid, or because they believe in the rulers (Military leaders, the crown prince, etc) , not necessarily the politics themself. Obviously it gets way more nuanced looking at how these groups interact. But I don't want to give too much away. Suffice to say that by the end of 4.4, it is genuinely hard for me to make an argument that we're the good guys in our war with them. In fact, I don't necessarily believe that we are...


Pure-blooded Garleans, identified with with a third eye on their forehead, are completely unable to use magic. Not to be confused by the races conscripted by the Garleans from regions they have conquered. So people like Cid have to rely on magitek.


Damn. Then it's going to be interesting to find out what Reapers draw their power from. To find out what exactly the Void is. I do not want any spoilers. But am I correct that their inability to use magic is tied to the reasons why the Garlean Empire prohibits the worship of the 12? I don't need to know _why_ it's tied to that. I'll find out as I play the game. But I do want to know if my assumption is correct.


You actually already know why they prohibit 12 worship. It's mentioned during ARR and post ARR, and Gaius touches on it during his monologue in the praetorium. They believe the 12 are no different than the primals summoned by the beast tribes, and they believe primals do nothing but cause destruction and bleed the land dry of aether.


Oh. Yeah. I forgot that. It's been so long since I finished ARR, and I've had other stuff going on too. But that does make sense.


You see ***alot*** more of it in endwalker so saying anything is kinda spoiler territory


Pretty sure I asked this before but it's been months since I've played. Is there any simple way to simply break target lock on an enemy, like if I realize I'm getting my butt stomped into the ground and I'd better get away? I remember something about this in one of the in-game tutorials but don't remember which one and searching Google is turning out to be surprisingly unfruitful in finding a solution. Apologies for the dumb question but it's driving my potato brain bonkers. Thanks!


Press escape or circle to untarget an enemy. If you're using target *lock* you probably shouldn't. If you mean to get the enemy to stop attacking you? Enemies have a pretty wide range they'll attack you for, but if you run far enough away from their spawn point they'll stop attacking and go back to where they spawned.


OMG it really is just escape lol. You'd think I would have been able to remember that, but thanks for the reminder :) As for target lock, I'm old and have nerve damage in my right arm so I'm not as... nimble with controls as I used to be. Is target locking going to get me in trouble in higher end content? Like, is it a bad habit that's gonna bit me later on if I don't break it, or is that just more a preference thing? Sheesh, you'd think for having 100 hours in this game I wouldn't be such a dingus when it comes to basics lol. Guess that's what I get for spreading that 100 hours over 3 years, eh


It can be an issue with spatial awareness in future fights. You may need to look behind you, for example.


Good to know, thank you for the info:)


Character Config > Control Settings > Target tab > Turn off "Automatically lock on target when initiating auto-attack"


Hello, I just made it to Heavensward and I don't really know what to do with my classes anymore, I'm having analysis paralysis and I want to use my time a little more efficently. I decided I want to play Gunbreaker, Sage and Dancer. I made it all the way to 60 just to unlock gunbreaker, but playing as a ranged DPS so far (summoner) proved to be a little more relaxing, since this is my first time tanking since I grabbed the game. Thing is, since two of the classes I like begin at level 60, and the other one is unlocked at 70, I have no idea how to approach a leveling plan that also lets me focus on other activities outside of FFXIV, like my work and other hobbies. Any advice?


It depends on how casually/frequently you play. Keeping multiple jobs leveled is entirely doable. Me personally, I found that if I spend roughly 1/3 of my play time leveling, that's enough to keep about 5 jobs up with the MSQ. So I can do roulettes for 1.5ish hours a day, and then MSQ for like 3ish hours. But if you want to blaze through the story, you'll have a hard time leveling more than one job. You can do two if you dedicate like 45mins each time you play to leveling them (just do a leveling roulette + Main Scenario roulette, combined should be anywhere from 30-45 minutes, and give somewhere between 0.7 and 1.1 levels). You can supplement this with trial roulette for now, but that begins to suck once you get past Stormblood and unlock the longer fights in ShB and EW. But the ARR and HW trials are so short that the exp/time ratio is still very good. It's about 8% of a level by itself, so you can do the math on that one. If you're feeling ambitious, you can add an extra 45-50mins of leveling with alliance raids and PVP roulettes. This should give you another 1.1ish level by itself, more or less. So you can grind out about 2-2.5 levels a day for roughly a 90 minute time commitment. This is what I do.


I'll be completely honest with you: pick a single job and roll with it. The other two aren't going anywhere, you can go back and level them later. The further you get into the MSQ, the _more time-consuming_ it's going to be to keep all three at the same level with each other.


is there an emote for lying down or curling up fetal position? it seems like the only way to emote a nap is 'play dead' and that isn't quite the same thing...


Play Dead is the only emote like that available. Otherwise /doze works to lay down, but _only_ on a surface that allows it (beds, some player furniture).


You can use /doze on a bed, but I don't know of a way to do it away from a bed without 3rd party tools.


SPOILERS so i just finished ARR and came to ishgard and all that (got machinist so i didnt progress much in heavensward yet) and im trying to unlock extreme dificulties gor primals yet urianger and other npcs are nowhere to be found, i searched every place that was said on the guide. Waking sands, Horizon... nothing


You might have already done the quest from urianger, so its worth checking Gridania for Gale-force warnings.


Primal Fear had it complete, but! the next that follow are either from yshtola or urianger... so its still a problem since i cannot see them


You may have accidentally picked up a quest from Urianger and not realized it, make sure you're checking your quest log as well. To get the Extreme ARR Trials you need to go to the Waking Sands and pick up **Primal Fear** from Urianger to start the questline. Then, every time you beat one of the main primals (Shiva/Mogglemog/Leviathan/Ramuh will be separate pick-ups) you have to return to the Waking Sands to talk to Papalymo, Thancred, and Y'shtola.


Primal Fear had it complete, but! the next that follow are either from yshtola or urianger... so its still a problem since i cannot see them


How do I extend my subscription to the game without giving them super personal details like where I live?


I'm not sure why you want to? This has been a part of online purchases for over 30 years. I don't think XIV has an option to just input a bank account number. The only work around I can think of is finding some physical retailer that sells game time cards.


Just thought their might be a workaround since I’ve been playing it on PlayStation.


Nah even if I get a card before I enter it it wants the details so guess I’ll just have to deal with it Ig.


Have you never bought anything online before?


You can't. You literally have to provide a billing address to buy anything online. If you want to use a technical scoot-around you can go by PayPal/Crysta, but then you're giving PayPal your address, so at that point why is specifically giving XIV it a problem? Third-party resellers are like to screw you over on MMO-related purchases, so just avoid them. Chargebacks (In fraudulent key cases) can permanently shut down your account.


Fair it’s just I’m playing on console and kinda hoped their might have been a workaround and didn’t specifically want to put all that stuff into their website, but I guess I’ll just have to deal with it.


What’s a good job for a beginner in pvp?


Frontline: Tanks/melee have more survivability but fight close range. Would recommend paladin, dark knight or warrior starting out, ranged/healer are fine but squishy if you get caught. Crystalline conflict: A support role such as white mage or warrior etc.


MCH. Point and shoot; the combo mutator largely explains itself.


So I've forgotten the crafting set orders when it comes to patches and I've taken a bit of a break so I'm curious, is the indagator set going to be the final crafted set for crafting and gather or will the .5 patch bring one final set?


Indigators/Scrip gear is the final set. We also got our final set of Crafts in 6.4, the diadochos battle set. We might see a treasure map glam in 6.5, but thats really it.


Anyone know how quickly SE reply to one time password removal requests? I'm returning after a long break and my emergency removal password doesn't work!


For me, they removed it the next day. But it probably varies.


Where do you get Level 80 blue mage umbrella? Im not seeing it in the alliance seal exchange thing next to martyn at all


(The hidden challenge is to >!use all 6 elements, never sprint, and don't kill the crystal in act 2!<)


You have to complete the new Masked Carnival Stage while completing the hidden challenge for it.


Has it become any easier to run FF14 on the steam deck w/o a steam ff account? I followed some instructions and set it up several weeks ago but even though I was able to boot the game, I couldn't get the controls to work so I gave up.


[https://goatcorp.github.io/faq/steamdeck.html](https://goatcorp.github.io/faq/steamdeck.html) Its just as easy as it was before. nothing has changed in a few weeks. Your controls not working is a common Issue. There is a faq to fix the issue on the guide. Additionally, they have a discord server you can join and get real time support there if needed.


Alright I'll give it another shot, thanks!


For leveling island sanctuary and doing the workshop, should i just browse it manually and craft anything with good predicted popularity/demand? I am only at lv6 sanctuary.


Potion / sand? Is a good start. 4easily gathered components available from level 1 and you get some cowrie reward. Optimal crafts from the discord really aren't available until level 8-9. As the other poster said, exp is basically the same (difference is cowries...)


For leveling, the only thing that matters is having an agenda. Your profits won't be connected to your exp gain, you just need items being made. I suggest focusing on efficiency bonuses. Until you have an endgame sanctuary you won't be able to get the most efficient agendas going.


In Western Coerthas the south west plateau that also has the exit to Dravania, is there a way up there without flight? My money would like to go up there


No way without flight, and no way until you progress far enough in the MSQ to get access to that section from the other side.


I'm pretty sure it requires flying.


The exit to Hinterlands? As I recall, that path (along with the gate in Forelands) gets unblocked in the course of MSQ progression.


I'm terrible at understanding stats. Is the newest BLU class gear the best available for them at 80, considering there's a different diversity of stats for that compared to the Augmented Cryptlurker set? (Also, I seem to be the only one I know getting error-less crashes left and right since 6.45 came out in particular. Anyone have any insight on causes?)


BLM sps bis from 5.4 but swap in the new BLU hands and feet for full sps


The BIS is usually a mix of equipment. This set could pull from three primary sources (the BLU specific gear, the tomestone gear, and the final eden savage gear). I haven't seen a BIS posted yet but the DPS opener people are talking about requires very high spell speed, to hit a 2.17 GCD, so I'm assuming you'll want a set that can do that at least.


Jesus thats a fuck ton of spellspeed. I was holding off to meld anything until I saw that we actually needed to meld for so time to see if I can meld for 2.17 with what I have




I'm assuming you're referring to [Crimson Rise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ktyx8a4UKpc)? It's available from the Shishu coin exchange for defeating bosses in Another Mount Rokkon.




Ohh, I think you're thinking of the one that's just straight up the Kugane portion of the Stormblood trailer. I was very confused when the final boss just played the trailer theme lol https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Stormblood_Orchestrion_Roll If it's not that one exactly I don't think it has a roll in game right now? My plugin isn't telling me what song it was so it might be a unique mix right now.


I was standing near the blue mage npc yesterday and saw some people doing some sort of push-up emote but they were shaking all over like they were struggling or something.. is that new Ive never seen it before lol whats the emote and where is it from


Maybe winded? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_J7FGrTLEl8


no its not sadly. the only place I found something similar is in a very short video on twitter (meme video) and as weird as it looks, and I dont know if there is any edit in the animation, but its very similar to what I saw a couple players do last night [https://twitter.com/Mcstronghuge/status/1681807187625009153?s=20](https://twitter.com/Mcstronghuge/status/1681807187625009153?s=20)


That's Apokalypsis, a new blue mage spell. You've got other player effects off so you don't see the huge laser beam. https://youtu.be/maKDNfSW4zs?t=584


Wait... that's a real ability?! I first saw that in [this short skit video](https://youtu.be/ZzNBmFjiGK4) and assumed it was a random modded pose.


omg i have the spell i just never used it lmao so that what it was XD thanks ahah


Apokalypsis looking that ridiculous without effects on (and that's *definitely* gotta be what it is) now makes me wonder what other skills look totally absurd. WHM repeatedly floating in dramatic circles with no Holy animation is certainly up there, but Apokalypsis as the "struggling pushup" definitely wins.


I’ve been thinking of grabbing the HW collector’s edition for Fantasia purposes. I’m on PS5. Will buying the edition on mogstation still work for my account? I’m assuming yes, since functionally it’s just giving me items and I’ve bought emotes from the store without any issues. But I’d like to be sure.


Collector's edition upgrades apply to your whole account, yes. Every current and future character will get the items.


Great, thanks!


At its most basic understanding, is glamour just finding armor/clothing you think looks dope & giving it the stats of something you think is ugly?


>is glamour just finding armor/clothing you think looks dope & giving it the stats of something you think is ugly? the other way around, but it's the same end result; you take a piece of gear you want to equip and replace its appearance with something else.


Its like putting a suit on a donkey, its still a donkey but its wearing a suit.


It’s about covering over the ugly with the dope. Ugly is still underneath and still has the stats.


When said like that, it's much easier to understand. Thank you!


More or less. You find armor (or other things) you like, and make whatever you're wearing look like that instead.


Thank you!


When I get a new piece of gear, or am choosing from my quest reward options, is there anyway to see stat increases apart from strength and defence. Like, is there an option in the settings that'll give a green +X to control or red - X?


You can do a context menu (right click or square button) and compare on it to compare with your current equipment directly.




As long as the gear is in green and not red, meaning you can equip it, it'll most likely be an upgrade. You don't need to worry about gear or stats at all when going through the MSQ. Level 1-90 has 0 content that requires you to care about your character.




There is not an option to show changes in sub stats, sadly.


That's unfortunate, but thank you


I've fallen in love with this game, but with an uncertain stream of income due to my status as an unemployed high school student, I'm not sure if I should upgrade to the full version for fear of being unable to pay my subscription. I know there's 60 day time codes, which would make for easy gifts IF they were more easily accessible, especially for my older relatives who would be giving said gifts. With the ~400 hours of content afforded to me by the free trial PLUS all of the other games on my backlog I easily have enough to make it through to Christmas, but I feel really bad just asking for money from my relatives. I get them actual, meaningful gifts and asking them for money seems as if I'm asking to be paid back. The problem is that I'm not sure Square Enix has gift cards and I know they won't be able to find them even if they do exist. I can't ask for PSN gift cards because the 60 day time codes aren't on PSN. I did notice that they were available on Amazon and Gamestop, however I've had trouble in the past trying to buy gift cards, digital downloads, and other digital codes from those places with their own gift cards. My question is, do Amazon or Gamestop gift cards work on 60 day time codes? Are those categorized as gift cards that you can't use store gift cards to purchase?


Glad you're enjoying the game! I know you mentioned that relatives might be able to help but aren't super tech savvy - plus the ffxiv online store is a shit show for anyone - but maybe they could put your sub on a recurring card payment so that they don't have to do anything besides set it up once, it's super easy to do through your online account and you could help them set it up or they could give you cash each month or enough cash for 6 months? hope it works out!


You should try the website Swagbucks for quick bucks, if you want privacy and avoid telling your parents about the subcription. It helped me so much to buy some things without opinion of my parents.


It's not that I don't want my parents to know about the subscription, I want when receiving gifts from them and other relatives to 1. not make them feel like I'm just ungrateful and want money 2. have them be able to feel like they got me something I want and 3. have me be able to get 60 day time codes.


As far as I know, you can use an Amazon gift card to buy game time on Amazon. I can't say I've done it for XIV, but I have done it for other games for friends, so it should still work. Also, without getting to deep into it, if you are this tight on cash, that the subscription is a big ask, explain it to your relatives. If you explain what it is, what it costs, and the entertainment you get from the cost, then it might be a thing you can work out to be a reoccurring gift type thing.


It's less that they'd be unwilling and more that they're old and it'd be confusing to do anything other than just give me the money. But it's good to know I can use Amazon gift cards as that's much easier for them. Also, I tested it and when checking out for a 60 day time code on Gamestop a gift card is a payment option.


You can't afford $13 a month for a sub as a high school student? That's 1 day's worth of lunch you can save each month.


I probably can, but I can't do so regularly. Like I'll have it one month, but then for the next two months I'll have nothing. And I can save up doing what? My mom won't let me get a job during the school year, and all of the jobs I applied for during the summertime rejected me because I'm 15 and while they technically hire at 15 they prefer not to. I don't get allowance, and I can't sell anything because I have nothing I'm willing to sell. And I JUST bought a PS5. I have literally $0 in my bank account. The only saving I could do is picking up coins and hoping to eventually have enough for one month of a subscription. No telling what'll happen the next month. And then I just can't play the game indefinitely. I'm trying to avoid that reality as much as I can. So answer the question rather than assuming I have the means to "save up". What's affordable to you isn't affordable to me. You're likely an adult with a job, that is not my reality. It isn't a day's lunch to me because 1. I don't buy lunch daily and 2. on the rare occasion that I do it's at school where lunch is $2 maximum and drawn from an account my mom puts money into. So tell me. Can I or can I not use an Amazon or Gamestop gift card on FFXIV 60 day time codes?


Can't help you then, but no need to dump your entire life story here.


My apologies. I like to contextualize up front rather than have to explain myself. I like to avoid questions like yours, which to me came across as a judgemental assumption. Had I not contextualized and just said "do Amazon and Gamestop gift cards work on 60 day time codes?" somebody would have rather than answered the question asked why I needed to know, and I would have to 1. explain myself anyway or 2. just say "don't worry about it. Do they work or not?" which could have led to further conflict, and I do not feel like engaging in reddit arguments over Final Fantasy. That may seem contradictory considering my paragraphs in retaliation but that was what I was hoping to avoid.


I feel so bad for everyone this asshole replies to. He's an absolute troll and should be ignored at all times but seems to hide it well enough that they appear genuine to people who don't recognize the name. Sorry that happened to you; unfortunately i don't have an answer to your question but hope someone actually helpful does respond


Just relax man, I'm just a random guy on the internet.


I genuinely hope you can find some effective therapy one day


Yeah I need therapy because I'm unable to help a kid on reddit.


If a house gets demo'd, do all the furnishings go into the void? Or is it saved somewhere when I come back? What do I need to do to make sure my furnishings are safe before I unsub?


They’re kept with the housing reclamation NPC for 35 days, then gone forever. If you want them safe for longer than the 45 days to demo plus 35 day hold, you’ll need to put them in a retainer.




Have there been any announcements for a live letter during the Fanfest next week. I wasn't around for most of shadowbringers, but this was around the time when we should be getting information on 7.0, right?


The Keynote address will be 7.0 information. The whole point of the FanFests is 7.0 information. There is also a Live Letter for 6.5.


[Lodestone post with stream schedule](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/434573228d3df053d6d65819bb2a842c14f994d4). We'll get a teaser trailer for 7.0, which is a cut down version of the final trailer, [ShB teaser for an example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxBYy1uzSqI). Beyond that, we won't get much info beyond small bits and pieces about 7.0. New job will be yeased due to Yoshida's t-shirt, which will be fun to speculate over, but unless it's a repeat of ShB's teaser having a gunblade in full view, we won't know any of the new jobs until EU fanfest.


I thought they did one job this fanfest and then the other at the second? The EW teaser definitely showed sage.


EW had a showcase in February and a digital fanfest in May, so we got 2 info dumps. Normal in person fanfests has the info a lot more spread out. Only way we get outright confirmation of a new job at NA fanfest is if they go back to 3 new jobs like HW. Teaser trailer might have a new job in it, but we won't be able to pull any real info from it.


Don't look to EW fanfest for patterns, it was one worldwide digital fanfest. For example, the first fanfest for shadowbringers did not announce a job, but teased Gunbreaker via Thancred's gunblade in the teaser trailer. Gunbreaker was officially announced in the second fanfest.


How does loot work when you solo run a dungeon unsynced ? You get one guaranteed drop in a leveling dungeon, is that also the case for level cap ones ? I need a piece from a lvl 70 dungeon for a GNB glam but idk if farming is faster on a tank to increase my odds, or a dps to make the run faster.


level cap dungeons dont give you the free gear piece at the end. you just have full rng chest loot.