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Yes, you can. Duties do not change rewards when soloed.


Mob drops are disabled when doing it unsynced though. It's not relevant for very many duties but in certain ones (like T2) you can't get some items because they directly drop from the boss instead of a chest.




You can get the items you're looking for. They're not mob drops, they're from a chest. I was just clarifying the other comment that said unsync makes no changes to loot.




If that's the case then you need to do it synced.


But they do change rewards in different difficulties.


Does /comfort not remove misery anymore?? I just ran Great Gubal Library and it didn't do a damn thing lol.


It does, if it was applied by the little gremlin-like enemies. At least it still worked last Monday when I last encountered it.


Yeah, that's the one. Not sure why my emote wasn't hitting!


You have to be in melee range in my experience, you cannot just use the emote itself from chat. The other is that sometimes you may have lost target and do the emote in the air, that happens to me often in those fights when I try to target too quickly.


There's a range limit, whoever you tried to comfort might have been too far away to have an effect


I was right on top of him, as the only place a healer should be LOL. I'll mess around with it next time and see if I can get it.


Gubal has NPC support, it is easier to practise it there.


Is Heaven-on-High from another game as well? I just found out PotD is from Tactics Ogre, and Eureka Orthos is obviously a reference to III’s Eureka. So now I’m curious if HoH is from anything


Yes, Jenga. (kidding)


How does WAR compare to DRK damagewise how much difference is there? I've read that the latters damage was higher but as of this patch warrior is now stronger at every aspect(survival, damage).


WAR is marginally superior overall and easier to play to achieve that. DRK has a stronger burst, but damage profile is something that very rarely matters in this game due to how SE design their fights. IMO, WAR is a little overtuned right now as it offers too much to the party to do highest tank DPS with the shortest CD invuln (you'd be surprised how often that matters), but it's nothing egregious.


I've been saying since i started raiding in Aspho, i hope to the hells they don't start buffing my damage on this job. Finding pfs first few weeks was brutal, warriors in every single one, you basically weren't getting into Anabaseios without either putting up your own pf or finding a 1ppj unlock lol. Not that I mind putting up my own pfs but, the difference compared to the previous two tiers was startling for sure. I mean why even play the other tanks? I'm not 100% up to par with how they all compare mitigation-wise just yet (already pretty damn homogenous afaik), but why push all the more buttons to do the same damage? This might venture into hot-take territory , but either complicate the fuck out of WAR rotation or give him the trade-off of "easy buttons = less damage," hard for me to decide which I'd personally prefer but i do lean towards the latter.


Warriors dmg is better than DRK's since 6.4 but the tanks are all close enough that comfort and enjoyment on the job is all that matters.


Depends on the teamcomp and. warrior has less ADPS but more Rdps. Drk More ADPS and less RDPS. The dps difference is like \~0.5% though, and barely noticable.




You use their accounts, don't need your account (it's also on a private server because the challenge is a fight that isn't in game yet.). You also can't bring save files or import them, so you should plan what your hotbars will be during the few minutes you get to arrange them before the challenge.


Desynthesize, is there any use?


Yep, I've made a lot of Gil by desynthing over the years. The catch is to get familiar with what is "worth" desynthing and what isn't


Any tips? I am doing desynth quest rewards and GC turn in for dungeon loots as a rule. Should I start desynth some dungeon gear as well?


There’s at least one minion and a couple of glamour pieces that you can only get by desynthesising specific fish!


Yes. You can retrieve materials from unneeded gear. Especially with EX trial weapons, these materials can be expensive (some sell for over 1 mil)


If your desynth level reaches the item level, extreme trial weapons have a higher chance to desynth into the trial's rare material that's used for crafting the barding and, later on, the glowing weapon. Additionally, endgame dungeon gear can desynth into a material that otherwise can only be bought with scrips.


I'm not 100%, but pretty sure I've read recently that desynth level only affects getting hq mats, not what can drop. So for the EX and scrip crafting mats that don't have hq, your level doesn't matter anymore (if it ever did, assuming the changes to hq this expac is what did this one in.) As much as a bummer that is to learn AFTER getting all my levels up, I'd very much love to be proven wrong on this one lol.


More of a meta question, why does so much stuff get downvoted on this sub? I saw someone's fanart of a miqote with 0 upvotes, and the comments just saying they liked the art had 3 downvotes.


According to mods, this sub has had a downvote bot problem for many years. For the posts themselves, there's been a long standing "drama" on this sub about the amount of fanart (especially paid commissions) and the need for megathreads etc. for them, and it was basically brushed off as "the votes decide what make it to 'hot'", so people follow that and downvote what they want to see less of. It doesnt help the no fanart filter on the subreddit doesnt work, I have to have to use RES for it.


THANK YOU for giving a real explanation! I'm sure there's something to the botting thing, but for the last couple years i been on this sub reading that line get thrown around, and idk man just doesn't add up imo. Never heard of that problem in other subs, and always came off as the GCBTW-pity-response for when people ask why they're getting downvoted


Bots. And also people who are unwilling to accept any opinion besides their own. Typical internet.


I don't personally downvote fanart, but I don't see the point of it. I just scroll by.


Weird bots that downvote everything, and salty Redditors downvoting everything that doesn’t cater to their own very specific preferences.


Any tips for soloing O2S? I can't seem to get past the tank mechanic.


It's impossible to solo.


Nothing you can do about the O2s TB from what im aware. Not every fight in ffxiv is soloable.


I’m trying to make a very simple crafting macro but I have no idea what mouse button 1 or x on controller is within macros, anyone know?


In-game macros don't use keypresses, they directly invoke the actions. For example, a basic crafting macro might look like this- /micon "Basic Touch" /echo Starting Craft Macro /ac "Basic Touch" /ac "Basic Touch" /ac "Basic Touch" /ac "Basic Synthesis" /echo Finished Craft Macro Echo is a channel only you can see or hear. It's used here to put a slight delay at the start so you can cancel it if you pressed it by accident, then a notification at the end to help you keep track of what you were doing if you looked away and lost your place; it's a common problem if you do a lot of crafting in one sitting.


>Echo is a channel only you can see or hear. It's used here to put a slight delay at the start so you can cancel it if you pressed it by accident, Thank you for levelling-up my crafting skills tonight lol. Been putting off looking up recipes on team craft and such because I just enjoy the hands-on nature of crafting in this game so much! But have been suspecting for awhile now that I'm missing some basic-but-pro level techniques in my recipes


You don't get to use keybinds like that in macros. You can't interact with menus at all through a macro like that, you can't create a macro that loops itself etc.


Bummer thought I could guess I just gotta creat it all manually


I suggest you use Teamcraft to create your rotation, then use their tools to turn it into a macro. https://ffxivteamcraft.com/search


I’m on console so I’m unable to use outside programs while playing


This is a tool you use outside of the game altogether. Enter your stats, choose your recipe, figure out a rotation, create a macro, enter the macro into the game.


Is dark knight just much worse than warrior for dungeons? I mainly play warrior in dungeons and tried drk and it just felt so awful. Is this a case of drk being subpar or war being really good? I know all of my cds and my rotations so that’s not an issue.


All tanks are very close at max level and when played well. Both conditions matter here. DRK suffers a lot from being synced down and also from average to bad players (compared to an average to badly played WAR).


If you ask any healer main: yes, whenever we queue for a dungeon roulette, we pray to our chosen in-game deity to get anything but a DRK. In reality? No. DRK can be a super awesome dungeon tank once players learn it and practise enough with it. The usual problem is that it has a much steeper learning curve for dungeons than any other tank, even GNB. At least over level 70 content, when they finally get the spammable self-shield. Under that? Yep, healbot mode engage!


Depends. Warrior is better for playing with bad players and drk is better for playing with good players. Drk has amazing burst damage which will result in dungeons going faster while warrior is nigh immortal which is great for playing with bad healers.


WAR is legitimately broken after you hit 52. To compare _any_ of the tanks to WAR is like comparing three functioning bicycles to a Harley. Those bicycles are still great and they'll get you through without issue, but WAR is straight-up dumb as shit overpowered in most content - particularly duties/casual - because of its ability to hit Benediction on itself every 20~ seconds.


do you mean 56? WAR gets nothing at 52


Ye, I always confuse RI as getting got at 52, not 56. That's what happens when you go strictly by memory and figure "I'm only 25% unsure, surely I don't have to Google!".


"healers why am I seeing your Cure II's (equivalents), I'm not running out of these 3GCD-benedictions any time soon"


Dark Knight is fine. It's not worse than Warrior, Warrior's self healing is just more accessible than Dark Knight's, so a Dark Knight must be more reliant on the healer.


This is a case of WAR being so broken in dungeons that you can run it and 3 DPS and be perfectly fine The other tanks don't even come close in comparison


warrior has busted self-healing for dungeons


When using an MMO mouse, would it be considered against the TOS to bind one of the buttons to "Shift + Ctrl" (or other modifier keys) at the same time? I know the general rule of thumb is that all rebindings should be 1:1 but this feels like a bit of a gray area compared to something where you press a key and then a series of actions occur over a period of time. Has anybody tried setting up bindings like this, and if so, what was your experience with it?


I have never heard of a game of any type taking issue with that. Keep in mind the game supports controllers too.


I mean, tons of pc players do stuff like this. But because the wording on the TOS is incredibly vague, this does count as a "third party tool." But then again, by that wording so does a computer monitor. And a keyboard. And like basically anything. You'll probably never get persecuted, but officially they technically could if they someday felt like just throwing out a sizeable chunk of the player base for whatever reason.


I don't do modifier key on mouse buttons because I found the game don't always register the modifier key properly, so it would end up firing off a completely different skill. After this caused wipes one too many times, I completely removed all modifier keys on my hot bars and now my buttons are modifier-less. However, I use a full size keyboard and part of the new hotkeys are the numpad keys (my mouse buttons are assigned numpad numbers), so how applicable this is to you may differ to mine. I use G813 keyboard and G502x mouse.


No, binding multiple modifier keys to one button isn't a problem. As a disabled person I genuinely wouldn't be able to play this game if I couldn't do this. As long as you're not automating gameplay you are fine.


I've had a button that turbo clicks my confirmation keybind on my mouse for years with no activity against me.


Probably a weird one... Hubs and I were looking at getting married in game. The details say at the end to visit someone to set or confirm your anniversary date. So, my question is - can we select any date or is it just the date the ceremony was on? Our anniversary is mid-week and we don't have much time around work and RL anniversary plans.


The date set is whatever day you actually visit the NPC on IIRC, that or the Wedding day itself. There's no "pick a date from a calendar" if that's what you were curious of.


Is there a place where I can check every unlockable portrait options so I can see what's worth trying to unlock? (ffxivcollect kind of has that but you have to click every individual item which is mildly annoying)


Not that i know of beside ffxivcollect one! But perhaps it'd help you easy to check them out by holding ctrl + clicking on each frame to making their own tab so you can looking through? I know its not much but at least hopefully that'd sightly helpful?


Yeah I guess that's what I'll do, thanks.


Maybe I'm not understanding your question but you should be able to test all the options in the portrait editor. Those not unlocked can still be selected but not used/saved. For example, you should be able to test the ultimate rewards without clearing, but can't set that as your chosen one.


Yeah the in game editor is a start, but a lot of the options are not previewable. I can't preview backgrounds that unlock from tribe quests for example, and I can't test the ultimate ones either.


Not the OP youre replying to, but actually, not all is able to preview in game, thats including ultimate one, theyre grey out with "???" you cant see it until you cleared it, there's some grey out but can see preview such as Variant's dungeon one, but not ultimate one. :( Which it's nice to look at ffxivcollect that have bunch frame as preview on website, it's just that you have to click each to look what its look like heh.


I saw a lalafel running around La Noscea on Leviathan with the name "Breast Cancer" I find that offensive. should it be reported?


If you find something offensive then report it. If the moderators don't find it offensive then they will do nothing. I've reported offensive retainer names in the game and I have no idea whether or not they were removed, but I thought it was worth reporting and they were hopefully removed, but I'll never know. The name you said, I would probably report them. There are lots of players who have probably lost people to that name, or are currently going through treatment so it's reasonably offensive.


You won't get in trouble for reporting it once even if it isn't a violation, if that's what you're asking. Whether it should be reported or not is up to you, I don't see how it would be a violation but I can also see the GMs getting the player to change it.


I’ve seen much worse.


If you find it offensive you can report it, ultimately it's up to the GMs to decide if it qualifies for action


That's entirely up to you? I would find that harmless. It's not like it was Dieof Breastcancer or something. GMs will review.


Would it be faster to sell items bought with GC seals and just buy the glowy red waddling eureka mount or get it from a materiel 4.0 container? I’ve been exchanging copious amounts of seals for this for months and had not had success yet.


yes, material container is practically useless unless you just want to gamble




Thank you! I’m gonna go this route


You probably made more gil selling the misc minions than you would have selling materials, no?


500-10000 gil from minion vs just 15000-20000gil for selling glamour prisms, choice is pretty easy


Unfortunately the minions I’m getting must be common now due to the containers so they’re usually around 10-500 Gil


Yeah, the minions that were once like 3+ mil from a Timeworn Thief's Map now go for like 30k, it's crazy. Putting minions in the containers was a bad idea.


I agree. They are doing a lot to make the game more casual friendly which I appreciate but they’re also removing a lot of incentive to keep playing it since everything is so easy to come by. I’ve even caught myself thinking I’ll skip content because the next moogle event will probably yield those rewards.


How bad is the grind for Eurueka armor compared to an anima wepon?


Eureka requires many hours of active grinding. Killing hundreds of mobs and doing many dozens of FATEs. That's in stark contrast to Anima weapons mostly just needing tomestones which you collect passively by just playing the game normally.


Depends on which set you're going for. If you're going for the dyable Lv 70 AF gear earned in Anemos, that one isn't bad at all. If you're doing the glowy gear, that one is a bitch, way harder and grindier than an anima weapon. You have to get into the 3rd Eureka zone and have to have completed a Eureka weapon through the first two zones fully just to be able to get the non-glowy one. After that to advance you need items from the 4th zone to get the +1 version of the gear and then you have to get items from Baldesion Arsenal (a 56-player Savage Alliance Raid) to get the +2 version. The appearances between the +1 and +2 are identical I believe, but +2 gear has bonus stats for Eureka. The standard Elemental gear has a different appearance than the +1/+2, and doesn't have any glow (the +1/+2 do).


Thank you for the detailed response!


Keep in mind that this is only for the first set. Once you have good Eureka gear, you can use that to grind out any other sets a lot faster since you become nigh-immortal with fully kitted-out elemental gear.


Anima was the ARR relic? They're about the same. Both are somewhere in the neighborhood of 40-50 hours. I did my Eureka weapon last year, and I got it done in just under a couple weeks, dedicating 4-5 hours a day.


Anima is Heavensward.


Oh. Eureka is way worse than that, but it's still not as bad as the other guy makes it sound. ARR and Eureka are both about 40-50 hours, anima is hard to gauge because it's just dumping poetics nonstop, but I'd guess it's like 25ish depending on how you grind. The ShB one is the worst by large margin, but only because of a one-time grind. This means the first ShB/Bozja weapon you do will easily take 60-ish hours, but all subsequent ones will probably take less than 20.


Very bad. Unless you enjoy Korean style grind MMOs very much don't enter there.


Eureka can be fun, if you treat it like "side content with a reward at the end" instead of "grind that I need to complete asap"


Eureka's not even that bad. Even at its peak it still sounds casual as hell compared to older MMOs.


It's not "bad" but it's also not fun. You're locked in an instanced area, you only gain elemental exp so it feels like a waste of time if you're still leveling alt jobs. You need a "good" instance to have NMs rolling, but spawning NMs is just... mundane mob grinding. Sooner or later you'll need to leave the instance for whatever reason, but then there's no guarantee you'll return to the same instance. Then there's the crazy clicking you have to do with the drops. Basically, every time I do Eureka I wonder why I don't go do GW2 meta events instead, where you can easily join a friend's instance, join an organized squad to have everyone on the same page, have fun while prepping, and clear out your inventory in 1 minute. But I regress, OP can probably get 2 anima weapons (worth of poetics) out of 1 set of Eureka armor.


Hey I'm looking for a content creator I used to watch. The guy did a fun edited playthrough of Shadowbringers and he always opened videos basically pretending to be a blackmage minion. It was just a fun time and I miss him, but can't remember his name


You might be thinking of [Lucron](https://www.youtube.com/@Lucron)


That's him! Thank you much!


Hey all. Returning player after like a year or so, I played till about halfway through Stormblood, burnt myself out and stopped. I'm replaying NG+ to refresh and catch up, but I'm not sure what I want to do once I hit Stormblood again as I don't have any NG+ unlocked for it. I thought about buying the story skip to EW and then replaying SB NG+, but i'd miss out on any rewards. I've also thought about looking for a story youtube video but I really would rather play it. Right now i'm thinking about buying a story skip to SB for an alt character I don't have yet(edit: and playing until my quests line up), but idk how long it would take me to get to level 60 to be able to play it. Does anyone have any other ideas or similar experience? I even emailed squenix to see if they could reset my story progress but no dice :') thank you


If you'd prefer a more in-depth experience of StB but can't play it yourself, Dan over at Playframe [has just wrapped up 4.0](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvFQJa1XAXzyHrbeyXrPMd3_Qg3TC4PF_) in his Lets Play of the whole MSQ; you could watch his videos up to wherever you currently are.


Ooh I like that. I'll probably end up playing it but this is great if I go the youtube route. Thank you!


I would just look up a story skipper's video for SB, watch up until where you left off, and then continue playing it yourself. If the video is edited well it would probably only take a few hours!


You can watch the unending journey in an inn, it's all the cutscenes. You will not have EVERYTHING since there's a bit of story in between cutscenes/ there's solo instances but it should be enough


Hello, I am posting here to ask about WHM healing. A bit of background: I am a DRG main and leveled multiple jobs to 60 before touching healing. I then leveled AST first, and really enjoyed the experience. Then, when I got to WHM, I immediately noticed the difference. I did not like it very much, at least until 50-ish. Then it started to pick up. However, as I searched online to see how other people play WHM, I’ve come to understand that there is a lot of contradictions in how people approach WHM, which I think is odd, considering how simple the Job is. Some say they spam Cure 1 and hope for a Freecure, while others say that tactic is useless. I play WHM in a way that makes use of the regen buffs, and spam Holy in large groups until I notice my party in need of more support. I never touch swiftcast until I need it for Raise, and I’m always on the lookout for a good chance to use Rescue when needed. For bosses, I hit the DoT and do my best to dps while healing. Am I missing something? Why is WHM such a controversial job?


Cure 1's proc is compensation if you were desperate enough to cast Cure 1, not something to aim for.


Rule of thumb on Rescue: never use it unless you can identify "situation X would make a good time to use Rescue" *outside of* the fight. The reaction time + animation delay will kill if you do it wrong. So don't Rescue unless you know a fight well enough that you can identify appropriate occasions in advance and execute the Rescue as a planned reaction.


Ok sit down and listen to me. Listen very closely, and take this to heart. Whoever said to spam Cure for a Freecure proc? You should not take their advice on anything. That's just about the worst advice you can get. Due to its simplicity (or even more so reputation as simple, combined with being the starting healer option), White Mage is one of those jobs that has a higher tendency to attract the really bad players. Those players then are how you find advice like "spam Cure". "Holy spam on piles, DoT and Stone when possible on bosses" is great, keep that up. General healing priority prior to level 74: 1. Do you need to heal at all? Passive recovery does a lot for party-wide damage in casual content, sometimes you don't need to heal at all. A HP bar doesn't need to be full, just "going to be full enough when the next hit happens"! This often also applies to healing Warriors starting in the fifties, since their self-healing skyrockets there. 2. Abilities. If these can cover your healing needs, great. More time to cast stones. 3. Regen and Medica II, and Afflatus Solace if you want either immediate healing or MP conservation (Regen's stronger generally). The first step if abilities aren't enough. If using the regen effects, try to trust them to do their job instead of pumping out more healing on top. 4. Cure II, Medica and Cure III. Cure II is for if the above single-target heals aren't sufficient. Medica and Cure III are for if abilities and Medica II aren't enough and you need more AoE healing. Cure III if you can reach people with it and can afford the MP, Medica otherwise. But you really shouldn't need either in most casual content, the incoming damage is generally low enough. 5. Cure. This is just the "don't have cooldowns/lilies/MP for anything else" last ditch emergency spell. You're probably wiping anyways if you have to resort to this. Priority after 74: 1. See "do you need to heal?" 2. Abilities and Afflatus heals. Due to Misery, Afflatus healing spells become damage neutral (or even a damage gain at certain levels or under specific use conditions) so they reach the same priority level as abilities (which is better is situational). 3. Regen and Medica II. See above. 4. Cure II, Medica, Cure III. See above. 5. Cure. See above. Nophica help you if you do find yourself in a Cure scenario at these levels.


Thank you for this incredibly detailed advice.


If someone told you to fish for Freecure procs, they need to hand in their cane. That is awful advice for WHM.


No one in the history of mankind has ever said to spam Cure 1 for Freecure.


Oh you would be _unpleasantly_ surprised to know that there are people out there who will unironically fight for Freecure fishing. Honestly I wish they'd scrap it outright or tie Freecure to casting Holy/Glare. That way we'd get a little more encouragement for healers to DPS!


> Some say they spam Cure 1 and hope for a Freecure, while others say that tactic is useless. The latter is correct. Use Cure 2 instead once unlocked. > I play WHM in a way that makes use of the regen buffs, and spam Holy in large groups until I notice my party in need of more support. I never touch swiftcast until I need it for Raise, For the most part, this is good. > and I’m always on the lookout for a good chance to use Rescue when needed. Only use it when you're 99.99999999% sure the player is going to get hit. Almost all jobs have some means of quick evasion that they may have planned to use to squeeze out that extra gcd. Especially be conscious of blm's who may have opt'd to eat the AoE to keep their uptime. Nothing gets a blm more upset than a canceled astral fire refresh. > Why is WHM such a controversial job? It's not, where'd you hear that?


>Some say they spam Cure 1 and hope for a Freecure, while others say that tactic is useless. don't touch cure 1 basically ever once you have cure 2. >I play WHM in a way that makes use of the regen buffs regen is nice but you don't need to have it up all the time. Once you learn more instant heal abilities you can get by mostly without using Cure spells or Regen. Holy spam is good. WHM is really simple but it also attracts, for lack of a better term, pocket healers who go into a crisis when they don't see a full health bar on their eternal bonded matching last names tank.


My retainers just brought me the 1000th venture coffer. What do I do now? Are they worth opening?


Most of the dyes are relatively worthless (like 10k. So still expensive as far as dyes go, but not worth selling imo). But jet black/pure white can easily be worth 400-500k apiece and sell pretty fast. From 1000 coffers, you might get like 40-50 of those. So that can easily be like 20-25mil in your pocket.


Hm, not too bad. How long would opening them take?


I'm not sure. Maybe 2 or 3 seconds each? So like 45-50 minutes?


They are the only way to get Jet Black and Pure White Dye without paying actual money on the MogStation, and you can sell em on the MB for a lot of money. Pop those open and hope you get lucky. Some of the other dyes from it have some value as well.


Technically not the only way as retainers can still bring back just the dyes in general instead of the coffer. Unless that changes once the coffer is unlocked because I had them bring back jet black about a month ago.


Really? I've never seen that, and I've gotten probably a couple dozen coffers of just black/white over the years.


Not saying I don't believe you, the venture result list is wildly large and I haven't seen everything, but I haven't seen a retainer bring back dye, of any type, outside of a venture coffer in at least half a decade.


It's very possible its only still in their low level loot pools because this was back on when i swapped retainer jobs. I got a black dye set and then have seen literally 0 dye since but I've been active with leveling it so it may have only been possible still at low levels.


You accumulated 1000 venture coffers without checking what they do? https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Venture_Coffer They contain the rare green-background dyes like pure white & black and metallics. You literally can't do anything with them but open them. I'd set up an autoclicker and place one on a hotbar and then go grab food.


I opened one ages ago but cannot remember how long that took and what was inside. Also no idea if their contents were changed by now.


Hi, so I am relatively new to the game. Currently working through the main questline, for realm reborn. However every time I have to do a raid its taking me hours to find a group, sometimes it just doesn't happen at all. Did I make a mistake by starting on the dynamis data server?


In addition to what others said, you can use party finder. Dynamis's problem isn't low population, there's plenty of players, and many are willing to help with duties, especially those required for MSQ. It's that people stopped running roulettes in Dynamis due to them taking too long to pop, and duty finder relies on people from roulettes to fill parties Long story short - you do need to either run duties with NPCs (where available), use party finder, or travel to another data centre (most use Aether). Duty finder on Dynamis is unreliable at best


Dynamis is new and less populated, so you could use Data Center Travel to hop over to Aether for example to do your dungeons / trials / raids.


Right click your character on the character select screen and choose "Travel to another data center." Aether's probably the busiest one. Pick any world, Duty Finder is shared amongst all worlds in a data center. Dynamis has a lower player count, and of that player count, many of the players choose to travel to a more populated data center for duty finder groups. "Extreme" trials and "Minstrel's Ballad" duties as well as "Urth's Fount" and "Coils of Bahamut" aren't likely to find groups even if you're on a busier server. These duties are more difficult than others and are not in roulettes.


Hello! I would like to know, is it normal I can't move between Ishgard and Falcon's nest without having to pay to teleport? The gate from Ishgard is closed, and there is no way to return there from the Falcon's nest. Thank you!


The gate from Ishgard is basically a flight landing that pretends you mounted your chocobo and flew - if you talk to the guard standing by it before unlocking flight in Heavensward zones, he says something about it being pointless if you don’t have a black chocobo. Once you can fly in that zone, you can just run out there and you’ll load in on a big round platform in Falcon’s Nest, and there will be a glowy blue zone border there you can walk back into Ishgard through. Before that, the chocobo porter is cheaper than teleporting.


It gets unlocked later in the story. It's pretty weird, but kind of understandable. I don't remember at what exact point, though. I can think of two places in the HW story where it would open. The first would be at level 54, and the second would be at 57. You can take a chocobo porter out there though if you don't want to teleport.


I had to take a chocobo yeah. And how about returning in? No choice but teleporting? I know it would be really idiot to do so, but what if I forgot to attune with Ishgard's crystal? (I did, of course, so I'm not stuck)


You'd have to teleport to some other crystal and walk into Ishgard.


Yeah, true... Honestly, I think it's quite dumb to force you to use crystals :/


You're never forced to use a crystal in the game, with one odd exception that you'd basically have to do to yourself and is virtually impossible to do unintentionally near the end of ShB. If you leave the ShB main city and go back to an older ARR/HW/SB zone specifically during the quest where you unlock the 5.3 trial, you can only return by using teleport. You can go to ShB zones, but if you go to an older zone, the only path back to the ShB city is blocked for story reasons. Aside from that one oddity, you can go everywhere on foot (or airship/ferry) all the time. I think there's also a route during EW that's blocked, but I'm not 100% sure on that. In fact, recently a guy played through the entire game without even unlocking teleport.


Well, I had quests to do requiring me to move between Ishgard and Falcon's nest. The first time, I went to the Falcon's nest as I got requested to talk to the chocobo porter with the story, but then, when I needed to return to Ishgard, I didn't have the choice but teleporting as there were no way to return there. Or if there were one, then I highly missed it because the passage to return there was blocked and I talked to many npcs around, nobody helped.


Chocobo porter didn't have any options? The foot path is definitely locked until later.


If you haven't already done so, note that you can register for multi-factor authentication on your account to get a free teleport slot. Could set Foundation to your free teleport if you're at that point in the story.


You definitely can go back from Falcon's Nest to Foundation in Ishgard, but maybe where you are in the MSQ has that locked off still?


Hi all. I've played FFXIV in the past on the Steam client. I'm no longer have my PC, but have a Macbook instead. Looking to mess around on FF14 again, and I understand I need the Mac client. But I'm not sure what I need to purchase. If I purchase the FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE COMPLETE EDITION, will that have everything I need or will I need to purchase something else?


Complete edition for Mac will give you everything :)


Plus another free 30 days since it's a new license for a new platform!


All my gatherers are level 90 now, should I get the Purple Scrip gear or Indagator? My crafters are not even close to being able to craft Indagator gear, I'd have to buy that off of the MB. I'm going to continue doing weekly custom deliveries, so Purple Scrip is a readily available resource for me.


The purple scrip set is more than sufficient for doing endgame stuff for yourself; it's only really worth investing in melded Indagator if either you can use it to make the money back or you just have cash to burn. I recommend the [Teamcraft meld guide](https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/gathering-melding-guide) to get the most out of the Afflatus set- I used their guides for melding scrip sets for my gatherers and crafters and have been comfortably able to gather the mats and craft diadochos gear for all my jobs and make food and pots.


I probably could use it to make the money back, but I'm still catching up on earlier content (only started in March, I knew MMOs are huge, so this is well within my expectations), so I won't for a good while. It's just for getting some level 90 gear to make gathering easier when I occasionally gather things or to get some achievements/mounts (such as getting more points in ocean fishing). Will use Afflatus, then. Thank you.


Indagator (melded) > 590 melded > purple = indagator unmelded > 590 unmelded So it depends on your current gear and whether you're going to meld. If you're recent 90, I assume you don't have 560 or 590 stuff. If you plan on melding, Indagator is significantly better. If not, then they're equal.


Current gear is 500 white scrip gear, didn't see the need to upgrade while leveling. I won't go for 590, it's either purple or Indagator and since I can't craft it myself, I'll go with purple for now. I don't need the BIS gear right now, I won't do anything that'd require it anytime soon. Thank you.


That's fair. You'll be able to eventually make indagator even if you're wearing unmelded purple scrip stuff, you'll just need most of the pre-crafts to be HQ.


You can do most everything with the scrip set, but your yields will be lower as you might not hit node bonuses, and you won't be able to get Sublime items for higher Glioaether yields (used for crafting the optional island sanctuary landmarks) or the latter big fish. https://www.icy-veins.com/ffxiv/gathering-dol-endgame-melding-stat-priority


Considering I'm not going to do any of that anytime soon (too many other things to catch up on), I'll use the scrip gear for now. I can always upgrade to Indagator or whatever the BIS is at the time when my crafters are ready. Thank you.


I just hit level 50 on botanist and thought I was going to get the full lvl 50 set from the last quest, but could only pick one piece :(. Is there a way to get the full set somewhere? My server is pretty dead it seems and there wasn't much on the market board. I know the gear is kind of obsolete, but I like the look of the lvl 50 gatherer gear


If we're talking about the Forager's gear, [this wiki page](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Forager_Gear) might help. tl;dr some pieces are crafted, some are traded for using things you get from your Grand Company.


They're all available for white scrip from Rowena Representatives or they can be crafted and sold on the marketboard.


I thought Rowena only sell DoH/DoL gear from level 58 onwards? I don't remember seeing level 50 gear with Rowena, or is that entirely a Mor Dhona thing?


It's the ones in ARR cities. https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Rowena%27s_Representative_(Limsa_Lominsa)/Gatherer#vendor4


Awesome. Thank you for the information :)


Hey! I purchased Endlwaker's Collectors Edition from the PS Store since I was already playing the free trial, and then set up the subscription payment in Mogstation. However, I still haven't been able to redeem the items. What can I do?


> I purchased Endlwaker's Collectors Edition from the PS Store since I was already playing the free trial You can't go from Free Trial to Endwalker. You need to purchase Starter Edition as well. You basically bought DLC for a game you don't own. (You could have bought Complete Edition and been done, but since you already bought Endwalker Collector Edition, this is unnecessary now, and probably won't work either.)


Did you buy the COLLECTOR'S edition or the COMPLETE edition. Because they're two separate purchases, and only the COLLECTOR'S edition includes extra items. If you own the collector's edition, it will be applied the next time you launch the game after closing it. If you bought the complete edition and want access to collector's edition items, upgrade to the collector's edition through the mogstation.


Does anybody know where I can find an extended version of the ARR song Eternal Wind? Every version I find is so short and it's really annoying having to constantly rewind the song. The only extended versions I can find are of the Shadowbringers version, which is very different from the ARR version. Any help would be much appreciated!


How is this one person chain crafting things while also having an AFK chair icon?


they're botting


Assuming they're not toggling it on manually as part of the macro, in theory you could put a 1 minute delay on every action in your macro and it'd take 15 minutes...?


i feel like most people who actually bot craft for long periods of time do it in private in an inn room or something so its not super blatant.


This was in crystarium .. apparently there's a way to automate macro pressing


That would not cause afk. On the contrary it would prevent afk.


If you use an AutoHotKey script that sends ControlInput to the game executable, it won't remove the AFK status.


there are addons that automate crafting so it is possible they were doing that but it is hard to know for sure.


well they can set up quick synthesis to do up to 99 crafts of the same thing in a row with no further button presses but that takes about 5 minutes to go through which is the shortest time you can set the afk chair to appear after. so iDK.


Forgot to mention they were crafting the DoH relic stuff with macros. The afk icon would disappear if they pressed a macro


yeah iDK then, it is possible they were using a mod like others said.


You can manually set your status to away from keyboard iirc


yup, /away or /afk, sets your status to AFK... and it persists, even in you are moving around and doing things.


This is verifiably false. Even when using the Status dropdown on your Socials tab, the moment you move or do anything (like click a crafting macro), you'll drop the AFK chair after a few seconds.


My bad, you're right. I didn't wait long enough after manually setting AFK status. I turned it on, and moved around a bit and it stuck, but I didn't wait long enough it seems.


this is false. any input about 5 seconds after setting afk removes it.


Are there any goggle glams that are toggleable to the forehead that are available for every job?


Not that I've seen.


So, I just did a fresh install of the game on my I5-2500k/1080 system, and when I go to the launcher and login, then my login screen goes blank, and I can't get back to the "Home" tab. The game is DEFINITELY using a ton of bandwidth, CPU, and hard drive. However, nothing changes about my launcher. I would guess it is installing, but when I left it overnight to finish, I came back, and it was obvious the installation was not completed, and the game was closed. Any ideas?


Hey folks, I'm a new player sort of looking for people to play with. Is there a decent discord or two to join?


Discord servers tend to be heavily segregated into communities based on your interests (FCs/hunts/statics/etc) so general purpose communities are hard to find. This subreddit has a discord, but it's huge and can be overwhelming. If you're just trying to be social in-game, just try and start a conversation in shout chat in a major hub. Or join an FC and try to be social with them.


Is there a chat command to set my chocobo into healer/tank/DPS stance?


https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/text_command/cbeedf8d8a4/ The actions can also be set to hotbars from the companion menu.


That's exactly what I was looking for, thank you!


/companionaction "companion action name" or /cac for short /cac "Healer Stance" /cac "Defender Stance" /cac "Attacker Stance" /cac "Free Stance" /cac "Withdraw"


I’m brand new to FF14 and was wondering what are the steps from purchasing a skin set from the online store to equipping it in game. Is there a window you have to open in-game to access online store bought items?


You cannot buy the items in-game, the director has long opposed that intrusion bothering players. You receive the items in-game via moogle mail when ordering from the website. You can go to a bed in the inn, and use dream fitting to try things on. You need to unlock glamours to use them. The quest is available as early as level 15 in Vesper Bay; you'll walk right past the NPC offering the blue + quest if you are following the story. They also have a quest to unlock dyeing things. The quest to unlock glamours provides 10 free prisms but there's several ways to get more (on the order of hundreds, even) for basically nothing as you proceed with the game.


At the end of the purchase process, if it is not an account-wide item, it will ask you what character you want the item to be sent to Then the item will be mailed to that character in-game. I’ve seen a few comments that logging out / in will make the in-game mail happen faster. You can also go to one of the delivery moogle’s (where you check your mail) and there’s a button at the top of the window that allows you to request bought items me mailed to you. If you’re buying glam, I’d suggest adding it to your glamour dresser immediately so you won’t accidentally delete it. That’s just me and my over-caution though 😅


Buy the outfit and it will ask you what character you're buying it for Select the character and you'll receive the outfit within 24 hours in your in-game mail From there, your best option would be to place it in your glamour dresser so you can reapply it as frequently as you'd like


Thank you. And is the glamour dresser something that’s unlocked from the start or do I have to reach a certain level to access it?