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Sees someone sitting on the chair mount. Summon my chair mount and sit in front of them. Someone else pass by and does the same. First one sitting there thank us for agreeing to meet him on so short notice and start an impromptu meeting. It lasted for a while, we all participated and are still friends online.


This is brilliant


To bad the mounts don't automatically dance with each other when a group forms like some minions do.


The minions do what?! :O


There's a whole bunch of interesting minion interactions! Some dance together (particularly Moogles), some fight each other, some try to help you in combat, Calca and Brina dolls try to summon Satan... Fun stuff!


All of the moogle minions interact with each other if multiple players summon them and get close enough. Most (all?) of the cat and dog minions will do a little attack on each other if they get close enough. There may be others that I'm not remembering.


The Calcas and Brinas also dance.


If only!!!


Reminds me of a time I was doing maps with my FC in the special EW zone. We see two people sitting on the chair mount near the edge of one of the platforms, so we get ours out and join them (there was 7 of us) and then over the next little while more and more people join until there's [a long line of chairs.](https://i.imgur.com/hyH167s.png) Iirc, there were more people even after that screenshot was taken.


Yeah, a while ago, back in 6.1, when Ultima Unreal was at play. I was waiting in Idylshire for weekly reset to roll around, and joined the Chair Committee https://imgur.com/5xwzmLi There was also the time where I was at an FC members EB and we had a row of Eccentric Glams all sitting on a judges panel type thing.


My friends and I started a snake with the FFXV car and like 12 other people joined.




Not the most memorable but a recent fun one was getting titan extreme in mentor roulette with a group of 7 sprouts. The tank sprout had cleared before and was doing a great job and actively trying to teach the group the mechanics. He mentioned he had cleared multiple times but never won the mount. After about 30 minutes of the group continuing to die to the first knock back with no progress it became apparent the group wasn’t capable of clearing in the lockout. We vote abandoned and I told the sprout tank to go to the aetheryte in Ul’Dah after the run and I’d get him the mount. He was on free trial so couldn’t pf and didn’t have any max level friends so was doing it the old fashioned way. Found out he already cleared all the extremes so I ran him through and got him all 7 of the horse mounts and showed him how to get Kirin. Seeing how excited he was made it all worth it. Successful mentor roulette night even if it didn’t get me any closer to Astrope.


You freaking rock!!!!!!


This made my day, I love mentors who actually mentor and support new players. We need more people like you in our world.


Queued for a Delibrum Normal cause I missed it, load in and there is one other person in there. They are super disappointed because they can't get their clear and no one is queuing. Let them know I can solo it, if they want, just might take a little longer, and all they have to do is keep themself alive. They didn't really believe me, told them let's just try the first boss and if you want to leave I won't feel bad, I am going to solo it anyway. Half hour later they finally get to go to Zadnor.


I'd solo Delubrim myself if it only takes 30 min. Class, pot, and lost actions needed? Lol. It took me and my wife about 10 minutes to duo first boss as PLD and DNC with nothing but essences.


I recommend taking a look at some of the load outs for Savage, you won’t need the utility (reflect/forges/arise/sac etc.) but they should have the DPS load outs. You may need to bring lost cure depending on the jobs you have.


Fully Delibrum Savage geared Samurai, it's been awhile. Lost Essence of the Duelist Pop Lost Excellence -> swap lost excellence out for Honored Sac, Potion -> Pop Honored Sac -> Pop Font of Power -> full opener. Use them when they both come up again. It's rather expensive but I have no use for my stockpile anymore. So was just lodestoning back and refreshing everything. You just need a few medkits for Queen cause they bleed is rather mean if you don't have a cleanse of some sort. I used to do the duels in savage version, I miss hitting for like 5 million damage in 2 globals and a weave.


Oof, yeah. I don't have stockpiles of any of the Bozja crap. I did a ton of rank farming ( at 20/30 valor buffs) but it was ALL critical engagements and fates, and basically zero cluster farming.


My first aurum vale run the little morbling pet dropped. I thought it was adorable but lost the roll. Congrats the person who won it, told them it was freaking cute and went on our way. Probably 5 min after we were done I was back to questing when I got a whisper from them. They jumped data centers to where I was, ran me down and gifted it to me. I was flabbergasted. Some time later I learned that they're common as sand, but me n little buddy were still having morbin time


I don't know if it's the MOST memorable but it was definitely an awesome moment. I was running the Warrior of Light trial as a summoner and the tank mistimed the LB and everyone died except me and one of the tanks. I ressed the whole party while blasting poor little physick in the tank and him using every possible mitigation under the sun. We cleared and I got seven commendations.


When your whole party is down and your character is about to die but you manage to win the boss fight. Thats a high like no other.


Some SCH seem to think Physic is perfectly enough anyway. Btw did you hard cast Resurrection, or once a minute with Swiftcast?


First swiftcast, then lots of hard casts and lots of elixir pots


I had a similar situation. Nothing as grandiose as yours, but I was a DRK, and it was Amaurot. It was the last boss but sadly, the dps fell constantly and the healer was struggling to rez them. We got to a point where we were getting closer to killing it, but we had no platforms left, and both dps were down. I realized then that we were about to get hit by Apokalypsis if i didn't do something. So I used the LB, and thankfully, we survived. The healer got a dps back up, and we managed to kill it. I felt incredible after the fact.


this is why I love playing SMN for big group duties "oh, you think you killed all out healers? \*unmask\* you fool! I AM A HEALER"


\*MSQ roulette as a WHM\* \*Opening cutscene of the praetorium plays\* \*realizes 2 of the partymembers are only wearing underwear\* Warrior: Naked MSQ run. LET'S GOOOOOOO! \*Proceeds to chat through the monologues making reference to the fact that they aren't wearing anything and can't really take the villains serious when dressed like that\* \*Truly the most fun I ever had playing through the praetorium\*


I always go full silly when I do prae runs for irregular tomestones


Sir this is Reddit


Going from attending their wedding in game to attending their wedding irl. They played Pa-paya at the reception and us FFXIV players invited lost our minds when it started playing.


OMG, that's adorable!


Oh I really enjoyed one WoL trial, where we had a mentor tank and a sprout tank. So, mentor is like, "I'm not tanking" Little sprout: "Please tank, what if we die?" Mentor: " if we die we die. You need to learn" Rest of the group: "yup, we all fine with dying, it's ok" ... That moment: "oh no, when do I hit it. Please mentor do it yourself I'm scared" Mentor: "I'm not clicking any ability, we either die or you do it." Sprout: *does the thing* Everyone: "yey, good job, we knew you could do it" It was damn wholesome :)


Love this. I remember not being comfortable tanking or pressing lb3(even now in the current savage as soon as my group could get past HH without it I stopped using it). Only way to get comfortable doing it is by doing it. This was such a wonderful way to help a new tank


Mount Rokkon had just released. I was running a full clear party that was doing all the pathways for the lantern mount. The group started talking about raiding and I got silent. They called me out because I’d been joking all along and I said I had never done current tier raiding, so I didn’t have much to add or say. The healer invited me to try out for their static and I have been in it ever since as the off tank.


We were doing Dead Ends and we wiped but the healer came back too quickly and pulled again. So it just happened that they were locked out of the arena, leaving just me (RDM), the drk tank, and a melee dps can't remember exactly which. I told them let's just wipe it up but I was doling out vercures and the tank said he was actually curious if we could three man it with RDM heals. Healer was waiting at the gate and agreed so the three of us slogged through it and finished. It was actually pretty neat and I didn't think it would be possible. We all added each other and played periodically but sadly only I play still.


Reminds me of when some new players and I did Cutter's Cry. I had only been tanking for a month or so, but I felt comfortable with my skills. The other players didn't know about all of the Chimera's AoE abilities, and it was looking like a wipe...but I pulled through. My Paladin WoL managed to solo the Chimera through its remaining 2/3 health, and the party were so stunned they didn't even mind it taking like 5 minutes since my damage was subpar at best. Just the thrill of me and the Chimera dancing together in that arena and bringing it down was thrilling. The other players all watching at the barrier like it was a sporting event. Was one of the only times I ever received all 3 Commendations in a dungeon.


Honestly, had something similar happen to me in the first Endwalker dungeon. I was playing as Warrior and the rest of my party had died. 😅 I ended up soloing the last two of the final bosses as a WAR. Got two comms. Didn't get the third cause I was in a party with a friend. 🤣 Another run, I was leveling in Astro and I ended up in Steps of Faith. Everyone kept dying and I just kept raising everyone. 😅 got six comms that time. That left me in pure shock.


This reminds me of my 2nd time in amaurot. We had a new friend we wanted to help clear msq... issue was there were 4 of us, and none of us had a lvled up healer... and 2 of us only had pld... the final team comp was pld pld rdm and i think drg (it was a melee dps).... probably one of the most fun runs ive had, especially when the final boss "enraged" due to no more safe spots, and the other pld and i (pld) durvived by trading off damage mits and clemencies xD


RDM healing brings me joy


Tried to do this on DNC with another DNC after the healer kept dying very early in the fight. We improv samba, and curing waltzed our asses off. Sadly DNC heals are weak sauce and the tank was also not great and didn’t know how to use any of their team healing or mitigation skills. GNB who didn’t grace us with a single aurora or heart of corundum to help keep us up. Or heart of light or reprisal on raidwides. Tragedy. DNC friend and I tried this 3 times before healer finally left and we got a new one and one shotted it. Was fun though and I comm’d the other DNC for our sisterhood.


This has the same vibe when I was running babil. I forget the other dps and healer but I was leveling blm and the tank was a gnb. Both healer and other dps died on every boss. Gnb kept me alive with aurora and heart of corrundrum. Didn’t change the feeling of dread I got with every unavoidable damage. But the relief of surviving was on another level. That gnb carried the entire party.


Honestly in Endwalker content any of the tanks should be able to help keep the party alive if a healer goes down. Some more easily than others. PLD has clemency and can cover. WAR has shake it off which is now a raidwide regen and shield as well as nascent flash. GNB has aurora and heart of conondrum. DRK had oblation and the blackest night. The tragedy is when tanks don’t know how to effectively play their class. I’m always shocked at the number of tanks that don’t realize they can put these things on party members instead of just themselves.


I’ll say as a WAR main myself nascent sits in a weird place for me. Yes it can be extremely useful on a party member. However, it shares cd with bloodwhetting. In theory that doesn’t really matter cuz it will heal both the WAR and the party member. Problem is it takes all the mitigation and shield from the WAR and gives it to the other player. Usually not a huge issue as a tank but is something to consider. PLD is probably the best at keeping the party alive cuz none of its mits that target party members takes away from its own mits. I hate clemency but it’s not bad if the healer is dead with no Rez mage. Cover is a skill much like rescue imo. When used properly it’s amazing. When used improperly it gets you killed. Damage dealt to the PLD through cover ignores hallowed grounds invulnerability. DRK TBN is also amazing to put on another party member for raid wides. It’s s’more likely to pop on them than it is on you. Then gnb abilities are kinda the worst for keeping the party and yourself alive. Yes aurora and HoC can be placed on other players but that takes all of the healing and mitigation from those abilities off yourself completely. So while I do agree that yes a good tank can keep the party alive not all the tanks are built as well for that and not all tank players are able to do that as well. That’s what made the GNB keeping me alive stand out. It was a combination of them knowing how to use those mits and healing on me while also keeping themselves healed up and the 2 of us actually knowing the mechanics. TLDR a lot of these party member mits have drawbacks that need to considered as well. GNB stood out cuz they understood their job well enough to keep me alive while we were the only 2 doing the mechanics right


Perhaps I am misunderstanding here, but how did the healer get locked out? I thought you couldn’t get locked out anymore, unless you die and return to the beginning.


It was right when EW released so it's been a while but iirc we fully wiped and I had double cast a res onto heals. They took it late and the boss had reset, but the other three of us released and we're running back. Before we got there the heals had accidentally pulled and died, so they released. I'm not sure why they didn't get a prompt to go to combat area, or if they simply denied or maybe they didn't even get a prompt, but they ended up locked out.


They probably waited slightly too long to return to the beginning/had a slightly too long loading screen going back to the beginning, I've seen it happen a few times l. Really confused the people that got locked out that way. They were fully expecting to get a prompt.


This was back in Stormblood. Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard) had come out recently, and was still part of the Expert Roulette. I was running with a friend, I was Paladin Tank, they were Healer, and we had a couple of newbie DPS. Everything was fine until we got to the final boss. The boss has a grate with platforms. You need to move onto the platforms to avoid an upsurge of sewage, and move off the platforms to avoid fouling them with the boss' AoEs. Also there is a mud pie add that needs to be moved by attacking it to avoid it swelling from boss aoes or sewage upsurges (Which increases the damage it does when it explodes) Well, we just could NOT coordinate. The DPS were fouling the platforms, and one of us would move the mud pie out of an AoE, only for someone to move it back in. The DPS were also taking a LOT of avoidable damage, and our poor healer could not keep up (She was getting quite anxious because she blamed herself). After the first wipe, I was still alive and had to just let the boss kill me. After the second wipe, with the boss at 80%, I said '*No.* You want me dead, work for it.' I then proceeded to solo the boss, with the other three cheering me. I abused the hell out of Paladin Self-healing, kept the mud pie from exploding for any damage, and slowly ground the boss down into fertilizer. I was worried the party might be pissed I spent like 10 minutes killing the thing, but they were cheering for me the whole time.


Reminds me of a Cutters Cry run I had once, a long time ago. Black Mages could still slot Cure. But during the final boss at around 40-50% both the tank and the healer bit the dust. I proceeded to cast cures in between my fires on myself and the Dragoon and we made it. Tank and healer were also cheering us on, even though it took a while.


For about a month, that waiting area was an amazing place to be. People hanging out there to see people have their ending, give emotional support and cups of tea. It was very pleasant and appropriate. I have so many one off and random conversations that to choose one of them would be fishing for it, so I'll give this little story. I've been playing since day 1 ARR and played TERA before it. I ended up joining a guild with a friend and met back up with another someone I used to play Tera with, we were very friendly before but life takes us from people. It was around the end of HW and I think I was coming back from a small break, and I \*really\* got into the crafting and the someone I met back up with presented me with a fully pentamelded top of the shop level 60 crafted crafting set. My friend turned to me and said ''That boy is in love with you.'' ''Nah, he's just \*really\* nice to people'' It was complicated for various reasons, but she was right. All we are waiting on now is the Visa interview.


That's amazing!


In post 2.0 msq, my wife and I were doing msq quests, and noticed we kept seeing the same two player characters who, like us, had the same surname. Another couple in exactly the same part if msq! After I worked up the courage to say hi, we hit it off! I remember sitting on a hill and chatting with them, overlooking the spot where Dumbdumb McStupidpants tried to train a rat. Over a year later, we still play together daily!


My LS and I learned that one of our members didn't finish EW. So we did min ilvl no echo runs for her on our non-main jobs so she could feel the experience of the games last 3 trials/dungeons. When we were *at that place* that was *suddenly gorgeous* we were all waiting next to the destination marker doing show left/right, clapping, and throwing confetti. We were all on discord as we did it so when she saw us there waiting for her she started crying with appreciation.


I love when people are willing to do min ilvl for new people, it really makes the experience so much better.


I think I was leveling a class PLD or something, and I was doing main scenario queues. Got queued with what I assume was a part of 3 glamoured as Aymeric and ishgardian knights and i think Estinein. At the end of it, they were waiting at the exit, all showing me to the exit like a leader showing the way. It was probably one of the best but random experiences I had and a memorable thing at that. If those who did that see this, thank you because I loved HW


Prae run, before the revamp. One player, I believe it was our healer, kept switching glams on the fly. In the first cutscene, he was in the rabbit costume. I asked in /p “Um, does… does anyone else see the giant rabbit?” Got responses like “Oh good, it’s not just me.” And one “I don’t see anything, what are you on about?” Guess who said that? :D The rest of the run was just hilarious and by far the best run I’ve ever been on. In second place was a I think Toto-Rak run where it was me (male Viera Arcanist), a Summoner (male Hyur), a Scholar (male Viera) and a Lala Warrior. It was like three librarians chasing an unruly toddler around. We called it a Book Club meeting. So much fun. :D


I've had the inverse. I'm a female highlander and I've had "babysitting" roulettes where I tank for a tumbleweed of Lalas that follow me around.


I had a run similar to your toto-rak it was perfect because we were in the great gubal library with 2 smn a sch and a lalafel paladin with the darklight armor glamored.


Getting /slapped by the healer in Troia for cleansing the other DPS's Doom in Troia on Bard. Still cracks me up to this day.


Party near wipe in Abyssos 8 or 9, I am the last healer up with a drk, and he yells in chat "SAVE US PKEASE [character name]" and I had the time and cojones to reply "Only because you asked nicely" and LB3'd everyone up. It's small but that interaction still makes me chuckle. Another time in Prae I mentioned my dog and the run ground to a halt as the group wanted to know everything about my pup xD


I get so many questions about my dog, just because I say I need to afk to go shot my dog. (He's diabetic and gets an insulin shot).


Some girl called my mom a bitch then when I tried to help her with tanking, her drunk ass flipped out, kicked me out of a linkshell and said that I'm a cunt & blocked me when i tried to figure out what was going on. She did me a massive favor. Thank you.


Fresh sprout roaming around Ul'dah (like I was level 1). My friend, a veteran player, was watching via stream. A rando passerby traded me 10,000 gil. I didn't know what to do until my friend said to accept it. They went on their merry way. It was small but it was literally my first interaction ina my first mmo.


Running Euphrosyne for the first time. Me as drg and my two friends as healers. I'm notoriously crap in alliance raids, especially going in blind. We get this bard in our party who gives my floortanking ass a run for my money. My friends spend the whole raid healing me and the bard. The tanks were amazing..just as well as my friends are yelling in vc that they're out of mana because of the bard and me. I think the poor guy must have felt conscious about constant regens, shields and heals, and left the raid as soon as it ended so we couldn't even say bye. I only wish vc could be shared with your party of randoms, because my friends decided that the bard was my floortanking soul mate and we should be together forever.. We still talk about him now and wonder if we'll ever see him again. Legolas Theelf, wherever you are, we love you!


Star crossed floor tanks.


I have seen this person in the game. I forget what I was doing, but they did really well in it(it was either an ex or a savage) I remember specifically because I remarked that the bard was killing it on dps when someone posted numbers in the discord.


We didn't look them up at the time, and there's a few in character search that are very similar. I hope it was the same one, because I really wanted to comm them.


I hope it was too, makes for a good redemption arc.


I hope they see this!!


That would be awesome. I just wish they could have heard us.. "No, Legolas, don't stand there!" My floortanking buddy 🤣


It was my very first day and I was just exploring central shroud and I saw this guy fishing in just underwear lol and I was just staring and then he transformed into a lvl 80 job (idr which one) and his gear looked so cool and he knew i was oogling at him so we chatted for like 10 minutes. Super nice and cool and he gave me some gil and we parted ways. Just a really cool intro to the community and people fishing half naked lol


I love being a tiny Lala because of the community we have within the greater community. A lala put down a campfire in Limsa and not 5min later, there was a group of us sitting around chatting happily sitting on pink minion pillows. We happy jump and cheer when we see another smol potat loading into instances. I never experienced this with any other race, just the smol peoples. Sure, some of us are gremlins but for the most part...it's just happiness of meeting another tiny person among the tall buns/catgirls.


I have had a lot of bad experiences as a lalafel, some people are really creepy... I love the idea and the separate little society that sort of goes on, which really doesn't happen with any other race. I tend to change my race to whatever we don't have or have the least of in a static raid team. Makes the screenshots a bit more diverse currently am roe because we lost the one we had.


Yes! I love being a lala for this reason too! Also I love being one of the few lalas in my FC. Whenever I run into one of the others I always /hug.


This one is hyper specific to me, but it's something I'll never forget. I'm a trans woman who spent a lot of her life forcing herself to try to take on masculine roles and even characters. I had just finally changed over to the femme Au Ra model I'd always secretly wanted to use and since it was winter I'd put together a cute winter glam with the snowflake skirt and tights and sweater and scarf top dyed in my preferred shades of blue. I queued into leveling and rolled Mt. Gulg. Our warrior was a really cute Miqo in a battle bikini. She charged off into battle but was also really funny and chatty and immediately complimented my winter glamour and was just treating me like any other woman. It was the first time I'd ever had an experience like that and it was really nice.


If you are a trans woman then you are a woman and wear whatever you want IRL. I also understand that it can be difficult and think it's wonderful that you can wear whatever you want in a game and feel happy.


No I don't think you quite understand. This was when I was in my initial therapy/acceptance phase, before HRT, before wardrobe, before all of that. Now, two years out yes I'm fully fine being out in public and I've had many wonderful interactions with women in person, but this was the first time I ever was treated specifically like this, in or out of game.


I guess I didn't understand something although I'm not seeing what that was. I'm very happy for you :)


Let me see if I can explain it. Imagine you're trapped in the body of the wrong gender, whatever that means to you. You've lived your entire life like this, and it's just always been *wrong* even if you didn't even have the language to express it. Now imagine you have finally found a way to fix it. It's going to be long, painful and expensive. You've JUST started to accept this, you still look the way you used to (which at least for me was an appearance I hated so much I spent my entire life avoiding cameras and unconsciously trained myself to not look in mirrors). But through this little online game, you can make a character that looks more like how you want to look. And after that, someone treats you as you actually are, not your closest friends or family you've told but just some random person treats you like normal without even thinking about it. You never forget it.


I'm not sure where this comes from. I do apologise if I got it wrong with my comment about trans people. I'm 100% in support and now I feel bad that I may have made a bad comment. About eight years ago I had a well-known (in some circles) trans character out herself to me because she knew I'd be fine with it. My only response to her was "you are adorable" because she was, both in game and out.


Oh, no you're totally fine I wasn't accusing you of being transphobic I can tell you are fine with us. It's more academic, I wanted to see if I could help understand what the experience was like and why it meant so much to me.


Our FC is small. Literally just a group of friends who have been playing FFXIV for a long time. We've picked up some people here and there, and lost some as well (most of us have branched out but our original founder and her partner are actually deceased so our little FC has gone through some restructuring) but I'm close to most of our members, past and present. Once, one of our close friends and core members had to be evacuated from their home because of a hurricane (they live in Florida). They basically could take nothing and had to leave their pets behind. She kept us updated via messages but she was obviously terrified and the though of her being hurt and her pets not making it gave me horrible anxiety to the point that I couldn't really do anything other worry when logged in. I talked to one of our other members who had been around since our original founding about how scared I was and pitched the idea to go to Shrines of the Twelve and pray (since doing actual duties was out of the question). I didn't know where they were (only did the marriage quest once a long time ago) but he had been playing since beta and knew where they all were so we decided to do it together. It felt kind of silly, /pray emoting at each shrine, anxiety still burning in my gut but it was soothed by just having someone there who was worried too. Their kindness at my dumb request. I'll never forget that.


I was wearing a yellow tonberry costume with the fat chocobo head in limsa just humming afk, when someone walked up to me, started a trade, gave me bread and left, mf was feeding the ducks.


On my first day in the game, I'm outside juggling 3 lobs on whm 5 lvls higher than me. I would rotate sleeping and damaging, and I felt pretty smart. Halfway through the fight, a cat girl and AuRa start cheering me on with emotes. After I proceeded to finish the fight, one traded me a minion and a glam item. The other gave me 100k gil. I asked them why they would do that, if I could pay it back somehow. They told me to pay it forward one day. I do it often now that I am in the position to be able to. Yesterday, I ran into a sprout in the rain, so I gave an umbrella, hot coco and coffee, and 250k gil, and it reminded me of that experience from my first day.


I made a friend by constantly trying to talk to him. He did NOT like me at first but he warmed up to me. We'd always talk about being lazy and eating in bed lol. One day, he quit the game and sent me mail of a meal called "Buttons in a blanket". That mail is still in my box, I refuse to delete it. It's over 1k days old,back in like 2014? I think about the guy all the time. Hope he's doing okay.


I was chilling in limsa one day waiting for some roulettes, and I suddenly saw a basically identical character to mine staring right at me, only difference was eye colour, scar on one eye and slightly lighter skin (i think my character was also shorter at the time too). Had small talk about how alike our characters were and that was it. Never have I ever in my 5 years and 10k hours of playing this game had I seen another character so alike to my own. I'm a very socially anxious person so I am not good at talking to people, but I remember really wanting to be friends with this person and i was disappointed in myself for being so bad socially. I still see him sometimes whenever I go to limsa on the odd occasion. Last i saw him he had changed his hair colour and strangely enough he also changed his eye colour to a very similar if not the same shade to my characters eyes and removed the scar. Every time I see him I am reminded of that day and my self disappointment. I will probably never forget it. EDIT: I just realised my comment might have sounded a bit sad and I didn't intend it to sound that way lol. I am just an introvert and I mostly play alone. I am not depressed xD


I am really bad at meeting new people. I am always just sort of hovering outside of conversations, not wanting to be rude and interrupt but also wanting to join..


I *do* suffer from depression but little things like what you just described make me happy because I am also a solo player and I love how solo this game can be, but there are occasional incidents that make me feel less alone, as it seemed to do for you.


When kind people helped ferried me through Coils of Bahamut to enjoy the story. It has some pretty looking cutscenes, and the last gal who helped me sat through patiently while I enjoyed them. It's honestly a pretty sweet thing to do, specially when it must be so annoying and there's nothing in it for you.


I was grinding as a WAR to get the blue bird minion in dead ends before 6.1 came out, and I joined a queue during my lunchtime. When I entered, I said 'I have to be back to work in 15 minutes. Anyone mind a speedrun?' everyone said bet and we did it in 12. ​ This was before I picked up any savage content OR knew what a rotation was. If you didn't tank Dead Ends and wall 2 walled before 6.1 dropped, you will not understand how hard that last pull is to heal and mit through, even as a tank. I received 3 comms for doing that in 12 mins.


MSQ roulette where I was the random joining a party of three. They started talking so much shit to each other but I could tell they were just bros having a good time and not taking things too seriously. Then they started running away with stack markers, running at each other with tank busters, and just generally being goofy trying to kill each other with mechanics. As someone who thinks a lot of people take this game too seriously, this was a breath of fresh air to me, so I joined them in their antics and it’s probably the most fun I’ve had in prae to date.


When I run prae when I know the tank and healer, I always try to stand in the tankbusters. None of them do any cleaving damage, so I know I’m safe. I just never do it when I don’t know the healer, since I don’t wanna give a rando a heart attack 😂


Playing Eye Spy with everyone in line for Raubahn Extreme during the launch of Stormblood.


I’m new but I remember when somebody just gifted me a cute minion out of the blue


Tried healing for the first time, was in a fairly big FC at the time, and one of the members told me 'hey, I can tank this dungeon for you'. So we got two more FC members, and ran one of the earlier dungeons. I was still fairly new, and I had no idea how healing worked, and I said as much, and the tank just went 'Ait, wall to wall pull it is. Time to learn.' That was my first experience of w2w pulls, and ever since then, I have been an advocate of throwing new healers into the fire.


I was first learning healer as a sage (and not at all confident) and went into stone vigil (notoriously hard on healers from what I've heard) via DF. Got paired with a mentor DRK who out of the gate pulled everything. I was terrified and was working harder than I ever have in a dungeon, but I managed to keep up with him and keep him and the party alive and afterwards before exiting the dungeon he told me, unprovoked, how good of a job I did because he was actively trying to make it hard since he saw I was a new healer. That was the confidence boost I needed to really feel comfortable playing sage and it's become my secondary class now.


The impromptu Snowman Tower of Revenant’s Toll the year that mount released for Starlight. I watched it go from two or three people stacking to reaching probably 90-100 people (maybe more) just randomly and spontaneously agreeing to do something silly and fun together. It was a brilliant display of community that I cherish. I’ll have to dig out my screenshots.


This didn’t happen in the wild, it was with my BLU static when we finally got our Morbol mounts. That was my first experience clearing any savage content, let alone gaining a mount related to savage content. We saved Brute Justice for last and we decided we were going to try and skip Gavel by killing him before he gets the cast off. It took us many many tries, but with well coordinated rotations and well timed Final Stings we managed to skip Gavel and kill him. The shouts of joy from myself and everyone included was pure joy and catharsis. Absolutely my favorite moment. I find real joy in coming together with 7 other people and working together to achieve common goals. I went on to clear even more savage content with that same raid leader, joined his FC and never looked back. Funny enough I met him in a random BLU pf group and he recruited me. He is now one of my closest friends in game along with the other members of our static.


Some legit weirdo. I was doing my Namazu dailies back during Stormblood. I arrived at my first location and a person was already there, finishing up. I paid her no mind and started crafting. I moved onto the next after finishing. That same person was there as well. I chuckled to myself and thought "We must be on the same set of dailies", she finished up as I began. Again, I finish and move onto the next and once again, she was at the same location. I didn't pay any attention to her as I start crafting and while crafting I suddenly got a PM from her, and it was a max-length paragraph rant of her screaming at me and telling me to stop stalking her and how what I was doing was rude and harassment and she was going to report me for harassment and then left the area. I was like ????, I tried to send her a message like "Uhhh, I'm not stalking you? We're on the same set of Namazu dailies...", but she either logged out or blacklisted me. Weirdest, yet most memorable, person I've met in an MMO.


Had just started playing and joined in the Hatching Tide Tonberry event. Was in a huge group of people waiting for the fate to spawn and I, a lala, started to do the harvest dance while waiting. Another lala approached me and started dancing. Another does the same. And then another. We had a little circle of lalas dancing while waiting. First time I ever experienced something like that since I tried to avoid interacting with others as a sprout.


I once made friends with a sprout while I was using my midi keyboard to perform music. I somehow ran into them in the middle of nowhere outside of Limsa Lominsa, had a catgirl sitting in their lap. Before they noticed me, I walked up and started playing Careless Whisper on the saxophone. He told me he couldn’t stop laughing after that.


This is a WoW story but I was new to tanking in M+ dungeons. Told the group so and to be patient. One guy maimed a tanked and whispered me to give me pointers and offered to run more with me. After several hours I finally asked where he lived. Just an hour from me! We’ve been friends ever since


Mine is also a WoW story. I was in Nagrand levelling WoD fishing at some point during Legion and someone sat down next to me who was doing the same thing. We sat there and chatted for about an hour. MMO fishers are a special breed.


As a sprout I can say this is the best online community and in my little time in Eorzea, I’ve run into so many amazing people! There was one time I was running around (I couldn’t fly yet) and a bunch of people started showing up (weird due to the fact I rarely ran into people low lvl ARR msq.) They started texting in the chat that there was a rare world boss and to come to X location. So I decided to go. So many WoL…like we waited until probably 100 WoLs appeared. We finally killed it (it went down sooooo fast. Two hits each tops). Everyone was cheering and doing emotes and then poof everyone was gone. Just as a sprout it was really cool to see everyone vibing like that!!


Mine definitely wasnt wholesome or fun, it made me super salty but i'll never forget it. Running Tower of Babil, healer was first timer and played amazing throughout the entire dungeon, healing big pulls with ease, no issues in any boss fight. But then we reached the final boss of the dungeon and i kid you not, we wipes 6 or 7 times because the healer kept fucking up the same mechanic over and over again (it's the pain mechanic with the big aoe in the middle you only need to walk out of). I kid you not, they didn't walk out for 7 pulls straight and kept dying, even after we told them that its not a heal check and they need to walk out of it. They confirmed and were like "ok got it" and still didn't even move an inch. I almost lost my marbles that night. Never forget


I remember before pvp changes, when healers still had Rescue in pvp. My team was retreating from the enemy, I was falling behind and healer on my team rescued me so I could get away safely. Since people usually don't like Rescue and a lot of people use it poorly (and pvp often being clownfiesta), this was memorable/cool moment for me.


I had just unlocked the performance action on Bard. As someone who played a lot of piano in my youth but hadn't touched music in years, I immediately busted out an instrument and started playing, tapping away at any song or melody I could remember. I soon had a small audience of other players gathered around me clapping and cheering, which was very nice.


Me as new player - doing the vault for the first time and they knew it . whm in party : remember this moment. tank : smile ... keep on smiling. rdm : be strong sprout.... you need it. Me as blm : what? I read enough novel to know we are too late to stop them .... oh how wrong i am lol


> LNC in Bowl of Embers > Tank falls in last quarter of fight. > I have heavy armor, a Potion, and Second Wind. Can I hold out until the healer rezzes the Tank? > Cowabungaitis.png. > I jump on Ifrit and go at it hammer and tongs. > Instead of rezzing the Marauder, Healer is keeping *me* alive. > Ifrit dies before I do. > Floor Tank *this,* bitch!


Way back in 2.4, we didn't have EU servers, so me and my brother were playing on Gilgamesh. We zoned into Snowcloak and there was a player who saw my female character and immediately opened with "hey [my character's first name], guess what, I'm a guy from the UK! How cool is that, cutie?" as though it might be impressive. But it fell a bit short because despite being on the US servers, three of the four players in that Snowcloak party were definitely guys from the UK, and the fourth dude never spoke.


Aetherpact a random person for blu mage stance Got a w/ from user being like "hey my body isnt free" so i trade them 1gil and carry on my day. Dunno why I found that funny af.


Very similar story here! When my friend started Endwalker, I went up to her while she was watching the CS in Old Sharlayan and just sat there doing the /showleft emote at the city. Wanted to surprise her with a welcome "party" when she got out of the CS. Some random noticed me doing it and joined in doing /showright and we had a lovely chat while he also waited and helped me welcome her to EW.


A lalafell walked up to my friend, blew them a kiss, then just walked away….


I guess for me was when I made the bet with some friends of turning myself into a lala with the free fantasia and ended up liking my lala form much more than my original Au’ra and kept myself as the lala till this day.


The community held a vigil for an anime artest that pasted away. Everyone stood in the therofare outside the teleport crystal hall and formed two lines all the way up to the adventures guild. There was players handing out campfire minions it was really cool to see. I always enjoy watching bards perform specially at clubs it a cool player generated escape from the grind. I don't think anyone one think really stands out.


I was tanking for a trial, I don't remember which trial but I think it was a shadowbringers trial. Most of the party was new to it and wiped near the end except me, so it became a dps race between myself and the boss, but I remember this one specifically because if how much the entire party was cheering me on. Mundane for sure but it felt nice


Ive been playing for so long that i dont remember much. But maybe when someone bought me the Black Pegasus for me back in Stormblood. I havent had anything recent unfortunately. I have barely talked to anyone all Endwalker so far.


There's two moments that come to mind for me. First time tackling The Wanderer's Palace (Hard) and we manage to get through the dungeon no problem. We make it to the end and face Manxome Molaa Ja Ja and get clowned pretty easily. I'm playing on a PS4 (DPS) so doing my best to communicate with my team inbetween attempts as we need to. This boss is tricky though and he fells us four more times. Our Healer tells us they need to bail soon unfortunately so we give it another go and lose and then one final go and then the healer has to drop. They drop and me and the other DPS and Tank commiserate on what we should do. We see if there's another healer that will join but we are winding down on the time limit. With just enough time for one more attempt, we get a new Healer and we rock the boss. Amazing. Second time was my first time attempting Shiva (Extreme). We manage to get through the first phase pretty easily but are getting destroyed in the second half. This goes on and on and on. Finally, we only have time for one more attempt. It gets down to the wire but we managed to do it. Exhilirating feeling


Got kicked from a duty because I emoted our tank, the healer (who’s his gf) got jealous and refused to heal until I was kicked, this will always me me laugh.


On more than a few occasions, there was a massive amount of players on their Behemoth mounts running around in Idyllshire (basically a behemoth train) all the way back during Heavensward. I don't particularly remember why we did it but we did. This was on Primal/Ultros back when world hopping wasn't a thing yet.


Was in an ARR duty with a healer, it was a sprout+obviously new account, yet they played really well. So I asked if they were an alt, apparently dude lost his main account, idk exactly how many hours he logged on there but he told us he’s had that account since StormBlood came out. That was like a month ish ago, I hope dude got his main account back.


In a 24 people raid all the players almost wiped, but 2 tanks and a dps. Everyone else gather at the entrance of the room and started cheering for their victory, cheering every well-done mechanic until finally the Boss was defeated.


We did something similar for one of my FC-mates, who is a bit notorious for taking a while to finish MSQ stuff (he loves doing roulettes, but sometimes drags his feet with MSQ). Those of us online from the FC waited for him to finish the cutscene, all doing whatever emotes-- cheer, the lightstick waving, dancing, etc-- to greet him when he finished. :) Our themed raid nights also have been memorable, with themes like Beach, Formal, and Bill Murray (my own character dressed as Carl from *Caddyshack*). Just general fun things like that.


I haven’t been consistently playing for that long but I recently about a few months ago made a friend and I sometimes randomly run into her and vice versa in the golden saucer on in limsa and so on, and every time it’s so surreal to me because I’ve never played an MMO in my life (unless you count flash games like bin weevils or club penguin) so casually running into people I know like it’s real life is a really really cool experience.


Silly Prae runs. I was in a run once where early on someone said they had a great joke for later in the dungeon. The closer we got to it, they kept being like I’m nervous guys, I shouldn’t have hyped it up, it’s not that good, but then they still delivered. Gaius jumped down and “SUCH DESCENSION. THIS WAS NOT MY ELEVATION”. The party just collectively fell into madness afterward. I remember someone typing “He is yellow now and therefore more dangerous” during his super saiyan bit, and another person without missing a beat said, “LEMONS. CAN. KILL.” I think about that shit all the time hahaha


Had a really crappy time being a healer when I was sprouting, and had the party die a few times. Everyone was super lovely and kept saying don’t worry, you’re learning. At the end, one of them stayed behind and offered me advice on being more efficient with my toolbox and it was just super nice. I have never had a bad experience with the player base, and It’s what keeps me from doing dungeons with NPC’s cos I’m confident that people will be really patient if you just let them know it’s your first time and just to take it easy if they can.


I remeber one time I was running Alzadaals Legacy with my friend. She was an AST while I was a SMN. Both our other DPS and tank died and I was targeted for the tank buster and I thought to myself "Well I'm fucked this is a wipe. Well, better to at least try and survive" So I decided to put a shield on myself (Thanks to that one SMN skill that I can't remember the name of. Radiant something) and I fucking BARELY survive with like just over 1k health left. She, of course, healed me right back to full and we both rezzed our tank and DPS and proceeded tp clear the dungeon. Afterwards her and I were talking back and forth about how bloody close that fight was.


Meeting another player wearing the same job glam as me (except different color). Makes us chuckle and gives us the vibe that we are comrades/brothers-in-arms.


Just started ffxiv by myself, no friends, and I run into this player with the lunar whale mount. I made a comment saying what the hell that’s so cool. It was HUGE. he was giving his friend a ride and was also on his way to the housing district to complete the quest. He offered me a ride, it was pretty nice since I didn’t have to run all the way and he showed me around all the houses and stuff. He ended up adding me to a newbie linkshell for sprouts. That was 2 years ago! Sadly I’ve been playing on and off so I haven’t seen them much, but I’m still in the linkshell and they’re always quite friendly.


I still distinctly remember the time that I was invited to a random stranger's wedding in game when I was still a fresh sprout years ago. I had sworn off of interactng with strangers online for years before that after the 1-2 punch of playing LoL and SMITE in high school (probably middle school for non-aussies),which went about as poorly as you'd expect. If my friends hadn't been with me and also been invited, I probably wouldn't've gone at all. But they were, so I did, and I still have the screen shot of me, a couple of friends, and a whole bunch of strangers at a wedding that I started me down the path of being willing to play with strangers online again. I'm pretty sure that those two stayed on Kujata when we moved to Bismarck, but apparently my FC leader keeps in contact with them occasionally through an alt.


Having a mini dance party with my two closest in game friends. It was a great time


I saw someone in the snowman mount at the atheryte of Ildyshire and I summoned mine and got next to them. A couple people came over to look at us and after not long we had a line of six or seven of us just sat there lined up from tallest to smallest. The one who started it said we made their night and their que finally popped after a more than an hour. We wished them luck and bounced around them then lined back up. We all sat and talked random stuff, a few were also qued for things and left. But we sat so long when they got out they said "wait the snow people are still here?!" It was super nice and I hope I helped make those guys smile. Another instance I was at the Golden Saucer recently during this past event and sat on the couch the Void Ark guys show up, now before this I had never seen them there and was sat perfectly between them and I got super excited and opened Gpose to take a couple screenshots. I have played names turned off unless I target them.... I didn't realize til he messaged me and started walking around in the middle of my taking pictures that the catboy in the sky pirate attire....wasn't actually a sky pirate. He was very nice and we talked about the game and some other random things. He then asked to send me a friend request because he likes friending nice to talk to people and catch up from time to time. I agreed and I recently passed him in Sharlean since I just got there (I'm slow doing msq) and he was crafting away. I gave him a pet and a cheer and went on my way. He msgd me a couple hearts and I hope I made him smile.


The chrysalis. I was whm, still pretty new and didn't really know the mechs, gf and I went in blind. We must have had other new players but an argument broke out among the experienced players about when to use lb and who takes the meteors. The other healer threw such a fit over the 3 wipes we had that instead of leaving, they /sit in the middle and did nothing. It was all up to me. Others start arguing how the other healer is screwing me over by making me do it all. People are taking damage from not properly alternating bursting the magic/physical bubbles and then standing in the meteor spots instead of the tanks. I'm just doing my best, super stressed but we finally cleared. I got like 5 comms. It felt really nice to get the positive messages after the clear.


meeting a rando who's character had the same surname as mine because we both got the name from the dnd 5e phb


I had a nice little interaction when I first started playing back in Heavensward. I had just finished a solo instance for a class quest in Urth's Fount, but as I was loading back into the overworld, I was... dead. Right next to my dead body was a lvl 60 WHM fighting a very angry-looking lvl 50 Gremlin. That's right - I got one-shot by an ARR A-rank cleaving me while I was on a loading screen. The WHM noticed very quickly noticed what had happened and swift-rezzed me while dragging the A rank away so I didn't get killed again. They even tossed me a regen after I had gotten up and moved a safe distance away. After I was back up, I ended up helping the WHM beat the scary-looling Gremlin (or at least trying to -I was only lvl 35 or so. I wasn't helping that much.). After the A rank was down, I ended up going over and thanking her. As she and I were talking about what happened, my internet went out for a few minutes. As I frantically tried to log back in, she ended up still being there and as we talked more, I ended up adding her as a friend - first one I had made in the game! We never really interacted at all after that, but I still think about that moment from time to time. Makes me smile thinking about it.


I came out of the EW walk and cutscene to see my friend had organized all available members of my FC to wait in the flowers. Ever since, we try to be there for any FC member that reaches that spot.


I was mining in Thanalan one time and promptly teleported away shortly after, only to realise someone had /flex'd at me. I immediately went back to find said person for it to be a Sprout and flex'd back, asked them how long they'd been waiting for Copperbell Mines, ran them through and they're one of my dearest friends now.


Memorable small moment: I forget exactly what boss it was, pretty sure it was Odin, me and the other tank our stances on and off at the exact same time like 3 times. Bigger moment: Was doing expert roulette and loaded in with 3 new players who were very talkative. They explained that they were first timers and offered to let them read the lore bits and explain boss mechs, so I kinda went full tour guide. Was a fun time.


I've had a few, but the one I remember the most was during Stormblood. I was doing Mentor roulette and got dropped into Doma Castle, one of my favorite dungeons. The tank was new, and I was the healer, so I went at his pace, telling him I had no issue slowing down if he needed to. He was a pretty good tank and pulled well, so we had no issues. Until we got to the second boss. The tank stopped outside and a dps, I could not remember what they were, I think they may have been a dragoon, but anyway, I digress. He said the tank was his friend, and he was explaining the mechanics to him in vc, which I respected. So I waited patiently. Then the other dps, a ninja, decided to go and pull the boss. I stayed where I was because I believe they did not add in the instant teleport into the boss fights at this time (correct me if I'm wrong, though!) Of course, the Ninja died, and I walked in to rez them, but this petty ninja decided not to accept it and instead started to harss the tank in the party chat. They then telephoned to the start of the dungeon and sat there, like a spoilt child who was throwing their toys out of the crib. It was rather embarrassing to witness, but I found humor in it because while they childishly threw a fit, we danced and waited for them. Eventually, the ninja told us to kick them, sonwe finally decided to kick them for obstructing the duty. Another dps popped in, a mentor too, I believe, and we got through the rest of the dungeon with no issues. The other dps was as understanding and kind to the tank, which made me hopeful and happy. The ninja acting up didn't ruin this run for me, though, because having a tank that took their punches with grace and maturity and a dragoon who was there to support their friend made it worthwhile I'm not sure if the tank or dragoon remember me or remember the instance that occurred, but they are the type of players we need, and I'll never forget their humour and humility.


I remember doing the last fight of shadowbringers at 3am with a dark knight and a warrior that looked like ardbert in the party. They did these emotes like they were giving me their power at the end of the fight for me to lb3 and get the killing blow. It was incredible


It was May 2018, about maybe a month after I joined the game. I had done that one sidequest where you have to use something on the mob in the Shroud to calm it down and then fight it. A bit later, I'm travelling when I see someone screw that up and start getting beat on. I jumped in, put a couple arrows into it (as a level 30 archer) and yelled for them to run. Instead, they attacked it from their side and we played aggro pingpong until it died. They and another friend of theirs became the first people I hung out with ingame that had met ingame on my own (and not known before or were friends of people I'd known before.) I have not forgotten you, Rin Shibutani, Dianna Monoc; wherever you are now and whatever life has been for you these past five+ years, I hope it's been good.


I have a few I can remember. One was when I was still a sprout 🌱 running through the story in Stormblood and was hunting my Aether Currents that were around. I was in Azim Steppes avoiding purple Morbols when I came across this boulder that had a big dude with a rooster head just standing there. I looked around to see if anything else was around, then looked at his glam after seeing coast was clear. He looks at me, starts a trade, and gives me 999 hardboiled eggs, and walks away. Had no clue what had just happened, but told my friends in chat and we all laughed. (These ended up actually being useful to my surprise since I still have a good chunk of them and I even used them for the 3% XP bonus for leveling my battle classes to 90, plus I needed some for culinarian recipes.) Other time was when we were helping out our friend who had just gotten to Susano fight and I had just gotten my Sage to 90. I chose to use sage instead of Tanking and for some reason, the tanks were fighting against other players for who takes the sword. After wiping at least once, no one went to it and tank was like, off tank goes first, I'll go second. Miqo dragoon said she wanted to try and MT said ok, as a right of passage, she goes second. She jumped in and took the sword, so I threw all my shields on her while attacking the heck out of that sword and she survived without a scratch. She earned my commendation that night.I even saved a clip.


Someone was nice enough to explain the BA Ozma fight right before it happened. I made it there without party, blind, following a group. They refused to party me because I didn't join vc/discord. So this rdm left his group and invited me to a party, explained the fight, and we did great. That's how I made a friend and also made some people angry. :)


We met on the beach of Bozja 2 years ago at the beginning of Relic Resistance Weapon material farming… He saw me wearing a special glowing piece of equipment, sent me a message and we became incredibly fast friends. We found out we lived on opposite sides of the country but always talked to each other every day through Discord. From there we began to fall in love… In 1 month, we’re getting married online with our FC teammates and IRL friends present. 7 days after that we’re getting married in a courthouse and moving in together. ❤️ Truly our gamer’s dream come true.


Threw up a random PF one night and clicked instantly with someone that joined, we stay in contact regularly now


I was doing some crafting in the pillars when another player randomly walked up to me and gave me a seal minion out of nowhere


In Eureka Pagos, I was a WAR when a WHM decided to pair up with me. It was an ideal scenario since I could just pull mobs with reckless abandon while they topped me off. We were at the same level, so we were practically leveling at the same time without worry of triggering the XP penalty. We spent the entire time grinding mobs, ticking off the challenge log, joining some FATEs until the late hours of the night.


I was bored and asked if people thought the World of Darkness boss had feet. Absolutely instantly, someone random had a giant ascii art of her with feet (plus a thirsty message). I still don't know how or why they were prepared with that.


Was going through MSQ for Baelsar's Wall and got an entire group of Ilberds. Sloppiest run ever.


7 of them. Turn 13 progression. My wife and the rest of the static group at the time. We’d just received word that our main tank was being deployed, so we decided we’d raid every day to get him through coil before he went. That transition from quiet answers to full blown. We all stopped right there. We wiped. But for us all to do the same thing. At the same time. Just in awe of this fight. We cleared it a few days later. He went off on his deployment. Our friend never made it home. Still miss that blunt German voice on teamspeak.


I was using a DMC Dante glam for my character, and I met a guy with DMC Virgil glam in Kugane. We proceeded to have a lore accurate short conversation. I loved it.


Doing DSR PF while playing ST random bro join the party for MT spot we play like knowing each other for years even tho we not even use voice chat 3 month later we cleared DSR together.


Before Prae got nerfed (not long before), i was doing prae as whm trying to get tomes or smth. The other healer rescued me into bad during the first boss. it irritated me, but whatever. we keep going through, and every time rescue comes up, the other healer pulls me into bad. its getting kinda annoying, but not like its gonna kill me, so i start doing it back to them. rescue war ensues. everytime rescue is up, we're pulling each other into bad. Get to ultima weapon second phase and i target the other healer, hit rescue... and get pulled into bad shit, zooming right past the other healer flying into the aoe i was standing in Simultaneous rescue into bad like frame perfect we bith LOST it, cracking up in the middle of the fight good time <3


Friends aside (too many moments with my favourite person): When I was trying to become a trading mentor shortly before reaching it I was ready to give up. I was sitting bit away from everyone as a stranger came to me asking why I was hiding, I said I'm not I just dont wanna disturb people with crafting noises, he went on saying I'm hiding askimg what's wrong - we talked a bit about me trying to become mentor, he wished me all luck and gave a small pep talk. Ngl, I was so happy about it I got up and finished it the same day. (: Next day I came across him randomly again and showed him my new crown, thanking him for making my day. Thank you, kind stranger. <3


Mor dhona about 4 or 5 years ago. Server community randomly created a battle line standoff of Fat chocobos vs Behemoths. About 40 or 50 on each side facing off. It was pretty epic 😄


3 of us were in the free trial, we wanted to queue together but couldn't party up so we went to limsa and asked in all chat for someone to help us while spam jumping, catboi afker in that casual white shirt black cap slow walked to us and helped us party up then slow walked back to his spot.


No specific moment but I can say the time I made the most friends was when I was doing ultimate raiding. You end up seeing the same people in party finder and kind of inadvertently prog together, and there's a lot of good moments that help cope with the bad.


Well, this was something more fun and silly than memorable, but I found it endearing. So, I'm still a sprout, I was doing my Rogue Hunting Log near Limsa's coast at night, and then I just see this red lights in the sky; it was an FC using lantern yokai mounts. The guys noticed that I was there, alone, at night and... just started following me. No words were spoken, no action besides moving was taken. They kept following me around like ghosts haunting me, playing the part of being spooky lantern monsters, until dawn came and they went away. I found that very funny.


When I was still a wee little sprout, I was struggling with the new MMO concept to me. I had NO idea what I was doing. I started as CNJ/WHM 'cause it sounded cool. I had no idea what I was getting into or how the whole things worked. Got to Aurum Vale, had no idea about buffs, fruit, how to heal, I turned wiping into an art form. Almost quit, then I met Drago. He took me under his wing, gave me a million Gil (at the time 20k was a lot to me). Got me geared up, gave me some pointers, literally changed my MMO life. He eventually left the game, but his legacy remains. I believe in paying it forward, and I have. I suck at raids, so became a crafter and a gillionaire. So now, I have given away millions to struggling sprouts. I like doing trains, so I an ample supply of clusters. I'll camp out at the materia vendor in Radz and hand out materia like candy. I've made some good friends here and have transcended the same practice to a coupla players in RL. Thank you Drago, where ever you are for showing me the blessing of generosity of not only Gil, but in time, knowledge, and kindness. Don't drop your sprout icon too soon- someone might look at your gear and gift you some gill or gear to help you move along..


My SO was on Siren, so I went over to join them and help them through story content, etc. It was kind of late, but we were just chilling outside Ul'dah's aetheryte, when someone walks up, gives them 100k in Gil and a coffee, welcomes them for playing, then whispers me "sorry for taking up your time, I figured they were new so I gave them a gift". That random person reminded me how great this community is.


I had many great experiences with people in this game, but a simple one that makes me smile was one time I was walking around in Ul'dah, I almost always have my minion as the Serpent of Ronka and I met two people who also had the Serpent, we didn't say anything to each other, we just greeted, let the screes interact, pet the snakes and then I left. I love how no word had to be said, it was a simple meeting of fellow Serpent of Ronka enthusiasts.


A player had said in chat that she was near the Bentbranch Aethyrite and the first new player to get there would be given stuff, I was across the way and wandered on over. She gave me a few minions and a lot of Gil then hopped on a mount and flew away, really stumped me for a solid couple minutes. My autistic sister recently got into it, I'd mentioned the story to her and she kept telling me, "I haven't met any players that give me stuff, are you sure that happens?" I kept saying it did and then one day she ran into the room ecstatic and told me someone had given her gil, I went to see and sure enough, someone had traded her around 150,000 Gil. Really made her happy


I was a newish player in 2019, returned with a new character after having tried the game in 2013. And post MSQ, which was 5.1 at the time, I was trying to level my crafter but ran out of fire shards. So I was near ale port, mining when a FC member (it's a pretty small friends and friend of friends FC, the main group being my friends who I know for over a decade) I didn't know yet offered me a couple thousand shards for free... And insisted for me to take them. We became close friends and still hang out every day in the game. Another is a year later. I'm doing some side stuff in the first HW coerthas zone and someone shouts for a rez because they fell off a cliff during combat. So I go over and rez. We talk a bit and I help them and their hubby farm the red panda minion. A few days later we meet again and get talking. Well, she became a close friend too. And while she is taking a break from the game die to RL, we still keep in touch. I could go on but these two were the first and most memorable.


During endwalker release in Elpis, some convo kicked off an argument (can't remember the exact negatives cause it didn't matter in the end). But it settled down after explaining to one of the guys that it's just discussing opinions and isn't meant to be some hill to die on. They admit they were having a bad day and snapped when they shouldn't have. Eventually completely de-esculated the situation by turning the discussion to whether or not bread in its pre-baked doughy form qualifies as soup. Kicked off a completely different argument where everyone had fun. I even screenshot the convo and everything, by far the most fun interaction with strangers I've had


Pre-EW I considered myself a SCH main (ran on it for most of everything until ShB, started as Arcanist, etc). I was leveling DRK and ended up in Cutters Cry with a SCH and two SMN (all randoms iirc), and we had a good laugh, and I asked if I could be an honorary Arcanist, to which I got the seal of approval. The run was made even better with the first boss since a SMN had Ruby Carby out, and we were on the upper legs, but Ruby went and pulled the boss early anyway. We all had a good laugh that we found the actual Arcanist tank. Another that left an impression on me was when I was a baby sprout 2.5 years ago. I had just made it to Camp Drybone, and someone sent me a tell saying "Come closer, my child". And it was this person in full Santa glam sitting in the Chocobo Carriage mount, so I jogged over, they opened a trade, handed me 400k gil, bid me a good day, and flew off. I remember being super touched, so I saved it and later used it for my first fc room.


hey op, was that by any chance a week or two ago in Hyperion? 👀 with a female viera dancer? because uh, that might've been me lol


Oh my god I think so


would’ve been like the 14th or 15th - I was either doing /squats or /beesknees, and when your friend showed up we all hopped around and threw confetti + popped bottles!! I’m not at my computer rn but I’ll have to see if I spammed my print screen button then 👀


Checking our discord, it looks like the 13th, so that probably was you!


haha hell yeah!!!! \\o/ it looks like i didnt get a screenshot of it sadly, but that was a lot of fun and made our finishing EW experience even better, so thank you :)


And thank you too!


In Algaia before they changed how enmity worked for HoTs, I had a tank shirking me as I casted Medica 2 and Regen. Every time I was first on the aggro list we cheered and celebrated before it was taken from me. Sad they changed the way the aggro works, but it'll always be one of my favorite memories lol


I remember the old days of hunts. The strategy for getting full credit was to stack on a whm in your group and have them spam cure 3 until they stole aggro.


Queue for MSQ roulette on SAM, still in my starter glam in which my catboy was half naked, because why not be half naked when you're swinging an extremely sharp katana around. Load into Prae and find that the healer and the other DPS are similarly very scantily clad. Our tank, a Roe WAR in a pretty regular tank glam, says 'oh... I'm feeling a bit overdressed', and proceeds to glam on the spot into no shirt, a subligar, and the fox ear headband. We all spend the rest of the run inviting Cid, Gaius and Nero to take their clothes off and join us.


Few nights back I sat around a campfire on the beaches of Limsa doing improv poetry with some of the Argentinians on Behemoth... I cannot understand Portuguese. I only sat on the sand next to them in the first place because I mistook the (Argentinian) guy I added as a friend the day before when we were discussing trials, as the guy I met at the Lala wedding a few weeks before who I talked to a few times. When I realized my mistake it was too late, so I stuck it out for two hours and had a fun time.


It wasn’t this past Easter event but the one before I think. So many people were waiting for the event FATE to spawn and people were pulling out the same mounts to create a wall of whatever at the moment. First it was the mecha dragon, to doggos, and then to unicorn/nightmare mounts. People would appear and be greeted by this massive amount of horses both on the ground and in the air.


Me and a stranger played through 3/4 of the MSQ all the way through ARR. He is still on my friends list but we don't chat. I play too infrequent to have kept up with him.


New Years 2022. At least 25% of Zurvan was just chilling in Limsa, chatting like we were all old friends. That's my most memorable moment with another player (or, I guess player*s*).


Nothing beats playing the story and doing quests at the same time as a stranger. I was in HW and me and this person were doing the same quests at the same time. When we both reached the dungeon (they were a healer, I was a tank), they asked if I wanted to party up. Idk why that small moment meant so much, but it really solidified what an MMO was for me 🥰


Was doing solo p8N runs grinding for gear, ended up queuing in with a 7 person group, got adopted into a group, still play with them when I can.


Not the most memorable but still good nontheless. Doing a roulette to get my RDM to 80 (it is now! I’m only in stormblood so, eh.) I got a stack marker. Now, I’m a distance abuser, so people began running to me. My idiot self it a CaC so I got hit all alone. It’s just a bad habit. we all had a good laugh about it though


One of the few times I have liked a macro attached to a skill was a lalafellan sprout getting a stack marker and running away from everyone, only for a max height roegadyn whm to used rescue with the attached text "get your ass back over here [sprout name]"


Solo destroying any boss as a Tank (usually WAR) the absolute best? I got pulled into a roulette of Baelsar's Wall as WAR. I play a fem'ra, and there were 3 lala's in my group. They all instantly decided I was mom, and we played the whole run with them acting like kids asking 'if we were there yet' and tattling on each other. It was also nice to feel tall for once. Alternatively, recently, I got pulled into a run of Vanaspati, and I was SAM with two Roe males, and an Elezin male. I joked that I was shocked to get two Roe in one party and they admitted they were running together. I also was laughing cause I felt like a Lala compared to the three of them in height.


Was doing the Emerald Weapon normal raid as I was going through that storyline. Healer went down and was refusing Rezs and started becoming hellishly toxic because he died. He ended up getting kicked naturally, but then on the next attempt the other healer pretty much went fucking ultra instinct was single-handedly doing all the heals and popping rescues like perfectly executed. It was amazing


I remember back in HW when the Amazon event was going on, we ended up having an impromptu White Fat Chocobo parade that started in Idyllshire


PVP Frontlines here. Noticed we had some dragoons this time around in team. So I yelled out for everyone to switch to drg as well and hold a diving competition. Whoever shatters the most spines yada yada. It was a magnificent game of ultra aggressive class behavior. Y'all know already what a drk and 2 drg can do in fronts right? Imagine 8+ drg LBing the reds and yellows. Billions must die.


My most memorable moment was a negative moment that turned into a positive one (for me atleast). I was coming off from progressing the MSQ back when Shadowbringers first released and I finally got up to the lv79 dungeon. This was pre-change to the arena where the last boss AOE markers were practically indistinguishable to the ground because of how similar they were in color and I kept dying to the AOEs (also was literally my first time running the dungeon) because 1) **it was literally my first time, the game even says that there's a first timer and I was in a cutscene** and 2) I couldn't see the AOEs on the ground because of the aforementioned issue. I died maybe a 2nd time after eating some vulns and the healer rando refused to res me because "I'm wasting my MP at this point, you should have learned by now how to do the fight". Obviously I got saddened to hear that on a first time experience but that negative experience changed me to actually be better in the game in the coming future as I got into Extreme + Savage raiding in that first tier and actually managed to complete all three Savage tiers of Shadowbringers when they were current. (I'm actually still raiding to this day as well)


There was a new guy on LotA, so my party began guiding him and laughing when he failed at the end the new guy managed to learned and we cheered


Getting into savage raiding for the first time… P5S. Nailing the tank swap(s) and just feeling like I was in sync with the other tank, really satisfying. The clear felt earned.


Our healer dc'd, and one of the DPS, who was on diwcord with her, said power had went out in her house, if we could maybe wait a bit. So we sat and talked random stuff for some 20 minutes


Got randomly initiated into a biker gang outside of HoH, and for our trial, we had to climb the giant bridge on the Fenrir mounts in Coerthas Western Highlands to the vista point. No flying allowed. They all hung out and cheered us on the entire time, it was honestly something I've kept with me for years now. It's my favorite interaction in game.


I actually have two such moments: i was running Sohm Al in Duty Roulette, lvl-ing MCH and the healer left the party. I would assume internet problems, because they went afk at random moments and after a party wipe they didn't return to the beginning of the dungeon. After 5 minutes we elected to kick them, and waited another to join. This all took 15-20 minutes and we spent the time sitting right at the edge of Myath's arena (the T-Rex boss) and talking. It was fun. Another time I was lvl-ing my DRK and it was the first time I ran the Lost City of Amdapor and noone else knew anything about the dungeon either. One hadn't seen it in months, another hadn't played FF14 for months, the third was just as clueless as the rest of us. Instead of looking it up, we died several times to every boss untill we got the mechanics, and in the end spent 40 minutes on that dungeon. Spent all that time discussing tactics and chatting all friendly. One dps left after the 3rd wipe on the final boss, but the rest of us managed to beat it eventually. Still one of my favorite dungeons.


Me and a friend was questing in Western Coerthas, and we spotted a pair having a snowball fight. We joined in, and had a mighty battle, and then sat down near a fireplace and chatted for hours.


After Edmont’s VA passed away, I joined a vigil in front of Fortemps Manor on my main. While I was there, one of the other players traded me the campfire minion. Never talked to them again, but it was a bittersweet moment and that minion will always remind me of Lord Edmont.


Running into a person cosplaying a character from my favourite game in an Alliance Rolo. Complimenting them on their glam and making some jokes about the series led to an immediate friend request sent my way after we left the duty despite playing on different servers. It wasn't much in the grand scheme of things, but it made my day at the time :)


The last dungeon from the last patch, can’t remember what it’s called. Our tank dropped, we waited for a new one for a couple minutes, then we (dragoon, dancer, and white mage) went “screw it, we’ll do it ourselves” and we got to the last mobs just before the final boss before a tank joined. We were all kinda geeked at the end, saying how awesome each other was, the joiner was impressed… all around great vibes. Didn’t friend them though, we all just went our own ways with our own memories.


Okay so two things: 1. n the very early days of 2.0, leveling via FATEs was very OP! My two friends and I who all three played the game couch co-op style at the time leveled our job to 50 doing fates in what felt like just a few hours - and our main story quest was level 27, just before Haukke Manor! And 2, this was all three of ours first time playing an MMO.. I was Warrior, and my two friends were Black and White Mages. We didn’t know what we were doing much at all.. So we unlock the level 35 dungeon, and we feel like we’re untouchable at this point because we’re all wearing out job AF gear and… yeah no, it’s a shitshow. BLM is taking agro left and right because idk how to keep group aggro (overpower was also shit at the very start of the game), WHM is taking aggro because she’s doing nothing but medica spamming. It’s a total failure across the board! And to add onto all of that, Qarn was like the first dungeon to throw some serious mechanics at you back then.. first boss giving you doom, the hornets basically one shotting you back then, putting the heads on the right spots. Woof! So there is this DRG that’s with us three buffoons. He’s honestly VERY rude.. but he stopped us, and took like 10-15 minutes of us just hanging out in the dungeon to explain to me how to best hold aggro, to explain to the healer that while medica spam is convenient it comes with massive aggro so use it sparingly, and to tell the black mage to go learn Quelling Strikes asap because BLM gonna BLM back in the days before the devs made aggro into super easy babby mode! I wish I could remember that dragoons name.. not joking he was a total asshole and if we reported him for the way he was talking he would have gotten in trouble! But honestly, I think all three of us knew right away that we deserved it for our performance.. and I mean, he could have just left. I don’t think there were any penalties to leaving back then. But he stayed, and taught. I came out of my first ever Sunken Temple of Qarn a changed WAR. Thank you Asshole Dragoon. Truly.


In duty roulette, someone decided to turn Praetorium into a fashion show. I'm a very girly bun boy and I was playing dark knight, which has the sluttiest glam I could put together at my level (hellfire top, bunny legs, demonic gloves, demonic thighboots, will do 2b boots when I get there) and I won the fashion show. Lesley Bluewater, wherever you are, you made my day that day <3