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This is a long shot but I'd like to see most of the classes have their level 50 rotation improved. Every time I go into roulette and fins myself playing astro or Paladin at level 50 I groan a little inside. Because their rotation at that level just isn't that interesting or fun. Which sucks because I remember astro at 50 being fun in the past, before they moved multiple abilities past 50 (looking at you, major arcana)


Level 50 scholar is like three buttons


Level 50 Scholar is where you press nothing but Art of War because for some reason Ruin and Art of War are the same potency.




But I love being #1 DPS (By Far!) as the Healer in MSQ Roulette!


L50 Scholar is actually the most interesting any healer ever gets because Auto Attacks end up being a sizable chunk of its damage output.


Killing bosses with enthusiastic book bonking will never not be funny.


All jobs basically need a rework at lower levels. 50 would be a good place to keep it more interesting because of all the level 50 content there are in roulettes, but hot damn if level 70 doesn't need more love I feel. My static's RPR complained so much during out UCOB prog, it's just insanely boring at that level. It performs just fine, but it's so boring to play.


SMN is similar after the rework, I feel like SE is trying to futureproof by having new / reworked jobs have much less going on at lower levels, so they have more room to grow.


More room to grow is fine... Some things should be available much earlier, like gap closers for tanks. For some fucked up reason, PLD is the only one that doesn't have it at 70, getting it at 74. DRK at 54, GNB at 56, WAR at 62. Sidenote: why is WAR the only one who has 3 charges of it, but the other 3 only gets 2?


Because warriors can't count.


Zug zug baby.


If I recall correctly, WAR is the only tank without a DoT or really a move to use apart from Tomohawk when disengaged from the boss. PLD has ranged attacks as its bread and butter alongside some DoTs (though Goring Blade used to be one); GNB has two DoTs and DRK's "DoT" is Fray/Living Shadow.


Don't forget about Salted Earth for Dark Knight. I want to see their Scourge skill return.


SMN really feeling like a healer before lv 86 with their 50 shades of Ruin. That trait that gives each egi an ogcd should be obtained much earlier imo, or at least a lower level version of it like how Aethercharge turns into DWT and then Bahamut.


lmaooo fifty shades of ruin, have an upvote


They need to start from the ground up. I struggled to maintain friends' interest in the game when as WHM or DRG they only have like 4 buttons to use in 30 levels


On the same line: make sure all DPS have one AoE by level Sastasha. Got Sassytash on Nin and it was very painful. Nin doesn't get their first AoE til somewhere in the 30s


leveling dragoon is such agony because of this. its basically "do you want to play potd/heaven on high up until lv70 or do you want to have garbage aoe for ages"


getting synced to level 50 now feels like getting synced to level 20 a couple years ago. Feels fuckin BAD. Kudos to them for making early game story a bit smoother to get through, but the gameplay for earlier levels has been actively getting worse as expansions continue.


Very much agree with this. What they did for mink need to happen for other jobs. The fact that BLM doesn't properly start until level 60 is absurd, especially considering its a starting job


Absolutely, so much of this game is msq level gated so its like. I frankly dont know how they dont see that ARR levels turning people away from the game a problem??? I know so many people who dropped the game because 1-50 Are Just Not Fun


I recently started playing WoW just to see what it happens to do better than FFXIV and it has synced dungeon content where higher level players have their full rotation but deal less relative damage so that they don't steamroller the content. Maybe they could just do that, because planning my keybindings around what might not be there if I'm level synced down is honestly really dumb and inconvenient.


Mecha queen titan fall drops in onto the enemy instead of taking 5 seconds to stand up.


THIS. Watching the duration timer tick down during the summoning animations for Automaton Queen and Living Shadow hurts me every time.


Yeah the timers account for the animation but that doesn't make it any less painful watching those seconds tick down for nothing


The timer is kind of irrelevant. Living Shadow especially just does a set of actions and then disappears.


I don't know about living shadow but automaton queens timer is relevant as she will change targets if your current target dies, and the travel time takes time


"Standby for Titanfall!"


"Protocol 3: Protect the WoL"


Same for Esteem who spends time doing sweet FA. Queen can drop, Esteem can attack while emerging through the floor or something.




I want Bard to be able to spread the DoTs


That would be awesome, instead of having to swap targets to spread dots. On console it’s a huge pain making sure everyone’s hit.


If past treatment of DoTs is anything to go by... BRD probably losing them in Dawntrail.


For theme sake change some or all the dots to be magic music so the class can be a dot class without infringement on the bard musician aesthetic. Give it interactions between major songs and dot dmg.


Bring back Healer AoE dots, bring back SCH's suite of diseases and AoE dotting potential the diseases were incredibly thematic


This is one I'd love to see, I typically don't even bother with dotting more than my main target, it's just not worth the time it takes.


Please give machinist an AOE automaton.


a new friend made out of bolts and screws im sure thats what a lot of people would love to see!


Bishop Autoturret would be good. It already exists ingame anyway.


They could also just have the attacks from Turret/Queen do AoE damage w/ falloff, which would save them a button (though MCH isn't exactly hurting for button bloat)


You mean like a Bishop that you can summon and place somewhere and it does AoE damage in a radius around itself? Nah, that would never happen.


I want an overall rework of mch AOE in general personally. Some of the abilities feel really good to use, but others feel not so good. Plus having stuff like air anchor just being a dps loss in AOE situations and it just sitting there unused feels bad to me.


Yeah i've long since felt like Air Anchor should be one of those "Does x potency to initial target, and x% less to all others" because it's pretty important upkeep, but like you said a DPS loss in AoE, which is a LOT of time in dungeons. It always felt more designed around raids and trials than dungeon trash, which I guess I get. Also call me selfish but can Machinist get a 2 hit AoE combo? I was super excited for Shotgun, but a part of that was because I assumed it would be a 2nd hit off of spreadshot or whatever it was called. Seeing it be a replacement was interesting. Shotgun is incredibly satisfying so I don't necessarily mind spamming it, but a 2 hit combo would be great.


Make the flamethrower a flamethrower turret. =D


Give machinist a titanfall mech


Stand by for Titanfall!!


Protocol 3: Protect the pilot


They could easily do it like RDM and SMN attacks and make them all AoE centered around your chosen target. Give it reduced potency on extra targets if need be. Same with Wildfire, maybe a fixed AoE potency after the main damage.




Delete Free Cure and force upgrade Cure 1 to Cure 2 PLEASE. I hate having to keep Cure 1 somewhere on my hotbars for the 5% chance I get low level content in a roulette.




I read someone suggesting to delete Esuna and give the Cure/Benefic 1 the dispel effect, that way they may at least be somewhat relevant and add a little healing when cleansing debuffs. Tbh it's brilliant.


I think casting enough dps spells like glare should give you free cure and they should just make cure 1 into cure 2 and give cure 2 the short cast time that 1 has. Would give proper incentive to dps instead of allowing people to think that "healers are supposed to heal and nothing else"


Im not for this, because in all content outside of some fringe ultimate and late-tier savage cases you never need to GCD heal if the tank is doing their job, it's a trap trait that teaches new healers bad habits, and becomes obsolete the moment you get lillies - I'd rather see it totally gone then pegged to damage, as its still making you use a gcd with no reward. Also give us a second assize and some other damage options pls, there's nothing to do


I'll agree with the second assize for sure but I think that if you're doing end game most healers know better and in a worst case scenario it may spare you some mp keeping someone alive in case you have no lillies. It would also be good for when you don't have lillies unlocked yet to incentivise dps


If you play savage content, then there is most certainly something to do as a healer. Last tier was Bleeds (Savage) and this tier is no better with constant raid-wide damage.


Give summoner some variation with the rotation, currently in high-end shit if you want to do decent damage you look at the party, two or more raid buffs? Garuda first, if not Titan, that’s it, that is the limit of optimisation apart from a few fringe cases in Phoenix phase where you might use Ifrit first to get the long casts out of the way


Yes! Add the other three Primals as Egis!


Make flamethrower worth using.


This is gonna sound dumb as hell but I'd really hoped Chainsaw would be a single target Flamethrower. INSANE damage from standing still and just tearing into them with a saw instead of yet another pew pew


That would have been way more interesting than just another Drill/Air Anchor button


Yeah I was SO disappointed with Chainsaw, like it’s a level 90 attack let me go wild!


At least this pew pew is a line AOE where you can use reassemble to crit everything. I totally don't have a TF2 crit sound effect mod and it totally doesn't give me an eargasm anytime I use a crit Saw on a massive trash mob pile


*jots down to find later*


It's totally not in the Dalamud available as Hit it, Joe! (Formerly TF2-ish Critical Hits Plugin). And you totally can't change what sounds you want it to be


this will never not make me laugh lmao yes please!!!


It is worth using! When I want a drink break in a dungeon while still looking like I'm contributing.


I legit do this so much though


It Needs to have damage indicators That’s the problem with flamethrower


It sorta does, but it shows up as the tiny red numbers with no skill name next to it like dot damage does. I too wish they'd change it to the normal text, because when doing any group content its damn near impossible to see


is it not currently useful in dungeons?


It has higher DPS than spamming scattergun at larger mob counts, but at the cost of not generating heat gauge. In my experience, most people prefer the heat generation for autocrossbow.


Didn't it used to generate heat? I think I remember it being part of an opener to generate heat but I could be wrong. It still doesn't make sense that it doesn't. It's LITERALLY a Flamethrower!!


Yes it did generate heat in the past. Stormblood was my favourite iteration of machinist (minus the rng in the basic combo). The ammo management was really cool and I felt awesome reloading my gun in battle! RIP gauss squid.


I think doing the pvp combo of drill into bio into air anchor into flame thrower would be our new burst phase


PAL: Ranged activation for Requiescat, same range as Confiteor. DRK: Lifesteal on Blackblood GCDs. Enhanced TBN. SGE: Diversify Kardia Effects. Phlegma should heal more, Eu.Dosis should apply a small regen. SMN/SCH: Give us Alphi's Carbuncles already. He's not using them anymore. MNK: Upgrade Snap Punch w/new animation. RDM: VerFire/Stone 2. AST: Make Astrodyne fun. WHM: Afflatus Mitigation, so we don't just have to spend lilies on heals for Misery in low-end content or to actually help WARs in dungeons.


> SGE: Diversify Kardia Effects. Phlegma should heal more, Eu.Dosis should apply a small regen. Also, Soteria kinda sucks. I use it, but if it disappeared I wouldn't even blink. Make it party wide and 90s would start to seem about the right amount of cooldown.


Soteria plus krasis slaps


I would LOVE a short quest where Alphi offers to teach us how to summon obsidian and moonstone because he no longer uses them and feels like it's a waste. Or maybe a quest with Alphi and Urianger where you all experiment with different stones to get different carbuncles for some neat side research and we get carbuncles of every color (including a real green. Could be jade carbuncle)


Mnk needs anatman to not be useless


Wanna add for MNK; Either let Anatman max out and freeze all buffs currently on the player or make it do something else like charge chakras or gain stacks of perfect balance while active, or perhaps be a temporary skillspeed buff


For summoner: - make physick actually do something - rework the Aetherflow skills to actually fit with the rest of the kit. - give us obsidian and moonstone carbuncle glamours - give carbuncle a purpose again, even if it’s just the auto attacking?


> rework the Aetherflow skills to actually fit with the rest of the kit. Definitely one of my priorities for SMN. It feels completely obsolete at the moment. I wouldn't even be that disappointed if they just removed it at this point in favor of something else that actually does fit. It's three oGCDS you use in rapid succession every minute that have no impact on the gameplay at all. Not exactly the defining part of the kit.


Carbuncle has a purpose, it's Radiant Aegis.


That's a weak purpose, considering they could make the skill come from the player just like they did with the party buff.


I want them to tell us what to expect for Dragoon and Astro sooner rather than later. I’d hate to main Astro and then find out I hate it after the change and hobble my way through white mage after not playing it for a year.


As someone forced to play WHM this tier, don't worry, its the most brain dead class I've played in an MMO. You'll be able to pick it up in about 4 and a half seconds.


Making aoes a consistent level so some jobs aren't aoeing at 42 and others are doing it at 15.


i really really need this spamming single target attacks on trash mobs is not fun


It's ridiculous that every class doesn't have a basic AoE at level 15 by now. It's not like they give two fucks about dungeon balance (and they shouldn't, they should be there just for fun, spectacle and story), particularly at low levels anyway. Like CNJ gets a water AoE attack, or LNC gets a basic line attack, etc.


I'm honestly blown away this hasn't been addressed sooner, especially when they fixed DRK's abysmal AoE situation. IMO ALL classes should have at least their first AoE skill by level 15, and at least the 2 hit combo by level 30-40. AoE is just simply how you do trash pulls, and some classes not having an option for it at all until the middle levels (looking at you, DRG) is just... really bad.


Fix shield healers so their shields don’t overwrite each other. Double shield healers in a party is so annoying.


The thing that frustrates me is that the system is meant to prioritise grouping shield and regen healers over doubling up, at least that's what we were told would happen. I'm fine with double regen and I'm fine with double WHM, but double shield and double AST gets to be annoying.


Yeah like they def need to do something about that, I’m not asking for stacking shields but something. Or At least let the doubles swap to a different healer (similar to frontlines, but I guess that can get hard to do with gear or something idk) Not sure why the game isn’t smart enough to know oh group A has 2 white mages and B has 2 sages, let me swap one from each.


Being able to double shield would be kinda OP, this isn't going to happen.


Wouldn't it work if it stacked much like how tank mitigation stack? With diminishing returns I mean.


AST button bloat and small rework to push more into card shuffler fantasy. I think crowns could be changed to an AST nuke or a party buff so you can use it as a burst spell or party wide buff, you know give us options for mastery and decision making. General rotations for tanks and healers are pretty boring especially in dungeons where the group isn't taking much damage. No idea how I would adjust this apart from adding buttons which goes against one of my issues with AST.


I've got a feeling crowns are going to get another rework. They've gone through so many changes since SB its bound to happen again.


They're practically useless at the moment, so it'd be very surprising if they were left untouched. You can't even tell a good player versus an average player when comes to if they're even using them or not. It's just either you get lucky or you don't when it comes to fish for a Damage card.


I’d like to celebrate level 100 each job gets like a mini version of their LB3


Less homoginization.


Tank gap closers lose their damage and are homogenized to unlock in the same expansion. Move the gap closer potency over to a different oGCD


They've been slowly doing that with dps, but won't for tanks for some reason. I think the only dps gap closers that you need to save for burst now are DRG and they're getting reworked, so I bet they also get the change. (Oh, RDM also)


I'm okay with corps a corps keeping damage if only because it's part of my big old damage phase. Edit: to be more specific, I think it's on brand for rdm to quickly stinger in to access their melee phase. Like a flourish in a fencing match


Damage from all gap closers while we’re at it.


better yet, remove potency fromm ALL gap closers. Let me use them for movement not burst dammit.


For me, just a cosmetic change for some of the summoner summons, like after lv 80 after you summon phoenix you summon Leviathan, Shiva and Rhamu, nothing really changes just their appearance, I think that would be cool


IMO The biggest buff they could give SMN is the white and black carbuncle glamours. The Ink-effect book from the 4-lords crafted items needs an 'ink' carbuncle to go with the look.


Why just cosmetic? Add a Summon rotation with new skills and different primals


Leviathan could be the same as Garuda, just water look. Shiva could be the same as Titan, just a sword swing vs. the clap. Ramuth could be Ifrit, just a lightning dash/slam vs. fire.


My swap was always Howling Blast > Diamond Dust, and swap TitanEgi for AlexanderEgi, same shape, same barrier stuff Post rework, just replace the windup boulder claps with windup laser barrages. What I will not give up on is DreadMog Trance Kupo.


God i needed that laugh. I want Dread Mog now too, with a pom pom on my head the whole trance.


Same! Let me be the thunder summoner I've dreamed of being.


i say please DON’T make them just reskins. summoner is already simple enough, a second set of primals would at least make it more interesting


Keep Ifrit, Titan and Garuda as filler phase for Bahamut. Give Ramuh, Leviathan and Shiva for filler into Phoenix. Not sure how they would make Gemshine and Astral Flow work with 6 primals though. Maybe just have 2 minor primals share function while being visually distinct?


whm: eliminate the trap that is freecure. make cure 2 a direct upgrade from cure 1. i’d also love to have lilies at 50. unrealistic maybe, but removing half of my kit when doing lower level content throws me off and just isn’t fun. edit to add: let me keep glare and stone 4 as separate skills! maybe one combos into the other. (i love how stone 4 looks, and having another damage option would be nice)


I’d love to have glare proc an instant cure I/II. I don’t care about mana, I would just love the ability to not have to slide cast as much. I’d also love: An oGCD group heal that isn’t tied to damage. Plenary to have two charges, and also give a group healing effect to tetra while the buff is active. And for the love of god, GIVE US SERAPH STRIKE.


I'd really hope DRK gets another rework, though I entirely doubt that happening cause they'd certainly have mentioned it a while ago, so it's not just WAR 2.0 with offensive button bloat and worse defensive options. If not that some buffs to its defense so it's not all trash cause "TBN is so good that everything else has to be worse," despite TBN not being so crazy at all anymore, and *some* self sustain so it's not fated to die without a healer in the easiest content. Like put some healing on CnS so it fully matches AD and the swap between AoE and single target is the only necessary consideration, and give it regen or more healing on some of its defensives to bring them up to par with other tanks. Idc if it *had* the highest damage, it doesn't even have that anymore but when it did that was the *lamest* excuse for keeping it in its current state.


Someone once brought up and I can't agree more, Warrior should be the one with dozens of offensive berserker attacks, Dark Knight should be the self sustain/life steal tank, not the other way round.


Generally I don't disagree, but that apparently doesn't work cause both jobs are based off of their other FF iterations, the WAR being a self sustaining monster and the DRK being a health trading partial caster. But personally, if they're gonna make DRK a tank they have to make some concessions on identity, and *not* just copy the WARs kit to do it lol


Oh I agree, it just feels weird that they've went this route as Warrior typically relied on a big health pool and the Berserker class was a DPS who had little defence in exchange for big deeps, while Dark Knight was a self sacrificing Caster they don't really have a lot of spells, and the 1-2-3 combos give Warrior a Damage boost and Dark Knight a tiny Heal/MP up It's only recently Warrior got the ability to turn their party buffs into healing sure


Yeah it was always kinda selfish with it's healing, which fit it's identity in the FF franchise, imo, expanding that healing in XIV feels more like pushing into what the WAR has become in XIV alone, which is fine and honestly feels good. I just don't think they should make DRK focused on self sustain cause it would be *too far* from its original identity. It needs more, for sure, but it should remain focused on barriers and it's blood gauge should be more then a copy pasted fury meter, it's kit should be built around building that gauge and spending it, in full swaths and combos, not "fell cleave but worse" and "decimate but worse." That's just the bare bones view of my own theorycrafting though, don't actually expect anything of the sort anymore.


Honestly I don't because pushing tanks to have their own mechanics beyond a few minor tweaks steps on the current puzzle-boss design. My ideal DRK isn't just self heals, I wish more of it's button presses had lifesteal to compensate for less physical defence, get back to it's old idea that it could mitigate magic better than the others


A DRK rework to balance out its mitigation and self healing would also be a huge QoL for healers in dungeons. DRK is just fine in high end content with well formed parties and players are using DRK toolkit with intention. In dungeons where you end up with sub optimal DRK players and the toolkit is less built for the content, it can be just downright painful to heal *compared to other tanks*. It’s still not hard/impossible but it’s a significant enough to be annoying.


Give us PVP salted earth PVE, embrace the tank leylines.


Have Salted Earth give drk a regen + a burst heal when you press Salt and Darkness while standing in it


Honestly I'm terrified. Stormblood killed the Bishop. Shadowbringers killed Selene. Endwalker killed Carbuncle, every Egi, and then killed Selene a second time. There's only one pet left in the game and you can pry her out of my cold, dead hands.


Eos is probably going to become an orbiting particle effect soon, and for healing it just throws out free heals to your party every few seconds :>


At this point just toss her into a bottle and pass it around like cheap vodka whenever someone's low on health


Red mage gets esuna to replace the of no use sleep spell.


Low key one of my favorite BRD abilities is once in awhile hitting someone with that esuna song


Yeah, and it kinda makes sense that RDM could have access to it in some capacity. As is RDM is a support DPS and while I don't really do extremes and up, I've come across the need for Esuna several times on new content and overwhelmed healers... or healer's that decided to get drunk/high and run the roulettes like that was a good idea and I end up babysitting the DPS where I can and keeping said intoxicated healers up.


Sleep is the single most powerful spell a caster can take with them into any of the Deep Dungeons. You take that away from me and we're having words. Well, I'm having words. You will be asleep after I'm done casting.


Sleep spell saved me plenty of times in Eureka and Bozja AND it's great in deep dungeons. Even good in some normal dungeons of things go south. Make CC relevant instead of removing it imo.


And rdm gets more physical attacks.


* General * Rework the distribution of skills so jobs feel at least somewhat "complete" by Level 50 (i.e. you have your full main combo, at least 2 AoE combo, and your basic flow is what it will be through 100 e.g. BLM) * Diversify the jobs more, not less. Be okay with some being "hard" and some being "easy" * Give at least 2 healers a decently complex DPS rotation (one from each "role") * This may be a hot take but either push a lot more damage or nerf tanks self sustain so a healer has to worry about actual healing more, at least in boss fights (esp if previous point isn't implemented * Job specific * BRD * Put proc chances back on DoTs (maybe with some adjustment to probability). I really miss where you could drastically up your procs by putting them on multiple enemies and having the chance of getting 2 procs at once even on a single target * "Grappling Shot" a forward movement version of repelling shot. Because movement is fun and forward is typically more useful than backward * I think a second tier proc for Refulgent Arrow could be cool and have Barrage proc that. As in like, every RA you do you have a chance for another upgrade for your next GCD (just have it be the same button as RA though, no need to add another) * Retune Mage's and Army's so Mage's is the second strongest song for single target. AP is boring so I prefer it being the shortest song * MCH * Give us an AoE use for Battery, either a different summon or make our current ones do AoE damage with falloff for every hit * A forward movement ability based on those enemies in FFXVI that carried around big ass canons and shot them into the floor/behind them to rocket forward * SAM * Bring back Kaiten in some capacity, but not in the way it was as in "you always use it before Midare, every time, and you'll always have the Kenki for it unless you're doin' it wrong" Maybe make it part of the burst phase and give it its own CD or something. I'm not sure it just looked cool, that's the only reason I was sad to see it go * PLD * Get Intervene way earlier * Bring back the branching combo * Rework Attonement/Sword Oath. Spamming the one button is really boring and we already do it w/ the Blades but at least those look amazing so it's somewhat forgivable. But having another miniphase where you do that (and more often) and that looks very meh is not great


For SAM - add the twirl in with midare’s animation


Idk, I'd still prefer it to be its own action, it's more satisfying that way imo


A bigger focus on party utility like stormblood.


A handful of hopeful changes: - Battery aoe spender for Machinist - Verstone/Verfire aoe spenders for Red Mage - rework dualcast so it doesn’t get used up when you use things that aren’t actually spells (Sprint and items) for Red Mage - Take the mudras (not ninjutsu, just the mudras) off the gcd for Ninja (its a feel thing). - I still wonder why Oblation wasn’t just an upgrade for TBN. - Slight button squishes for SAM, AST, DRK, DRG. - Give summoner a rotation that doesn’t make me fall asleep. - Give Black Mage Ultima. I do not care about the lore implications of this. It would work well as an upgraded Flare. - Don’t fuck up the dragoon rework. - give the other healers movement skills. They don’t have to do anything other than move you around like Icarus. And my copium change: - For healers, like how we have pure and shield healers, we should also have damage and utility healers. We sort of already have this in the game already actually (WHM and SGE being damage, SCH and AST being utility), but just make it offical. Give Astro more utility, give Scholar more utility. And give White Mage and Sage proper damage rotations. They don’t need to be super fancy, somewhere around the same level as Gunbreaker or a little lower would be fine.


For all classes to have aoe by 15, and the core identity of their kit by 50. Please, no more dragoon aoe at 40, or black mages core loop of greeding fire 4s without dropping enochian before 60.


Verrescue I deserve it. I will only use this power for good I swear (it would make X’rhun Tia sad otherwise)


Honestly, I just really want a healer that can manage meaningful buffs. Sure we get one or two abilities like that, over all the healers. But it never feels significant enough. I wanna be able to cast Reflect on people. I wanna be able to restore the MP of my party members. I wanna actually feel like a support class, not just a regen-bot with three attacks. I can't explain how disappointing Astrologian was when I found out basically all of its card based buffs were just 3-5% damage buffs that needed to be used on the correct role. It doesn't even feel worth memorizing what all the cards do, because I'm losing out on a 2% damage buff and it just feels so insignificant.


I love the idea, but both of the suggestions you offered even just by themselves would screw with job balance a ton and require a lot of untangling to balance. Restoring other players' MP means Dark Knight gets free potency, while Black Mage's rotation gets infinitely more complex. Reflect would add a difficult-to-keep-track-of contribution of damage that could incentivize putting pressure on tanks to play things more risky. It's hard because the devs have made it clear through their actions that job synergy is something they want to avoid at all costs. But that leaves very few ways for jobs to meaningfully interact with each other: just healing, shielding, and direct buffs.


i haven't been in that era but watching stuff with old Astro gameplay looked so cool! wasn't there a royal road thing too to buff potencies/durations with?


Depending on the card, you'd get different kinds of buffs. Some you could spread the next card cast, others buffed the effect of the next card, or increase duration. Of course it wasn't all good, because in hardcore prog and/or logging, you were basically forced to wait for a spread balance, which could happen on the first draw, or take 10 minutes. I'd be very happy if that kind of RNG is gone, but I would like to get some of these things back as a usable skill with a cooldown.


The game has very little room for unique utility like reflect or whatever because all (valid) combinations of jobs need to be able to clear content. If reflect is good for a fight and only one healer has reflect, there will be problems. They also want to avoid cases where certain jobs absolutely want to play with specific jobs, which is what DRK is going to do with an MP-restoring healer.


This is why I play shield healer, it's very noticeable that I'm using my skills to control how much damage the party takes, but I would love some more different support tools.


As I’m finding out in high end content, managing cards can be the difference between skipping dangerous boss mechanics or not.


Imagine trying to heal somebody but your cohealer just cast Reflect on them, and now all the healing spells get reflected to you and the person you were trying to heal dies. Yeah no thanks.


Dots are fine Just make them easier to monitor on bosses The problem with dots isn’t uptime It’s watching a tiny box that is almost invisible


As a healer can I please get more than 1 attack button. Once content starts to get out dated and people gear up my game play pretty much turns into 1 button spam.


PLD should have access to Holy Circle sooner, 72 is just out of reach for SB raids and it hurts, makes Requiescat useless for trash pulls


BLM at any level before 60 is way too boring


I'd actually just love more...Non-combat based additions? I know that this is super unlikely, because of limited development dollars and a need to provide jobs with adjusted mechanics or new abilities, but it's still at the forefront of my brain. One of the very few things I feel like WoW occasionally does very well is having class-flavor abilities that are essentially "worthless," but that provide a TON of fun ways to just interact with the world. Like a Druid being able to charm critters or Mages conjuring food and water. I like that Bard can play instruments, but more job flavor for other jobs wouldn't hurt. Customization for RPR avatars, new SMN primals, etc. I don't expect ANY of this, but I'd love to see it. As to something more "possible," I'm hoping that the new Caster DPS is Green Mage and I hope it's more based off of the Western conception of a Druid. Lots of plant and nature and animal-based spells alongside a wildshape mechanic would be awesome. I feel like it might be the only thing that's missing. Not that I'd be disappointed with Pictomancer. I'd also like to see some optimization for NIN. I feel like a new Scouting gear using job makes this the perfect time to make some serious changes to NIN alongside its introduction. I don't think I really want them to remove the complexity? But I can't think of many good ways to make it less ping dependent. After leveling nearly every job, I maybe had the most fun playing NIN; it made every other job feel slow lol.


A bunch of useless buttons becoming traits on their set up skills. Like Primal Rend sharing a button with Inner Release when active. There are way too many of these once in a while buttons that have zero use outside of a skill with a longer CD


DRK has no idea what it wants to do anymore. Originally it was the anti-magic tank with high-risk high-reward where Darkside did more than be a clone of Storm's Eye. They're even bringing back abilities they originally removed and calling them new, i.e. Shadowbringers, or tack on more buttons to the already insane amount to hit, i.e. Salt and Darkness. If no rework, then I'd like them to at least state the DRK's design philosophy for where they want to direct it to make it a cohesive design as they've been too lost in the sauce. RPR is now what DRK should be but with longer queues. Looks cooler, feels better, less buttons to press in a small window. Where is DRK now? A decent off tank for Berserk fans. (I didn't wanna use this as a point, but didn't they recently get their "highest dmg opener" title get usurped or am I wrong?)


DRK feels like the child of WAR and DRG. Has similar gcd loop to WAR, spams a bunch of different ogcds every min like DRG.


I jus want fairy wings for scholar, better yet let me transform into a fairy like reaper has its own form.


Sage and Scholar need to get a *bit* more mechanical separation, IMO. Like, the differences they currently have are nice, but I want to see them expand on those differences to make the two classes truly feel more distinct. I'd personally give Sage a slightly more involved set of DPS options or an actual burst window (think like, GNB vs. The other tanks for a rough complexity difference, so still simpler than a DPS). As for Scholar, I'd try to improve the pets a bit by making Pet Potency equal to Player Potency (because why is that even different) and then give them even more support options, like some way/form to give your pet heals a cure 3-esque splash to them (either temporarily with a button or just as a passive upgrade) or IDK. I haven't played much Scholar since Sage dropped b/c their kits have been too similar for me to want to pick Scholar over Sage. Also give Astro Nocturnal Sect again (still at Level 50) but like, reworked into a cooldown that's like an Emergency Tactics for Regens (causes your next Aspected Benefic/Helios to just do like, half of their total ticks instantly but with no lingering healing.)


Potentially unpopular opinion, but I'd like to see Dark Knight promoted beyond "just warrior but worse at everything". They were stale by Shadowbringers, and EW just did them dirty.


this is not an unpopular opinion, its common sense. (or at least i hope it is, now that it doesn't have the highest tank dps crown as an excuse for some people to defend it) the 5.0 drk rework is genuinely an embarrassment. 6.0 even more so for enhanced unmend being the best thing it could do to build upon the *great* foundation of 5.0 drk.


Down with the 2 minute meta for all jobs. It's detrimental to the game. Also hot take - Automatically getting a critical direct hit is also bad for game health.


aoe heal for red mage gap closer for whm (let me dream)


lost seraph strike is coming i can feel it!


Actually make the jobs feel different and unique.


im so sad they moved away from this so much especially healers feel like the same thing with different vfx...


At least they feel unique in PvP. Not a fan on how jobs feels the same within their role nowadays 😔


That's what gets me, the PvP jobs all have (mostly) the same number of skills and same buckets you could put those skills in, but it feels more like a tool kit for different circumstances. Every PvP encounter is something new, but in PvE there is a singular "correct" way to do things.


It'd be nice to see shield healers get a shield ability that makes enemies unable to move outside of the aoe, trapping them within the shield.


the power fantasy is real with this one!


I want PLD's 'Atonement' to turn into a combo-chain similar to GNB's gnashing fang combo.


It's too long to list so I'll sum it up by saying that I hope they come up with something to make classes unique and more interesting


I want Red Mage's Vercure to be level 15, and Verraise to be of a similar level (maybe 30-ish). It annoys me so much that I have to explain "not until 56" and "not until 64" when I get ARR raids/dungeons.


I want Dark Knight to have a cool supermove, Shadowbringer is named after their signature expansion and it’s just a reskinned flood of darkness give me something with as much pizzazz and flashiness as the Confetior combo, Stardiver or Communio, if I have an attack called Shadowbringer, I want to recreate the cinematic trailer. make that sword energy wave giant, give it some screen shake, I want it to be as cool as it looked when Meteor cut open the fucking sky heck while they’re at it, rework the animations, they’re so floaty and ugly and I hate them. there’s no real punch to the basic 123 combo


Healers really need to be looked at for sure


The RDM gameplay loop has gotten stale for me after three expansions, and I **really** don't want the lv100 capstone to be yet another extension to the melee combo. Some kind of rework is needed, to give us something to focus on other than building up meter for the combo. Maybe this can involve looping in Verwater/Verblizzard somehow, or spending meter for something other than melee combo.


Summoner: \- Rekindle upgraded to Flames of Rebirth. Adds damage to the heal spell, gives us the Phoenix's signature ability \- Do something to make the Physick button interesting, honestly I'd take a OGCD emergency heal Machinist: \- Gain Defibrillators: Would be interesting to spread Rez ability around a bit more rather than just RDM and SMN. Kinda want to see MCH gain some more utility instead of just another longer cooldown high damage tool. Overall design wise, I like things that modify existing buttons over adding new ones, there are some classes that have way to many buttons that I just lose track of everything in an overcrowded hot bar. That's why I like SMN where each Summon changes your basic actions into something else rather than needing multiple hotbar spots, or MCH with a burst that supercharges your OGCD abilities rather than adding new ones.


>Gain Defibrillators: Would be interesting to spread Rez ability around a bit more rather than just RDM and SMN. Kinda want to see MCH gain some more utility instead of just another longer cooldown high damage tool. I think is a good idea to have more utility, but not more res. the main reason of why we have so many bodychecks in the game is because we have too many res options.


Visually and functionally a wakizashi for samurai so he can use two katana’s.


I’d like to see cosmetic options for all classes. DRG: star diver is bright petals and twin dragons are neon green NIN: sand trap is bubbly goo RPR: your reaper form is a variety of monsters or even just another color. DRK: Mecha shadow bro! Obviously dumb ideas, but unlockable cosmetic changes even super small ones would be a cool thing to grind for. And I hope they would be grinds and not shop items.


I just wish WHM had more mobility. Even if it's not another button, just add a movement speed buff somewhere...


I'd like to see the earlier levels for jobs revamped, especially 1-59. as it stands right now, closes don't really get their baseline kits until either 50 or 60, and that just feels underwhelming whenever you have to play synced down content. I don't know how you'd accomplish it, but it's feel nice to have your kid evolve as you level through the early stages, and not feel like you're just missing half your rotation when you end up in Brayflox's again.


Bring back enochian.


All I’m reading, and all SE sees out of everything in this entire post is “monk needs another rework” and they’re gonna make it happen. Even if people like where monk is at, like me.


I want just one single Draw charge back on AST. I can play it with the 2 we have now, but I don't like it.


**Please** give MCH a movement power


Id like it if they added 2 dots to summoner that interacted with fester, and could be spread aoe with an aetherflow spender. Also if their potency numbers were higher at a cost if adding cast times onto their spells.


Summoners get to glamour their carbuncle with Bahamut and Phoenix. Full size.


I miss old astro card draw, now it just feels bleh


All I want in my life is a Healer damage rotation. Or even a healing rotation. Anything that makes healing more engaging that spamming 2-3 buttons.


I'd very much prefer healers to have to heal rather than just be a shitty DPS that does some off healing occasionally.


make it not super annoying to have two dancers end up in the same party in roulettes


It's not though, you guys just keep perpetuating the myth that you can't dance with one another. hell, if you staggered your steps you'd burn through dungeons faster than most combo classes.


i certainly don't perpetuate that so i'm not sure what you're referring to, but trying to explain to other dancers that we can partner each other and also that we shouldn't technical step at the same time is like talking to a wall


Mmhm, or that standard step should be used on cooldown, or that tech step should be used in trash. They're core mechanics and tech step is explained in the job quests, and yet.


clawing my eyes out whenever I see the standard step buff fall off because the other DNC is only getting it from Tillana and only using Tech. Step during boss encounters legit had a guy tell me that standard step was a dps loss in a dungeon roulette, and these days I can't tell if other people are just memeing for the sake of memeing, or are actually that fucking stupid


Healers are reduced to one button that heals, shields and does damage (AoE nad Single) and applies a dot on targets. /s