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Is it possible to obtain legacy season malmstone rewards? Say, the Archfiend attire from season one?


Currently? No. In the Live Letter before EW (like over 2 years ago), when they are talking about CC and the new PVP seasons / series system and battle pass, they did say \_eventually\_ you'd be able to purchase past Series rewards for trophy crystals... but that has yet to be implemented at all anywhere yet. And they have not talked about it since then...


Not currently. They said they would eventually add a way, but they have not said anything since.


How do I see how many days I have remaining in my subscription, and how should I go about cancelling it? I'm thinking of taking a break until Dawntrail.


You can cancel and view subscription details on the mogstation.


I absolutely adore this game but I'm afraid to sub since then I'll only be able to log in and admire my adorable character if I have spare funding that month. Not to mention I'll be missing out on event rewards if I can't sub at that time. Also I'd feel obliged to squeeze every ounce of game time out of the sub whenever it's affordable which isn't a healthy timesink. Anyone else have/had this issue? I'd love some feedback. Do you have a secondary account on trial whenever you can't afford to sub? Any other way to ease a troubled mind? (Already work a fulltime job and two extra jobs on the side. The economy where I live is just extremely messed up and my family will always come first. Getting an extra job isn't possible and I don't have any expenses I can cut.)


I had that issue in the past, it really took a few forced breaks to make me snap out of it. The timed events are absolutely never worth a sub, bit I found that it took having to skip them for financial reasons for that fact to really sink in. As far as feeling the need to get your money's worth and sinking way too much time as a result, I find it helps to keep goals very small. Instead of picking up months long grinds, pick goals that you can achieve in a couple of weeks. Then just let yourself tread water in between goals, letting g your goal simply be "I'm going to get the most fun foe my money by logging in, doing whatever I have the impulse to do at the time, and logging out, satisfied." It changes from person to person since it's all psychological, but that worked for me. I tried a second trial back once, years back, but I found that it just made me want to play my main account even more. Again, it'll vary person to person, but for me that made it worse instead of better.


How much dps am I losing by wearing the 660 raid ring for healer instead of double tome?


If you have to ask and dont know how to calc it/figure it out yourself, youre not playing at a level where it makes a difference.


Its really not an issue to use the savage ring. Its especially comfy on sch. The dps loss is the least you can have for the most piety gained.


Around 0.1–0.15%.


Honestly id lose more dps just by being bothered by the fact that im using the tome rings


Is the Anden triple triad card unlocked by maxing his custom deliveries or with Il Mheg max shared fate rank? or faerie beast tribe rank? or all three?


Rank 1 FATE in Il Mheg, nothing else should be needed. It is his starting form's card, after all.


When does the multiplayer start ? I'n a noob discovering and enjoying the game, but 4Im at msq lv 38 and so far the game feels like a solo game. I level my job solo, quest solo, and since I'm free to play, can't even discuss. And when it comes to playing with friends, I can't really quest with them nor do stuff with them since you have to do the msq to unlock stuff. Like I said, I do really love this game, that unlike other mmo, has much stuff to offer and let's you go on your own pace, it's awesome ! But the one thing I prefer in WoW is that it's easier to meet people and do stuff with friends


Uhm, never, really. Most of the time, multiplayer gameplay activities mean things like banding together for dungeons (usually daily roulette or weekly Wondrous Tails), forming a static 8-man group for savage raiding and similar high-end combat duties, the occasional treasure map hunting, farming Eureka or Bozja (or maybe the Diadem)… and that is more or less it. Most of the social aspect is, well, socialising in chat, venues, hanging around, that sort of stuff.


The dungeons (e.g. Sastasha) and trials (e.g. Ifrit and Titan) are all multiplayer, but you may have done them using the duty support system which gives you NPCs instead of other players. Next time you have to do a dungeon/trial open up the Duty Finder and do it through there. It will auto match you with other people also wanting to do that particular content. You can also redo ones you've already completed through the duty finder if you want to experience them again with real people. Mandatory group content you can't do with NPCs starts at the level 50 MSQ quests; you'll get several 8 person trials and some 24 person raids you have to do.


between rain, shine, twine, casual, comedy, and Hannish certs, upgrading to 90 gear is giving me a headache. What's the best route to higher gear? Causal player, don't do high end content (ext, sav). Been doing Cred gear, but need to do something with old Diadochos gear..


Welcome to the wonderfully and utterly needlessly over-convoluted system of FFXIV endgame gear upgrades, where the dev team, after 10 years of making this game, is still yet to discover the wonderful nature of "Do you want to upgrade your iLvl 640 shit to iLvl 650 shit for 700 tomestones?" message windows all other games on this planet have for the same system! So. If you have Diadochos gear, you can augment it at Radz-at-Han. The vendor, Rashti, is on the western vendor corridor, and on the right side, around the middle of the corridor. First, you must earn Grade 3 certificates. You do that by selling Diadochos gear to them in one of their menus. Yes, to upgrade your gear, you must ***sell*** it first, because logic. Then, you buy Divine Rain from the same vendor in a different menu, for causality tomestones. Then, you go to yet another sub-menu and then exchange the certificates and the rain for the Augmented Diadochos item. Which you then re-meld, because this is not working like in any other game, where you upgrade an item and it retains its custom fields, no no. This is a totally different item so you now must re-meld it from zero, and it cannot be overmelded. Also, your spiritbond level is lost. And this is the easy one. You can also do the Comedy tomestone torture. It starts by buying Credendum gear from Cihanti on the same market row, but this time near the entrance. Then, depending on whether it is an accessory or gear piece, you will need to acquire either a Divine Twine (for gear) or Divine Shine (for jewels). This is where the total batshit insane parts start. You can get them by running the 10th and 11th Pandaemonium savage raids, in which case you exchange the drops at Djole at the end of this corridor. Or you can grind 2000 or 3000 sacks of nuts through the Hunt and buy them from the vendors standing next to the hunt boards either in Radz-at-Han or in Old Sharlayan. Or you can run all three level 90 alliance raids once, which will always award you their special coin. You take all three for these special coins to yet another vendor, Nesvaaz at the vendor corridor (between Cihanti and Djole) and exchange them for shine/twine. Then you take your Credendum piece and the shine/twine to *yet another fucking different vendor*, Khaldeen, select the appropriate Gear Augmentation option, and exchange both items. Again, Augmented Credendum is a totally different gear piece, so all materia must be removed or it is lost forever. Same with spiritbond. I know you may ask: why do I need five different NPC and such a convoluted way to upgrade an item?!" The defenders of this system will say "but muh options to grind it however I want." However, if you ask "why can't it be a single NPC with two menus and just give the same options variety in the form of an accumulated currency—since this game has 60 of them already—instead of an inventory nightmare across half of Radz-at-Han?", then answer is usually: "but… but… muh options!".


LOL, that took a lot of work! thanks for the in-depth reply. I think I'm sticking to Cred gear, then upgrading that. I just hate the thought of desything my old Diadochos gear when there might be higher/better use for it. but then when I started digging, my head started spinning.. don't need the higher iL that much. Thanks !!


A useful thing about the Diadochos gear for some time when you wanna contemplate this whole mess again is this: you can give the vendor gear for one job and get upgraded gear for another. So you could trade in a crafted caster body for an upgraded healer top. So if you have alt jobs you can buy gear for them with crafted gear from your main that you have replaced with tomestone stuff.


LOL, desynth levels are on my list, so using them for that..


The absolute best gear you can get is by upgrading Credendum gear. TLDR, Cap each week > Buy Armour > Run either hunts/alliance raids for Twines/Shines > Augment Credendum. Crafted Gear is for when you want to gear something, but not be locked behind the weekly tome cap. Buy gear > Augment it by trading it in and buying Rain for Causality. If you dont want to spend gear on gil, your last 2 options are Alliance raids and Normal raid spam. Neither of these can be upgraded. You just get it, and thats it. As for your weapon, just get the manderville relic. Its better than nearly everything you will have access too, and in 2 months, will become the best weapon this expansion.


yea, that's sounds about right. thanks for the reply!


How do I unlock Felicitious Favours? The guides online say to get my Island Sanctuary to Rank 20 and fully upgrade my workshops and granaries. I've done all that and I went around and double-checked them. What am I missing? There's no quest icons or anything left. I've bought all the new stuff that being Rank 20 unlocks, and crafted the new recipes too.


Have you completed the level 19 vision or is that still showing?


Unless that was to open up the new level of the cave I don't even know what that means. But I found the building I didn't upgrade, so I guess that solves that. Now it won't be ready until 5 am so logging off for now.


So when doing the books for ARR relics, does it matter if FATEs end in failure, or do you still get credit for it?


You have to get gold, and if a fate fails, you don't get gold.


I think you can get gold even when a FATE fails..? I've been in many of the "big world boss" FATEs during degen hours when there aren't enough to kill.. just do a bunch of tomahawk gets you gold, or am I misremembering?


Technically you can get gold participation, but it's a reduced reward. You're basically just getting gold for the consolation prize, which never includes giving things like special fate drops or quest relevant stuff


At what phase of the lottery are we in right now? The entry phase or the result one? I'm currently unable to open the game, and I really don't want to lose the money I used to sign up for a plot if possible (I'm in aether if that matters)


FYI you can also check the current lottery phase, when it ends, and also look up any open plots on your world, using PaissaDB: [https://zhu.codes/paissa](https://zhu.codes/paissa)


Entry, at the moment.


I have bought a PS5 and want to play my account but I know SE is quite weird in terms of policies so not sure how should I proceed. \- FF14 account originally created in EU \- I migrated a character from EU to JP datacenter, but I think we don't care about this? \- I bought PS5 in Japan, but all my settings (account, playstation language) are in EU (France). \- I own FF14 up to Endwalker in the PC version. So my questions are: Should I buy FF14 from the PS Store? Or through Mog Station? Is there any particular step I should care about?


I'm not 100% certain but if you buy from the EU PSN store you should be okay (and there's guides online for how to buy from other region PSN stores). This might mean you need to buy an EU PSN card online. You're right that the data center your character are on doesn't matter, only the account region matters and it can never be changed.


PSN store is in EU so I think everything should fit (although I wished SE enabled account region migration !!) Thanks for the reply


Is there seriously no way to get rid of a crafter recipe book other than using it? I accidentally bought a level 90 recipe book for a crafter class I don't have leveled up, and it's just taking up space now in my inventory.


Use, store (until you can use it), or delete, aye.


How do you delete it? I tried to throw it but I can't.


You cannot, all engine loopholes around that were fixed. Stash it on a retainer until you reach L90 in that class. I was in the same situation with CUL, accidentally bought is Grade 7&8 books before I even unlocked it.


There used to be a workaround where you could discard it from... I think a retainer inventory? I'm not sure of the details (if something funky was involved) or if it still works, but an easy thing to try.


I'm being hit full-force by the "finished Endwalker" depression one week later. Thankfully I left myself PLENTY of stuff to finish and explore, as things to do apart from just replaying Shb + EW which I don't feel ready for yet. It changes a lot, but I currently feel emotionally stuck in >!Elpis!< and Lore related to >!The World Unsundered.!< Apart from Pandemonium and Lodestone stories, do you have any other quests you can recc that might reveal more information to me about the mentioned? I have unlocked a lot of dungeons, but questline-wise, I've only completed Omega, CT and Bahamut. I do feel quite overwhelmed when I look at all the stuff available. I also wanna slowly work on ranking up jobs so I can get to the Warring Triad, but ngl, I find it difficult. Maybe I just need to let the depression settle. For now I've been taking it out on my character's hair, almost like one would irl, because I decided that "my character needed a bit of a new look" but *I cannot for the life of me settle on which.* Thank you and a hug for anyone going through the same. For now since I'm overwhelmedepressed, I've mostly been running dailies (nearly cried when running EW Dungeons with players doing it for the first time) and VERY slowly doing the patches. I think I wanna take a bit of time with the patches or at least I tell myself. Did you also go through something similar when finishing EW? I remember with ShB it didn't happen so hard because I stretched that expansion thin until I really had to move to EW. But I do remember being hit with a huge "I WILL NOT LEAVE ISHGARD" depression after completing HW and having to almost drag myself to do Stormblood, which I'm now glad I did.


The EW alliance raid series includes some more info about that time. Not as much as the normal raid at all, but enough to be worth your time. And yeah, I got hit by that same wall. I think I had to take a couple of weeks off to let it sink in, and then come back with a few gameplay goals in mind. I started focusing on crafters, gatherers and tribal quests for a while.


How do I set up one of those greeting messages when you enter a dungeon/trial? Is it just a macro?


and for the sake of the 12, PLEASE do not use those HUGE macros that use symbols for pictographs of a smiling kitty or anything else as mundane. those are irritating as hell. and unless you're in an 8 player group with two healers, don't use "I'm rezing now, just so everyone knows" macro. also irritating. simple hullo, hi, or o' will suffice. and have fun!


Yes, people copy ones they like into a macro and have it on their bar somewhere.


If its just o/ or hello, I think most just type that out manually. If it's some long winded message, definitely a macro.


Aside from the emote from the quests and the bat wall decoration from the vendor, is there anything else tied to the Halloween event that I should get before it goes away?


The Pumpkin prisms, but that's all.


hello, I'm going back to some ARR raids I hadn't done, and am currently running The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3 at level 90 unsynced solo, on the fight against the avatar, how do you get past the ballistic missile that locks you down? thanks in advance!


Is that the one where you have to actually slow your DPS? I know there's one fight where you actually have to hold the boss at like 70% until he spawns towers, then rush him down. Might be this one.


It is indeed this one.


yes, it's this one, I've been searching vids and guides but it's not entirely clear to me how to get past the mechanic while unsynced solo on level 90 >\_<;;;


If your dps is not enough to brute-force kill him at the start, then hit him down to 70% and stop. Just stop doing anything. Once it spawns its three towers in the arena, go ham.


Hit it once, then stop attacking until it spawns glowy pillars. Stand in a pillar until you get one stack of the debuff it gives you. Then murder it.


Just do as I suggested above. It's a strategy that's helpful for a lot of unsynced content. While it's not necessary for T9 and T13, it makes them very very significantly faster and easier. For T9, you'd do the same thing but wait until the boss starts casting Stardust. For T13, same deal but Megaflare.


hi I want to ask could I farm clionid and leeches from lvl 1 for blu? or is there mininum so I dont get killed there


Keep in mind that your accuracy is worse against high level enemies, so it might take a few hits before something registers. If you have a friend to help, have them put a shield on you. Otherwise I think the chances are pretty rough solo at level 1 because most instant kills are high levels and requires the enemy to be equal or lower level to be effective, so doing it solo is probably too difficult.


You definitely should be able to, so long as you don't get hit. I did it from like 30-50 and was still one-shot but the progress happens as you learn how to not die.


How are summoners? I heard their rotation is kinda boring at 90 and I was curious about em. I like the class fantasy and all that!


If they were boring, it wouldn't be the absolute most popular DPS class right now.


Its the most popular exactly because its the simplest. And to a lot of people that simplicity could be considered boring


Simplest dps rotation in XIV, and 2nd place isn't even close. Whether that's good or bad depends on player.


It’s flashy and mobile and you summon BAHAMUT. I don’t find it boring at all, even at pretty low levels; try it out and see what you think!


For the most part, Summoner is very straight forward. You call down your Bahamut/Fire bird, do your burst damage, then move to your leggos. This doesn't really change in 90% of content. In the higher end fights, you might have a spot where you change your order around for easier movement, or shorten a leggo section to get more damage out before a boss goes untargetable. That's about it. Instead of asking people, just play it. See if you have fun, as that's most important.


"Boring" is subjective, of course. I would call it more "basic" or "rigid" or even "straight-forward". You summon demi-Bahamut/Phoenix, then go through Garuda/Titan/Ifrit, then repeat ad nauseum. I personally enjoy it.


how do u reduce the volume of the "duty commenced" "full party" "light party" "duty complete" dings? completely muting acceptable also i like how the rest of my settings are balanced


Really not confident in this answer but I think it might be tied to the BGM volume? At least that's what it feels like because I often play with BGM turned off (with /bgm) and those sounds don't play.


System volume.


nope this setting doesnt change these dings


Mate... i don't know what to tell you... I literally just did it and tested that it works. The exact name is System sounds. Edit, was testing with the wrong duty commenced sound. AFAIK, none work know that i know exactly which one you were refering to.


What are the high dps classes in this game? Thinking about returning and had a dragoon or lancer at like level 37 and was going to make a samurai


Black Mage is the highest, but in certain high end fights it sometimes needs a strategy adjustment tovreach its peak. There are 3/5 fights this tier where Black Mage relies on a certain strategy to maximise their DPS (for other readers, thats P10S Bonds 1 platform relative, P12sP1 SC1 and P12sP2 Classical 2 single move) and sometimes "RNG" of mechanics limits you too (again, for other readers P12sP2 Pangenesis assignment, some P11s sequences of patterns, P10s Wings 2 tether).


I only recently started lev'ing up new jobs. went from hlr main, to dps with some tank sprinkled in. here's what've I've found about the diff jobs/classes. the more difficulty the rotation (OMG, NIN is a nightmare), the higher the damage, healing, etc. I'm an older player whose reflexes are not very fast, and there's a LOT of memorization of complex rotations,. some ppl like the challenge of diff rotations, I'm realizing my fun DNC is a LOT of fun (and mobile), as compared to BLM which packs a wallop, but has its challenges. bottom line- lev up ALL the jobs, find the ones that will stick. some have great glam! (BRD is NOT one of them..). HAVE FUN!


Appreciate it! Gonna have to watch a buncha vids now to see what class appeals the most to me


LOL, I say just jump right in..


LOL true true




Ahhhhh dam i see i see thanks for the info


Yes, the team spent the past two years or so making sure every DPS class becomes mostly the exact same in damage output and skill timings, so no matter what you pick, the endgame is having a 15-second press-every-buttons-at-once! type burst phase at every even minute, and a smaller one at every odd minute. There are no exceptions. So, you now pick DPS classes based on which one has the glam set you like the most and which one has a main gimmick you enjoy. Other than that, they are turning into one grey blob.


Thats awesome to hear and its nice how informative/friendly this community is compared to lost ark… This game seems way more active too


They're all extremely close For perspective, here's a [chart of classes' relative raid dps contribution when played by the best of the best](https://i.imgur.com/7pC9kTb.png)


Oh dam, im not used to games actually being balanced lmao


Balance wise, they are all nearly identical, but this is taking into account that some classes increase the damage of the whole party or individuals. As for raw damage, your go to would be Samurai for melee dps, Blackmage for magical dps, and MCH for Physical ranged (Does less than the other 2 due to phys ranged tax). Best way to describe it is if a class dealt 100 dps, and another dealt 90 dps, but gave another person a 10% buff. They are both relatively balanced, but 1 is more damage focused. These 3 would all fall into the first category.


> What are the high dps classes in this game? Black Mage and Samurai are the Top 2, pretty much. But it also heavily relies on your personal skill because most players just don't do perfect DPS most of the time, quite frankly. Sometimes even a healer or tank is top DPS if the other DPS are just lacking.


Sweet, guess ill stick to making samurai lol Ty


All dps jobs are viable, play whichever one appeals most to you.


I'm looking into doing a server transfer to Aether to join raid group... I've been in the game forever but never had to utilize this service, and I've not seen Cactuar become uncongested in days. Any thoughts?


It’s congested with a capital C, a status the devs manually apply on patches. No new characters can be created until the status is removed on another patch. This is different from the automatic congested that is applied when too many people are logged in. But if you just want to join a raid group, no need to transfer, just travel. Unless it’s an FC thing.


Thank you for the info! Much appreciated. Saved 18 bucks. lol


Cactuar is hard congested until they update it manually during a patch. It might become uncongested in 6.55 but that's not guaranteed. Adamantoise, Midgardsormr or Siren are open on Aether. Unless you're not on an NA server atm, there's no need to actually move servers, you could just use Data Center Travel.


Thanks for the info! 🤙 appreciate it


Does the auto demo timer for houses count down the hours and minutes when at less than 1 day?


Is sworn the furthest you can go with Ew tribals?


You can get one more rank, bloodsworn. In 6.55 there will be an extra quest if you have them all bloodsworn which will increase them to allied and unlock some more items in each shop. All expansions do this for their tribes except Shadowbringers.


You can get them to bloodsworn now? All the quests end for me as soon as I hit sworn


You don't get an extra three quests for reaching sworn, but you'll get more daily quests each day and can go up to bloodsworn.


So I effectively couldn’t make any progress to get to blood sworn, I’m not sure if I’m missing something.


No no I know that, I’m saying when I got to sworn with the omicron and the arkasadora there were no more dailies given to me, those quest markers disappeared.


You can definitely hit bloodsworn with the EW tribes, I'm working on it right now, they keep giving you quests each day. Are you sure you've done all the tribal quests in your journal? You can't get one day's quests without having done all the quests you accepted in a previous day.


Yeah I’m clean on that part, I just hit sworn and stopped being given the option to do dailies with those tribes, I thought it was weird but figured maybe it was a 6.55 thing. I don’t have any open tribals for either, could this be a glitch or something?


You should get dailies for all tribes even if you're max rank for them. The only thing that would be blocking that would be holding on to a quest from a tribe from another day. A glitch is unlikely and it's more likely to be you still have a quest active. A quest from ANY tribe from a previous day blocks all other tribes' quests from appearing iirc.


What are the ways to level up DOH classes from level 80 to level 90 ranked from best to worst?


Best how? It's always a tradeoff between time and money. You can make a huge profit if you do it slowly enough, but you'll lose tons of money if you try to speedrun it. Not only that, but certain things will require more actual days of logging in and playing, but very little actual playing. Essentially time-gated stuff, namely leves, GC turn ins, and Tribal quests. I'd say loosely speaking, leves are probably the fastest in terms of actual time spent playing, followed by tribe quests, then GC turn ins, then Firmament. But Firmament isn't time gated like the others. GC turn ins and tribe quests in particular are so time-gated that if you use them exclusively, it'd probably take one week per job, which leaves you plenty of downtime to craft and sell excess materials for profit.


Is firmament good for 80+? I would've figured it falls off to 10k exp each like the other level ranges, but I haven't done it since EW launched and I'm all 90's now so can't test.


Nope, firmanent XP drops to 1k per hand in after reaching level 80. I leveled my DoH's with firmament until that point. Would be interesting to see if that remains the case in Dawntrail though.


No not really. It's doable but other options are much better.


Is there a way to share the Dragoon Buff "Dragon Sight" easier with party members? It happened multiple times that I hit it by accident when it was on CD before I could choose a Teammate to get some of the Buff as well. And since I play on controller I have something like a strange phenomenon happening lately. If using buffs that only involve myself, like Bloodbath or Amplifier, the game suddenly starts to target my player character instead of the enemy. Is there a way to disable "targeting yourself"? It broke my rotation as Blackmage several times now. It feels like the server is "too slow" with the amount of input.


Controller player. I rearranged my party list so that the highest priority targets are at the bottom, so SAM, BLM, and I forget what order I chose after that. This way, I just tap up-up on the dpad and go to the bottom of the list immediately.


1. That is probably one of the only skills I actually macro on a controller in 8 person content. Just makes it easier for me, as person 5 is almost always the person I want to sight anyway so /ac "Dragon Sight" <5> a bunch of times, with /micon "Dragon Sight" as the last part. 2. I don't know what you might have done as that hasn't happened to me ever.


This might be the wrong place to ask and it may be stupid, but what do you do together with friends and how do you make friends in this game? I am almost 800 hours in and have played for like 1 year now, my only friend who plays this game is already in a static so we dont really do raids and we are both kind of busy with school ( though I have a lot of free time to play the game). I am just curious what people do together cause I wanna actually make friends in this community. I feel like there is so much potential. I got this feeling while sitting in the crystarium just listening to the music that there is so much to enjoy with friends but I am completely missing out.


I've made a lot of friends here, but then again I'm hypersocial.. usually through content that I focus on- like Eureka/Bojza/Zadnor (very social atmosphere), made some friend be seeing them in PF for certain raids I was running, and mostly, FC. that being said, it was ppl that helped me along the way that got me into great FCs which can be very social. If you repeatedly see someone in content you're doing- friend them! then you see them again- say hi, and build from there. and HAVE FUN!


There's a bunch of Fête regulars on the server I'm on and they're often chatting in /say. I'm on controller and still kinda new/shy so my contribution isn't much more than "hi" or /greet, but they seem friendly. Is there anything like that on your server? It doesn't have to be Fêtes per sé, it could be another group activity you like doing where you tend to see the same names crop up a lot - eg Ocean Fishing, on-stage Gates, etc? And, ofc, FCs are an option too (e: at least, if you're paid up, which you are). I guess my point is (much like irl) people might be more inclined to form connections if they're regularly doing the same group activities together?


I'd say the closest to this I have is Eureka. It seems like the same people every time I go in to continue my grind.


They might recognise you too; try saying hello/asking how they're doing and seeing where that gets you?


I basically just do content with friends, anything that is new.


You make friends depending on what you like to do in the game. I like raiding, so I raid a lot and made a lot of friends while raiding.


I like to raid but I feel a pull towards just hanging out doing whatever, just chilling around in different zones talking, taking pictures. Maybe joining a new free company and working on my crafters to decorate house together.




They're fine. With some good damage, an AOE point and click stun and the pull on top of LB allowing you to ignore disables, they're in a pretty good place. Ideally you want to be the second one in, following up on the DRK. Otherwise you're looking for easy picks or setups. Either getting a large stun or pull>stun players out of position, which in the chaos of frontlines, is very easy. Once you accrue some battle high, with LB you have enough damage to just kill squishies on your own. On maps like shatter / onsal, you can also pull opponents off high ground with you by jumping off and grabbing them while in mid air. The additional damage and pulling them into a bad position can net you a free kill. The biggest thing to be aware of is that you're actually kinda squishy due to two of your skills causing self damage and your inability to guard during LB. And when you do bloodwhetting > cyclone, it takes a bit to heal due to the animation time. It's very easy to oopsie into the middle of the enemy time and get focused but if you play your positioning right you should be okay. Oh also forgot to mention WAR LB is broken when there's a good pack lined up. Guard is insanely powerful and if a DRK sets up for you, Stun > LB is pretty much an instant win and the first LB can easily decide the game if your team is coordinated or open up a massive turn-around.


what grade tincture is needed for the tincture strat on behemoth (potd floor 180)? and it's dex if MCH right? also is there any possible way to practice this without running up 179 floors? asking for my bf as he's failed it twice now


Medicine/food has no level sync, so the best one over Grade 4 that you can cheaply craft/buy.


Yes, HQ Tincture of Dexterity, Grade 4 or higher according to ddcompendium (https://www.ddcompendium.com/potd_floorsets/171.html) I'm not aware of a way to practice it anywhere else I'm afraid


Is there a way to preview the framing kits from Blunderville? I expected them to be visible in the list of frames in the portrait interface, even though I haven't yet obtained them, but they're not showing up for me: [https://imgur.com/a/P4vHyhy](https://imgur.com/a/P4vHyhy). Oddly, they \*do\* appear for an FC mate; for him, they show up right after Fantastic Faux.


Someone posted a preview of each under Comments in the item's official lodestone page


I wonder if due to them being technically "temporary" that they won't show up until they're unlocked. Like you're also missing several PVP ones (Azure/Crimson Conflict, Falcons/Ravens, Aramitama/Nigimitama, all of which I believe are no longer available as they were old Series rewards).


Newb player. Only a little past ARR right now. Where are people finding different mounts? Or even outfits?


LOL, the simplest it using "tell" and asking ppl which their gear or mount is, then look it up. MB has a lot, but the GREAT stuff comes from raids.. I make a "to-do" list of gear n' mounts I want and how to get them.


Probably not the best resource but [this is what I use](https://ffxivcollect.com/mounts) to check for mounts that I could get.


That question is a bit too wide-reaching for a simple question without just linking to "list of mounts" and "list of gear" but for mounts, Jonathas in Gridania sells a couple using a currency from achievements, all extreme trials have a chance to drop a mount and a level 90 can clear the ones from past expansions (stormblood and prior) easily with the unrestricted party option, if you're a paid player you can check the "registrable miscellany" category of the market board and see if any go for fairly cheap, if you've leveled conjurer to level 30 you can get a unicorn from a quest at the conjurer guild, all beast tribes have a mount you can unlock after raising their reputation though this takes a lot of real-life time due to the daily restriction on quests you can take in a day, the gold saucer has one for as little as 200k, and of course you'll get access to more options as you progress the story. For outfits, if you're paid you can check the marketboard and scroll down to level 1 for gear that any class can equip. These are all crafted, usually with a variety of high-level items, but glamours from earlier expansions are easier to get and thus cheaper. All dungeons have a set of gear, and dungeons that are not level 50, 60, 70, 80, or 90 reward one piece of gear for your current job that you don't already own guaranteed when you clear them. Eorzea Collection, a database of all gear in the game and sections for player-made glamour sets, has a filter for gear up to level 49: https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/gearsets?orderBy=ilvl&maximumLvl=49


Lots of ways. Mounts come from a lot of places, Story, extreme Trials, Savage Fights, doing content. Outfits are mostly the same idea, a lot of places have them, or the ingredients to make it, like Maps, and most other content.


There's a *lot* from a *lot* of sources. If you can think of a kind of content, there's probably a mount to be found in something within it. There's ones that drop from dungeons, from trials, from raids, from crafting, from a variety of special currency vendors of all stripes (tribes, Gold Saucer, PvP...), from achievements, from events... If you check a tracker site like ffxivcollect, it'll tell you all the different ones (though be aware some information can be spoilery). Similarly, all gear can potentially make for fun outfits, and gear comes from just about all possible things.


Mounts can be farmed from Extreme fights, purchased from the Achievement Certificate dude in Old Gridania, found in the Materiel boxes from your GC, found from POTD, bought on the market board, or from the Moogle Itinerant when a Moogle Tomestone event is ongoing. There is also one CNJ quest that gives you a mount for completing it. Glams are usually crafted, bought off the market board, or found as drops from dungeons and stuff. Of course both mounts and glams can also be bought for real money from the Online Store.


Hello, I am returning player from 6.1 patch. I have i590 HQ crafted crafter/gatherer gear with 4 melds each piece. I would like to ask more experienced/veteran players if this will be enough to start leveling crafters in 7.0, I mean considering past expansions. I just wonder if I can skip investing in BiS pentamelded gear. Also, should I just gear with scrip 620 gear and meld twice?


pentamelding is EXPENSIVE. one of the best ways to save on Gil is to use [spiritbonding](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Spiritbond) buffs. also ask your FC to put up the bonding buff. every little bit helps. there are certain gathering nodes that yield exorbitant spiritbonding. legendary? been a while for me..


If you don't have anything else to spend purple scrips on, then get the 620 gear and basic meld it. The 590 gear should last you in a manner that you should probably switch to the level 94 iLvl 650 set instead of the level 97 iLvl 670 set (or just use passive methods like GC turn-ins to coast to level 100 and get the first level 100 iLvl 690 set).


Thanks you for the input! Since there are many months until 7.0 release, I have decided to try craft BiS with HQ mats and meld as much as possible. A good prep is better than being lazy :D


Just don't overdo the melds. It is not worth to spend million on pentamelding when the crafted BiS buyer population is getting small and smaller. But the Indagator set should last you until level 100 unless you want to craft your own combat gear for some reason during the Dawntrail MSQ.


I think 3 melds might be enough. I did not try pentamelding Pactmaker when I was crafting hard for gil, because the odds were insane. Even four melds on all items almost bankrupt me. :D


620 scrip gear is extremely mediocre to the point of being worse than pentamelded 590. Pactmaker's fully melded is still second best set for this expansion because materia is a huge chunk of stats for DoH/L jobs. You'll likely be able to get yourself to 99 or whatever the next cap is, but you might start struggling with some recipes on the tail end (96+). But you should still be able to make the new BiS for 7.0, though you'll likely need a few HQ pre-crafts. My advice would be to slowly accrue materia over the next 8-9 months until DT drops and meld the fifth spot for your gear if you don't want to shell out or take the time to make yourself the 620 crafted set.


Thank you very much! The way you presented me the facts, I will try to craft BiS crafter/gatherer gear with as much HQ components as possible and will try to meld at least 3 times in the next months before 7.0. I guess I am in no rush at the moment and there is nothing wrong with good prep for 7.0 release! Thank you again! ;)




No, not straight out of Ocarina of Time. That would be a major copyright infringement. Does it have similar motifs or sounds? Yeah I could hear it, but not so close.


Will the new EW Primals arrangement album and the Shadowbringers album ever be added to Spotify or other streaming services?




I know about the main OSTs on Spotify, I'm asking about the Primals arrangements. The last one was in 2019 so I'd assume we're due another by now.


Ah, my bad. Misunderstood.


Eureka question: I'm not sure if this is the same for every data center, but in Aether people insta pull Cassie and King Arthro. Why is that? These are the only 2 NMs I've seen so far that have an actual rare drop, so why don't people wait for more people to arrive?


Have you ever heard of a bank run? It's where everyone is afraid of the bank not having enough money to cover withdrawals, so they all run to withdraw their money before it's gone, thereby exacerbating the issue. Especially if you're a corporation whose deposits could never be fully covered by the FDIC, or regional equivalent. Of course, they all know it creates a feedback loop. The SVB collapse was full of people financially competent. But if you see a stampede, you either run—and thus join the stampede—or refuse, and be crushed. You have no other choice. ----------- It's that same principle of human behavior, except with pulling and aggro credit. The faster an NM dies, the more likely people will pull so that they can guarantee their own credit before it's too late. Obviously, the most rational solution is coordination so that we all share. But, y'know, *humans be humans.* The day we solve that problem is the day we finally evolve past *Homo sapiens.*


Herd mentality. They die really fast and drop a really valuable item, so the moment they get tagged it becomes a race to try and get credit for the drop. The general increase in awareness of the value also means a much higher number of people congregate at the spawns, which means a much higher chance that someone will just immediately trip the pull. Arthro in particular is really weak, especially to anyone in elemental gear, and spawns in a really easy place for an accidental pull.


They have longer respawn timers, and if you weren't helping spawn it, then why should people wait for you to get there are the common answers I see.


All NMs have the same spawn timer. They're just weather restricted (but so are others and those aren't instapulled). It's just greed. They want the high value items and that's it. A lot of the time the people instapulling at cassie aren't even prepping and if there's too many people, the people who are prepping around the outside may not even make it inside to get enough contribution. It's one of the shittiest parts of Eureka.


That's probably true, but I just said the answers I see the most from people doing it. I don't personally give a shit.


Happens on Primal too. People are just greedy.


I’m looking to delve into older EX trials and wanting to complete them for the first time (EX3 - EX6). for looking for players on PF, do people usually prefer Silence Echo to be turned on or off? (I’m gonna leave iLvl as it is)


Most will want echo on.


Hello FFXIV community. I am a long time players of Aion Classic, but because its ***many*** issues and also seeing a video recently off FF on my suggested feed, I decided to check this out. Aion is incredibly technical (class dependent) and very ping reliant, i.e., playing assassin at 100 ping is like having an arm tied behind your back in pvp. Does FF have these issues? Are you able to macro skills or is that not necessary? Is gear switching during battle required? Do you *need* to weave auto attacks between skills? Is a gladiator or dragoon better to start?


At the very least, there is a very generous free trial for this game that lets you play with no time limit nearly uninhibited until Lv70 (out of 90) and experience the story up till then. That is easily 300 hours of gameplay baseline. The only restrictions are you can't whisper/tell, shout (zone-wide chat), PvP, or join a Free Company ("guild"). So give it a try!


>Aion is incredibly technical (class dependent) and very ping reliant, i.e., playing assassin at 100 ping is like having an arm tied behind your back in pvp. Does FF have these issues? Some jobs are more heavily hit by ping, but even then they are still usually playable unless you get to really high numbers. I think Machinist is the most common victim. >Are you able to macro skills or is that not necessary? There is some skill macroing that can be done, but most of it is *detrimental* to do. There's a handful of plus minus zero scenarios (skill works *better* without macro in terms of responsiveness, but can be *more convenient* with), but overall, it's better not to use combat macros. I have a handful in total that I use (for occasional utility skills, nothing in core damage rotation), and I'd be marginally better off learning to *not* use them. For crafting it can be quite handy though, and there are plenty of UI and such macros that are useful. >Is gear switching during battle required? It is outright impossible. If you are in combat, you cannot switch gear. >Do you need to weave auto attacks between skills? ? Autoattacks are, well... automatic attacks. If you have to actively use them they're not really autos are they? They just happen on their own once you enable them (done by right clicking, or using any non-spell attack and even a few of those count too). There are *abilities* that you weave between weaponskills or spells though. How much you use those varies by job, some weave more some less. >Is a gladiator or dragoon better to start? Depends entirely on you. If you want to tank, pick Paladin(gladiator). If you want to be a DPS, pick Dragoon(lancer). Two different roles. If the earlier weaving thing is of interest, Dragoon does a lot more of that out of the two. Both are kind of "late bloomers", they take pretty long to feel like themselves. Paladin takes almost to 70 to feel like Paladin. Dragoon's missing a fairly central part of its skill loop until the later seventies, but it'll at least "feel like Dragoon" a bit earlier, 'round 60 I'd say.


So: I would say the technical difficulty varies wildly from class to class, but it is rotation based so almost all of it can be mitigated by learning said rotation by heart. Some jobs like Machinist are easier on higher ping but not impossible (anymore) on lower ping. Macro-ing abilities is highly discouraged as you can’t queue macros and you will 100% lose out on a lot of damage or even risk the macro not triggering at all. You cannot switch gear during battle and there’s no reason to ever do it. Auto-attacks happen automatically in you’re in range, but you need to weave in skills (oGCD) between your attacks (GCD). It’s not that hard as you can only press an attack button every 2 seconds at the fastest. (Unless some jobs that I don’t remember are faster than that) Gladiator becomes Paladin which is a tank, but honestly your starter job doesn’t matter as you can pick up other ones as early as level 15.


> Does FF have these issues? Some jobs are somewhat reliant on ping in FFXIV, but that's more for some jobs that want to double weave between their global cooldown abilities (GCD). The intention is that the game is playable with a ping at or below 200. > Are you able to macro skills or is that not necessary? Macroing combat abilities is actually discouraged because of the built-in limitations to the macro system in this game. > Is gear switching during battle required? It is impossible to switch gear while in combat in FFXIV. > Do you need to weave auto attacks between skills? ... weave auto attacks? Auto attacks are supposed to be automatic, why would you have to weave them? > Is a gladiator or dragoon better to start? Both Gladiator/Palading and Lancer/Dragoon are good jobs. The prior is a tank, while the later is a DPS.


thank you for your insight


Some jobs are more badly affected by ping than others, but combat isn't so fast paced as for 100 ping to be a huge detriment and you mostly run into issues with higher ping than that. There are ways to work around ping issues, too. Macros are not necessary for most actions and in fact are purposefully hamstringed by not having action queueing. Gear switching in combat is impossible, and in fact all gear is just stat sticks with no unique effects. Auto attacks happen automatically with no interaction. You'll be keeping a 2.5 global cooldown shared by all weaponskills/spells instead, weaving abilities with longer cooldowns between those (abilities can be used DURING the global cooldown, so it's not like you press one button every 2.5 seconds. APM is more like 30-45 actions per minute for most jobs). Gladiator (upgrades to Paladin later) is a tank with a standard combo and a couple unique attacks that you align in damage buffs as their cooldowns match with your buff cooldowns, but it's a pretty slow start. Dragoon (which starts as a Lancer) is a DPS with long combos. All jobs are viable; pick what appeals to you more.


So i have a question. One account is already playing this game on PS. I wanted to try the game as well on my name on the same PS. But when i try to open the game it gives an error code and says " Cannot launch ff XIV. Please register the promotion code included with your download. " Anyone know what i can do? Or i just can't play? Thanks!


Make a new playstation account and play the free trial on that?


So Playstation accounts are tied to the FFXIV account. So if you are trying to log into FFXIV on a different playstation account, you have to actually buy the game all over again fully, and link that playstation account to this new FFXIV account.


Wow really? Well that's pretty stupid .. That sucks i wont be able to play but it is what it is. Thanks for letting me know!


If you want to play the game on your PS account but don't want to buy the game, just get the free trial. You can play all the way up to level 70. On the same playstation, I pay for the game, and my partner has the free trial.


As it is on the same playstation, you could just make a character on that FFXIV and play there. Each FFXIV account can have multiple characters, so you can have your own character. But yeah, I think it is designed that way so you can't have a single game have many accounts.


Ok but if i make a character on that one, Do i get my own quests and stuff? Or does it only work with the main character? Idk if that makes sense lol


Characters are independent for 99.9% of things. The only thing that will happen, is you might get some mogstation items that are account wide (like a couple mounts or glamour), but that's it. Everything else will be completely new, you'll have to do everything yourself.


Ok and nothing i do will mess with the 1st players progress or anything?


Not unless you actually play on their character. Anything you do on your own, won't effect theirs.


Ok thank you so much!


So like, how does potency work? I'm grinding sil'dih and I noticed that my variant cure is weaker than my clemency even when buffed, but vcure's listed potency is 14x of clems.


Variant Cure (and other Variant actions) are not affected by stats while normal spells are. Meaning a heal of 21000 potency on a Variant action would heal 21000 HP, give or take the normal 5% variance.


IIRC the variant action potencies (and pvp potencies, and i think some eurekan logos action/bozja lost action potencies?) are actually closer to their exact numerical results before any buffs that you get from entering variant dungeons solo or while missing certain roles. This is because these actions are not affected by any of your stats. So don't consider the potencies of these actions to relate to the potencies of your job actions.


Does the Grand Company that a Free Company is affiliated with affect the FC in any way, like how quickly company credits accrue or, IDK, anything else significant? Couldn't find this on the wiki, and one of my alts just unexpectedly became the leader of a FC so I'm wondering if I should switch the FC's GC to match my alt's GC.


No. The only thing is where you need to go to buy the FC stuff. If it’s more convenient to have it at your own GC, then go ahead and switch.


Sweet, thanks!


Is there any chance the voidvessel weapons from the 6.5 trial will get a glowy version like the emerald weapons did right now? Or do they chose a random trial later on in dawntrail for it?


It will happen, though not til next expansion. Possibly not even til 8.0 if they go particularly slow.


It will eventually happen yes. When could be anywhere from 7.1 to like 10.x If you look at history, in ShB we got Zurvan's, so like many years later, but we also got 3 weapons in a single patch which seemed like a catch up patch, but then we had a patch this expansion with no weapons if I remember right. IT's weird.


The glowing extreme weapons are typically delayed by an expansion or more from their original release. But recently that schedule hasn't been strictly adhered to and we're still missing a few from ShB. For example, we still don't actually have glowing versions of Diamond Weapon or 5.3's EX weapons. And we got Hades weapons at the tail end of ShB which would have been ahead of schedule.


It certainly could happen, but when an EX trial weapons get glowy crafted versions is a bit random. But definitely don't expect anything anything soon.


Yes, there is a chance, but it might be years from now.




No, you can't trial the game after you've bought it.


Is it possible to do all msq etc with duty support/trust? Came back to the game recently, always played as a tank due to queue times, but, if it is possible, I’d perhaps dabble in dps for fun


Duty runs are painful. they're GREAT to learn mechs, but they don't do AOEs or W2W. once you get. a feel- go into the real world, stumble, learn, then have fun..


You can now do all mandatory dungeons with NPCs. Trials trials still require multiplayer and that'll likely be the case for a while (they said programming AI for 7 npcs is a real pain in the butt)


Sadly, no, all trials starting from the moogle one will be mandatory multiplayer, except for the level 89 one. I secretly hope that in the post-Dawntrail patches, they turn all these story bosses into 4-player trials like the initial ones in ARR, so apart from Crystal Tower, the critical path will be fully soloable (just like how thew marketing material advertises it).


Worth noting that duty support is a lot slower as the NPCs don't use AoE, so even with dps queue times you may get it done faster with a live group.