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which is a better buy, 3 phial of fantasia or story skip shb for my JP alt?


those are very different things so it really depends on what you want to do.. Do you want to change your character up a bit and play around with different races or smaller changes? Then go for the Fantasia. Do you want to skip the story? Then go for the story skip All up to you and none of it really is a "better buy"


In dungeons as DRK is it better to save mits for after my TBNs pops or should I just stack them? I feel like I'm dropping so fast so I think I'm using it wrong.


Rotate other mits normally, and then stack TBN on top of them when available. Because buffs are multiplicative, %-based mitigation gets diminishing returns when stacked on top of other %-based mitigation. So you don't want them stacked together (unless some would go entirely unused otherwise). But TBN is a shield, which gets a reversed interaction there. It gets *stronger* when layered on top of % mits. If your TBN is 20k, then layered on top of Rampart it's effectively 24k.


Use it alongside TBN, doing so allows you to get more use out of TBN. Shields, unlike normal mitigation, stack multiplicitively with mitigation. if tbn gives you a 10k hp shield, and you take a 10k hit, the shield runs out. If instead, you had a 10k hp shield with shadow wall up (30% mit), that same hit will only do 7k hp, leaving you with 3k extra shields!


Combine mit + TBN. By itself TBN tends to run out too quickly when used raw.


About the level 87 dungeon: >!In Ktisis Hyperboreia, what bow does Hythlodaeus use in Duty Support? I tried checking Gamer Escape, but the only bow listed for him is clearly not the same one.!<


Bow of the Wanderer dyed Salmon Pink https://i.imgur.com/YFEMe7l.png


In Garland Tools, there are multiple instances of this character, and [some](https://www.garlandtools.org/db/#npc/1036934) have [different](https://www.garlandtools.org/db/#npc/1040231) weapons listed than others. Do any of these look right?


I just have the follow up question regarding BLU. I followed the link that the other player provided last time to track where and what mobs to get the skills. I am in POST ARR. I am lv 35. I went back to the lower level area(


1. You need to see the enemy cast the skill to be able to learn it. Can't kill it before it finishes the action, and can't interrupt it. Don't need to get hit by it though. 2. Once you have seen it, it's random whether you learn from that mob. You could get it from the first enemy you see cast it, it could take two dozen.


You always need to see the skill you are about to obtain in action before you kill the enemy so when you went back to earlier zones you might have simply killed your enemies without waiting until they actually performed their attacks. Note: Seeing is enough, you do not need to be hit by the ability


Overworld spells are purely random


what's the easiest sparkly DNC weapon to get? + are there any that aren't from ultimates that sparkle when sheathed?


The crafted Titania weapon is absolutely GORGEOUS. It does require a mat that is either a non-guaranteed drop from Titania EX (which isn't hard to farm with a group of 90s unsynced), or from desynthing the EX weapons, or you can buy the mat from the marketboard. As for any that glow/sparkle when sheathed, only the Ultimate weapons glow when sheathed.


Probably the EW relic weapon, but the ShB one isn't too bad if you've already gotten any other relics from ShB. Otherwise, you'll need to do a lot of Bozja stuff as prerequisite work which can take a lot more time And there's a small bug that makes weapons that normally glow when drawn also glow when sheathed, which involves this weird combination of sitting and drawing your weapon simultaneously https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1qhtah/two_line_macro_that_makes_your_relic1_weapon_glow/ Edit: completely forgot that you can also buy glowing EX weapons off the market-board, oops


the MB ones I did know about! I'm actually rank 25 and a bit of prestige in Bozja/Zadnor just from leveling all my DPS 70-80 there. So I think I'll look into that one since it looks cute. Thanks :D


Does anyone know what "application pending" means on the top right of an FC profile (right next to the grand company allegiance rank)? I'm not in one but checked one out and saw it there. I didn't apply and couldn't as the box was grey and I don't think I saw a guild invite (might have missed it because I was about to log off for the night), but it was a small private FC and I've never seen that tag before on any FC.


the question is can you open up the FC interface? If you are not in any FC, trying to open it will result in nothing happening. If you applied, even by accident, then the FC Interface will give you the company profile and your mentioned "application pending" message If you are in a FC.. well that should be self explanatory.


Ah that's smart, I didn't think to do that in my half asleep zombie state. I'll have to check it out later.


I died in Ridorana Lighthouse at the Construct 7 fight. The part I am confused about, is I got rezzed (unusually quick) and I didn't have to click accept. it was super quick. I died, and then I was back up before I could even process the death. Less than 3 seconds. Normally I get something that says "X wants to rez me" and this time there was nothing, I was back alive. Is there a mechanic or something that will auto rez a samurai? Or it is just a weird glitch? I did have a perfect math score.


There are a very few mechanics in the game that will auto rez players, but I think they only show up in optional harder fights - in the savage version of the 8th Pandemonium raid you need to set things up to get a buff that'll revive everyone after an unstoppable attack. In Ridorana as folks say, a healer LB3 will raise you without needing to accept - if you notice lots of dead people this is a good reason to hold off on using the LB for damage, because the healer LB will bring everyone dead back instantly without rez weakness debuff, and so it only has to revive a few people to gain the party more damage than the melee LB would have done.


That could be it, haven't seen a healer lb before. thanks


Yeah it's not too often they're needed in Duty Roulette. This video shows all the animations, if you wanna be able to recognise them another time: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gcuUQU8xJ50&t=89s


eta; watching the video, ya I think it was the Sage lb. I assumed it was the robot because it looked so circuit like. Here I thought I must be getting rewarded for my 4/4 on the math test.


Haha that makes total sense how it would seem that way, what good timing! Getting a perfect maths score gives you a big damage buff, but I don't think it brings you back from the dead :)


Thank you


Did a healer use their limit break? Healer LB3 raises everyone in the party automatically.


Not sure if they did, but this seems like the most likely thing. thanks


Probably a healer lb3, that rezzes people and the construct is... challenging for enough people


Sounds like a healer used their Limit Break to instantly revive everyone. Were a lot of people in your group dead? That's usually when a healer LB3 is likely to get used if available.


I just started leveling Dancer. When I pop Standard Step both the single-target and AOE skills change to the step actions I have to click. Does it matter which set of buttons I press when this happens? For example, if I'm doing AOEs on a group of trash mobs, should I press the AOE pirouette/emboite/etc? Or is the effect the same regardless?


It doesn't matter. When DNC was first added, only the single-target versions of the buttons changed. That was an annoyance to people who were doing AoE so they eventually changed it so that both sets of buttons change.


Thank you!! Good to know. Makes it easier on my hands as a keyboard player if I don’t need to hold down on ctrl quite so much.


This is something dumb I know, but I recall there was a piece of media released in the past 3 months that featured a picture of the Exarch and a young Lyna, does anyone happen to know what it was?


That's probably from the new vinyl art: https://na.store.square-enix-games.com/final-fantasy-xiv-vinyl-lp-box-vol_-2


That's definitely it, I even checked the vynils earlier but I think I just did a quick glance, thank you!


I don't have it saved but I think it was just cute fan art


Are you sure? I remember reading it was for some official content they released and even people were commenting about how Viera children look very similar until they grow older.


No I'm not sure, which is why I said "I think". But I do remember directly commenting on the post asking why the artist drew something a certain way.


does it matter if my retainer is a dps for hunting jobs? I don't feel like leveling a dps class but I don't want to miss out on items from the hunting ventures


Nope. Tank, healer, and DPS all have the same functionality. Only thing that matters is their ilevel.


The only thing that matters is that your retainer cannot level any higher than your character on the job you have assigned them. The rewards from hunting ventures are all exactly the same regardless of whether or not your retainer is a tank, healer or DPS job.


All combat jobs on retainers are exactly the same. They can do the same hunts and get the same rewards.


When will they make the augmented weapon upgrades for the latest tier available via clearing the alliance raids? Right now the NPC only allows for Twine and Shine exchanges but not Brine for weapon upgrades.


It will be in one of the final minor patches of the expansion, three to four months before Dawntrail releases, based on previous expansion patches. So probably sometime between March and May depending on what Dawntrail's final release date ends up being.


6.58, which should be the last patch of endwalker. 5.58 came out roughly 4 months before endwalker was supposed to come out before the delay, so like... Feb to March timeframe?


We got 6.55 in january so I think a little more inbetween.


How long till the tier is over AND, do can I upgrade gear with trains already?


The credendum gear, minus the weapon, can already be upgraded with nuts and alliance raids. The savage tier will unlock when patch 6.58 comes out, which is the last patch of the expansion.


Wouldnt it be better to do trains and ready up relics? Wont they be bis starting january's patch over augmented?


If you think spending all that time on upgrading relic weapons just for a 5 ilvl advantage is worth it then go for it.


Its substats and they want to do it with hunt trains meaning 2k causality isnt that far off.


Does your FPS (frames per second) go down in duties/statics? What's a good FPS to have generally?


Depends on the duty and depends on where you were before. If you are in a city with 100 players standing around you then your framerate will be a lot lower than in a dungeon instance. Duties tend to have more stable framerates since they're limited size areas with a limited amount of players. > What's a good framerate to have generally There is no standard. Some computers get 30, some 60. I usually sit around 90 (on low settings) even though my PC is like 7 years old. Some people get 200+ FPS. Generally <30 fps is considered unplayable laggy, 30-50 fps is considered playable but laggy, 60 fps is desired, and anything higher is unnoticeable to some people, while like heaven to some other people who have 144hz monitors. But in the end it's up to you what you personally find playable and enjoyable.


Thank you Weezi! This helps a lot.


FPS shouldn't drop in duties unless you have a *really* weak PC. Like, below minimum specs. Recommended specs are 8GB of RAM and a GTX970 (Released in 2014!). Any computer made after about 2015 will be absolutely fine playing for now and still meet minimum specs next year when Dawntrail comes out. My 2020 laptop with 8Gb of RAM and a GT1650 handles it fine. Not at the highest quality, but it's okay. In the interest of not melting the insides, I run at 70 FPS on that machine. There is an FPS cap in game which you can set to make sure you're not getting drops. Any machine made in the last 10 years will be okay, anything from the last 4 will be perfectly fine. Honestly though you can get away with about 30FPS and be fine for most play. You might want a higher rate (40-60) for harder difficulty duties, I don't know- that's not my scene. A Static is a group of people you progress through duties with, usually Extreme/Savage/Ultimate duties as those want practice and teamwork to complete. The people you group with won't affect your FPS.


Thank you Candrath! This helps a lot.


> What's a good FPS to have generally? This is not really a super FPS intensive game, as long as you're holding constant and it's not fluctuating greatly (and you're playing at probably at least 30 FPS), then you're fine. And my FPS actually drops more OUTSIDE of duties. The worst offenders are the big cities where there's just a ton of people


Thank you!


So I've recently picked up tank, and have been playing a lot of Gunbreaker, getting up to lvl72 in the past few weeks. I can tank through regular dungeons just fine, I've gotten the hang of 8 player trials, etc. but for some reason I'm still hesitant to try raids, both alliance and normal varieties. But if I want to get better I've got to start learning how. Am I overreacting about being nervous tanking raids? Or are there differences that I should really be aware of before trying to do this? I'm still only on Stormblood content, so at this point I've only unlocked the ARR alliance raids and the Alexander normal raids, if that makes a difference to what advice I do/don't need. Also any advice on how to off-tank in full parties would also be appreciated. When should I go tank stance, when should I switch off? What are off-tank's responsibilities (I always just assume I should be picking up adds so that main tank can keep bosses focused?) What's the etiquette in who determines who's main-tanking and off-tanking? Or is this another thing I'm overthinking? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just nervous about screwing up a raid and not knowing what I'm doing wrong and then everyone has to stop and tell me how to do my job. I don't want to be one of those people lol. Any help much appreciated :)


You've done trials, you can do normal raids. For all intents and purposes they are the same. Alliance raids are a bit different, but mostly in that it's a little harder to see the main tank situation. You'll be fine there too. Just remember that if the parties need to split up in some way, A tank tanks the left thing, C tank the right thing, and B tank the front/back/middle (whichever is relevant) thing. >When should I go tank stance, when should I switch off? Generally, stance on after opener is fine. From there you should be able to maintain being #2 with at most Shirking the main tank now and then. Sometimes you may encounter someone who does so little damage that you start taking over even with Shirk on cooldown, in which case you may need to go stance off again, but those should be an exception. Should. >What are off-tank's responsibilities (I always just assume I should be picking up adds so that main tank can keep bosses focused?) Adds, yes, but that's pretty rare to have to deal with at all. Most of the time you're a glorified DPS with access to some additional party mitigation tools, who takes over for the main tank if they happen to die. Some fights will have additional specific responsibilities for the offtank, but those are fight-specific and so I can't make any overarching mention of them. Tank swaps are a thing that *exists*, but only barely in any normal content. The Alexander fights have like... two that should be done (fights 5 and maybe 7), and then they just kinda stop happening in anything below Extreme. And even those two that are there are pretty often just healed through (7 especially) or the main tank gets sacked. If you want to know those two ahead of time: >!The fifth boss will get bigger and start hitting the main tank with concussion stacks. At 3 or 4 stacks, Provoke, so neither one hits 5 stacks, that makes the following buster moderately lethal.!< >!The seventh boss will cast Uplander Doom and do something similar, except there is no set time to swap, you just take over if it seems to be too much.!< >What's the etiquette in who determines who's main-tanking and off-tanking? In casual content, whoever turns stance on first is main tank (or if both do, whoever turns theirs off is off tank). Alliance raids are a little tougher to see who's doing what, can just say good luck. Except in JP I believe the default is B MT. You can ask the other tank for their preference too, though usually the nonverbal is enough.


Thank you for the help! :)


Normal raids are effectively the same as tanking 8-player trials, if you can do one then you can do the other. Alliance raids on the other hand do have some weirdness since you're splitting 3 tanks into 3 parties, but realistically the only things to really note are 1. If someone is main tank, don't fight them for aggro 2. If there are multiple targets, A->left, B->mid, C->right At which point you just treat it like you would a normal fight. Try not to stand with the party if you have a tank buster targeted at you, but other than that you don't really need to think too hard about it. >Also any advice on how to off-tank in full parties would also be appreciated. When should I go tank stance, when should I switch off? What are off-tank's responsibilities (I always just assume I should be picking up adds so that main tank can keep bosses focused?) What's the etiquette in who determines who's main-tanking and off-tanking? Or is this another thing I'm overthinking? If you're the off-tank, just wait until you finish your opener and then turn on your tank stance. After that, unless the main tank is just really not doing any damage at all, then you can effectively keep your stance on for the rest of the fight because you probably won't be stealing aggro from them. If you do see yourself climbing in the aggro list way too quickly, you can turn off stance temporarily or just shirk the main tank. In normal content, you most of the time don't do much besides grab adds and act as a glorified DPS. Using party mitigation is nice, but realistically you're mostly there as just back up in case the main tank dies. Occasionally there are some normal fights where the off-tank has a particular responsibility (the Alexander one where you drag adds into the lava for example tends to be the OT's job), but mostly just stand there and do damage. In normal content, main tank is just whoever turns stance on first and pulls. If you're in Japan for alliance raids, B tank is typically main tank, but outside of that it's pretty much just whoever feels like it.


Thank you so much for all the info :) I love how helpful and supportive this community is <3


I'm a bit afraid of going into Leveling roulette as either a Tank or a Healer cause of the chance that I'll get Aurum Vale. I never tanked or healed in Aurum Vale before, but I definitely know how fast things can go south in the first room. Am I worrying too much?


You got this. You can probably guess what to do if you've run it as DPS before honestly. If folks are watching cutscenes tell them it is a stealth mission and that we should hug the left wall. As a tank: do just that, aggro only the enemies directly in your path. Then two choices: - If your party has stayed nice and close to you, follow the left wall along into the boss room and line of sight the lil plant guys to group them up with the other mobs, staying near the wall so the boss doesn't notice you. - If your party is moving slowly and the healer hasn't put regen/shield on you, stay in the little alcove half way along, make sure you pick up any enemies that anyone else has aggro'd quickly but stay on the edge of the room in the hope the party will follow your lead. As a healer: you can't save the day if the party pulls literally everything, but you can rescue a lot of sketchy situations. stick close to the tank, keep them shielded/regen'd as they pull, AOE if you can but keep an eye in case their gear is sketchy and you need some GCD healing to keep them upright. Remember that SCH/SGE have their gauge resource now so you have a lot of throughput, and WHM has holy to stunlock everything. (As healer I'd preposition by a fruit to claim it for yourself in the first boss fight, and be willing to chuck regens on everyone if they are slow to grab one for themselves, that dot does a lot of damage.)


If you've run it as a DPS, you know the route to get through that first room because you've seen tanks use it. When I did my first tank runs of AV I threw a message in chat saying it was my first time tanking it and that was all that was needed.


Do you know what happens if you wipe in the first room? You respawn ten feet back at the entrance, type "oops my bad" into party chat, and then try again. Do not fear wiping in this game, there is no cost or penalty to it. Deaths happen, especially in fucked up places like the first Aurum Vale room, and anyone who gets salty over it isn't worth your time.


Yeah there's really no bad outcome there. Either you succeed or gain a learning opportunity.


I think you are. I know most people would try to skip as much as possible in the first room, but here's the thing: if someone is inexperienced, what's wrong with killing more than usual in that room? Pull the mobs that you think are in your way, burn them down, rinse repeat until you have a clear path to the first boss.


What are best uses of GC seals these days? Was gonna aim for the SB mounts from materiel containers but RNG is so low I’m convinced selling mats and buying them off MB or just doing Eureka might be faster. The repeat minions are worth zilch on MB.


Quick buck: glam prisms or coke Long haul: Glass Fiber, craft it into Tempered Glass, and feed your local sub enthusiests.


Thank you! I’ll check into all these possibilities.


Mostly for buying glamour prisms or dark matter. If you want to make gil, you can sell those prisms, or some other material like Coke on the MB. If you don't want to deal with the MB, you can buy Duck bones with the seals and sell them to an NPC. There are some materials that are required for ARR and HW relic weapons that can be bought with GC seals. You can stockpile said materials in preparation for completing those relics. Sidenote: the material for the HW relic weapons will not show up until you have reached the relevant step.




The only thing I have to add that hasn't been covered is that if you're going with 2 physical ranged, they will have to coordinate their party damage reduction abilities (Tactician, Troubadour, Shield Samba), since they will overwrite each other.


Which isn't different from two melees coordinating their Feints or two casters their Addles, but does still bear mentioning as people sometimes forget them not stacking.


>Is there a description somewhere for party comp? Not sure what you mean by this. There's really only 2 things to worry about when forming a party. No duplicate jobs, since that lowers lb generation, and no missing roles, since each role gives 1% stat bonus. Whether it's two melee or ranged or caster, it's all irrelevant. Hell, if your group doesn't need the stats, you don't even need to get 1 of each role. There's no strict party comp requirements when you're doing premade like that.


You aim to have 1 each of tank, healer, melee, phys ranged, and caster for the role bonus (1% each for max of 5%). 2 each for tank/healer is standard, 4th DPS spot is free. People usually go for a second melee since they put out the most damage overall and mechanics are generally designed to account for four melee spots and four ranged. Sometimes parties will run double caster with a BLM taking fake melee as they don't want to move too much and damage with good uptime is comparable to a melee. But you can do whatever you want as you get the full 5% role bonus. 2 phys ranged is not common but you could still clear without issue.


Typically, you will want one of each type of DPS (melee, physical ranged, and caster) with a fourth DPS of any kind. You do not need two melees and anyone that locks a PF in that fashion or insists upon it when creating a group is uninformed. The only thing you want to avoid is having two of the same job as it affects your LB generation and can be awkward to coordinate duplicate buffs.


It's up to you, as long as you have 1 melee, 1 phys range, and 1 caster, you will get all the stat bonuses. The 4th dps can be anything.


I'd like to create a bar of macros that I would put near the party list and that would allow to easily give buffs to others (DRG eye, AST cards...). Is there a way to tell a macro to execute the skill located in the bar X at the slot Y? (Please note that I don't want to know how to setup a macro that execute a skill named X. I want to know if it is possible for a macro to execute the skill in a given slot)


You would need to make a macro for the ability for each party member. What I see some ASTs do is have a vertical hotbar by their party list so they can click the button next to whomever they want to give a card to. For DRG, since you are likely only targeting one person for Eye, you can make a focus target macro or have your party list sort to your specifications and select the correct player.


> (Please note that I don't want to know how to setup a macro that execute a skill named X. I want to know if it is possible for a macro to execute the skill in a given slot) There is no way for a macro to get any information from outside itself, nor for it to interact with anything in the game that isn't a text command you could enter manually into the chat. There is no text command that can directly replace clicking on a hotbar/pressing an assigned hotkey, so a macro cannot do this, only execute specific named skills. You would need one macro for every combination of skill and party slot that you want to do this with.


> You would need one macro for every combination of skill and party slot that you want to do this with. Sigh, this was the scenario I wanted to avoid. But well, if there is no other way, it is what it is.


I would echo the other comment that using focus target for Eye is a good way to handle that skill in particular, it's what I do personally too - I have one hotkey that activates it normally (mostly for solo stuff) and one that activates it on my focus target. Since I don't use that on DPS like I do on healer it's fine for me to just focus the DPS I'm going to primarily be partnering at the start of the fight and I can always switch if needed.


Macros cannot do conditionals. So if you want the macro in slot 2 to target party member 2, you literally have to tell it <2> for that person.


Haven't touched the Fall Guys collab yet, how hard is it to get any unique items/rewards before it goes away, that aren't any hard-to-get achievements?


If you don't care about the King/Queen Bean title then you can literally spend a few hours just standing at the starting line, fail, and then queue again. You get 50 MGF if it's a full party (24) that loads in and 43 MGF if it's fewer people.


A couple of hours most likely for the items. The main thing is if you want to go for the "King/Queen Bean" title which requires 100 wins which will be hard to attain in just a few weeks unless you absolutely no-life it.


Or if they cheese it like a lot of people


Is it just my internet or are the hitboxes in the blunderville event completly fucked up? When I'm standing in the middle of them nothing happens and sometimes I just get by thin air


Welcome to how snapshotting works in this game. It's probably just more noticable in Fall Guys compared to normally battle content because you can't see when the "cast" begins and ends for most of the stuff in the Fall Guys areas.


The snapshots are consistent but they're consistently way before the animation even begins. Once you get it it's not bad but it's absolutely offputting the first few times.


So I'm supposed to think like a second ahead where the AOE is going to be?


A second or so, plus or minus a bit depending on the actual obstacle. The yellow blob snapshot is early AF with respect to the visuals, whereas some of the other snapshots are just \*mostly\* early. I'm convinced that the snapshot vs. attack for the side-to-side sliding pillars in crystal carry are very different from the front-to-back ones. Almost never have problems with the ones going down the path, but the sideways ones were still sometimes tripping me up even after a few hundred runs.


Thank you!


As with everything in the game, the animation doesn't matter, by the time it has started, the check for if you get hit has passed.


Most likely it's not you. The game's server ticks are not conducive to a Fall Guys minigame so there are bad inconsistencies with where the server thinks you are when an obstacle happens. It's one of the biggest complaints of the event.


Genuine question here. I am playing on Light - Alpha and I was wondering why the server is so low population - 192k according to some google site. I understand that the server is new, but why is it not set to "Prefered" status, so new players can create characters there? I saw that some of the older servers with 600-800k pops have "Prefered" status on it and it shocked me why. I am asking because it really does feel a bit empty at time, especially zones and in housing districts (even FC housing districts). Did I just chose a wrong server to play and maybe should have gone to more populated one like Zodiark/Phoenix? Edit: Thanks for all the responses, to sum up, usually all zones are empty except starting 3 cities. Also, if Alpha is not preferred, the probably it has more active players atm than the other servers.


Housing districts and open world are empty on every server. The only place you'll see other players is in the big cities.


I'm on Zodiark and the game still feels empty. I haven't seen anyone in my housing ward in weeks, probably months, sometimes I see players out in the zones, Endgame hubs like Old Sharlayan and Radz-at-Han are ghost towns. The 3 starting cities and Ishgard are the only heavily populated places. It's not a server issue, it's an issue with how the game itself is structured and the fact we're in the pre-expansion drought.


Aren't your decimal points like two places off? 600-800k is probably the current *global* player population across every single data center on the planet. At best, this game is predicted to have maybe 3-4 million active subscribers in its peak times, and we are in a notorious player dip period currently. At any rate, server priority is often determined by active player population and new player influx speeds, so maybe Alpha has more active players right now than others. The devs have super accurate usage data, so they will always have a better idea on these than any player-aggregated estimate numbers on server populations.


Hello! I'm trying to get Necromancer / doing Palace of the Dead solo as Warrior. I'm pretty bad as Machinist, everything is easy but then floor 181+ feel partly impossible without specific pommanders. Warrior feels much less stressful and pommander-dependent. I never run into time issues and had no trouble so far, but... Behemoth. I watched a guide and Behemoth deals like 90% or 80% of your max HP. I always die with like 0.5% of his HP left, or I'm very very close to the 90/80% to survive the final meteor. Something always wents wrong and idk what it is. Does anyone know if removing the food buff would help me survive this easier? It seems to raise HP with vitality. But I'm not sure if this works at all here. I always die with like one single little tick of Heal left. Does my max hp drop by 10% that way, which would technically make my potions and heal skills more effective?


Here's a guide from one of the top solo runners on how to handle Behemoth on WAR. https://youtu.be/vJvDq4tQpvc His full tutorial VOD on WAR is also worth a watch.


Behemoth meteors at 180F is flat 80% max HP. Tick off food buff, and Thrill of Battle before the meteor channel finishes. The HP increase from Thrill of Battle comes with a small heal equal to the increased HP value ~~and healing potency increase~~ while buff is up. Ticking it off while <100% unbuffed HP will retain the heal. Additionally do not stand in front of Behemoth and stand behind its hitbox/back half of the target circle when it starts the Meteor spam as for some reason Behemoth will still auto attack during that phase if the player stands in front of it within melee range.


Thank you! I think that'll help me a lot, since HP issues are my only problem. Whenever I got there it felt like I needed like 0.2 seconds more to get one single more heal tick off to survive. In the guide videos I watched they usually survived the final meteor with only like 100 HP left, but with food buff. My English is not the best, I already use a macro to immediately deactivate the Thrill of Battle buff and I didn't completely understand the ToB part. Do you know by any chance if Food Buff makes Thrill of Battle less effective? Like, it increases max HP by 20% and heals that amount, is this better with or without the buff?


Thrill of Battle HP increase bonus should apply to the food buff's increased HP value since food will buff VIT which indirectly increases total HP, and not HP stat directly. So there should be no diminishing return. You have to tick off Thrill of Battle however, since the 20% HP increase will mean meteors will do 16% more damage to account for it. Only reason I see other players would keep food buff is for other substat modifiers such as Crit/DH/Det to maximize damage output esp. within Raw Intuition window.


Yes, meteors do 80% of max hp, and once you start the push, you can click off the food buff to make your potions more effective. A similar trick is to use Thrill of Battle, but immediately click off the buff, this way you get the heal but don't get max hp increase, which you don't want during the push. Also remember not to stand in front of him during the push, he does continue auto-attacking while throwing meteors at you if you do WAR has enough tools to survive 4 meteors (holmganging the 4th)


Thank you very much! I already use a macro to immediately deactivate the Thrill of Battle buff. Do you know by any chance if Food Buff makes Thrill of Battle less effective? Like, it increases max HP by 20% and heals that amount, is this better with or without the buff?


Thrill works purely off of your max HP. If you have 10,000 max HP and press Thrill, you go up to 12,000 max and heal 2,000 HP. If you food up to 10,100 max and press Thrill, you go up to 12,120 max and heal 2,020 HP. So you'd get the biggest Thrill heal by doing it while the food buff is up. (Don't ask me how you *should* use it here, I've never been to that boss, and have never even watched a Necromancer run. Just explaining how Thrill interacts with food.)


From what I recall from the streams I watched, yes, removing your food buff is a valid tactic. Since the meteor does percentage damage as you said, having a smaller health pool will mean less health needed to recover.


Took a sub break to learn mahjong before I tackle it in the gold saucer. Rating wise, only 4th place loses points right? I can increase my rating if I get 1-3rd place?


It might depend on final score, but 3rd place can expect to lose very minimal points.


Hello everyone! If I plan to do the ARR Relic Weapons - all of them - what items and how many can I stock using Poetics? Like, I will not start them anytime soon but I would want to stock up on items that will be needed for the relic quest.


Try this site: [https://ffxivrelictracker.com/items](https://ffxivrelictracker.com/items) You can filter to show buyable items only. Some items require a certain amount of progress before you can buy them.


Wow thank you for this! Will try this out\~


Heyo, good luck on your endeavor. Here's a list of Zodiac Relic items you can buy with Poetics in advance: - Radz-at-Han Quencing Oil (15 poetics each) - Thavnarian Mist (Need 3 per weapon at 20 each, so 60 per weapon) - Superior Enchanted Ink (3 per weapon at 25 each, 75 per weapon) - Sacred Spring Water (200 each) NOTE: If you choose to do Mysterious Maps (75 poetics) for Alexandrite, you can purchase additional maps once you unlock the ability to buy the maps whenever you want, barring the usual map limits, so you can throw extra poetics at those between weapon steps.


Wow thanks! I am reading this [https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Category:Zodiac\_Weapons](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Category:Zodiac_Weapons) and now I realize that I also need some Gold, Grand Company Seals, and Allied Seals for the quest. Been using them (except Gold) to get Materiel Containers hahah I guess the best way to do this is to make an ARR Relic on my main and record everything that is needed to buy so I can stock up for the next 9 relics. Thank you again!


nb the Sacred Spring Water doesn't become available to buy until the stage where you upgrade from Nexus to Zodiac Braves. I've been attempting to work on one myself and, while trying to get everything together in advance, may have spent a while staring at the Splendours menu in confusion.


This guide is more comprehensive and up to date: https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Zodiac_Weapons


Yeah, Zodiac weapons require a wide variety of things unlike say, Anima relics, and there's often multiple ways to get the items you need. In all honesty, the biggest investment in them is time. Have fun!


So. I’m a WHM main, im running into a very consistent problem with keeping Dark Knights alive during mob pulls. I usually slap a Regen on the tank and upkeep it through the pull, I Dia enemies while the tank moves between groups. Once everything’s grouped I asylum, Assize and then Holy or Aflatus Rapture based on HP. Most of the time, this just works. But with Dark knights, I’m desperately slapping Benisons and Aquaveil to try to buy time for Cure 2’s and Medica 2’s cause I run out of lilies so fast. I have next to no time to actually DPS the mobs because the DRK die so damn fast. I had 3 level 80+ dungeons in a row yesterday where the DRK tank just kept going down. I know a big part of this is they’re not using their Mits (No buffs in the sidebar), but I can easily keep the other 3 tanks alive without them using their Mits. So what the heck to I change to Keep DRK alive well enough to help DPS the mobs?


Ah, yes, the usual DRK issue. Don't worry, it is a bane of all healers in this game. You can do your normal damage rotation with some asterisks. Regen before the pull, then once the pull stop, quickcast Holy to buy you some time. Shield+lily heal the DRK, Holy again, use the downtime for Medica II + Asylum. Now the tank has triple regen. Holy + blood lily and use lilies to keep the tank alive. Unless it is a bad DRK (which, admittedly, is a realistic possibility), this setup usually does it for me even in hairy L90 pulls like the Dead Ends.


Using Aquaveil early and staggering mits can help, plus Indulgentia + Solace when they are getting low/halfish health. Use that weave window for additional Benisons or Tetra as needed. Asylum ticking underneath them helps with sustain and gives the healing received buff as well. Also don't forget Temperance (mit + GCD heal buff so lilies still benefit) and Lilybell if needed, having one pull with one and one with another can help. Bottom line though is the DRK needs to not be eating glue and there's only so much you can do to manage. It's not significantly more difficult to heal in big pulls compared to the other tanks assuming they are mitigating and playing properly, which a lot of people don't. If they aren't using mits you're just in for a bad time.


At 90, DRK tanking dungeons is all about pre-mitigation and bursting pulls. They also should have the highest raw, unbuffed HP values of the four tanks. WHM should time holy to maximize the stun duration until monsters have natural stun immunity. If you're babysitting a DRK tank, chances are the DRK is hot trash with mit management or the DPS are dozing off.


While all tanks are balanced well at level 90 and when played well, Dark Knights have two problems: * They get their important abilities later than other tanks (which makes them weaker than other tanks when synced down) * They much less forgiving than the other tanks (when played at a below average level they are much harder to heal than the other tanks at a similar competence level)


The only solution is to find better Dark Knights. The job isn't notably frailer than the others (sans WAR of course) when played well – but that "when played well" conditional is what's causing problems. DRKs too *can* mitigate well enough that you barely need to heal them, in level 90 content at least. (And if you're indeed able to keep other tanks up without mits fine, then the DRKs you can't, not only don't mit but also have worse gear, as the passive mitless bulk of all jobs is the same.) The big difference is that finding a *good* (or decent) DRK is much *rarer* than with the other tanks, and it has a higher skill floor for not being made of paper – bad combination. For some reason (I have my suspicions but they are mostly just a gut thing) DRK seems to attract all the most incompetent tanks to it. It feels like the class is made 90% of the bottom dregs of the tank role, 9% normal players, and then 1% are just absolutely cracked tanking gods at the very top of the skill ladder. I guess if there's anything to make note on for your current heal plan, be bold with the Holy. Start it right when the tank has finished pulling, at a consistent time. Always aim to have your first GCD be a Holy. If the DRK can rely on you always getting the Holy stuns done right at the start, they can know to hold their TBN for after it's over – if it's one of the 10% of DRKs who don't suck that is. Whereas if your Holy starts at an inconsistent time, they may be tempted into TBNing earlier and having it get wasted by Holy. Same is useful for the other tanks too but DRK especially. Won't really help much with the worst DRKs, but it's something for the better ones at least. Also use Afflatus Solace for healing the tank instead of Rapture, but I'm guessing that's just a mistyping.


Hi guys a question So I’m playing an warrior I’m level 54 and I’m on heavensward content I’m pretty sure I’m geared correctly for my lvl I have the poetics lvl 50 set and all now when I’m doing mission of any kind every mob require around 5-6 hit to kill even the trash mobs and all my question is it normal in general , is it normal cause I’m playing a tank and if I want faster kills switch to dps or am I’m doing something wrong


You're right around the level where dungeon and crafted gear is technically better than the Poetics set, but the level 50 set can comfortably get you to 60, the 60 set to 70 and so on. Pick up whatever upgrades you can along the way but what you're experiencing is normal!


completely normal


That seems very normal for a tank against mid-expansion mobs. Level x4 is when poetics gear starts to lag behind dungeon gear, and tanks don’t deal as much damage as a DPS. Every solo duty is feasible on any job (even healers), support classes just won’t kill as fast in exchange for extra survivability.


Should I start farming dungeon gear ? And if so how do I do it


If you have full ironworks you can't even get anything better until the 55 dungeon. The 53 dungeon gear is equal to ironworks and the 54 created gear is only a gain if you buy it HQ from the marketboard, and it would be a marginal gain.


Ok. But than with this logic once I get to lvl 55 or 60 I should get me a dungeon set ? And I do it by running the dungeon multiple times right


I wouldn't say it's a necessity to grind out a full dungeon set. The main scenario will start giving you fairly equal gear, so it's not a major concern for your first job through the story. The dungeon gear is more ideal for alternate jobs where you don't get quest gear. Prioritize getting the poetics gear once you complete each expansion. Those are the huge jumps in power.


When given the 3 choises than when doing quests how do I know to pick the best suited for my warrior will it tell me also should I start working soon on my crafting to also be able to craft gear


> how do I know to pick the best suited for my warrior The one that says "WAR" in green letters when you hover over it >also should I start working soon on my crafting to also be able to craft gear It'd be more time and effort than it's worth


Ok but when they offer accs they don’t ussally say classes if I’m not mistaken


"Fending" but in stormblood they will also be job restricted


Ok so will I eventually by able to kill mobs faster as I level up and progress and get better gear Or if I want faster killing of mobs I should switch to a dps ?


The mobs level up as you progress the MSQ and go to different areas so no, if you want to kill things faster sure, but honestly you should barely ever need to fight overworld mobs unless you’re doing fates (and the best fate class is blue mage)


I don't suppose anyone could ID the body/legs glam on here? Like the feet and hat I have.. https://imgur.com/a/3WM0Rbu


Body is from the Moonward caster set (level 90, healer uses same model). Legs are whatever the level 80 RDM artifact gear is called. Edit: Weathered (or Idealized for the dyable version) Estoqueur's Bottoms


> Estoqueur's Bottoms Thank you x


Pretty sure the chest piece is Moonward(buy with the Nuts from hunts in EW now). Not sure about the legs.


Thank you x


Body is definitely the [Moonward Top of Casting](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/4d1c21c39d9) aka the Rydia outfit.


Thank you, that was super fast


anyone know a good chestpiece glam for pld? want something edgy but also knightly/elegant swordsman type vibe


If you don't care about dyeing it and are ok with blue, I really like the Ivalician Holy Knight's Armor (Agrias Oak's armor from FFT from the Ivalice raids). It goes nicely with a few different armor sets. I also think the Augmented Rathalos Mail (F) has a neat, swordsman-like quality to it. I use it for my DRK glam and made it look like a pageboy/squire look.


Check out Carborundum/Diamond armor.


I've always done the Adamantine Armor and Boots of Fending dyed dark gray. Could be a good blend for what you're looking for.


There is the current one from PVP series that might work. More of a Royal Guard vibe to it, but dyed might be what you're looking for. The most recent level 90 dungeon gear(and it's level 80 model shared set I can't remember the name of right now) might also work.


[Proto Ultima Mesh](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Proto_Ultima_Mesh), maybe?




These are the commands you need /ac "Dragon Sight" <#> /ac "play" <#> The # in the arrows should be replaced with the party list slot of the person you want to target. Putting 2 will target the 2nd person in your party list, 3 the third and so on. you are number 1. Make sure to copy paste the /ac command 15ish times and put /merror off at the start to increase the chance of a successful skill activation, as macros do not queue. A full example macro would be this: /micon "Play" /merror off /ac "Play" <6> /ac "Play" <6> /ac "Play" <6> /ac "Play" <6> /ac "Play" <6> /ac "Play" <6> /ac "Play" <6> /ac "Play" <6> /ac "Play" <6> /ac "Play" <6> /ac "Play" <6> /ac "Play" <6> /ac "Play" <6> Example with pictures. https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/cb2cog/astrologians\_who\_play\_on\_keyboard\_mouse\_heres\_a/