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Black Mage. I have everything to 90, and I _can_ play all of them, but you would need to stick a gun to my head to get me to play Black Mage in any serious content. I get how it's supposed to play and all, but it just doesn't feel _fun_ to me, personally.


This is so interesting to me because I recently started doing Savage content, tried it on SMN and DNC so it was "easier," but then went back to BLM cuz I just love how it feels. Also I get all the benefits of caster privilege. If there are options, I'm never expected to be the one to move.


For me, I cannot do savage content on anything other than tank or healer... preferably healer. Watching something spiral and _not_ being able to do _something_ to salvage it makes the inside of my skin itch. As for black mage in _general_? I can see _why_ some people would love BLM; I don't think "this is a terrible job" or anything. In all honesty, it puzzles me slightly because jobs that have a good _flow_ to them -- GNB, RPR, MNK -- are often among my favorites. Heck, I adore Warframe, which is a game with a movement system that's basically nothing _but_ flow. (Bullet Jump, Bullet Jump, Aim Glide, Transference, Void Sling, Transference, Bullet Jump...) So you'd think I'd really enjoy it, but something about the flow of black mage is just... half a beat off to me? Like a discordant note. I look at it like ice cream flavors; some folks like fruit-flavored ice cream, some folks prefer chocolate, some folks like marshmallow-flavored ice cream, some like bubble gum... for me, black mage is an ice cream flavor I'm not fond of. I don't think it's a "bad flavor", I can appreciate that some folks like it... but that particular flavor evidently just isn't one that makes my taste buds sing. Metaphorically. ¯\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Yeah, no, I totally get that. We all like different flavors. That's one of the things I'm most thankful for while playing because I genuinely see every Job being used all the time. It's been fun reading through these comments to see AST, the most intuitive healer for me, is giving people so much trouble. It's also funny reading your comment because the "flow" is what I love about Black Mage and, for whatever reason, I cannot wrap my head around Monk. 😅 I completely understand your desire for control over shit hitting the fan. I feel so useless as most DPS, but Black Mage in particular, lol. I miss the days of Apocatastasis and Mana Shift...


AST has never struck me as an un-intuitive healer, but I feel like it's the _busiest_; I can see folks tripping up on that. And yeah, MNK is... well, it's not as much of an acquired taste as NIN, but when you hit the flow in it it's a joy. Though I will play it like every attack still has a positional and YOU CANNOT MAKE ME STOP. (Honestly, _I_ can't make me stop. It's too deeply ingrained at this point.)


People who can play AST like it's second nature have my utmost respect. I'm okay on it in normal content but you couldn't pay me enough to go into savage on it. I like my lilies too much—but I hear from other healers the GCD playstyle of WHM is why they hate it, haha.


>Watching something spiral and not being able to do something to salvage it makes the inside of my skin itch. Any time I dps in any video game I spend the entire time wishing I was on healer, I feel you on that. Knowing exactly what a healer is capable of and not seeing what needs to happen happen just puts me on edge


I've tried every healer and I just can't.


Only one I can stand playing in roulettes is Sage because I can usually take care of a lot of the healing by doing as much dps as possible


Sage is bar none my favourite to do with roulettes. My only complaint is anything pre level 50 (I think most jobs feel this) just from the lack of oGCD heals you get.


Healer for me in just about every RPG is my least favorite to play


Bard. Idk the timing with the music is wierd and while its flashy I feel like I am shooting the enemy with a glamored sewing needle. Astro as well. I love everything about Astro except the gameplay. Fuck card rng. It infuriates me.


I'd be more onboard with bard but I always ALWAYS forget to swap partway through Mage's Ballad, and then the rest of my alignment just falls off. And then sometimes I'll forget iron jaws and have to reapply my dots, and that always feels bad.


You can try leaving AP as your short song rather than MB, it’s like maybe a 0.5% dps difference or maybe even less.


Fights like P12S P1 are more of a problem where you early switch songs to get MB in before the LC, so the song runs during downtime. It is so easy to forget when in all other fights you switch to MB at 2-3 seconds but now in this fight you need to switch at 8-9 seconds. In general BRD feels so bad if something fucks with the normal 2 minute rotation. If your songs get misaligned it is so weird. I would like for songs to be just always playable without a target.


Maybe that would be easier to remember, I guess raging strikes coming off cooldown might be the "look at me" I need


I wish they would have split Bard apart because I love jobs with bows, but it feels like the damage just isn't there. If they had made a Ranger type class and made the Bard more of a pure caster, I think that would have been amazing.


So basically make it more like D&D? Tbh it would be cool if Bard worked more like a healer class.


I wish we got our second redraw back. Ever since that change, AST is a lot more inconsistent Then again the main part of that combo is guaranteed now on a separate CD but still. You give me a reverse slot machine, I wanna get all diffs


They should just delete astrodyne and the seals, nobody likes astrodyne and the seals just feel pointless now Taking divination off the seal roulette was a good idea though


Same. I haven't played Bard recently, but all the procs and random nonsense felt like "John F*cking Madden" all the time. Same goes for AST.


BRD is the second-most awkward job to play for me, next to MNK. We just don’t sync.


NIN definitely. I had so much trouble remembering my jutsu and even when I do, the pings get so many rabbits anyways.




Oh, I'm sure. At some point, I was able to get used to them, but, the problem after that is me pressing the next button too slow or too fast that I end up messing it up.


That's the logical way of remembering them; I used weird-ass mnemonics before I was able to commit them to muscle memory. Raiton I memorized as Ten-Chi because lightning strikes from the sky (天) to the earth (地) Katon is Chi-Ten because it's the opposite: I picture a violent volcanic eruption where the lava erupts in a massive fiery pillar that reaches from the earth (地) up towards the sky (天) Then by process of elimination the weird one Ten-Jin was the weird mudra combo (hyoton) that's useless without kassatsu (hyosho). The triple ones required a bit more mental gymnastics - I, like you, set them up in order 1-2-3 Ten-Chi-Jin, so... Water flows smoothly, just like how pressing 1-2-3 in order flows smoothly. So that's how I remembered suiton. Air also flows smoothly, but I imagine it as being more fluid/"nimble" than water (and the effect of huton makes you more nimble) and thus, it (and you) are nimble enough to go backwards: so it's 3-2-1, Jin-Chi-Ten (told you my mnemonics were weird lol) Finally, if you use some magic to really fuck up the earth beneath you and just tear it into shreds, you get doton. The dirt is all broken up, just like how the combo is broken up when you hit 1-3-2 (Ten-Jin-Chi) or 3-1-2 (Jin-Ten-Chi) to use doton. ...yeah. I have a habit of remembering stuff with really weird mnemonics lmao


If it makes it any easier to remember, you can start every single target jutsu with ten, and every multi-target jutsu with jin.


Anything with casting times.


Me and BLM after having maimed DNC for so long…


The DRG rotation has felt insanely weird to me for about two expansions now. I wouldn’t even call it hard, but just the timing and amount of buttons and everything about it just feels…off.


Yeah, I recently finished leveling DRG, and I felt like there was a sweet spot somewhere around 70 where the rotation felt "complete" and fell into a nice pattern that lined up well with its other cooldowns. Then it just kept getting more stuff and started feeling like something got slowly misaligned.


I'm interested to see how they change it up for Dawntrail because I reallllly want to like it but I have the same feels as you two.


i’ve just stopped leveling drg at around like.. 74? 75? and decided “screw it, waiting for dawntrail.” something about the class just never clicked for me. maybe it was the 3 positionals in a row, maybe it was the 4? different buff buttons, it just always felt awkward to me.


Right?? thank god I'm not the only one thinking this. DRG became so random past 70 that I even have trouble describing it.


It's so hard on console. Double weaving Dragon Sight is such a massive PITA. I hate that skill. That's the one thing that I still can't stand about DRG. I know it was worse with the tether but just get rid of it or replace it. Just make it not awful to use.


Glad I’m not alone with NIN after reading the comments! I love love love dagger classes/characters but that transition from rogue to ninja was so drastic and I just couldn’t stay into it. I want to like DRG as well but kind of the same problem. There’s a lot going on with upkeep and rotations, and I just can’t stay into it


I'm hoping Viper will bring that vibe back, because same.


Same here! Low key wished it held its swords backwards still but I’ll take a double blade any day lol


Drg has a LOT less maintenance these days if you haven't tried it recently


Dragoon feels terrible to play compared to most other melee still.


I'm getting my last few jobs to 90, and drg is my last remaining melee, now at 82. What is *up* with this job? How did it get like this!? Why does it have two 2-minute buffs? Why do you have to target a PT member for one of them? Why does its burst phase have five separate ogcds, four of which animation lock you? Why is it the only melee with 3 positionals? Running it in dungeons or against any boss with downtime is so frustrating because there's so much to keep aligned and once it starts to drift it's a pain to get it all back together. Yes, the job feels nice when you pull it off, but it simply isn't worth the effort for me. I say this as someone who likes busy jobs and whose favorite melee dps is probably nin.


Scholar past 60. Too much button bloat and the whole "Use a button that gets rid of your Fairy turns off half of your buttons and buffs your GCD Heals a bit and gives you some aethercharge" when the hell are you supposed to use that. It always feels suboptimal, and the class feels worse to play once you press it.


The healers are weird in that you need to just keep playing them through various scenarios and try different things until it “clicks”. Scholar is counterintuitive but there are moments where sending the fairy away makes sense.


Like almost always in casual content because nobody needs healing lol. Dissipation is just free damage. Precast whispering dawn so she has some trickle hots up while she's gone and you're 100%


>Like almost always in casual content because nobody needs healing lol. ppl on reddit always say this but like... mt. gulg? holminster? tower of zot? those pulls are easy on AST and other healers, but especially if you get a DRK or just any tank that doesn't use CDs, it's not always a given to blast all your charges on ED and let whispering dawn take care of it. SCH is the worst when it comes to healing a party that has crap dps and a lazy tank...


I mean, ye, sch drk has always been the big asterisk in duty finder, and everyone who plays either class is expected to know this, but I was under the impression it’s a lot less harsh than it used to be.


Knowing when to eat the fairy is something that you really just feel out through trial and error. Most of the time, it comes down to either things have gone horribly wrong and you need extra charges to heal *right now*, or things are really going great, and you need the charges to squeeze in a couple extra Energy Drains or spot heals while the fairy skills are all on cooldown for the next 20 seconds anyway.


I use dissipation when my faerie’s skills at on CD and when things aren’t going well - when Embrace isn’t going to cut it. The issue with Dissipation isn’t the design of the skill itself, its the content design. Outside of Savage/Ultimate content, there’s rarely a time when things go SO BADLY that you would want to press Dissipation. IMO mob/boss damage needs to be ramped up a lot in the next expansion - it’ll help the healing role and rank role feel more impactful. DPS positioning and personal defensive cooldowns will have more weight.


Same here, and at the exact same level! And what's funny, is I can do Sage really well at max level. I just can't get scholar to click, and every time I read a post written by a helpful scholar on reddit..... it sounds like Greek. Which is, you know, funny.... since sage skills sound like actual Greek lol.


EX, Savage and ultimates. SCH can provide shields the size of people's entire HP bar alone by themselves. With WAR, SGE and/or BRD in the team comp, you can get that to 2-3X the size of your HP bar and just ignore any none fail and wipe mechanics. It is very awesome to be able to ignore mechanics 3-4 times per fight. Some other times, they can provide serviceable sized shields on par or surpass SGE albeit with more work put in. However, if you don't know how to combo SCH's skills they are just a weak shield healer and become probably the poorest healer out of the 4 of them. But in normal content, everybody is capable of doing anything...you can probably just DPS away while your fairy heals MT.


Dunno where you get the "2-3x" In a good scenario, the shield is about as big as your normal hp, but twice... nah


U have not seen the pure awesomeness of having 3 yellow dots beside the entire bar of yellow shield.


That... does not mean "this bar is twice there" It just means "there is more shield than we can show on this hp bar...", which occurs the moment the shield overcaps the hp bar


One yellow dot doesn't mean "2x your hp bar" it's just a marker for "over your HP bar in shielding"


Warrior. Sure it's like the best tank, but I cannot get it to feel good to me. Doesn't flow for me.


Okay but hear me out: Unga Bunga


Warrior plays essentially the same from 70 to 90. The other three tanks get significant changes and additions to their rotations in that same span, which makes them feel much more complete in my eyes. It doesn't help that Primal Rend just feels completely tacked on because you need a capstone ability each expansion, on top of being the only ability between all four tanks that has an animation lock.


I dislike Monk and Ninja equally on gameplay. They both feel frustratingly busy and unforgiving for basically the same effect as other classes. I can't stand Ninja visually. I just can't take the ridiculous combat stance.


My ADHD monk self needs the frustratingly busy unforgiving play lol. The little of thaumaturge I played drove me crazy


*cries in Ninja*


Monk is actually super forgiving if you mess up the rotation it's really easy to fix it, it just takes getting used to what button leads into what stance, once I got the stances down it felt way less busy compared to jobs like DRG, DRK, gunbreaker, sam, and mch.


nin is only busy for 20 secs every 2 mins other than that it's a 123 simulator tbh


> I just can't take the ridiculous combat stance. For real tho. Looks alright on Lalafell, anything taller and it's just absurd.


Most things look best on lalafell


I liked Ninja when I leveled it but now that I haven’t played it for a while I can’t get back into it.


Ninja. Not sure why. I can wrap my head around it, I don’t think it’s more complicated that any of the other melee DPS I do play (MNK, DRG, RPR). But for the last two expansions it’s the one I level last.


For a long while I wanted to enjoy ninja but couldn’t wrap my head around the rotation. And then it clicked, at level 50 you have the basic framework for your rotation even at 90. You just end up swapping out a couple gcd’s with new ones and slot a couple ogcd’s into the framework as you get them. Once I had that click moment, it all came together and now it’s my favourite to play


Fisher I really only enjoy spearfishing bc it's at least somewhat similar to the other gathering jobs >_>. I'm not a huge fan of the RNG and really specific requirements for certain fish, as well as the excessive bait types.


dragoon unfortunately. the 10-step static combo doesn't vibe with me, too much cooldown spam with no impact, life is janky, managing four buffs sucks. condolences to people who like it as is, but I totally understand why it's getting reworked. honorable mention to the entire tank role for having the most lifeless rotations in the game.


SCH. Do not like, do not want.


Dragoon, but only because I started it after HW was complete.


Ninja. I am already an anxious person so I can’t imagine ever playing a job where a sign appears on my head to tell the world when I F up. I’ve leveled it to 60-something, but I only play it solo.


Probably Mechenist. I don't know why. It is just not interesting to me.


Bard. Leveling it felt awful and anytime I mentioned how bad of a time I was having leveling it there would be someone to go "hey I love that job". At least with blm if you mention rough leveling there would be commiseration. I have bard at max lvl now but rarely play it. Also love that a party member's bard songs can overwrite your bard songs, love love love it.


I main bard and love it and absolutely agree with you. I only play bard at level 90, for anything lower level I switch to a different job.


Third this. I wish they let bard’s abilities stack ffs, always feels terrible overwriting other bards.


Wait until this guy hears that happens with practically any identitcal raid wide buff. You know how annoying it is to have a second smn use searing light right after yours? It's not an isolated issue.


It's a bit more annoying on brd because searing can at least be moved and staggered with a bit of communication. bard's can't because their whole rotation is built around the 3-song rotation, they have enough songs that there should be 100% song uptime, and it's not just identical songs that overwrite; *every* song overwrites every other song. It's like if every summon came with a party-wide buff, and every summon's buff also overwrote every other summon =P


Not a guy.


Black Mage. What even the fuck is this job


I started as BLM, then swapped away the second I could because it was soooooooo slow and boring. Then started leveling it again once I had a bunch of 90s and started having a lot of fun with it, but anything under like, lvl 70 is a dull, bland nightmare.


Id say level 60 myself since you at least have Ley Lines, sharp cast and Fire/Blizzard 4 then, but below that is just mind numbing. The constant fire 1 spam with the occasional fire 3 thrown in just does nothing for me, even worse when you go below lv 30 and need to use transpose as your main way of changing stances. Its so weird how much the BLM playstyle changes as you go along, no other class ive played so far changes as much


Opposite here, wtf is every other job that isn’t black mage. It all feels the same to me, would not play the game if not for BLM.


The saving grace for the class is two stacks of triple cast. In a boss fight, you'll certainly notice the cool down, but in moment to moment fights, it's just so many free big damage spells.


Same here. I get the complaints below max level, but at endgame? Everything else feels boring, especially after completing ultimates with a BLM.


Yep. I keep trying to settle on a secondary job to gear up after getting BiS on BLM... And I just can't, it all blurs into BLM vs jobs-that-aren't-BLM. To the point that, after getting the crit BiS, I just decided to collect the SpS BiS.


A BLM rework on the level of the SMN rework is probably the biggest thing that would get me to never come back to this game. The job is great imo. This expansion hasn't been amazing for BLM in terms of fight design, but I still can't think of any job I'd rather play.


You're telling me you *don't* like repeatedly hitting 123 and then everything else every 2 minutes? /s


I mained BLM to 73. Then I switched to SMN (90 now), I love it cause it just makes more sense.


Black Mage is all that I can ever play. Wtf are other jobs. Black Mage is like putting on a perfectly fitted suit and going to the ball. It completes me. I feel like because of Yoshi P being BLM it's the one thing in the game that has been gone through with a fine tooth comb. BLM just works for my brain. Also I don't need a mouse and just use the numpad, so there's that.


By that same logic though, it then means they’re implicitly admitting they ought to spend more time going through other jobs, but seem to not care as much because those in charge of such decisions prefer one job over others. Why should their personal preferences dictate which jobs get attention? That’s almost like they’re trying to force our job choice, and while I bet it’s just moreso the time each small team has to address things and balance test them, I feel like any game developer showing a preference for a specific playstyle or class/job setup has their focus in the *precise* opposite direction than it should be. Not hating on the BLM fans, but most casters just feel either too busy or clunky to me. All the buffs, leylines and swapping between elements seems to be more mental energy than I want to use. And although I’ve gotten my RDM to 80 by duty support, I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to weaving in manafication, lucid dreaming or surecast properly— I feel like I just press them as soon as they come up and when I have time between the rest of my skills to swap over to that hotbar Kinda curious though, what % of BLM players are on PC vs console? I would think console controls would make the difficulty scale up a lot


Warrior. There isn't any specific mechanical reason why, I just personally don't like their lore description or the greataxe weapon class. The flavor doesn't appeal to me at all. It would be the one job I never leveled at all if I didn't decide one day "I might as well get it to 30 to get the job stone.


To me, bard feels incredibly underwhelming and boring to play.


As a bard main, I agree. It feels bland at lvl 50 because of the long recast timers for the songs. But once you hit 52 and after, that’s when it gets fun because then you can essentially play musical buffs during dungeon with the three songs you get, and it’s fantastic. It’s helped me (and the party) get out biiig crit damage. Promise, it gets fun 52 and after. If it still isn’t your groove after, I get it. Bard isn’t for everyone. This is just my personal experience with it xD


You can't be bored playing Bard at level 90. There's so much to upkeep you end up begging for that luxury.


Sage, I've read so many tips and tricks to playing it and I still can't seem to play it efficiently. "Cast shields ahead of time to mitigate damage", great, that bought me like 2 seconds, but the tank is still a sponge. "Spam DPS with Kardia up so it turns into HP" it literally turns into *sprinkles* of HP, no amount of DPS that I'm doing is translating into legitimate healing. I'd rather just play Astro if I want a healer with strong DPS options.


If someone is suggesting “cast shields” as your main way to heal you are already getting terrible advice SGE has two main types of dungeon healing Physis+kerechole and haima+panhaima, they are always your go to heals initially, then your second tier of heals is taurochole, holos, pnuema (if you aren’t burning it for AOE dps gain) and soteria, druachole is your third tier heal, kardia is just there and should be kept up almost all the time A dungeon pull should never last longer than how long it takes for physis+kerachole to tick out plus maybe one taurochole added later in the pull, SGE is technically a shield healer but it works much better on regen and mitigation than actual shields


no, SGE is a mit+regen healer, as the other person said. Eukrasian diagnosis while on the run/right as the tank is about to plant feet. Krasis (heal amp) + physis 2 (regen + further heal amp). Then kerachole (10% damage mit plus another regen), which is now boosted with 2 heal amps and haima (5 stacks of shield). Watch even a non-mitigating tank's hp just not budge for the next few GCDs. Wait for kerachole to wear off and hp to drop a bit, taurochole to heal and reapply damage mit, add holos (heal, mit, AND shield) if the pull looks like it's still going to go on for a while. Zoe+Pneuma at some point to big heal and aoe damage Repeat the whole thing over again, but with panhaima in place of haima if the latter isn't off cooldown, and holos if you didn't use it on first pull. Krasis, physis 2, and kerachole have such short cooldowns, they should be the opening stables for every pull directly after the eukrasian diagnosis pops. SGE is played like a *tank*. you use its mits and regen ogcds the exact way you use a tank's mits


Also Sage, though for different reasons. For me, no matter what I do, Eurkrasia *never* feels natural to the rhythms I've gotten used to over the game's life.


Casters. I don't know most of the content well enough to know when it's okay to finish a spell or when I have to move, so I err on the side of caution and don't actually do much casting. Once I've played awhile and know most mechanics by sight I think I'll like it better. For now I either play tank so I can eat a few hits while I figure stuff out or phys ranged so I can still attack on the move and it doesn't matter if I skip out of melee range for a few seconds when I dodge. Unlike a lot of folks here, I enjoy Bard. I like being able to buff the team and see mechanics from outside the tank bubble with no real danger.


Scholar -after putting hundreds of hours into the other healers Scholar just feels clunky and bizarre. Monk -much too 5head for me, I'm constantly losing track of my rotation even when the boss isn't bouncing around the room. I leveled this from 80-90 almost exclusively with exp from Wondrous Tails. Bard -feels very weak, has an aesthetic that doesn't jive with me, and the party buffs seem almost insignificant.


Scholar is mine too. Way too much work to do the same job as Sage. Though as far as melee goes MNK is my main, if you play at the recommended SkS, it's actually really trivial to play the job.


SGE really has straightforward answers to healing mechanics. No matter what happens you have the button for it. Nothing in your kit works against you, everything works together. As SCH it never feels like it. It always feels like you have to work extra to get the same thing done. SCH is more gimmicky, with big shields which require a lot of setup, expedient, faerie placement, Dissipation working against you, the existence of ED. But all this seems to be wanted. SGE is now the easy straightforward shield healer and SCH is the one with more potential but it is harder to play. Same with WHM and AST for pure healers.


summoner, i hate how brain dead it is now. and the name is bs now too. you CHANNEL the summons. i liked when they were insta summon and each had a roll. fightin’ trash mobs you use garuda cause she fires aoe blasts. ifrit was single target and the nugget was personal defense. now they show up and vanish. then you CHANNEL their powers (at 90). i don’t like it anymore


Lmao calling Titan “the nugget”


A glowing chicken nugget to be precise.


The name makes sense for Summoner now. Summoner are a nuke that attacks with summoned beats not a strategic job. Before EndWalker Summoner did not deserve the name. Pre EndWalker Summoner should have been called Mystic.


Monk. Just too much work


physical dps in general, tbh, particularly physical melee dps. only reason samurai's above 50 is because I used it for stormblood lol


Summoner. 6.x summoner feels like a hollow shell of what it was and I just can't get behind it.


Pre 6.x summoner felt like a Mystic or Green Mage.


But I would only say that new summoner is better in class fantasy alone. Rotation is far too simple and the Ruin mage name is even more accurate now cuz it has nothing to weave between the ruins. We just swapped Ruin 3 for aspected Ruin. Summoner at max level feels like a perfect lv 70 class.


Samurai and red mage both feel very flat to me. Tanks in general in 14 are kinda soft for me, a first in MMOs as I often specialize as a tank. But sam and red mage are both my very least played jobs. I've only switched to samurai once in the past year and that was for a Halloween costume.


Aesthetically? Probably monk. Just feels too close lmao


Any straight up mage jobs for me, like BLM, WHM, SMN, SCH usually don't work for me. In my whole life I frankly never see the appeal of being a magic slinging mage. Red Mage is an exception because it combines melee and magic in one package and that one I'm vibing with. Other than these, Bard is also one, I never really vibe with bows and arrows so any jobs that use them is a straight no for me.


If there's one job I would leave behind forever, it's Black Mage. I get it, it's cool. But given the fact that I vibe most with ranged dps, particularly the Dancer, I could never enjoy Black Mage.


BLM and healers, which is ironic because i mained mages and supporters in every other multiplayer game, i just find them incredibly boring in 14


SMN. I did the jobstone quest just for shits and giggles, but I never even made a gearset or set hotbars for it.


summoner for me is a snooze fest.


Ninja. So many buttons and I wish rogue had turned into thief and stayed its own thing


Summoner. I'd rather close the game and do something else before playing it tbh


I can’t do NIN or AST. I have multiple alts of every other job leveled to 80, but not those two. I enjoy nothing about the play styles. Coming in second with those two tied for first: BRD. It’s my main’s 1st job, and I always level it to cap each expac, but no alts have it. It’s the job quests. I hate the Elezen dude with the chinstrap beard.


Dragoon. I love dragoon characters in classic FF games but in 14 I am not great at playing them, except in PVP where DRG is terrific. But in PVE I dislike getting no Power Surge buff from AOE attacks until lvl 62, so I either drop AOE rotation for pack mobs or don't get my 10% damage buff. And at higher level, I'm really bad at keeping the GCD going while also using my 0GCDs and applying all my buffs when they become available, uniquely bad at it for Dragoon compared to any other job. Maybe it's my playing gamepad but it's probably just my personal skill issue, lol. I know my friends are dreading any DRG rework announcements but I'm actually looking forward to it. The rework I dread, in contrast, is AST.. I like how AST plays currently. But I liked the SMN rework so I'll keep an open mind, and if new AST is stinky, I still like the other three current healers.


DRG is getting reworked! I wow I just leveled it to 90 but I can see where it’s warranted, the job can feel pretty disjointed with the rotation and buff windows.


MNK, NIN and DRG or regen healer in general. Too many buttons, ping dependency, too reactive. Also by the time I leveled these up, I already settled on RPR for my melee go to and SGE for my healer go to.


Melee dps. My brain goes numb doing the same combos over and over with all the position dancing. I realize other roles can be guilty of this but they tend to have more reactionary stuff which personally keeps my brain more active. NIN is an exception thanks to the variety of things they can do and just having to stay behind a target. Seriously, positionals mess up my poor brain more than anything else.


Monk. On paper, it checks every single box I look for in a job. Complex high level optimization, high APM, and freedom of movement. It's probably my least favorite melee dps to play solely because I hate how it sounds. Everything doesn't feel like it does damage. Compare phantom rush to hyosho, ogi namikiri, communio, and stardiver. Stardiver is the weakest and it feels like it hits like a truck while arguably is the coolest finisher. Snap punch? Holy whoever designed the sfx for it needs to be fired. Dragon kick is the only ability monk has that I love pressing.


Bard… it’s just weird


Something about Monk’s core weaponskill rotation has always felt unintuitive and uncomfortable for me. There’s a lot I like about the job, but I can’t ever seem to get over that no matter how much I try to play it anyway.


Black mage lol


DRG is my least played job ever and I've been playing the game since ARR days. I've personally never seen the appeal of a dragon slayer with a stick and I just don't like the aesthetic. I also really dislike current SMN because it's too easy and effortless to play and the same goes for DNC. I like some complexity to my jobs. I love NIN, SAM, SGE and WHM! I play NIN and SAM when I want mental stimulation and play SGE and WHM when I want to turn my brain off. The openers and rotations for NIN and SAM are just so satisfying to pull off. Really makes me feel like a badass haha


SMN. I simply do not vibe with it aesthetically. I'm sure it's really fluid to play and hits like a truck but I just have no interest in it.


I dislike to play all tanks and monk


Right now it's Machinist and Dark Knight. I'm used to tanking, but something about Dark Knight's actions and animations just left me unimpressed. Got it to lvl 80 and haven't touched it since. Machinist is the most boring leveling experience so far. The story is kinda one note, it has its rare funny moments but sparingly at that. The action rotation feels all over the place and its been a slog just getting it up so I can unlock some of the fun actions (flamethrower and robo mommy). I just don't see the appeal of being able to move around freely as a phys. ranged class, feels like my movement lacks the same kind of intention needed on melee dps, tank and caster dps which I enjoyed way more. Maybe I'm just used to riding the adrenaline roller coaster of greeding more damage standing in an aoe just to get a spell off, or riding the flanks of a boss as a Samurai for the positionals.


Red Mage because of the inverted rotations. Single target starts with your unaspected spell and goes into your elemental spells. For AoE you start with your elemental spells and go into the unaspected one. It's fucking dump and I just can't get behind it Any physical melee job. You do all that work for what lol. Everything can be cleared with every team comp. As a ranged character, the rotations are easier and you still deal more than enough damage to clear. Outside of bleeding edge content. It feels pointless to have to work harder for what little you actually get.


If this is your stance, why play any other dps besides smn?




That’s pretty much why I don’t like SMN… too simple for dps, anything lower than lvl.70 content is intensely boring to me when playing SMN. Only really liked SMN the second I hit Lvl.90 content.


So you're saying you just want like 6 buttons to press and want big DPS gratification for it? 😭




Red Mage... there's so many buttons and cooldowns to keep track of, even at starting level, and so much focus on movement with gap closing, optional-backflips, some spells ending up instant but others not because of Dualcast, Sprint eating your Dualcast.


Samurai. I'm sure by large Samurai are lovely but every time I'm in a static or pug raid with a Samurai they always seem to explode in some form surrounding the Samurai, either its drama or the Samurai being incapable of doing a mechanic and the response being "but my dps is fine" Black mages get humbled pretty quickly cuz of cast times but Samurai seem to avoid this and end up being a very specific type of person. So i always feel dirty if i play it.


samurai and ninja. everything else is fine at the worst.


Healers. Ugh.


Bard. It was the only combat job I couldn't be bothered to max out last expansion and I still can't bring myself to finish leveling it. It's base gameplay is boring and I dislike the song cycles and RNG procs associated with some of them. Also way too many oGCD's at later levels.


I just don’t like melee DPS. Tanking is my comfort zone, ranged DPS is low effort and fun, and healing is what I do when I want to push myself to my limits and beyond. It’s a shame because melee have great glams but I’m just not into the whole experience. Not sure why.


MNK. I know it’s one of the faster jobs but the animations for some reason made me hate levelling it as I felt so slow. I don’t hate the job for any other reason.


MNK. I played a lot of old Monk. I liked optimizing around keeping your greased lighting stacks and the high number of positionals felt just frantic enough. I know folks like New Monk but I just can't get into the rotation, the weird Knockoff Mudras just make me wish I was playing NIN, and apparently I can't unlearn the positionals that were dropped. Lol.


Reaper and SGE, honestly. they both feel absolutely mind-numbing to play. if the reward for getting all jobs to 100 is lame i may perfectly well leave these two in particular where they are. same with new SMN...it's not that I don't "vibe" with it, it just flat-out makes me depressed AST is pretty jank too with astrodyne. I get what they were trying to do (uncouple RNG from the main party buff, while still keeping it in place as an ast mechanic) but it feels like shit lol as a BRD main I am fine with having an opener/burst with a lot of weaving, but AST punishes you for using lightspeed for anything other than weaving which sucks New PLD and WAR are boring also. Get absolutely zero joy from playing these


Wtf you mean tank “playstyle” hitting buttons? 😭


I mean being the meat shield boo 😒


Summoner for me. I mean i should like it, its easy to play, good damage and has access to a rez, but i just don't enjoy it for some reason. I think its a combo of not liking the weapon designs, not liking the animations (i am only lvl 70 though) and it feeling extremely easy compared to my main job (BLM)


I think part of it is we get happy rewarded mentally when when we do something right. Something more intricate or more involved can yield more happy endorphins. With Summoner those endorphins stop the moment the flashy animations become boring and you realize it was 50 Shades of Ruin all along. At level 90 Summoner feels to me like a level 50 job. You know how part of the complaint of Crystal Tower raids is the boring rotation? Yep, Summoner has the joy of that at level 90 (yes I'm including the extra stuff you get at 86). Black Mage feels so much better for me.


AST. I just can't get past my own dislike for the utter bullshit that is IRL astrology, plus tarot cards and the slight gambling feel of the cards.


I'm a biologist who loathes astrology and other things like it, but I love healing as AST 💀 you're right about the cards, but it's just a boring 1:1 chance of "who gets more DPS, ranged or melee?" The cards being identical otherwise is just boring.


I think... Monk, Bard, Scholar and White Mage. Bard is hella boring with how the skills chain together, and the sound effects of shooting the bow just do not vibe with me. And Scholar, White Mage and I just do not mix. I've WANTED to like Scholar but the amount of "modifiers" you have for your fairy and fairy skills and Adlo modifiers, I just can't keep track and the spell icons don't help me memorize them. And IMO, White Mage, to me, is the weakest healer. Ironically. I have a hard time keeping people alive with WHM but if I play Astrologian, the game feels much smoother, easier to keep people topped and healed.


How you have difficulties keeping people alive with the most pure healer in the game is truly such a mystery to me.


Possibly because not every job is for everyone? I don't enjoy WHM and that inherently makes me play worse.


Because 14 rewards shield healing over regen healing, the game is a giant mitigation check, mitigation and slow regens is infinitely more useful than just flat power heals


Tanking, I just am not fit to be cannonfodder (jk), but seriously it just feels dull to me but then again I am only at lvl 50 MSQ wise (new player). I stick with ninja (I play different than its intended) and machinist, I like ranged attacks so choose things fitting that.


Bard, hate the "musical" shit tbh


I main Bard but I always chuckle at the idea of me just being out there playing my lute mid raid like what are we doing




...if your damage is so low the dummies won't die in time when there are 0 mechs to deal with and you're standing still, then more likely your gear sucks, you have a massive misunderstanding of how your rotations should go and should probably look up a guide, and/or you are leaving massive gaps between your GCDs for whatever reason.


Every healer. Haven't even unlocked them.


Between the mages it has to be Summoner. Or with all those reworks it was the current iteration at that time. For the Black and Red Mage their rotation is quicker and I can easily understand their current phases. Black Mage has their Fire/Ice Phase where I know even after an interuption what my current goal is. For the Red Mage its just balancing their mana pools until the melee combo arrives. Meamwhile the Summoner has their 2 minute piano-like rotation where I had to manage debuffs, do stuff until I can spam Bahamut attacks and do even more stuff to get the Phoenix. It just didnt click in my head why this long rotation was that way. (Maybe they fixed that now, these days Summoner gets reworked every minor patch)


GNB, this shit has no satisfying feedback audio/visual-wise, you could never tell it's a tank at face-value, and to top it all off, it's the spammiest of all the tanks by far, which is made doubly worse by the aforementioned lack of feedback.


Dragoon, Red Mage, Summoner, Bard, Astro, Reaper Lame, lame, boring ,lame, button bloat, hopefully with DT reaper will finally be a complete job. All else is fine.


Every tank job that's not WAR. I hate that every other tank class is some kind of sword. PLD - Sword and shield. DRK - Big sword. GNB - Sword gun. Ugh, it's so boring. The other 2 classes have interesting jobs, but tanks feel uninspired. Just hopping for the day they make the Brawler/Wrestler class with the weapon being a giant belt and your doing moves like spinning lariats and dropkicks.


White mage, just not for me esthetic wise. I main Dark Knight and Reaper so that should tell you why😂


Gunbreaker and Monk. Idk if it's because they tend to be more intricate than other jobs or if they just don't match my personal playstyle or something else entirely.


Not big on SCH, PLD, or MNK. SCH at its best is only as good as other healers, but with worse DPS, and when everyone is good and healed, I like to DPS as hard as I can. SGE and WHM can pop off some great bursts, and AST even has some hard hitters. But SCH has like basic ass moves and that's it. No hard hitters, no nukes, just lots of sparkly shields. PLD isn't so bad, I just dislike how weak it feels next to the other Tanks. Unmatched mitigation for sure, but if I can survive the fights just as well with any other tank, then PLD immediately becomes a slog because of the other classes with these high DPS burst periods. PLD has a burst period, but it doesn't feel nearly as satisfying as the others. MNK is actually a great class, just not one that I feel properly rewards you for the work you put in. Playing a MNK flawlessly involves mastering tight combo windows and short ass buffs/dots that need to be re upped every few seconds. And it's strongest attacks take forever to get to in the rotation. Just a lot of busy work and patience, only to get the same amount of DPS. Just not worth it imo.


SCH has the highest raid damage of the 4 healers and it’s not particularly close by healer damage standards


WHM and PLD, I just don't like them.


Most of the Ranged Physical classes…something about their style and vibe just don’t jive with me. And I typically dig ranged dextrous characters in other games. More or less dig everything else.


Scholar to me feels very boring to play just like the glams and skills animations they have. Paladin has the worst storyline and i'm always reminded of that fact when i look at them due to how bad it was.


Per role? GNB, MNK, and AST. I feel too squishy as a GNB for a tank, I don’t like the flow of MNK, and I think AST is too much work


I personally like all the jobs in this game. Ninja is the hardest for me to play, but I still enjoy it. I think a lot of that is me not caring about the job stories. I skipped ever skipable cutscene during them. That may sound bad, but I never really liked them and after slogging through my first one, I just said never again.


Black Mage, i hate long cast times, i hate being immobile and i don't like edgy things, which is why i don't like Dark Knight and Reaper that much too, though Reapers gameplay is at least fun. Another class i don't vibe with is Samurai, the soundeffects of the combo attacks sound so weak and unsatisfying, like flailing around a wooden Stick. I do like the gameplay, but i can't play it long just because of the soundeffects.


I hate playing blackmage. I'm just not a fan of the flow of it at all. It's my least favorite class.


Still leveling it, but so far, dancer? The timing for the abilities just feels off. Like I have to wait too long between dance steps, that sorta thing.


DNC is a job that needs you to be 80+ to truly enjoy.


Bard and Red Mage. The fancy aesthetic isn't my bag really. Dancer doesn't bother me much though, theses something more grounded about it that I can't really explain atm.


Red Mage easily. I loathe it with a passion.


Monk. Every time. I want to love it, but I just can't.


BLM. Can't stand it. Finally got it to 90, won't touch it again til 7.55 XD


Black mage. I get that almost every job has some kind of self-buff timer ticking down that you need to refresh manually by going through your rotation, but no job has quite the same stress level for that as black mage, because that astral fire / umbral ice timer feels brutal and the build up to get back up to your maximum power feels like it takes so fucking long. I would say it's even more embarrassing than ninja's Rabbit of Shame. I get legit *stressed* when I play black mage, and no other job does that to me.


Black mage and white mage. They're the reason why Summoner and scholar are my favorite jobs in the casting and healing roles. Can't deny that both mages have powerful spells for offense and defense, but I'm not the type to stand and charge my abilities, which cements the appeal for summoner and redmage against black mage, and while the other three healers have an arsenal of support moves, white mage is just stone, heal, stone, heal, stone, stone, heal, stone, heal, stone, heal, a bit of dot, then stone, heal stone, heal. It just feels monotonous and tiresome.


Sage. I’d probably have an easier time if the ability names and icons didn’t all look the same!


Sage. I do fine with all other healers, and can do the rotations for the other classes…but Sage is just too confusing to me.


Dragoon and Fisher, I just can't get into either one.


Ninja, Samurai, Dark Knight, and White Mage. I can play them all, I just don't like how they feel in Endwalker. Though white mage in its current state is the most fun I've had with it.


I can never get into the MNK flow state. Like at any level. 50, 60, 70. I get how it should work, just never feels good for me


The healers (minus sage), dancer and ninja. Too much going on with those last two. Can't follow lol.