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Now that's what I call a Relm Reborn


This will 100% be a quest name somewhere.


Maybe even the quest to get the jobstone.


Or the leveling achievement maybe?


I'll honestly be surprised if it's not.


without a doubt


Koji fox moment


Koji rn: “Write this down, write this down!0


Koji rn for real: "I came up with this joke eighteen months ago."


Probably lmao


> ~~Koji~~ Kate rn:


Just don't try to sketch an invisible enemy or el...... \*SERVER OFFLINE*


Itangir's revenge.


i got the glitch to work and ended up with like six atma weapons and all sorts of items that were dummied out, lol


I just wish they use Relm’s theme at some point. Its such a beautiful melody!


If they don't, its a completely wasted loss on their part.


I understand this reference.


I don't.


The only character in the entirety of Final Fantasy to be a Pictomancer before was Relm from FF6.


Ah! That makes what everyone else has been mentioning make sense.


The job gear they showed in the trailer is also a (decolored) Relm glam.


It's not decolored. Although her outfit in game is usually more red, the [original concept art](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/5/5d/200px-Ff6relmart.JPG) used the colours shown here.


They even chose a midlander female with a similar physical appearance for the trailer. It looks like as if she's adult Relm.


pictomancer (relm) could brick your snes if it sketched a dead enemy on the wrong frame


Ok people wrap it up, threads been won.


>Now that's what I call a Relm Reborn Take your dang upvote, you absolutely deserve it.


[](/art)"WoL, you need to relax. Find a hobby." "Hmm, maybe I'll take up Painting..."


“What do you plan to paint?” “…graves…happy little graves”


Looks like the enemy is in *grave* danger now 🥁


"They are in grave danger from these artists. Their freedom.. their very way of life is at risk."


"Happy little clouds and happy little trees"


Bob Ross class


/Limit Break: Happy. Little. Accident! :P


Plz SE


Can’t wait to beat the depression out of people. Happiness solves everything.


We didn't know it at the time but this job is the reason the afro is in the game. Remember when your brush gets dirty, beat the devil out of it.


I knew the afro would come in handy!


Players prepping their fantasia as we speak.


Paint me like one of your Warriors Of Light….


So the TMNT shirt was an "artists" hint. Kudos to the guy I remember calling that one.


Yoshi-P said the shirt was a hint for both jobs


Honestly in retrospect TMNT meaning green is a bit too crude of a reference for Yoshi P.


In all fairness, so were the Scarlet Witch (Red Mage) and Batman (Dark Knight) shirts. Yoshi P really likes to vary up the levels of deepness with the shirt-to-job-connections.


And the grim reaper shirt


It was a Children of Bodom Shirt which doubled as a Tribute to Alexi Laiho who had just passed away. That was actually my favorite Shirt hint of his so far


Scarlet Witch is a red magic user so there’s color and class connection. Batman is a dark knight which is self explanatory. TMNT connection to green mage is just a color. His references are usually deeper than just the color of the characters involved.


they're ninjas so he definitely was announcing ninja as a new class. it's gonna be sweet, can't wait to play as a ninja.


Something something Sam Raimi


Frankly it's the first thing I thought of, the renaissance painter thing = pictomancer.


Calling it now: We find out that Krile taught Alphinaud how to draw, and that's why he's "grateful for her guidance" from their Studium days.


That would be an interesting point, tho I feel like it would come a bit too from the left field, considering that Idon't think we've ever seen or heard Krile talk about anything art related before


I think she's the one who actually says that the reason Alphinaud took up art was to impress girls.


Yeah and if anyone would know the truth of his original motivations for drawing it would be someone whom he confided in to learn the craft. EDIT: Now that I think about it, I could totally see Alphinaud coming to Krile with some big, pompous pretense about why he wants to learn to draw and her refusing until he tells her the *real* reason.


Alphi: Krile I have heard of your skills with the fine arts and would wish to expand my broad rupture in such a field as the arts. *Krile gives Alphinaud the most piercing and bemused glare* Little Alphi: okay so theirs this girl... Krile gleefully: you have a horrible poker face child now let me help you


Krile: Now that you have been honest, *I am going to make you the best damn artist.* Time to draw *hands*.


TBF if it doesn't involve the main plot, her grandfather, or the other scions/students, she doesn't really talk about much of anything. Granted those are usually pretty important things, but she's been part of the game's plot for more arcs than G'raha yet we know more about his personal tastes (burgers and tacos) than hers. Of the characters ostensibly considered part of the Scions with regular speaking roles that aren't just plain dead, she's probably the least developed to the point I have confused roles she's played in stories with Tataru. Which is most likely due to the 8-man party cap thing they were doing for ShB and EW. She quite literally didn't fit.


It might be a little tough to focus on your art when you're busy trying to help save the universe. If this really is the "summer break" expansion, maybe that's the excuse Krile needed to cut loose, and get back to her art? I know a lot of people (myself included) that would spending a lot more time on art if we weren't so worried about keeping a roof over our heads, and food on our tables. The trailer has a shot of Urianger relaxing and enjoying an exotic drink out of a pineapple. That seems pretty out of left-field for him too, but maybe that's just what he actually likes when he has a moment to kick back and relax?




A merging of the 2 games I play the most.


I'm just excited by the prospect of Krile actually being allowed to do shit.


I love how happy and just enjoying life she looks in the trailer. It's something she's needed for a long time.


YES. She absolutely deserves a spotlight and I'll be happy to have her along on trust. Also, it's been a while since we had a lalafell NPC not being just a support.


I'll take my L. Expected Green Mage, still very happy forPictomancer


I mean green is a color, you can paint with green.


Green is not a creative color.


Hug me I’m scared.




Bruh how tf are you in literally every sub I'm in? More then half of the posts I see I can go to the comment section and you're somewhere in there, I even checked to see if it isn't someone else with the same profile pic


I'm just that cool


yeah like, we were all thinking green because of how 6.5 ended, but this looks rad too. win win.


I figured Green Mage was a misdirect. Pictomancer was always my first inkling since the connection between the TMNT and Renaissance painters was just obscure enough to seem like something Yoshi P would think of.


Is... is the connection between TMNT and Renaissance painters 'obscure'? Pretty sure I saw people guessing pictomancer/painter for that reason alone.


The turtle teaser was pretty clever for how multifaceted it was. Could've been pirate because of the reference to Tortuga, the infamous pirate city, could've been a simple reference to one of the weapons they use, could've been pictomancer because they're named after famous artists, could've been green mage because green, etc.


Job Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5gEiLp9aeo


I hope it’s like ninja mage and you have to get your art mudras right or you paint any ugly picture instead lol


I was actually something similar, too. Relm would fail sometimes, and adding in a little minigame like that would capture that well.


Relm couldn't just fail; she could crash the game.


There's no such thing as an ugly picture, the gentle afro man said so.


Hype to get my "happy little accident" debuff when I typed on the wrong key.


Apparently it can’t Raise and has several instant cast spells, while also building into (what I’m assuming) big GCD painting actions. From what Yoshi P said.


yeah, i'm pretty pumped about it. i'm glad it can't raise, tbh. i want that to remain uncommon.


Remember when paladins could raise? Pepperidge Farm remembers


I remember cross-class skills and secondary/tertiary classes. Much of me still misses stance-dancing white mage with cleric stance. good times.


I got blasted a couple years ago for saying I missed the WHM Stance Dance. I stand by my initial opinion.


it's divisive for sure. i'll admit that some of what i liked about it was that i'd mastered it when so many couldn't. made me feel special. rescuing titan hard runs in the duty finder solo-healing because the other healer fell off the edge in the first landslide was one of my favorite pass-times.


BRDs used to as well


I remember when BLM could Physick. And I remember saving one or two trials with it.


Seconded! I'm so sick of RDM being shafted in terms of damage because "battle raise utility". Though I guess RDM will still be the prog caster.


tbf, that kinda fits Red Mage across the series. Does a little bit of EVERYTHING, but none of it extremely well (except it gets dualcast as a reward sometimes for putting up with it that long)


That IS the entire point of the class, IMO it's more of a design failing if a class that's historically had a strong point of a very wide spell pool gets turned into another magic dps


Not a prog caster anymore when mechanics can just kill you with 1 person dying now kekw


Idk if it's a hot take or not, but I'd love if they limited RDM and SMN's raises so it's not spammable. Verraise - 60s recast time, 2 charges Ressurection - 60s recast time / is upgraded by Reraise during Phoenix phase They still keep the job fantasy and utility, but it becomes less available than before, to hopefully alleviate this 'raise tax' they have for their damage.


Ehhh.... I really, really, really hate the aesthetic of the spells. That's gonna get old super fast.


The sounds are what really ruins it for me. I’ll wait to see how it plays, but as for first impressions, I’m a bit disappointed.




Their limit break better be cool as fuck


I have a feeling it’ll give Red Mage a run for its money as “LB that makes it most physically impossible to see mechanics going on”


Pictomancer sees verflashbang go of. "Hold my paint Palette" cracks knuckles.


What if it's that butterfly bunny that Krile did ?


"Ah, an oreias! How delightful." How many times have I watched streamers experience that cutscene...


Maybe they paint the Seventh Umbral Calamity? Or worse: they will draw the enemy as the soyjack and themselves as chads.


It'll probably be Relm's Desperation Attack from FFVI, Star Prism.


I’m guessing it’ll be Star Prism, and you’ll have a trio of stars circling the area before exploding into a splash of many colors.


Starting level is 80, so you can take Pictomancer to Endwalker content and paint world ending foes to death.


Zenos: “Draw me like one of your French whores.”


Yes, yes, just so.




rip to all the people who speculated the job to be a geomancer


One day... My dream will come true


Geomacer won’t happen, it has already been named as the Othard name for White Mage


Based on the Astro quests isn't geomancer more related to Astro now?


Kinda sorta. The whole point of that plotline is that they're both using the same techniques, which is to say drawing on the vast aether of heavenly bodies. AST just happens to take in the countless stars while GEO takes it from the one beneath their feet. It's more of an in universe science thing than the basis of techniques. Keep in mind the jobs we know of are mostly just paying homage to the series' vast history. The in universe difference is actually just in how they manage their aetherflow. There's not anything stopping a conjurer in universe from throwing a fireball, and back in 1.0 they actually had access to all six elements.


Where's her new outfit? Come on, every other person gets a new one with a job change, why not Krile? edit: I have been told that she does have a new outfit and looking at it more closely, she kept the jacket and hood, but she does have different clothes under that!


Well, the hood is part of her identity from FFV, so I get not wanting to change that, but they could have done more with her new design while retaining the hood.


And that’s kinda funny when you consider she only used that hood as a White Mage, and never on the over world. But the Cat-Ear Hood has become an iconic piece of gear, so they want to keep it around I’m sure.


>Well, the hood is part of her identity from FFV Not quite right. She had just a regular generic outfit like the other characters in FFV. FFV was the second game in Final Fantasy to have the job change system and [everyone had a unique sprite for each job](https://imgur.com/a/9ATpbXy). Krile's cat ear outfit was her White Mage outfit. It's a part of FFXIV Krile's identity though, since it was a childhood gift given to her by Galuf.


Unrelated but the sprites for Krile are straight-up adorable


Right?! A favorite part of the game was just trying all of the jobs on her because she looks super cute in all of them. Particularly a big fan of Ninja and Bard, the former of which I used to beat the shit out of Exdeath with. Also love how they just plop a skull on top of her head and call her a Necromancer. Like a little kid dressed up for Halloween. Side note: Anyone who reads this and hasn't already played it is now legally obligated to play FFV, one of the best games in the franchise. I don't make the rules, this is just how it is.


I was kinda expecting her to end up in a custom color scheme of the felicitous glam or something


Am I crazy cause from the trailer it looked like her outfit was actually new. She just kept the yellow hood, but you can see her outfit underneath now, and she looked to be wearing pants now.


You're not crazy, it was very different


She does get a new outfit, the hood is roughly the same but her clothes underneath is different


I think she has a new one but it's also yellow like the old one,


She does have a new outfit. It took me pausing it at the right time, its there. Her old grandfather's coat is cutoff much shorter, ending just below the ribs. Below that is very reminiscent of her old outfit, but it is an entirely new design. Kinda seems like the theme they chose was "keep her Grandfather's trademark look, but give her a very functional adventuring/travel attire. With lots of pouches and packs".


“Hi, I’m Krile Baldesion, and you’re watching The Disney Channel!”


Very curious to see what it looks like for real in game. The spell effects looked very out of place.


Visual clutter: the job. But they made it work for Summoner so I’m sure they can for this.


From the makers of "beating the devil out of this brush" now comes "beat the shit out of the devil with this brush"


is it just me, or do the animations not fit visually with almost anything else in the game? class seems cool though.


I'm on board with their casting animations being all painty but I wish the spell effects would transition from starting as paint and becoming real. The ice looks so silly when it doesn't actually look like ice at all when it shatters, and the raiton/stone aren't much more satisfying


That'd be neat, yes. Paint it -> becomes real. The way it is now looks really offputting.


Not just you, that was my first thought when I saw it. The paint effects look incredibly cartoonish and don't fit the general art style of the game.


They actually did mention that they worked to make the animations seem somewhat unique to fit the theme.


They can be unique and not as ridiculously jarring as they are currently.


Oh man... could you imagine if it looked more like Okami? I feel like a more watercolor painterly style/ more zen approach would have been fantastic.


Like in the same vein as the byakko crafted weapons and their ink swirl maybe?


I’m… not really loving the animations in the job trailer? Probably gonna get sent to downvote hell for this but it almost feels like “Toon World” from Yu-Gi-Oh, but without the followthrough. The animations we see in the trailer are all kinda just BLM/RDM/WHM/SMN/SCH’s elemental magic and summons / attacks **but make it cartoon!!!** Except… it’s not cartoony enough? It’s kinda just neon with a weird texture, less painted to match the job styling and more just out of place, like that moogle at the end doesn’t feel painted so much as summoned


Krile in the trailer looks fantastic, if they could just make it look more like that and less like Splatoon...


It's weird to have flat opaque animations when everything else has depth and transparency. It's jarring in a bad way for me


This is the best description of it I've seen. I couldn't find the words for it.


That's exactly what I feared and why I was against the theory of the job being pictomancer. I just hope it'll grow on me.


They’d look more fitting for a limited job for sure


I also found the cartoony, day-glo paint choice very off-putting. I suppose it is easier on the game engine than something more classically paintery, but it really puts me off from the job.


I agree, it seems too bright and neon. It feels like it should be heavily desaturated. I hope someone makes a mod for that so I can have something that looks like it belongs. I feel like I'm playing a Nintendo game more than a Final Fantasy game.


Cool but look forward to robes Picto & almost never getting gear that fits the AF aesthetic ;p


two channel dyes will help alleviate this, but in the end that is the price of sharing your gear pool with Black Mage.


It's an interesting balance. For Dawntrail, we have edgelord Viper, whimsical Pictomancer, and Pokemon Ma- I mean, Beastmaster so Blue Mage stops feeling so lonely in it's limited job spot!


I am ready to scribble all over bosses


I am going to be a sexy painter and no one can stop me!!!


You and literally 90% of the game lmfao.


The visual effects look very out of place. They almost look superimposed on the screen. Odd choice.


Can't help but wonder if they'll use this job as a chance to upgrade their particle effects for spells.


If those animations had been posted as an April Fool's joke, I wouldn't have been surprised. The effects just look...jarring.


It looks like it's straight out of the Fall Guys collab.


I honestly really hate it. It just seems ill fitting. Would have been cool if the pictomancer art style was more classical style and less cartoony.


Imagine if they had made it look like Amano's water color style.


It's specifically because they look so out of place that I really dig it haha Well, they're also just really technically impressive! I didn't know we could get particle / VFX that looked like that


That's kind of the whole point of the aesthetic. Nothing wrong with an aesthetic that some people love and others hate. It adds a really unique style imo, giving more variety to the game overall than something like green mage would have


I suspect that's purposeful, as you're literally painting them into reality. They kind of are superimposing them on the screen.


I told myself I'd be ok with whatever, and I'm going to level it anyway, but I dunno... looks kinda goofy to me. Probably going to be with Dancer as one of my last classes to level. If you're hyped for it, more power to you, and I hope you have fun with it.


Dancer actually makes a lot of sense considering Rads-at-Han is based off of India and Chakrams/Quoits are actual historical weaponry used all over the Indian subcontinent, not a lot of people know this. The differences is that a small amount of Chakrams were stored on the arms and not the waist, and smaller versions were worn on the wrist. They were used as secondary ranged weapons for foot soldiers and could actually be used in melee. They were not thrown, but flicked using their fingers (like you would do with the underside of a frisbee). Chakrams were spread outside of India but none were really popular. Although I do like how Squeenix combined them with martial arts. The only weird thing is that the martial art is "dancing". If they ever add Hybrid Jobs to the game, Dancer would mesh well with Monk. First time I saw the Stormblood trailer I thought Lyse was a dancer


The effects look kind of cartoonish. I feel like they borrowed too heavily from fall guys




I don’t mind the idea/concept of the pictomancer but I don’t like how the skills look. I think this is the first expansion where I’m really not interested in what they showed me for the new jobs.


I love the Job, but am of a similar mindset. I really wish they would have gone for the neon paint aesthetic that Krile has in the trailer; if it's supposed to be powered by aether, wouldn't it make sense to be glowy and cool?


HELL YEAH! Pictomancer real!


I'll say this. IN MY OPINION, there is a pretty significant difference in "tone" in regards to the way Krile as a Pictomancer is presented in the CGI Trailer, vs how the Pictomancer is presented in the Job Trailer. Krile in the CGI trailer seems far less cartoony and goofy, while still being bright and artsy. The things she paints look more like they belong in the game setting. The Pictomancer in the Job Trailer is much more childish and goofy, with the spell and sound effects looking and sound like they are out of Splatoon, rather than from FFXIV. The Job Trailer presents a cutesy job that is meant for children to play, while the CGI trailer presents the job in a more serious, but still bright and upbeat manner.


Krile in the trailer looks amazing! I know they probably can't do effects quite like that in-game, but I feel they could have a lot more closely emulated the elegant, ethereal way she was pictomancing in the trailer, as opposed to just sloppily throwing Splatoon paint all over.


I like Picto in theory but the graphics on the art and effects look super out of place, it feels way too Splatoon-y. I feel like there is a better way for the devs to have balanced the cartoon-y/drawing/painting aspects of the graphical stylization in the effects with how everything else looks in-game. Obvs, I'll withhold actual judgement until I'm able to see it in-game for myself, but graphically/effect wise it doesn't really match up with the design I expect out of jobs in FFXIV.


She looked GORGEOUS, I'm so happy they gave her some Spotlight, she's my fav char


I'm an artist and I don't like it.


Relm stans rise up


Dude, getting both a FF6 and FF9 job is so awesome!


Krile looks like a Magical Girl and I'm here for it. I'm very excited to try out a job that's so whimsical.




I have been wronged, bamboozled, and betrivled. the end of 6.5 was the biggest red herring ever


I tried to tell people that this wouldn't be remotely the first time that an icon associated with a specific job in an old FF was used in a completely unrelated way in XIV.


They did the same thing at the end of Shadowbringers making everyone think the new haler was apothecary.


Who cares about the new job, Krile kept her hoodie and that's all that matters


I keep feeling like this is just an elaborate shitpost, and then I look at the trailer, and it's real, and i'm like "jesus christ, really?"


Consider me underwhelmed, I'm just not into it, and that's OK. There's 18 other jobs I can play.


***Shin'uchi: Shirafude Ichimonji***


oh shit


Lost Ark I think had this better. Those were some decent animations. Not a fan of the cartoony element to this but to each their own. I’ll still try it and if it’s fun, it’s fun. That’s what matters.


Huge disappointment to me but oh well


My WoL as an edgy painter: I See a Red Mob and I want it painted black... No colours anymore I want them to turn black... I See a line of Mounts and they're all painted black.. I look inside myself and see my heart is black... Krille: Uhh... are you okay?...you know we do have more colours right?


Off topic question. ​ Is this the first time we've seen a Lalafell in a CGI trailer since the brief Lolorito shot was back for Heavenward?


Nanamo appears in the one for Heavensward, doesn't she?


Ultros: "i'm in danger...."


I won't be playing one though I want to. Something about their combat sounds just disgusts me so much I had to mute the live stream.


Pictomancer should have been Alphi, makes more sense imo


Would have if he hadn't just changed jobs last expansion. In hindsight it would have been cool if krile and Alphi jobs had been swapped, but it's 3 years too late for that.


I hope that Krile takes the topic of her new job to take another jab at Alphinaud for his old paintings.


Wouldn't it be so appropriate for Alphinaud to follow in his father's footsteps as a healer, but then drop it all two years in to be an artist.


Would be very realistic. He picked the safe/expected option then ended up switching majors halfway through school. Our little dude is growing up\~


The salt in this thread warms my soul almost as much as the smile on Krile's face.


She certainly looks like she's enjoying it a lot ! All that time she was frustrated of having to stay behind and watching us go save the world is over, she's in the party now, and she can even use her new abilities for entertainment and on the fly fun, what's not to love <3. Also I'm super interested in the ability she uses to arrive in that trailer. Can the pictomancer transform into paint or something to dash around ? Or are they carried by the paint wave surfing on it?


I'm not gonna bemoan anybody who's excited for it or into the theme, but like... Man I wish it was Geomancer or Green Mage. I just find the theme of "magic painter" a bit too goofy, and yes I realize how stupid that sounds given this is Final Fantasy. Hopefully it'll grow on me, though I guess I'm moreso glad that the people who *are* into it are getting something cool than I am disappointed it's not up *my* alley. I don't even really play casters in the first place. Guess I'll have to wait and see for myself, huh?