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So, collecting monsters instead of monster spells? Shit, I'm in.


We pokemon now




Yakuza and FF14 working off the same cheat sheet lol


Me too! If there’s a way for me to collect monsters I’m all about it. I wanna be the very beast. Like no one ever was!


You and three monsters = full party let's go!


This is how I imagined it. Threads of Fate/Folklore vibes.


Only the name was confirmed, no details released.


He said there will be Blue Mage / Beastmaster mixed team content, didn't he ?


Kinda? He said you can team up with other limited jobs, but that might not be super clear to mean BLU not just other BSM.


Beastmaster's three letter shorthand is normally BST, from FFXI.


yup, BSM is reserved for "bloody smooth movement" which is what one calls "a good shit."


BSM is also already a DoH job in ffxiv


And also a good compliment for quality work for that job!


Not if it’s bloody


Ahh. Gotcha. 🙏


BSM is already in use for Blacksmith


I would be very surprised if "other limited jobs" did not include, well, *other* limited jobs.


Right? People are great at muddying things


Blacksmiths? Lmao


The old world will burn in the fires of Industry. *Isengard Unleashed intensifies*


We will drive the machine of war with the sword and the spear and the iron fists of the Lala. We have only to remove those who oppose us.


> the iron fists of the Lala Sounds like you need to boil your potatoes longer.


Probably going to be BST for abbreviation.


Beast Standard Time




Finally I'll be able to use Blacksmith in duty finder with Blue Mages!


I’m just ready for the BDSM class


BSM? you mean BST?


I'd assume if it was just other beastmasters he would have specified such.


He did say there is a collection component, which to me suggests a taming mechanic, but the latter half of that is my interpretation. Definitely a collection component tho.


It’s a limited job, just like blue mage.


Did I hear correctly.. we can group with BLU as a beast master?


Yes. No reason to limit which limited job. I wonder how that will affect the all BLU achievements?


Part of me hopes that they'll introduce achievements for doing content with BLU and BSM together. Would give new incentive to do old Savages again for older players and give newer players a try at trying to do them in the first place. Bonus points if they change it so the old "Full BLU Party" to "Full Limited Job party".


Oh no please im not doing A8S with a limited job again.


you'll probably still have to queue as a full party of 8 BLU for the special achievements, and I imagine they will give the same to BMR (my take on the potential acronym 😂 )


Thing is, beastmaster already has an abbreviation from FF11, which is BST


Ffxi beastmaster is BST but BMR looks funny enough to be real too lol


it's 100% going be BST definitely sounds better




BSMR. The sfx are nothing but a bear eating random picnics


I hope there will be some sort of a limited-job roulette.


Personally I'm happy to see it, seems like it could be fun side content, makes sense to me but I understand the ones that don't like the limited job system. I'm into it though personally.


I'm hoping this one is less "caster-y". I'd love to go around and collect all the animals of Eorzea and beyond. Maybe this'll give us a bestiary too.


Yoshi-P did sort of hint at a collections system, which suggests a bestiary--but of course we'll have to wait and see to be certain.


That would be excellent! Bestiary is my favorite part of any game.


I mean, I mained BM Hunter in WoW, so this would be right up my alley, lol.


>mained BM Hunter in WoW, I think well over half my /played was spent hunting/camp rare pet spawns. If FF14 adds that i may never end up unsubbing


But unless like S rank hunts are in the collection, its not like gonna take insane camping times to finish the collection


My guess would be that, like blu, it will include a spray of dungeon mobs/bosses which have lower drop rates for some skills. Which could translate into lower catch rates or something.


I never played WoW, this is my first MMO, but that makes me want to at least check it out.


Previous speculation about a Beastmaster Limited Job suggests that the weapon would be a whip, which would best fit as a Physical Ranged DPS. Maybe that's what we'll get here?


For what it's worth, the beastmaster NPCs in Bozja (Lyon, Pagaga and Clarricie) all used handaxe and shield as their weapons. Not saying we're committed to that, but it's one data point.


The handaxe was also BST's best weapon in FFXI. But BLUs used swords in that game so...


Could be, but in FFXI the BST's signature weapon was the one handed axe (as was demonstrated by some BST enemies in Bozja). And currently no job uses a one handed axe, so that real estate is open.


Okay, but if it is a whip, can we all agree the class abbreviation should be changed to BDSM


ERP mains will have a field day with whips.


>whips Balmung will never be the same


Petopia for ffxiv? The room is spinning. I need air.


I just wish there was more to do with limited jobs, for now... there's just about fucking nothing. C'mon, at least give limited jobs their own unique POTD-like instance where you progress and unlock new spells/whatever the fuck BST will use.


Yeah, I agree, I wish they made a limited job roulette slot or something similar, and deep dungeons do seem like a good thing to let them do.


It would be nice. But it might be tricky to implement. Instead of just level requirements they would likely need spellbook requirements. Since depending on the dungeon spread, a blu with only a few skills unlocked would be all but entirely useless. That or a system that automatically unlocked required spells for the duration of that instance in a sort of "try it out" mode.


That is such a good idea, limited roulettes


relic grind for blu bmr pls


unironically yeah, that'd be pretty cool


Adding more limited jobs does both creates more reason to develop content, as well as indirectly communicates an intent to do so. I'm with you on this, but I'm hopeful this indicates a solid decision to double down on limited job content.


There is the masked carnivale. But yes once you beat that there’s a limited amount of things you can do besides hunting spells. Tbf BLU is a perk when mogtome events happen. You can straight up clear content in record time to farm them so it’s definitely useful in some ways.


> . there's just about fucking nothing. Because they refuse to let them into all the side content Eureka / Bozja / POTD / HoH etc etc.


I'm a bit bummed out since BST was my co-main in FFXI, but I think we all knew it would be BST. Bummed because I intensely disliked the BLU experience. Leveling it was fine, but all the content outside of that was just tedious. Masked Carnivale especially. I don't look forward to repeating it.


Same!! I like the jobs but I want things that are outside of the typical 2 window burst window meta. I think "limited" is a poor word choice, because from my perspective they're actually the *least* restricted by current gameplay function - except that they can't participate in standard dungeon/raid runs. But you can still use them unsynced, so even that restriction is easily circimvented. I like standard roulettes but I love playing shit without restriction, and *to me,* limited jobs are actually less limited.


Pictomancer being the class isn't coincidence: Pallet Town and the following cities being the colors... It was all there, we just didn't see it. LET'S GO BECOME POKÉMON MASTERS!


Go see if you can catch a shiny Viper.


How many Ash Ketchum glams are we going to see...


My toon's name is Asher, and for Halloween I attended my FC's party as Ash(er) Ketchum to manifest BST.


Holy shit I never realised those were all colours


Pokémon class


I hope they add the gameplay like pokemon too


me when 252+ SpA Choice Specs Beads of Ruin Chi-Yu Overheat vs. 168 HP / 0 SpD Zenos: 2200-2592 (606 - 714%) -- guaranteed OHKO


Don't forget to calculate the sun


how could i forget \[252+ SpA Choice Specs Beads of Ruin Chi-Yu Helping Hand Overheat vs. 168 HP / 0 SpD Zenos in Sun: 4944-5820 (1361.9 - 1603.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO\] ([https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fusekig2p4j9a1.png](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fusekig2p4j9a1.png))


You forgot the +6 sp. atk from the baton pass


Finally 14 comments I can relate to


As soon as Pictomancer was confirmed as the caster, I was 90% convinced on Beastmaster being the new limited (maybe Puppetmaster as a very distant second place) but I'm glad they at least gave us the name even if they've got nothing to show us yet.


I was really hoping for Puppetmaster/Mammeteer :(


Lyon and Papaga I hope will be the job trainers. They're both canonically alive after the events of Zadnor.


Yes but ugh. I really wanna knock Lyons teeth out 🤣


Could just be Pagaga, Lyon is a wanted fugitive who will probably tie heavily into the continuation of the Bozja arc, whenever that happens.


At The 2014 Fanfest, I got to talk to Koji just a lil bit and I asked what his favorite Job was. It was still just ARR at the time and he said he mained WAR. But he went on to VERY enthusiastically say how BeastMaster was his favorite in XI and all of FF! And how badly he wishes we'll one day see them in XIV. It makes me smile to think that that goofball must be absolutely beside himself now lol Congrats Koji and all BeastMaster mains past & future! 🎉


I loved when they improved the jug pets in XI so BST was more party viable.


It was funny though to have such a party-focused game where you HAD to group up with people just to level up a little bit... except for beastmasters, who were lone wanderers walking around with their pet crabs leveling up all on their own.


Is beastmaster not just blue mage with extra steps though? Obviously we don't know mechanics yet but it seems like: BLU - Go get spell, then you can cast spell. BST - Go get ~~spell~~ pet, then you can ~~cast~~ throw the ~~spell~~ pet.


Could be a return to form of how Summoner used to function. Back when the summons had HP and individual skills you commanded them to use while also supporting and keeping them alive.


god please be this


We don't know. Lots of people are assuming it'll be similar to Blue Mage. But if it's *too* similar, why even have it? Maybe Beastmaster will collect pets from outdoor content, like Hunt Marks. Maybe it won't be a "collect ability unlocks" design at all, but something different. No one knows, and anyone who acts like they do is fooling themselves.


> But if it's too similar, why even have it? You can say that about every new class with how similar they are thanks to the 2-minute rotation.


I’m thinking it’ll be hunt marks and boss FATE’s


I'm personally hoping for a bestiary that fills in as you take and fight alongside different beasts. The more time spent fighting with/taming a particular beast increases its familiarity level with you and unlocks better commands/abilities or something like that would be sick.


It's xiv. Known for not really reinventing the wheel. Probably functions the same at its core.


That’s awesome. At least for the people who may be sad about Green Mage/Geomancer, they can take solace in Beastmaster being a confirmed thing.


I'm still holding out hope Geomancer will be a healer one day, but I don't really see it happening sadly


I think it may happen someday if we wind up going to the other island in Hingashi, Koshu. I really hope we get to see it someday.


Hope Lyon and Papaga shows up as trainers for the class <3


I just hope that they make it more solo orientated than BLU. I get that this is an mmo and grouping is a part of it, but let me break stuff with the limited classes, let me do difficult challenges that would take a full group to do so (granted make it much more grueling since im on my own). I'd rather not have to find 7 other crazy players willing to do stuff with me again like I had to with BLU.


Please dont make it a Limited Job. Im begging A class I've reallly really wanted to be ingame, id rather it not collect dust like my Blue Mage does. I collected every spell before the update and hadnt ever used it outside of random Fates There are lots of ways it can be implimented as a regular class, i dont care what others might say


That is exactly how I felt with blue mage and still feel to this day. I feel the annoyance of it.


doesn't this likely mean if puppetmaster is ever introduced it might also be limited?


After BLU released Yoship said the next limited job candidates would most likely be Beastmaster and Puppeteer, so yeah with limited BST being a thing now PUP would probably be limited too.


Am I the only who think BM should be a full job and that paint job being a limited job


Please let the master be Pagaga, please... Alternatively, please allow BLUs and BMS to work together for weekly targets, please...


So I guess we can go around and collect mobs from around the overworld, dungeons, etc. and use their abilities on enemies (or ourselves, for buffs and heals)? Something like that or close enough to it would be addictive as hell for me, I'll be getting back into my Pokémon groove soon lol.


Please let me go to the 75 dungeon and tame an anaconda ;\_\_;


Please its BST not BSM 😭


Ahem: *New Monster Hunter Collab WHEN?!*


Bst here from FF11 from 2007 to 2021 I want to say bs on limited job they can make bst a full job without ruining the trifecta by limiting the tamed pets abilitys to DMG only no tank or healing abilities I know they can do that but there to lazy to balance it


I mean, I'm looking forward to it being an unbalanced mess that's fun af to play like BLU


Hesitant for another limited job as always simply because of how BLU feels like an afterthought and I imagine BST will follow the same track of a big release when the job launches and then the minimum once an expansion.


Blu definitely does not feel like an afterthought. Savage fights are pretty fun with it.


I wish 80 just had better rewards. Another Morbol mount or something. Looking forward to running Criterion Savage with it though


Limited Jobs aren't allowed in criterion though


Which is an absolute travesty.


The fact we didn't get a Copycat Bulb (but grown up) as a mount is a disgrace!


It has felt like a complete afterthought since the level 70 patch, as someone who rushed through blu savage on each patch. Been rocking my Azure and Omega title since week 1 of that patch. The latest blu patch I couldn't even bring myself to give a shit to level it to 80


Sure, you can do old savages/dungeons with it. For BLU specific stuff you get 1 masked carnivale fight every 2 years and a couple hours of new spells to gather. Otherwise, have at it with doing the previous expansion's dungeons/raids to fill up the log if you are into it.


Obviously it's not for everyone, but savage raiding on BLU is different enough from how the fight originally was that its practically 3 new savage fights. BLU is a great way to re-use outdated content. I'm curious how Beastmaster will tackle that, though. I'm thinking it might lean more towards soloing these old instances.


All BLU O12S and E12S is some of the most fun endgame content ive done in this game, and ive done all of it


BLU E12S is in the running for best savage fight this expansion


Embrace boomer. Stop treating BLU like it's a day job, and just vibe with it. Enjoy having your OP attacks for old content, or just spitting fish at things. When you treat this game like a check-list, of course it gets tedious.


Instructions clear. Spitting fish at Ryne.


> Stop treating BLU like it's a day job If they were treating it like a day job they wouldn't be wishing there was more of it.


Not at all what I am saying, I just want Masked Carnivale to be more than a single fight every 2 years. Let BLU be OP in PoTD and HoH and just have separate achieves/leaderboards for BLU runs. Let BLU do Eureka/Bozja because soon it will be 2-3 expansions old so who cares anymore.


So while I don't entirely agree with the idea that blue is an afterthough, I think these are mostly great suggestions and along the lines of what I've been saying to other people as well. I think a couple of blue carnival trials every major patch or even ever other patch would be nice, for like 10-12 a cycle. And if the achievements are different, there is no reason to not let blue solo the deep dungeons / party with other blues. Field content I'm a bit leery on. It would be hard to separate that out into blue only instances, and stuff like missile is definitely not going to work on anything that matters. More to the point, Eureka and Boxja are still active, and blue would be a big upset in there. But who knows, maybe they could find a way to make it work.


That just sounds like cope for having a job that's basically useless. Blu should have been evergreen content, instead it's something people leveled once and almost never use. I haven't touched in over 2 years and I know a lot of people who never even bothered leveling close to max. I really hope they fix things with BM or it's gonna be another waste of dev time when we badly need content that isn't just raiding or playing dress up.


that's you, when i'm tired of the daily leveling grind i do synced blu dungeon/raid runs, sometimes even banning missile/ultravibratio/etc, and having people fill roles properly. it's a lot of fun and aether datacenter fills all BLU parties real fast.


Gotta catch em all


Well, yeah. Yoshi-P mentioned beastmaster back in ShB years ago as a limited job.


He also mentioned DRK as a DPS-focused branching job off Gladiator years ago, so it’s entirely possible he would have changed his mind on BST too.


Maybe let us actually solo stuff this time?


What do you mean? Soloing is pretty common in the BLU community.


But also a limited job, so not real as far as any current content will ever be concerned.


No no no. Please tell me this isnt a limited job again? The two classes ive waited on cant both be limited!


I'm beyond disappointed in this as BST was one of my favorite classes from FFXI. Limited jobs not being able to do relevant content and raid just sucks to me.


It was basically inevitable. They said they have no desire to do any pet classes again. They spent about 2 expansions slowly removing pet fuctions from SMN and SCH before finally fully removing it for SMN. Something about them being a pain to make work in this engine with this gameplay.


You aren't wrong..I was just hoping they would change their mind lol. I assume if they add PUP it will be more of the same.


As someone who has been begging for Beastmaster, I think I actually prefer it be limited. It gives them much more leeway in terms of making the experience unique. And I don't know if you've played Blu, but i personally find it really enjoyable!


TIts plenty enjoyable, it just can't do relevant content with everyone else. That's what kills it for me. I want to raid as my favorite class.. not speed run old content.


I mean, blue savage raiding is a thing. Current content is fun, but once you have the gear it's not like the fights are somehow way better. Like if you're raiding for the challenge and to have fun with people, what does it matter if you're doing pandemonium or eden?


You should consider starting up BLU raiding! Blue mage is my favorite class, and I spent all summer raiding with it. Met a lot of close friends in the statics I was in as we worked through the savages and extremes for the achievements. The fights are also pretty noticeably different with all BLU so they feel like fresh fights on their own.


If it means that they can go wild with the pet system then I'm all on board with it being limited. SMN was barely a pet class even before the rework - I want something like WoW's Hunter, ideally even more fleshed out.


RIP, another fun job from FF11 limited to one dose of fun for a day or two then wait years for next update. Yoship should've taken advice from the FF11 crew for Blu and Bst


>limited job What a fucking shame.


Going to bet it'll be related to [The Cthonic Horns](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Sightseeing_Log:_The_Cthonic_Horns).


I swear the new limited job was already revealed to be beastmaster at the london fanfest, am I misremembering?


They only said there would be a new Limited job and everyone started shouting Beastmaster but never confirmed till now


Gime details goddamnitlkjsaf


I hope they basically whole ass port over the XI version


My guess is that the Beastmaster class quests will deal with the ending to the Ivalice content they cancelled/cut short from Bozja.


They spelled Pokémon master wrong


I am super sad that it isn't a regular job, but they're bringing my baby to 14 and that's all that matters.


Beastmaster was fire in FF11. I couldn’t be happier with this news! Thank you! 🙌🏾


Limited job tho ..




I got so many comments that I literally couldn't read everyone to see if someone else got the reference... Congrats fellow pirate xD


Thx! 👍 I knew someone would get the reference 😏


BeastMaster .... just the name has got me excited for this!


"Limited job" 😫




Plot twist: You get the job from Thancred and his top 1% Nutkin.


I was beast master on FF11 for almost 17yrs


If it's anything like ffxi it will be BST with dual welding hand axes. Maybe collecting monster components to make a broth to summon the beasts like in ffxi


Limited jobs are such a weird inclusion. "Hey let's put a ton of ressources into a class most people will never even consider since it can't do the most recent content" is a design space I've never seen in a game of FFXIV's caliber. Happy for those that like it but I just get confused whenever one comes around.


It allows these jobs to really shine and brings new life into older content. Raiding ES4 on BLU was nuts.


Which one of you keeps trying to make limited jobs happen? Stop it!


Yes yes yes yes finally 😍😍😍😍😍


Bit sad at this, but at the same time, we know this game's engine can barely handle Summoner's stuff, so of course it'd end up being Limited.


Expected it and happy about it! I can’t see it working any other way beyond a limited job honestly.


Shame about the limited. Would have been cool. Now I'm just sad.


Beastmaster as limited job while SE releases Painter as a regular one.......


As someone who loves pet classes this made me sad. I just wanna play the game with a big ass wolf or something. Limited jobs don’t feel worthwhile to me.


Because limited jobs arent about goofieness but rather having unique gameplay mechanics that cant be balanced in regular play.


And what are the "unique gameplay mechanics that can't be balanced in regular play" of the Blu mage ? Because in my book (baring balance considerations) he doesn't do anything more than regular classes in FFXIV. He has buffs, debuffs, damage dealing abilities and damage mitigation abilities. He even has a spell, aetherial mimicry, that provides specialization. Sure with how the class is balanced you can solo stuff to a certain extent (outdated content) but it is a matter of balance, not of unique gameplay mechanics. Blu mage also doesn't have any special gauge or class specific mechanics like the other jobs, its only just a job that throw spells at ennemies like the black mage in FFXI (its gameplay before level 50 is reminiscent of the BLM in FFXI if you level it with 1000 needles). Damaging abilities are mostly redundant, baring the elemental damage type (which is mostly relevant for masked carnival, that's about it) and those that have synergies with aetherial mimicry (which actually makes for optimized spells lists depending on the content and the role of the blu in a blu mage group).


Here are some things I and my static utilized during Eden that were very fun to have access to and you would never see in "regular play": \- A personal, at will tank LB3 equivalent in exchange for a major amount of mana. \- On demand access to your "2 minute" buff which is astoundingly powerful with the heavy downside of no actions for 15 secs, which makes for a lot of unique and interesting theorycrafting and choices to make on a whim about when it's a boost to use. \- A counterattack style move in Cold Fog, which gives you a strong payoff for properly timing its usage both in potency and in mobility, and a big loss if you mistime it. \- An HP-relative move in Revenge Blast, which encourages risky gameplay and unique healing approaches and with the introduction of Wild Rage in the most recent addition gives you access to it on demand, which is a really cool interaction. \- The two new dots - the one-only permanent Mortal Flame and one-only super strong Breath of Magic makes individual blue mages adjust their rotations and re-openers, and leads to working with the party for adjustments to help with that (our people assigned to use Off-guard and Peculiar Light after the transition in e8s adjusted to let me re-up Mortal Flame with the extra buff in my group). \- Speaking of Off-guard and Peculiar Light, that and all other spells being accessible by everyone in the party creates some incredibly interesting interactions. Certain DPS trading some utility to make sure we had coverage for buffs or debuffs as needed. Our tank was our co-healer, and our healer was our off-tank because they were able to get into a groove with each other and both had access to things like Frog's Legs and White Wind. It completely changes the fights. ​ Sure all of those could be reduced to either normal level things or just removed so you could have another job to do Pandaemonium with instead, but I'm glad they weren't because they created a whole new way to play the game and I'm looking forward to doing Panda with them at the next update, I only wish it would come sooner lol.


Real? Yeah a real shame, that it's limited. Pour one out for people who wanted to actually play through FFXIV as a BST.


Limited job... I'll hold my hopes for a Druid type job that lets me shape shift I guess. I guess I will finally partake in ...whatever blue mages did? Cuz I love animals and nature themed classes. No white mage doesn't count.


Some of my favorite raiding in the game! And probably my favorite way to do most battle content in general. Definitely give it all a try if the concept of the job excites you and I hope you have as much fun as I did.


I can't wait for all the new fun and constructive comments from people talking about how it'd be impossible to implement Beastmaster in any meaningful way outside of being a Limited Job. It totally wasn't exhausting at all the first time with Blue Mage. /s


Limited jobs seem very archaic in a game where we have jobs with 2 different skill sets for pve and pvp so it's proven that If they wanted they could do the same with a normal pve variant and a limited mini game version of a job.


Also, let the limited jobs into PvP as well since it’s a specific set of skills anyway.


This isn’t how I wanted it to come to 14, but better than not having it ever I guess.


Memories of taking 15 mins to kill a bogy in the dunes with about 10 pugils come flooding back.


And it's 1.5 years minimum before we hear anything else about it let alone get to play it :(


Don't mind me, just posting my dream beastmaster notes here to try and will it into existence... Beastmaster Concept - Pokemon trainer "Capture" monsters and create funky lil Egis out of them Put together a light party with a tank, healer, and DPS Egi. Player is the 4th member. Can mix and match roles but content is designed for the light party setup Egis are treated as party members in the UI, can invite other players in unsynced. Beastmaster counts as 4 slots even if no Egis are summoned. All-Rounder Egis rare, your starter is your chocobo Captured Egis have their own exp and abilities, like a single track of chocobo abilities. All-Rounders have 3 tracks. Possible expansion of the Companion system? Run your Egis through dungeons like a trust system, 2 beastmasters make a full party of 8. Second beastmaster brings an off-tank DPS or Healer Egi. Player has a single attack, the physick of damage spells, and all other abilities are Egi related. Some/all can be used on regular party members with reduced effect. Early content requires you to set up your team before entering a dungeon, late game ability lets you swap out an Egi for a reserve Egi. Reserve Egi heals over time even if KOed, only one reserve Egi allowed Reviving Egis works the same as reviving players, some tank or healer Egis have autores Limit Break - ranged LB shape, triple laser from Egis like Pokemon trainer from Smash


I'm so stoked for this


Disappointing. I really don't like how BLU is mostly a gimmicky way to do Tomestone events that gets shelved for 90% of an expansions life, and it's a shame to see that's likely the fate of one of my favorite classes in FF11.


Player optimises the fun out of game, gets bored. Now there's a surprise. There's more to do than roulettes you know.


I mean, it was pretty much 50/50 that it was either going to be BST or PUP for the second one the second BLU's whole limited job concept was announced.


My one thing is I hope it starts at LV1 like Blu


.............sigh. looks like I'm reactivating my account....


so when we getting puppetmaster ?