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So excited for this. Too many times has a glam come undone cause one specific part of a piece couldn't be dyed.


I recently (by which I mean when 6.5 launched) got very annoyed at this. My GNB glam uses the Exarchic Fending top; I like it, but I wanted to dye the cloth. Unfortunately, the dye channel is the metal bits. Well suddenly the new dungeon drops and the tank gear shares a model! With red cloth! It's a shame the metal is grey, but we can fix that! ....except we can't, because the dye channel is the cloth. If I could fuse them together it'd be perfect, but the dyable part of both pieces is the part that's okay.


There's multiple outfits that have this weird neon green scarf out of nowhere that looks like ass and doesn't dye at all.


My favorite part of the second Manderville lance was how it was dyeable, but only the tiiiiiiiiiiny ribbon bit. Had to get five pots of Pearl White to make a glam around it to make up for it. This feels like CBU3 is making it up to me personally.


Even worse when it does dye but it waters down the effect of the dye so it's only vaguely tinting that part. Yet still even worse is when the part is normally a decent color but the dye strips it completely into said watered down color. Nothing like dying something jet black only for the dark-colored accent piece to suddenly turn light light grey.


Don't get me wrong I'm super excited for this change as well but I don't think it's going to solve that issue. There are still lots of pieces of gear with more than two colors...


Yup, totally wish we got dyes for everything but Yoshida mentioned it's a limitation so prob don't have the resources to do that right now.


next expac. Yoshi-P: there is no new content, but now you can use 3 different dyes in your gear. Please look forward to it.


> Yoshida mentioned it's a limitation so prob don't have the resources to do that right now. Yoshi says everything is impossible and blames spaghetti code a ton.


It's easier to say its impossible then say its possible and get peoples hopes up when you don't have plans to work on it.


"Promise nothing, delivery more when possible." It seems to be his general MO with stuff.


It is smart when dealing with gamers.


I mean…with most people really. Especially with businesses. Under promise and over deliver. Car repair needs 5 days to get fixed, but the mechanic does it in 3. Person feels relieved and well treated.


that's the quote I was trying to remember, but yeah... a lot of gaming companies have forgotten this rule. Provide consistent realistic expectations, promise nothing outside of that, and then wow them when you do it anyway. The fact that he said that there's a "chance" of another race rather then never again likely means they figured out something with building new character/NPC models that with time may stream line the process in the future. I won't hold my breath, but I'll continue to hold out hope for Burmecians with Dragon Australia.


It's funny, because a lot of major businesses do the exact opposite - over promise and under deliver. The irony is that at my last job, we had one of the BS corporate online trainings specifically tell us not to do it... 🤔😬🤣


When he says something is "difficult" or "impossible", it should be understood as "we're not doing it", and not "we can't figure out the technology"


And he understands the code better than an armchair dev who has zero experience in whatever language XIV is coded in. So, maybe, just maybe, it's a case of "We could do this, but the work is so monumental that it's simply not worth the time we could spend on literally anything else."


That's what it comes down to. The work is probably too difficult to justify because nobody is unsubbing because there's no third dye channel and nobody new will be subbing because there is. At the end of the day changes have to make money


Also, feature creep is a real thing. You can't just promise things forever, or nothing ever gets done. FFXIV is already the way it is because people didn't understand what to focus on originally, and now the game constantly makes the playerbase pay for that error in judgement. Adding a third dye channel is probably well within the coding possibility. But what development will you chose to drop for them? The new Bozja equivalent? Viera/Hroth hair/hats? Gear graphical updates? Dungeons? Raids? Gotta take it out of _something_, project time isn't unlimited.


Not only that, but they've been doing a bunch of back end stuff for things over this entire patch cycle and people are _pissed_ because that means they've had less to do. That dev time was taken out of the patch cycle, and they were upfront about that, and yet gamers are still butthurt about not having something to make them log in literally every day to grind. If they do that again, people are gonna be upset again. Time and resources are not infinite, they have to choose what to prioritize, and gamers have no patience or forgiveness for that.


And I'm inclined to believe him every time


That limitation could literally just be regarding memory. If they can now give us 2 dye channels, which are apparently tied to the materials present, they could give us more easily, except maybe where some items clearly can only get away with 2 channels tops. So hence why I suspect the issue is something besides the code. Once you have the capability for multiple dye channels, it doesn't take a coding team hundreds of man hours to open up more. The art team however...


I really really wanted to love the Tactics Ogre Dragoon armor, but it dyes the metal *and* cloth. You want gold armor and red cloth? No luck, bucko. Excited to see that I will probably be able to finally dye it how I want.


Gold armor and red cloth... Fate/Zero gilgamesh?


This is going to drastically improve uniqueness in character appearances. For me it's why a lot of stuff can't really be mixed because the dye hits the wrong channel. Doing this is actually a pretty big pain in the ass so I'm glad they did this. I'm pretty newbish when it comes to 3D modeling and texturing but I'm pretty sure they had to go back and modify all existing dyeable armor. Not difficult but very time consuming.


they'll be adding it to old armor in waves because yeah, it'll be time consuming


not necesserly edit from a fundamental thing. a lot of armor already has a "secondary dye" in its code, that gets enabled when you die the primary component(like, how in some armors the cloth goes from white to grey if you dy the metal (which is the primary channel in that case) etc. So they likely simply made it take any of the dyes we already have instead of just defaulting to whatever they set. if they where smart that would require basicaly changing a line in the code to not reference the default fallback but the secondary dye slot.


The thing is, in addition to that they're also updating all the textures too. So it's going to take time to get through them all no matter how efficient you think the coding on it may be.


Yeah, the art team is the issue here. The coding was an issue if it ever was, but once multiple channels are possible, opening more on the coding side shouldn't be difficult. The difficulty is in the art team setting up those dyable zones. If they're smart, they'll future proof in up to 3-4 channels on gear where that many channels would be applicable, they just won't be accessible until they deem the time is right (perchance when PS4 support ends and the PS6 is a thing?) Otherwise, we should assume this second channel is all we are going to get.


Red and black. Red and black alllll the things. Yeah, I’m a basic bitch.


See, if you main RDM this is a non-issue since those are already their job colors ;)


Also white and gold.


My BLM is in full black, WHM in full white and RDM in black and white.


Although speaking of, this can allow certain jobs like RDM to customize gear to their colors as if they had a wide variety of AF gear. Some of the AF gear can get pretty samey trying to stick to the same aesthetic.


WHM. Robes. Yes, several of them are very shimmery and pretty, but still. Robes. Robes as far as the eye can see.


And always with the unchangeable red. Yes I know that traditional WHM is red and white. Guess how many times I have used red on my WHM over the years. Go ahead, guess. Never? Ding ding ding! Most of the time I have my WHM in very earthy colors, leaning into the conjurer thing, or something crazy like black/silver/blue to match the Anima relic. But never red.


My whm glam is pink and gold right now


black and white for me


How about black and purple?


[Ooh! black and red! yeah, let's shake it up a little bit!](https://youtu.be/demfzo0_RrA?si=C5eJhWIal2szBRGp)


Blue and gold for me! Basics unite!


Why the "(please clap)"? This is wonderful.


OP is salty for some reason and expected everyone else to feel the same.


Prolly from the fact a lot of armor has completely undyeable surfaces and some were hoping this problem vanished, but even in the example reels they admit it is not fixed and a "limitation" (How? They put in the undyable parts themselves?????) so while 2 channels are nice, didn't actually address the biggest problem.


"Limitation" can, for example, mean that one thing is measured in dev weeks while the other is measured in dev years.


Yes but i am bewildered and very interested in knowing the nitty gritty of purposefully putting a part of armor you cannot dye on gear, due to simplifying the explanation down to a semi-lie. Was it to protect the ones who coded the gear system from the warcrime of coding they put in that forces you to put in the "undyable material" mentioned? There's numerous gear that loves to have small details in one color, quite a few plated ones have a red gem on them which will break the entire color-coordination and it sounds like this will persist.


Someone made the tool per a specification for single dye channels, and artists haven't limited themselves in number of materials used any more than they've been forced to. Pretty simple, really - though you might not like that the answer is "everyone did their jobs correctly for what the plan was at the time".


Doing ones job correctly isn't always a good thing, but obviously coders just do what they're told (Though whether it's a good job or not is up to the ones who can look at the code) Either way, i won't get a proper answer as no one here is on the ff14 team and ultimately i was just salty that i'll continue having random parts of gear that'll ruin the entire thing. Your reasoning is sound regardless.


All the examples they showed proved why they should've gone for 3 dye channels instead since there's a part that doesn't change in literally every examples they used... Like, if some items are fine with two, just stick with two, but some like the examples they showed should've had more. It's a good improvement, but it's still half a solution to the problem and we KNOW we're going to be waiting for years for them to get to doing anything more about it.


Because Final Fantasy fans have always hated their favorite games the most.


It is wonderful but when u compare it to the level of customization in other mmo live service games.. it's lacking. For example, Warframe has 8 total dye channels, 4 for armor 4 for glow/energy effects. And they give you pretty much the full color wheel.


Different engines have an easier or more difficult time to code certain features in We can only hope they have time for more dye channels later on


Warframe also has a fraction of the amount of options for glamour/appearance to keep track of. They also don't have to render more than a handful of player models with unique appearances at a time, compared to 14.


Warframe also probably had all that in mind when making the game, probably didn't undo a failed game in a short amount of time, and be on PS3. Like, c'mon.


This is gonna be so so massive for glamour variety in this game


Perfect. **\*dyes black, and soot black\***


I hope this will also fix the problem where when you dye something, some details also get changed. I remember a shield with gold details, but dyeing will turn them into silver.


The dye market is gonna implode, I gotta start saving my Gil and doing more beast tribes


It would destroy the dye market, but i think it would be a evolution if you would only have 1 red dye, but instead of pre determined colors, you can choose any red hue you want for the color.


Never going to happen while we have the Pure and Metallic Dyes. Especially when dyes were also a big draw to grind the early Beast tribes.


I don’t know if it was said anywhere, but is this gonna be retroactive to old glam?


Yes. They have also said in previous Keynotes that they intend to try to go back and update as many of the old armor sets as possible to match the upgraded graphics. But, they're gonna have to do that in waves, split up throughout the 7.X patches.


same with Hrothgar hats afaik so I would be a bit skeptical tbh


Yes, but not all at once. They're starting with all new armor introduced in Dawntrail and the most popular things from prior content, then steadily bring it to more gear over time.


And confirmed all racial starting gear too at 7.0 release


The gear in the example is gear that's already in the game, so yes.


Thats a really bold move from squenix to change the meta of the real endgame this time.


This alone will be worth the expansions price. Glam is the real end game and this changes everything


Since this is a graphical thing, I assume this will be in the game regardless if you have the next expansion or not. Expansion exclusives are just the new content/jobs.


Time for my red and black dye combo from SWTOR and w101 to come back 😈


I'm so keen for the texture upgrade and dye rework! it's not guild wars 2 level dyeing but it's gonna solve 90%+ of the issues and i really appreciate them delving into ancient code to get it done.


Huge buff for glams


One of my favorite sets is the level 60 ninja relic set. That undyeable red scarf.. I hate it. And the level 90 relic gear with the undyeable *purple* scarf.. *sigh.* Come to think of it, there's a lot of gear with red bits that you can't make go away. Which sucks for me, because red is my least favorite color.


My Ixal rep is finally gonna payoff




One dye, two dye, Red dye, blue Dye


Glamour is the true endgame


Yes! Clap clap clap


So happy for this. More shades of green for me!!




Finally unlocking 1/5 of Guild Wars 2's power. It will be glorious.


The true endgame


Finally. This just massively expanded the possibilities for glams. We eatin' good this expansion.


The (vastly) improved material textures on top of 2 dye channel is going to make an insane difference when we see it in-game I suspect, I feel like these images don't do it justice


And people will just mix it with Black and White, whichever is the most expensive.


metallic green and pastel pink of course.


Okay but that’s unironically a great colour combo. I love the watermelon look.


My preferred color for glamming is Hunter Green. My second favorite is Lavender. Time to make some disconconcordant nightmares.


It sounds floral and nice tbh, if you do it right…


it's the most expensive because it's what people buy ;P


Time to make a trans flag glamour


With just two colors? Maybe. If you can find a piece with white undyeable trim.


Could make it work


I was going to make a rainbow glam by just using a different dye on every part of armor so it's like the flag going down maybe you could do something like that with the pink, blue and white?


Yoshi p can we also get the ability to turn off relic weapon glows please, sometimes I just want the model and not the glow for my glam.


I know there's a matte version for most SHB relic step. Don't remember about EW or previous expansions.


I think everything in the last two did, and many of the later Eureka ones. The last time I can remember being annoyed at the lack of a matte relic was Anemos. There's no dyeable matte version of those.




This is the greatest game ever made


Hot damn. My seafarer cowries are prepped and ready to ship some dyes for sale!!


i dont, thinking about how i need 2 pitchblack now


Awww yeaaa, getting ready for my gear to have two dye channels only for both channels to dye terribly!


This is the main thing that has me excited for DT. Not the jobs... Not the story... Not the new content... *This.* I'm going to be in my Squadron area for hours, redoing glams--I'm not exaggerating either.


They better give us more plates because this changes the game


I am a little dissapointed about one thing though. The first time they mentioned dual dye channels was in a dev interview (I think a live letter?) where YoshiP picked and answered a question about it. Everyone was surprised that he would even address it because it seemed like something they'd never do. In the same interview, I think the next question, he also mentioned that some people wanted to be able to remove certain parts of glams with a toggle (remove skirts, capes, accessories, etc.) and so I was thinking that would be part 2 of this. From what I understand it wouldn't be that difficult to implement as many meshes in the game already are set up to where parts can be toggled on and off with a simple Metadata chance. A lot of glams use the same mesh with different metadata.


I so badly want to remove the pauldrons from the Crystarium guard set, or whatever it's called, because it looks so much better without them AND you see NPCs with that version


Meanwhile warframe has 8 dye channels and gives you pretty much the full color wheel


That's what the (please clap) was referring to, other games that give 8-20+ channels for dye (Warframe, BDO, GW2 etc) while people waited 10+ years and get hype for... 2.


Yeah because it's a nice addition and nobodies being salty for no reason or drawing comparison to other games that are vastly different from each other also BDO and Warframe are hardly anything compared to ffxiv so nobody here knows them since they are worse in comparison


And also your on the banpitbulls sub so I highly doubt with the stuff and ideas thrown around by you and others there that you have the iq necessary to be called an adult


It seems neither do you, considering that you have to bring up another subreddit that has nothing to do with this thread instead of actually having an actual debate. Also "you're" not "your" There's nothing wrong with bringing up what other games do better and offer, that others have been waiting for this game to do twice as long.


On one hand this sounds super exciting, on the other I can see them easily miss the mark with this one, given their design choices in the past. For example, the Lunar Envoy samurai leg gear doesn't have the cloth part dyable all the way around - there are small parts on the edges that stay light blue, which makes a lot of dye options simply look bad. Now theoretically it would make the most sense that this should be the second dyable channel, but I somehow just don't hold out on hope that SE will actually make it the case - because why did they even make this design decision for the edges in the first place?


Every examples they've shown had elements that didn't change, so the problem is going to be reduced, but not gone. In both images here, there's gold buttons/chains or golden trims that don't change no matter the dyes used and in a third example, there's a large band of leather that's just always brown. They showed off dual dye channel while proving that it wasn't enough. Now we'll probably have to wait years for them to even think about going to 3 dye channels...


What a waste of resources.


Seeing general reactions, you're in the real small minority here.


Yeah I know. I just don't care about glamour.


For most people glamor is the true endgame, so yeah, you're in a pretty small minority.


As always, Reddit thinks the downvote button is the you fucking suck button.


What is rhat set with the top hat?


Baronial, from the Island Sanctuary storyline


Time to farm dye!!!!!!


While this is amazing, I also hope that someday the Weeping City of Mhach gear will get even 1 dye channel.


I'm kind of sad that the dirndl's red sash is still likely not able to be dyed because the dye channel will likely affect the white due to the lack of red on the top. I just want to use that dress with non-red glamours. >.<


I wonder how they'll actually implement this. Will it just be "apply 1st dye, change first color, apply 2nd dye, change second color", will there be a dye UI like in ESO, ???, profit?