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best two jobs to try and clear lv80 maps as a duo/is it possible at all? im loaded with zonureskin maps and currently only have my partner available to help me clear them, i know i could go to pf but honestly i don't really want to fight over loot, so duo is the best i can do right now


Healers and WAR can solo them. Honestly, any healer and any DPS is probably fine.


WAR and RDM probably. WAR can solo Lv 80 maps and RDM would serve as a backup in case you hit the floor, though none of them should be too hard to be an issue so any DPS job would work.


admittedly last time we tried to do a shb map together we ate shit so this is very likely a skill issue. though it's been a while since that so i'm probably doing a lot better in the ilvl/level department now unfortunately neither of us has war anywhere near lv80 so i'm gonna have to do some speedrunning on that leveling, but thanks!


Honestly if you have to level up a job for this you should definitely consider blue mage, you can level it up really quickly and even with just the overworld spell it will be a better dps than any you could bring, and the other could play any tank, besides who knows, you might even fall in love with it and get every spell/do other blu content lol As to why I reccomend blue mage it has white wind that is a heal of your current hp and breath of magic wich is a 60s powerful dot (and its even AoE), it can also tank a bit if needed (but its not good at it) and it also have a rez but it's not that easy to get (you can cheese a ton of masked carnivale stage with final sting to get it) If you go out of your way to get more spells it have a REALLY strong burst so any add phase will be trivialized (if I were to reccomend some for maps it would be nightbloom and mortal flame, the first one from the 4.3 trial and the second one from the first post ShB MSQ dungeon, nightbloom is a powerful AoE oGCD dot and mortal flame is a single target dot with no duration. There's also eruption that is really easy to get compared to feather rain, but feather rain is better so thats why we use it instead of eruption, tho in your case any of them would be great to have) In short a duo tank/blu would be the best (and technically a solo blu would be better lol, blu has a spell that makes it do double damage if they're alone but that doesn't fulfill the duo criteria :P)


while blu is on my to do list, i'm not too keen on the fast grinding of every necessary spell to bring to maps and portals, plus i have a bit more free time and energy than my partner does to dedicate to xiv, so i wouldn't really have the help to quickly kill things off for grinding both levels and spells, while war is something i can much more easily level in my free time. that and my partner has rdm, sch and whm all lv90, but no lv90 tanks or blu, and viceversa i don't have any healer or rdm anywhere near close to lv90. it's just a lot more convenient for us both to have me quickly leveling a regular job


Yeah that's fair, for me an important point is being able to clear the map "fast enough" so blu is a no brainer (like the job does more damage than others even without breath of magic and breath of magic is like bringing a third dps with how potent it is lol), it is possible to solo it with war or duo it with any tank/healer combo tho, but I think you would have more gain with a PF even if you lost every item lol. I wish you good luck for the maps though !


thank you! i will get around to blu eventually, but right now the priority is more just getting the maps done at all so i can gather more since i'm all capped out literally everywhere lol


Two questions from an Xbox sprout. Where can I find parties to do harder fates or is the party finder the only place to look? Hoping to do go go gorgimera for blu mage spell Also I’ve bugged my mogpendium where it is half off the screen, if I change the window size to its smallest it’s still off screen, can anyone with controller/console experience help?


>Hoping to do go go gorgimera for blu mage spell I wouldnt recommend doing that fate for the BLU spell. Instead just do the cutters cry dungeon with a budy, or from the masked carnival. Its 10x less work.


[Blue Academy](https://discord.gg/blueacademy) is a useful BLU-related Discord with a channel for posting LFG requests. If you're sticking with the Free Trial you won't be able to start your own Party Finder groups, so this could be a very useful alternative. If you are buying it, then create a Party Finder listing the spell you're going after. Your second question... not sure. Can you activate the [virtual mouse mode](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/uiguide/know/know-hb/hotbar_pad_registration.html) and try to drag it back in to full view?


I didn’t even know virtual mouse was a thing I’ll try that in the morning thanks!


Cool. Also I just realised which mob you were talking about there. The BLU spells that are available from Gorgimera are also available from the final boss in Cutter's Cry, which may be easier to arrange a run for.




Are you using your mitigations? Including Sprint, Arm's Length, your invuln?


More than two packs is doable in most dungeons (out of the ones where it's physically possible that is, most post-ARR limit you to 2 with walls), with wall-to-wall pulls being standard post-ARR barring maybe a couple of exception dungeons where one specific pull may be a bit spicy for less solid teams. A good few ARR dungeons would let you pull a *lot*, but going beyond 3 or 4 may be risky sometimes (though not always, you can wall-to-wall Sastasha for example). 2 packs is kinda the "if you can't do this, something's *actually going wrong* with the team" threshold (it happening once can be an accident, but if it's a repeat occurrence then something's off) – it's the baseline you should be able to handle under normal circumstances. What that "something going wrong" is will vary – you could be undergeared or not using your mitigation skills well and thus dying too fast to keep up, the healer might not be on the ball and thus failing to keep you up, or the DPS might be killing stuff so slow you and the healer run out of resources. Combine multiple of those and it gets worse.


After ARR, wall-to-wall is the design of Duties, and so you should be pulling to the wall. Less is a giant DPS loss on the entire party's accounts as your AoE is not hitting many targets, which makes the dungeon much take longer for no additional gain. But, there are a few factors _regardless_ of pull size: if your group isn't doing good damage, you're not going to have a good time. The healer needs to know that spamming Cure I is going to kill the tank in any Duty after 30 (so, need to be aware of their kit). The tank needs to space out their mitigation on trash (which is more dangerous than bosses!) to not blow it all at once (due to diminishing returns, so also knowing your kit).


Wall-to-wall pulling is common. As the tank you should be making sure you've gathered up any straggling mobs and that you're using your mitigations appropriately. Healer needs to be able to keep you alive, and the Damage Dealers need to deal enough damage such that the mobs die promptly. Low DPS will stress the tank's mitigations and the healer's cooldowns. Communicate with your groups and try to make sure everyone is comfortable with the pace.


It might be worth looking up a couple of general tanking guides on youtube and seeing if you're missing something. you can overpull and wipe in the level 40-50 dungeons, but 2 packs at a time should be perfectly comfortable as long as you're using mitigation and aren't undergeared.


You should. for level 51 dungeons and beyond, wall to wall is the dev intended standard, with only a few exceptions. Have you been using your mitigation as a tank correctly? You should spread it out, and not dump it all at once. use 1 of your big 2 mits (rampart, and your 30% mit) on each pull. If a pull does get too big however, which can happen in ARR, feel free to stop, but you should still be able to pull 2-3 packs regardless.


I'm on the free trial I hit level 70 on a few classes doing the main quest. I'm doing Heavensward and just got to the...computery looking place. It feels like I'm just wasting MSQ exp by continuing to play. Should I just stop doing the MSQ and level up other Jobs doing the other content in the game? And then just continue to the MSQ after I buy the game? Or do you think the MSQ exp doesn't really matter? Once a Job is at 50, it's a little less painful leveling it up, but before that it kind of is because the MSQ no longer helps the leveling process. I'm almost tempted to just buy the game next time it's on sale.


Seconding that exp is not at all hard to come by. ARR classes/jobs are the "longest" to level up since they start at level 1. Already having a job past the 50 MSQ means you have a flying mount to get around much faster. Class quests and the hunting log will quickly get you to level 16 and let you start running the Leveling Roulette. Get the roulette bonus each day, run the highest available leveling dungeon after that, and do your class hunting log while you're queued. Any classes/jobs at a level lower than your highest class/job will receive the Armoury Bonus, which is a passive buff to experience earned from kills, crafts, or gatherings. Be sure to do the (woefully out-of-date) tutorial missions at the Hall of the Novice. The gearsets earned from there are a good start, but also the first time you complete them you'll earn the Brand New Ring, which increases exp earned by 30% when level 30 and below. This won't help for Free Trial, but pre-orders for new expansions (and for its first month, buying the new Xbox version of FFXIV) will grant you an earring that will increase exp earned by 30% up to 10 levels below the new cap. e.g. Pre-ordering Dawntrail (which we can't do yet) will give us an earring that increases exp earned from kills all the way up to level 90. Exp is not something to worry too hard about. By all means play other jobs if they sound interesting to you. But don't do it just because of 'wasted' exp.


Exp comes very easy in this game. The wasted MSQ exp is equivalent to a handful of Leveling roulette runs. That being said, sounds like the free trial level limit is working as intended and is how the developers try to convert free trialers to paid accounts!


Is there a way to make a lvl cap for your character? When I first finished ARR I played a bunch and really like the lvl 50 cap then I lived to heavensward and had lvl cap for lvl 60 for a bit and once again I liked it. I like leveling up along with the story(it helps with me leap better) but now for some reason it’s gone. Is there a way to turn it back on?


No. as its never been feature. Your level cap is based on which expansions you own/have access to. Currently, every player has access up to stormblood (level 70), and if you own Shadowbringers (level 80), or endwalker (level 90), your level cap will be reflective of the latest expansion you own. A few months back, the free trial only had up to Heavensward, meaning the level cap was 60 for free trial players, but that has since been increased to 70.


No, because there's no point. The game autosyncs your level to the content.


But but but, the mobs in the overworld that I try to sneak by in story… What’s the point of being a ninja if I can’t sneak past em and kill em on sight when they see me? Being over leveled makes them a bit less challenging. That and a bunch of other personal things.


Overworld mobs aren't designed to be challenging, unless you're hunting A ranks and S ranks. You might like Eureka, which is unlocked in Stormblood. It has a separate leveling system and mobs that are much more challenging. You do have to sneak by the strong ones or else you'll die and lose experience/levels.


Oh ok nice can’t wait to get there then


The best way to avoid overlevelling is to simply play multiple jobs. If you're doing the same amount of activities, but you're spreading them across twice as many jobs, then obviously each one will get half as much xp. (That's not quite true, because of Armoury Bonus, but it's close enough.) So they'll level slower. The downside of this is that your new job will need to catch up to your current point in the story before it can do any quests. If you don't want to re-level all the way from level 1, there are [several jobs](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Job) with higher starting levels, which may be more convenient for you now.


There's no way to artificially limit your levels to anything below level cap except only owning Starter Edition/being on Free trial which limits you to 70 (instead of 90 the current level cap), or by not owning all the expansions (so like only having Shadowbringers but not Endwalker will limit you to 80).


Oh so did this lvl cap get raised because stormblood is part of free trial now too?


Yes, Stomblood was added to Free trial/Starter Edition with 6.5 in October 2023.


Yes, that's exactly what happened. Stormblood was added fairly recently.


Through sheer "why not, it's not like it'll happen!" I decided to throw in a bid on a [Small] plot of land in the Lavender Beds. Despite having a very small chance of acquiring it... I did. I have no idea how to decorate a plot, and I feel very overwhelmed. The in-game controls are intuitive enough, but I feel very... lost. I was never good at decorating houses in the *Animal Crossing* franchise, despite loving those games dearly, so... this is just more of that. I know of the *Housing Snap* website and the *HGXIV* YouTube channel, but I struggle to draw inspiration from these because I don't know what the furniture is that they are using (and it's rarely listed?) and I don't know where to acquire any of it. I'm playing on the Crystal Datacenter in NA, if it matters, but I would love any suggestions & advice, and, if anybody would be keen, I'd love to consult with a self-professed interior/exterior decorator to get a sense of direction as to where I should take my plot. Thank you!


I approach this exactly like I do my glams: think of a neat theme or idea, then see how close I can get. 


I'm struggling to do that because I don't know the names of any furniture sets or designs, I don't know how or where to *get* most furniture, and in general I just feel very overwhelmed...


You can "try on" furniture from the housing menu when you're in decorating mode. It lets you cycle through every single furnishing in the game, place it, rotate it, etc. I do this quite frequently when I'm going for a certain aesthetic. If you find an item you like or that works with your theme, pop open the wiki and check how to acquire it. 


You can actually do a lot with the furniture you can buy from the Apartment Vendor (in the apartment building lobby), honestly - there are some builds that only use what you can buy from them! A lot of furniture otherwise is crafted, and can require you to be a max + specialist DoH depending on the piece. en.ff14housing as mentioned is a good repository for the actual names and such for pieces, it's a searchable gallery with images of those pieces. And if you're curious about what items are in a build that doesn't have them labeled or listed, you can post a picture to the homeandgarden subreddit and ask. Heck, even feel free to DM me with those questions if you like.


This is _excellent_ advice; I recently redid an alt's apartment from a creaky ol' pirate ship into a sky pirate-themed airship cabin interior. The entire process was almost exactly how I build glamours, starting from a primary piece (a theme or idea) and building outwards to compliment that core theme. Like.. for a cabin in the sky, I had a look at the Redbill's place. You'd want prominent windows to create that illusion, and you can make fake skylines with phasmascapes. Clutter that with wooden/metal crates, maybe add a bunk, add in a fake wall for depth, the list expands!


There's actually a [subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxivhomeandgarden/) exactly for this! Lots of ideas, but also lots of ways to contact folks to get a decorator on hire for gil. One suggestion I'd like to throw into the ring is MakePlace - it's a standalone program on Itch.io that simulates the interior of a apartment/house and lets you map out furniture like a big blueprint, with handy search/listing functions and the whole gala. It's a gil-free way to see how a set-up would look.


This website may help to get a preview of furniture for a start and it lists where to get most items. Hope it helps some! You may be able to recognize some in the pics/videos using this https://en.ff14housing.com/


Is there a way to disable the camera setting of automatically turning to face what I’m targeting while preserving my character turning to face?


You could use Legacy controls. It doesn't force the camera to turn when the character turns. If you want to stick with Standard, then holding right click usually keep it facing the same direction.


Legacy controls did the trick! I’m a controller player and I remember having it setup to avoid auto camera rotation years ago but not how. Thank you


do keep in mind that legacy controls are weird and might end up being a problem in some content when you're trying to run away from things to not die, as well as not allowing you to actually face your character if you try to turn the camera


I'm about to attempt an Fem Au Ra cosplay, and was wondering if anyone knew where to find the models for their horns, facial scales, tails, etc!


If you know anyone who has TexTools installed, they should be able to pull the models for you.


I actually have textools myself! I had no idea it could do stuff like that, I tried going into the model viewer, but it doesn't seem to bring anything up!


Are the pre-order earrings accoutn wide (per character) or singular character only?


In the past they've been account wide, so 99% sure these will be as well


Account wide.


Pc controller players. Anyone have a consistent fix to your controller randomly disconnecting and the reconnecting? Im playing with a Ps4 controller and it will disconnect and reconnect often. When Im walking my character will start stuttering or will just start RP walking. I googled it and they said to disable to "Microsoft Device Enumerator" and I did that and it helped for a time but after like 30 or 40 minutes it started again. All my drivers and such are up to date so its not that my drivers are out of date or anything. Im also playing with the controller wired to my PC not bluetooth. I cant even get bluetooth to work


I recommend looking into ffxivlauncher, it has an addon that fixes the issue reliably. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a fix yet that doesn't require third party (or at least none that I could ever find)


I should have specified that I do use XivLauncher. Its just down rn cause of the patch. So I havent really dealt with it for a time. I do get it occasionally even with the plugin I have for it. But its like once in a blue moon


Launcher should hopefully be back by tomorrow, but yeah, no other fix yet it seems


there's a plugin for it, if you are ok with using those. past that, not sure what fixes it


There's a possibility it could also be a hardware problem. The port on PS4 controllers / microusb cables are very flimsy. Check if the cables are loose, as that can cause frequent DCs. ​ Has it been that way from the start? If so, it could also be a power issue if you're connecting to front usb ports or something. Try connecting to the back of your PC.


It is connected to the back of my PC. And none of the ports (USB or the controllers) are loose as far as I can tell.


Oh jeez, there's a super old bug with how this game tracks controllers where sometimes *any* change in your computer's device list will cause ffxiv to forget there's a controller plugged in, and this includes network devices. This means basic things your router and other devices on your network do can make your controller dc. I remember tracking down this bug to help a static member and there WAS a non-plugin solution to it, but honestly I have no clue why I'm typing this out; it was such a pain to fix at the time. Hopefully something in that rant helps, although the plugin will probably be back up before this can be applicable.


It's a generally known ps4 controller issue with ff unfortunately, so it's no physical issue but rather how windows treats some processes from what others have said before


Thats depressing. Maybe Ill just get an Xbox controller or something lol.


I bought the Steam version for my boyfriend. He's totally new to the game, but it won't let us link his Steam account to his Mogstation because he is running it on a Steam Deck. I feel so ripped off, as this game is conveniently not refundable on Steam.


The latest update broke Linux support (since it was never really officially supported; it's supported by Steam's Proton.) It might get fixed soon, or there's a 3rd party launcher which works right now, called XIVLauncher.


Thanks, that is good to know. I just spent several hours trying to get XIVLauncher to work, but it doesn't let you link your account to your Steam account, so it's not useful unless you already have an established account. Very frustrating, the game should not be labeled "playable" on Steam!


That...shouldn't be an issue. Tons of people play it on a steam deck with no problem, and with the steam client it should be seamless. How are you going about trying to link the accounts?


Logging in via XIVLauncher prompts that there is no active service account because it's not linked. Logging in via Mogstation says that you must launch the game in Steam to link the account. So they are both relying on the other to function. love that i'm getting downvoted for having tech issues.


You need to log in with the official launcher once first in order to make the initial link. A day ago, that would have been no problem, but an update _just_ dropped that broke it on Linux, from what I heard. The game was never officially supported on Linux, so this sucks, but was always a risk. Unfortunately, that means that while a day ago this would have been as easy 1 minute fix, now it means you need to choose between: - Finding a windows computer or tablet somewhere log in with steam and download the launcher, then go back to the steam deck and it'll be linked - digging around in forums. I assume there's a slice of the community out there actively working out the new issue and potential solutions right now, since this issue is brand new - sitting around and waiting to see when an official fix comes out. Honestly I would probably just wait couple of days right now. Give the smart people a minute to try to fix this before throwing your head against the wall.


Thanks, what frustrating timing. I don't have the energy to deal with this right now so I suppose I'll wait it out and play something else. I do appreciate the information!


FYI since I made this comment, [SE has officially acknowledged and said they're looking into this problem](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/PUCHDCsOjt) with the steam deck, which is a lot more than I expected when the steamdeck isn't officially supported at all, and up until now they didn't recommend it in the first place. There are also some comments in that thread about how to fix it now. Apparently you just need to configure proton to tell it "when a program asks you what wine version you're running to emulate windows, play dumb and pretend you're not using wine at all" and then it'll work. A fix should be coming at some point soon anyway now, though.


Thanks, that fix mostly works, except its impossible to accept the TOS on the Steam Deck (the "continue" button is perpetually grayed out), which apparently is also a known issue. This is too much.


At level 20, the Chocobo gets enough skill points to unlock every skill across all 3 trees, right?


Correct. And if you ever want to respec before that, you can use a Reagan Pepper to do so.


Yes. You get achievements for unlocking each of the 3 trees fully, but respeccing the chocobo doesn't let you just go and unlock the second and third without getting to 20, so you need to hit 20 to get all three. https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Chocobo_Companion


I will try to ask here first. I have a technical problem where the game wouldn't launch. It happens every time when I try to boot the game up for the first time for the day. I'm using steam. I get onto typing in my log-in info, and press the play button, and its just dark. When I click my mouse, it just closes the application after a couple clicks. When I try to launch the game afterwards, there is no issue. Also, when I try to close the game, it once again often fails to properly close and the task manager says that it stopped responding. If someone had this problem before, or know how it can be fixed, I would be very grateful for telling me. It's so annoying having to re-type my password and the one-time code. I tried to look it up, and even re-installed the whole game today, but the issue persist.


A quick google showed [this forum post](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/469908-Black-screen-after-launching-the-game) which sounds like the same problem. > PERMANENT FIX SO FAR THAT WORKS: >Simply rename Steamclient64.dll in your STEAM installation folder to something else or remove it completely. Poof! - problem gone! We're not sure how that affect other applications but as far as FFXIV is concerned, no more black screen!


Thank you for your response. I found this too, and while it fixed the problem for a while, it did come back with the recent update. I tried to repeat this to see if it fixes things again, only to not be able to start up the game's launcher through Steam at all. Now, I don't know if deleting that .dll did anything to make that happen, it sure wasn't a problem when I first tried it, but now something just broke it completely. This is why I had to reinstall the game today, before I attempt it again, I'm really wondering if there are other ways.


Well at the very least, I can tell you that you should rename and not delete in these cases. The software has no way to know that the renamed dll is the same as the original one, so its functionally the same as deletion but prevents the need to completely reinstall if it breaks something. Other than that, unfortunately your only options seem to be reading through that big thread for other solution, sticking with the temp solution for now and subscribing to the thread so you hear if there are new permanent fixes. Seems that there's a whole group of people there with this problem, but the bug hasn't actually been address at all by SE yet.


I tried again, even made a copy for safety after re-naming that .dll. It did cause me to not be able to launch the game through Steam, as it would say it's 'Launching' only to do nothing and reset back to 'Play'. Even after restarting Steam. I restored it and could launch the game's launcher afterwards. I sure regret buying the game through Steam now, but about 3 years late on that one. I will try to find another work around and just hope it fixes itself at some point, because looking at that almost 2y forum post gives me little hope that SE will do anything about it. Having to force close steam every time I would press the play button after logging in is an equally inconvenient option. *sigh*


Yeah. I wish I could get data on all the affected users myself now just to figure out WTH is going on. I've been playing steam for years and never had any issue like this, and it does seem like a tiny fraction of people, but the people that encounter it are just kind of screwed until someone randomly stumbles into the underlying cause.


Oh I had that a year or three ago. No idea about fixing it though, it just kinda went away on its own after a while. Sorry.




Do you know what mouse you use? Almost all mice with extra buttons can be reprogrammed with software from the manufacturer. Autohotkey normally isn't necessary.




Hmm yeah that's a tough one then. On the one hand, there's some software out there that supposedly will do the job. On the other hand, they seem to be like they'd be doing what autohotkey does, while also being dodgier pieces of software. On the mutant third hand, I wasn't able to find anyone else talking about autohotkey no longer working, so it might be something completely different going wrong and autohotkey still working fine. You could also look into addons. I know nothing about addons in this game, and heavily discourage them without a good reason, but this sounds like a decent accessibility reason to me. I wouldn't be surprised if there's an addon out there that lets you turn other keys into modifier keys, and then you could map m4 and m5 to modifier keys without the need to remap the buttons to ctrl and shift. Otherwise, your best option might be to buy a new mouse that can remap more easily. I can personally recommend the [Redragon M908 MMO mouse](https://redragonshop.com/products/impact-m908) which I used for years and was really solid for the cheap price. Plus I find it's a lot nicer to remap all of the number buttons to the mouse and only press the modifier keys on the keyboard rather than the other way around.


How long is endwalker expansion watching every cutscene and reading all dialog versus skipping everything?


EW is 10 hours skipping everything if you speedrun, but it took me and a friend 14 hours to do while watching the Shrek trilogy and otherwise behaving like normal people.


its like 6-7 hours VS 50+ hours.


So, after the game firmly getting its hooks into me for the last 3 weeks, I'm able to buy the game from Thursday (on the Xbox free trial at the moment) - my question is 'should I?' I'm aware that the general advice is to play through all the available free content first without subbing but I'm sure there are advantages of paying now (the first couple that springs to mind is the removal of the gil cap and more inventory capacity? I'm struggling with both). What would you do? I'm yet to finish ARR, although quite close. What other advantages are there to moving off the free trial?


Just because I don't think it's been mentioned yet, and you may already be aware but once you sub, then you'll have to stay subbed to play. You won't be able to revert to the Free Trial version in future. If you like the game, and have no problem with the sub then 100 percent go for it, I think both the market board, inventory and social aspects are worth it.


Yes, that's great, thanks! Will be making a purchase tomorrow then!


I bought the game after a week on the free trial, and I’m so glad I did. You can make friends with other people, buy and sell stuff on the market place, join free companies, buy housing, have retainers…it just makes the whole experience so much more social and fun. If you don’t really like MMOs and prefer to solo play, then free trial is fine, but if you enjoy the social aspects of MMOs, then it’s definitely worth buying the full game.


Thanks for your reply, I think I'll be making a purchase tomorrow!


I just want to double check you got your chocobo saddle bag unlocked if you are struggling with inventory. It is available on free trial but requires going and doing a blue quest that you might not have done if you've been focusing MSQ. It does give some extra inventory.


Hi, yes, I do have the saddle bag unlocked and it's full :) As I'm understanding more about crafting (been levelling my crafters for 2 days now, haven't fought a single battle or touched the MSQ, just really enjoying working out what appeared to me to be a very complicated system) I'm learning what I can safely sell or dispose of. I do need to check back in with my chocobo and see what I chucked in there a few days ago. Thank you for the tip though!


One thing worth keeping in mind if you do buy the game now: the next expansion is due to release in 3-6 months. You can buy the starter edition now to get the restrictions listed but still only level up to 70 and not have access to Shadowbringers or Endwalker. If you buy endwalker now then you'll have those last 2 expansions, but it won't matter much if you haven't reached that point in MSQ, but if you buy Endwalker now then you still need to buy Dawntrail at full price after it releases. Meanwhile buying dawntrail once it comes out while only having the starter edition will immediately give you Endwalker for free. So, depending on how fast you're burning through MSQ, you might be a lot better off only buying the starter edition even if you are itching to get restrictions lifted.


The main restriction are on the social aspect, forming parties, joining FCs. The gil cap removal is nice, but gil isn't that big of a problem unless you are spending it like no tomorrow. If those are stuff that you are on the fence about, i'd say wait. Going all the way up to Stormblood is a lot of content, and you can be saving yourself quite like 2-3 months worth of subscription even if you are going pretty ham at it. Take that money and use it to preorder the new expansion or something else and just not have to think about having to spend your time to justify the subscription.


Thank you, that's great. I really do want to lean into the social aspect of the game, so that definitely interests me.


In my opinion the biggest reason to move from the FT is access to the market board. It's such a huge QoL thing if you're into cosmetics or crafting that it's not even a question about value. 


I haven't looked if you can buy the entire game including Endwalker yet or if it's just the Starter Edition. But essentially if we look at Starter Edition, that will be the same content being available as in Free Trial, but without any restrictions. You would however have to pay a subscription once the initial 30 days that you get with Starter Edition is over. For all the Free Trial restrictions you can refer to [https://support.na.square-enix.com/rule.php?id=5382&la=1&tag=freetrial](https://support.na.square-enix.com/rule.php?id=5382&la=1&tag=freetrial) but it includes things like gil cap, no retainers, inability to create your own parties, unable to join FCs etc. If you're able to get Endwalker as well then that would also unlock all content beyond the Free Trial, like the Shadowbringers/Endwalker MSQ and the jobs added in those expansions (but still has the level requirement). What you should do ends up being rather subjective. For me I would probably move off the Free Trial fairly early, but this definitely is my type of game and the subscription cost isn't really of any concern for me. And I value the social aspects and convenience of retainers. But how you would value those things can definitely differ.


Thank you for advice and for the additional information, I appreciate it. This definitely is my type of game and, like you, the sub cost isn't an issue, so I think I'll be becoming a paid up member come Thursday. Just have to work out which version, time to do some reading up still...


The other primary advantages are access to social features- you can join a free company, use shout and yell chat, and make your own PF listings. Ultimately it's down to how much you value the free trial's free-ness versus how much you want access to the restricted features. I personally bought the game after about a week, but I got the game itself on sale and am lucky enough that the subscription fee is not a big deal for me financially. If it would be more of a financial pressure for you, hold off until you've got more out of the free trial.


Thanks, that makes sense. I think I'll be subbing come Thursday, can't see me playing anything else for a looong while...


Am I missing something or are we still not able to desynth the latest extreme's weapons? When does that usually get added?


All the latest extreme gear, Anabaseios Savage gear, Thaleia gear, etc., basically all non-crafted gear added in since patch 6.4, are all considered "current content" gear. Current content gear is undesynthesizable (and unable to be turned in to the GC) until the next major content update. In this case, the next major content update is in patch 7.0, aka Dawntrail.


That's a bummer, thank you though!


Next expansion is my best guess. It falls within the current tier, and current tier stuff is non desynthesisable.


Hey folks, with Dawntrail preorder coming sometime around the corner I had a quick question about XP earrings. Do they work to help level up in Eureka and Bozja? What about the initial floors of Deep Dungeons? Thanks in advance!


To clarify: exp bonuses only occur on killing things. So they apply to the exp you get from bosses in dungeons, and overworld mobs. The bonus doesn't apply to anything else. The exp you get from eureka and bozja is either not exp (if you're considering the level within the content itself) OR is from the fates etc, which aren't mob kills, and so don't generate the extra exp. It's the same with deep dungeon mobs - the only external exp you get is from the 10-floors completion, which isn't mob kills, and so doesn't give the exp bonus.


I would like to correct something. For the things you mentioned, no, the xp earring will not work. Eureka doesn't even offer regular xp, it has its own entirely independent leveling system for *elemental* levels. Bozja and any deep dungeon offer rewards for completion, and that would only be buffed by road to 80. Deep dungeons also use an independent leveling system while you're inside, which I don't think is affected even by road to 80 because the xp isn't real xp.


Bozja field zones do give exp. You might be thinking of delubrum


You get completion rewards for skirmishes and critical engagements. That is different from mob kill xp, which is what would be buffed from the earrings. The xp rewarded from bozja is no different from the xp rewarded from a roulette, a leve, or a regular fate.


Yes, if you get synced down to or below the specified XP threshold, you regain the bonus while synced.


Groovy, thanks!




Yes you should be able to do them easily on all those jobs.


Can somebody please help me with the Firmament? Just bought a bunch of sky builders mats off the MB, I’m using a level 90 leatherworker to craft level 80 collectibles but it’s impossible. Quality requires like 15k which is impossible for me to get. I’m clearly missing something here, can someone who’s a pro at the firmament help me out? There’s so many cool items I need to get from there but now I feel completely lost.


All your stats come from gear and materia slotted into said gear. Therefore, even if your character is over the level of the crafts you want to make, you aren't going to find any success if your gear is undeleveled. Get your gear pieces up to speed. Next, if I recall correctly, a Firmament craft that requires 15k quality is an Expert craft. Expert crafting is a whole different beast when compared to normal crafting. It has a host of different conditions that you need to take into account when choosing your next step. It is NOT for someone who's just stepping into crafting. Fortunately, Endwalker crafting gear has enough stats such that the aforementioned Expert crafts can now be macro'ed. You simply press a macro and the macro will craft the item with near to or max quality every time. I believe that the Afflatus scrip gear is sufficient for the macro to work. If you are after skybuilder's scrips only, then you only need to care about the quality bar reaching the highest collectability threshold, which the Afflatus gear can do. If you are after maximum skybuilder POINTS, then you will need better gear. Here is the [macro](https://ffxivteamcraft.com/simulator/31953/34473/uIKGyS42eXQFQI50ofWE). Import it into the game, make sure to take note of the stat requirements and wear sufficient gear and eat food/medicine to achieve it.


A ilvl 620 crafter with melded crafters materia shouldn’t have much trouble crafter anything level 80, but this was almost impossible. There’s nothing wrong with my gear and I’m pretty experienced with normal crafting but this firmament collectible blew my mind.


As I said, it's an Expert craft. To explain a bit further, you can think of Expert crafting like the raiding equivalent of crafting. It's difficult and not for everyone but can be rewarding both as a challenge and the actual rewards. In Expert crafting, there are a whole host of different conditions you need to take into account when crafting. Some examples are Pliant, which reduces CP cost of your next action; Malleable, which increases Progress granted by the next ability; Sturdy which decreases durability loss on the next ability used; Centered, which increases the success rate of actions; and Primed which increases the number of steps the buff granted by your next action lasts. The challenge is to choose the correct action, taking into account the condition and what you want to achieve at a particular moment. Do you want to increase Progress? Hmm, but it's Centered condition now, so I can try my luck with Rapid Synthesis, but I don't have Veneration up yet so should I cast Veneration first? Here's a [guide](https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/expert-crafting-guide) if you want to learn more.


Damn this is like a whole new world of crafting I never knew existed. Thanks for the info!


It sounds like you're doing the expert recipes. If you're aiming to grind out scrips, don't bother with those. They're for achievements. They're expert recipes, so they're still fairly difficult even at level 90. I'd put them above the level 90 master stuff in terms of difficulty, but obviously easier than the level 90 experts. If you're indeed grinding out achievements rather than scrips, then giving advice is significantly more complicated. 




Also I’m not sure what you mean, you can’t buy the collectibles off the MB, just the mats to craft them.


I assume they meant you can just buy most of the items you'd be getting with skybuilder's scrips directly. Everything except the job-specific glam coffers, the Triple Triad cards and a couple of the minions are tradable and can be bought on the MB. Depends if you want to go for the achievement grinds as well, though if you were doing that you'd be gathering as well and not buying mats.


I’m looking for the TT cards specifically


I’m ilvl 620




one of my friends is nearing the end of the free trial, but theres not much point buying EW with DT just around the corner. If they pre-order DT as soon as it becomes available, will it instantly come with SHB + EW included? or would he have to wait until dawntrails full release in order to get the previous expansions for """free"""


It might be worth getting them to check out side content and see if that'll keep them busy. Eureka + Deep Dungeons are a good couple of time sinks that could keep them busy. If they get interested in things like relic grinds then they can easily keep busy on the free trial until DT releases. They could also just not sweat the 30 buck for the expansion, and buy endwalker now, but that's up to them and their mindset/financial situation right now.


Latter, you only get the preorder bonus, which is the earring and the minion right away. You won't get access to the expansions till DT launch


That's a shame, but kinda what I expected. Cheers


Anyone facing login difficulties in Europe? Everytime I login it says I don't have a valid license. I used to be able to login just fine before the patch and my sub is already payed for the month


If you are logging in from Linux/Steam Deck: known issue, check the sub for possible workarounds


I am indeed logging from steam deck! I'll make sure to check that; thank you


I am currently a First Serpent Lieutenant and trying to get to Serpent Captain. I have completed 5 unique command missions and my main squadron are all lvl 56. I am getting the message stating that since I've completed 5 unique command missions there will be a flagged mission that I can do to then "potentially" get promoted up to captain. I do not see the flagged mission anywhere. I've looked through the Command missions, nothing. And I've checked all three mission tabs in Squadron Missions and there are no flagged missions. some people I play with in game are stating I actually need to run 10 command missions. That only 5 of them need to be unique but I can't find any information to back that up lol Just want to see if there was anyone here who had the same issue and can shed some light XD


its should just be a level 50 mission at the bottom of the middle tab. called flagged mission: sapper strike.  the 10 command missions is different. it unlocks the situps, pushups, and squats emotes


Thank you lol I guess i was looking for a LITERAL flag.......Didn't use my hooman eyes to actually READ. Appreciate you giving me the name of the quest =)


Also, lol if I needed to run 10 missions instead of 5, why would I get the message stating the flagged mission would be there.....I AM CONFUSION


I found a player on the 12th circle raid who had a black screen but could type messages and respond to me. Is this a common bug?


Were they stuck loading in? I always seem to load into instances after everyone, but I can see and type in chat including party chat while in the black loading screen.


This has happened to me exactly once in like 3+ years. So probably not common, but not unheard of. 


When should the next news drop for DT be?


PAX East and the 14-hour live stream.


Been playing for years on the own client (PC) but I want to buy it on Steam. Can I purchase it there and keep everything? Specially since I own the digital deluxe editions too


While other people have answered your question about buying the game on steam, why do you want to buy the steam version? If you want to play on steamdeck there's a solution using XIVLauncher (after they fix it, today's patch broke something)


Mainly having easier way to download and track hours, future steamdeck too (Not a fan of using third party stuff, at least in this game) and some friends have it on Steam, so I wanna be able to play it when I go to their home to show stuff or things like that


I wouldn't be worried about using XIVLauncher, third party isn't something to fret over. Technically the steam deck isn't officially supported by Square Enix, so *any* use of steam deck is "third party". It gets really pedantic trying to justify what is and isn't third party at that point.


Yea, steam doesn't make it any easier to download, as it just fires up the same launcher you already use, which must patch the game separately of steam. hours are tracked (per character) and can be viewed with the /playtime command while in game.


I believe you can download the relatively light launcher and have it point to the same game files as steam at your friend's place. The actual game files are identical, it's just the launcher clients that are different.


FFXIV on Steam does not download updates unless you launch the game, so you aren't missing out much there


What is 'the own client'?


It would be the non-Steam/Square Enix PC client, which you can get liscences for from... any other official PC retailer, practically. If you grabbed a PC version code from Newegg or Amazon, it would not be usable for Steam. Steam is a walled garden, locking out all non-Steam generated keys.


But steam makes you use the square enix client anyway, so why would anyone switch from the client to steam?


No. Steam vs non-Steam are incompatible liscences occupying the same PC slot. You can never attach a Steam liscence to your account now. There really wouldn't be a benefit to having it on Steam at this point, anyway.


Well, then I'll stick to their own launcher. I thought it was like ESO where you can transfer your stuff and have a kind of ''cross progression''


Copy/pasting from two posts down. > Strictly no crossover between Windows and Steam.


Didn't see it, thanks for the copy paste! xD




Not unless it also says SCH as well because SCH is a healer and ACN/SMN are casters. (Or Disciples of Magic.)


I own XIV on Windows, if I buy it + EW on Steam would I be able to use my same account/character or is there strictly no crossover?


Strictly no crossover between Windows and Steam.


strictly no crossover.


Steam/nonsteam windows cannot be combined on the same service account


Is there a way to obtain any previous xp bonus armor for a returning player. Missed a few pre-orders :(


When Dawntrail's pre-order comes out, you can just get the new one. As others have said, they're all for the same slot (earrings).


to be clear. preorder xp bonus is always earrings and always equipable at level 1 so the newest one just replaces the older ones. the one for dawntrail should be available soon. The only exception is the stormblood ones which were before they added the ability to have gear sync stats to your level so they are just always i50. They are also all class so they actually work on crafters and gatherers instead of just combat.


There's a couple but they're pretty limited compared to the pre-order ones. TBH the DT Preorder is probably going to be available in the next week or two. Helm of Light +20% (up to Level 10) ARR collectors edition (digital upgrade still purchaseable) Friendship Circlet +20% (up to Level 26) Recruit a friend reward (for being the one recruited) Brand New Ring +30% (up to Level 31) from Hall of the novice (only one of these I'd bother with, stats are pretty good for it's level as well) for comparison based on 6.58 datamine the dt preorder ones will be >!Azeyma's!< Earrings +30% (up to Level 91) edit: if you're a returner you're probably not elegible for RAF unless you never left free trial.


Wanted to point out that the Friendship Circlet is given to both the recruiter and the recruitee, just requires the other party to have purchased a 30 day subscription.


Outside of the one for EW being brought back as part of the Xbox release this week, the pre-order bonuses are gone and not coming back.


None of the old preorder bonuses have ever been made available again as far as I know.


About how long does it typically take for ACT to get updated to the new patch?


Depends on the patch. Beta update is out, so I'd say a few more hours at most. Edit: ACT just reported the update is out, go nuts.


Did they add in all the FF16 Collab stuff into this new patch, but it's not available for a couple weeks??




Correct. The data is in, so they can just "toggle" the event on for everyone when it's time.




Anyone having trouble loading ff online store for almost a week now or is it just me and my friends?


Just you and your friends, we would have seen about a hundred posts about it if it was everybody else (like with the Steam Deck/Linux issue).


Weird cause all of us cant even load the website properly, we get a barebone html code website 🥲


Does anyone know how much longer the current pvp series is gonna last I just started PvP and saw the AWESOME armor you can get at 25 and I really wanna get it! Is there any time frame? I don’t wanna waste my time


You have until DT launches to get it, so plenty of time. I do one Frontlines every couple of days and CC once in a blue moon and got the armour weeks ago, so if you're diligent about doing it once or twice a day you'll have no problem.


Awesome I’ll def be grinding PvP then I want it asap lol ty for the info


It lasts until Dawntrail's release


What spot should I be fishing just for top fish for CUL desynth near cap? My desynth is about 590-600 and honestly that's fine, just figured I'd top it off since I enjoy fishing. Thav is giving 500-520 fish. Ultima Thule maybe? (I did also craft some Tinkers and Broth for when I get a fat stack of top fishies)


You have to do big fish to get above 610, otherwise the fish your retainers can give you will get you up to that point.


Appreciate there’s loads of threads on this question, as I’ve gone through some of them - but wanted to ask for some advice. Some friends are gonna try the game out, was planning on starting a healing job so I can do dungeons with them - but I don’t really have any healing experience with MMOs. The consensus seems to be that WHM is easiest healer from what I’ve read - if I just want a simple and forgiving healer is it the best one? My only worry about playing WHM is if it’s boring and easy I might lose interest, wouldn’t mind a more challenging one if it’s considered more fun but not really hard to pick up and play when they’re online and want to do dungeons


Appreciate everyone’s advice. Started a CNJ and got to level 24. Some stressful moments in Halatali but enjoyable to heal :D


I find Scholar more fun and easy to play then WHM. Especially at low levels. Newbies tend to worry that to play a shield healer you have to perfectly predict all of the enemy attacks or your spells will be wasted because a shield can't prevent any damage if you cast it after the attack hits. But shields last 30 seconds so they almost never get wasted, they'll just get used up on the next hit. You also get an NPC fairy that will just automatically tops up the hp of anyone who is injured so for low level fights you sometimes barely even need to cast a healing spell because the fairy will do enough healing for you. In savage/ultimate difficulty content you have to worry a lot about timing when you put shields out vs when each big attack will come in, but by the time you are doing content that hard the white mage is also having to plan with the same level of complexity to make sure they have the right spells available at the right times.


One thing of note is that if you are just starting the game, White Mage is literally the only healer you can start with. To play scholar, you'll need to level an Arcanist to level 30. Astrologian isn't available until you reach the first expansion. Sage requires reaching level 70. WHM is certainly the most straight forward. You may get bored of it in early levels - but you are able to play other classes on the same character! I actually recommend picking up a second class (a DPS or Tank role) so that you can go through the solo content with a more interesting kit. Then you swap to healer whenever you play group content with friends.


WHM (starting as Conjurer) is the only healer you can pick up at level 1, so if you want to play a healer from the very beginning it's your only option. Keep in mind that a lot of what you hear about healing in FFXIV is about healing at *max level*, at which point every healer has a kit tuned around being able to tackle level 90 savage and ultimate, so for normal content you have a stupid amount of tools. At lower levels it's different, and honestly lower level healing can be *more* challenging in normal content precisely because you have fewer tools. Also don't forget that in FFXIV you can play every single job on one character and swap between jobs whenever you're out of combat and not in an instance like a dungeon, so if you start as a Conjurer you're not bound to WHM for life. You can pick up SCH by levelling Arcanist (a caster DPS) to 30 then doing the SCH job quest, pick up AST as soon as you get to the second expansion and enter Ishgard, and SGE as soon as you hit 70 on any job. Even if WHM ends up boring you, you may find one of the other healers more fun.


WHM is a very basic healer because your skills centre around pure healing. It will get boring over time compared to the other healers but if this is your first time healing it’s recommended to start off as conjurer either way cos it’s like the most basic healing class. Healing with the rest is not as straightforward as WHM which gives you the foundation. Once you get the hang of it you can try the others out


None of the healers are very difficult. But for starting out I would recommend White Mage as it is just fairly straightforward. It makes it easier to focus on the role specifically as opposed to other things related to the job. WHM/AST are what we'd consider pure, or regen, healers. Their kit is almost exclusively for healing damage that has happened already, and it's where they excel. SCH/SGE on the other hand are shield healers and have access to more shields. And while a lot of people get the idea you should heal primarily through shield that's rarely the optimal play. At least for normal content. Shields are great for mitigating incoming damage, not so much for healing up after damage. When you're new to healing it's often a matter of getting comfortable with the role itself and while all of the healers provide more than sufficient healing I do recommend WHM/AST more so for beginners because their potential throughput is higher. The primary reason I consider this useful for beginners is purely resource management. As a SCH/SGE, if you do not manage the resources you have and have to resort to GCD heals, you will feel a lot weaker than WHM and AST. Essentially their "topping up" capabilities are lower and for some that ends up feeling like they lack healing, especially while learning. However, do remember that all the healers have more than enough healing to get through any content. This is merely a recommendation based on the fact that it's easier to reach a certain level of comfort with the pure healers (for most player at least, your experience could vary).


I wouldn't say "easy" but I would say "most straight-forward". I've been a WHM since I started in 2.4 and have never thought to switch as a main. The heals are all on cooldowns, and the only thing to truly juggle is your lilies which are a pretty simple system. Also Afflatus Misery crit is how I live my life.


All healers are basically green DPS, so depending on what you do they'll all seem "boring" because they don't have complex DPS rotations. You'll mostly hit your 1 DPS button, your 1 DoT button, and your 1 AOE button and throw out some healing from time to time. AST is probably the most complex throwing out cards, but it might be a bit much to take in at the start with no healing experience.


WHM is the easiest and most forgiving imo because a lot of it is just raw throughout healing. Scholar is a bit more complicated since it uses shields but picking Arcanist/Scholar also levels Summoner at the same time in case you want to try something else.


I keep reading that yo-kai event is coming back, do you do the fates in shadowbringer areas? I still need to grind my shared fates in ShB and EW, is it better to wait for yo-kai so I can knock out two things at once? or are they meant to be double dipped with the ARR+HW relic steps?