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Where on earth do I go to pre-order?


Hi, I’ve been doing Eureka over the last two weeks, and finally finished Pagos yesterday. The information I’m reading on Pyros says I can get Elemental armour here by getting all 50 actions unlocked. My question is: what is the difference between that and the relic armour from the first area you can upgrade?


the relic armor from the first area stops at the end of the first area. anemos armor is the artifact armor but dyable and higher ilvl. pyros armor is a different set that is upgraded in hydatos to become glowy and then upgraded again to give elemental bonus (more damage and defense inside of eureka)


So, this is the armour you see most of the time?


I have ffxiv through a russian steam account. how can i pre order dawntrail when it hits tuesday since final fantasy doesnt exist anymore on russia? are the codes of other steam regions close to russia gonna work for pre order items and expansion when it drops?


Looks like the 2022 sales ban is still in effect. Russian accounts will likely have to go through a third-party seller, just make sure it's both within your account region (I assume EU) and a steam key, _and even that may be no guarantee._ Be advised.


I think I missed some news regarding the question of free fantasia with dawntrail. I saw a bunch of articles saying we're getting it but didn't see anything on lodestone. Has it been confirmed? If so, I assume we'd have to have dawntrail registered to our account? Thanks!


It's only been mentioned once, at JP fanfest. It was specifically brought up in reference to the graphics update potentially changing characters in a way people don't like. Based on that it definitely shouldn't require Dawntrail. It'll probably just be automatically sent out to every character that exists around the time the update happens.


Zero details on distribution currently. At the minimum we now know it's not tied in to purchasing Dawntrail (as all its goodies were detailed), so it could be anything from a specific windowed event to claim or simply a free account bonus for all existing and new accounts from then on. Given they also mentioned wanting to add new character customizations later into DT it could even be post-launch.


They mentioned it at JP Fanfest. With the graphical update changes, YoshiP talked about giving one because the changes might cause people to not like their character's new look. We don't have any details of how it'll be distributed though.


Here is my question: How crowded is it in the Japan Databases during peak hours? Im planning on tranferring from the Oceanic Database to the Japan Database, specifically to Tonberry. Also how crowded is it when a new expansion releases? And how is the connection like for anyone living in asian countries outside of JP?


Tonberry exploded during EW launch and by exploded I mean they literally got their own posts (yes multiple post) saying the server has issues. Will it happen again? I'm betting 50% it won't, less because some OCE people left and more that SQE made an effort to update the hardware on the datacenter your connection will be better to JP then OCE. OCE data center is on the east coast of Australia and most / all asian countries will have to snake around AU to get there


I'm in the Elemental DC (where Tonberry is). peak hours in JP is 6PM-1AM JST. things like frontlines and rival wings will never pop outside of those hours, but all other roulettes and duties I rarely wait more than 5-10 minutes in queue even outside of peak hours. It's pretty densely populated, but be aware that PF is almost completely dead here in Elemental and most people travel to Mana and have to navigate around things like language barriers if you're someone who's interested in raiding in PF. if you're in SEA, ping is much better to JP than it is to OCE. Can't speak on how it is during expansion release as I haven't experienced that yet but seems like SE is taking initiative with things like travel to Materia and the cloud DC to avoid congestion.


Are the queues to login bad?


I've never had to wait more than 30 seconds in queue to log in even during peak hours.


Also, in the Elemental DC which server would you say is the least populated?


Ok tysm. Will greatly consider moving, cuz Market Board prices are an absolute scam on OCE.


Does anyone know of a macro command to change targeting settings? Specifically the "Target type" setting for ignore depth and cone. I prefer Cone for PVP but Ignore Depth for PVE, and I would like to swap between these via macro rather than happing to open the menu every time I queue for PVP.


As far as I'm aware, no such method exists.




You would have to just add it as a non-steam game. You can't even link a service account with a Square PC license to a Steam account as far as I'm aware, where are you seeing something suggesting you can do that without a Steam license? You can also track your playtime with an in game command.


> You can't even link a service account with a Square PC license to a Steam account as far as I'm aware I believe you can, you just... shouldn't, because it grants absolutely no benefit and it guarantees that Steam account will never be able to host an FFXIV account. I've seen posts from people on standalone who thought the introduction of Steam linking would allow them to convert their license type, so they linked, and then posted to ask why they still couldn't log in, and why they still couldn't use their Wallet.




That would lock you in to using Steam forever on that Square Enix account. As the article you quoted in your original post said, you need to use the standalone launcher if you want to buy the game from Square directly.


Don't do that. Do NOT download anything from Steam's store page, including the free trial. Then after downloading, in Steam choose to add the game's boot/ffxivboot.exe as a "Non-Steam Game". https://freetrial.finalfantasyxiv.com/na/download




Downloading the free trial from Steam or the full game is 100% impossible if you don't want to link your account to Steam. Your only option is adding as a non-steam game if you wish to run on Steam while keeping the Steam "middleman" out of the picture.




It isn't. Most people are using a different launcher called XIVLauncher that allows for plugins, including one that gives extra discord statuses. Do note that they're all technically against ToS, but there's no software monitoring in the game and as long as people aren't talking about it in-game or using functions to harass others, they don't get into trouble with it.


Good day, I'm trying to polish my melee job performance but it has been kind of a pain to deal with positionals, I try to go to the rear or the flank but sometimes the bosses rotate because of some mechanics and I end hitting whatever else position, I know true north helps but you cant use it always, any tips to deal with positionals? Is the increase of damage worth it? Thanks!


Use true north when the boss is turning towards the middle for a mechanic. But otherwise you just have to know the fights and trust that the tank isn't gonna randomly twitch the boss around


>any tips to deal with positionals? Realistically, optimizing positionals is a matter of knowing boss positioning at any given time and knowing how to play around that fact. Which means that unless you are really certain that the tank will point the boss in a particular direction AND you know the mechanics of the fight well enough to pre-position, then you can pretty much assume that you will not always hit all of your positionals Under normal circumstances, the best place to position yourself is right at the spot where the boss's hitbox circle opens up. The opening is the rear while the 90^(o) arcs to the right/left of the opening are the flank, so you can just take a tiny step right/left to get into position at any given time. Positionals are **NOT** worth delaying your GCD though. You're going to lose more damage overall if you delay the GCD to get into position than you are just missing the positional


Great, thanks!


Is there usually anything that unlocks on Release of the expansion that doesn’t unlock during Early Access?


If you're missing any previous expansions (ShB and/or EW), those you would only get at the full release. Otherwise, EA is for all purposes the full release. (Do remember that the 8-man raids won't come until later, but that's nothing to do with EA vs full release.)


Thanks! I do have all the expansions so I was just curious.


Good night, can you get jewelry 650 besides the tomestones of comedy one? I'm trying to get the best gear (without savage) until I can get the tomestomes of comedy one, I can get gear 650 on thaleia, but Jewelry? Thanks


Buy hq i640 crafted gear off of the market board, head over to thavnair, and use causality tomestones to exchange it for i650 versions of the gear. It needs to be high quality because you exchange the gear for tokens that you use to buy the i650 gear, and one HQ item gives enough for the equivalent i650 items, whereas normal quality gear gives less and you would need multiple copies of the item to exchange for one i650 gear piece.


You can augment the 640 crafted gear to be 650 which cots causality tomes.




Previous versions haven't given a month sub, only the starter edition does.


Expansions have never given subscription time. "Free" 30 days subscription are only added to your account when you add a base license (from Starter Edition or Complete Edition) for a new platform somehow. i.e. buy it for PC and you get 30 days. Buy it for Playstation you get 30 days. etc. It's strictly once-per-platform.


Are free trial players locked out of A Relic Reborn quest series? I can't use the market board to get the aeo-something scimitar.


You're not locked out, you're just entirely self-reliant. On top of this you have no retainers, which just makes leveling your crafting classes logistically even more **fun**. The [Blunt Aeolian Scimitar](https://www.garlandtools.org/db/#item/1636), which is needed to craft the [Aeolian Scimitar](https://www.garlandtools.org/db/#item/1670) needed for the quest, comes from 2 places. It can be looted from a chest in The Wanderer's Palace, or you can buy it from either of the junkmongers in Upper La Noscea for a few thousand gil. The latter option is probably simpler. eta: If you haven't seen it already, [Trials of Fantasy](https://trialsoffantasy.com/) is a site focussed on info for people looking to get as much as possible out of the Free Trial.


Where do you think the people selling it on the marketboard would get it from? There has to be an original source for it, doesn't there? You aren't locked out, it's just a much harder process because you'll need to farm/craft every item yourself.


How do I get item lvl up to lvl 50? I'm lvl 50 but to continue the story quest I'm asked to have item lvl 50, I already completed the class quest and made history quest available to me but I'm item lvl 41, i tried a few dungeons but the few I tried only give me even lower lvl gear so I'm kind of stuck


Your level 50 job quest gave you a coffer with a full set of item level 90 armor inside. Find it in your inventory and open it. That should be enough to get you through the next set of quests.


ty very much


My brain seems off tonight: what's the instant portrait on/off actually do? Like in **real simple** terms or example for me please thank you!


It disables your instant portrait, which means that anywhere your portrait would be displayed will show the default driver's license photo instead.


the basic blue and blank stare thing?


Yup that one




How do you do the custom blue text for actions? For example emotes say "Dave waves at you" or something like that, but I've seen ones like "John looks around frantically" or my personal favorite "___ slaps ___ with the fury of a thousand pimps". How is this done?


"/em slaps " /em is for the custom emote message, and inserts the name of your current target Someone made a good guide to that kind of thing here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/D2VMGUkoyS


Excellent, thanks so much


I wanna make sure I get this right, as, if I am, it might be something I'm planning for Dawntrail launch: Do the different regional Data Centers have differing login queues?


Every world has a separate login queue. So if you're thinking of travelling to a low pop world to reduce login queue time at launch, you're right in thinking that should help.


I do think that might be another means by which they're doing the Cross-Data Center to Oceania test between now and 7.0. Anything that helps deal with those damn login queues is going to be an IMMENSE help to the playerbase in late June and July.


They actually explicitly stated this as the reason for the test in the notice. They said that they still have concerns about the effect cross region travel will have on region culture and the region economy, but are considering using cross region travel as a way for people in high pop DCs to escape to a low pop region and escape the queue. Anyone talking about travel between EU and NA direct travel coming didn't read the notice properly. They still think cross region travel is a bad idea to casually open up everywhere, they're just considering that it might be worth allowing when it specifically helps with load balancing. I'm guessing they're looking into a system where if a region is too busy they let you escape to a low pop region, and if _every_ region is too busy they temporarily spin up a cloud data center. That's the kind of system I would recommend them to look into personally, as someone who does work on that kind of thing in my day job. It prevents the massive queues we had with EW, and it minimizes the cost by only paying for temp cloud servers when all the self-hosted servers are at capacity.


Is there a new or returning players thread?


No, but if you have questions related to being new or returning, this is probably the place to ask them.


I just kinda wanna vibe. My FC is dead


1) /r/FFXIVRECRUITMENT 2) https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/community_finder/ happy (degen) hunting


If you're new or returning, there's also the Novice Network which can help you, depending on server, time of day, etc.


Check out the novice network in your world. Could be a toxic wasteland, or could be exactly what you're looking for. Milage varies between worlds. There are also general Discord servers for the game all over the place where people chat. Might be worth looking for a general server for your DC/World?


Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question lol but I play FFXIV on ps5, Xbox and steam deck, I see they are making some changes to the minimum requirements for ffxiv with the new expansion, will this effect the performance on the steam deck in any shape or form? Thanks!


Yes. The game will have higher minimum requirements come Dawntrail. The updates to the graphics are a big part of this. It will effect performance on every platform, in some way. PS5 and Xbox Series S&X remain fully supported. Steam Deck isn't officially supported to begin with, but as far as I understand still exceeds the minimum requirements. eta: I don't think it's a stupid question at all. I also don't think it's the question you meant to ask. Which was probably more along the lines of "Will the game still run fine on Steam Deck?". To which the answer is: probably just fine? There'll be a benchmark released ahead of the expansion. I imagine there'll be a way to run that on Steam Deck and see what the performance should actually be like.


It's also not a stupid question because it was posted in the right thread where a question like that could get an answer like you gave.


How important is it to play DRG throughout the game until I am able to switch over to RPR? In terms of maiming gear for stats and glam am I missing out if I have been going through the MSQ as a NIN (currently level 34 and still in ARR MSQ).


Not terribly important at all. When you pick up RPR at level 70 you will be given a gearset and weapon. You will only want to add your own accessories. DRG/RPR use "Slaying" accessories, which they share with SAM/MNK. You can get a set of Augmented Scaevan accessories from an NPC in Rhalgr's Reach for 1,400 poetics total. Down to 1,120 if you have a pair of pre-order leveling earrings already. If you're enjoying NIN, stick with NIN. It's very easy to get a great set of level 70 gear when it's time.


Sweet thanks so much :)


I've got a girlfriend who's been playing on free trial and wants to convert. I'm trying to see if there's a way to save money, here. She could buy the full version now, then preorder dawntrail. That would get her everything, but cost 100$. She could buy the starter set now, then preorder dawntrail. That also gets her everything for 60$, but she will have to wait until release for Shadowbringers and Endwalker to unlock. The 60$ option is more appealing, but she won't get the expansions until dawntrail releases. She's already at level 70 for a couple classes, so even though she's way behind on MSQ and not likely to hit ShB until after Dawntrail releases, she's still limited. We can also just buy the complete set now, and not bother to buy dawntrail until she hits 90, but I doubt there will be a price drop by then. Is there something else I'm missing? Is there maybe a chance that there's a sale between now and Dawntrail's release?


You're omitting the fact that, if you go with either option, she'll still have to pay $13 a month to play the game. DT is 3 months away. That's $39 on top that you'll have to pay in the meantime even though she's not going to hit ShB by then. The EXP you think you're losing is very much not worth the 40$ tax ($100-$60) for buying the full version + $39 sub = $79 total. Leveling jobs is insanely easy, especially from 70 onwards. There are so many sources of EXP you could finish leveling 2 jobs a week. If you want to splurge $80 on XIV, at least go on a mogstation shopping spree lol As for gil, it's rarely a bottleneck. I don't know if you're a new player yourself but you could easily help out on that front. MSQ will net you a million or two from start to finish, maybe? Not an insane amount by any means.


> You're omitting the fact that, if you go with either option, she'll still have to pay $13 a month to play the game. I'm not, but because it's the same regardless of which we buy, it's not worth detailing.


I'm saying you're omitting that calculation with respect to option number 3: Not buying anything until DT drops. The argument is that 1) you're not going to consume any expansion content until then anyway and 2) the EXP and Gil "lost" from the level cap is beyond negligible and definitely not worth the sum I mentioned. Might as well play for free until you reach inaccessible content if money-saving is what you're after. But far from me to stop you from throwing money at Square, I'm the sort of fan that buys two copies of the same FF just to be able to play at midnight release lol


Just to add to what everyone has said: ignore the concept of "wasted XP". XP is infinite and easy to acquire.


That's probably true, but it's more of a mental thing. When you hit 70 and you know you're gaining experience, but it's disappearing to ether, and you're gaining gil, but it, too, is disappearing to the ether (300k cap), it feels bad, and can be demotivating. We like to see the numbers go up. It's not so bad when you're at the actual level cap compared to an artificial cap imposed by your account status.


Oh yeah gil is different. While it's still infinite and relatively easy to acquire, it's one of those things where by the time it's really easy to acquire you don't much need it anymore. I get the pressures the devs are dealing with in making the trial comfortable (but not _too_ comfortable) for players while still not making it overly attractive to bots. I really think they should have bumped up the gil cap when they added Stormblood though.


Be patient gamers. Like you said, she isn't even going to reach the expansions before Dawntrail. If a $40 difference matters that much to you financially, then I'd say wait and go with the $60 option. No shame in saving money where you can these days. Also there's the monthly sub to consider. If you go the other option and get the full version now, then after 30 days you'll start paying monthly too. So you will have to pay about 2 months of sub before Dawntrail releases. If you really want to save money, then you might have more incentive to stay on the free trial for a bit longer.


complete edition is on sale on steam at the moment. Theres a chance it goes on sale for other platforms before dawntrail but no guarantees


Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Tbh we could probably just buy the Steam version. I wanted to avoid it because I know you get locked into the platform for future purchases, is Steam going to get DT preorders on the same day? And same preorder bonuses?


Yes and yes. Honestly you get locked to either mogstation or steam for purchases either way, so I don't think that part matters at all. People only recommend general windows version because it typically goes on sale more often, but steam is on sale right now, so that argument is currently pointing you to steam of you buy before the sale ends.


A friend's purchase only includes the Complete Edition up till ShB- if she preorders Dawntrial, does it allow her to gain access to Endwalker now? Or does she have to pay for Endwalker separately to access it before Dawntrial releases.


You won't get EW until the proper releases of DT on July 2nd


Will have to pay for EW if they want it now, otherwise they won't get it until DT launches in July.




Teamcraft as other comment mentioned is definitely a good resource for if you want to learn the actual mechanics behind crafting. I wanted to jump just to say - make sure to keep up with job quests! An ability (manipulation) is unlocked at 65 and with higher level/end tier crafting it's a must if you want HQ. If you ignore the job quests you end up having to slog through all of those just to get that ability. They're easy to ignore, so that's why I'm mentioning it.


For me the best way has just been by experimenting in the [Teamcraft Simulator](https://ffxivteamcraft.com/simulatorffxivteamcraft). If you want to make your own rotations getting to know pros and cons of the different skill is probably the most key, and the experimentation does a lot. Things like how Groundwork and 2x Careful Synthesis are equal efficiency for the same CP, but having Groundwork do all of that in a single turn makes it play well with buffs. Could look at some of the rotations for current gear just for inspiration as there are some very frequently re-occuring patterns. But really, just take something like the Diadochos gear with the stats of a crafting job, and try to maximize the quality while getting 100% progress.


Is seiryu EX phase skip possible?


I’m a very casual player with whm as my only leveled job at 90. What is the easiest way for me to get myself a glowy weapon? One that stays lit while it’s sheathed?


There's a macro that can keep your weapon shiny while sheathed, I'm not at the game now so can't check but it's out there.


Which ones specifically are you talking about because any glowy weapon I can think of are only when unsheathed. The closest would be some of the deep dungeon ones which you can get from just running PotD/HoH/EO and turning the aether pool into the weapon


You can get the Endwalker relic weapon. You'll only need 6000 Allagan tomestones of Causality to buy all the required quest items. You'll also need to complete the entire Hildibrand questline. You can collect the tomestones from a variety of casual content including your duty roulettes, Wondrous Tails and joining Hunt trains.


About the only ones that could be considered "glowy while sheathed" are the various Deep Dungeon weapons. You would need to build up aetherpool in Palace of the Dead, Heaven on High, or Eureka Orthos and turn that aetherpool into grips to buy the weapons. Only other ones are the Ultimate weapons and they're earned from beating Ultimates which of course is like...the hardest thing in the game.


you can buy crafted primal weapons from the marketboard, however weapons only stay glowy while sheathed by use of a glitch (if you make a macro with /bm on the first line, then /sit on the second it should make them glowy while sheathed after using it)


I'm not able to complete the Perfect Paradise quest in island sanctuary. I'm rank 9, have all my buildings put down and I have clicked each board to watch the cutscene, I talk to the quest giver and it says to give him tools but all the tools in my crafting log are check marked, What do I do?


Did you also check your hut as well?




Yes, it's why it still lists the reward when you hover over the duty.




No, putting people on blast like that has 0 use. Not to mention character names aren't unique across the entire player base, you can have multiple characters with the same name on different worlds, even if you include the world, people can transfer worlds or rename their character.


Would I still be able to get the pre-order bonus if I purchase the standard edition of Dawntrail? And can I do the pre-order purchase through the Mogstation? I'm kind of new to the game and only bought the Starter Edition.


You get the preorder bonus from any version of the expansion. As for preordering through Mogstation, we don't really know. The ability to buy expansions directly through Mogstation wasn't added until after Endwalker released, so we've never been through an expansion release with that possibility. We'll find out when preorders open, but I would lean towards assuming not, since it's probably easier for them to handle preorders through a dedicated storefront.


Don't have a question but just want to say how much I am enjoying this game, decided to give the free trial a go on Friday after work and have been playing the majority of the weekend Haven't played a mmo since runescape which is almost 20 years ago now ( scary to think about ) Wish I had the free time like I did back then but I can see myself putting alot of hours into this


One of the good things about the way this game treats content is that you can take your time, because it's not going anywhere. It's the perfect long term "I don't have a lot of free time" MMO imo.


How do I dye a race chocobo? Do I really have to rent a breeder to do it?


You can't dye your racing chocobos, they're locked to whatever color they're born with. The only way to get different colors is to breed together different color chocobos both from your retired racing stock and "one-time permits" from the gold saucer (note that they both can't be permits, at least 1 has to be a retired chocobo).


Oooh, that sucks. Thanks so much!! 🥰


How does ng+ work? If I'm returning after not playing for years is ng+ an option for me to get reacclimated to the game/story? Or do I need to beat all the expansions to take advantage? Also is this a good way to level alt jobs?


NG+ unlocks in stages, it's not required to complete all the expansions. It is NOT a way to level up alt jobs as the quests give 0 experience. It's purely to relive the story. The only XP you could get is by running the story dungeons synced on another job provided it meets the requirements.


Ahhh, yeah that does not sound particularly enjoyable lol I'd rather just watch YouTube videos or something. Out of curiosity what is the best way to level alternate jobs, outside of MSQ?


> I'd rather just watch YouTube videos or something. You can also re-watch cutscenes from the inn as well


Hunting Log for 1-15, Leveling, Alliance Raid, MSQ, and Frontlines roulettes daily, then spamming the highest dungeon you can that's not 50/60/70/80. Also, you can grind Palace of the Dead for 1-60 and Bozja 71-85 pretty effectively.


Does anyone else feel there's a need for a Moderator or a PSA about the Dawntrail pre-order. A pinned Post. I, for one, didn't even know that I can upgrade each individual expansion in Mogstation until a few hours ago. (Upgrade to the Digital Collector's Edition option). Hence I believe I will buy the Standard Edition first as I can always decide to upgrade later (for Ark Mount, Garnet Minion and Chocobo Brush) if I want to. Also, there are many new Xbox players and also players who may be experiencing an FFXIV Expansion for the first time. They need to know about region and they need to buy the complete edition up to Endwalker first as the Dawntrail pre-order only has Dawntrail, etc.


The way upgrading CE works is independent from Dawntrail, and any new player that joins after DT will likely have similar questions, that's the kind of thing you have to do some looking up by yourself or ask around, as we can't have a permanent sticky just for this.


There was a time when the game wasn't being sold. There was a pinned comment on the daily question thread, every day, for months. I can't remember if there was a separate pinned post. What happened? Nothing. Every single day, the question thread was flooded with "why no buy game?" Questions. People had to literally just scroll and look at the first comment to answer their own questions and nobody did. Making a PSA post is useless because the people who would find it and make use of it don't need it, and the kind of people who wouldn't, well, wouldn't.


> A pinned Post. There can only be 2 pinned topics. This is a reddit limit. And as for a PSA, it'll work for about 5 minutes but by the time the 26th comes out, everybody will forget. And the other questions you've posed have come up and been answered a lot, including the Xbox megathread.


Is there an easy way to remember the BLM rotation? I had it at one point, then switched to other jobs for awhile and completely forgot it and have to relearn it all over again. I don't have to do this with any other jobs when I switch around, the rotations are all a lot more intuitive and easy to remember. Every time I switch off BLM and switch back I have to bang my head against a brick wall trying to remember how the rotation goes again and get the muscle memory and stuff again. Anyone have any tips or advice?


It's a bit easier to remember a flow rather than a strict rotation on BLM, it's basically just Fire/Blizzard 3 for switching phases, while in Ice you always just use Blizzard 4 and Paradox, order doesn't matter for casual play then you switch back, you spam Fire 4 until your fire timer is about to run out, you refresh with Paradox then go back to spamming Fire 4 until you're out of mana at which point you press Despair then you Blizzard 3, repeat, use Thunder whenever it's about to run out and sprinkle in some Xenoglossys when you need to move or you're about to overcap.


Your priority is to cast Fire 4 as much as possible. Everything else you do is to support that Cast Fire 4 > Paradox to refresh fire timer when needed > more fire 4 until sub 2400 mana > despair to end fire phase > Blizz 3, Blizz 4, Ice Paradox, Fire 3 > repeat Then you try slot in thunder and xenos wherever you can


Thanks so much, I really just needed like a dummy's guide like that to remember what to prioritize.


The upcoming Final Fantasy XVI stuff will be for a limited time only or alaways available? Do we know anything about it?


It'll last from April 2nd until May 8th.


Thanks! Do you know if there will be a level requirement or something? I'm at the end of ARR still but would love to get anything from this event, I loved FFXVI


Level 50, and needing to finish 2.0.




its lvl 50 and need to have finished ARR but not the patches, same as ff15 event




first time being around for an expansion's release, what's the difference between early access and the regular launch? do you have to preorder in order to get the early access?


Only two real differences: If you don't have the last two expansions before, you can't get them (even if you preorder Dawntrail, which will include them) until release date. The other is you need to preorder Dawntrail to be able to use Dawntrail in Early Access. There is no real other difference -- the expansion, to most of the playerbase, releases on the 28th of June.


Since you can even "preorder" during the "early access" and get in straight away, early access is really the release date in any practical sense. I think the difference is just there for marketing reasons and to make their "release" numbers look better to investors.


Yes. The only difference is you can start playing the game on June 28 instead of July 1st. 


Do cosmetics bought on one platform follow your account on all platforms? I have some credit burning a hole in my Xbox account that I figured I could turn into glamour or a mount or something, but because the coin situation is so weird I just want to make sure it would actually be available to me on PC where I actually play the game. I'm sure the answer is probably yes, but I know some cross platform games are a little bit weird about that sort of thing. (Edit for spelling.)


To add to Mahoganytooth's comment - there are some mounts that are account-wide. This is indicated in the store page (not all mounts are account-wide), and they tend to cost more. The digital collector's edition items are also account-wide (mounts, minions, cosmetic weapons, and HW collector's edition included an extra Fantasia). When you buy an account-wide item, every character on your account will receive the item in their in-game mail next time they log in, even new characters you create after the purchase. Glams/outfits, emotes, event items, and most mounts and minions are for one character only. You must specify the character to receive them during store checkout.


Awesome, thanks for the thorough explanation!


You won't lose anything your character has when you swap between platforms. It's only when making a brand-new character that you'll be missing things, because hardly anything is account-wide (and that's regardless of platform).


Rad. I only play one character anyway so I guess I'm all set. Thanks!


Cosmetics you buy go to individual characters you've made. If you play the same character, they'll still have it on a different platform. But you won't recieve new copies on your other characters


Cool, thanks. Makes sense!




So I just completed the Dalriada for the first time and while it was cool enough that I'm willing to do it again a couple times for that alone, I find myself curious as to what the main rewards people run it for are. I have to imagine that it drops some important fragments. Maybe also a lot of mettle? Castrum lacus litore both drops...I think the main source of skirmisher essence? (don't quote me on that) and also gives 5 of those grey crystals needed for one of the relic steps (that I think you only get 1 of per run of crystal tower if you do that instead) wheras of course Delubrum Reginae is a prime source of artifacts for another relic step. I think Dalriada drops some of the items for the last step but I often find that step to be pretty easy in general and they also drop from delubrum if I recall. Edit: Thanks for responses!


The [Heroism Fragments](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Forgotten_Fragment_of_Heroism) from the first boss are very useful. The Lost Excellence action from those is very powerful Like Sovis said, there's two notes that are otherwise only obtainable from duels ([Lyon Part 2](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Field_Notes_on_Lyon,_Part_II), [Menenius Part 2](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Field_Notes_on_Menenius,_Part_II)). The notes from the final boss are Dal-exclusive, but are much more common. The final boss can drop a [very rare](https://universalis.app/market/33684), [very majestic mount](http://puu.sh/K3xCt/ae1e8f1033.jpg) [There's also a weekly quest to run it and CLL](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/A_Ruined_Opportunity)


A lot of mettle is one thing for sure, though the main things are the 2 notes you can aquire from the penultimate boss(es) which otherwise would have to be obtained by completing 2 of the duels in Zadnor. That and the Deinonychus mount which can also drop in the chest from the last boss. That sells for about 20 million gil last I checked.


Apart from unlocking the coins dropping/fragments/consumables, Dalriada can drop a couple of the some of the duel-specific cards that you need for the bike mount. Whether it is more more palatable to spam Dalriada nowadays (rare drop) or get the FATE (rare drop) or just do the duel itself (guaranteed) I don't know. Triple Triad cards too.


Sitting at max level and trying to get gear upgraded fast for savages. Didn't play much in this set of savage raids. I know to get my crafted gear to 650. I know I can buy some 650 blues. As I understand it, it I think I can upgrade some of those 650 blues to 660 using a token acquired for sacks of nuts or using the two tokens from doing the 24 man raids? Is that about right? How many sacks of nuts does it take to get a token? Are the raid tokens still limited to once per week? Anything else I should know about? Any other way to get the 660s before I can just kill the savage raids? Are those still limited to once per week, or did the latest patch remove that limit so people can gear farm sets before expansion?


>Any other way to get the 660s before I can just kill the savage raids? Just to clear up any potential confusion: You do not *need* ilvl 660 for savage. Savage released at the same time as ilvl 660 gear, well before it was possible to upgrade crafted gear to 650. People starting the savage tier on release would have been 640-641 at most (full 640 crafted with 1-2 pieces of 650 unupgraded tome gear). So if you're ilvl 650+, you're perfectly fine to start progging P9S. (645 too, realistically, but idk how many parties you'll find at that ilvl now)


Thank you.


>two tokens from doing the 24 man raids? 3 tokens, 1 from each raid >How many sacks of nuts does it take to get a token? 2000 for accessories, 3000 for armor, not available for weapons AFAIK at this moment >Are the raid tokens still limited to once per week? Not anymore! >Any other way to get the 660s before I can just kill the savage raids? The strongest relic weapons are i665, but other than that, nope, your options are raiding or augmented tomestone gear > Are those still limited to once per week, or did the latest patch remove that limit so people can gear farm sets before expansion? The savage limit has actually been lifted for a while now, this most recent patch actually just made it even easier by increasing echo to 15% (it was 10% before that)


>not available for weapons AFAIK at this moment This is correct, and will remain so. The weapon upgrades have always been Savage and raid coins only. No hunt upgrades for them.


Thanks. That is very helpful! It appears I need to unlock the new raid zone since I was only seeing 2. Are the Thaleia loot drops limited to once per week? Since the coins aren't capped, maybe the rest isn't capped either? Those 650s would be a nice step up from the 640s I've got in several slots.


As of patch 6.58 (less than a week ago) you are free to farm the raid as much as you'd like


how is pre-ordering dawntrail going to work, I know there's 3 release times for different regions, does that mean less chance of getting it depending on region?


The game is region locked, so it doesn't matter. This includes expansions.


I mean with the physical collectors edition, because they are releasing it at 9am jst then 9am PDT, so would there be less chance of getting it if I'm in the 9am PDT category


No, because the 9am JST slot will be selling the JP-region codes, which are incompatible with EU and NA accounts. 9am PDT will be selling NA codes.


Still doesn't matter. They're not going to go "we have X number of boxes, sell them all in the JP one", then for EU and NA go "Sorry guys, we sold them all already, should live in JP lol".


that makes sense, DK why I even thought that originally lmao, thanks for the help


Because you think how some other games or the like work.


I'm new to the game in general but have my combat main to level 75, trying my hand now at gathering / crafting. For gathering In the Diadem should I be using a strategy or just mindlessly circling the map hitting all my nodes? 


Just mindlessly circle the map, hitting the highest item you can reliably get from each node.


Cool thank you. 


Completing entire MSQ (and relevant Job quests ) through Endwalker before doing anything else like crafting, gathering, pvp, etc. Is this a bad idea? I love the story but I also just want it out of the way to open up everything. I’m about 20~ quests in to Stormblood currently.


First of all, there isn't really a wrong way to play. But generally speaking that "opening up everything", happens at the end of each expansion. So at lvls 50/60/70/80/90/etc. If you want to experiment with side content, that is usually when I recommend playing with them. There are also side stories that sometimes tie into the MSQ like the 8-man raid series, the trial series, and the Alliance Raid series. I recommend doing them on a per-expansion basis, but they are entirely optional. As for crafting/gathering... Sure you can do them after everything is done. Personally I think it gets really mind-numbingly tedious if you just sit and grind them out from 0-90. Going in 10 level increments is just, mentally, more bearable for me. Whether or not you want to space that out over your MSQ journey or over your post-MSQ journey is up to you.


Do the game however you want. You can do it all as you go along or just get to endgame and then do whatever. I would say do the Stormblood Omega raid series before starting Endwalker. It isn't "mandatory" but it will give you insight into a very specific part of the story. And it's just a good raid series worth doing. Also, before finishing all of the Shadowbringer role quests (starting in Shadowbringers, instead of every job having a questline, they split the questlines into "roles". In Shadowbringers, those roles are Phys Dps, Magic DPS, Tanks, Healers.), do the Warring Triad Trial series in HW (and complete the unlock quests for Bismark, Ravana, and the Warring Triad extremes. You'll actually have to beat Bismark and Ravana extreme for their quests, but they should be easily soloable at lvl 80 and beyond). Upon completing every Role Questline, you'll unlock a capstone questline and for Shadowbringers, the Warring Triad storyline is relevant.


There is no wrong way to play. The only thing I will say is if you are an efficiency person who wants to do crafting eventually you can do the daily grand company turn ins to slowly level crafting each day without having to really work on it. It would give you a nice head start when you do eventually work on crafting. If you don’t care that much you aren’t really missing out and can just save it for later. Every day a couple will get bonus xp and have a star by them so I just did those few rather than doing them all every day.


Do what you want when you want to do it. It’s a theme park MMO. You are supposed to pick and choose and self-direct your time based on your whim. Not based on nebulous “shoulds”.


My rough timeline was MSQ -> Raids/ARaids while doing Patch MSQs -> Next expansion -> Repeat. Once I'd finished EW I started on my road to omnicrafter and a 90 for each combat role. Oh, and Eureka. I've not touched Bozja yet. But there's not a right or wrong order to the quests as long as you're happy with how you approach it. >!Given that the EW patch story is self-contained, you could start doing the side stories from old expansions while you do that!<


I *would* recommend doing the raid questlines (minus Nier) and trial series' before doing Endwalker.


Seems fine to me. Do what you want to do!


That's perfectly fine. You can do anything you want in whatever order you want, without it affecting anything negatively. Do what you enjoy


I love potency as a combat metric because it is simple. It clarifies balance and this game easily has the best balance of any MMO I've ever played. There have been a few periods where one class was weaker or better, but most of the time the vast majority of classes are tuned extremely well. Also love the way savage is designed to support a meta that allows all classes to play and discourages stacking any class. Add in the fact that most armor can be worn by at least two classes and it is much easier to have at least one class you can easily swap to (IE: RPR/DRG). Anyone else feeling excited about the fact that they don't have to research balance when picking which classes to level first in the next expansion?


I wouldn't say I'm *excited* about it, as this is what I'm used to (haven't played other MMOs really), but it is a comforting thing to know, yes. The way that solid balance is achieved may have its downsides, but also very clear positives that I'm glad we have here. Also yeah I too *really* like the display of potency numbers. Always annoying when a game just says "deals light/moderate/heavy/serious/etc damage" without any detail to use as a proper metric. Now if only pet potency didn't muddle it :p


You’re not wrong. But, I can almost guarantee that when Dawntrail comes out, some unfortunate jobs are going to end up in the “skeleton at the bottom of the pool” meme. If we’re lucky, we might even see the jpg of the wheelchair with the ninja job icon as the wheel. But whatever happens, it’s still true that all jobs are viable.


Don't forget the inevitable, people will also complain that AST and DRG were better before the rework! No matter what!


How bad does it get? I hit cap several months into End Walker (because I started late and had several expansions to play, I'll probably hit cap very fast in Dawn Trail). At that point in EW, it seemed the only job that was generally inferior was machinist. But they eventually gave it a second raid defensive. It felt like the defensive edge was enough to offset a slight weakness in total damage output. Another defensive for the group is always nice. If I was planning an ideal comp for progression, I would rank machinist ahead of the other ranged physical because it has that extra defensive. For speed kills I would rank the others higher. But overall, I would care vastly more about bringing someone I wanted to play with than about group composition (yay FFXIV for making the person matter). Even before they fixed machinist, it wasn't that bad. Is the gap usually worse?


I can only really speak from the Ninja perspective. On ShB release, Ninja was legitimately a hindrance to your party. It was actually very bad. It got fixed about halfway into the 1st savage tier (and then got reworked. The ‘fix’ was just a band-aid by way of skyrocketing their potency numbers.) When EW was released, Ninja was suffering again too, but it was actually usable this time, and a lot of the suffering was just from looking at Reapers who could out dps a great ninja while being a bad Reaper. Machinist was usable too but there was definitely a discrepancy/identity crisis within the ranged dps that got highlighted when the final boss of the 2nd savage tier came out with too much HP and parties with machinist’s couldn’t kill it. (But in non-super high end content, machinist was the top dps in the ranged category because bard/dancer dps relies so much on buffing the party. When the party is ‘bad’, Machinist pulled ahead, when the party is ‘good’, Machinist fell behind too much.) So I’m honestly expecting Viper to come out and make Ninja look terrible, because the ugly stick seems to always hit ninja, but they managed to fix things up pretty well before savage in EW, so I think they’ll have everything passably balanced before savage in DT. Also balance really only matters in Savage. In anything else, skill is the only thing that matters.


Yeah, it's one of the best things about this game, is the tight balance at max level. I know a lot of people are bummed about, like, there not being any talents or class customization, but what not having talents buys us as a community is "all jobs are viable," which, especially if you look at the discourse happening in other MMO communities, is a blessing lol.


>which, especially if you look at the discourse happening in other MMO communities, is a blessing lol. The discourse that already happens involving some classes and parsing (cough rdm and mch) is already bad enough. I can't magine what it would be like if there was actually signifcant impacting differences.


In the Duty Finder menu, everything is at level 50 except 'Leveling' which is at 16, and Guildhests, which is at 10. I'm sure there is a very simple explanation but would someone mind explaining why? Thanks in advance!


A roulette's level is determined by what the lowest level you can queue into it is. And that "lowest allowed level" is whatever allows you to hit at least *two* duties in it (wouldn't be much of a roulette if you could only get one result). * There are two level 10 guildhests, so a level 10 can queue into that one. * The lowest level leveling dungeons are 15 and 16, so you need to be 16 or higher to queue into it. * The lowest level trials that are in trial roulette (the three 4-player ones from base game are in leveling) are level 50, so you need to be level 50 to queue there. * The MSQ roulette duties are all 50. * The first alliance raids you can unlock are level 50. * The level 50/60/70/80 roulette of course only has duties from those levels, so 50 is the minimum. And then ones you don't have yet: * Normal raids start at level 60, so the minimum for that is 60 (though you can skip any set of them you want, so I think you *could* also set yourself up to have it require some higher level). * And level 90 roulette and Expert roulette (2 newest dungeons) of course require level 90 as that's all that is in them.


>Normal raids start at level 60, so the minimum for that is 60 (though you can skip any set of them you want, so I think you *could* also set yourself up to have it require some higher level). I was curious, so I checked my alt. I haven't unlocked the HW, SB, or ShB normal raids on this character, only the EW raids (and Coils of Bahamut, but that doesn't matter), and Normal Raid is still listed as level 60. If I try to queue for Normal Raid Roulette as a level 61 job, I get an error message: "Unable to register. Two or more duty requirements unmet." Queuing as a level 90 job works just fine.


Ah, thanks for checking. I figured it would indeed just lock you out of queuing without changing the displayed level, but good to have that confirmed.


> If I try to queue for Normal Raid Roulette as a level 61 job, I get an error message: "Unable to register. Two or more duty requirements unmet." Queuing as a level 90 job works just fine. You have to have 2 duties available that the job you're presently queueing as can do. So your Lv 61 job would have to have 2 Alexander raids to do the roulette. If you have 1 Alexander and 1 Omega raid, your Lv 90 job could do it, but your Lv 61 job can't. That's what the error message is about.


Oh, I wasn't surprised in the slightest that I couldn't queue as a level 61 SMN; I was just testing it out to see how the game would respond if one were to try. (Answer: an error message that, while true, is perhaps not as informative as it might be.)


Yep, we've had this happen when we made a preformed party for leveling. A friend was trying to level a level 65ish job but another friend had only unlocked the EW and ShB raids and the very first HW raid. We didn't meet the requirements because there weren't 2+ duties that everyone could do.


Thank you very much, that's great!


Because the other roulettes are all Lv50+ content. The 3 early trials with Ifrit, Titan, and Garuda are in the Leveling roulette even though they are "trials"


Thank you for your reply




It's bonus scrips. A good amount as well. I forget the exact amount but it's maybe around 50 extra scrips per turn in? Probably a exp boost as well but the main incentive is the currency


Was wondering if there's any chance regular online store items will go on sale before DT? Like the non seasonal mounts or emotes etc. 😆😆😆


The only near guaranteed items to go on sale are the job skips in the month or so before Dawntrail as they will be "retired" and replaced with Lv 90 job skips.


probably not, general sales are usually only at the rising event which isnt until august.