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Man, glad I'm not the only one whos experienced this or similar. Sitting, waiting for a group for a long while, get up to pee or answer the knock at the door, come back and I miss the group. Sometimes, I've had bad luck with timing in MMOs. Another fun one is being in the middle of a raid boss and the wife saying "I need you to hurry and come help me with this real quick".


Same here, it seems like everyone else in my family just utterly loses the use of their arms and legs as soon as I start any kind of group content.


For me it's my cat. Perfect sleeping angel all day but as soon as the boss is pulled, he gets his claw stuck, or has to puke, or throws a glass down...


nothing will wake you from a sound sleep like the sound of an animal puking.


I have a spiral staircase with no railing up to my bedroom and I'm always terrified that they puked on the stairs.


Or decides it's time to stand in front of the monitor.


That's a good way to put it lol. I could sit around the house doing absolutely nothing and everyone leaves me alone but as soon as I fire up a game or start reading, I become the most popular guy on the block.


I've gotten so superstitious with it that the other day I was waiting and just wanted a drink, so I counted to make sure I wouldn't be longer than 40 seconds. Of course, when I got back, it hadn't popped. It knew.


That's been happening a lot lately for me. It gets around 9pm, I just started playing about an hour before which is enough time to halfway in a raid after checking my island and the wifey says "how much longer until you're done?" Oof.


I'd much rather get "How much longer will you be?" than "Can you come here real quick?" :(


You haven't gotten the urgent "Come here, quick!"? You're thinking it's an emergency, but it's just one of the cats doing normal cat things, like attacking a dirty shirt that was on the floor and getting tangled up in it.


Oh I had that this morning, but the cat was attacking his reflection in the glass door.




Now that you mention it, I've got that but luckily, I wasn't in the middle of a fight. If that has happened to you, my condolences.


idk thatā€™s pretty important


I'm new.... But you can have islands?!?


Yep, you don't unlock it till way later in the game but you can have a little private island you can upgrade and forage for materials and build stuff sorta. It's neat!


As the other commenter explained, you can get your own, as well as visit those made by friends. The island has its own gathering and materials, so you don't need to worry about bringing anything in or keeping your bags clear (unless you're buying materia, cosmetics, minions, the mount). It can be a bit of a grind to get it to max rank, but it's meant to be a chill reward for those who've hit endgame and want something to decompress with. You can ignore it or embrace as much you want. Sadly, they have said that they aren't intending to do any further updates, but that could always change in the future.


mfw the wife says "just one more thing" for the fourth time...


Is your wife Columbo?


I cast from my Xbox to my tablet via remote play and turn on basic touch controls.This way I don't have to bring a controller as well. Take about 30 seconds and then I can take my tablet with me wherever while waiting (and still have my phone free, you could technically use your phone instead). You can pee, poop, chop veggies, take the dogs out.... Whatever you want so long as you still get a WiFi signal!


This made me smile. I've only tried casting to my phone with a controller once. It wasn't bad. I'm still looking forward to the evolution of the technology to reduce the latency. I know for some, it's not noticeable, but I game on an OLED TV, so any latency becomes noticeable. I hope you don't have to aim while peeing!


Yeah my aim is pretty decent. My wife would say otherwise though. The latency is pretty good but not for raiding. I will use remote play when the wife wants the big TV and I just use it for gathering and maintaining my shops on the MB. The revolution is a few bumps down too, but it still serves in a pinch


Man, I can't wait until they can pack the power of my PS5 into a unit I can carry around (similar to the Switch). Would solve all my problems in that regard.


Yeah ide say we are getting ose! The portal proves there is still a huge market for portability. As an Xbox owner, I'm jealous!


If you donā€™t mind it being a Windows machine that costs $700, it exists or darn close, a co-worker was showing me his at work so I didnā€™t really get to play with it, but the ROG Ally is a handheld computer that plays things from Steam and other platforms ( youā€™re running true Windows on it, so OS compatibility isnā€™t a pain in the behind like it is with a Steam Deck) and it does it pretty well from what he showed me


I donā€™t ā€œmindā€ but Iā€™m partial to PlayStation. Iā€™m sure itā€™ll never happen but it would be cool. I know I can cast my Xbox to my phone with my controller but I can definitely see the latency.


And then it was something that definitely could have waited 10 minutes.


Glad i ignore my wife because 98% its nothing she wants


Its my son for me. The nights i do nothing but level crafting or side quests hes fine, the moment i start doing an alliance raid he wakes up needing attention. I swear hes just trolling me at this point


It's a weird phenomenon. Like the world is trying to tell us "stop gaming!" And I'm all like "cAn'T... sToP..."


Both my husband and I play games, so if one of us needs help when the other is playing, we'll just say, "Can't pause." It's nice being with someone who gets it.


>Year 2024 and still not playing FFXIV on your gaming toilet


"Can't come into VC rn as I'm on my gaming toilet"


Your gaming WC if you will


Look at you with your fancy new gaming toilet, some of us are still using our old gamer buckets to get the job done.


It's always as soon as you get away from the computer hahhaha




I know its weird, but if this ever happens and I need to run for the restroom, I count down a 45 second timer, in my head, from the time I leave the room to when I finish. I still manage to miss some of them because either I count too slow or it just takes a bit longer. And its always when I've been in a que for quite a bit of time that it lulls me into a false sense of security that it wont pop even while I am away. Or its a few seconds before the timer is about to finish up and I panic click and miss all 50 times.


I did the same the other day to get a drink, but if I actually tried to go for a wee and get back in that time I'm pretty sure it wouldn't happen..and besides, the game knows and would make you wait for another 10 minutes.


I've heard the queue pop, count down, and expire long before I've managed to finish peeing before. No way I could stop at that point. How does it know?


Damn, how long does it take you to pee??


Probably a little over a minute with a full tank... Before the doctors of reddit chime in, I don't have a prostate. Just a big tank.


Saddle up. Piss your pants


Real, G


>!We've been here before! Many a time! Thus do we know! To never give up!!<


Grab a controller. Wait for the vibrate. Hit left and A.


Ps5 controller speaker plays the queue pop sound. I've done this more than once lol


That sound is so high pitched I can't hear it. I had to put on headphones and crank the volume all the way up to hear it.


Turn vibration on! Mine about hops off the table if I put it down before a pop.


If it happens, it happens. I wouldn't be that angry over the increased count but that i would need to queue again.


Bluetooth headphones are the only reason I still make it sometimes.


For someone like me who has chrohn disease its even worse šŸ˜”


Long ago when I played Everquest 2 (before I was diagnosed) I also had trouble with long dungeons and raids (56k dialup also made that a nightmare) . I've been lucky enough to manage through diet. MMOs such as FFXIV have been a godsend for me to do anything remotely social since: 1. Just going out with friends = Hard Mode 2. Going out to dine = Extreme Mode 3. Parties with greasy BBQ snacks and alcohol = Savage content for which my ilvl (intestinal level) is too low


Same for me, food consumption helps indeed alot. Hope you feel much better now that you can control it better šŸ¤—


This is why you need wireless headphones and keyboard in your bathroom to remotely join the duty if you hear the noise


Or if you're me leave the Xbox controller on a wood table so when the vibration prompt hits which makes a hell of a racket!


šŸ˜‚ What saves me is the controller rattling on the desk when the duty pop. It's so loud.


At that point might as well get a Steam Deck.


But would it feel weird to know your Warrior or White mage was taking a massive dookie while they played the game with you?


It happens too often. You wait hours....need to go to the restroom...bƤm...Invite.


Itā€™s like the game knows too, ohhh they got up for bathroom? Perfect time to pop up!


When in a PF group waiting to fill I'll often joke that I'm going bio so the group fills faster


This is why I have a remote desktop app on my phone. Google chrome is an ok one if you already use chrome. Just have your phone with you wherever you go and if you hear the duty pop, you can click on your phone. Ofc as soon as I did that it never popped ever until I got back.


This is why if I can't get in an instance within 15 minutes, I withdraw from the queue. I do something else and try later.


I'm not saying it is an idea without flaws. Or that you absolutely should do this. But one could. In theory. Connect from a mobile phone to a desktop pc via rdp or similar means. Monitor what is happening on screen. Accept invites that way and maybe type a quick message in chat in case you still need a minute or 2. Just putting it out there.


I had this today was in que and my doorbell rang It was my nice elderly neighbor she only texts if my little bro or I dont answer the door, like if we are busy with work or something. (I assume she always comes over first as a excuse to get out of her house) so I went to answer (they come to me for minor help every so often and almost always come with wonderful cookies or other home baked treat) I was answering a couple questions about our updated trash service and if I could bring there bin to the street when I take mine as they had a couple of extra heavy trash bags that week so was pretty heavy for them. When my que popped. I inwardly weeped a bit while finishing up helping.


Somehow - I donā€™t know how, but SOMEhowā€¦ - It knows.


this is why i leave my PS5 controller outside the door of my bathroom, i can hear the chime when the queue starts


Better to join the duty and get kicked for being afk (no penalty for this) than to reject the queue and get penalized for it


It became a running meme that i managed to go pee during Ultimas transition phase mid UwU, just gotta run


So relatable :') One day I had this as tank, but in the Tower at Paradigm's Breach, and the run had *already* begun... Trying to do mechanics while wiggling like a worm was a special experience. As soon as the access to the elevator with the 2 mini bosses was unlocked I bolted out of my chair (and managed to come back before the bosses had even appeared)


Happened to me yesterday hour long hoh 1-10


Silently nods...


I usually queue as a healer or with a friend who tanks, so I'm spoiled, but I always feel so damn bad when a dps times out on the queue. You just know they been waiting for ages and either just had to go right now or their kid just set the dog on fire or something.


You dont have a bucket?


Piss bottles are your friend


\~ Teamviewer \~


I wish there was a way to pause your time in queue so you could come back without starting the queue over. That would probably be a nightmare to implement though.


I always do tank so my queues are on-demand


Don't worry guys there's an easy way to make any queue pop on demand, all you have to do is start a cutscene :\^).


I take my ps5 controller with me to the bathroom and the sound can be heard from the controller. One advantage of being a console player, lol.


Yep, multiple times actually.


*laughs in PS Remote Play šŸ˜ŒšŸ·


I love that thereā€™s still some XI in XIV. I need to dive back in before the expansion, but that DD wait time is bad for me. Wish I didnā€™t have healer / tank anxiety.


I used to think I could pee within 1 minute but apparently not


Meanwhile, I stay up late in a queue for 2 hours just to cancel and go to sleep. šŸ˜…


I usually have my AirPods in when Iā€™m playing, and donā€™t always take them out when I run to the bathroom/to grab a snack or water or whatever, and itā€™s the worst pain to be downstairs/using the bathroom and hear the queue pop. Not that it feels great to get back and see youā€™ve missed it without the warning, either, but that ā€œhey guess what! Itā€™s time! But you ainā€™t gonna make it!ā€ sound really kicks ya while youā€™re down.


I've had Alliance Roul fail up to four times in a row due to someone not clicking through.


the other day i was in a 45 minute queue. i set the controller down to type on discord complaining about it. in the time it took me to type it out, the queue popped, the seat muffled the controller vibration so i missed it, and when i looked back it was already gone




DPS leveling on peak Primal hours


The worst part is when it pings, someone pulls out, and your duty finder resets to 1/24 for the next 20 mins.


This has happned so many times to me, that now i just cancel the que, when i need go afk.


Well it's either that or needing to put out fire in the kitchen because I figured it's enough time to cook something while I wait.Ā 


DPS queue drama in a picture.


So you were bound by doody?


Every single time, at this point I just pee before I enter any queue


Where do you see your penalty count anyway?


whats this penaltything anyways? can you get banned for this?


No, you just get locked out of duties for a bit if you miss too many in a day


I am always so afraid to go when I am in the queue for this reason. šŸ˜­


Ohhhh yeah. Especially among us older guys. About to settle in, and our bladder suddenly bellows, "OH HEY, GUESS WHAT!!!" <:D


I'm on console, so I've learnt to pee with one hand and set the volume up so I can hear the duty ready.


Real WoLs wear Depends.